GM Alice's #5-11–Library of the Lion (Game Day #2) (Inactive)

Game Master Alice Margatroid

Mission Impossible, Pathfinder-style! Part of the PFS PbP Game Day #2


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Dark Archive

Male Tiefling Max HP: 9; Current HP: 9; AC: 11 (touch 11, FF 10); CMD: 9; F/R/W: +3/+1/+4; Initiative: +1; Perception +3; Sense Motive +2

Seeing Zherohd awaken, Valerio's conscience is appeased and he instead raises his wand to his own mouth, opening wide. A single drop of viscous, crimson blood oozes from its tip and falls upon his tongue. Almost immediately Valerio's wounds begin to heal, his blood seemingly clawing his cuts closed as it retreats into his skin.

Infernal Healing for the next minute, also assuming this has removed all the remaining bleeding, which I think it has, Valerio will prod at the book briefly before inspecting what is left of them.

Grand Lodge

Male Elf Investigator 2 (HP: 28/25) (Pool: 0/5), Init: +3, AC: 17 T: 13, FF: 14, Perception +12 (+13 v Traps), F: +3, R: +6, W: +4, CMB: +1, CMD: 14

"That was... unfortunate. How is everyone? we can reminisce about the library throwing the book at us later, we've got a mission."

Grand Lodge

Max HP: 24; Current HP: 21; AC: 17 (touch 15, FF 13); CMD: 16; F/R/W: +4/+8/+3 (+4 vs fear); Initiative: +4; Perception: +9

Tippy would like another, but you should quickly go about stopping the bleeding first.

Alright, I presume everyone can get themselves healed up in short order now. :P

The books are actually in fairly good condition - a few have some cuts through the pages or covers from Tippy's dagger, but for the most part Mohok's quick thinking with his mace saved them from too much damage. So long as you put them back on the shelves, a quick glance will probably not notice anything amiss--particularly if the other library goers know to avoid this case anyway.

Valerio does notice something curious in the pile of defeated, previously-animated books, however. He picks up an old book with a faded green cover; the front has no title, but instead merely a hand-written date: 3764~3775 AR. An interesting year indeed, for your previous research tells you that those are dates during which the Shining Crusades were ongoing. Looking around the mess, there are actually quite a number of similar-looking logbooks here, about a dozen in total in fact. And even the slightest glance proves to you how valuable they are: handwritten notebooks from the generals of the Shining Crusade!

You found a clue!

Generals' Logbooks: These journals record the perspectives of Taldan generals that led various phases of the Shining Crusade. Collectively, they provide valuable insight into challenges the crusaders had to overcome.

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf First Worlder 1 hp 3/9 | Init +2 | LLV Prcpt +1 | BAB0 | CMB-1 | CMD11 | F+1 R+2 W+3(+2v.enchantments) | AC14 t12 ff12

Bringing this forward from the last page and adding the new one to it.


Card Catalogue: This aging card catalogue system notes where one might find various types of information. The reference is somewhat dated and inaccurate.
Clue: Use this clue to learn how many clues or texts remain in any two rooms.

Esoteric Alphabetisation: This library uses a strange system for organising its texts: it alphabetises its texts based on the progression of major musical scales instead of using the Taldan alphabet.
Clue: You may use this clue to grant a +2 bonus on all checks made to find texts in a single room for the rest of the scenario.

Taldan Cipher 1: This text describes a cipher in which one must read the message backwards, reading only every third letter; all other letters are ignored. The example the book provides is "RMNEB SISWD IILPL OTRSES," which means "soldier".

Ruined Book: This book is a testament to why libraries should prohibit food and drink; someone spilled a beverage on it and sheepishly put it back on the shelf, where it has sat for several months at least.

An Exciting Read: You have found several particularly engaging texts, and you find it particularly easy to concentrate on the reading.
Clue: Use this clue before a PC rolls a skill check to find a clue or text. He rolls twice and takes the higher of the two rolls.

Cross Reference: A book references another promising text. If only you could find where that other text is...
Clue: You may use this clue to gain a +3 bonus on a single skill check made to find texts.

Hand-Written Notes: There are extensive notes scribbled in the margins of this book. These hand-written insights could be key to your next big discovery.
Clue: You may use this clue to gain a +3 bonus on a single skill check made to find texts.

Prolific Author: It appears that a long-dead historian wrote more than a dozen books on the topics you're researching. Perhaps you can find other insightful books by this author.
Clue: You may use this clue to gain a +3 bonus on a single skill check made to find texts.

Taldan Cipher 2: According to this text, one common cipher involves changing each consonant into the letter that comes three places after it in the alphabet and changing each vowel into the letter that comes two places before. For example, D would become G, U would become S, and Z would become C. (Since the vowels rotate backward and the consonants rotate forward, it's a particularly puzzling cipher to break.)

Failed Prophecies: This text gives a detailed analysis of hundreds of proclaimed "ironclad" prophecies that have failed since the disappearance of Aroden. The author speculates that any prophecy made by Arodenites should be viewed with considerable skepticism. (This is one of those "bogus" clues again that doesn't do anything.)

Encarthan Maps: These maps depict Lake Encarthan, the Isle of Terror, and the nations that surround it. Of particular interest are the hundreds of hand-drawn notes and lines showing troop movements, preserving the changing plans of the brilliant generals who orchestrated the Shining Crusade.

A Silver Horn: This text describes in detail an enchanted silver horn capable of granting courage in times of need, which Taldor used for the fifth Army of Exploration and much later during the Shining Crusade, when it was shattered into several pieces. A priest of Aroden prophesised that even if re-forged, the instrument would never sound again, and it was given a hero's burial. The text mentioned nothing of the horn's present location.

Hidden Gem: Right next to one great discovery, you make another incredible find!
Clue: Use this clue when you or another PC discovers a clue or text to find one additional clue or text, if any remain in the room. (If attempting to use this in a room that doesn't have any more clues, it doesn't count; this clue can be used again.)

Magical Assistance: Some of the bookshelves bear a minor enchantment that aids researches, such as briefly granting the benefits of read languages or creating an unseen servant to aid in collecting documents.
Clue: After the PCs roll skill checks to find documents, any of them may reroll the check before learning the result.

Generals' Logbooks: These journals record the perspectives of Taldan generals that led various phases of the Shining Crusade. Collectively, they provide valuable insight into challenges the crusaders had to overcome.

Shaking off his near death experience, Zherohd will use the hidden Gem to see if there's anything else of interest in this room before consulting the card catalogue to determine if there's anything left to find in the main room (with the lion in it)or in the lion blade's research room.

There are no more clues in this room (and you can keep that clue for another use), however there is one more clue in the main library. You found all of them in the Lion Blade study room though.

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf First Worlder 1 hp 3/9 | Init +2 | LLV Prcpt +1 | BAB0 | CMB-1 | CMD11 | F+1 R+2 W+3(+2v.enchantments) | AC14 t12 ff12

Alice, I want to clarify what the four rooms at the bottom of the map are.

The leftmost is the office, the rightmost is the Lion Blade study room, and the larger one we were attacked in is the book storage room, right? What's the one that the blind lady is in?

We should do more research in the main library. I'm going to re-check the office with the gem. Don't worry, I won't move anything.

The office is the room that we have to avoid disturbing, correct?

From left to right:
Iliyana's room
Lion Blade study room
Ancient text storeroom
Administrator's office (nobody has been here yet)
Side note, it's not a literal gem, lol.

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf First Worlder 1 hp 3/9 | Init +2 | LLV Prcpt +1 | BAB0 | CMB-1 | CMD11 | F+1 R+2 W+3(+2v.enchantments) | AC14 t12 ff12

Hmmm. In that case, I'm going to go back to the first couple of rooms to see if either of those have any clues left. Starting with the classroom.

