Brimleydower |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

As alluded to (and by alluded, plainly declared) in the initial recruitment writeup, Fang and Shackle is going to be a Molthune launched adventure that leaves the story almost entirely up to the Players. While I am providing a decent framework to establish a point of origin, where you all go from here will be entirely up to you. Judging from the submissions as listed, there seems to be a prevalent pro-Molthune atmosphere, which will work wonderfully. While this aims to be extremely sandboxy, I will offer a couple of boundaries to make the experience go more smoothly for everyone:
- Cohesiveness: Don't actively seek out opportunities to split the group up or lone wolf it where the current story doesn't encourage it. There will be opportunities for this that crop up, but overall I'd prefer not to have multiple scenarios playing out at all times for the sake of game progression and your GM's sanity.
- Kingdom Building: It will not be an initial prospect, but I won't rule it out as a future possibility. I will go ahead and caution that my style tends more towards what serves the story than what serves the mechanics. Kingdom building, if it ever happens, will be presented more organically in the Gameplay Thread as opposed to making rolls, spending BP, and a month later your castle manifests.
- Out of Bounds: Technically, there is no out of bounds. I only ask that your characters not give in to dementia and wander off into Nidal or Druma for no apparent reason.
- Interparty Conflict: It looks like most of you are all onboard the Molthuni War Machine, but there will be sidestory developments to work in secret against your own party members. I neither encourage nor discourage this (do as your character wishes!), but remind you that getting caught doing so will be hard to squirm out of (especially with a Commissar along for the ride).
Most of you know the drill by now, I'll wager. This thread is for OOC and off-topic discussions. Good rule of thumb is that anything not pertaining to whatever is currently going on in the Gameplay thread should go in here.
Everything happening in-character or relating to the immediate situation in the Gameplay Thread belong there. OOC questions and the like are fine in here so long as they pertain to what's actively happening.
It looks admittedly bare at the moment, and that will change as we progress. I intend to keep an accurate roster of NPCs of note, locations, and noteworthy events/accomplishments. Any battle maps in use will have a link provided both in the Gameplay Thread involving the encounter and in the Campaign Tab. My skill at mapcraft is going to be a far cry short of those in the Ruins campaigns I'm afraid, but my hand-drawn monstrosities should at least serve as decent enough expression of terrains and positions if nothing else. I'm hoping the mind theaters of the group as a whole can do the rest of the work.
I'm allowing it. As everyone does on this matter, I have my own stipulations: I will handle the creation of any cohorts that are picked up over the course of the game. I would greatly prefer if introduced NPCs that qualify are considered. I always hope that Leadership will serve the story instead of some meta-game agenda: pocket-healers, mega-crafters, etc. If you intend on picking it up, feel free to talk with me about it and we can hammer out something that everyone will agree with.
I am going to be borrowing Rob's format from the Ruins of Pathfinder campaign, as they provide everything in a concise, easy-to-read manner.
In-Character Content
ooc commentary
Specified Roll: 1d20 ⇒ 20
Move Action: Move to E23
Swift Action: Move to E23
Standard Action: Move to E23
End Location: Move to E23
In-Character posting should generally adhere to the following, though creativity is encouraged beyond such:
Character Speech: should be "Bolded inside quotations like so."Character Thought: should be "Italicized inside quotations like so." or 'Italicized inside apostrophes like so.'
Any one wishing to use Google Translate to account for different languages, I encourage you to do so. Try to adhere to real world similarities where possible; Skald should be Icelandic while Tian-Min should be Japanese (for example). Please spoiler the translation in the event that you do so.
Rather than prompting players to make skill checks or saving throws, I will make any necessary preempted rolls on your character's behalf as warranted by the situation. If your character would like to try something you feel warrants a skill check, feel free to include those in your post ahead of time. A character who elects to scout the crumbling remains of a tower for treasure would of course roll a Perception Check, while an archaeologist examining the same tower for structural damage would be making a Knowledge (Engineering) Check. Rolling for your characters is a means of expediting an already long process.
