Freedom of the Open Seas

Game Master Steven_Evil

Leading a battered ship to Rickety's Squibbs, our intrepid pirates are very close to beginning a lucrative career as real pirates!



Infamy and Disrepute Charts
Side Quest: The Missing Ships:
You've heard only rumors, but it seems that the Miriam's Love isn't the first ship to show up dead in the water with no crew and no trace of what happened to them...

Side Quest: The Mysterious Slavers:
You've heard rumors at the Tavern in Rickety's Squibbs that a huge vessel, carrying slaves of an indeterminate race, came in for repairs. The guard onboard were heavily armed, and several people claim to have seen "lizardly humans" through port windows when they were able to sneak up. Voices were also heard at night, trying to get passers-by to release them, with promises of rewards.

The World Weapons:
It appears that there will be some sort of "demons" invading the Shackles, and the ancient Azlanti World Weapons are somehow connected. There is a cave, off of the cost of Rickety's Island, where you can learn more...


Liberty's Edge

Will the players please post here so I can look over your sheets and familiarize myself with them? Thanks in advance. This is going to be fun!


Liberty's Edge

I bid ye welcome, ye scurvy sea dog!

Liberty's Edge

Discussion thread connected. Please read, and reply if you have anything to bring up.


I'm here :)

Liberty's Edge

Are there four, or five players? I saw one person really wanted to play but I'm unsure if they were allowed in. I'm ok with five players, since it's a pbp an extra player can't hurt.

I wasn't sure entirely but I'm fine with him joining.

Here! Thanks for picking up the game Steven!

Technically, that person who wasn't being allowed in was me, and the GM was being an ass.

Sharkbait, Ya wanna PM them again?

Liberty's Edge

Welcome all! Sharkbait, you're good here. No problem picking up the game. It sounded like fun to play, and I'm going to have a blast running it. Everyone has great character ideas!

I'm here. My character is Laurestine Valerian.

Yar! I be here, with me stinkin monkey

It's not letting me post an alias ANYWHERE

Darbius, just go all the way to the top of the page, there it should say "Welcome, 'Insert Name Here', then some links with "My Account" first. Just click "My Account" and on that page is "Create a new alias".

If/When you've made an alias, when making a new post at the bottom of the text input there will be a small scroll bar where you can choose to post a response as your main account, or as one of your various aliases. Just select the alias and you'll post as that character.

Liberty's Edge

Whatever backstory you have, right before you join this adventure, you a slave on board a Chelish trading vessel named The Horned Trader. Captained by a set of tiefling triplets, it was bound for Freeport to sell you and the rest of its cargo. You were just "rescued" by a group of pirates hunting for supplies, and upon realizing they were light on crew, you decided this would be the perfect time to take your destiny by the hull and become a pirate!

Character Creation:
PCs will be 5th level and can have any Core or Base Class and any Core Race.
20 point buy for Ability Scores.
Two traits max.
The setting is the Inner Sea in Golarion.
Starting wealth is standard for your level (10,500 gp).
I especially reccomend checking out the book Pirates of the Inner Sea if you have access to it.

I am looking for two more players who can post once per day or more. There are no maps yet, I am working on getting that fixed as soon as possible. Feel free to read the gameplay thread to see our style of play if you wish.

Liberty's Edge

Huh. Paizo ate part of my post. The preface to the previous post was supposed to say that I am opening recruitment to two more people for an adventure that has barely gotten started. A sandbox, free roaming swashbuckling, pirate adventure! If you are interested, please post in character as your alias, as a slave recently liberated from a slaver ship headed for the town of Freeport. You've been saved by pirates, but now you have to convince them to let you join them!

I am finishing my characters backstory, but I have one question. Where on Golarion is Freeport located?

Liberty's Edge

Hey jetty, can you post your character here please? That way I can keep all the characters in order in one thread. Thanks!

Sure, I will post him soon. I got a bit carried away with his backstory, so it took a bit longer to finish.

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