GM Alice |

Welcome! I'm sure there's plenty of people here I haven't played with before, so nice to meet you! Just thought I'd get some ground rules down here for games at my table.
1) Please make sure you're familiar with the rules of your character and the rules of Organised Play. If you're new to Pathfinder Society (or Pathfinder in general), welcome! Let me know and I'll double-check to make sure everything's in order or answer any questions you have.
2) I like games to progress at a pretty steady clop, so please aim for a post every 24 hours (if not more). In combat, if you're missing for too long, you will either delay or use full defense for the round. Out of combat, I'll simply move on without you. If you disappear for a long time, you will not receive credit for the scenario.
3) Please make sure you have your PFS Number on your character's profile. Just so I don't have to go hunting for it when I'm writing up Chronicles.
4) I would really appreciate if you had your vital stats on your character's class line thing. Saves me digging through your profile every time I need to roll for initiative. I will endeavour to allow you to roll as many checks and saves as possible, but I will roll some for you in the interests of brevity and moving the game along.
5) Have fun!! Please let me know if you have any questions, complaints, criticism, compliments, cash donations, etc. :P

GM Alice |

Orders from the higher echelons of the Society have today sent you to Taldor, and an urgent meeting with Venture-Captain Muesello has been scheduled in for an hour or so from now. The Taldan capitol, Oppara, is an opulent city with numerous extravagant stone buildings lining its neat cobblestone streets. There are enormous temples that stretch back thousands of years, and the biggest and brightest bard colleges and theatres that even now provide a musical accompaniment to the city's machinations.
Alas for you, the local lodge is hidden behind the facade of a simple bait and tackle shop down by the harbour. Muesello himself dutifully maintains the shop to provide Pathfinders a local base of operations that doesn't invite much scrutiny. When you arrived early, he shoos you off, declaring that he's busy awaiting a special guest's arrival before your meeting can begin. You've thus wandered down the road to a nearby tavern on the waterfront, The Oyster and Pearl, to shoot the breeze and kill some time.

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Cademon is obviously not around while we're out in public.
I do hope we'll have time to enjoy the local color while we're here. From what I've seen so far, the Society doesn't often send us to cities where the people know the difference between a Sainete and an Intermezzo.
Will we have a chance to shop at the start of the scenario? Zherohd needs to buy, at the very least, appropriately fashionable clothing for wearing around Oppara.

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Sigh They're two different types of what the masses lump together as "opera"
20 gp Alchemists Fire
50 gp Mastwork Backpack
150 gp Fancy Brooch and Ring
8 gp Black Ink
2 sp pens, 2
1 gp parchment, 5
1 gp scroll case
5 gp stationary, 5
5 sp waterproof bag
Beyond that, Zherohd is carrying only 25 gp. The rest of his money is in the family vault (encumbrance issues).

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"Ah!" Tippy says, nodding sagely.
He keeps nodding for a few more seconds, then adds, "What's opera?"
Bluff: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (10) - 1 = 9
His hidden smirks give away that he's just yanking your chain.

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SM: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (19) - 1 = 18
Yes. Very droll.
Turning to the nearest server, Zherohd orders a drink. Excuse me miss, what's your best rosé? It seems I may need alcohol to make it through the afternoon after all.

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...An elf of nondescript height and weight walks in. In stark contrast to the latches, vials, and pouches he makes very little noise as he moves. In the span of two steps after entering the Oyster his eyes have darted to every person in the room. His smile is crooked, and not all together genuine. When he eyes the other agents it aligns and seems warmer.
"Interesting. When I started my training my friends spoke often of adventures in the old countries. Of late I assumed I'd be sent North. Taldor for a first mission? Sure."
I'll add some stuff to the discussion thread.

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"It's wonderful to be back in old Oppara!" agrees Cesare, "I've even missed the dear old Oyster. I might be persuaded to see The Lady of the Sea if we have time. It's a bit long for my tastes, but the new Fealia is said to be quite wonderful." He's referring to a popular opera and its female lead, but doesn't bother explaining that.
"In the meantime, we soak up a little local culture," he says, hoisting a full mug and taking a deep swallow.