I will be containing rolls in spoilers. If an orc clips you with a single blow, you have my sympathies. As outlined in the Recruitment thread, however, there are going to be multiple resources in play to mitigate character death. In general, I don't like characters dying to freakishly bad luck—punished by the dice gods for otherwise great roleplay and decisions. Conversely, I'm not terribly sympathetic to someone who does something outrageously foolish: I'm gonna try to grapple the gelatinous cube...
Experience Points: Don't worry about tracking them. I'll level your characters up as both I and the story's flow dictates. Going by the books ultimately results in sluggish paces—the play by post arena simply isn't fast enough to see characters develop at a reasonable pace. As such, I'll rely on strong roleplay and plot points to set the pace of leveling rather than slogging through multiple waves of gobbos and orcs.
Dying: I don't want players to die, but it happens sometimes. In the event that your character bites it, I'll give everyone one pass—you'll be able to design a replacement character to join back into the game. If that character dies also, I'll be politely asking you to exit stage left and calling on one of the denied applicants to shuffle their character in. Bears repeating: 2 Hero Points allow you to cheat death.
Character Bonds: Part of the reason I'm allowing this game to be open ended is to see how the characters interact with one another; to see what sort of adventures they conjure for themselves with both common and opposed goals. As such, if I feel like certain relationships within the group are very pronounced—be it fond comradery or a mild enmity—over the course of the game, I will begin introducing in-game perks to reflect these relationships. This will require no specific undertaking on behalf of the players; just play your characters out and we'll see where it goes from there.
Item Crafting: I'm going to put this to a vote here before things get underway. We have two options:
1.) As per the Core Rules. Very clearly outlined and easily referenced.
2.) My own homebrewed variant. Very decidedly vague in terms of what you can create. I'll give a brief overview of that below.
Alternate Crafting Rules:
What’s Different?
The intention of this change is not to make crafting more difficult, but a richer and more rewarding experience. It divorces magical item creation from the mostly-concrete ruleset contained in the Core Rules, replacing it with a system in which the player and DM cooperate to create truly unique items. Crafters are given more direct input and time “in the spotlight” to realize their creation. It is no longer as unimaginative as throwing an adequate sum of gold pieces into the cauldron and stirring until the item is ready.
Overall crafting times will be diminished, especially where “common” items are concerned. Crafters will be given the option of spending less time forging the item and more time collecting the necessary ingredients to craft it. How these ingredients are obtained will be mostly up to the player (pending DM approval, of course). Once a Player successfully crafts an item, they will be able to add that item to their list of known formulae. From this point on, they will be capable of creating that same item in it’s basic form using the same ingredients. The Player might also elect to continue experimenting with their results, using new reagents to attempt and achieve greater results. In short, Players will have two options: crafting an item from their list of Known Formulae, or Experimentation, which will be explained in further detail later.
It is important to note that what is required to create an item will be unrestricted within the realm of reason. In order to craft a Flaming Sword, for example, it would not be necessary to find one explicit ingredient. Rather, crafters the world wide will be able to find different avenues to the same (or similar) results. Perhaps the scale of a red dragon will suffice in one instance, while the blood of an abyssal creature works for another. Ultimately, the quality or rarity of the ingredients in question will yield different results. In game terms, the more difficult the acquisition of said ingredient is, the more rewarding the experimental phase.
Crafting Feats:
All of the Crafting Feats have been consolidated into two. This allows players to craft magical gear without causing significant damage to their feat economy. Furthermore, acquiring the feat adds several basic items to the Player’s list of Known Formulae. It should be noted that players can experiment with these basic items to create more unique items out of the same concept.
Craft Magic Items
