DM Jubal |

Welcome protagonists
If you hneed to post anything completely out of character (ooc), please post here. If you have an ooc request for clarification, go ahead and include it in a Gameplay post among your description of in character actions.
Please review Doomed Hero's Play-By-Post guide for combat formatting. I plan to always roll initiatives for you and sometimes perceptions. Initiatives will be handled in two initiative blocks, you and the other guys. Please post when real life enables you, and I will knit together your posts for a Round Summary.
I expect one post per day on weekdays and will accept once in two days. If you will be absent for more than two days, I expect a warning post from you. I will NPC you, so provide any guidance for actions if you want in that post. In return, I plan to reciprocate daily posting rate.
Please log into the Roll20 campaign here. The sooner everyone is logged on with tokens, we can turn the page to chapter two.
Let’s have fun!

Mohs Freidricson |

Officially checking in! Thanks for the nod DM. Looking forward to chapter 2.

Arlan Ward |

Awesome! Congrats everyone! Today is one of the two remaining days I have to work late, but I will try to get onto Roll 20 at lunchtime if I can.

DM Jubal |

Please update your profile description. I would appreciate if you would put your daily resources, like HP, hero points, spells, etc. So they are easily visible to me and the other players. Then, you can spoiler your stats like AC, saves, Perceptions. So, the combat stuff can be easily checked without delving your full profile.
Feel free to copy the following format into your Class or Gender boxes in your profile.
Dwarven smith | HP 19/19 | Throwing 4/4 | Fervor 4/4 | 1st 3/3[spoiler=Stats]AC 17, Touch 10, FlatFoot 17, CMD 13 | Fort +5, Ref +0, Will +7| Init +0 | Perception +4, Darkvision 60 ft[/spoiler
I need to know your Roll20 name to assign your tokens.

Varin al'Thine |

Thanks for the selection Jubal! And congrats guys, we made it! :)
I can't actually join the roll20 game right now but I joined the Campaign so I should show up in the list so you can make a blank character and link it to my profile, I am Robert R.

Mohs Freidricson |

Nerak! Fantastic! Two wizards. How do you want to play this. We have already established we both apprenticed to Astrid, so we know each other well. Good Friends? Rivals?
My intention is to specialize mostly in battlefield control; your spell list looks like you intend to be a buffer. We shouldn't step on each others toes too much there.
If you are willing, I'd love to engage in some judicious spell trading. The more robust my spellbook is, the more use I get out of my bonded amulet.
Together we shall prove Arcane Might Supreme!

Keltza Proditor |

Well, if you think arcane might is supreme, I can just leave my divine healing over here...
:3 I'm back from the doctor right now and certainly glad to be in the game... but I'm about to take some pills that will make me very sleepy. I will update everything when I wake up. Or earlier if I can't sleep despite what the pharmacist gave me... I hope they didn't give me a placebo of some sort.
EDIT: I cannot seem to access the map. My (actual) is Michael Riter, my (display) name is Keltza Proditor, and my email address is realist DOT w AT gmail DOT com. I'm not sure what you need in order to add me.

Beltzer |

Checking in, will update profile with stats soon.
I should be able to join the roll20 now so I'll go do that.
I'm glad I got two people to share my rage song with!

Wulfrum Boulderhead |

This shall be interesting. I haven't been in a party this large before. I shall join the roll 20 soon. Just gotta do a quick errand or two.

Beltzer |

Just be aware Arlan if I activate rage song it's as if you activated your own rage (with the better stats too), which is slightly advantageous as it uses up my rage per day not yours.

Nerak Sersver |

Edited my profile, so the stats should be under my name. Added myself to the campaign, should be the same as this name and the avatar is a wizard in a chair. So kinda hard to miss. ;)
Nerak is not a full anything, he is sort of spread out. After all he did not have a hammer swinging brother to draw attention when he traveled around trying not to get killed by something. :P
He is for the moment a supporter thanks to his augment power and less direct damage spells. Not that he does not have a few. But I plan to make him what he needs to be as time goes on. Transmuters can be offensive and sense we are dealing with giants, reduce person and mass reduce person can be very useful. Anyways I don't claim any sort of role and won't mind if you want to choose one. Nerak will be going cyphermage so if their is any constant role he will have is scroll scriber.
As to their past relationship, between good friends and friendly rivalry is fine. They both specialized after all, Nerak prefers magic of change and alteration while Mohs prefers proper dwarven earth magic. Both refuse to admit their magic's short comings in front of the other and want to prove their superior. I think that would make for a interesting dynamic. Mohs traps a group of orcs in a dome of rock that he caused to spring up around them with his magic, Nerak will admit that's useful. On the other hand he may point out, how they were going to get them out now. ;)

