GM Aarvid PFS #6-15: The Overflow Archive - CORE (Inactive)

Game Master GM Aarvid


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Liberty's Edge

Wooden Fist 5/6 | HP 32/33 | Spells -/2+1/2+0 | AC 18 T 15 F 16 | CMD 16 (+2 vs grapple) | Saves 7/3/9 (+2 vs fear) | Init 1 | Perception 9 | 4 Female Human(Vudrani) Druid | Longstrider | Barkskin | Bull's Strength |

"Blah blah blah, fey are all the same
take nothing serious, it's all a game!
Flood a library, rip out some teeth
all because you had some beef?
If I had your lifetime I wouldn't be so lame!"

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23
Will Save: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23

Meredith continues scrambling up the wall, dropping her cold iron scimitar along the way. "I'll bring him down, get ready."

Improved Grapple: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7
Meredith reaches forward, almost scooping her hand in some grease along the way. The sense of vertigo almost kicks in and she has to stop.

The Exchange

Male Dwarf Bard 5 | AC: 17/10/17 | HP: 40/40 | Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +7 (+2 vs poison/spells/SLA's, +4 vs performance/sonic/language-dependant) | CMB +4, CMD 13 | Init +1 | Perc +10 | Performance: 20/20

"This would have been much more impressive had we not been subject to your little tricks from the beginning," Goldur scolds the false Shaine, weaving bolstering magic into his words.

Inspire courage, +1 to attack/damage. Round 3/14.
Move forward. Casting flare, DC 12 Fort or dazzled for 1 minute.

Scarab Sages

Female Human (Keleshite) Transmuter 2/ Fighter 1 (CORE) | HP 27/27 | AC 13 (17 Mage Armor) ff 10 (14) t 13 (17) | Init. +7 | Perc. +7 | F +4 R +3 W +3 | Speed 30ft | CMB: +4, CMD 17
Special Abilities/Skills:
Arcane Bond 1/1 day .. Tele Fist 6/6 .. Appraise +7, Craft (Alch.) +7 Intim +2, Know(Arc,Hist,Nobil) +7, Know(Dung) +8, Linguist +7, Percep. +6, Ride +7, Spellcraft +9,Survival +4, Climb/Swim +6

Ruth curses under her breath as her spell has no effect on the fox-man. She extends her gauntlet free hand and yells. "Yor"

Telekinetic Fist
Ranged Touch Attack: 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 4 + 1 = 21
Force Damage: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

Rebels Map

Saldoc's arrow bounces off the ceiling, wide of the mark.

Meredith easily avoids the fear effect but cannot manage to grab the wily fox.

fort: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6

Goldur's flare manages to catch him off-guard and he appears dazzled.

and Ruth's telekinetic fix lands a hard blow on the Kitsune, who lets out a gasp.

The foxman steps away from Meredith, again trying an arcane trick.

Catcher's catch can...catch me if you can!

Meredith, DC15 Will vs Hideous Laughter again, party up...

Liberty's Edge

Wooden Fist 5/6 | HP 32/33 | Spells -/2+1/2+0 | AC 18 T 15 F 16 | CMD 16 (+2 vs grapple) | Saves 7/3/9 (+2 vs fear) | Init 1 | Perception 9 | 4 Female Human(Vudrani) Druid | Longstrider | Barkskin | Bull's Strength |

Will Save vs Compulsion: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19
"Catchers will catch. Runners gets tired. Hunters become the hunted?"
Improved Grapple: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12

Meredith tries to reach again, but this fox is proving too elusive.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Rogue [2] | HP 17/17 | AC 17 T 13 FF 14 | CMB +2 CMD 15 | F +3 R +7 W +2 | Int +3 | Perc +6 | Acro/Diplo/EA/Ling/SoH/Stealth +6 | DD +9 | SM +1 | K: Arcana +8 | Climb/Swim +4 | UMD +5

Saldoc drops his bow and draws his weapons as he moves forward, waiting to see if the man comes within his reach.

Rebels Map

Meredith is still not impressed with his jokes, but cannot catch the elusive Kitsune.