Craft Magical Items covers the crafting of Armor, Weapons, Rings, and Wondrous Items. The included formulae are as follows:
Craft Magic Implements
Craft Magic Implements covers the crafting of Potions, Rods, Staves, and Wands. Players may add the formulae for any metamagic rods for which they have the appropriate metamagic feat.
Crafting Times: (Subject to change)
- Common: 4 hours per point of bonus.
Common items are those items a crafter learns upon taking the relevant feat (see above). (Example: a +3 longsword would require 12 hours of crafting time be spent.)
- Uncommon: 8 hours per point of bonus.
Most new discoveries will be classified as Uncommon. This refers mostly to the “Basic Items” added to the list of Known Formulae. (Example: a +3 flaming longsword would require 32 hours of crafting time be spent.)
- Rare: 24 hours per point of bonus.
Rare items are those items that receive unique qualities. This refers mostly to items crafted through the Experimentation method.
- Legendary: 1 month per point of bonus.
Works of wonder rarely seen, Legendary items come into existence seldom. In order to attain Legendary quality on a crafted item, one needs to get a result of 100 or higher on their Experimentation check.
Ingredients and Reagents:
- Common: -1 to Experimentation Check.
Common ingredients can be purchased regularly in most cities and large villages. They are relatively easy to acquire by other means, such as adventuring, foraging, scavenging, etc. (Example: powdered gemstone, snake venom, moth dust)
- Uncommon: +0 to +1 to Experimentation Check.
Uncommon ingredients can seldom be purchased in most villages or small cities. Larger settlements (such as large cities) sometimes have a very limited selection, while centers of trade (metropolis) sometimes offer a decent variety of reagents - for the right price, of course. (Examples: a manticore fang; basilisk blood; a giant’s eye)
- Rare: +2 to +5 to Experimentation Check.
Rare ingredients are exceedingly difficult to come by. If they are to be found in any settlements, their owners are seldom willing to part with them. (Example: scales of an adult dragon; phoenix tears; vampire dust)
- Legendary: +10 to Experimentation Check.
Almost unheard of, these ingredients are often the remnants of artifacts, divine powers, or legendary creatures. (Example: Gorum’s blood; a blade fragment of an alara’hai - the 7 Swords of Sin; a perfect scale from a great wyrm)
Known Formulae:
Any time a crafter successfully creates an item, they may add the basic form of that item to their Known Formulae list. Additional or unique effects are typically not reliably reproducible. For example: if someone crafts a +2 Freezing Flail that becomes a +4 Freezing Burst Flail when fighting fire elementals, they would add Freezing Weapon to their list of Known Formulae, but not the enhanced +4 Freezing Burst vs. Fire type creatures.
Any time a Player attempts to craft an item they do not personally know or have a detailed formula for, they must consult the Experimentation Chart. A Player may at any time attempt to experiment further with known formulae using new ingredients or different methods, although this will typically not result in learning a new formula. At the beginning of the Experimentation attempt, the Player must roll their relevant Skill (a d20 skill check using Craft or Spellcraft) to determine any bonuses or penalties to the Experimentation Check (d100). After determining the modifier, if any, the Player rolls a d100 and consults the Experimentation Chart, adding any relevant modifiers.
The purpose of the Experimentation Chart is not to assign specific qualities or abilities to an item; rather, it is more of a guideline to be followed by the DM in order to come up with a truly unique feature to that specific item.
One last note on experimenting: you will notice that Spellcraft is no longer the only means of creating magical items, although it is still the most surefire way. While Spellcraft can be used as a catch-all for crafting almost anything, individual Craft Skills can also be used. The methods used to create these items are worlds apart, however, and as such someone who has a vast repertoire of magical item formulae created through Spellcraft would be unable to teach said formulae to a blacksmith that relied on Craft: Armor or Craft: Weapons.
Economy and Magic:
This is more of an afterthought than an actual change to the system. In a world where new formulae are unique to any given individual, recipes become closely guarded secrets (likely passed down through a family for generations in many cases) and cornerstones of mercantile ventures. Formulae exchange/selling would more than likely be commonplace, and many dungeons would no doubt contain ancient formulae worth the risk involved retrieving them.