Arlan Ward |

Just be aware Arlan if I activate rage song it's as if you activated your own rage (with the better stats too), which is slightly advantageous as it uses up my rage per day not yours.
I saw that! That's awesome because I'm pretty limited in my rounds of rage per day.
GM Jubal--how do you want to handle my mutagen? Do I need to buy an alchemy kit or anything, or can I just write down "vials and components"? I don't have Craft (Alchemy) or anything.
And to that point--I'd like to buy an alchemy kit (if it's needed for my mutagen), and a couple other things here and there. Can I do that now, or would you prefer I do that in-game? It doesn't matter to me.

Mohs Freidricson |

Nerak, how do you feel about spell trading? Downtime later permitting of course

Arlan Ward |

Having difficulties with Roll20--I'll have to try again later tonight :-(

DM Jubal |

On my phone, so I may not answer all questions.
Roll20 should be black when you log in. I haven't turned on the map for you yet. I will after my chapter 2 gameplay post. I need to know your Roll20 id to connect to your token. Varin is done.
Yes, you can finalize your gear purchases. Buy whatever you want, because you brought it with you.
I haven't read your mutagen ability. Do you need a spell component pouch equivalent? You need to know. I'll read it when I get home.
Yes, you can swap spells but not to start. You just met and won't have downtime for awhile.

Beltzer |

Mine keeps showing my name instead of the profile name. I'll do a roll just so you can see it. I'll figure out what's going wrong later, don't know why it's not allowing me to change it.

Mohs Freidricson |

On my phone, so I may not answer all questions.
Roll20 should be black when you log in. I haven't turned on the map for you yet. I will after my chapter 2 gameplay post. I need to know your Roll20 id to connect to your token. Varin is done.
Yes, you can swap spells but not to start. You just met and won't have downtime for awhile.
I'm not sure what the roll 20 ID might be, but I used my email to log in asglantis@gmail.com plus I marked an avatar with Mohs. If I need to to something else, let me know.
Oh, I know I have wait for spell trading, I just wanted to know if Nerak was willing.

Arlan Ward |

On my phone, so I may not answer all questions.
Roll20 should be black when you log in. I haven't turned on the map for you yet. I will after my chapter 2 gameplay post. I need to know your Roll20 id to connect to your token. Varin is done.
Yes, you can finalize your gear purchases. Buy whatever you want, because you brought it with you.
I haven't read your mutagen ability. Do you need a spell component pouch equivalent? You need to know. I'll read it when I get home.
Yes, you can swap spells but not to start. You just met and won't have downtime for awhile.
My name is Matt B. and my email is mbauers1@yahoo.com. Is that my ID, or do you need something else?
As for the Mutagen--I've used it before on my Alchemist character. This is kind of a weird case because my Brawler is not an alchemist and can't craft anything, but he can brew a mutagen for himself. But it's identical to the Alchemist class feature and it doesn't cost anything to make, so flavor-wise I'd probably just give him "spell components" and an alchemy kit. Does that work for you?
I'll update my gear soon.

Arlan Ward |

I just got an "alchemy crafting kit", which says it contains all of the things needed for an alchemist to create extracts, mutagens, and bombs. So that should be good.
I'm all ready to go!

Nerak Sersver |

Nerak is willing to trade on a 1 for 1 basis. Also better check your gold, ink cost still has to be accounted for. Nerak does not have a lot. He scribed a bunch of scrolls. :)
My ID should be OmniChaos, let me know if you can't find it that way ether.

Mohs Freidricson |

Nerak is willing to trade on a 1 for 1 basis. Also better check youyyr gold, ink cost still has to be accounted for. Nerak does not have a lot. He scribed a bunch of scrolls. :)
Oh, I alway keep a supply of gold available for inscribing spells; new spells are the most fun part of being a wizard.
You have two 2nd level and 12 1st level I don't have. I have three 2nd and seven 1st you lack, quote me a price for the difference if you're interested. And I have the 200gp to cover my ink costs.