Saldoc drops his bow and prepares for a more direct attack.

The Exchange

Male Dwarf Bard 5 | AC: 17/10/17 | HP: 40/40 | Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +7 (+2 vs poison/spells/SLA's, +4 vs performance/sonic/language-dependant) | CMB +4, CMD 13 | Init +1 | Perc +10 | Performance: 20/20

"This reminds me of a time we were chasing a raccoon that had stolen a vial of a very dangerous potion. It had climbed a tree, so one of us scampered up after it while the rest of us waited at the base to collect the poor creature."

Inspire courage, round 4/14. Ready an action to swing if Meredith manages to knock him to the ground.

Scarab Sages

Female Human (Keleshite) Transmuter 2/ Fighter 1 (CORE) | HP 27/27 | AC 13 (17 Mage Armor) ff 10 (14) t 13 (17) | Init. +7 | Perc. +7 | F +4 R +3 W +3 | Speed 30ft | CMB: +4, CMD 17
Special Abilities/Skills:
Arcane Bond 1/1 day .. Tele Fist 6/6 .. Appraise +7, Craft (Alch.) +7 Intim +2, Know(Arc,Hist,Nobil) +7, Know(Dung) +8, Linguist +7, Percep. +6, Ride +7, Spellcraft +9,Survival +4, Climb/Swim +6

Ruth sends another fist of force to try and knock the creature down.

Telekinetic Fist
Ranged Touch Attack: 1d20 + 4 + 1 - 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 + 1 - 4 = 20
Force Damage: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Rebels Map

Ruth fires another fist of force and hits the fox-man again.

The kitsune draws his rapier, slashes at Meredith

You will never take me back!

blade: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17 for blade: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3 dmg

and he tries to dash down the wall towards the door.

Meredith can take AOO if she is able

He avoids Saldoc and the others until he is right above the doorway.

Party up...

Grand Lodge

Male Human Rogue [2] | HP 17/17 | AC 17 T 13 FF 14 | CMB +2 CMD 15 | F +3 R +7 W +2 | Int +3 | Perc +6 | Acro/Diplo/EA/Ling/SoH/Stealth +6 | DD +9 | SM +1 | K: Arcana +8 | Climb/Swim +4 | UMD +5

Saldoc will persue and swing at the enemy If he is within reach.

Attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27 for Damage: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
Confirm?: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26 for Damage: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

If I am unable to reach him I will double move instead to block the doorway.

Liberty's Edge

Wooden Fist 5/6 | HP 32/33 | Spells -/2+1/2+0 | AC 18 T 15 F 16 | CMD 16 (+2 vs grapple) | Saves 7/3/9 (+2 vs fear) | Init 1 | Perception 9 | 4 Female Human(Vudrani) Druid | Longstrider | Barkskin | Bull's Strength |

Meredith grabs the kitsune as he finally panics. His rapier pierces through her tough hide.

AoO, Improved Grapple and Inspire Courage: 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 6 + 1 = 21

Ugh, finally. So, this will get a little complicated. Spider Climb says Meredith needs free hands to climb around. My plan is to grab Rumplestilskin here, then release my grip on the wall. Hopefully gravity works and we both fall to the ground, where Saldoc's crits and Ruth's Greatsword can tear into him.

At the very least, he's lost a move action trying to flee from me. He'll have to make a grapple check to escape my grip.

Rebels Map

Meredith is able to latch onto the fleeing Kitsune and both presumably fall to the ground.

Saldoc easily pounces upon the stunned and grappled shapechanger and with a quick poke to his neck, the creature raises his hands in surrender.

Ok, ok! I surrender to your mercy. You caught me fair and square. This need not get ugly.
I promise you as my vanquishers that your names will live forever in story and song. How does that sound?

Unless someone wants to continue hitting him, end of combat

Liberty's Edge

Wooden Fist 5/6 | HP 32/33 | Spells -/2+1/2+0 | AC 18 T 15 F 16 | CMD 16 (+2 vs grapple) | Saves 7/3/9 (+2 vs fear) | Init 1 | Perception 9 | 4 Female Human(Vudrani) Druid | Longstrider | Barkskin | Bull's Strength |

"I don't need a song, but I do need that parchment on your belt. Can someone get the other one on the bookshelf?"