When the group investigates the Administrator's Office, we should definitely use the Magical Assistance clue in that room.

Silver Crusade

M Half-Orc Ranger 9 | HP 85 | AC 28 | T 16 | FF 25 | CMD 31 | Fort +12 | Ref +12 | Will +11 | Init +2 | Perc +14 (Favored Terrain: +4 Urban, +2 Underground)

Mohok joins Zherohd, appreciating his logical approach to the problem. "I may not be much help, now that the flying books have been dealt with, but I can try," he says to Zherohd as they walk through the hallways.

If the blind guardian is within earshot as they walk past, he asks her, "Where do the stairs at the far end of the hall go?"

He means the stairs past the administrator's office, on the right side of the map.

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf First Worlder 1 hp 3/9 | Init +2 | LLV Prcpt +1 | BAB0 | CMB-1 | CMD11 | F+1 R+2 W+3(+2v.enchantments) | AC14 t12 ff12
Mohok wrote:

"Where do the stairs at the far end of the hall go?"

He means the stairs past the administrator's office, on the right side of the map.

I never even noticed those stairs. I hope there's not a whole nother level, because we're running out of time.

Grand Lodge

Male Elf Investigator 2 (HP: 28/25) (Pool: 0/5), Init: +3, AC: 17 T: 13, FF: 14, Perception +12 (+13 v Traps), F: +3, R: +6, W: +4, CMB: +1, CMD: 14

Zosimos stands back a bit and watches his comrades disperse. Once they have chosen a direction, he makes haste towards the room with the least amount of progress (Administrator's office I'm guessing.)

When Iliyana is collected (she stayed in the Lion Blades' office when Cesare had dashed out, not wanting to try her chances with whatever danger had been sprung upon you adventurers) and asked about the stairs at the end of the hall, she cocks her head at Mohok's question. "If I recall... it leads upstairs to another private study room." Anyone curious enough to head upstairs can indeed confirm that it opens up into a room not dissimilar to the one you left Muesello's magical cards in a little over an hour ago.

Reposting the Administrator's Office description:

Two rows of tall bookshelves flank an imposing yet beautiful carved wooden desk that presides over the office, complete with a plush sitting chair almost fit for a king. An assortment of documents and scrivener's tools are lined up neatly on the desktop. The books here seem to lean towards the daily running of the library, although even a glance reveals some rather fancy hard-backed encyclopaedias and the like lined up along these shelves.

Research Skills: Linguistics, Knowledge (history), text-based Craft or Profession check
Room Size: Small (max 4 occupants)

Grand Lodge

Max HP: 24; Current HP: 21; AC: 17 (touch 15, FF 13); CMD: 16; F/R/W: +4/+8/+3 (+4 vs fear); Initiative: +4; Perception: +9

While the others move on to the Administrator's Office, Tippy stays behind in the flying book room, helping to put stuff back.

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

So what do they do with these logbooks? Copy as much as they can? Rip the pages out and leave the bindings? Just take them?

The module is honestly not clear about what you do with the important clues. :P I presume you take extensive notes during the research period or possibly take the relevant books themselves with you back to the Society.

Tippy doesn't notice anything else amiss or interesting here in the dimly-lit room.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Oracle of Nature 1 / Bard 1 (arcane duelist) - HP -17/17 - AC 17/T: 15/FF:13 - Perception +4 - F: +3/ R: +0/ W: +3 - CMB: +4 - CMD: 12, Speed: 30, Init. +4

Does Cesare feel that he/they garnered all of the information they could about the Shining Crusade from the Lion Blades room? If not, he'll keep looking. If so, he'll proceed to the Administrator's Room anad have a look around.

And yes, Cesare is taking notes. I believe we were told not to steal any of the books.

Cesare would have no idea whether or not there are more clues in any given room! (Excepting, of course, that you know for a fact there is one more clue in the main library, thanks to the clue Zherohd used to elucidate that). All you know is that you found two clues in the study already.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Oracle of Nature 1 / Bard 1 (arcane duelist) - HP -17/17 - AC 17/T: 15/FF:13 - Perception +4 - F: +3/ R: +0/ W: +3 - CMB: +4 - CMD: 12, Speed: 30, Init. +4

Are clues the goal? We were sent for information about the Shining Crusade. Is that the same thing? Cesare would know when he's searched all the books, right? If in doubt, he'll keep looking in that room for another little while.

You were sent for information about the Shining Crusade. Some clues are that information (such as the logbooks). Other clues simply point you in the right direction (such as the cart catalogue or hidden gem). You wouldn't technically know if you've searched everything; maybe you missed something the first time around? Who knows?

The research system is meant to be an abstract way to search for information and take notes, not representing you literally looking at every single book in a room for the 15 minutes you're in there.

If you want to research somewhere, please do roll your checks...

Dark Archive

Male Tiefling Max HP: 9; Current HP: 9; AC: 11 (touch 11, FF 10); CMD: 9; F/R/W: +3/+1/+4; Initiative: +1; Perception +3; Sense Motive +2

Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14
History: 1d20 + 8 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 8 + 3 = 12

Scraping together as much of the information he can from the logbooks Valerio hurries into the much more grandiose office. He isn't really sure how much time they have left, and wants to make the most of it.

He quickly scans the room with detect magic, wouldn't want to mess with any more particularly aggressive novels, before jumping into another round of research; this time utilizing his knowledge that there is a particularly prolific author on the topic.

I'll use the Prolific Author clue in this room, mostly because I personally feel like we have clues to burn.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Oracle of Nature 1 / Bard 1 (arcane duelist) - HP -17/17 - AC 17/T: 15/FF:13 - Perception +4 - F: +3/ R: +0/ W: +3 - CMB: +4 - CMD: 12, Speed: 30, Init. +4

Feeling that perhaps something has been left behind, Cesare searches the Lion Blades room again.

Perception: 1d20 + 3 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 + 3 = 18

Knowledge (History): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11

Edit: I included the bonus, but forgot to say that I was using the Cross-Reference clue.

Grand Lodge

Male Elf Investigator 2 (HP: 28/25) (Pool: 0/5), Init: +3, AC: 17 T: 13, FF: 14, Perception +12 (+13 v Traps), F: +3, R: +6, W: +4, CMB: +1, CMD: 14

Administrative Privelages!

Linguistics: 1d20 + 8 + 1d6 ⇒ (4) + 8 + (2) = 14

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf First Worlder 1 hp 3/9 | Init +2 | LLV Prcpt +1 | BAB0 | CMB-1 | CMD11 | F+1 R+2 W+3(+2v.enchantments) | AC14 t12 ff12


Card Catalogue: This aging card catalogue system notes where one might find various types of information. The reference is somewhat dated and inaccurate.
Clue: Use this clue to learn how many clues or texts remain in any two rooms.

Esoteric Alphabetisation: This library uses a strange system for organising its texts: it alphabetises its texts based on the progression of major musical scales instead of using the Taldan alphabet.
Clue: You may use this clue to grant a +2 bonus on all checks made to find texts in a single room for the rest of the scenario.

Cross Reference: A book references another promising text. If only you could find where that other text is...
Clue: You may use this clue to gain a +3 bonus on a single skill check made to find texts.

Prolific Author: It appears that a long-dead historian wrote more than a dozen books on the topics you're researching. Perhaps you can find other insightful books by this author.
Clue: You may use this clue to gain a +3 bonus on a single skill check made to find texts.

Ruined Book: This book is a testament to why libraries should prohibit food and drink; someone spilled a beverage on it and sheepishly put it back on the shelf, where it has sat for several months at least.

Failed Prophecies: This text gives a detailed analysis of hundreds of proclaimed "ironclad" prophecies that have failed since the disappearance of Aroden. The author speculates that any prophecy made by Arodenites should be viewed with considerable skepticism. (This is one of those "bogus" clues again that doesn't do anything.)