DM Jubal |

OK Roll20 appears to be working now. I've revealed a small portion of the map where you eight are standing. I've assigned tokens. The map is large, so if you can't find yourselves in the black, use the zoom slider in the upper right to zoom out. Please double check that you can move your token. Thanks.
The RAW for copying spells into spellbooks is here. 5 gp for a cantrip, 10 gp for 1st level and 40 gp for 2nd level. You can store that gold into magical ink that you consume when you copy spells into your spellbooks gp per gp.
Your mutagen appears to need an "alchemy crafting kit" as you bought.
Please finalize your gear and characters. You won't be shopping for awhile. When done, please post here saying you are ready to go. I'll review characters again and then we'll get started. Please make it easy for me to count your expenditures.

Wulfrum Boulderhead |

I want to say that everything is in order. on my character....I can't think of a damned thing to spend any more on. Though I will spend an extra 28g for a fancy pipe and my fancy tabaccy.

Varin al'Thine |

Longsword [4lb], 15
MWK Dagger [1lb], -
Composite Longbow +4 [3lbs], 500
Fullplate Armour [50lbs], 1,500
Tower Shield [45lbs], 30
Fighters Kit (This kit includes a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a flint and steel, an iron pot, a mess kit, rope, soap, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin) [29lbs], 9
MWK Artisans Tools [5lbs], 55
Potion of Cure Light Wounds (4) [4lbs], 200
Alchemist Fire (4) [4lbs], 80
Acid (2)[2lb], 20
Arrows (20)[3lb] 1
Gold Spent - 2790
Gold Remaining 210
Huh I had more than I thought left over. Do we have Cure Light Wounds wands floating around? If not should we pool coinage and buy some?

Keltza Proditor |

I have one CLW wand plus channeling 5 times per day like a cleric (with selective channeling of course), PLUS extra CLW spells on my list and life link to help keep you guys up. I made sure that I'd be able to keep you all alive :3

Varin al'Thine |

Damn that is an awful lot of healing. Haha Do you want gold towards the cost of the Wand? I can see Varin needing to use most of it!

Mohs Freidricson |

Mohs is ready to go! I did indicate he has a supply of spellbook ink for later.

Keltza Proditor |

Damn that is an awful lot of healing. Haha Do you want gold towards the cost of the Wand? I can see Varin needing to use most of it!
No need. I am specialized in this. As we go on, I will put more and more into either healing spells and things of that sort as well as enchantment spells.

Varin al'Thine |

Wulfrum also has a wand of CLW, plus 6 Fervors a day, and soon channeling.
Same question I put to Kel, do you want some gold towards the cost of the wand?

Varin al'Thine |

No need. I am specialized in this. As we go on, I will put more and more into either healing spells and things of that sort as well as enchantment spells.
Cool, I just thought I would ask. :)

Beltzer |

Beltzer good to go, I have about 400 left over if I need to chip in for a CLW. I do have fast healing 8 in combat so hopefully I end most of them with decent amount of hp.

Mohs Freidricson |

Wow! Fast healing 8!? What gives you that? I'll need to look into it the next time I try a melee character.

Beltzer |

I get fast healing equal to the amount of strength I get from my song. +4 because I'm using the rage of bloodrager instead of my own, and +4 because my familiar and I share teamwork feats. So total +8 for fast healing 8. It's also why I wanted more people to be half orcs for more amplified rage targets! My familiar isn't exactly sturdy.

Arlan Ward |

That's a nifty combo! Btw, I just saw that you're GM Davachido. I was Rybal in your Whisper in the Mists game. Nice to game with you again!

Nerak Sersver |

Yep I can move my token just fine.
Scroll of Stone Call (75 gp)
Scroll of Invisibility (75 gp)
Scroll of Burning Hands (2, 25 gp)
Scroll of Magic Missile (2-CL 2, 50 gp)
Scroll of Charm Person (2, 25 gp)
Scroll of Endure Elements (2, 25 gp)
Scroll of Identify (2, 25 gp)
Scroll of Disguise Self (12 gp 5 sp)
Scroll of Obscuring Mist (12 gp 5 sp)
Scroll of Comprehend Languages (2, 25 gp)
Scroll of Fireball (375 gp)
Potion of Cure Light Wounds (50 gp)
Masterwork Light Crossbow (335 gp)
Bolts (40, 4 gp)
Haramaki (3 gp)
Grooming Kit (1 gp)
Scrivener's Kit (2 gp)
Wizard's Kit (21 gp)
Bandolier (2, 1 gp)
Familiar Satchel (25 gp)
Scroll Box (5 gp)
Wooden Holy Symbol (1 gp)
Sleeves of Many Garments (200 gp)
Ioun Torch (75 gp)
Minor Bag of Holding (1000 gp)
Simple Lock (20 gp)
1st Level Spells Added (4, 40 gp)
2nd Level Spells Added (1, 40 gp)
Combat Trained Bison (150 gp)
Dandy Brush (2 sp)
Animal Feed (3 sp)
Military Saddle (20 gp)
Saddlebags (4 gp)
Total- 2722 gp 5 sp
Leftover- 277 gp 5 sp
Seems like I messed up somewhere, had more gold then I thought.
Edit- Geez by the time I finish this post a bunch more pop up. xD