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A broad-shouldered half-orc walks into the Oyster, looks around, and spots a likely group at a table near the corner of the taproom. As he makes his way over, the Pathfinders already seated can see that he wears armor made of many small iron plates sewn onto a thick shirt, and a heavy, curved sword rests at his hip. His mottled green skin stands in stark contrast to the jagged blue tattoos that cover his face and neck.
He listens for a moment as the folks at the table discuss things beyond his ken, then asks, "Why do you guys say the name 'Oppara' so strangely? And why're you talking about going to see Oppara, when we're already here?" He looks at the group in puzzlement a moment - it is clear these are not quite the sort of folk he scoured the sewers with in his previous mission - then says, "Anyway, I'm Mohok. From Nerosyan, among other places. We waitin' on word of what the job is?"

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Mohok squints a bit and looks at Zherohd, trying to make sense of the half-elf. "Sorry to interrupt your talkin' to yerself," he says in a deep bass rumble, "but I'm still gettin' used to folks who don't spend their days fightin' demons outta the 'Wound. Did you say your always up for takin' on a new lady, as long as she gets good reviews?" He tilts his head a bit, his face a picture of puzzlement, and continues, "What kinda lady are you hangin' out with?" He then lowers his voice, flicks his eyes quickly left and right, and goes on, "And where do ya get these reviews?"

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"Okay," Mohok grunts, "you're not going to answer my question 'bout the lady, that's fine. I can respect you wantin' some privacy about that, keepin' a good thing to yerself is always a fine idea." He raises a meaty hand and waves to the barmaid a few tables over, then points at himself and calls out, "Beer!" in a voice deep and loud enough to rattle Zerohd's rosé glass nearly off the table.
He turns back to his fellow Pathfinders and says, "I musta missed the introductions, and just got to hear about the Ladies of Oppara, or whatever it was. What are yer names? An' what do ya do? I've spent most of my days fightin' demons, in the lands of Belkzen and then in Mendev, came to the Society 'cuz I'd heard they'd let near anybody in, and I were tired of being chased out o' places for my good looks."

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Highly amused, Cesare agrees with Tippy. "It's eerily like a version of Cagliardo and Montaine's famous 'Who's on First Chair Violin?' routine."
"Mohok, 'opera' is a form of highbrow entertainment involving lush costume and refined singing. It is, of course, named for our lovely city. But you don't need reviews. As a true troubador of the Taldan school, I can easily recommend an opera as an establishment catering to your needs for companionship. In fact, there are more than a few on this very block. See me after the meeting for some specific recommendations and warnings."
"Oh, and it's probably best to keep the whole 'demon' talk to a bare minimum in either form of establishment. The folk of Oppara, while the most creative, most refined in all the world, also tend to be a tad, well, sensitive."

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Mohok grins as Tippy introduces himself, raising one eyebrow and saying, "It's all the same...I like that. I think we'll get on fine." He chuckles quietly and turns to Cesare, continuing to try to understand the man's elaborate speech. "You said it's 'highbrow' fun, huh?" He looks up as the barmaid sets down a large, frothing mug of beer, nods and gives a quiet grunt in thanks, and takes a hearty sip before continuing. "Not sure I see how 'highbrow' and 'fun' fit together, but maybe the costumes make it work. I seen a few good costumes in my day, I tell ya. There was this orcish lass in the south of Belkzen, finest tusks you ever did see, and dressed up like a Chelish paracountess, with these little shiny things on her..." he freezes as he's about to make a particularly crude gesture and his words trail off, as he realizes this may not be the place for this tale.
Clearing his throat, he responds to Cesare's other point, "Not talk about demons, eh? You know, not talkin' about 'em doesn't make 'em go away. Might as well face 'em, or there'll just be more of them next time around."

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Till this point Valerio had been content to sit idly by, preening his neatly parted auburn hair. Opera had never much interested the tiefling, and talk of the 'refinement' of Oppara did little more than make him chuckle. How he missed the true elegance of the black marble of his homeland... It is the mention of demons which finally lures him into conversation, his silvery eyes rising from his reflection in a nearby mug.
"And for every piece of chaotic rabble you slay two more will take its place. Filthy, relentless beasts, demons. That was noble work you were undertaking in Mendev, Mohok." Valerio's soft and carefully paced voice barely audible over the din of the tavern patrons. "Valerio," The golden skinned tiefling gestures to himself, straightening his deep crimson robes with another hand as he does so. "The pleasure, my demon hunting friend, is all mine."

