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Everyone has something to hide Guardian; it doesn't have to mean disrespect or deceitful intentions. Just a normal need for privacy. You're certainly an impressive creation; you mentioned modern magic - were you only constructed recently? I would have thought that such potent transmutation to have been from the height of the Taldan Empire. Will you tell us about yourself, and the library?
Aid Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28

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"Uh, you're pretty amazing," responds Mohok awkwardly. "I don't know a lot about 'artichectural prowse' but I've never seen a giant, talking stone lion head as amazing as you, I know that."
Though Mohok isn't sure who the lion's question was meant for, he can't help but tell a little about why they're here. "We're looking for books. It's a library, right?"
Does Mohok feel compelled to tell all, or just be truthful in what he tells? I don't want to dodge the effects of whatever magical effect he's under, so I want to be sure I understand it.

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Tippy, realizing that hiding might be a bad idea if he gets caught, casually wanders out.
Will save: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19
He wanders around, looking at the lion's head from different angles, genuinely curious about the creature. At a lull in conversation, he simply bows and introduces himself. "My name's Tippy, my Lord. Pleased to meet you."
Diplomacy aid another: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (10) - 1 = 9
I guess he gawked a bit too much to help, but bowed enough not to hurt the group's efforts.

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"Amazing," says Cesare, getting into the act. "Yes, how old are you, Master Guardian? You must know a great deal of the history of this place. May I ask what your purpose is?"
Diplomacy Aid Another: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25

GM Alice |

I presume those of you talking to the Guardian are coming within twenty feet of him (and aren't shouting across the room). If you haven't done so, please make a Will save.
With so many gushing praises suddenly being sent its way, the Guardian smiles widely, looking over its adoring 'subjects' with undisguised glee. However, he does sardonically comment to Mohok, "Oh, look, Mohok! Your friends have found their manners. Perhaps they were hidden behind the shelves over there!" That seems to be the limit of the Guardian's sarcasm, and it happily continues to chat away without any hint of bitterness. Indeed, it seems to be relishing the opportunity to have the conversation.
"I am glad that you have such a great respect for knowledge and history. That, my boys, is a personality trait that I regard most highly." He listens closely to the expositions from all, nodding along and commenting as appropriate.
"Oh! Yes, I would look most stunning on a shield like that! Yes, yes, quite like this..." The lion statue's eyes glow once again, and suddenly the open space before it fills with moving pictures of exquisite detail. The extravagant illusions depict Tar-Baphon's army of undead fighting against the Taldan armies of the Shining Crusade. Each of the crusaders, in this depiction, wield a bronze shield decorated with a mighty roaring lion. "Ho ho," the Guardian rumbles in laughter, "alas that my physique would not be nearly as stunning as the Shield of Aroden!" The grand-scale army battles disappear, to be replaced by a one-on-one combat between Tar-Baphon himself and the Taldan General Arnisant. The mighty warrior wields a simple black shield featuring the holy symbol of Aroden: a winged eye in a circle. A blast of magic explodes from the lich's fingertips and shatters the shield into twelve parts just as the illusion fades from vision again.
Obviously in quite the merry mood after showing off somewhat, the Guardian turns to Zherohd with a sparkle in its eyes. "Recently? Ho! Not by your standards, boy, certainly not. I have existed as long as the library has, indeed; but any historian worth his salt knows that the even many millennia of Taldan reign is but a blink in the eye on a historical scale."
"I was created to be a repository of history--to tutor the fresh recruits, and to keep track of what books have been added to the library over the centuries. A noble duty indeed, but my connections to the outside world has been severed as of late." The lion's happy expression disappears in an instant, replaced by an angry snarl. "The current administrator of the library is a fool! He dares to demand none speak to me of current affairs! Impertinent upstart!"
The Guardian spends a few moments in fuming anger, but then turns its attentions back to the group. "I realise this comes at a particularly late juncture in our conversation," the lion statue says suddenly, swallowing his rage and reverting back to a more neutral and guarded expression, "but I must know for sure. Are you Lion Blades, perchance?"

