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Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14

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...although I would definitely give people bonuses if you want to forfeit your information-finding check in order to focus on tidying up after the rest.
This is what I had in mind, since Mohok doesn't really have the relevant skills to do the research. Did anything come of the Survival checks I rolled earlier on the three rooms Iliyana just opened?

GM Alice |

I sort of tried to include it in the room descriptions if you noticed that anything was particularly well-used or some such, but really, you're in the more secret/advanced part of the library now where there's not as much traffic. There's not really much you can tell from Survival at this point (unless you want to use those rolls for researching, which will take more time than just a glimpse through the doorway)

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Got it, thanks. So my best way to be helpful now would be to just roll some skill checks and hope I get above a 10, right? If that's so:
Mohok moves to the middle room as well, trying to be helpful.
Profession (librarian): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19

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History: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24
Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16
Valerio like the others, takes the chance to investigate the middle room, paying particular attention to the books Iliyana pointed out on the eastern wall, though inspecting them briefly to make sure they aren't too fragile first.
"Thank you, for your assistance..." Not one who is familiar with having people help him, Valerio's thanks is quite curt, but he is sincere.
Sorry for my semi-absence; end of trimster + a very busy weekend left me a bit caught up in myself. Btw Tippy is adorable and I want to hug him!

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Headed on a three day vacation. I'll post when able. I plan on lending my Kn checks at every opportunity.
Zosimos will join Valerio: Linguisitics: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11

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Cesare nods at Mohok's suggestion. "Alright. I try to visualize each room as we enter it and where we have made changes, restoring things to their original state. Let me know if you need help."
The bard goes back to helping with the research.
GM, I'm a little vague on where we've been and where not. Limitations of the online thing, I guess. Could you please summarize our progress and what remains? Thanks!

GM Alice |

@Cesare, currently you've done research in the top two rooms and the large central library. The big room is where the Guardian is. He gave you a key to get into the eastern hallway (where you are now). In the southern-most room, you found the caretaker, Iliyana, who you convinced to help you, and she has just unlocked the other doors along this hall. People at the moment are searching the middle (dimly lit with glass cabinets) and left (senior Lion Blade study area) rooms, with the right room left for now (Iliyana informed you that it's the administrator's office).
Currently, your research has given you hints towards possible sources of real information, as well as some books about Taldan ciphers that many of the group are interested in. You have yet to find any good/in-depth books about the Shining Crusade.
It's been a bit under an hour of your two hour limit thus far (a little more after you guys search down here.)
OK, guys, you currently have 6 people in the middle room (including Cademon), which puts you over the limit for that room. One person should move over to the left room or one of your rolls will essentially be wasted.

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I think Mohok will stay in the middle room, since he's planning to clean up after everyone researching in there, he'll want to observe them as they make a mess of things.