GM Alice |

After an hour or so's discussion of theatre, demons, and alcohol, the now pleasantly buzzed party decides it's time to head on back to Muesello's bait and tackle shop. (Besides, some of the patrons of the Oyster and Pearl are starting to give you suspicious side-looks over their glasses with all the talk of demons. "Who is this rabble, and what are they doing tramping their muddy boots all over Oppara?" their gazes say to you.)
Muesello's pockmarked face breaks into a smile as the merry jingle of the front door's bell alerts him to your return. He stands up from the creaky chair behind the counter, lightly dusts off his leather overalls, and motions for everyone to head on through the back door labelled "Staff Only". Muesello pulls out a jangling ring of keys from his pocket and locks up the store, propping a sign in the window that reads "Gone Fishing" before following the rest of you out into the hidden meeting room of the tiny Pathfinder Lodge.
The baroque sitting room that awaits you has no windows but is lit by a number of fancy candelabras decorating the walls. Lady Gloriana Morilla, fabulously dressed as ever in a ruffled dark gown and a thick silver necklace inlaid with opals and moonstones, sits behind a carved wooden desk by a small fireplace; she regards you with a polite nod. "In case you are not aware," Muesello says, quietly closing the door behind him and pushing past those at the back of the group to stand beside the lady, "this is Lady Gloriana Morilla, a most wonderful and important ally to the Society. As always when she spares the time to grace us with our presence, she is our honoured guest."
Gloriana offers a small smile at the lavish introduction. "Oh, the pleasure is all mine," she says in response, looking over the six of you with an appraising eye.
Venture-Captain Muesello gestures for you to have a seat, though he himself remains standing, folding his arms behind his back and pacing as he speaks. "As you may or may not know, the Pathfinder Society does not have a particularly sterling reputation in Taldor, despite my and others' efforts to impress the local movers and shakers," he begins with a light sigh. "As a result, the most prestigious universities and colleges often deny our agents access to the best libraries in Oppara, thinking we are nothing short of meddling good-for-nothings only here to cause trouble. ... An apt description of some of our agents, to be sure," Muesello adds wryly with a roll of his eyes.
"As one of the oldest intact civilisations near the Inner Sea, these libraries no doubt house some very precious volumes, and it has always been a thorn in the Decemvirate's side that they have been denied access to them. However," he stops pacing here and begins to rummage through the front pockets of his apron, "recently, we received a most wonderful opportunity--an invitation, really, from a very powerful patron." He withdraws a simple black scroll tube with a broken red wax seal from his overalls as he continues to speak.
"This patron has kindly secured us a couple of hours in the rare books collection at the Kitharodian Academy, during which we may peruse for whatever we wish... so long as we also retrieve several documents of interests for our friend. And that," he punctuates by tapping the scroll tube on the edge of the table, "is where things get truly interesting."
"Our contact let us know one very tantalising tidbit of information. Apparently, there is an even more precious archive hidden beneath the academy's library! Our patron believes it to contain numerous original records and undoctored historical accounts otherwise unknown to the world!" Muesello's excitement shows through in every word and every gesture; his eyes are practically sparkling with the possibility of this revelation. "Our contact knows how to get into the archive and has shared the secret with us."
"Now, young Pathfinders, two hours is little time, so you must make the most of every minute you have. I know it will be tempting to research other interests, but it would be selfish for the Society to think of itself when the Worldwound's borders threaten to envelop Mendev and beyond. I am sending you in with the express purpose of uncovering more information about the Shining Crusade, the sustained war against the Whispering Tyrant a millennium ago. Please show some restraint and focus on this task above all else. You will, won't you?"
Lady Morilla snaps open a fan to fend off the room's growing warmth, adding, "Historically, Taldor is the world authority on massive military campaigns... but most texts have undergone extensive revision to serve some political agenda or another." She smiles thinly. "Entering this hidden archive is an excellent opportunity to learn from the real mistakes of the part and apply those lessons to the Mendevian Crusade."
"Remember that you have permission to be in the academy's library, but not in this secret archive, so do everything you can to avoid being noticed while exploring. Specifically do not steal or destroy any of the library's contents. A few slip-ups might alert the authorities that someone has been poking around, and too many will give them enough evidence to trade this act to us." Gloriana pauses in her fanning for just a moment, meeting your gaze with an even stare. "And I would dearly hate to lose the favour of our patron. That would be a terrible, terrible loss."
Muesello opens a drawer in the table and begins pulling out a couple of small parcels wrapped in cloth. "Any questions?"

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Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22
Nobility: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
What about others in the library? Guards? What is the mechanism for entrance into the secret area? Disguise? Fast-talking? Skulking? Temporary injury?