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"We are people here on a mission to preserve history. Some politicians and petty beaurocrats over the centuries, who have no proper respect for history, knowledge, and truth like we and thee, have changed historical accounts to best serve their own interests. The true lessons of history have been lost. On the front lines right now, men and women are fighting and dying in the Worldwound, while some petty dictator two hundred years ago may have erased crucial knowledge of his own failure that could save them now. Does that seem right to you?"
Diplomacy: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (12) - 1 = 11

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Will Save: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
Cesare chooses to ignore the question and accentuate the positive. "The Chancellor's decision does not, happily, apply to me, Guardian. And as it happens, I know a fair amount about what is happening in the world today. Perhaps we could work out some sort of trade? My knowledge of the present for yours of the past?"

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Mohok's eyes brighten briefly, almost as if a small light has been lit inside his head, Wait a minute...
"You seem to know a lot about the old Taldan armies, and the expeditions they sent out. That's the kind of books we're looking for! I bet you know just where to find 'em, don't you?"

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Knowledge (local): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22 (untrained) to recognize who the Lion Blades are.
Unfortunately, none of us are sufficiently experienced warriors to join the Lion Blades.

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Will Save: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
His attempts at stealth obviously having failed him, and with his compatriots all choosing to engage the animated head, Valerio moves against his better judgement to approach along with the rest.
The creature fascinates Valerio, its illusionary powers even more so, yet he remains wary and silent. His talents in intimidation would likely prove counter-productive to the diplomacy of the others.

GM Alice |

The vagaries in response to his question--as well as Zherohd's flat-out denial, in a way--causes the Guardian to chuckle knowingly. "I suspected as such. There are few of you here with the panache to take up that noble mantle indeed! But no matter--for as you say, we can make a deal here that is much more beneficial to myself than alerting the guards of you interlopers. No--you can trust that my mouth shall stay firmly closed... if you do but a few simple things for me."
"One: I wish to know of the outside world! Too many long and languishing years have passed since I heard tell of current affairs, of brave exploits of men and women with a blade and a quick wit to back it up. Tell me, knowledge-seekers, what you know of the news of the day: and I shall then tell you what I know in turn."
The lion frowns a little. "That said, my knowledge of what lies beyond this room is quite limited, for only the high-ranking Lion Blades are allowed through these doors. However, I will help where I can."
"Secondly: as you say, Tippy, those who change history to suit their own purposes are beyond scum, and a pox unto their entire families for it! But those who participate in the making of history itself...?" The Guardian's stony eyes sparkle with what must only be excitement. "I long for the day that I might travel beyond this library, and see with my own two eyes just what life is like in the flesh. ... Or stone, as you will." He chuckles to himself.
"If, in your explorations, you find a worthy receptacle to house my magical essence, bring it to me--and through that I may travel with you to see all the world for myself."

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"Those are goals I can most definitely get behind!"
I'll regale him with any knowledge of note. I have ranks in every knowledge skill, with a +5 being the worst. Let me know what he wants for checks.

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"That sounds like a fair deal," says Mohok as he considers it, "but let's take turns telling each other stuff. We don't have a lot of time down here, and if we spend it all telling you tales, we could miss the chance to get what we came for."
After a pause, he adds, "You do know a lot about the Taldan military expeditions, right? Because that's what we really need to know."

GM Alice |

"I know some things," the great lion statue rumbles, "although I suspect by your long time spent perusing the great works of Ser Taylor you hunger for something more. I cannot promise that the restricted sections beyond these doors will provide the answer to your questions, but I can certainly allow you passage back there..." The Guardian grins, almost hungrily. "...provided you do as I wish!"

