Finite Floors

Game Master Nehowshgen Min

"A noise... A gibbering... A whispering perhaps?... It lurks inside the darkest manifolds of this space... Where it sits... It waits... Is it waiting though?... What is it?... Where does it wait?... What is this place?... ... Can't I remember?... Barely... Almost... It is beyond myself though... For awhile... No, forever... I'm not getting better... My strength isn't returning... I don't think it will... I feel lost... It feels it too I suppose... How long will this last?... What is this place?... Is no one here?... Is that why i go unanswered?... ... ... No one is here... I am... Must I be?... It seems so... There is nothing... ... Nothing... Nothing... Nothing... ... ... Nothing?... Something... There's something... I am not left alone... I have my conjurations... My powers... Yes... Let's see what more I can do with them... More?... Was there something before?... What have I ever done?... ... There is still whispering... It sits and waits... Waiting... Waiting... Here... Here?... ... ... What is this place?...
~The First of many Memories~

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Made some tweaking to my stats. I'm also considering re-writing the backstory a bit, but not sure if I have time to do that.

Here's my late Submission, Iazamaz, an undead(ish) dirge bard
Money: 3d6 ⇒ (3, 4, 2) = 9 (90 gold)

Character Crunch:

Male Obitu Dirge Bard
Lawful Neutral Medium Humanoid
Init+2; DarkVision 60ft Perception +0

AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12(+2 armor(leather), +0 Shield, +2 Dex, +0 natural +0 str)
HP6 (1d6)

Speed30 ft.
Melee Rapier 1d6
Special Attacks[/b ]None
[b]Spell-Like Abilities

Str:14,Dex:14,Con:8,Int 14,Wis:11,Cha:16
Base atk+0 CMB+2 CMD+14


Class Features
Bardic knowledge
plus 1/2 class bonus to all knowledge and can make them untrained
Performance 4+Cha, (13)
counter song effect, replaces saving throw of ally with perform (30 ft)
-4 on skill checks. will save 13, 90ft range
Inspire Courage +1 bonus on charm and fear, +1 bonus to attack roll and dmg
Acrobatics +3
Appraise +1
Bluff +7(1 rank)
Climb +0
Craft +1
Diplomacy+7(1 rank)
Disguise +7 (1 rank)
Escape Artist +6 (1 rank)
Fly +3
Handle Animal +0
Heal +2
Intimidate +0
Knowledge (Arcana) +1
Knowledge (Dungeoneering)+1
Knowledge (Engineeering)+6 (1 rank)
Knowledge (Geography)+1
Knowledge (History)+1
Knowledge (Local)+1
Knowledge (Nature) +1
Knowledge (Nobility)+1
Knowledge (Planes)+1
Knowledge (Religion) +1
Perception +2
Perform (Sing) +7(1 rank)
Perform (Keyboard) +7(1 rank)
Ride +0
Sense Motive +
Spellcraft +
Stealth +
Survival +
Swim +0
Use Magic Device+7(1 rank)
Detect magic

Lvl 1
Sotto Voce
Ear-piercing scream
Special Abilities
Bard's kit
Price 41 gp; Weight 33 1/2 lbs.
This kit includes a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch,musical instrument,a flint and steel,ink,inkpen,an iron pot, a mess kit,mirror, soap, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin.
19 gold pieces left

Iazamaz Backstory:

The night is quiet, and just like most stories involving a mysterious stranger, a cloaked figure enters the tarven on a slow night.Swaddled in a cloak the figure gets right up to barman and asks politely.
"Spare a little milk for a tired traveller
Not so much a reveler as just a world-weary wanderer
mind the skinny hands and the hollow clicking sound
i'm afraid the old meat isn't around"

The experienced Barman doesn't ask any questions, and slides the glass across to the figure. He can hear a few chuckles coming around him, but sticks his hand out and grasps the tankard. Observers gasp. Decent folk faint, the more experienced ones raise and eyebrow. A cleric rolls Knowledge (religion) in a vain attempt to identify this strange creature. The figure's hand is ivory bone and as he downs the drink he begins to speak.
"For Dust thou art
and unto dust shalt thou return
Eventually, though yet without heart
that shallow grave i adjourn"

He rises and it is blatantly obvious the creature is some sort of skeleton with a piano jammed into his chest cavity.
"I know this story is much like a blur
give me the chance
my assurance to you good sir"

He stops to take a bow to his audience
The skeleton spins his cloak around himself as the spirits, howling from the ground beneath him rise up and blanket him, then they dissipate, leaving no trance of them or the figure. Someone drops one of the glass tankards on the ground.