Taldan Cipher 1: This text describes a cipher in which one must read the message backwards, reading only every third letter; all other letters are ignored. The example the book provides is "RMNEB SISWD IILPL OTRSES," which means "soldier".

Taldan Cipher 2: According to this text, one common cipher involves changing each consonant into the letter that comes three places after it in the alphabet and changing each vowel into the letter that comes two places before. For example, D would become G, U would become S, and Z would become C. (Since the vowels rotate backward and the consonants rotate forward, it's a particularly puzzling cipher to break.)

An Exciting Read: You have found several particularly engaging texts, and you find it particularly easy to concentrate on the reading.
Clue: Use this clue before a PC rolls a skill check to find a clue or text. He rolls twice and takes the higher of the two rolls.

Hand-Written Notes: There are extensive notes scribbled in the margins of this book. These hand-written insights could be key to your next big discovery.
Clue: You may use this clue to gain a +3 bonus on a single skill check made to find texts.

Hidden Gem: Right next to one great discovery, you make another incredible find!
Clue: Use this clue when you or another PC discovers a clue or text to find one additional clue or text, if any remain in the room. (If attempting to use this in a room that doesn't have any more clues, it doesn't count; this clue can be used again.)

Magical Assistance: Some of the bookshelves bear a minor enchantment that aids researches, such as briefly granting the benefits of read languages or creating an unseen servant to aid in collecting documents.
Clue: After the PCs roll skill checks to find documents, any of them may reroll the check before learning the result.

Encarthan Maps: These maps depict Lake Encarthan, the Isle of Terror, and the nations that surround it. Of particular interest are the hundreds of hand-drawn notes and lines showing troop movements, preserving the changing plans of the brilliant generals who orchestrated the Shining Crusade.

A Silver Horn: This text describes in detail an enchanted silver horn capable of granting courage in times of need, which Taldor used for the fifth Army of Exploration and much later during the Shining Crusade, when it was shattered into several pieces. A priest of Aroden prophesised that even if re-forged, the instrument would never sound again, and it was given a hero's burial. The text mentioned nothing of the horn's present location.

Generals' Logbooks: These journals record the perspectives of Taldan generals that led various phases of the Shining Crusade. Collectively, they provide valuable insight into challenges the crusaders had to overcome.

Some of the "clues" we've found so far certainly seem like their the sort of historically useful information we're looking for. The ones that don't list any mechanical bonuses to the whole looking for more clues mechanic are presumably the ones we need to accomplish our mission. In any case, I've sorted the list out so the clues are together, the cipher stuff is together, the "fake clues" are together, and the useful info is together.

I think I misunderstood how the hidden gem works. I have to actually roll well enough to find a clue, then choose to use the gem to instead find an extra clue, correct?

Also, Cesare, Alice said that the card catalogue clue told me that there was nothing left to find in the study.

GM Alice wrote:
...there is one more clue in the main library. You found all of them in the Lion Blade study room though.

Anyhow, given that I know there's only one clue in the main library, and that we've already found stuff in the first couple rooms, I'll join in the search of the office and use the Hidden Gem if (when?) we find something there. I'm also going to use An Exciting Read to roll twice.

Linguistics: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25
Linguistics: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15

That leaves us with Handwritten Notes and Magical Assistance to use up. My suggestion is that whoever has the best research skill for the main library head back there and use the Notes, and, if needed, the Magical Assistance to try to find the clue that we know was missed there.

Oops, I'm sorry for giving you conflicting information there Cesare. I somehow got it in my head that Zherohd used the card catalogue on the ancient texts room. So, actually, you do know there's nothing more of use in the study room. But only because of that. :P

Zherohd, yes, that's basically how the Hidden Gem works.

I'll just have Mohok join the others in the office.

Mohok - Profession (glue-eating): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17 :)

Office: Mohok, Valerio, Zosimos, Zherohd

After entering the room, you discover that there is yet another portrait of Grand Prince Stavian III in this room, hung high above the doorway so that he and his particularly smug grin in this portrayal can watch over everything as he pleases. A brass plaque on the frame of the portrait reads, "A cunning lie is never told twice."

While searching around, Valerio opens up the top drawer of the administrator's desk. Inside he discovers two potion vials: one is filled with what appears to be gas rather than liquid, while the other has clear liquid inside, almost like water. DC 20 to identify the gaseous potion, and DC 17 to identify the watery potion.

Zherohd finds quite the exciting tome--a revised edition of the cipher book you've all been chasing this long! It has even more information on a third type of cipher that you haven't seen before. The others, meanwhile, locate some academic papers with bibliographies almost as long as their actual reports. The papers themselves are dry and uninteresting, but perhaps some of these sources would come in handy, should you find them.

You found two clues!

Taldan Cipher 3: This text contains an example of an encoded message that uses a common substitution cipher (in which each letter represents a different letter). It claims that "DQFIZ KPIED WZYWS QIVKO ZKXFW ZIMVT DQFXW CFPAF PDFZ VFTJF" translates to "The orcs of Tar-Baphon circle around the lake's western edge."

Bibliographic References: Several relevant books have extensive indices and bibliographies that might point to even greater discoveries.
Clue: You may use this clue to gain a +5 bonus on a single skill check made to find texts.

For those in the office - Perception DC 20:
You notice a lever underneath the heavy-set wooden desk, hidden on the back of a table leg and painted to seem like a knot in the wood. Further investigation additionally determines that there is some kind of doorway hidden on the back wall behind the desk, its outline shrouded by the outlines of the fancy wood panelling. Logic suggests the lever is likely to open this door.

Lion Blades room: Cesare, Iliyana

You return to the study room with Iliyana and fill her in on the battle while searching around some more. She shakes her head sadly. "Now I understand why they warned me away from it... they certainly have some bizarre security measures here, don't they?"

Alas, for all your efforts you don't come up with anything else of note.

Ancient Books Room: Tippy

You stay behind to dutifully put back the books where they came from (Not an easy task at times, particularly when they're on the top shelf! Ah, the woes of being a halfling.) You ultimately come away from the affair with nothing more than the satisfaction that you've done a good job at hiding your presence here.


For all three of you, it takes about eight minutes for you to do a single pass of the rooms you're in. You believe you're about fifteen minutes into your second hour.

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf First Worlder 1 hp 3/9 | Init +2 | LLV Prcpt +1 | BAB0 | CMB-1 | CMD11 | F+1 R+2 W+3(+2v.enchantments) | AC14 t12 ff12

Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
Potions are id'd with Spellcraft, correct?
Spellcraft, gas: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22
Spellcraft, liquid: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

Alice, did those two clues include the hidden gem bonus clue? If not, I'd like to use the hidden gem in this room.

clues (leaving out the ones that were previously crossed off):

Hidden Gem: Right next to one great discovery, you make another incredible find!
Clue: Use this clue when you or another PC discovers a clue or text to find one additional clue or text, if any remain in the room. (If attempting to use this in a room that doesn't have any more clues, it doesn't count; this clue can be used again.)

An Exciting Read: You have found several particularly engaging texts, and you find it particularly easy to concentrate on the reading.
Clue: Use this clue before a PC rolls a skill check to find a clue or text. He rolls twice and takes the higher of the two rolls.

Taldan Cipher 1: This text describes a cipher in which one must read the message backwards, reading only every third letter; all other letters are ignored. The example the book provides is "RMNEB SISWD IILPL OTRSES," which means "soldier".

Taldan Cipher 2: According to this text, one common cipher involves changing each consonant into the letter that comes three places after it in the alphabet and changing each vowel into the letter that comes two places before. For example, D would become G, U would become S, and Z would become C. (Since the vowels rotate backward and the consonants rotate forward, it's a particularly puzzling cipher to break.)