GM Alice |

1d4 ⇒ 2
1d3 ⇒ 3
1:GL, 2:SH, 3-4:R: 1d4 ⇒ 1
Since Zherohd and Cademon rolled so poorly anyway, I'll just say that the two of them tried to help out together but got in each other's way all the time.
Cesare - Knowledge (history): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24
Cesare - Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
Ha, always get the GM to roll for you. :P
Zosimos' Inspiration - Linguistics: 1d6 ⇒ 2 As you can use it for free on any Knowledge, Linguistics or Spellcraft roll, you might as well!
Cesare - Knowledge (local): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8
Tippy - Knowledge (local): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16
Zosimos - Knowledge (local) plus Inspiration: 1d20 + 9 + 1d6 ⇒ (2) + 9 + (2) = 13
With so many people in the ancient text store room, Iliyana follows Cesare over to the Lion Blade's study room to do what she can in assisting his work, leaving Mohok with the key to the glass cabinets. She's able to guide the bard around, informing him of the research topics of the Lion Blades who stay here.
Cesare finds the information quite useful, for it allows him to avoid disturbing all but one of the desks--and remembering the locations of materials on one desk is a lot easier than four! Beside a hefty tome collecting various failed prophecies of Arodenites since the disappearance of the deity (a few bookmarked pages here and there seem to be referring to the prophecies of one Arodenite in particular, for some reason), he locates a long and ornate scroll tube. Inside are a few wound-up maps, in a rather delicate condition from their age. However, Cesare realises with some shock, that they are exactly the sort of information you've come here to find, for the maps detail the movements of armies in the Shining Crusade. A useful find indeed!
You found two clues!
(This is one of those "bogus" clues again that doesn't do anything.)
Encarthan Maps: These maps depict Lake Encarthan, the Isle of Terror, and the nations that surround it. Of particular interest are the hundreds of hand-drawn notes and lines showing troop movements, preserving the changing plans of the brilliant generals who orchestrated the Shining Crusade.
Meanwhile, the dim light of the ancient text storage room makes it difficult for the researchers within to proceed, although the darkvision of Valerio and Mohok helps them out quite significantly. Tippy points the group in the right direction at first, able to locate some particularly expensive tomes that would be worth a fortune to the right collectors--most of the library is like that, but these ones in particular would put your Pathfinder Society wages to shame.
Valerio can perhaps more truthfully understand the significance of these books, though, and he unlocks the cabinet to read them reverently. One text speaks of ancient relics and artifacts throughout Golarion's history, from the Shield of Aroden and the Codex of the Infinite Planes to the Thorncrown of Iomedae and the Scroll of Kakishon. Perhaps of most use is a minor reference in the back pages to an unnamed silver horn, said to have been used by Taldor during the Shining Crusade.
While Valerio is happily lapping up that information, Mohok notices that right next to the book about artifacts is a book by an author he vaguely remembers from the main library. Taking the tome in hand, he skims through it and realises that it's incredibly useful indeed! What a gem to luckily find.
While goofing around with Cademon, Zherohd feels something strange in the air around him--like an invisible force had just whisked by him, though he is unable to see anything. Using detect magic, he realises that many of the shelves have some kind of magical enchantment on them... a very faint one, mind you, but it's there. After some messing around, he thinks he figures out how to activate these 'magic points'.
Valerio (or anyone else), are you going to open the case that Iliyana pointed out?
You found three clues!
A Silver Horn: This text describes in detail an enchanted silver horn capable of granting courage in times of need, which Taldor used for the fifth Army of Exploration and much later during the Shining Crusade, when it was shattered into several pieces. A priest of Aroden prophesised that even if re-forged, the instrument would never sound again, and it was given a hero's burial. The text mentioned nothing of the horn's present location.
Hidden Gem: Right next to one great discovery, you make another incredible find!
Clue: Use this clue when you or another PC discovers a clue or text to find one additional clue or text, if any remain in the room. (If attempting to use this in a room that doesn't have any more clues, it doesn't count; this clue can be used again.)
Magical Assistance: Some of the bookshelves bear a minor enchantment that aids researches, such as briefly granting the benefits of read languages or creating an unseen servant to aid in collecting documents.
Clue: After the PCs roll skill checks to find documents, any of them may reroll the check before learning the result.
During your research, Tippy looks up with a blink. He kind of recognises the song being played... and it's about to hit a rather operatic peak. The halfling shrugs and continues on, unconcerned. You're busily researching, after all...
It takes Cesare and Iliyana fifteen minutes to search the study room once, and the rest of you need twelve to search the ancient book room once.