Iazamaz once had a name, though that now escapes his memory. Especially because he has no brain. Once a promising performer and decent street duelist misfortune struck when a rare disease took the young performers life. Yet fate in all its infinite wisdom has a funny way of doing things and long after his flesh had rotted away and the rest of his friends passed on, Iazamaz found himself once again staring into the void, his body feeling significantly lighter. That is until he got bored and lifted the door of his coffin to let the light in. Obviously he wasn't too pleased with his physical appearance, though he eventually managed to stop the people around him from screaming by convincing them he was just two halflings in a really elaborate costume. He attached a pipe organ to fill up the hole in his chest cavity to solidify this theory and though he was content for a while the life he had missed out on was starting to haunt him a little. Thus deciding to spend his afterlife went Iazamaz set out to see the world.

Appearance: Iazamaz is a skeleton of average build, and could be mistaken for any other undead creature though he his seperated by the fact that his eyes glow green (a result of his soul being bound to his corpse by the disease) and he has a pipe organ behind his ribcage, with the pipes laying horizontally between the gaps of his ribs, and the keys at the edge of his ribcage, allowing Iazamaz to play the organ on himself.

Grey piece Creation:

Name: Performer's toil (Wonderous Item)

Iazamaz's grey piece is a particularly worn down bone ivory piano key and is the last piano key in the series, replacing the "E" note.

It should be able to cast touch of Fatigue

Non- beneficial Aspect: piece never plays the correct note when hit, producing a note too high or too low

Backstory: When Iazamaz opened his eyes again for the first time in a century, the first object he saw after stepping into the light was a broken piano, wood already half rotten in the midday sun. Most of the piano was in poor condition, yet one of the features of the piano stood out to him.There was a single key left, rounded at the edges from constant use but yet still gleaming.It was there that Iazamaz decided to take it with him, as a reminder of the hard work needed to make up for lost years.

Gurthock the Fleshmincer:
Brutal, ruthless, disciplined. these are the expectations of every soldier of hell.

Gurthock was born into hell. He did not choose it, nor would he given a choice. Afterall, fate chose him to exist here, what good would it be to defy it?

This pragmatism, and acceptance of what he is and whom he serves is the source of Gurthock's strength. This confidence allowed him to survive in the brutal chattel pits of Avernus. It also allowed him the priviledge of swearing an oath before the feet of an Erinyes his eternal pledge to expunge chaos and bring order to the multiverse. His lot was to destroy demons and defend the gates of hell from the wretched hordes of mercurial Azata's and Demons that constantly battered them.

After surviving many battles standing shoulder to shoulder with his brethren Gurthock rose to the rank of Corporal and earned the title Fleshmincer for the merciless way he would bite into and rip apart foes who thought him helpless unarmed.

For all this brutality though Gurthock is mostly a cold and calculating strategist as capable of complex plans and intrigue as he is sudden and brutal violence.

Indeed it looked to many in the legions of hell that the tiefling would rise to some prominent position of power at some point. That is until a celestial incursion swept up his legion and slaughtered them to a man.

He understands that life, particularly his own, has no intrinsic value until that individual has earned it through deed. He gave his life in service to hell and has no regrets in how he lived. Without him and many others like him chaos would rule and not but entropy would rule the day.

Awakening in this strange place Gurthock will simply forge ahead into what's in front of him. For the moment he is at a loss on what to do with himself, being so used to a life of orders and regimen as he is.

Gurthock is a grayskinned tiefling with large horns and teeth reminiscent of a sharks. He is disciplined and loyal to a certain degree to those he fights with, though this is more out of practicality than any frivolous emotional attachment. Gurthock does not kill needlessly understanding that the living can be so much more valuable to the point he is willing to accept injury in such a persons place to preserve their value if not indebt them to him.

In hell, Gurthock is a simple brute, however among mortals Gurthock is an intellectual and physical giant whom wields both with a great deal of proficiency.

Backstory done. Unless their are further problems wiht my sheet he should be complete now.

Castiel, the Super? Dragon?:

Castiel is - Super Speciest! Dragons are innately better than everyone. This leads to an irritating tendency to view people as objects. Fragile ones to be treated gently, thankfully.
Castiel is - Super Proctective! Dragon hoards are not to be messed with. If Castiel views you as one of HER objects, she will stop at nothing to protect you or to take vengeance for you.
Castiel is - Super Delusional! "RAWR! Castiel is a DRAGON!" "You're clearly not aaall drago--AUGH STOP EATING MY ARM!"
Castiel is - Super Cosmologically Misinformed! "Castiel cannot abide the souls of the dead being prevented from returning to the Great Circle!" "Uhm, these bones are just animated by negative energy to--AUGH STOP EATING MY LEG!"
Castiel is - Super Insinctual! Castiel's method of fighting is simply to beat on her opponents until they stop moving, relying on her insticts to guide her actions. Fortunately for her, her draconic strength renders her blows mighty, and her draconic insticts render her moves near enlighted. She's still an idiot though.
Castiel is - Super Proud! Castiel hates being defeated so much, that her instinctual psychic energy manifests as barriers to prevent harm from hitting her.
Castiel is - Super Bouncy! Castiel rarely dwells on any wrong, unless it breaks her protectiveness or proud clauses. She is childish and seeks fun and adventure, having little goals other than her own happiness.