The Exchange

Male Dwarf Bard 5 | AC: 17/10/17 | HP: 40/40 | Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +7 (+2 vs poison/spells/SLA's, +4 vs performance/sonic/language-dependant) | CMB +4, CMD 13 | Init +1 | Perc +10 | Performance: 20/20

Goldur pauses, his hammer raised. "Story and song do have their merits... But we need more than just legacy. Right now we need your help. You're the one who escaped, right?"

Rebels Map

You are able to collect the 2 last fragments, but the grappled Kitsune does not seem to be willing to say much to help. (map updated with 2 fragments)

I did not escape, I was released. And unless you figure out how to un-release me, I am here to stay.

Where to next?

Grand Lodge

Male Human Rogue [2] | HP 17/17 | AC 17 T 13 FF 14 | CMB +2 CMD 15 | F +3 R +7 W +2 | Int +3 | Perc +6 | Acro/Diplo/EA/Ling/SoH/Stealth +6 | DD +9 | SM +1 | K: Arcana +8 | Climb/Swim +4 | UMD +5

Un-release you? Saldoc scratches his head, wondering what he really means.

Hmm, what do we have left to explore, folks? Back into the flooded area?

Rebels Map

You recall making a deal with the fish that liked to talk to you, Saldoc. Something about un-flooding the library?

Liberty's Edge

Wooden Fist 5/6 | HP 32/33 | Spells -/2+1/2+0 | AC 18 T 15 F 16 | CMD 16 (+2 vs grapple) | Saves 7/3/9 (+2 vs fear) | Init 1 | Perception 9 | 4 Female Human(Vudrani) Druid | Longstrider | Barkskin | Bull's Strength |

"Semantics." Meredith gets some rope to restrain the kitsune. "You've made enough of a mess already."

"I'm sure Mistress Koi has a few ideas on how to un-release you. Let's visit her and have a chat."

Scarab Sages

Female Human (Keleshite) Transmuter 2/ Fighter 1 (CORE) | HP 27/27 | AC 13 (17 Mage Armor) ff 10 (14) t 13 (17) | Init. +7 | Perc. +7 | F +4 R +3 W +3 | Speed 30ft | CMB: +4, CMD 17
Special Abilities/Skills:
Arcane Bond 1/1 day .. Tele Fist 6/6 .. Appraise +7, Craft (Alch.) +7 Intim +2, Know(Arc,Hist,Nobil) +7, Know(Dung) +8, Linguist +7, Percep. +6, Ride +7, Spellcraft +9,Survival +4, Climb/Swim +6

"The large talking fish that was flooding the archive was doing so just to catch him. So lets see what she can do." Ruth helps Meredith restrain the Kitsune and keeps her her sword on him while they walk.

Rebels Map

As you return upstairs to visit with the talking fish, Mistress Koi, the prisoner offers no resistance.

Upon entering her chambers again, she shows no immediate recognition for your group but does for the kitsune.

Who are you and how dare you interrupt....oh, what have we here? I see you have caught our escapee."

As she says the word 'caught', the 6 fragments leap from your hands and begin to assemble in order of the full riddle before it was separated.

The kitsune cries out Alas! You have 'caught' me and my name at the same time, for my name is none other than Caught.

A magical wind seizes the parchment scraps and stitches them back together. As an unseen chorus of voices murmurs Sylvan incantations, the words on the scroll form a vortex that draws the kitsune bard back into his inky prison.

He bows as he is pulled magically into the completed riddle parchment and disappears with a wink of his eye and a flash of light.

Well,that was interesting, but I am glad we have him safely stored away. Now who are you all again and why are you here?

Liberty's Edge

Wooden Fist 5/6 | HP 32/33 | Spells -/2+1/2+0 | AC 18 T 15 F 16 | CMD 16 (+2 vs grapple) | Saves 7/3/9 (+2 vs fear) | Init 1 | Perception 9 | 4 Female Human(Vudrani) Druid | Longstrider | Barkskin | Bull's Strength |

"His name was-" Meredith catches herself. Best not to say his name.