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Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15
Mohok listens patiently to the Venture-Captain's account of their assignment, one eyebrow occasionally climbing up a bit as he hears the excitement in Muesello's voice. We're going to find a bunch of books about the history of Taldor's army? And that's going to help us fight demons at the Worldwound? What have I gotten myself into? Well, maybe I can lend a hand to these opera-goers if things get rough.
When the briefing is complete, Mohok's deep voice rumbles in response. "A library? Don't know that I've ever been in one o' those," he says, rubbing the sides of his broad nose with thick fingers ill-suited to the turning of pages. He casts a quick glance at his fellow Pathfinders and says, "But ya might have just the right crew here for a raid on a library, and I'll stand by to help, in case the Worldwound reaches us here in Taldor."
"I do have one question," he continues, "that scroll ya pulled from yer pocket there, it's got a little mark on it, looks royal - a lioness wearing a crown. What's that about?"

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Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23
Nobility: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10
Valerio opens his mouth in response to the question, but quickly finds himself preempted by the keen questions of Zosimos. In spite of the narrow glare he shoots towards the elf, it is obvious to any observer Valerio is quite excited his next mission will take place in a library; far more suited to a man of his talents and tastes.
"I suppose disguise and skulking will be preferable to any fast talking. Tongues tend to wag no matter how many honeyed words you feed people."
At the question of noble crests Valerio smirks, "It is quite obviously the seal of... Hmm..." Unfortunately his normally extensive knowledge of nobility is baffled by the intricacies of Taldan aristocracy. "Well, there are so many noble families here, it becomes quite difficult to keep track."
"Will we be being escorted during our time in the library? Possibly needing to escape the sight of said escort? Or will we be mostly free of too much scrutiny? Well, before we plunge into the more delicious hidden tomes."

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Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15
Top secret research huh? I must say, I was expecting more jewelry heists, saving the princess from the tower sort of missions, but I suppose one must start somewhere. At least librarians are less likely to be dangerous than guards or monsters. Are the instructions for the secret entrance at least written on some manner of self-destructing paper?

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"Don't be so quick to dismiss the librarians, Zherohd. They look after their charges like a great wyrm protecting its eggs. If it's skulking and sneaking you need, then I'm your man, or, at least, half of one."

GM Alice |

Muesello smiles at the party as they bombard him with queries. "Good, good questions. That's exactly the type of attitude I like to see from young Pathfinders."
"If the archive is as truly secret as our contact makes it out to be, then it seems unlikely that you will encounter many people down there. I imagine there might be traps of some kind, so be careful and resourceful," he answers while unscrewing the lid of the scroll case. From within the black tube he tips out two pieces of parchment.
"This letter here—this is from our patron," Muesello explains, passing one of the two over to Zosimos. "It explains how you may find a way into the hidden archive. The other one," he holds it up, "is your ticket into the main library itself. Alas," he laments jovially, "we don't have any mages free to cast a delayed exploding runes spell on it…"
The first letter features neat cursive script explaining the particulars of the mission, most of which Muesello and Lady Gloriana have gone over. It requests that the Pathfinder Society seek out any records of Taldan succession and retrieve them for the writer. In return, the letter explains how they may gain access to the archives, albeit cryptically: The hidden entrance to the archive may be found by studying honour, courage, and glory. The second letter is a formal request signed by Arch-Exarch Gregorius, spending far too many words to admit the bearers of the writ to the Kitharodian Academy's rare books collection.
He turns to Valerio with a nod, although his eyes linger for a while on the tiefling's twitching tail. "I imagine that the librarians will keep an eye on you to some extent. The rare books collections are kept in several small study rooms attached to the main library. But that's where my next present will come in handy."
Muesello then slides the cloth-wrapped parcels towards the party. "This one," he says, tapping the first parcel with the covered end of the scroll tube, "contains a deck of illusions that I am in the process of modifying. Instead of each card creating a random creature, each one creates a copy of one of you. The illusions won't interact with anyone, but they can pretend to be reading and deceive the casual observer. " The venture-captain doesn't bother to hide the pride he holds of his invention as he explains the details of its activation and usage. "Each only lasts for two hours, though. Stick a card to the bottom of a chair to create the illusion, and don't forget to remove the card when you're done."
"Now, this package contains several potions in case of emergency." Curious Pathfinders find the second parcel to contain a potion of invisibility and a potion of pass without trace. "This last one simply provides you with enough materials to do your job." The sachet holds several dozen sheets of paper and an assortment of writing utensils and ink vials, ready for heavy study.
"As for getting to the entrance in the first place... well, I'll let the fair lady here explain the plan." Muesello grins as he steps back to let Lady Gloriana respond.
She gently places her fan on the desk before speaking. "Tomorrow evening, the Kitharodian Academy will host an extravagant orchestral performance in celebration of the Grand Prince's birthday. Such an event should last several hours, and if rumours are to be believed, the Kitharodian's finest intend to play a complex medley of Taldor's greatest songs. Several of these are, shall we say, rather dramatic at times, and the sound should drown out any noise you make. With any luck," Morilla smirks, "the performance will also draw away most of the guards that patrol the academy complex."
Lady Morilla chuckles politely to herself when Mohok speaks of his inexperience with libraries. "And that, my dear orc, is exactly the point of sending you. If something of note happens on Golarion, the Kitharodian scholars tend to hear about it. Muesello and I have selected you precisely because the librarians are unlikely to recognise you and know you as Pathfinders."
"Ah, yes," Muesello chips in, "it would be wise to keep your allegiances in that regard on the down-low. You're just scholars, you hear?"
As for the half-orc's question about the seal... Muesello blanches, hurriedly shoving the scroll tube back in his apron pocket as he shares a nervous look with Lady Gloriana. The noblewoman's look of warning is clear to see. "Ah, that. Our patron has requested that, ah, her involvement in this be kept confidential. Apologies for the taciturnity."