Backstory - Castiel was raised by her grandmother, a big red honking dragon, Varundalie. Castiel's direct family were killed while Castiel was extremely young, some mortal conflict beneath Varundalie. Castiel survived said conflict, protected by her instinctual psychic powers and natural resistance to fire, later rescued by her grandmother. Varundalie was more neutral than most red dragons, more than willing to humor her amusing little pet Castiel that absolutely adored her. Castiel is completely oblivious to her past and to the fact that Varundalie is not her actual mother, thinking herself still simply a child that has yet to finish growing.

Castiel has achieved little with her life, all her powers bestowed upon her by her blood. Nothing she has earned for herself. She has MUCH to learn about the world.


A small peice of mithral, once in a stylized leaf shape and covered in green enamel, but burned and twisted in a fire. A keen and knowledgeable eye could recognize elven craftsmanship. It has the power to create other small elven artifacts (Ectoplasmic Trinket 0th level Psionic Talent). Whenever Castiel uses it to create something, a single drop of blood drips out her left hand at one specific spot.

It is one of the few remaining relics of what happened to Castiel's family. But burned metal can tell few secrets for itself.

Slotted Item- Amulet.

Alignment - CG

Race - Teifling being refluffed as what Tiefling is to Half-Fiend, only to Half-Dragon.
+2 Str, +2 Wis, -2 Int
Scaleeey- +1 Nat AC, +5 Fire Resist
Prehensile Tail (Retrieve Stowed items as swift action)
Vestigal Wings (+4 to Fly)
Darkvision (60 ft)
Claws - Two 1d4 claws.

Stats -
20 Str
10 Dex
10 Con
20 Wis
8 Int
9 Cha

BaB 0
Fort 2 +0
Ref 0
Will 0 +5
Overprotective -2 on Attack + skill if 15+ feet away from fallen ally.
Resilient +1 Fort
Suicidal 1/day immdiate action, take attack for ally
Psionic Knack +2 to ML as long as does not exceed hit dice.

Psychic Warrior Meditant
Ascetic Path - Knowledge(Religion), Defensive Precognition (1 PP, 1 min/level, +1 insight to AC and Saving throws, unless dex isn't applied to AC. Augment 3 points, +1 to bonus, 6 points, swift action.)
Psionic Armor - Wis to AC and CMD, +1 every 4 levels. Applies against touch and flatfooted, loses when helpless, immobilized, in armor/shield, or with medium heavy load, or when not focused.
Unarmed and Dangerous - 1d6 unarmed damage, 1d8 at 5th level.

Feats- Improved Unarmed Strike (kung fu fighting), Psionic Body (+2 HP per Psionic feat), Dodge

Powers Known - Inertial Armor (1 pp, 1 hour/level, +4 armor AC, augment 2 for +1 AC)

Power Points - 1 Base, 2 from Wis.

Build Future- Intending on taking the Awakened Blade Prestige Class.

Skills 1 rank Acrobatics, 1 rank Knowledge Martial, 1 Rank Knowledge Psionics, (Note to self, in order to get skills in order for Awakened Blade, will need 2 FC points spent on skills.

I need to format the crunch into a nice statblock, but all the choices are above.

Shadow Lodge

This is veery interesting, unfortunately I don't have time to build a character before the deadline, given you've mentioned you'd want to do this game again, could you shoot me a PM when you do so?

Grey Piece:

The Drunken Serpent

Wonderous Item

Non-beneficial Effect

This mithril serpent carries two shapes:
The Snake
When in this form, the snake is a small, straight statue, about the size of a small letter opener. two small emeralds wink at its brow to suggest its eyes

The Drunk
When in this form, the snake is wound about itself, woven into a knot no bigger than a coin. No head can be decerned.

When the piece is "lucid" it may be splashed with alcohol, and it will tie itself in a knot, as if in a drunken stupor.
When "drunken" the piece may be "awoken" by splashing it with water or shocking it with electric damage. In either case, the snake sluggishly unwinds itself to its full, straight stature.



The Serpent may only allow the use of its Cantrip when "sober" elsewhise it is to knackered to care about your petty needs


The Drunken Serpent was a small bauble found by Shellin's father Threll. Its seemed very well protected for such a simple bauble, having been found in a small, velvet lined mithril case in a lesser drake's horde. Threll discovered its odd properties one evening shortly after, having dropped it in his beer accidentally in a drunken stupor himself! Given the bauble's odd behaviors, he thought it a wonderful gift for his brother Jaun, who himself passed it to young Shellin upon Threll's passing. Shellin kept it close, treating it as a memento of his parents, though given his low tolerance for the stuff, he very rarely allowed the bauble to "wet its whistle" as it were, and thus it has remained in the form of The Snake for a many years, with perhaps one or two nights exception. However, some nights, Shellin could almost sware he heard the serpent his a half remembered word or two as he lay half alseep in his bed.

