Falling Darkness

Game Master Edelsmirge

World of Darkness Vampire V 20 starting as mortals and becoming vampires

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Ter-i-el says with a grim nod Daniel the Tremere are an enemy to be sure, however, in the long night there are very few true friends. Keep council with yourself and form bonds you can trust and keep them safe but know there is also room for power and betrayal.

"I'll try to keep that in mind. I'll be damned if I let myself die a second time from being naive. You mentioned that there are only seven healers left, but how many Salubri are there that are like us? Are they just as liable to stab me in the back as anyone else?"

Sorry about the delay. This is the last thing Daniel will be asking, so you can feel free to move on if I'm holding it up.

Daniel, the other salubri are free willed as any other man or woman and will make choices about you like any other soul. We are a clan and you might expect some better assistance from them, but that is no guarantee. Ter-i-el says simply.

"Makes sense. I'll just have to watch my back. Not too different from before, just a little more... deadly, I guess." Daniel scratches the side of his head, looking pensive. "Thank you for answering my questions. And for not leaving me to be someone's feast. I hope we'll meet again." He awaits whatever response Teriel may have, then nods respectfully and departs.

Without more to do before sunrise you are all brought large buckets full of blood to your rooms still warm, enough to make each of you wonder where they get all this blood....

The day passes again and the sun once more sets and you are all once more invited to the Great Hall.

GM Falling Darkness wrote:

Without more to do before sunrise you are all brought large buckets full of blood to your rooms still warm, enough to make each of you wonder where they get all this blood....

The day passes again and the sun once more sets and you are all once more invited to the Great Hall.

Ezra wasted no time filling up and didn't keep them waiting. Last thing he needed was to piss off some vampires that already had him on their s*$# list.

WP 6/10 | BP 18/20 | Per+Alert 6 |Dex+Wits 6|

The nights disappears and the sun rises bringing a fitful sleep to Joel, as he makes his way to teh Great Hall, unbeknownst to him, his appearance has changed, his hair color, lighter, his features sharper, in fact, Joel looks like Joel not at all any longer...

The Flaws kick in! :-). Are we full on BP?

Daniel rises and quickly drinks his fill of blood. Even as he gorges himself, the thought that what he is doing isn't normal sits in the back of his mind. He shakes it off and quickly departs for the Great Hall.

When he arrives, he steals a sidelong glance at a Kindred he does not recognize. Curious and more than a little suspicious, Daniel goes to stand near the newcomer.

He decides to try Italian first. "I don't believe we've met. Are you one of the Founders'... subordinates?"

I can also type that out in Italian if we wanna get real immersive. :P

7th Generation Lasombra | Bloodpool: 19/20 | Willpower: 6/8

Justin greedily takes in as much blood as has been provided. Making a point of cleaning himself up first, he makes his way to the Great Hall.

while you stand outside the hall talking among one another you hear behind the closed doors of the dining hall the recognizable voices of the Founders once again in "heated' discussion.

we are full minus one on bp

waiting on group rp before moving forward

Hearing voices in the other room, Daniel focuses his hearing to pick up what they're saying.

Focusing hearing with Auspex 1.

7th Generation Lasombra | Bloodpool: 19/20 | Willpower: 6/8

Looking around at the others and doing a double-take at the new-comer, Justin says, "We were invited...should we just go in?"

Taking another look at the new-comer (Joel), Justin asks, "Who the hell are you?"

WP 6/10 | BP 18/20 | Per+Alert 6 |Dex+Wits 6|

Joel gives Daniel an odd look. When Justin repeats the question he responds gruffly, "Joel. What the hell is wrong with the two of you tonight?"

7th Generation Lasombra | Bloodpool: 19/20 | Willpower: 6/8

"Alright." Justin says, having seen enough weird shot since this whole ordeal began. "What's with the make over?"

Daniel cocks an eyebrow. "Yeah," he adds after Justin. "Do you not know what you look like?"

WP 6/10 | BP 18/20 | Per+Alert 6 |Dex+Wits 6|

Joel shakes his head, "Uh. I look like I always look. Don't I? Joel starts looking for a mirror or any reflective surface...

Joel sees in a mirror in the hall...