Mohs Freidricson |

I have found the map and figured out how to move myself (after some experimentation) but the maps resolution appears to be very low. All I can see is a brown smear.

DM Jubal |

I get fast healing equal to the amount of strength I get from my song. +4 because I'm using the rage of bloodrager instead of my own, and +4 because my familiar and I share teamwork feats. So total +8 for fast healing 8. It's also why I wanted more people to be half orcs for more amplified rage targets! My familiar isn't exactly sturdy.
Uh, no to the Fast Healing 8. "While maintaining a raging song, you gain fast healing equal to the Strength bonus your song provides..."
What's the "Strength bonus your song provide"? That's the limit of the Fast Healing. No adding your normal Strength bonus.
I'll double-check whether Amplified Rage affects a raging song, or just Rage. I don't think the two are the same.

Arlan Ward |

DM Jubal, just so you know, we all have a pretty extensive discussion going on Roll 20. We're planning stuff on there.

Beltzer |

Amplified rage
Whenever you are raging and adjacent to a raging ally who also has this feat or flanking the same opponent as a raging ally with this feat, your morale bonuses to Strength and Constitution increase by +4.
Rage song says:
If an ally has her own rage class ability (such as barbarian's rage, bloodrager's bloodrage, or skald's inspired rage), she may use the Strength, Constitution, and Will saving throw bonuses, as well as AC penalties, based on her own ability and level instead of those from the skald (still suffering no fatigue afterward). However, inspired rage does not allow the ally to activate abilities dependent on other rage class abilities, such as rage powers, blood casting, or bloodrager bloodlines; the ally must activate her own rage class ability in order to use these features.
I have the bloodrager's bloodrage, which is a bonus of plus 4. The bonus is INCREASED by 4, so the total strength bonus purely from my song is +8 as long as I am standing next to my enrage familiar as: A valet is considered to have all the teamwork feats its master has.
Also from the faq for the ally thing:
Ally: Do you count as your own ally?
You count as your own ally unless otherwise stated or if doing so would make no sense or be impossible. Thus, "your allies" almost always means the same as "you and your allies."
Edit: To note about amplified rage, it is triggering off the fact I am using my bloodrage rage that is being triggered by my rage song. Yes it is a convoluted way of doing it but yes it does activate it. Also amplified rage by its wording increases the bonus and not adding a separate one which is why the wording works.

DM Jubal |

Hi Beltzer
I agree with this comment on the Rules page. Skald's Vigor gives you Fast Healing equal to your rage song. Only abilities that specifically increase your rage song affect that fast healing, e.g. when you gain a level to 4th, 8th, 16th, etc. Amplified Rage does not specifically affect the song, only the rage. They are both good feats but do not stack.
I sincerely hope your interest in this game was not only to play your interpretation of that game mechanic.

DM Jubal |

I won't get to a Gameplay post until this afternoon (another 6 hours from now). If anyone has time, I would greatly appreciate a marching order determined from the Gameplay posts. Who's first, second, etc. Spacing between them. It actually does not matter much for the next encounter unless anyone is more than a minute apart. However, it would be good to identify a general marching order for encounters that will matter more.

Nerak Sersver |

Nerak would ideally like to be behind a front liner and have someone covering his back. Five or ten feet behind said front liner I think is a good gap. Otherwise he is not picky. If a front liner want's to benefit from his augment, they will have to be in touch range.

Varin al'Thine |

I'd imagine the general marching Order to be -
Varin + Wulfrum
Bel + Kel
Nerak + Mohs
Or perhaps -
Varin + Kel
Bel + Mohs
Nerak + Wulfrum
The first one is a lot more likely, in my opinion, but the second one is more balanced with distribution.
That is just my view on it though.

Mohs Freidricson |

I prefer second or third row as a standard. Something close enough for my close range spells (25 +5/2 levels) to drop in the first round.
That means if we use Varin's suggestions, I prefer the second.