Starting Gold: 2d6 ⇒ (1, 2) = 3 (3) x10 = 30gp

Besides equipment, and barring any issues with the Serpent, Shellin should be complete! Also, apologies, meant to post after work but long shift = tired anon XD

Equipment updated

Hello everyone! I was PM'ed to extend the End of recruitment to Thursday night so,
Recruitment ends Thursday night, No more extensions.

Shellin wrote:
Besides equipment, and barring any issues with the Serpent, Shellin should be complete! Also, apologies, meant to post after work but long shift = tired anon XD

Looks pretty good, and no problem! Work can be very tiring; I understand this.

Gurthok the Fleshmincer wrote:
Backstory done. Unless their are further problems wiht my sheet he should be complete now.

Good Good!! And I'll take into account any missing info anyone has that I catch on the double take in end recruitment, For everyone! A few bits is fine and I didn't find really anything to yelp about on the second review of your sheet, so you should be fine.

OrionBasher wrote:
Here's my late Submission, Iazamaz, an undead(ish) dirge bard

Interesting?? ... I want to say interesting... You know what?, I will say interesting! I'll look forward to it in my more in depth review.

Koon Ezequiel Mariano wrote:
Made some tweaking to my stats. I'm also considering re-writing the backstory a bit, but not sure if I have time to do that.

You do now! Thursday night if you want to change anything... So Good luck!

And Lord Foul II, Sending a message your way about the extended date.

Any comments on my submission?

Julie Dei Vult wrote:
Any comments on my submission?

I liked it :3

Haha! Thanks. :3

Here's the cleric as promised:

Dench Unglar

Cleric of Cayden Cailean 1
Barbarian (VMC)

Chaotic Neutral, Male Half-Orc


Initiative: +0
Senses:Darkvision 60’, Perception +3

AC15 Touch 10, Flat-Footed 15(+5 Armor)
hp11 (1d8 + 2 CON + 1 Favored Class)
Fort:+6 Ref:+2 Will:+7

Speed: 40 ft. (30 ft. in armor)
Falcion +2 (2d4+3/18-20)
Dagger +2(1d4+2/19-20)
Dagger (Thrown) +0 (1d4+2/19-20)
Javelin (Thrown) +0 (1d6+2)

Str14 Dex10 Con14 Int8 Wis17 Cha14
Base Atk+0 CMB+2 CMD12
FeatsSelective Channeling
** Skills not listed are untrained **
** Armor Check Penelty -1
Heal +6

Languages: Common, Orc


Half-Orc Traits:
+2 to Ability Score: Wisdom
Darkvision: 60’
Intimidating: +2 Intimidate Checks
Orc Blood: Count as both Human and Orc for race related effects.
Weapon Familiarity: Proficient with Greataxes and Falcions. Weapons with ‘Orc’ in title are considered martial weapons.
Sacred Tattoo: +1 Luck Bonus on all Saving Throws (Replaces Orc Ferocity)

Story Traits:
Fate’s Favored
Faith’s Hunter

Cleric Domains:
Strength Domain (Ferocity Subdomain)
Travel Domain

Cleric Abilities:
Aura: Aura of Chaos
Channel Positive Energy: 1d6, 4/day, DC 11
Ferocious Strike: Designate a strike to deal ½ Cleric Level (Min +1) extra damage; 6 times/day
Travel Domain: Base Speed +10 feet
Agile Feet: Ignore Difficult Terrain; 6 rounds/day

Level 0
1. Detect Magic
2. Stabilize
3. Guidance
Level 1
Spontaneous Spell: Cure Light Wounds
1. Magic Weapon
2. Shield of Faith
D. Enlarge Person

Total Wt: 65 Lbs. (Light Encumbrance: 58 Lbs. Max)
1gp 7sp 8cp
Traveler’s Outfit
Scale Mail
Belt Pouch (2)
Javelin (3)
Iron Holy Symbol
Ale (Gallon)

How much did I have to drink last night? Everything’s so fuzzy. . . .Wait . . .We were in battle. I swung at him. . . his shield deflected the blow, then . . .Oh no. Where am I?

Dench Unglar was born in the small town of Theros, a human settlement inside the border of Belkzen. His mother died in childbirth, and the local temple of Cayden Cailean took him in. Dench was brought up with the ways of the God, and the harnessed the divine power to give him and others strength in battle. As he got older, the local militia enlisted him as a leader in battle with the belief that his orcish instincts would be an advantage in battle against the orc barbarian hordes that ran through the area. Dench ended up a fierce warrior never giving in.