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"Okay, we can do that," Mohok responds, his voice rumbling almost as deeply as the great lion's. "Do you know about the Worldwound? The city of Kenabres that sits right on its edge, under constant siege from demons? It used to be called Sarkoris, the country where it sits, but now it's a horrible hole in the ground swarming with demon-spawn..." Mohok goes on like this for a bit, throwing in tidbits about the Horde of Belkzen and the great battle for Nerosyan, the Diamond City.

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I will regale him with stories of the battle for Absalom, when the Pathfinder Society factions were vying for influence. I shall tell him of the Shadow War. I shall even tell him about the Ruby Phoenix Tournament and the wonders of Tian Xia. I will tell him of the risen Runelords. Finally I shall tell him of the latest crusade. Assuming we have time for all that ;-)

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"Why don't we use our time in a more focused manner?" suggests Cesare. "One of us...I suggest myself... will stay here and fulfill the Guardian's request for news. The rest will get back to our task."

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As the others inform the Guardian of the news of the day, Valerio interjects briefly to provide him with other assurances. "While I may not be able to provide as grand tales as the others, it would be an honour to assist a magnificent, magical creature such as yourself in experiencing the world. If such a receptacle to contain you exists, I will do everything I can to find it!" Valerio's enthusiasm shocks even himself to an extent, perhaps the Guardian's aura of truth telling has loosened his normally subtle tongue more than he expected.

GM Alice |

The Guardian listens in rapt attention as Mohok and Zosimos regale him with the news of the day--tales of the recent attack on Nerosyan is particularly engrossing, apparently and the lion pesters Mohok for many particulars on the battles. He even summons another illusion to illustrate his imagining of the Pathfinders defending the city, featuring your group fighting a massive balor lord crackling with lightning alongside a silver dragon... well, one can be assured of the Guardian's imagination, to be sure.
Cesare interrupts to remind the group of their duties in the library, and the Guardian nods, realising that he is perhaps taking up too much of your time. "That is enough for now then," he says with a broad smile, practically purring. The lion statue's eyes glow once more, and then a strange scraping noise followed by a dull clunk emanates from its being. Opening its mouth wide, the Guardian reveals an ornate, lion-headed key sitting atop its stony grey tongue.
Once someone has taken the key, it turns back to the group and says, "Oh, and before I forget. You might run into the caretaker out there. She's a kind old soul, and blind, so do be nice and chivalrous gentlemen if you meet her, won't you?"
Using the lion's key allows passage out through the eastern doors. Another long stone hallway awaits you beyond, with four more doors opposite your current position. The hall terminates in an ascending spiral staircase to the north.

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Mohok picks up the key and admires it a moment. He can't help but say, "Wow, that's a beauty. Thank you, magic lion head."
He puts the key to use and opens the door, then steps through and looks up and down the hall, saying, "Oh, boy, there's a lot left to check in here, looks like. Let's get started."
He blocks the doorway for a moment, so none of the eager bookworms can slip through and interfere with his tracking, then takes a careful look at the hallway, looking for patterns in the dust, wear on the door frames, a particularly shiny doorknob to suggest greater use. If he finds nothing of note, he steps across the hallway and opens the closest door.
Survival: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22
Will open second door from right. You're up late, Alice! Or early!

GM Alice |

Yeah I was up stupidly late. I introduced my partner to Hearthstone and that was possibly a mistake as I forgot to update my games until wayyyy late. :P
There is no dust on the floor - as with the rest of the library, it is impeccably clean. In fact, you're probably bringing in more dirt with you than was already in here. This hallway seems much less used in general than the previous rooms, and Mohok finds it difficult to determine which might be the most commonly used portal.
... That said, he does determine that two of the doors are locked, and the Guardian's key does not fit those keyholes. (I marked both locked doors on the map with a key symbol.)

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Not very wise for a person with a cold, eh? And I should know, since I am now a person with a cold also.
Mohok tests the doors at his end of the hall and, finding them locked, says, "Let's look down the other end, come on gang." He then goes and unlocks both doors, then opens and enters the one at the southern end.