Meanwhile, Daniel hears from the main great dining room

Hardestadt: they are puny, naive, and immature

Rodrigo from the caravan enters the hallway interrupting your listening and knocks on the dining hall door.

When you enter the founders are areayed at a lead table. Hardestadt sips from a goblet and says there is ever little anyone can do about their most unattractive qualities except work. Therefore you shall all work to present yourselves to the Conspiracy again at the Red Lion Inn. We have learned that the rats have returned to that sinking ship thinking we would not check it. You will take Rodrigo back to them saying he is dominated by you and that he never betrayed you so that they will take our trusted vassel and ghoul back into their graces. Watch the Conspiracy and learn what they intend to do. Destroy them one by one if you can.

WP 6/10 | BP 18/20 | Per+Alert 6 |Dex+Wits 6|

Joel looks at the face of a man who died when he was in the army, his eyes well up in red tears as this was his first friend in the Service who died in active duty.

"What is this? Why... why is this happening..."

He stares, transfixed at this, his own image.

7th Generation Lasombra | Bloodpool: 19/20 | Willpower: 6/8

Justin walks over and puts a hand on Joel's shoulder.

"Come on, Joel. Get it together. We don't want to show any weakness in front of those f*%@ers in the other room." he says, before taking notice that his own reflection is not in the mirror.

"What the f~#@?" Justin mutters, contemplating his own situation.

Daniel joins the other two near the mirror in the hall. "Well that's weird as hell. Still, at least you guys have the right number of body parts," he comments dryly. He rolls his eyes at his own predicament, noting that his third eye feels like moves slightly under its lid in concert with his other two.

"We'll figure this all out later. Let's get going. Don't wanna keep them waiting."

Figure we'll get to responding to Hardestadt as soon as we finish our mirror check lol.

Daniel J. Sutton wrote:

Daniel joins the other two near the mirror in the hall. "Well that's weird as hell. Still, at least you guys have the right number of body parts," he comments dryly. He rolls his eyes at his own predicament, noting that his third eye feels like moves slightly under its lid in concert with his other two.

"We'll figure this all out later. Let's get going. Don't wanna keep them waiting."

Figure we'll get to responding to Hardestadt as soon as we finish our mirror check lol.

Hearing Daniel, Ezra casually checked his own body parts. Everything was still there. With everything else screwy as hell, it never hurt to be sure. You stayed alive by being sure. Got to hear more screams.

WP 6/10 | BP 18/20 | Per+Alert 6 |Dex+Wits 6|

"Yeah, ok sure Justin".

Joel cracks his neck and heads in behind the others.

At Hardestadt's statement Joel raises an eyebrow, "Then I suppose if they just kill us right then and there you've lost nothing?

How do we tell them we escaped? With Rodrigo's assistance?"

Rodrigo will be dominated of course to remember nothing and to lead you back to the Red Lion Inn. Memories will be implanted of what was done by you all.

WP 6/10 | BP 18/20 | Per+Alert 6 |Dex+Wits 6|

"Alright then, when do we head out?"

He looks to Mistress Fanchon with a come hither type of look.

The meeting ends for the night and after you all depart, soon after Mistress Fanchon finds you Joel how may I assist you fledgling? she asks even though a short woman you feel as if she is looking down upon you.

WP 6/10 | BP 18/20 | Per+Alert 6 |Dex+Wits 6|

"Yer kiddin' right? Look at my f##+ing face, what the hell is happening to me?!" Jole is not a man that panics but he is freaked out both by his appearance changing and by the face of the dead man that he now dons in an uncontrollable manner.

Mistress Fanchon looks at Joel for a long time and then takes out a flask and a dagger and takes a quick and efficient sample of your blood (subtract one blood point).

I am unsure what has happened fledgling but I will study it and see what answers I may uncover. Allow me to teach you several ritual spells before you depart my presence one of which will allow you to speak to me from distance.

Pick two rituals one being the speaking with sire one, and another level one ritual of your choice. You will have to spend the xp to be able to use them which you can spend now or when ever you have it.

WP 6/10 | BP 18/20 | Per+Alert 6 |Dex+Wits 6|

Joel nods calming down, "Alright. OK, I mean what are the odds it happens again right? Maybe I can do something about it myself, I've developing what I think is a new magic power to affect my flesh, maybe it will help with my face..."