On his last night in what he would call home, he was leading an attack on an orc camp, but it ended up being a trap. Dench came face to face with the leader of the camp, as they started to fight, the leader took his helmet off. He was an older version of Dench. In a fit of rage, Dench struck at him with his falchion over and over again. The orc simply laughed dodging and parrying his blows. The orc swung and struck Dench on the side. In a last ditch effort, Dench swung as hard as he could, but only found the orc’s shield. A chip of iron flew from the shield. Dench caught sight of it just before the orc struck Dench with his flail. Dench fell. He opened his eyes to see the piece of the orc’s shield. He reached for it, but just as his finger touched it, the flail hit the back of his head.

Gray Piece:

Name: Chaos Shield
Gray Piece: Worn piece of steel shaped like a shield about the size of a quarter.
Orison: Stunning Barrier
Drawback: It always seems to be on my person, but never where I thought I placed it. (50% Chance to retrieve the item, 50% Chance I retrieve something else)
Slot: Wonderous Item
Background: The gray piece is a piece of Dench’s father’s shield that broke off when struck by Dench’s falchion in his last battle. Dench grabbed it right before the last blow struck him, and he carried it into the next world.

Julie Dei Vult wrote:
Any comments on my submission?

First off, I am so sooo sorry!! It has been a little hectic with mapping lately, really giving it all she's got, and I accidently fouled by skipping you. Again, SUPER SORRY!!! Now then:

First thing I see is the relevant scores for Tieflings you have changed, which is fine. Though with those scores being changed, among a few other things, you must pick the Fiendish Heritage Feat in order to get those. So, replace your first feat with that.

Second... That first bit... Do you want ?Me? to pick???

^ wrote:
I need to format the crunch into a nice statblock, but all the choices are above.

If so, I choose """Castiel is - Super Proctective! Dragon hoards are not to be messed with. If Castiel views you as one of HER objects, she will stop at nothing to protect you or to take vengeance for you."""

If no you didn't, and all of them are in play, I like them all anyway and you have built a fine character for this game.

Eric Sklavos wrote:

Here's the cleric as promised:

Dench Unglar

Cleric of Cayden Cailean 1
Barbarian (VMC)

Chaotic Neutral, Male Half-Orc



Gray Piece:

Name: Chaos Shield
Gray Piece: Worn piece of steel shaped like a shield about the size of a quarter.
Orison: Stunning Barrier
Drawback: It always seems to be on my person, but never where I thought I placed it. (50% Chance to retrieve the item, 50% Chance I retrieve something else)
Slot: Wonderous Item
Background: The gray piece is a piece of Dench’s father’s shield that broke off when struck by Dench’s falchion in his last battle. Dench grabbed it right before the last blow struck him, and he carried it into the next world.

Awesome, now we have a full healer and a semi healer.

... ... But, you have an error that is pretty apparent (as of now atleast). Your GreyPiece's Spell is not 0-Level and your SpecialQuality is a drawback entirely and not something situationaly beneficial... ...
But, I will give you the option of FIXING BOTH or LEAVING BOTH AS THEY ARE. your decision.

I wish Great Luck for everyone here. I really want to keep you all and perhaps I might, but for this table there can only be a max of 6. So, see you all tonight!!!

I did mean everything in play, as I had meant that I made all my crunch choices that would go into the statblock and had just formatted it. And don't worry, that is the trait I usually play up on her so she gets along nice with the party.

Speaking of crunch choices... Hoo boy... If I have to spend a feat on Fiendish Heritage.. It delays either my entry into Awakened Blade by 2 levels, which HURTS, or my Advanced Ascetic Path by forever, which also HURTS (My build is completely planned out to level 25, no joke). It's also a feat that gives me RANDOM rewards.. There are overpowered rewards on that table, there useless rewards on that table. It's basing the future usefullness of your character off of one small set of dice rolls at the start. (There's a reason we moved to point buy!) If you don't mind, I'd like to be able to have the variant heritage (the only difference it is making is different starting stats, because I traded literally every other ability away), without the random table rewards. Which, no matter what I rolled, would remove her claws. Which is not particularly flavorful. However, if you're set on it, I'll drop the variant stat mods and reallocate my stat points.

TL/DR Paying a feat tax with random abilities to be able to play a Tiefling as anything other than a Magus/Wizard/Witch/Rogue is not fun. Especially when I could get everything I wanted other than flavor by just playing as a human with funny skin markings instead.