GM Alice |

The crew all gather into this second hallway, and Mohok flings open the door at the far south to reveal a small and sparsely decorated living quarters. Sitting at a simple wooden desk is a middle-aged woman wearing a red cloth blindfold over her eyes. Her once dark hair is streaked with grey, and she wears old-fashioned clothing and a thick golden necklace supporting a golden--you guessed it--lion amulet. Around her waist is a keyring with four keys attached, each with a different design to make it easy to tell them apart by touch alone.
She looks up towards the doorway in confusion when it opens. "Hello?" she says with a small smile and an arched eyebrow, "Who's there?"
A small tray bearing the remains of a meal sit on the desk before the old woman, but apart from that the room appears quite tidy--the bed is made neatly, a plush pillow softens a hard rocking chair, and there is a chest of drawers beside the bed. A stoic portrait of Grand Prince Stavian III rather uselessly decorates the wall opposite the door, and a brass plaque on the frame reads, "In the end, loyalty is its own reward."

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"Good evening, madame," says Cesare, smiling although he knows she cannot see him. "We are scholars, looking for documents. Please don't let us disturb you."

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Diplomacy: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (16) - 2 = 14
"Uh, sorry to bother you," says Mohok. "The lion gave us a key and it opened your door. Do you live here? Do you work in the library? Maybe you can help us find what we're looking for?"

GM Alice |

"Scholars, you say?" Her tone of voice seems sceptical, and she stands up from the desk before taking a few steps away from the doorway, hand trailing along the northern wall to keep her balance.
"My name is Iliyana Baslee, caretaker of the library." The old woman frowns, continuing to speak in an almost careful manner. "It is quite odd that you have not been introduced to me by the administrator yet. I don't recognise your voices either. Are you new here?"

Dungeon Master S |

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17 "I am new here, and you'll forgive me if my attention to protocol isn't where it should be. I am a budding scholar. I studied to be a polymath with a concentration in military history. I must admit, I am overwhelmed at the wealth of knowledge here. It's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance."

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Stealth: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13
Valerio, like he often does when diplomacy is in order, stays silent in the background. He does his best to make sure the kindly blind woman hears no sign of him at all.

GM Alice |

"Another scholar?" Iliyana asks quietly, backing up to her bed as far as she can. "Here down during the performance as well," she notes with a dark frown.
"This place is not for ordinary 'scholars', nor for new students either," the caretaker informs you flatly, although it's clear to see that her lower lip is trembling and her hand not grasping the head of her bed is shaking. "You're not Lion Blades, are you? Who are you?" The older woman's voice remains firm, despite her obvious nervousness. "Give me one reason why I should not scream for the guards and for my life...! Are you thieves? Spies? Y-You shouldn't be here!"

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Diplomacy: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (18) - 1 = 17
"Ma'am," Tippy says softly. "Please don't be afraid. I can see you trembling. I know you have no reason to trust a group of strangers who have mistakenly burst rudely into your private chambers, but none of us mean you, the library, or its treasures any harm."
Tippy makes his way forwards slowly, taking care to make enough noise to announce his approach, but he stops several feet away still. "My name is Tippy. We aren't Lion Blades, as you well know, and we don't exactly have permission to be here, but we mean no harm, and are on a desperate mission, or mercy in many ways. We seek knowledge, knowledge that has been locked away down here. The demons are overrunning Mendev and the Worldwound, and information...real information about the Shining Crusade, not the sanitized versions of the history we can read upstairs, might help us find a means to drive back the demons. Please help us. Your magical lion Guardian spoke with us, cast some sort of spell on several of our group, and agreed that our cause was noble and worthy and gave us the key to come in here. He even asked us to treat kindly the caretaker we would find in here. I fear he will have harsh words for us when he learns that we have frightened you so."

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Aid: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17 "My friend speaks the truth. We are not official, but our mission is vital for all. Ask not for whom the bell tolls, for it tolls for thee." Please, so that libraries such as this do not become kindling for demonic hate, help us."

