Mohs Freidricson |

Sorry Arlen, I actually intended to hand the torch to you, just typed the wrong name in. Edited the correction in gameplay

Elize 'Lys' Brokenshield |

GM, don't worry about me missing something, I think I'm the only one in Europe in the party, and I'm working crazy hours. I'll post as often as I can, and don't worry about pushing the scene sooner, Lys is a bit absentminded at times, so it's alright.
I'll post when I get home!

Mohs Freidricson |

Central Time, Texas.

DM Jubal |

OK folks.
I linked the map of Trunau from the Player's Guide above the link to Roll20 to act as your character's memory.
The Inner Quarter Beacon is almost exactly where the K is on the map. FWIW The Hopespring Beacon is where the M is.
Nerak is correct about the preparations for fire. Building walls are mostly made of stone and built far enough apart to limit fires from spreading. The floors above the first, ceilings, and roofs are made of flammable materials.
After your debate, please let me know what you need Halgra to clarify before she orders the portcullis up and you out. I ask, because after talking it out, maybe things are clearer.
FYI forgot to mention, Brinya listens to the briefing but has no intention of joining you. She will join the wall defenses. That'll be in the next Gameplay post.
At this point, I think I'm only missing a Gameplay post from Mohs, but there's no hurry.

Mohs Freidricson |

Sorry guys, last thre hours have been devoted to rehearsal. I'll catch it up in gameplay.

DM Jubal |

Varin moves over the barricade and readies his weapon.
Varin moves up beside Mohs, leaving a 10ft gap between them, positioning himself in a more northerly direction than Mohs.
Varin will cover his corner and will charge when the enemy gets within 20ft range.
Varin, please check the map. There's a difference between the gate and barricade. Mohs has passed the gate and has yet to reach the barricade.
Remember AFTER you take a full round to climb the barricade, we start acting in rounds.

Mohs Freidricson |

Ah! Well then, I will do the same actions (because Mohs doesn't know that) and wait to worry about mechanics till later.

Wulfrum Boulderhead |

Ah, Beltzer I believe that the beacon has already been lit, it was before the barricade itself. (Nerak and Arlan technically handled it) However, if we come across another...Wulfrum will likely light it as he runs by with his spark spell.

Nerak Sersver |

Don't forget Lorn is still a living light so no need to worry about that. Unless your more then 30 ft. from Nerak, as Lorn is hovering above him currently.

Arlan Ward |

And Varin has a sunrod on his belt. Yeah, we should be good for light at least. Now we just have to worry about orcs and giants :-)

Varin al'Thine |

Worry about Orcs and Giants? Varin is practically drooling at the thoughts of finally being able to swing that hammer of his!

DM Jubal |

Just a question are NPCs either snubbing me or avoiding questions? As neither one has answered any questions I asked.
Brinya snubbed everyone, because she was traumatized by the near-lynching experience.
I thought the majority of your question to Halgra was about the fires, which Nerak answered and I clarified above that fires are not the priority. I couldn't find the appropriate words for your mother to answer that there are no soldiers to spare to fight fires. ;D
EDIT As for your comment "curiously as his mother sent them off with nary a plan of action," she told you what your objectives and priorities are. She is not a micromanager. Your companions' posts have many suggestions of specific plans of action.

Beltzer |

Yea but I would as a roleplay reason want an answer from her not Nerak.
Though she didn't send of with a plan more that she didn't give us time for one, just sent us out.

Mohs Freidricson |

Off to job #2. Wish us broken legs; it is the final weekend.

Mohs Freidricson |

To Kill a Mockingbird. I'm directing and it's our final weekend.

Mohs Freidricson |

We're waiting on dem orcs!

Varin al'Thine |

All of the posts I have Focused on are quiet, it is a weird weekend. Haha I suppose it is the holiday that is in it for you guys and Paizo Con and all.

Wulfrum Boulderhead |

Bah, I am not near a computer so I can't bring up the board. So I won't be able to declare an action till I get home. Lest someone can take a look and tell me if someone is near enough for a charge even and give me their color. Otherwise it shall be a while.