Mistress Koi wrote:

In Varisian

"My name is Mistress Koi. I'm looking for ... Whatsisname — that dreadful, haughty fox. The kitsune outwitted her with some fiendishly clever magical ruse and now runs riot in the vaults below. Flooding the vaults is the only way to catch him. If you want me to stop the flood, I agree only if you promise to recover all the fragments of The Name of the Fox and bring them to me. Its magic can recapture the fugitive kitsune. Furthermore, I vow to remove all the water I have already released so long as you can deliver ... Whatsisface — that whiskered riddler - alive."

"Um, Saldoc, tell her we made a deal to capture that guy. In exchange she would drain the water from the vaults."

Grand Lodge

Male Human Rogue [2] | HP 17/17 | AC 17 T 13 FF 14 | CMB +2 CMD 15 | F +3 R +7 W +2 | Int +3 | Perc +6 | Acro/Diplo/EA/Ling/SoH/Stealth +6 | DD +9 | SM +1 | K: Arcana +8 | Climb/Swim +4 | UMD +5

Saldoc will translate what Meredith wishes to express to the fish thing.

Rebels Map

Saldoc translates the instructions to Mistress Koi.

Really? I made such a bargain with you? Seems strange, but since you have returned Caught to me, I will assume you are correct. I will drain the water and we can all pretend this little mishap never occurred.

Without further ado, Mistress Koi then voluntarily sucks up any remaining seawater and swims into the verbal whirlpool, followed by any surviving scrollbound creatures.

Finally, the script settles back to its original form, and the scroll drops to the floor, its magic dormant once more.

And you are standing in a silent library...with books and shelves out of place, but otherwise strangely dry.

Liberty's Edge

Wooden Fist 5/6 | HP 32/33 | Spells -/2+1/2+0 | AC 18 T 15 F 16 | CMD 16 (+2 vs grapple) | Saves 7/3/9 (+2 vs fear) | Init 1 | Perception 9 | 4 Female Human(Vudrani) Druid | Longstrider | Barkskin | Bull's Strength |

Meredith's eyes are wide open as she watches the fish inhale a large pond's worth of water, then swim into a waterspout unharmed. Meredith picks up the notes and tucks it away.

"Fey." She winces and puts her hand on her face, trying to rub away some invisible pain. "Let's get out of here."

Rebels Map

You return to the original room and V.C. Shaine already awaits you.
"Did you stop the flooding? Did you save any of the items from drowning?" he asks.

Liberty's Edge

Wooden Fist 5/6 | HP 32/33 | Spells -/2+1/2+0 | AC 18 T 15 F 16 | CMD 16 (+2 vs grapple) | Saves 7/3/9 (+2 vs fear) | Init 1 | Perception 9 | 4 Female Human(Vudrani) Druid | Longstrider | Barkskin | Bull's Strength |

"The flooding has been stopped and the water was removed...That is you, right? The real you?"

She peers at the Venture Captain, suspiciously.

"The books are scattered about, but they are dry. There's one book about Dwarves that Goldur wants to burn to a crisp, but it's still intact down there."

Rebels Map

Yes, this is the real me. Who else would I be?

Assuming you explain the entire story, Shaine asks about the scroll "A scroll disguised as a poem. Very interesting." the elf says.

"Well done, Pathfinders. Now go and dry your clothes. You look like thugs from the Puddles!" and he walks away.

** The End **

Grand Lodge

Male Human Rogue [2] | HP 17/17 | AC 17 T 13 FF 14 | CMB +2 CMD 15 | F +3 R +7 W +2 | Int +3 | Perc +6 | Acro/Diplo/EA/Ling/SoH/Stealth +6 | DD +9 | SM +1 | K: Arcana +8 | Climb/Swim +4 | UMD +5

Hey, I know thugs from the Puddles, they ain't all bad....

Thanks for the game, as always!