Taldan Cipher 3: This text contains an example of an encoded message that uses a common substitution cipher (in which each letter represents a different letter). It claims that "DQFIZ KPIED WZYWS QIVKO ZKXFW ZIMVT DQFXW CFPAF PDFZ VFTJF" translates to "The orcs of Tar-Baphon circle around the lake's western edge."

Hand-Written Notes: There are extensive notes scribbled in the margins of this book. These hand-written insights could be key to your next big discovery.
Clue: You may use this clue to gain a +3 bonus on a single skill check made to find texts.

Magical Assistance: Some of the bookshelves bear a minor enchantment that aids researches, such as briefly granting the benefits of read languages or creating an unseen servant to aid in collecting documents.
Clue: After the PCs roll skill checks to find documents, any of them may reroll the check before learning the result.

Bibliographic References: Several relevant books have extensive indices and bibliographies that might point to even greater discoveries.
Clue: You may use this clue to gain a +5 bonus on a single skill check made to find texts.

Encarthan Maps: These maps depict Lake Encarthan, the Isle of Terror, and the nations that surround it. Of particular interest are the hundreds of hand-drawn notes and lines showing troop movements, preserving the changing plans of the brilliant generals who orchestrated the Shining Crusade.

A Silver Horn: This text describes in detail an enchanted silver horn capable of granting courage in times of need, which Taldor used for the fifth Army of Exploration and much later during the Shining Crusade, when it was shattered into several pieces. A priest of Aroden prophesised that even if re-forged, the instrument would never sound again, and it was given a hero's burial. The text mentioned nothing of the horn's present location.

Generals' Logbooks: These journals record the perspectives of Taldan generals that led various phases of the Shining Crusade. Collectively, they provide valuable insight into challenges the crusaders had to overcome.

You actually got both without using the hidden gem... you had a high enough roll with that 18 on Linguistics. So I'll let you keep it for now.

Gaseous potion is a potion of gaseous form, liquid potion is an elixir of vision. Are you going to take them, then?

Silver Crusade

M Half-Orc Ranger 9 | HP 85 | AC 28 | T 16 | FF 25 | CMD 31 | Fort +12 | Ref +12 | Will +11 | Init +2 | Perc +14 (Favored Terrain: +4 Urban, +2 Underground)

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19

Mohok looks around the room, licking traces of glue off his lips, and pondering what the scholars' next move will be.

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf First Worlder 1 hp 3/9 | Init +2 | LLV Prcpt +1 | BAB0 | CMB-1 | CMD11 | F+1 R+2 W+3(+2v.enchantments) | AC14 t12 ff12

For now I'll just tell the others what the potions are. I'm not sure that we should use them and leave evidence of our presence.

Beyond that I want to wait and see what the others in this room manage to roll on their perception checks before deciding what I want to do next.

Anyone looking at my spoiler above, I haven't actually managed to use the Hidden Gem yet, but it's too late to edit the comment and un-strike it

If either Zosimos or Valerio can make a successful aid another, I'll allow it to apply to Mohok's roll for the purposes of that spoiler.

Dark Archive

Male Tiefling Max HP: 9; Current HP: 9; AC: 11 (touch 11, FF 10); CMD: 9; F/R/W: +3/+1/+4; Initiative: +1; Perception +3; Sense Motive +2

Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21

Valerio attempts to use his keep diabolical eyes to aid Mohok in his search around the room, and for once, his keen diabolical eyes actually seem surprisingly keen!

He also glances at the discovered potions and shakes his head, "I say we go with our better judgement and don't pilfer everything not nailed down, for once."

Silver Crusade

M Half-Orc Ranger 9 | HP 85 | AC 28 | T 16 | FF 25 | CMD 31 | Fort +12 | Ref +12 | Will +11 | Init +2 | Perc +14 (Favored Terrain: +4 Urban, +2 Underground)

As Mohok carefully scans high and low in the room, being extremely thorough, Valerio prompts him, "Did you look under the desk?" Mohok rolls his great eyes ever so slightly and takes a quick peek under the heavy wooden desk, then starts in mild surprise.

"Well, look at that," he murmurs, then says more loudly, "There's a lever under the desk, hidden on the back leg, and they've painted it to look like a knot in the wood. And on the wall behind the desk, I can make out the faint outline of a doorway, though it's well hidden by all the fancy wood panelling. I'd guess that the lever will open this door. Maybe Tippy could take a look at it, and someone could scan it for magic, before we pop it open?"

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf First Worlder 1 hp 3/9 | Init +2 | LLV Prcpt +1 | BAB0 | CMB-1 | CMD11 | F+1 R+2 W+3(+2v.enchantments) | AC14 t12 ff12

One little magic book trap and suddenly everyone's all paranoid.

Detect Magic to see if there's anything to find on the doorway.

Nothing magical on the doorway.

Grand Lodge

Male Elf Investigator 2 (HP: 28/25) (Pool: 0/5), Init: +3, AC: 17 T: 13, FF: 14, Perception +12 (+13 v Traps), F: +3, R: +6, W: +4, CMB: +1, CMD: 14

I'll take 10 on the Aid, I can't fail.

The Investigator's demeanor is beginning to show cracks, like he's worried that he'll leave some massive bit of information behind in the rush.

Silver Crusade

M Half-Orc Ranger 9 | HP 85 | AC 28 | T 16 | FF 25 | CMD 31 | Fort +12 | Ref +12 | Will +11 | Init +2 | Perc +14 (Favored Terrain: +4 Urban, +2 Underground)

Valerio already aided Mohok, that's how the lever and secret door were found.

Grand Lodge

Male Elf Investigator 2 (HP: 28/25) (Pool: 0/5), Init: +3, AC: 17 T: 13, FF: 14, Perception +12 (+13 v Traps), F: +3, R: +6, W: +4, CMB: +1, CMD: 14

My bad.

Zosimos will look at the door, examining with practiced eyes:

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21 (+1 more for traps beyond the roll.)

Disable Device if needed: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20

Ooh, right on the number there with that disable check, Zosimos!

Zosimos closely inspects the secret door and determines that there is indeed some kind of protective mechanism interleaved with it. It seems to be some kind of projectile that fires when you open the door. Using his various tools, he carefully operates on the opening where a dart appears to shoot through and snips some of the wiring that would activate the trap. Satisfied with his handiwork, Zosimos opens the door--and, thankfully, nothing shoots out at him. Beyond is a short, narrow hallway, the walls completely unadorned. It abruptly turns off to the south almost immediately.

The others are called back in once they're done their thing, and the party proceeds down the back entrance with wary curiosity. After opening another wooden doorway, you find yourselves in some kind of hidden vault of knowledge, the east and west walls lined by cabinets with two tall drawers apiece. Looking in the filing cabinets reveals that they are filled with dozens upon dozens of dossiers detailing the machinations of Lion Blade agents both past and present. Examining the documents in their entirety would take weeks, but even a cursory search of the papers shows that Taldor's most infamous spies maintain a presence in nearly every nation of the Inner Sea region and in numerous nations that lie beyond. There are other documents pertaining to known artifacts, holy sites, and cursed properties, but nothing that seems relevant to your task here today.

Six free-standing statuettes of lions in various poses stand variously atop the furniture here. Each miniature lion is portrayed in a different way:

* One crouches as if preparing to ambush its prey.
* The second is roaring as it leaps at prey.
* The third wears a yoke that is chained to a large block that the lion strains to pull.
* The fourth wears a tiny pair of spectacles and reads from an ornate scroll.
* The fifth is draped in the flag of Taldor. Okay, that's not the flag of Taldor at all, but use your imagination. ;)
* The sixth sits erect and wears a crown.