Brimleydower |

So, in the process of sounding off your attendance, please cast your vote for which Crafting rules you would prefer: Core or Homebrew.
Something worth mentioning about acquiring reagents for crafting: The player decides what they want to experiment with. There's no grand list of predetermined "what will works." If any one has further questions about it, as I know it's a lot to read, feel free to ask me. If you want a very, very basic overhead of how crafting would work, the concept is not terribly far removed from Alchemy in Skyrim (though not a carbon copy by any means).
Cripes, I nearly forgot.
Fumbles and Critical Successes: They're going to carry more implications than simply numbers. This won't change critical strikes on weapon attacks, as divorcing that system from the mechanics is a monster I'm not nearly brave enough to attempt, but fumbles... oh man, the fumbles. Skills will likely yield surprising results, or blundering failures beyond not knowing or failing to spot something. Ye have been warned, o noble travelers.

Arzazel |

Arzazel here. Super happy to be chosen for the half-orc monk slot. I've really plumbed this character with all of the preview stories and posts.
I don't care about the crafting options, although I'll give my vote to Zeltresh.
I'm not a fan of extraordinary fumbles, because they happen 5% of the time. IMHO, this probability is too high for significant negative consequences. Also FYI, as per RAW skill checks do not have automatic failure/success with 1/20 the way attacks and saves do.
So far it appears that the CG Zeltresh and the LE Arzazel have become friends. We'll see how that continues...

Vincent Teldas |

Vincent here.
As to the crafting rules, Kage, you know where I stand on this. However, as I do not plan on being a crafter of any sort, I hate to cast a vote to hinder someone else who may be. Some may take comfort in the set, sure way as outlined in the rules, others may want to try something new with less feat economy.
I will vote, but I want to wait and see if anyone actually plans on crafting first.

Sampson Klein |

Just checking in for now, I have to go to work. I'll read all this later.
Edit:Sick stomach, called off work. So I have time to post.
RE:Crafting - I don't care, I'll side with the majority.
RE:Fumbles - What Arzazel said. I will be taking ten on every roll possible, except when I know it won't succeed. Natural ones aren't even supposed to be auto-fails for skills. I can see fumbles on natural 1 attack rolls, but beyond that seems sadistic.

Nathmir Tsaneth |

Checking in.
Concerning the vote, I do not plan to craft with Nathmir and I have only ever used the Core rules. That being said I know the core rules well and will admit I abuse them from time to time. Granted no one has a problem with it when you give them their new magical items but that does not change the truth. So before I vote. Where do constructs, magical tattoos, and runes fit into this homebrew system?
As for fumbles, they happen way to often and I have known players who seem to do it more then half the time. So if I have a say I would be against it or at least blunt it a bit so it is not insanely punishing. Same for crits, I say this from someone who has beheaded two players in a row while controlling a balor. No need to add on to that stuff. xP
Btw how do you make that line in your post?

Brimleydower |

A lot of underscores.
To clarify, fumbles and crits on non attacks wouldn't auto fail or auto succeed; I would simply attach an additional circumstance. The idea I had is based partially on the mixed-bag results of Dungeon World—almost purely cinematic.
Crafting Tattoos would require a separate feat but it would imitate the overhauled rules for creating similar item effects.
Constructs would remain as is; not sure on Runes right offhand I will have to read up on that.

Zeltresh Turenek |
Thanks again for the nod, looking forward to the game. I've never played a crafter, but your homebrew rules sound pretty interesting to me, so I'd give those a shot. Never been a huge fan of fumbles but I do understand the potential flavor. As all have said, the skill piece seems rough when my bonus might be +35 but I still fail 5% of the time ........

Adurus Krupt |

Hello again everyone.
I'd like to magically craft with Adurus, using your home brew rules. Though he hasn't the talent at the moment, once he begins adventuring and realizes how very useful adventuring gear is he might look further into it. So probably not taking either feat for a while. I assume scrolls would be unchanged in the new system? Also, would calligraphy aid in research into magical runes, or something similar?
As for the fumbles and crits, I'm a-okay with crit/fumbled skills or saves having additional consequences. Even though I can tell you I'm usually the one rolling fumbles all day in my games. :P

Sir Viktor Holt |

As a non-crafter for once, I won't be making a vote for the crafting rules - though the latter sounds interesting by all means.
I'm fine with critical fumbles and whatnot - they can be interesting. Back in a Skull and Shackles campaign with friends, we were playing around with it, and one of my players caused internal bleeding with a raw fish thrown at someone.
Fumbling is particularly hilarious with NPCs and monsters - one time, we had a pirate crit himself to death. We were using the critical hit/fumble decks for those, very clear cut and not modified.
As for Leadership, I fully plan on taking it - I have no idea what kind of Cohort I'm aiming for, but probably some kind of soldier/bard who can help me lead armies.