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Realizing he's got the keys in his hand, Mohok approaches the center shelf on the east wall, the cabinet that Iliyana was told never to touch. He studies the door carefully for any indications of traps or other surprises and says, "Anyone care to check this bit of shelf for magical surprises before I put the key in?" Once these checks are done, and if no surprises seem imminent, he'll open the case.
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15
Below are the clues we've collected thus far, with the ones we've used or that are useless in strikeout. We should start burning some of these clues, methinks, so pick one and apply it to your next bit of inquiry.
Clue: Use this clue to learn how many clues or texts remain in any two rooms.
Esoteric Alphabetisation: This library uses a strange system for organising its texts: it alphabetises its texts based on the progression of major musical scales instead of using the Taldan alphabet.
Clue: You may use this clue to grant a +2 bonus on all checks made to find texts in a single room for the rest of the scenario.
Taldan Cipher 1: This text describes a cipher in which one must read the message backwards, reading only every third letter; all other letters are ignored. The example the book provides is "RMNEB SISWD IILPL OTRSES," which means "soldier".
Ruined Book: This book is a testament to why libraries should prohibit food and drink; someone spilled a beverage on it and sheepishly put it back on the shelf, where it has sat for several months at least.
An Exciting Read: You have found several particularly engaging texts, and you find it particularly easy to concentrate on the reading.
Clue: Use this clue before a PC rolls a skill check to find a clue or text. He rolls twice and takes the higher of the two rolls.
Cross Reference: A book references another promising text. If only you could find where that other text is...
Clue: You may use this clue to gain a +3 bonus on a single skill check made to find texts.
Hand-Written Notes: There are extensive notes scribbled in the margins of this book. These hand-written insights could be key to your next big discovery.
Clue: You may use this clue to gain a +3 bonus on a single skill check made to find texts.
Prolific Author: It appears that a long-dead historian wrote more than a dozen books on the topics you're researching. Perhaps you can find other insightful books by this author.
Clue: You may use this clue to gain a +3 bonus on a single skill check made to find texts.
Taldan Cipher 2: According to this text, one common cipher involves changing each consonant into the letter that comes three places after it in the alphabet and changing each vowel into the letter that comes two places before. For example, D would become G, U would become S, and Z would become C. (Since the vowels rotate backward and the consonants rotate forward, it's a particularly puzzling cipher to break.)
Failed Prophecies: This text gives a detailed analysis of hundreds of proclaimed "ironclad" prophecies that have failed since the disappearance of Aroden. The author speculates that any prophecy made by Arodenites should be viewed with considerable skepticism. (This is one of those "bogus" clues again that doesn't do anything.)
Encarthan Maps: These maps depict Lake Encarthan, the Isle of Terror, and the nations that surround it. Of particular interest are the hundreds of hand-drawn notes and lines showing troop movements, preserving the changing plans of the brilliant generals who orchestrated the Shining Crusade.
A Silver Horn: This text describes in detail an enchanted silver horn capable of granting courage in times of need, which Taldor used for the fifth Army of Exploration and much later during the Shining Crusade, when it was shattered into several pieces. A priest of Aroden prophesised that even if re-forged, the instrument would never sound again, and it was given a hero's burial. The text mentioned nothing of the horn's present location.
Hidden Gem: Right next to one great discovery, you make another incredible find!
Clue: Use this clue when you or another PC discovers a clue or text to find one additional clue or text, if any remain in the room. (If attempting to use this in a room that doesn't have any more clues, it doesn't count; this clue can be used again.)
Magical Assistance: Some of the bookshelves bear a minor enchantment that aids researches, such as briefly granting the benefits of read languages or creating an unseen servant to aid in collecting documents.
Clue: After the PCs roll skill checks to find documents, any of them may reroll the check before learning the result.

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Valerio will attempt to detect magic on the case; if he does not detect any magical wards he will attempt to open it. If he does he hesitates and asks Tippy if he can tell if it's trapped.

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Throwing caution to the wind... Valerio carefully opens the glass case and picks up one of the lovely yellow books and inspects it. Daffodils never hurt anyone, surely.

GM Alice |

Cesare: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
Mohok: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20
Tippy: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24
Valerio: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12
Zherohd: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
Zosimos: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13
Book Swarm: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 2
Curiosity killed the cat, as they say...
Initiative: Tippy | Mohok | Zosimos | Zherohd | Valerio | Cesare | Book Swarm
Knowledge (arcana) to know more about this... creature(?).
Cademon: 2 damage, plus bleed 1
Valerio: 2 damage, plus bleed 1
Zherohd: 2 damage, plus bleed 1
Zosimos: 2 damage, plus bleed 1
Valerio unlocks the glass cabinet, reaching out to grab one of these amazing and magical books. As soon as his fingertip brushes lightly over the spine of the nearest, there's a sudden flurry of movement as the book leaps up! Suddenly, the entire cabinet comes alive as all the books swarm out through the opening over you invaders! Each cover and half the pages seem to form the wings of some bizarre butterfly, intent on nothing but the destruction of ye who would dare to disrupt their rest.
Cademon, Valerio, Zherohd and Zosimos are in the initial line of fire, and they find themselves facing the brunt of the sudden hard covers bashing them around the side of the head. The worse part is probably when the edge of a page nicks you, giving you the most painful paper cut you've ever experienced. This is even besides suddenly drowning in the overwhelming smell of old books... (You four each take 2 damage, and you take 1 point of bleed damage on your turn every round until the bleeding stops. In addition, you all need to give me a DC 11 Fort save.)
Party's up! Also, Cesare, I presume you hear the sudden shouts of pain and so forth...

