Loup Blanc |

Welcome, everyone, to the discussion for the game! This discussion thread will probably be used for general purposes and questions, and I may create new threads for separate gameplay threads if we end up going that way. For now, though, let's just get started with a few last-minute things.
1: New Skills--Lore
During the recruitment process, I started thinking about how we would represent what characters know. In the base Boot Hill, there aren't any knowledge skills, really, beyond special skills like Chemistry or the like; this makes a fair amount of sense, since the setting is the Wild West and there isn't a crazy amount of stuff to know about. In a setting as wide and varied as the 'Verse, though, there's a lot to hear about, and most folks don't know it all, no matter what they may say.
To solve the issue, then, I've decided to use something I'm calling Lore skills. Lore represents specific types of knowledge that aren't related directly to applicable skills--so you still need the Chemistry General Skill to know about mixing chemicals and that sort of thing, and knowing about starships doesn't make you any better at flying them. But having a Lore skill means that your character will know some information about most things that fall under its purview.
You get a number of Lore skills equal to half the Skill Points you got in character creation (3, 4, or 5). You also get to make your own Lore skills, although they need to be approved by me. Lore skills could be related to a political organization, types of technology, or anything else you can think of. I'll let you know if I approve your choice, or if you need to focus it down or even widen it out. Give it your best shot, and make sure it makes sense for your character!
2: Your Character on the Campaign Site
I've got all your characters on Obsidian Portal at this point, but they aren't quite finished yet. Check out what I've got so far here, but I'd like some things. First off, if you'd prefer a different short description for your character, let me know; second, if you don't have a picture for your character yet, try to find one; and third, if you could get me a brief bio of your character for their profile, that'd be great. Keep in mind this is just so folks can quickly and easily get a refresher of your character's appearance and personality, so you don't need to include all sorts of background information, especially if it isn't the sort of thing your character talks about frequently.
3: Thoughts on the Party
It's been mentioned that while we could keep this group all together as it is, it would also be fairly easy to break you up into multiple groups. As such, I'd like to hear from you all what you're thinking--would you rather stick together, would you want separate gameplay threads for different ships/groups, or would you want to be "together" but split into smaller groups most of the time? It's all up to you.
That should be everything for now, so just check in here--I'm hoping to get Gameplay going shortly. I'll also be drawing up an overview of how combat works in the game with some examples, since it's fairly complex compared to the rest of the game.

Zzed Fox |

I would prefer the concept of one ship with a large crew, and the groups are sent out on different missions.
Alternately, two small ships in the same small fleet, each assigned different missions.
Either of these allows us to do two things.
1) Group people by posting speed (to keep people in the same posting rate).
2) Switch people between groups when needed...
3) Get everyone together into one big group if necessary.

Loup Blanc |

Alright, sounds like the general consensus is to keep folks mostly together. You'll probably all be crew or passengers on the same ship then, with various motives and missions to carry out as the game goes on.
Nathan: Armor does exist, but functional armor that protects against firearms is quite expensive and hard to find on the Frontier. A bulletproof vest crops up here and there, but they'll function much as they do in real life: they turn serious or mortal wounds into lesser injuries and are usually ruined after taking one or two shots, rather than functioning as go-go-gadget-life-savers as in a lot of games and media. They also, of course, don't do much at all against special ammunition designed to go through them (also rare and highly illegal). More durable forms of armor exist, but are extremely rare and expensive--you'd probably only get them if you decided to try knocking over a military base. Which is a bad idea, at least for right now.

Loup Blanc |

Those sound fine to me, although the military ones will probably be specific to the UPPF. Ballistic Maintenance would probably become more like knowledge of firearms, being able to recognize weapons by sight and/or sound, and limited knowledge of what weapons a given group might be likely to use, or how common a weapon type would be.

Kane o'Hare |

Sounds good. I'll roll em up then.
2d10 ⇒ (2, 8) = 10
2d10 ⇒ (7, 1) = 8
2d10 ⇒ (6, 7) = 13
2d10 ⇒ (6, 7) = 13
Lore (Ballistic Knowledge)-11
Lore (Medical Triage)-15
Lore (UPPF Procedure)-13
Lore (UPPF Tactics)-15
What kind of short description are you planning on using for Kane, Loup? Just out of interest. I went to check OP but he isn't there yet.

Kane o'Hare |

I found a pic that I think suits him perfectly - Kane
I figure the uniform the character in the picture is wearing could be the formal uniform for UPPF Officers.
Kane, whilst lounging around the ship, wears a white shirt, a black waistcoat, and a pair of black trousers, with dress shoes. While off ship, Kane wears much the same outfit, replacing his shoes for the tough military issue boots from his days in the military and covering everything with a long black duster.

![]() |

Okay, uh, LB... how's this for skills?
The Seiryuu System
Bar Trivia
Starship Recognition
Bounty Hunting
Kei is lithe, toned, and beautiful, despite the thousand-yard stare that sometimes forms in her eyes. She keeps her hair out to her elbows as a matter of personal preference (she says it reminds her of her mother.) Though she laughs and smiles and socializes with fellow bounty hunters, deep down she has morose feelings.
While on the ship, Kei wears a white tank top, a tanned leather vest, well-worn jeans and chaps, gunslinger's gloves, and knee-high boots. Off the ship, she adds her father's hat and her People's Army of Seiryuu greatcoat; the only remaining decoration being two stripes at each shoulder, indicating her former rank of captain.

Barnabas Stoneshaper |

Lore: 2d10 ⇒ (2, 9) = 11
Lore: 2d10 ⇒ (6, 4) = 10
Lore: 2d10 ⇒ (8, 6) = 14
Lore: 2d10 ⇒ (4, 5) = 9
Lore: demolitions 14
Lore: pirates 11
Lore: The frontier 10
Lore: firearms 9

Loup Blanc |

Hmm... I think each of those Lore Skills will work, yes. Having the Frontier in general will give you mostly nonspecific knowledge about workings, so you'll know general info about planets or famous folks, but nothing too specific (unless you want it to be Frontier planets?). Likewise, firearms will probably apply mainly to the sort of firearms that are in abundance on the Frontier--less so Energy Weapons or high-tech weaponry, which could fall under a Lore: Advanced Firearms skill.
Alternatively, I might change things up and make Lore skills more widespread than I'm intending right now. We'll see how it goes in Gameplay.
Also, a note: Unless people are vehemently against it, I'll probably roll Lore Skills for your characters as they come up. That way I can pretty much instantly determine what you know and give it to you all in one post, rather than posting for you to roll, waiting for the roll, and then telling you what you know. It'll just speed things up.

Loup Blanc |

Well, ideally I'd like to get everyone in here with their Lore skills set up and the Obsidian Portal site up to date. To that end, I'll give this a few more days while I get the information over there. During that period, if you guys come up with more info on your characters' background and equipment--or any ideas for planets, tech, so on, from fleshed out plans to "Wouldn't it be cool if there was a gun that shot smaller guns?"--post it in here and we can discuss it and probably add it up as well. Gameplay can probably start by the end of this weekend or mid-week next week (I have Wednesday off work for inventory, so I'm aiming for that).

Thakur Sahib Harisimhji Jaisimh |

I believe Reesa gets 4 lore..so they would be...
2d10 ⇒ (7, 7) = 14 Corporate Security Methodology
2d10 ⇒ (1, 10) = 11 Current Affairs - Martial Arts
2d10 ⇒ (4, 1) = 5 Gardening
2d10 ⇒ (3, 2) = 5 Corporate History (esp. Atlas Corp)
I am sorry I have been rather quiet lately, but my museum is holding our Annaul Show and it has been brutal getting all the work done!