A relief carving of a lion's head - not unlike that of the Guardian back out in the main library - dominates the south wall, hanging imperiously over a low stone step. The step has four shallow, cylindrical recesses that are the same size as the base on each of the lion statuettes scattered about the room.

Perception DC 15:
Though the lion statue appears to simply be stone rather than a magnificent animated wonder (as the Guardian would describe himself as), it seems to conceal a hidden door behind its bulk. The stone step seems to act as a combination lock--though rather than locking the door, it seems ready to trigger some other device should someone open the door without disarming it.

Silver Crusade

M Half-Orc Ranger 9 | HP 85 | AC 28 | T 16 | FF 25 | CMD 31 | Fort +12 | Ref +12 | Will +11 | Init +2 | Perc +14 (Favored Terrain: +4 Urban, +2 Underground)

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19

Mohok looks around the room, admiring the lion statues. He then turns his attention to the lion's head carved in relief on the wall a moment, then says, "Another secret door! Hidden behind the lion's head, and it looks like the steps underneath it are some kind of mechanism - but not to unlock the door. It has to do with some kind of trigger, I think. Zosimos, Tippy, would you take a look at this?"

Feel free to peek behind spoiler, so the door situation is clear.

Really cool to seek out and include all those pictures, Alice!

What the two of them can tell is essentially that it's a combination lock, but if you put in the wrong input ~something~ will happen. And yes, it's magical.

Also, I forgot to mention, but... this room might have some fun stuff in it too.

Research Skills: Linguistics, Knowledge (history), text-based Craft or Profession check
Room Size: Medium (max 5 occupants)

Silver Crusade

M Half-Orc Ranger 9 | HP 85 | AC 28 | T 16 | FF 25 | CMD 31 | Fort +12 | Ref +12 | Will +11 | Init +2 | Perc +14 (Favored Terrain: +4 Urban, +2 Underground)

As with the other rooms, Mohok takes a careful look around this room, before it's disturbed by his companions. He carefully notes the location of everything in the room, so it can be restored to its original state, and hunts for any signs of heavy use or more regular foot traffic.

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16
Survival, to track: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf First Worlder 1 hp 3/9 | Init +2 | LLV Prcpt +1 | BAB0 | CMB-1 | CMD11 | F+1 R+2 W+3(+2v.enchantments) | AC14 t12 ff12

I suspect the combination is something that a Lion Blade would know automatically. Perhaps some sort of motto of the organization that would match up to four of the statuettes? In any case, I shall entrust that Tippy and Zosimos will be able to puzzle it out.

With that, Zherohd begins searching the texts, and will make use of the hand-written notes.

Linguistics: 1d20 + 7 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 7 + 3 = 25

Grand Lodge

Male Human Oracle of Nature 1 / Bard 1 (arcane duelist) - HP -17/17 - AC 17/T: 15/FF:13 - Perception +4 - F: +3/ R: +0/ W: +3 - CMB: +4 - CMD: 12, Speed: 30, Init. +4

Cesare kneels before the "lock" and examines it without touching it.

Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12 Meh.

I've given you basically all the information there is to know about the combination lock. You also have all the clues to solve the puzzle, you may just not realise it yet. :)

I'm going to assume everyone 'maxes out' the occupancy of this room, but with Zherohd's check you basically auto succeed.

Some of the party get to rifling through the filing cabinets for anything interesting while the others turn their attentions to the combination lock. It's brilliant, brilliant time-efficiency! In any case, Zherohd's panache with language causes his attention to be caught by one book in particular, its title a multi-lingual pun in three different languages. The text contains riddles, poetry, puns, and other such wordplay, but the curious part is one section on a somewhat familiar silver horn...

You found a clue!

Cryptic References: This text is a mess of esoteric poetry and obscure riddles. One of these entries describes a silver horn once used by Taldor, which seems to be hidden somewhere in southern Brevoy. Spending considerably more time analyzing the poem may reveal additional hints about this horn and its location.

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf First Worlder 1 hp 3/9 | Init +2 | LLV Prcpt +1 | BAB0 | CMB-1 | CMD11 | F+1 R+2 W+3(+2v.enchantments) | AC14 t12 ff12

I'm pretty sure that four of the six statues match up to the portraits of Stavian that we've seen, given what that Stereogram said about "our monarch's virtues are our own". We'll still have to decide which four match, and what order to put them in the slots though.

Portrait labels::

To serve Taldor, I must first learn the history of Taldor
In the end, loyalty is its own reward.
A cunning lie is never told twice.


One crouches as if preparing to ambush its prey.
The second is roaring as it leaps at prey.
The third wears a yoke that is chained to a large block that the lion strains to pull.
The fourth wears a tiny pair of spectacles and reads from an ornate scroll.
The fifth is draped in the flag of Taldor. Okay, that's not the flag of Taldor at all, but use your imagination. ;)
The sixth sits erect and wears a crown.

My guess is that the yoked statue is Perseverance, the bespectacled statue is the historian, the flag wearer is loyalty and the crouching lion is the liar. But I haven't the foggiest of what order to put them in.

I wonder if the statue or the lady know...

clues remaining:

Taldan Cipher 1: This text describes a cipher in which one must read the message backwards, reading only every third letter; all other letters are ignored. The example the book provides is "RMNEB SISWD IILPL OTRSES," which means "soldier".

Taldan Cipher 2: According to this text, one common cipher involves changing each consonant into the letter that comes three places after it in the alphabet and changing each vowel into the letter that comes two places before. For example, D would become G, U would become S, and Z would become C. (Since the vowels rotate backward and the consonants rotate forward, it's a particularly puzzling cipher to break.)

Taldan Cipher 3: This text contains an example of an encoded message that uses a common substitution cipher (in which each letter represents a different letter). It claims that "DQFIZ KPIED WZYWS QIVKO ZKXFW ZIMVT DQFXW CFPAF PDFZ VFTJF" translates to "The orcs of Tar-Baphon circle around the lake's western edge."

Hand-Written Notes: There are extensive notes scribbled in the margins of this book. These hand-written insights could be key to your next big discovery.
Clue: You may use this clue to gain a +3 bonus on a single skill check made to find texts.

Magical Assistance: Some of the bookshelves bear a minor enchantment that aids researches, such as briefly granting the benefits of read languages or creating an unseen servant to aid in collecting documents.
Clue: After the PCs roll skill checks to find documents, any of them may reroll the check before learning the result.

Bibliographic References: Several relevant books have extensive indices and bibliographies that might point to even greater discoveries.
Clue: You may use this clue to gain a +5 bonus on a single skill check made to find texts.

Encarthan Maps: These maps depict Lake Encarthan, the Isle of Terror, and the nations that surround it. Of particular interest are the hundreds of hand-drawn notes and lines showing troop movements, preserving the changing plans of the brilliant generals who orchestrated the Shining Crusade.

A Silver Horn: This text describes in detail an enchanted silver horn capable of granting courage in times of need, which Taldor used for the fifth Army of Exploration and much later during the Shining Crusade, when it was shattered into several pieces. A priest of Aroden prophesised that even if re-forged, the instrument would never sound again, and it was given a hero's burial. The text mentioned nothing of the horn's present location.

Generals' Logbooks: These journals record the perspectives of Taldan generals that led various phases of the Shining Crusade. Collectively, they provide valuable insight into challenges the crusaders had to overcome.

Cryptic References: This text is a mess of esoteric poetry and obscure riddles. One of these entries describes a silver horn once used by Taldor, which seems to be hidden somewhere in southern Brevoy. Spending considerably more time analyzing the poem may reveal additional hints about this horn and its location.

To correct one of your portrait labels, it's actually "Persevere, persevere, persevere!"

If asked about the combination lock, Iliyana shakes her head. "I wasn't even aware this room existed..."