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What the hell? First we talk to statues and now we're being attacked by books?
Fort: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13
Was there some sort of command word to stop them attacking? We can't just destroy them without making it abundantly obvious we were here.

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Ahhhhhhhhh Paper cuts! Paper cuts everywhere! That huuurts! Ahh
Fort: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
Cademon runs around the room in circles for a few moments before finding the door and fleeing from the deadly books.

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Though he knows they're supposed to hide signs of their presence in the library, Mohok sees his new-found friends - something he's had precious few of in life - being sliced and pummeled by the bizarre, flying books. Hoping to minimize the damage he does, he slips a smallish mace off a hook on his belt. Wielding it in a two-handed grip, he swings it through the air, and through the storm of books.
Light mace, PA: 1d20 + 6 - 1 ⇒ (10) + 6 - 1 = 15
Mace damage, PA: 1d6 + 6 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 6 + 3 = 14

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Knowledge:Arcana: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22
Fortitude: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15
Raising an arm to shield his eyes, Valerio unleashes a tirade of Abyssal curses; to those who speak the demonic tongue they will know he is not entirely pleased with his carelessness and curiosity. While attempting to peak through his self made barrier to identify this... Perversion of literature, he draws back towards the eastern most wall. His weapons are his knowledge and his words - both of which he is almost definitely in outmatched by their current adversary - though he does relay whatever he can remember about these hard-backed demons to the rest of the group.

GM Alice |

Today I Learned: Tiny swarms take full damage from bludgeoning weapons. Curious!
BTW, you guys should be able to move your own tokens, so do so if you can (or be pretty clear about where you're going). I guessed on the locations of Zherohd and Valerio this time.
Initiative: Tippy | Mohok | Zosimos | Zherohd | Valerio | [b]Cesare | Book Swarm
Cademon: 3 damage, plus bleed 1
Valerio: 3 damage, plus bleed 1
Zherohd: 3 damage, plus bleed 1
Zosimos: 3 damage, plus bleed 1Book Swarm: 14 damage
Mohok shows up to the party in stunning fashion, bashing numerous books out of the air with ease with his mace. When knocked to the ground, the books, like feeble insects or turtles knocked on their shells, flail around and seem to have trouble getting back in the air. Luckily, sans a couple of dints in the covers, the books themselves remain relatively unharmed.
Valerio realises this is... wait for it... a book swarm! Each of the books is an animated object, essentially harmless by themselves, but hoarding so many in one place makes them quite the menace (as you've all no doubt noticed). However, despite having a limited ability to move on their own, they're still books--and we all know what happens when you set fire to paper, if you're willing to ruin the information contained therein... aside from that, as you've seen, the books rely on bashing people around and inflicting painful paper cuts. Because, uh, they're books. Paper cuts are probably the scariest thing they can do.

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Zosimos steps back and out of the room. Combat is most definitely not his bag, even when fighting books. Fire isn't something he would ever wish upon a book, so he withdraws.

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Today I Learned: Tiny swarms take full damage from bludgeoning weapons. Curious!
I didn't know this either, but it makes sense that swinging a metal-headed club through this book storm would have the desired effect. It's nice when the story and the rules line up.

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Sorry Cademon! I'll see you in a day or two!
I'm not sure if life link would stop the bleed effect on Cademon or not. In any case, healing him at my own expense while I've got a bleed on me seems suicidal right now. So he's going to vanish as soon as he bleeds for another point.
Zherohd steps out of the book swarm and begins summoning an ally.
As discussed earlier Alice, as I read the archetype, my SLA is a one round cast with a round/level duration. So I'm going to just keep summoning a new dog every round until the swarm is down.

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Cademon screams as he charges back into the swarm through the open door before being dismissed due to his injuries.
Avenge Me!
Claw, Charge: 1d20 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 3 + 2 = 11
slashing/bludgeoning: 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

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Cesare rushes down the hall. "I can't leave you people along for five minutes!" he begins. Then, seeing the room full of flying books, he just gapes open mouthed for several seconds before rallying.
He declaims a famous line from The Ballad of the Moonriders, hoping to inspire his companions.
Inspire Courage. +1 to hit and damage.