Adurus Krupt |

The crit and fumble decks can be pretty great. One time during Kingmaker, one of my fellow PC's got a crit at a crucial point in the fight against the Bigbad. He drew decapitation (called third from the top without even looking at the deck), and Bigbad failed the save. The amount of shouting, fistbumping, and celebration ensuing was enjoyable. (Unfortunately, a round later in the fight the Bigbad's main henchman rolled a crit against an ally and killed him). I like that they add that level of tension and excitement when the GM reaches for the crit deck with a smile on his face, or when a player slowly draws a fumble only to breathe a sigh of relief when it's something not too bad. Probably just a tangent for our current game though, unless Brimleydower plans to use those decks. :)

Adurus Krupt |

I changed one trait on Adurus, from Ease of Faith to Simple Disciple when I realized the bonus from Ease of Faith is completely lost with the addition of the Campaign Trait. The extra 250 gp from the campaign trait was mostly put toward a shiny new breastplate and some holy water for me.

Eldred Pentwert |

Eldred hops up from his place at the table and mosies over to the tent opening, poking his head outside...
...only to see the vast expanse of the multi-verse spinning thru eternity as the world forms around the tent of Brimleydower's imagination...
...oh the horror!!! The vastness is too much!!!
Just being a turd. Hope all is well, Brimleydower.

Sir Viktor Holt |

Don't push when goodies are on the line...
Oh I'm not rushing - he can take as long as he wants/needs. Doesn't make me any less excited for it to start, however. With me running a homebrew campaign myself, I know how it is. :P

Brimleydower |

For those of you (meaning all of you) who wrote the stories, I'm going to be offering you one of two options:
I've had far less time to get the ball rolling on this than I'd like, so I'm going to try to handle some of the trait design and the like at work tonight, then I'll get the introductory post on the gameplay thread up either late-late tonight or super-early in the morning.

Eldred Pentwert |

Forgot to put my vote in for the Crafting Items thing: I would be good with the homebrew, but I wanted to know how that impacts my Gunsmithing Feat.
For the gift thing vs. rolls, I'm interested to see how this guy plays out with regards to his stats. I'll go for the uniquely gifted item. Thanks!

Brimleydower |

Eldred; the crafting wouldn't impact Gunsmithing much, although I would totally allow you to take Craft Magic Items and augment guns in that manner. Would have to work out a skill to attach to it or something similar as it is a Feat and not a Skill. May just be lazy and assume your Gunslinger level counts as skill ranks, but I'll brainstorm more on that later.
Yes to the rerolls: 4d6 seven times and place (drop the lowest)

Vincent Teldas |

Alright let's try this...
4d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 2, 5) = 9
4d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 2, 4) = 14
4d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 5, 1) = 10
4d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 3, 6) = 11
4d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 2, 5) = 13
4d6 ⇒ (5, 2, 3, 4) = 14
4d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 4, 6) = 21
8, 12, 9, 10, 11, 12, 17
Edit: Blah, kinda like first ones better, more well rounded...way to go to two blah rolls. Kage, if you are fine with it I'll just deal with the original stats, and since I rolled I guess that was my story reward, the chance at better stats even though it did not succeed.