Silver Crusade

M Half-Orc Ranger 9 | HP 85 | AC 28 | T 16 | FF 25 | CMD 31 | Fort +12 | Ref +12 | Will +11 | Init +2 | Perc +14 (Favored Terrain: +4 Urban, +2 Underground)

"Hmmm, I wonder," Mohok mutters slowly, his deep voice reverberating, "it looks like four of the little lion statues would fit in the little holes on the step under the lion's head. So how do we pick which lions?"

He squints one eye and scratches his head a moment, then asks his companions, "We saw some plaques or carvings on the way in here, could they be clues to which lions? The last one, in the blind guardian's room, no less, said 'In the end, loyalty is its own reward.' But which of these is the loyal lion?"

He looks around at the others and says, "Of course, that might have nothing to do with this puzzle. Any other ideas how we figure out which lions to use, or should we just try 'em and see if something terrible happens?"

Grand Lodge

Max HP: 24; Current HP: 21; AC: 17 (touch 15, FF 13); CMD: 16; F/R/W: +4/+8/+3 (+4 vs fear); Initiative: +4; Perception: +9

Are the portraits all showing Stavian at the same age? Do any of the plaques have any other markings that might indicate an order of importance.

"Those four lions do seem like they best fit the four painting inscriptions," Tippy says. "It's just a question of the order."

Yes, they don't seem to be noticeably different in age. Besides small differences in style or expression, the paintings themselves are very similar. You didn't notice anything odd about the plaques, they all looked similar as well (besides what is written on them).

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Dun dun dun dun...

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf First Worlder 1 hp 3/9 | Init +2 | LLV Prcpt +1 | BAB0 | CMB-1 | CMD11 | F+1 R+2 W+3(+2v.enchantments) | AC14 t12 ff12


Grand Lodge

Max HP: 26; Current HP: 26; AC 11 (touch 11, FF 11); CMD: 7; F/R/W: +4/+2/+6 (+8 vs illusions)


I have Gilfroy here, a zen archer, or a halfling knife master, if that works better for the group to fill our needs.

Grand Lodge

Max HP: 24; Current HP: 21; AC: 17 (touch 15, FF 13); CMD: 16; F/R/W: +4/+8/+3 (+4 vs fear); Initiative: +4; Perception: +9

Halfling Knife Master 1. I totally don't care which one I play, so everybody else tell me who they'd rather have at their backs (in a good way, in the case of this guy).

Thanks for having me, Alice, in spite of my failure to comply with even the most basic of your application requirements. Flattery got me somewhere, I guess. ;)

It looks like we could use some melee, perhaps a touch of divinity as well. Hmm. I already have several inquisitors, and I'm not much into paladins, so I'll have to ponder this. I may just go the smashing things route, though it would be nice to have a wee bit of healing in the party.

I'll let you/the group decide on Gilfroy or Tippy, Nazard. I've got no qualms with either.

Khelreddin, as I mentioned just now on the recruitment thread there's apparently ways to circumvent all combats in this module (although I can't tell how easy/hard that is just yet). Cesare, the bard, can cast CLW as well. Suit him up with a wand and you might be fine.

Grand Lodge

Max HP: 24; Current HP: 21; AC: 17 (touch 15, FF 13); CMD: 16; F/R/W: +4/+8/+3 (+4 vs fear); Initiative: +4; Perception: +9

I'll go with Tippy, since I just applied to another PFS PBP with Gilfroy, where he'll be a good fit.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Oracle of Nature 1 / Bard 1 (arcane duelist) - HP -17/17 - AC 17/T: 15/FF:13 - Perception +4 - F: +3/ R: +0/ W: +3 - CMB: +4 - CMD: 12, Speed: 30, Init. +4

Yup. Diplomacy first, hitting things second!

So with Tippy joining us, what's our current make-up? Something like this, I think:

1: Alice's Friend - Unknown Undetermined 1
2: Zherohd Zhi - Half-Elf Summoner 1
3: Tippy Fullbottle - Halfling Rogue (Knife Master/Scout) 1
4: Cesare Andistore - Human Bard 1
5: Khelreddin's mysterious character - Classified Information 1
6: Zosimos, Rogue (Investigator) 1

What's your likely direction, Betwixt? I've made no progress on a character yet, looking for inspiration in a sense of what else is in the mix.

Grand Lodge

Male Elf Investigator 2 (HP: 28/25) (Pool: 0/5), Init: +3, AC: 17 T: 13, FF: 14, Perception +12 (+13 v Traps), F: +3, R: +6, W: +4, CMB: +1, CMD: 14

Slight correction:

Zosimos is a Beta Investigator (though with 0 chronicles).

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf First Worlder 1 hp 3/9 | Init +2 | LLV Prcpt +1 | BAB0 | CMB-1 | CMD11 | F+1 R+2 W+3(+2v.enchantments) | AC14 t12 ff12

Alice, I wanted to discuss the First Worlder archetype well before we get started. Because the First Worlder's Summon Nature's Ally class feature replaces rather than modifying the regular summoner's Summon Monster class feature, it doesn't have the same restrictions (or benefits) as the regular ability. That is to say, my summons will be full round actions with durations of round/level rather than minute/level. But I can have them out at the same time as my Eidolon, and (once I'm high enough level at least) can have more than one active at a time.
JJ saying this is intended

I doubt it'll come up much during the scenario, since they'd only last for one round, but I wanted to mention it. Because if we do get into a tough fight, it's pretty much the only way Zherohd can meaningfully contribute.

Good to know. Did not realise that's how the archetype worked. That's kinda cool.

I'm partial to the half-elf archetype that gets summon nature's ally myself...

Probably some kind of divine spellcaster, it's always quite a safe assumption with me. Actually, maybe even a shaman could be a fun and novel change!

I'll definitely have a character done by the end of today, since today is my "procrastinate but pretend I'm doing my pharmacokinetics assignment for 12 hours day." :)

Dark Archive

Male Tiefling Max HP: 9; Current HP: 9; AC: 11 (touch 11, FF 10); CMD: 9; F/R/W: +3/+1/+4; Initiative: +1; Perception +3; Sense Motive +2

Because having a bunch of chaotic good hooligans trouncing around a library unsupervised is dangerous.

Grand Lodge

Male Fey Eidolon 1 hp 1/4 (bleed 1) | Init +1 | LLV,DV | Prcpt +8 | BAB0 | CMB3 | CMD14 | F+1 R+3 W+2 | AC13 t11 ff12

Who you calling a hooligan, devil worshipper?

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf First Worlder 1 hp 3/9 | Init +2 | LLV Prcpt +1 | BAB0 | CMB-1 | CMD11 | F+1 R+2 W+3(+2v.enchantments) | AC14 t12 ff12

He's calling you a hooligan Cademon. Because you are. Now behave in front of the devil worshiper.

Since we're so well set up to go stealthily and diplomatically through this thing, without upsetting anyone's applecarts, or talking too loudly in the Lion's Library, I've made the logical choice for what sort of character to play: a half-orc fighter.

I've been playing various forms of D&D since 1981 or so, and have never played a half-orc, figured it was time. I'll try not to step on anyone's toes as they sneak around...

The only thing I'll say is to encourage your fighter to have some decent "indoors" skills... because the monk in the game I'm playing of this at the moment is having a lot of "Sigh, I aid another... again" kind of moments as he's not really built for the "smart" skills.

Unless you're happy to do that, of course. :P

Hrm. You're feeding my second thoughts. I do like a character that has more than one thing they can do - which is why I always find myself playing rangers and inquisitors.

Given how demonic this season of PFS is, maybe I'll go ranger (infiltrator) with outsider (evil) as my first favored enemy. Hell, I could even throw in the skirmisher archetype on top of that, just for variety.