I will learn Communicate and Deflection of Wooden Doom, 1 XP each to fully know them? I am ready for the road trip now!

anyone else need anything before we go like spending xp and learning dominate 3? Lol

7th Generation Lasombra | Bloodpool: 19/20 | Willpower: 6/8

Yeah, I suppose that could be useful.

"So if we are to tell these guys that Rodrigo is dominated by us, how in the Hell do we prove that?" Justin somewhat incredulously asks.

Hardestadt looks at you with a withering look as if measuring your worth in living for long uncomfortable moments and then says

they will of course dominate him and look at his mind which due to my skill will be shielded from their attempts. In addition you will use your meager skills after I teach you to do what we said you did which is dominate him into friendship and bring you to the in.

WP 6/10 | BP 18/20 | Per+Alert 6 |Dex+Wits 6|

Joel nods at the Elder's suggestion.

Daniel speaks up, having just thought of something. "What memories are going to be implanted in Rodrigo? Even if they can't beat your skill, they might find out if things we say are different from whatever they find in his head."

You will implant the memories you like of him leaving the castle here. We will take him down to the dungeons and wipe his mind completely from before that and put a strong protection on his mind from before that. It will be simple. Then you place in his mind how he is your friend and should unlock the door and he does just that and you all "escape" and go to the inn after he takes you to the stables and orders them to give him a carriage with horses, which they would do. Hardestadt says.

7th Generation Lasombra | Bloodpool: 19/20 | Willpower: 6/8

"Alright." Justin says. "If that's the plan, I suppose we should get started."

"Is this something any of us can do? Are there some of us who might be better at it?" Justin asks, knowing little to nothing about the vampiric condition.

"I would assume the latter, given some of us have changing features, others don't seem to have a reflection anymore..."

Hardestadt takes time to explain all the clans and their regular disciplines. He goes over each of the lower levels of abilities and familiarizes you all with what they are.

WP 6/10 | BP 18/20 | Per+Alert 6 |Dex+Wits 6|

Joe nods at the briefing and tries to hold back his amazement at what he is learning, This is all so surreal...

Hardestadt leads the group down to the cells and locks you in and asks each of you to approach the bars so that he may remove some of what was said to protect you on your mission.

WP 6/10 | BP 18/20 | Per+Alert 6 |Dex+Wits 6|

Joel grimaces and allows it to happen, Not like we've much choice it seems. As a kid I thought it might be nice to travel to the past, this sucks worse than the future!

Ezra kept his mouth locked shut and stepped forward. No helping it.

Daniel does his best to keep his apprehension from showing as he steps forward. He hates the thought of someone toying with his mind like that, let alone someone like Hardestadt, but there seems to be little other choice. This job had to be done, no matter what.

7th Generation Lasombra | Bloodpool: 19/20 | Willpower: 6/8

This sucks. Justin thinks to himself before allowing Hardestadt to bend his will. Nothing to be done about it now, its either this or death...

You all find yourselves standing in the cells knowing you are locked in and that the founders will be back any time and that you should be leaving if you wish to live. Just then Rodrigo rounds the corner and taunts you all on your lack of power and skill. Justin you get the feeling you could make him let you out... with dominate.

7th Generation Lasombra | Bloodpool: 19/20 | Willpower: 6/8

"Rodrigo, you are right, we do not have a great deal of power or skill as of yet." Justin says. "Surely there wouldn't be any harm if you let us out."

Dominate 2, Mesmerize: Manipulation + Leadership: 3d10 ⇒ (6, 10, 6) = 22

WP 6/10 | BP 18/20 | Per+Alert 6 |Dex+Wits 6|

Joel stares at Rodrigo, who was once his Retainer, hoping that Justin's gamble pays off!

Rodrigo moves over and grabs the keys and slowly moves over to the cell unlocking the cell for you all and then standing there

7th Generation Lasombra | Bloodpool: 19/20 | Willpower: 6/8

"Alright, there's step one out of the way. Let's get going."

WP 6/10 | BP 18/20 | Per+Alert 6 |Dex+Wits 6|

Joel nods in agreement asking Justin, "Do we need to order him to stay quiet and follow us as well?"

"For sure we will have to get a carriage to get away from this place I would suspect".

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