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A little Hudson Hawk action...
The elf's grin turns crooked, as this is exactly the type of mission he hoped he'd get to cut his teeth on. He takes a quick inhale before asking, "Does anyone happen to know the song so that we may know exactly when the sound will cover our activities best? (Or do I know it?)

GM Alice |

"Well, it's a medley, so there will no doubt be multiple crescendos," Lady Gloriana murmurs in response, inspecting her manicured fingernails for any signs of dirt caught under them. "Without knowing the set list, it's difficult to answer. All I can suggest is to keep an ear out."
While you're in the library, you can actually make Perform or Knowledge (local) checks to determine when the music is going to become particularly loud.

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Mohok scratches his head a moment, considering what he's heard, then attempts to sum it all up. "So, we go to the library, leave these magic cards so it looks like we're reading books, go to the secret library and actually read the books there, all while the Taldans dance at the prince's party?"
With a glance at Muesello's pocket, he adds, "And we're not to say we're Pathfinders, and you can't tell us who we're working for? Sounds a bit more complicated than the sewer crawl the Society asked me to do for my first mission. But I'll try to keep our music fans focused on the job, instead of rushing off to join the dance."

GM Alice |

Muesello grins cheerfully at Mohok's summary of the situation. "That's about it, boy. Nothing a well-trained Pathfinder can't handle, don't you think?"
If nobody has any more questions, the venture-captain nods to them and heads for the doorway. "Anyway, that's about it from me. You've got until tomorrow evening to prepare yourselves. Good luck, Pathfinders! I'm sure you have it in you!" He opens the door back out to the bait shop and nods for you to head on through.
As Mohok and Valerio head on out through the jingling front door of Muesello's bait-and-tackle store front, the venture-captain clears his throat and taps you each on the shoulder. "Might I have a minute, gentlemen?" he asks once those who represent other factions have gone beyond earshot.
Muesello reaches once more into his pocket and draws out a small scrap of paper that he had yet to show to you all. "Ambrus Valsin contacted me with this message," he informs you, passing the note over for you to see. "He said that it is written in some kind of complicated Taldan cipher that the Society has yet to crack. Since you're in the library anyway... if you happen to find any notes about old codes that might work for this message, do report back with your findings. Better yet, crack the blasted thing! The Society will be most pleased if you do."
The scrap of paper has a sequence of letters written on it, and nothing more.
Last chance to do some shopping and otherwise prepare for the mission. You have 24 hours, so you can change your spells and such as you will.

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Mohok leaves the meeting, wondering for a moment what the Venture-Captain has to say to just some of them, rather than all, but he's soon distracted by the faces of startled Opparans as they catch a glimpse of his tattooed, tusked visage on their sophisticated streets. He sets out to do some shopping, and is quite pleased with the vial of acid and the sack of caltrops he's acquired. As he stuffs the caltrops in his pack, however, he can't help but ask himself, Now what am I going to do with these in a library?
Ready to go!

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Zherohd spends a moment reading and thinking about the cipher before shrugging.
I'm sure we can suss it out for you. What's the fun of a secret spy mission without an unofficial sub-mission to take care of as well?
Zherohd spends the day exploring the city and taking in as much of the culture as he has time for. If things go south, he may not be welcome here again for some time, best to enjoy it while he can.