Brimleydower |

Normally it wouldn't, but the quality, length, and presentation of the backstory in Sampson's profile justifies a little bit of leeway in that regard, I believe. (Especially since you could've just as easily hacked off one of the portions and called it a "story" and hit the qualifier).
In regards to Vincent; I hope no one minds me bending my own rules a bit here. The story reward was intended to be a bonus, and as he ended up rolling a lower point-buy than even his initial marginal set, I'm going to give him one last chance with The DM's Dice but imposing a point-buy roof of 24 (to avoid outpacing those who pragmatically chose the 25-pt buy). If any one else hits a similar wall (although it looks like most are opting for Option #1) I will give the same consideration.
4d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 6, 3) = 20 = 17
4d6 ⇒ (3, 3, 1, 3) = 10 = 9
4d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 2, 1) = 9 = 8
4d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 6, 6) = 23 = 18
4d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 6, 3) = 17 = 15
4d6 ⇒ (4, 1, 1, 2) = 8 = 7
4d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 1, 3) = 11 = 10
18 (17), 17 (13), 15 (7), 10 (0), 9 (-1), 8 (-2) = 34 points.
17 (13), 16 (10), 14 (5), 10 (0), 8 (-2), 8 (-2)= 24 points.

Brimleydower |

Galmark's Secret (Does not use up an item slot)
+1 luck bonus to all weapon-based Combat Maneuvers (Disarm, Sunder, Trip, etc.)
I'll have more to come in the morning. I'm going to briefly get things rolling again in the Gameplay thread. It's going to be an extension of the feast scene leading up to the OFFICIAL gameplay start, mostly serving as a means of getting the RP going again. As I mentioned previously, the tent/feast scene is going to roll directly into the game itself.
* of special note, and about the unique items—over the duration of the game, they will develop further. In a nutshell, they'll scale up with you as you level, though the exact way in which they do so is up to the whims of my own sadistic machinations. And by that, I mean enjoy!

Brimleydower |

Okay, if I've missed something, point me in the right direction for rectifying. Going to go ahead and make an official list of who qualified for what here.
To drastically change your guise (Pick any Paizo race): N/A
To qualify for superior training (25-Point Buy OR Roll 4d6 seven times, dropping the lowest and placing where you will): Got it.
To earn higher grade gear and belongings (Maximum starting wealth): Got it.
To earn yourself a second Trait: Got it.
To earn yourself a Campaign Trait: Got it. (Most Noble Order)
For a reward above and beyond what is provided above (???): Got it. More to come on this soon.
To drastically change your guise (Pick any Paizo race): N/A
To qualify for superior training (25-Point Buy OR Roll 4d6 seven times, dropping the lowest and placing where you will): Got it.
To earn higher grade gear and belongings (Maximum starting wealth): Got it.
To earn yourself a second Trait: Got it.
To earn yourself a Campaign Trait: Got it. (Aspis Opportunist)
For a reward above and beyond what is provided above (???): Got it. More to come on this soon.
To drastically change your guise (Pick any Paizo race): N/A
To qualify for superior training (25-Point Buy OR Roll 4d6 seven times, dropping the lowest and placing where you will): Got it.
To earn higher grade gear and belongings (Maximum starting wealth): Got it.
To earn yourself a second Trait: Got it.
To earn yourself a Campaign Trait: Got it. (Rud's Wastewares)
For a reward above and beyond what is provided above (???): Got it. More to come on this soon.
To drastically change your guise (Pick any Paizo race): Got it. (Aasimar)
To qualify for superior training (25-Point Buy OR Roll 4d6 seven times, dropping the lowest and placing where you will): Got it.
To earn higher grade gear and belongings (Maximum starting wealth): Got it.
To earn yourself a second Trait: Got it.
To earn yourself a Campaign Trait: Got it.
For a reward above and beyond what is provided above (???): Got it. (Duality)
To drastically change your guise (Pick any Paizo race): Got it.
To qualify for superior training (25-Point Buy OR Roll 4d6 seven times, dropping the lowest and placing where you will): Got it.
To earn higher grade gear and belongings (Maximum starting wealth): Got it.
To earn yourself a second Trait: Got it.
To earn yourself a Campaign Trait: Got it. Need to work on a custom trait for Sampson; probably "Frontline Duelist" or something similar.
For a reward above and beyond what is provided above (???): Got it. (Galmark's Secret)
To drastically change your guise (Pick any Paizo race): N/A
To qualify for superior training (25-Point Buy OR Roll 4d6 seven times, dropping the lowest and placing where you will): Got it.
To earn higher grade gear and belongings (Maximum starting wealth): Got it.
To earn yourself a second Trait: Got it.
To earn yourself a Campaign Trait: Got it. (Most Noble Order)
For a reward above and beyond what is provided above (???): No dice!
To drastically change your guise (Pick any Paizo race): N/A
To qualify for superior training (25-Point Buy OR Roll 4d6 seven times, dropping the lowest and placing where you will): Got it.
To earn higher grade gear and belongings (Maximum starting wealth): Got it.
To earn yourself a second Trait: Got it.
To earn yourself a Campaign Trait: Got it. (Most Noble Order)
For a reward above and beyond what is provided above (???): Got it. (Reroll)
To drastically change your guise (Pick any Paizo race): N/A
To qualify for superior training (25-Point Buy OR Roll 4d6 seven times, dropping the lowest and placing where you will): Got it.
To earn higher grade gear and belongings (Maximum starting wealth): Got it.
To earn yourself a second Trait: Got it.
To earn yourself a Campaign Trait: Got it. Going to be coming up with a Warmage based trait for Teldresh, if you have any ideas along those lines.
For a reward above and beyond what is provided above (???): No dice!
Duality: The very nature of Nethys is a paradox. A being at once chaos and order, destruction and renewal, many adherents find it truly difficult to follow fully in the footsteps of their patron deity. And yet, commanding such powers has always seemed to flow naturally through Nathmir. Whether it is owed to his unique heritage or a show of Nethys' direct favor with the cleric is not known.
Benefit: When channeling energy of any type, treat your effective cleric level as two levels higher up to a maximum of your total character hit dice.
Note: as written, Versatile Channeler would require you to be level 3 before the potential to channel an alternate energy is possible (mostly existing as a means of qualifying for other feats). I love the idea of this angle with a follower of Nethys though, as it just makes total sense. Plus, it gives you more bang for your buck with the feat you've chosen.