I can't say I like the idea of watching everyone else sneak away from my half-orc fighter, then talk their way out of a fight, and then whistle for me to come catch up from where I've been quietly hiding.

I feel ya. I love rangers, inquisitors and bards for that same reason.

I suppose the upside is that you can play whatever for this game and change it down the track if you're not satisfied. Yay for level 1 rebuilds.

Grand Lodge

Male Elf Investigator 2 (HP: 28/25) (Pool: 0/5), Init: +3, AC: 17 T: 13, FF: 14, Perception +12 (+13 v Traps), F: +3, R: +6, W: +4, CMB: +1, CMD: 14

I try to build my characters like a college student. That is to say they have a major and a minor. That way if a scenario ISN'T my focus, I hopefully can contribute using my minor focus.

(Oh, don't look a tthe crunch in my profile yet, I'm slowly typing over my high level ranger, so the numbers aren't at all correct.)

Considering that currently Valerio is about as stealthy as a 5 year old after a bottle of red cordial, he might be around to hold your hand Khel. Haha.

This incarnation of his is actually a LOT more buff than he was originally. He's actually probably going to go into Mystic Theurge, so his final incarnation will have significantly more int.

If we really do want to try and avoid combat as much as possible though, he could revert to his significantly more knowledgeable incarnation depending.

Silver Crusade

M Half-Orc Ranger 9 | HP 85 | AC 28 | T 16 | FF 25 | CMD 31 | Fort +12 | Ref +12 | Will +11 | Init +2 | Perc +14 (Favored Terrain: +4 Urban, +2 Underground)

Here is Mohok, half-orc demon-slayer, ready to get his library card.

Driven from the lands of the late Belkzen by his mother's own people for being too 'human' for their liking, he travelled to Nerosyan, where he believed his father might be. Though he fought the demons menacing Nerosyan with all the wrath and rage he'd built up in his short life, he was despised for being too much an orc, and left his father's lands as well, seeking acceptance and meaning somewhere in the world.

In the course of his travels, Mohok learned of the Pathfinder Society, and heard that they'll take all sorts, perhaps even his. He's signed up for his first mission - and he's hoping there's some demons.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Oracle of Nature 1 / Bard 1 (arcane duelist) - HP -17/17 - AC 17/T: 15/FF:13 - Perception +4 - F: +3/ R: +0/ W: +3 - CMB: +4 - CMD: 12, Speed: 30, Init. +4

GM Alice - Do you want to open the Gameplay thread for dotting and introductions?

Gameplay thread is up, by request. :P

Grand Lodge

Male Elf Investigator 2 (HP: 28/25) (Pool: 0/5), Init: +3, AC: 17 T: 13, FF: 14, Perception +12 (+13 v Traps), F: +3, R: +6, W: +4, CMB: +1, CMD: 14

If I may recommend:

The "Initiative Quickpost" I use on my PbP makes my life a lot easier. Feel free to steal.

Since the website update, Wayfinder hasn't worked well. I'm hoping it gets an update. That makes posting as a player much easier.

To make life smoother on the other players, feel free to make assumptions about my character's actions. As long as you're not expending my resources I have NO problem with people having me Aid Another, use my Knowledge (Any) skills etc. No need to wait for me to post if you want my help now.

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf First Worlder 1 hp 3/9 | Init +2 | LLV Prcpt +1 | BAB0 | CMB-1 | CMD11 | F+1 R+2 W+3(+2v.enchantments) | AC14 t12 ff12

Initiative quickpost?

Grand Lodge

Male Elf Investigator 2 (HP: 28/25) (Pool: 0/5), Init: +3, AC: 17 T: 13, FF: 14, Perception +12 (+13 v Traps), F: +3, R: +6, W: +4, CMB: +1, CMD: 14

When I GM I put in the game description everyone's initiative with dice code attached:


That way the GM can simply cut and paste easily. Works for Perception checks, group saves, etc.

Grand Lodge

Max HP: 24; Current HP: 21; AC: 17 (touch 15, FF 13); CMD: 16; F/R/W: +4/+8/+3 (+4 vs fear); Initiative: +4; Perception: +9

I can already tell that Zherohd will make a wonderful target for Tippy. The little guy's going to have fun finding all the half-elf's buttons and pushing them one by one...

I also don't mind if folks assume Aid Anothers, Knowledge checks, etc. it's all about speeding up game play in a PBP.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yeah, I've started keeping inits saved on the campaign info page for my other game, so I'll be doing the same for this :)

Side note - I hope the creator fixes Wayfinder soon. Really annoying to post via mobile at the moment. I'm kinda tempted to make a similar app myself... I need an excuse to learn Android development anyway.

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf First Worlder 1 hp 3/9 | Init +2 | LLV Prcpt +1 | BAB0 | CMB-1 | CMD11 | F+1 R+2 W+3(+2v.enchantments) | AC14 t12 ff12

I just noticed that we have a distinct majority of one faction. Haven't seen that happen before.

The Grand Lodge is out in force! With one dutiful servant of Zarta Dralneen tagging along.

Odd to see no Taldans though. This scenario is so amazingly perfect for Taldan characters. :P

Silver Crusade

M Half-Orc Ranger 9 | HP 85 | AC 28 | T 16 | FF 25 | CMD 31 | Fort +12 | Ref +12 | Will +11 | Init +2 | Perc +14 (Favored Terrain: +4 Urban, +2 Underground)

Just so our census is accurate, Mohok is neither a member of the Grand Lodge nor a follower of Paracountess Dralneen - he serves the Silver Crusade, and hopes to do some good in a world full of evil.

Just went through everyone's sheets in preparation for the game. It looks like you all use HeroLab though because it was a total waste of time. Thank you for having no errors that I could catch. :P

Grand Lodge

Max HP: 24; Current HP: 21; AC: 17 (touch 15, FF 13); CMD: 16; F/R/W: +4/+8/+3 (+4 vs fear); Initiative: +4; Perception: +9

Thanks for taking the time to check. I'm about to start another game Day scenario with a group whose GM is not so thorough and almost everybody else has errors of some kind, all in the players' favour, and I'm at a loss as to what the protocol is.

Grand Lodge

Male Elf Investigator 2 (HP: 28/25) (Pool: 0/5), Init: +3, AC: 17 T: 13, FF: 14, Perception +12 (+13 v Traps), F: +3, R: +6, W: +4, CMB: +1, CMD: 14

When that happens I usually tell the players to make the fixes before we start. If it's accidental, they don't usually complain. It's different if on purpose, but I've seen that once in more than 100 tables.

I appreciate the double check. 8 PFS characters, 2 AP characters, and countless NPCs across 2 APs and I'm bound to make mistakes (especially with a beta class.)

It's really up to the GM whether they do a check of the players' sheets... I always like to because it's SO easy to make a mistake, and an extra pair of eyes never hurt.

I at least run people's characters through HL and check things like point buys, feats, traits, skill totals, etc. I don't generally look at purchases/ITS unless there's something really weird sticking out. I'm sure that even my method misses things, but I feel like if enough GMs do something similar then you have a pretty good chance of minimising errors.

In the past I've noticed other players with errors on their sheets and I haven't been shy about pointing it out. Most people are honestly pretty glad to hear it IME.

Grand Lodge

Max HP: 24; Current HP: 21; AC: 17 (touch 15, FF 13); CMD: 16; F/R/W: +4/+8/+3 (+4 vs fear); Initiative: +4; Perception: +9

Going back through I can't find the errors I thought I had seen. The characters were still being finalized, so perhaps their players caught them and fixed them.

I just never want to be the annoying player that posts a big list of everybody else's errors at the beginning of the game (because we've all played with THAT guy, or one like him).

It's the morning of the 5th here in Australia, so I will be putting the opening gambit up in a little while. Get excited!