GM Alice |

I'm going to assume all those who have delayed thus far will continue to delay...
Also Cesare, I moved you 30 feet. You can't actually see the swarm yet, but hey, audible components and all... PLEASE move your tokens or otherwise specify -exactly- where you're going so I can stop guessing!
Initiative: Tippy | Mohok | Zosimos | Zherohd | Valerio | Cesare | Book Swarm
Note: Damage total includes the damage from the swarm itself and the bleed from rounds 1-2.Cademon: 4 damage, plus bleed 1 (and he goes poof back to the Eido-plane)
Tippy: 7 damage, plus bleed 1
Valerio: 4 damage, plus bleed 1
Zherohd: 10 damage, plus bleed 1, dying, unconscious
Zosimos: 4 damage, plus bleed 1
Book Swarm: 14 damageParty: Inspire courage (+1 to hit, damage)
Cesare charges down the hallway; he can't tell what's going on exactly, but he knows that Zosimos is looking terrified (or bewildered, possibly) and there's a lot of shouts of pain coming from the next room along. He offers his words of encouragement to help, though he has no idea what is going on just yet!
Cademon charges at the swarm with the last vestiges of his energy. Alas, it's not enough to stop any of the books, and it does little but make his paper cut wound hurt more. He swats harmlessly at the air for a while before succumbing to the blood loss and disappearing back to whatever otherworldly plane he comes from. Zherohd uses this as an opportunity to start calling some other, hopefully more useful minion in to help...
While the rest of the group are caught by indecision, the swarm is a mindless construct and knows nothing but death and destruction! The few remaining books continue to flap maliciously around, combining their attacks to slam into Zherohd and Tippy repeatedly, one after the other! It's all too much for Zherohd, who collapses onto the ground.
You both take 6 damage, plus 1 damage from the bleed this round. This drops Zherohd to negatives. Tippy is also bleeding and needs to make a DC 11 Fort save or become nauseated for 1 round.
Tippy gets an attack of opportunity as the swarm moves into his square. Zherohd does not, as he's busy casting. If Tippy can kill the swarm with his AoO, it'll negate the swarm damage it does this round.

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Seeing Zherohd fall, Mohok tries to look through the swarming, swirling books and gauge how badly wounded the half-elf is, but can't really tell.
Heal: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
"Best way to help him is to break up this swarm," he rumbles, swinging his mace again in a flat, two-handed swing, like a large, shockingly ugly child playing a ball game.
Mace, PA, Inspired: 1d20 + 5 - 1 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 5 - 1 + 1 = 16
Mace damage, PA, Inspired: 1d6 + 6 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 6 + 3 + 1 = 11

GM Alice |

Tippy slashes at the books, taking the covers off a couple of them, but he can't stop all of them, and they proceed to whack him and Zherohd around. Luckily, Mohok manages to step up and bravely take down what remains before they can do any more damage.
Combat over, but the bleeding (and dying) continues. Keep moving in rounds until the bleed damage is stopped.
Everyone but Mohok can take actions.

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Valerio, filled with a degree of guilt that he caused the storied ambush, rushes to the side of Zherohd and draws a thin, red veined, obsidian wand from his robes.

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"Oh, dammit!" says Cesare, rushing to help Zosimos with Zherohd. "We need to clean up this blood!" he says. "Anyone have prestidigitation memorized?"
He leans over Zherohd and speaks the words of an ancient prayer he once heard in a tavern.
Cure Light Wounds: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

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As the storm of books flutters to the ground around him, Mohok sees just how many of his companions have been injured. He hurries over to Tippy, pulling a bony, white wand from a pouch at his belt as he moves.
He lays the wand on Tippy's shoulder, near where one of the flying books has made a long, thin cut on the halfling's neck. The cut seals itself up as the wand's magic courses through it, but there are other injuries still paining the little rogue.
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Care for another or are you good?

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I know it's a ranger spell, but I thought per PFS I couldn't do so until I could cast the spell. Though as I think about it, I heard that from my RL DM, and he makes up stuff all the time and swears it's gospel...will edit post.