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Diplomacy, Aid Tippy: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (18) - 2 = 16
Wow, Tippy sure put that nicely - I hope it convinces her, thinks Mohok. He gives the halfling a considering look, There's more to him than I thought, figured he was just another sneaking rogue. I guess if anyone should know not to judge on first impressions, I should.
"He's right, you know," says Mohok in the gentlest rumble he can manage, "I've seen the damage the demons are doing to our world, and the guardian judged our mission to be a worthy one. Won't you help us?"

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Zherohd, quite impressed with the eloquence of the other Pathfinders stays back from the lady and concentrates his attention on making sure that Cademon doesn't chip in with his "contribution".

GM Alice |

The Pathfinders' impassioned words seem to be working on Iliyana, although her lower lip still trembles. She turns away from the doorway, facing the portrait of the Grand Prince despite her blindness.
"... I don't know who you are," she begins slowly, "but... but your cause is clearly just. But... But... I'm... I'm still scared."
Iliyana turns back to those Pathfinders gathered at her doorway, continuing quietly, "Helping you puts not only myself in danger, but also my son and my husband. Do you understand that? My family and I have learned first-hand the dangers of going behind the backs of the Taldan government..." The old woman gently raises a hand to her blindfolded eyes, her shoulders slumping sadly.
"Can you swear that this will never be traced back to me? That there is no chance that my family or I will ever be suspected of this crime? ... Then in that case, I may be able to help you."

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"Well, they can't blame you for not being able to stop us. After all, with all the music upstairs, I doubt the guards would even hear you scream for help. If we do get caught, just tell the guards we locked you in your room."

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"I swear that no one shall ever know we were here at all," replies Cesare, meaning it.
You know what? Cesare is changing his goals. While his compatriots search for clues, Cesare is going to eliminate some. He is going to spend his time removing evidence that they were ever here. He shuts open doors, reshelves books, brushes carpets and puts chairs back where they were.

GM Alice |

Understood, Cesare! I'll assume you return back to the previous rooms you've been in and do that until otherwise stated, then.
Iliyana smiles sadly, her shoulders sagging as if the weight of many years suddenly fell upon them. "It's too late for my family," she murmurs distantly. "I appreciate the sentiment, but nothing you could do would help them."
The older woman nods and moves towards the doorway, surprisingly cognisant of where everyone is standing despite her blindfold. "I can unlock the doors in this hallway for you," she says, gently patting the keys jangling from her waist. "Let me know when you leave and I'll make sure they're all locked up again."
As she progresses down the hallway and unlocks each of the doors, Iliyana informs you, "I also know a fair bit about the whereabouts of texts in these back rooms, although it's been some time since I last saw them... but I may be able to help nevertheless."
Iliyana's assistance will reduce the time it takes to search the rooms south of the main library, i.e., all those along this hall, so long as you haven't already "maxed out" the room's capacity. (So if you had 4 people in a Small room, she can't help you there.) Also, all doors here are now unlocked.

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"Truly, out debt to you can only be paid through effort and progress in protecting this world. Thank you. As mentioned, we're looking for information that will help us in the North. Can you direct us and aid us in our search? We'll be out of here as quickly as possible."

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Tippy, saddened by her unspoken tale, can't help himself, and as the blind woman unlocks the last door, grabs her in a big halfling-sized hug, which is probably a lot like being hugged by a five-year-old, arms wrapped around her legs.
He holds it for long enough for her to realize that it's a hug and not a trip attempt!

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As Iliyana offers to help them, Mohok walks with her down the hall. As she unlocks each door, he opens it wide and takes a careful look before proceeding to the next room. In each room he'll look for signs of traffic and usage, as he has in the other rooms.
Survival: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
Survival: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20
Survival: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
Just trying to get them all open and on the map so we can plan our research strategy for this series of rooms. If that's too many checks, just count however many make sense - but I'd like to have Mohok check each room for physical clues before the researchers dive in.