Silver Crusade

M Half-Orc Ranger 9 | HP 85 | AC 28 | T 16 | FF 25 | CMD 31 | Fort +12 | Ref +12 | Will +11 | Init +2 | Perc +14 (Favored Terrain: +4 Urban, +2 Underground)

I'm there, excited already. At least one Stateside GM has taken advantage of the dateline difference, I was hoping you would too!

I'll give y'all about 8 hours (when I get home from uni/karate) to do shopping and whatever before I move on. Otherwise I'll assume everyone's ready to go.

Grand Lodge

Male Elf Investigator 2 (HP: 28/25) (Pool: 0/5), Init: +3, AC: 17 T: 13, FF: 14, Perception +12 (+13 v Traps), F: +3, R: +6, W: +4, CMB: +1, CMD: 14

Good to go! (First adventure there aren't a lot of funds for shopping.)

Silver Crusade

M Half-Orc Ranger 9 | HP 85 | AC 28 | T 16 | FF 25 | CMD 31 | Fort +12 | Ref +12 | Will +11 | Init +2 | Perc +14 (Favored Terrain: +4 Urban, +2 Underground)

Can I Aid Another in a Knowledge, Craft or Profession skill in which I am untrained? I need to get a 10 to Aid, and that's the max DC you can attempt in those skills untrained.

Like I said, don't worry about aiding another. Everyone can make their own individual checks (and you can make the Craft one untrained at least, if not some "creative" other skill), and I'll sort it out from there.


Bleed wrote:
Bleeding can be stopped by a DC 15 Heal check or through the application of any spell that cures hit point damage (even if the bleed is ability damage)

Life Link is not "the application of a spell that cures hit point damage", so no, I don't think it would stop the bleeding. Not to mention Cademon has not taken "enough damage to send it back to its home plane", so Life Link doesn't come into play. Basically you only use Life Link to stop an eidolon from dying.

Incidentally, recall that eidolon don't naturally heal themselves, so even between scenarios Cademon WILL NOT heal back to full unless you either a) use some wand charges or b) have a spell that you can use yourself (infernal healing/lesser rejuvenate eidolon) to allow some hand-waving in between scenarios... this seems to be the consensus of threads I've read on the matter (though I could be wrong), because I was curious for my own summoner. She wound up having to take infernal healing instead of a more useful spell at 1st level just to deal with that.

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf First Worlder 1 hp 3/9 | Init +2 | LLV Prcpt +1 | BAB0 | CMB-1 | CMD11 | F+1 R+2 W+3(+2v.enchantments) | AC14 t12 ff12
GM Alice wrote:
Incidentally, recall that eidolon don't naturally heal themselves, so even between scenarios Cademon WILL NOT heal back to full unless you either a) use some wand charges or b) have a spell that you can use yourself (infernal healing/lesser rejuvenate eidolon) to allow some hand-waving in between scenarios... this seems to be the consensus of threads I've read on the matter (though I could be wrong), because I was curious for my own summoner. She wound up having to take infernal healing instead of a more useful spell at 1st level just to deal with that.

He won't heal on his own, but as I understand it, if he's damaged enough to dismiss him, then once he's able to be re-summoned the next day, he comes back with half health. Given his whopping four hit points, I expect to be using that as his main healing most of the time for level one. Whether he's at half or full hit points, most of the time a single hit is going to "kill" him.

While you guys puzzle out the, well, puzzle, I think it's time for me to start rounding up your deets. Please either post here or PM me with your:

- Player Name
- PC Name
- PFS #
- PC #
- Faction
- Email

Also, roll for any day jobs.

In addition, everyone can roll 1d20 for a boon! On a 20, you get a boon of your choice. On a 1, you get a random boon determined by me.

The Boons:
(1) Lingering Resonance: A recent encounter with an enemy spellcaster left your body strangely receptive to spell effects. At the beginning of a scenario, you may announce that you are using this boon. The next time that you fail a saving throw against any spell or spell-like ability from an enemy spellcaster, have your GM write the name of the spell below. Choose one of the following benefits, and cross the other off your Chronicle sheet.
• When you cast the listed spell, you may increase the DC of the saving throw by 2.

• When you roll a saving throw against the listed spell, you gain a +4 bonus on the save.

You may use this bonus once for free, after which you should check the box below; each additional use of the selected benefit costs 1 Prestige Point.

(2) Long Distance Support: You heard the Decemvirate’s call to arms as the Fifth Crusade began, but for whatever reason the society did not send you to the front lines immediately. You may nonetheless send extra supplies to aid your fellow Pathfinders. At the end of any scenario that does not take place in Mendev or the Worldwound, you may choose to spend 1 Prestige Point to send a cache of necessary supplies north to aid the war effort. On a line below, have your GM record where the scenario took place and initial the entry. Upon filling all five lines, you gain two benefits.

First, you gain a Mendevian Commendation for your tireless efforts to supply the crusade. A Mendevian Commendation grants you a cumulative +1 bonus on Charisma-based skill checks to influence Mendevian Crusaders (maximum +3).

Second, as a swift action while fighting a creature with the demon subtype or bearing an unholy symbol of a demon lord, you may grant all allies that you can see within 60 feet a +2 circumstance bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws against those creatures for one minute. When you use this second ability, cross it off your Chronicle sheet.

(3) Mendevian Weapon Training: Queen Galfrey of Mendev understands both that poorly equipped crusaders are of little use to the ongoing war against demonkind and that an inadequately trained crusader cannot make effective use of good equipment. As a result, those who dedicate themselves to the Fifth Crusade have access to training and equipment that might not otherwise be available. When you would be permitted a Day Job check, you may instead spend 4 Prestige Points to receive intensive training with a specific weapon or suit of armor. You receive a masterwork version of the weapon or armor, and you gain proficiency in that specific weapon or armor (but not others of its type). If you are already proficient with the selected armor or weapon, you instead gain a +2 bonus to CMD against disarm and sunder combat maneuvers targeting the chosen item.

Choose the weapon or armor from the following list: breastplate, glaive, heavy shield, or longsword.

(4) Moment of Glory: Whether it is by fate, fortune, or circumstance, you are able to tap into a hidden reserve of power at just the right moment to perform a truly extraordinary feat. By activating this boon as a free action, you become a mythic character (1st mythic tier) for 3 rounds. If you fall unconscious due to hit point loss during this time, you automatically stabilize without needing to attempt a Constitution check. In addition, once before this effect ends, you may use the surge mythic ability to increase any d20 roll you just made by rolling 1d6 and adding it to the result. Using the surge is an immediate action taken after the result of the original roll is revealed. This can change the outcome of the roll.

When you use this boon, cross it off your Chronicle sheet; however, anytime you successfully complete (earning the maximum possible number of Prestige Points) a scenario that using the “hard mode” option, you may have the GM sign this boon. You may use this boon one additional time for each such signature you receive.

Silver Crusade

M Half-Orc Ranger 9 | HP 85 | AC 28 | T 16 | FF 25 | CMD 31 | Fort +12 | Ref +12 | Will +11 | Init +2 | Perc +14 (Favored Terrain: +4 Urban, +2 Underground)

PM sent - will be quite busy the next few days, so may not have time to contribute much to the lion puzzle.

Silver Crusade

M Half-Orc Ranger 9 | HP 85 | AC 28 | T 16 | FF 25 | CMD 31 | Fort +12 | Ref +12 | Will +11 | Init +2 | Perc +14 (Favored Terrain: +4 Urban, +2 Underground)

Oh, forgot this:

Boon roll: 1d20 ⇒ 20 Yay!!

Hmm, sort of odd boons. Not sure what I'd want of those.

Whoa! Congrats! You get to pick one of the four. Let me know which you pick, I need to report it for the day.

I'm not sure when you officially receive the boon sheet. Maybe at the end of the game day period...

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