Castiel! Pretty format this time:

Female Dragon? Psychic Warrior (Meditant) 1
CG Medium Humanoid (Human?, Dragon?) Perception +9, Darkvision 60 ft
XP: 0
AC 17, touch 16, flat-footed 11. . (+1 Nat Armor, +5 Wis, +1 Dodge)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +5
Resist Fire 5
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Claws +5/5 (1d4+5/S)
... Punch +5 (1d6+6/B)

Psionic Powers 3 PP ML 1
1st: Inertial Armor, Defensive Precognition
Str 20, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 8, Wis 20, Cha 9
Base Atk +0; CMB +5; CMD 21
Feats Improved Unarmed Strike, Psionic Body, Dodge.
Traits Overprotective, Resilient, Suicidal, Psionic Knack
Skills Acrobatics +4(1), Knowledge (Martial) +0(1), Knowledge (Psionic) +3(1), Perception +9(1)
Languages Common, Draconic
Combat Gear Nope
Other Gear Nope
Encumbrance Nope
Scaleeey- +1 Nat AC, +5 Fire resist
Prehensile Tail- Retrieve stowed items as swift action
Vestigial Wings+4 to fly.

Ascetic Path- Nothing useful yet, other than defensive precognition.
Psionic Path- Wis to AC and CMD, +1 every 4 levels. All monkey style and stuff. Lost when not psionically focused. Which is why psionic focus will never be used. EVER.
Unarmed and Dangerous- 1d6 unarmed damage, 1d8 at 5th level.

Sorry about the orison, I'll change it. I work until midnight so it was about 3am when I was working on the gray piece. The Spell List on the PRD has it listed in the 0 Level list, but I didn't catch the mistake in the description.

The advantage I was going for was that it would always be on me even if I'm separated from my gear, but I have something else in mind too. I'll update shortly.

Dench's updated GreyPiece:

Name: Chaos Shield
Gray Piece: Worn piece of steel shaped like a shield about the size of a quarter.
Orison: Guidance
Background: The gray piece is a piece of Dench’s father’s shield that broke off when struck by Dench’s falchion in his last battle. Dench grabbed it right before the last blow struck him, and he carried it into the next world.
Drawback: The teleportation to this world has caused the piece to be imbedded in his hand and using its powers draws life from him. What kind and how much damage it does I leave up to you.
Slot: Wonderous Item

I've been eyeing this for so long but with my recent late nights at work, it's made it difficult to craft a character. Though it's already past due, I'll be reading this one and hope there might be future openings. :(

Julie Dei Vult wrote:

I did mean everything in play, as I had meant that I made all my crunch choices that would go into the statblock and had just formatted it. And don't worry, that is the trait I usually play up on her so she gets along nice with the party.

Speaking of crunch choices... Hoo boy... If I have to spend a feat on Fiendish Heritage.. It delays either my entry into Awakened Blade by 2 levels, which HURTS, or my Advanced Ascetic Path by forever, which also HURTS (My build is completely planned out to level 25, no joke). It's also a feat that gives me RANDOM rewards.. There are overpowered rewards on that table, there useless rewards on that table. It's basing the future usefullness of your character off of one small set of dice rolls at the start. (There's a reason we moved to point buy!) If you don't mind, I'd like to be able to have the variant heritage (the only difference it is making is different starting stats, because I traded literally every other ability away), without the random table rewards. Which, no matter what I rolled, would remove her claws. Which is not particularly flavorful. However, if you're set on it, I'll drop the variant stat mods and reallocate my stat points.

TL/DR Paying a feat tax with random abilities to be able to play a Tiefling as anything other than a Magus/Wizard/Witch/Rogue is not fun. Especially when I could get everything I wanted other than flavor by just playing as a human with funny skin markings instead.

** spoiler omitted **...

Weeelllll, okay... Yeah yeah, I guess it's fine. It'll just make what I have in plan for APL Encounters and so forth much more forgiving or in the player's favor. So its okay for you to have the variant heritage.

Knighthood wrote:
I've been eyeing this for so long but with my recent late nights at work, it's made it difficult to craft a character. Though it's already past due, I'll be reading this one and hope there might be future openings. :(

There can and probably be... There can and will most probably be... I'll PM ya if there are to be more tables of this.

Does Castiel really look that strong? Most of the time, her strongest use was standing in doorways to block enemies with her AC, in my previous run with her.

I find it more amusing that Castiel's immediate family was a red dragon who honked.
That thing must have shook the rafters.

Also profile is complete. crass old dwarf with a short shorn beard and a tendency to not wear much more than basic clothes. Armor chafes something awful and a normal sword feels wrong in his hands.
He is rather dense, about as attractive as a particularly malodorous swamp and finds that despite that (or perhaps becuase of it) he is
1. good at fighting
due to
2. getting lots of practice fighting.

Thank you all for making Gurthock seem sane in comparison. :P

DM: Twilight Hatter wrote:
Knighthood wrote:
I've been eyeing this for so long but with my recent late nights at work, it's made it difficult to craft a character. Though it's already past due, I'll be reading this one and hope there might be future openings. :(
There can and probably be... There can and will most probably be... I'll PM ya if there are to be more tables of this.

