Giants of Autumn Twilight (Inactive)

Game Master Jubal Breakbottle

* Roll20 map

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This is Ouachitonian, presenting Nox. He's a ranger, built especially for killing giants (this is Giantslayer, after all). He should be a capable melee fighter, has a good number of skill points, and of course can use a lot of wands to boot. I'm still debating maybe taking him into Stalwart Defender, but I'll probably just stay with Ranger.

I'm submitting Crom for your consideration.


Crom - Dwarf fighter 6
Nox - dwarf ranger (beast master, dungeon rover) 6
Isin - half-orc druid (goliath druid) 6
Zekal - human cleric of Erastil 4/ranger 2
Tyronel - Human Unchained Monk 6
Little Ben PBP - Half Orc Druid (Goliath)/6

48 hours warning for selection. Please review your profiles and backgrounds.


@DM Jubal: It looks like there are two very similar Goliath druids. As I will be traveling next 48 hours I will not be able to complete my character, so am bowing out. Thank you for the consideration and have a great time.

Liberty's Edge

Isin Ghar wrote:
@DM Jubal: It looks like there are two very similar Goliath druids. As I will be traveling next 48 hours I will not be able to complete my character, so am bowing out. Thank you for the consideration and have a great time.

I noticed that too, as mine was one of these. It pointed out to me that some of the decisions I made for the character were no-brainers that just about everyone would have done. It also makes me want to change it up to go a non-traditional route. I hate being predictable. But on the other hand, it is my first of a kind and its always nice to play a standard vanilla example to learn the ropes.

Well after 20 minutes of thinking about why I couldn't find the Big Game Hunter feat (hint: its for Runelords LOL) Zekal is complete.

Marta - A.K.A. Telmar So-Melnop wrote:
Isin Ghar wrote:
@DM Jubal: It looks like there are two very similar Goliath druids. As I will be traveling next 48 hours I will not be able to complete my character, so am bowing out. Thank you for the consideration and have a great time.
I noticed that too, as mine was one of these. It pointed out to me that some of the decisions I made for the character were no-brainers that just about everyone would have done. It also makes me want to change it up to go a non-traditional route. I hate being predictable. But on the other hand, it is my first of a kind and its always nice to play a standard vanilla example to learn the ropes.

I had actually been thinking about a Goliath Druid as well. It’s a great flavor choice for this AP. Glad I went a different direction.

I have this weird image of a Vexing Dodger (Unchained Rogue) Dwarf climbing around on a giant, headbutting him with a Dwarven boulder helmet.

The book series you hint at in your thread title is a great series.


Crom - Dwarf fighter 6
Nox - dwarf ranger (beast master, dungeon rover) 6
Zekal - human cleric of Erastil 4/ranger 2

Thanks for the submissions. These three please report to the Discussion thread.


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