Arlan Ward |

Nah, they're well out of your charge range and, unfortunately, Lys by herself is the closest one to them. If you want to charge one your best bet is probably to delay and hope they double move up into your charge range.

Elize 'Lys' Brokenshield |

I'm wondering whether or not it'd be possible to roll a stealth check to remain unseen by the orcs.
Also, should I roll my readied attack which involves shooting orcs?

DM Jubal |

I'm wondering whether or not it'd be possible to roll a stealth check to remain unseen by the orcs.
Also, should I roll my readied attack which involves shooting orcs?
You need something to give you cover or concealment from the 3 orcs to hide, i.e. make a Stealth check.
Yes, go ahead and post your readied action.

Mohs Freidricson |

Found my token on the map, moved him to the barrier for my round three action (I know I act last this round.) if I can get Agrit along with me. My intention is to get her to the acolytes on the other side(round 4), then return to support the crew(round 5). Will this be a full round action each time? If so, see everyone on round six!

Arlan Ward |

DM Jubal, I recall you mentioning hero points. Do we have any currently?

Keltza Proditor |

I have no idea how the Hero Point system works... Guess I should do some reading.
DERP. I remember these. Only ever used them once.

DM Jubal |

I am confused why is my charge not legal? Can I not go for the orc one down from Elise? That's within 60 ft?
Edit: Oh wait scratch that allies block line of effect in this game (for some reason) I'll ask the others don't block charge lanes for the melees please so we can actually engage?
Beltzer moves up next to Elise poised to attack in the next round.
Beltzer, when I counted out the charge, you did not have enough move to get to the orcs. No one was in your way. You were more than 60 feet from them. Don't forget to count every other diagonal as 10 feet.
Therefore, I don't know how you closed to melee with the orcs around Lys. Please review where you were originally. This is why I asked for you to use the polyline feature on Roll20 and draw a line from where you originated to your new place.

Beltzer |

I think I'm off by one square, when counting square by square since I don't have to move in a straight line when double moving. I'll move him back. Actually I'm in range for the other orc so I'll move him there instead if that's alright, Next to red.

Arlan Ward |

Feeling nervous already?
Just want to know my options ;-)
Speaking of, a couple questions. How do you handle the spell Invigorate?
Some people rule that it doesn't allow you to rage. The point in question is that it doesn't take away your fatigue, it allows you to ignore the effects of fatigue. One group of people say that, since you still have the fatigue condition, one cannot rage even if using Invigorate.
I hold (and I may be in the minority) that the inability to rage when fatigued is "an effect of being fatigued", so Invigorate should allow someone to rage.
Just wanted to get your ruling before I choose my action.
Secondly, can anybody choose to enter a rage from Rage Song at any time? Like, if I can rage now but I missed out on the first round of the song, can I choose to rage now?

Beltzer |

You accept or decline the rage every round. As on allies it only lasta one round every time you accept it. At the start of each turn if you are in effect you choose to accept it or not.

DM Jubal |

OK, Invigorate: Since the spell does not remove the fatigue condition, I would rule that barbarian cannot normally rage. There's a rage power that let's you rage when fatigued.
If a raging song affects allies, when the skald begins a raging song and at the start of each ally's turn in which they can hear the raging song, the skald's allies must decide whether to accept or refuse its effects. This is not an action. Unconscious allies automatically accept the song. If accepted, the raging song's effects last for that ally's turn or until the song ends, whichever comes first.
That means to me, that you can decide to join the Rage Song at the start of every round as a non-action.
I will let you accept Beltzer's Rage Song in Round 1 if you want. You can still drop your Rage in Round 1, but you will be fatigued and Raging. Interestingly, if you had Invigorate cast on Arlan, he would be raging from the Rage Song and not suffering from fatigue penalties due to Invigorate, but he would technically still be fatigued until he recovered from his own personal Rage.
OK? Cheers

Arlan Ward |

Ok, just want to be clear. So when I'm fatigued I can't enter my own rage, but I can accept the reduced rage from Beltzer's rage song. Is that what you're saying? And then when my fatigue is done I can get my stronger version of rage, whether on my own or from the song.
That all right?