Thank you very much!

Recruitment is officially Over!! ... Or was over like 16 hours ago...
Player selections will be posted this Saturday. Keep posted, I will pm everyone whether they have been selected or not about the decisions.

I apologize to everyone for not releasing character choices this Saturday. My bad, Sorry. I was caught up in family stuff today and was only able to review half of the characters today before going almost bonkers with tiredness (I'm in a really bad state of being right now and need some well earned sleep).
The only thing I can say for certain is that anyone who isn't being picked that has posted a character here for my game is not not being picked because of shoddy characters and the like, but only because I am looking to start my first table with a well rounded party (atleast as much as I can get it). I will FOR SURE be posting character picks Sunday afternoon, and because I was so shoddy in doing that today, here's a small goody to give everyone an idea of my mapping skills (dungeons will be only slightly different). This is an EARLY DRAFT of a floor of the manse I will be presenting. Please click zoom in and drag the bar that appears all the way to the right to view it in its best quality. MAP

And now we wait :D

=={==========- =={==========- =={==========- =={==========- =={==========-

And I'll Be Waiting! ^_^

=={==========- =={==========- =={==========- =={==========- =={==========-

And this is why you do not set deadlines while tired. :P

This is why where PbP is involved, setting deadlines in general is asking to have something happen.

Especially something as annoying/un-fun as having to pick which of the devoted players who jumped at your bait you will keep and which you will huck back into the lake.

Argus Ironeye wrote:

This is why where PbP is involved, setting deadlines in general is asking to have something happen.

Especially something as annoying/un-fun as having to pick which of the devoted players who jumped at your bait you will keep and which you will huck back into the lake.

That has been a bit of a problem for me. Anyway though, The characters I have selected for this PbP are:

Argus Ironeye
Dwight Hollowforge Davenport
Gordan Bratiwade
Gurthok the Fleshmincer
Koon Ezequiel Mariano

I look forward to everyone's participation come this Tuesday (I know, I Know. I keep setting deadlines and postponing but ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Everything will be ready to go by then and we will get this show on the road!! I am hyped to get things going so we'll see if I can't rip my fingers to the bone and have things popped out by Monday!). Everyone else, I am dearly sorry I did not select you for this table of Finite Floors but good news finds the fortunate and it is here I say that within a maximum span of two weeks, I will have another table running and ready to be set alight (this time bug free, some damn iffy software and hardware I'm working with, however i'll have everything done with minor edits so I'll be ahead of the curve).
I ask that those I have picked, to report in the discussion thread. Say whatever you want, ask a question, make small talk, go for anything you want say. This just allows me to make sure your all here and kicking.

Well, good luck first wave! Keep up the pace or we'll catch up with ya. :P

*mock horror*
Oh no, the legendary drago-woman is going to catch me. Best I get my +2 anti-burnination thatched peasant hat ready by then.

I'll make sure to bring marshmallows and extra sticks for our Sword based camp fire to roast around.

Argus Ironeye - Monk
Dwight Hollowforge Davenport - Soulknife
Gordan Bratiwade - Rogue
Gurthok the Fleshmincer - Warder
Koon Ezequiel Mariano - Broodmaster Summoner
Shellin - Arcanist.

Looks like we'll be relying on Infernal Healing alot. At least we have a solid mix of control and damage with good support potential.

Also two stupid low charismas whose greypieces exist just to give them severe discomfort.

Looks like our GM forgot to open the discussion.
The healing issue is a fair point, first big purchase for us is going to need to be a wand of infernal healing.
Mah... this is making me want to reconsider and roll a Warpriest for the healing help.

Hopefully we can just blitz whatever foes we happen to encounter and murder them before healing becomes an issue.

Secondly, with how few feats I'l need to actually invest as a ZAM to be quite good at archery are there any low level Tome of war things that are helpful for archery types?
I know there are some fancy tricks from the Ranged tactics guide as well so I'll likely look into those if there is no easy method for a normal martial to access the stuff in that book.

Argus's grey piece exists to remind him that it is there. And with that tell him that he came from somewhere. But on the outset it certainly does exist to cause him pain for no reason, get hucked into the nearest lake and reappear in the dwarfs foot near as soon as he turns his back.

Argus Ironeye wrote:

Secondly, with how few feats I'l need to actually invest as a ZAM to be quite good at archery are there any low level Tome of war things that are helpful for archery types?


It actually works out well for you too since perception is an in-class skill and initiator mods are based on the skill mod for non-initiator classes.

You'll need to hit level 3 at least to get started.

Are there any psionic feats that would help me be a good minion master? I'm not familiar with 3PP content.