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Cesare goes shopping for pens, ink and paper as well as any reference works he can find on codebreaking.

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Valerio spends his time in town shopping for a backpack, scroll of comprehend languages and disguise self along with a journal and some ink and pen. A quick request to his Chelish benefactors in the society also see him come into possession of a Wand of Infernal Healing.

GM Alice |

After a night of partying (or, heavens forbid, getting a good nights sleep) and a day of shopping, study, and tourism, the Pathfinders reconvene the next night outside of 'the Kith'. As the largest bard college in Oppara (and one of the largest in the entirety of Golarion!), Kitharodian Academy is really not hard to find, and any passing person in the street can point you in the right direction. Located in Canal Row, it sits astride the northern cliffs of Oppara and features an impressive view of the Porthmos River valley as an inspiring backdrop. The school boasts architecture as lovely as its music, and elegant domes, towers, and columns adorn the principle music hall. Tonight, mirror-focused lanterns and myriad tiny orbs of twinkling, magical light illuminate the structure, making the academy a radiant beacon of Taldor's greatness.
Crowds of commoners and nobility alike aggregate outside the Kitharodian Academy, all jostling to enter the music hall. Patrons are all wearing their best, no matter their standing in Taldan society--it's thus an interesting mix of simple, lower-class fashion standing next to men and women bedecked in expensive robes and glittering jewels that could buy their queue-neighbour's home outright.
Pushing your way through the crowds to get inside is one thing... but finding the library is quite another. Perhaps you might have some luck with the sharply-dressed ushers standing around here and there; one, in a dapper red suit, seems reasonably unoccupied, standing by and keeping an eye on the lines. You might also be able to make your own way there--perhaps you know a thing or two about the Kith yourself?
You might be able to sway the usher with various social skills, or figure out the route there yourselves with a Knowledge (local) check. Otherwise, you can wander around aimlessly until you stumble upon the library, but you might be late for your very important date...

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Mohok studies the bizarre mix of people, the grand architecture and the magical spectacle, each novel enough to distract him entirely from their assignment as he wonders, From the sewers to this? The Society is even stranger and more wondrous than I imagined! I hope this mission goes well, so they'll still have me.
When Zosimos speaks up and leads them towards the library, Mohok says, as quietly as his deep voice can manage, "Well, that's lucky. Hate to start a secret mission by asking directions, eh?"

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Tippy snatches up a drink from a passing tray to hold, since everybody knows a party-goer holding a drink is less suspicious than one that isn't.
Otherwise, he follows Zosimos.

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Cesare passes through the party, nodding and smiling, chatting with anyone who catches his eye. His free and easy personality allow him to mingle easily, all the while moving towards Zosimos's indicated direction. After a brief contretemps with a very pretty brunette under he father's watchful eye, he tips his hat and follows the elf.

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Well if we had to, I'm certain I could have convinced him to show us the way Mohok. But this is certainly preferable.
Good idea Tippy. Besides, I could use a drink anyhow; I may have slightly over-indulged yesterday.
Zherohd takes a drink of his own from another tray, along with an hors d'oeuvres.

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As the group weaves its way through the seemingly endless crowds Valerio provides little in the way of conversation. While he follows the obviously more knowledgeable Zosimos dutifully, he is entirely more interested in responding to each and every gawking stare he receives with his own level gaze.

GM Alice |

Seems like Zosimos came to the Kitharodian Academy earlier that day just to check it out, for he knows every twist and turn of the academy's vaulted halls and is able to easily lead the group to the library. (Or maybe he just picked up a guidebook leaflet in the entrance and is just pretending he knows his stuff.) With wineglasses and meatballs on tiny little toothpicks in hand, the adventurers soon find themselves on the lower floor of an enormous library.
Much like the rest of the Kith's architecture, its library is designed to look absolutely stunning. The bookshelves reach from floor to ceiling, broken only by the carved bannisters of the upper floors. The ceiling is painted with iconic images from Taldor's history—wars, nobility, grand events, and the like. In the foyer, sitting behind a tall desk in a plush armchair, is a middle-aged librarian dressed in scholarly robes. He glances up from his reading material as the group enters, pushing his glasses up his nose and arching a brow.
"Odd to see patrons on a night like this," he murmurs, standing up and moving over to greet you with a nod of his head. "Greetings. My name is Tobias, and I am the librarian on duty this evening. How may I be of assistance?" Tobias looks over the group with an appraising (or, perhaps, judging) eye.