Liberty's Edge

Wooden Fist 5/6 | HP 32/33 | Spells -/2+1/2+0 | AC 18 T 15 F 16 | CMD 16 (+2 vs grapple) | Saves 7/3/9 (+2 vs fear) | Init 1 | Perception 9 | 4 Female Human(Vudrani) Druid | Longstrider | Barkskin | Bull's Strength |

"Another day, another Fey. I know a good dentist who can help out Virml." She dusts off her shield. "I'm used to the mud."

The Exchange

Male Dwarf Bard 5 | AC: 17/10/17 | HP: 40/40 | Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +7 (+2 vs poison/spells/SLA's, +4 vs performance/sonic/language-dependant) | CMB +4, CMD 13 | Init +1 | Perc +10 | Performance: 20/20
GM Aarvid wrote:
Yes, this is the real me. Who else would I be?

"Well, we've just captured a creature who could-- and did-- perfectly disguise himself as people we knew. I hope you can excuse us for being cautious.

"Here's how it happened: We went down into the Archives..."

Goldur will be happy to recount everything that happened; telling stories is kind of his shtick.

Scarab Sages

Female Human (Keleshite) Transmuter 2/ Fighter 1 (CORE) | HP 27/27 | AC 13 (17 Mage Armor) ff 10 (14) t 13 (17) | Init. +7 | Perc. +7 | F +4 R +3 W +3 | Speed 30ft | CMB: +4, CMD 17
Special Abilities/Skills:
Arcane Bond 1/1 day .. Tele Fist 6/6 .. Appraise +7, Craft (Alch.) +7 Intim +2, Know(Arc,Hist,Nobil) +7, Know(Dung) +8, Linguist +7, Percep. +6, Ride +7, Spellcraft +9,Survival +4, Climb/Swim +6

Ruth sit by as the others tell their story to the VC. She uses some of her arcane power to dry her clothes and clean the mud off.

After Goldur finishes his rather long winded story. Ruth pulls him to the side and whispers in his ear. "Do you still have that scroll we found? If so I would like to add it to my collection unless you need it."

@GM - We found a few scroll can I scribe them into my spellbook?

Here is one - Meredith notices one unusual item floating along the water’s surface: a silk map that for incorporated into its legend and place names are the means to use the map as a scroll of dimension door.

And the others Goldur found - you can find several rare scrolls kept in waterproof brass cases. A scroll of magic circle against chaos and a scroll of slow

Rebels Map

Yes, Ruth, you found the scrolls. I do not recall the ruling on whether you have to buy them or just copy them and sell them for loot. So whatever is the normal process and roll(s) as needed. Let me know if you need me to look it up or initial anything. (To be honest, that is the main reason none of my characters are wizards...too much hassle to learn spells in the book).

Scarab Sages

Female Human (Keleshite) Transmuter 2/ Fighter 1 (CORE) | HP 27/27 | AC 13 (17 Mage Armor) ff 10 (14) t 13 (17) | Init. +7 | Perc. +7 | F +4 R +3 W +3 | Speed 30ft | CMB: +4, CMD 17
Special Abilities/Skills:
Arcane Bond 1/1 day .. Tele Fist 6/6 .. Appraise +7, Craft (Alch.) +7 Intim +2, Know(Arc,Hist,Nobil) +7, Know(Dung) +8, Linguist +7, Percep. +6, Ride +7, Spellcraft +9,Survival +4, Climb/Swim +6
GM Aarvid wrote:
Yes, Ruth, you found the scrolls. I do not recall the ruling on whether you have to buy them or just copy them and sell them for loot. So whatever is the normal process and roll(s) as needed. Let me know if you need me to look it up or initial anything. (To be honest, that is the main reason none of my characters are wizards...too much hassle to learn spells in the book).

Thanks, you can scribe any scroll you find and do not use during the scenario without having to buy only pay for the scribing cost. Below are my rolls.

Spellcraft check (DC 15 + spell's level)

Spellcraft Slow DC 18: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21
Spellcraft Magic Circle Against Chaos DC 18 : 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
Spellcraft Dimension Door DC 19 : 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12

Got the first two but failed on the Dimension Door I guess I'll have to buy that one.

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