I'll have to give that some thought. BAB for monk is 3/4ths so I'd need to wait until L5 unless I can make some deal with our GM involving the sacrifice of pieces of the ZAM's abilities to get access to those delicious looking tricks.
The Qinggong's method of ability trading might work for such things. But that is something to consider later, and at length. Qinggong's Barkskin is wonderful for a monk to have.
more with Slow Fall being worth so little

Don't know Psionics but what with you not participating in combat yourself you might consider the Flagbearer feat as an option. +1 morale hit/dam on anything that can conceivably "follow" under the same standard as you. Arguably might not trigger for summoned monsters but undeniably is going to affect your companions. Eidolons at the start, and perhaps us once we form a cohesive group.

Secondly it would be really great if you consider trading your first level magic fang spell for infernal healing. It works to heal your planar beasts as well as us and would make us love you all the more.
though with the number of uses per day you have there I feel as though it will end up a last resort. Potions hung around your monsters necks will likely help them more for emergency magic attacks.
And we are likely boned if we encounter magic DR at L1 anyway.

Keep in mind it's Bab +3 OR 3 skill points. So it's only a question of whether you'd rather wait, or invest skill points.

As for psionics. No not really there are some Path of war things that work out great for you.

Psionics really has a hate boner for support. Vitalists are the only class that does a good job of giving players a method to support allies that competes with caster classes.

Overall you do have something of an uphill climb with a broodmaster so every little minion bonus you can get counts.

Think I'll wait. L3 is where I planned to pick up deadly aim and I'm already struggling for picks on skill points.

Though I do need to figure out what feat I will be picking for L1. point blank i'll be getting at level 2. thinking improved initiative as I can't think of much else at the moment.

white raven *cough* golden lion looks like it would be great though Koon would not be likely to land most of the strikes/boosts which rely on him actually hitting to get an effect.

Switching magic fang to infernal healing is probably a good idea. I'm not going to be buffing my individual critters much anyway. I just usually pick magic weapon/magic fang as a 1st-level spell just because it makes dealing with DR and occasional shadows much, much easier.

I might pick Flagbearer at 5th level. I would want to take Superior Summoning at 3rd level. But who knows, I may pick it at 3rd.

Superior would imply that you are depending on your summoned monsters for combat rather than your brood master eidolons
good as a fallback if they get murdered but I'm assuming your desire is to avoid that happening.
I'll be interested to see how you end up using them in game, have never seen a broodmaster in action before so it will be interesting to see what differences there will be as you level.

Argus Ironeye wrote:

white raven *cough* golden lion looks like it would be great though Koon would not be likely to land most of the strikes/boosts which rely on him actually hitting to get an effect.

Depends on what you take.

Most of the support boosts and counters don't require you to hit anything. So Encouraging Roar, Pride Movement, Defending the Pride, etc. are all usable options even if you never make an attack roll.

Warning Roar might actually be very good for Koon since it lets him negate an attack on one of her minions with a diplomacy check at 60ft. out.

Lots of good options really. I was looking heavily into it when I wanted to make an archer warlord.

Summoning is what I plan to do at early levels, when my eidolon critter army can't swarm everything. At 3rd level, 1d3+1 eagles is better than three 1HD pounce beasts.

Besides, I plan to use the eidolons for scouting and skills (like UMD, Disable Device and Linguistics first), battle proficiency comes second. At least flank buddies for rogue should always be available in some form.

BTW, how do those Path of War maneuvers work? Do they require a feat or something and how do I use Warning Roar?

I plan on just getting the most out of Reach Shocking Grasp as I can, combat-wise, and using my pool to jack its damage up, so let me Know what other spells we need party wise!

I took the liberty of including Infernal Healing in my spell list, so healing can be off loaded at least once :D

However, I only can prepare three spells a day, given my extra prepare from Elementalist, so I was thinking perhaps buffing our lovely frontline with Enlarge Person

(edit)However, if truly necessary I could swap archetypes (should gm allow) to White Mage, giving us consistent heals, and in fact free infernal healing at level 11, but it eats slots and points alike, kinda leveling my combat capabilities early XD

But hey, everyone likes a band-aid!

Oops... I made a tired mistake! Well, crap. Lets rectify this... I did want a healer and I was bugging out (ripping hair out of my head (jk)) and somehow misplaced the healer class! So we now, since throwing someone out now would just be a piss poor excuse for getting the healer in, will have a party of seven. Because this was my mistake, I'll have to deal with the consequences and make everything work (who knows, maybe someone doesn't show up and we're fine... but really, try to make an appearance). Eric sklavos' "Dench Unglar" is now in. So, with butloads of coffee brewing in the kitchen, Welcome Dench Unglar to the party! Thank you Argus Ironeye for making this apparent on top of the discussion thread being still unopened; still grasping Pbp mechanics. Even with a bit of GM experience, bloodshot eyes and first timing a game online makes it all look quite pitiful in comparsion.

I'm sorry about the mistakes thus far; My sincerest apologies on my mishaps.
*Now pm'ing the necessary people*

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