Nathmir Tsaneth |

Does <(^.^<) The ^(^.^)^ Happy (>^.^)> Dance
I am guessing your still working on my campaign trait. Also just to be clear I keep versatile channeler and my current channel abilities as is right? Upon being a 3rd level cleric he would channel both positive and negative energy at 2d6?

Adurus Krupt |

The two military factions that my significant NPC's belong to, the Molthuni Regulars and the Backar Forest Rangers; where would they both be at the moment? I ask because, should I ask the question to Eldred, Vincent, Viktor, or someone else knowledgable in current military affairs, it would be good to have a concrete response already planned. However, if you want that to stay a surprise then just say so. :)

Zeltresh Turenek |
Just busting chops of course, but I will definitely be working hard to up my game with this impressive group you've put together.
Thinking about what a warmage would do in an army, seems like a good trait would either relate to improved range, improved damage with a specialized spell, or better ability to cast under pressure. Those are all logical but overlap my existing skills a bit, so if I was making a trait just for myself Im also thinking that warmages are a valued resource not just for their blasting but their ability to arm the troops? So taking that and combining it with a healthy curiousity about your homebrew casting rules, maybe...
Molthuni Warmage
Your have been trained in the art of conducting warcraft using the arcane arts. Spellcasters are not only trained to be on the frontline lending their spells to offense and defense, they are also an integral part of the supply chain that keeps the officers and troops armed and armored.
Benefit: You receive a +1 trait bonus to Spellcraft, and one Craft skill (armor, weapons, or bowyer/fletcher). Furthermore, as a member of the casting arm of the military, you have access to the army's store of ingredients and reagents. Exposure to the corp's well-defined crafting procedure also gives you a +1 bonus on Experimentation rolls while crafting.

Brimleydower |

I actually really like that Zeltresh, especially if it means someone is gonna test drive the Crafting rules.
To Adurus: The Molthuni Regulars are on the northern front; that's common knowledge. The Backar Forest Rangers are based out of a headquarters in Canorate, though they have a sizable outpost in Cettigne as well. They often stop in Braganza when business on the northern fringe of the Backar is required, but they have no base of operations there.