GM Alice |

Iliyana gasps in surprise as she's hugged around the leg, but upon realising it's merely one of the Pathfinders she is assisting the older woman smiles and gently pats Tippy's head. "You're like a child--a halfling, yes? You're almost the height my son was when I last saw him..." She sighs heavily once again, but persists and slips a key in the nearest door's keyhole.
"I will guide you as best I can. It has been some years since I have actually seen these rooms, though, so I may not be of much use."
I'll describe the three rooms from left to right.
The first door Mohok opens leads into a small study chamber. Five broad desks line the walls, each surface covered with stacked volumes brimming with page markers as well as numerous open books and half-completed notes. The desks also have ink wells and plain sheets of paper stacked up for use by the scholars that use them. The room seems to be well used in general, with each desk uniquely organised to suit its owner.
"This room is where some of the senior Lion Blades do their research," Iliyana explains quietly. "You'll have to be careful not to knock anything out of place. They'll know immediately."
Research Skills: Linguistics, Knowledge (history), text-based Craft or Profession check
Room Size: Small (max 4 occupants)
In addition, you will need to make a Intelligence or Perception check when you search this room in order to put everything back exactly as you found it.
The room beyond the second door along the hallway is faintly illuminated by small lights set into the ceiling. Bookcases cover nearly every inch of the walls here, glass-paned doors sealing each panel of shelves to keep the ancient tomes stored within free of dust. Each cabinet appears to be locked, with a small and identical keyhole present on the edge of each row. This contents of this room tend towards the especially old and worn, and there's a strong smell of parchment in here; it does not appear to be frequently accessed.
"Oh, this room," Iliyana murmurs. "It is not often that I come in here... these books are too delicate and precious for an old blind woman to be messing with." She smiles sadly.
"When I first came here, when I could still see, I was instructed to never touch the books in the centre shelf on the east wall. Perhaps they are particularly special or noteworthy...?" The older woman turns back to the group and shrugs.
Research Skills: Appraise, Linguistics, Knowledge (history), text-based Craft or Profession check
Room Size: Medium (max 5 occupants)
This room has dim illumination. All the books are kept in locked cabinets with simple locks, but Iliyana can open those for you.
Iliyana hesitates before unlocking the final room. "This is the administrator's office," she informs you nervously. "I would be very careful in here... he is not a man you take lightly."
She steps aside to allow you to look inside. Two rows of tall bookshelves flank an imposing yet beautiful carved wooden desk that presides over the office, complete with a plush sitting chair almost fit for a king. An assortment of documents and scrivener's tools are lined up neatly on the desktop. The books here seem to lean towards the daily running of the library, although even a glance reveals some rather fancy hard-backed encyclopaedias and the like lined up along these shelves.
Research Skills: Linguistics, Knowledge (history), text-based Craft or Profession check
Room Size: Small (max 4 occupants)

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Cademon and I will start looking in here. The centre room w/ the locked cabinets. Those books that no one's allowed to touch are almost certainly interesting.
Linguistics: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11

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Sure thing boss. Just keep me away from lion statues. That thing did something to me. Every time I tried to say something while it was looking at me, the words wouldn't come out.
Appraise: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9

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Having covered his tracks before, Mohok has some idea how to approach it, though he's more accustomed to sweeping leaves over his footprints than to placing a pen back where he found it. However, the principle is the same, and he sets to work carefully covering the tracks of the scholars.
As he does so, he says, "Cesare, maybe I should cover up the signs of our being here, and you should study the books, since that might be better than the other way around"
Perception to hide traces of our passing: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18

GM Alice |

For those searching in the Medium room:
Also, Mohok, everyone who does research in that room is gonna have to make the Int/Perception check - although I would definitely give people bonuses if you want to forfeit your information-finding check in order to focus on tidying up after the rest.