I appreciate the sentiments.... (Well, maybe not... I'm horrible at taking compliments)
Anyway, I reported the scenario, and sent off the chronicles to the previously used email addresses! Let me know if I mucked something up.
I still have a 'sailing off into the sunset' sort of post planned... but from a society standpoint, we're done!
(sounds of numerous folks leveling up ensue!)

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Hey, she didnt make friends with the lady, lol

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got my chronicle... thanks! how much did those gifts cost total? or do you want me to just come up with a number...
and no level here... that brought me to 8, so need one more adventure...

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Now she is very sad, lol.


Well, buying 'gifts' for other PC's is a bit of a sticking point in PFS.
Technically, you're not allowed to spend your money to buy things for other players beyond the end of a scenario.
Most of what you're after is not really a big deal, beyond descriptive ... so I wouldn't worry too much about it... except the arrow... that one might be an issue.

1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Random going away thoughts from the GM!
- for those of you who might consider GMing any of these in the future... just be aware that I added large portions of descriptive stuff. (I swear, probably more then 80% of it did not come from box text). The PbP format is great for being able to do that! I highly recommend it.
- I loved that all 6 scenarios all took place on the single map of Irrisen I pulled off the interwebs somewhere. Was fun drawing all the dotted lines and moving the 'You Are Here' arrow around.
- typing accents or funky speech patterns is a pain! Skelg's chattering teeth and my attempt at giving Natalya an accent was a lot of work! Partly why I didn't try to do it later.
- Both Skelg and Natalya pop up again (I think) in the 3rd scenario in the Eyes of the Ten arc. Not sure how or if there's a connection back to this one, but its something to keep in mind if you ever get to those retirement arcs.
- liked all the opportunities I had to make languages relevant throughout.
- loved that Masym got hit by the lantern and ran with it. If he'd saved, it would not have been nearly as interesting.
- I've long been a believer that many of the more fun and interesting things that happen in this game, are a result of someone failing to do something! Or gaining a penalty of some sort and living with it, instead of immediately trying to make it go away. Especially from an RP perspective.
- I admit to being a little disappointed in the Rosy Fingers Tavern. It started off just a single name on one of the maps in the scenario.
When you guys decided to go in there, I went 'oh crap'... and then went about trying to create the place... including seedy atmosphere and bartender from Rahadoum (Had just played a scenario there, so thought it would be an interesting place for him to be from... which lead to the 'No Preaching' sign.). The problem came when I started to overthink things, as I often do... I wondered what if you guys asked about the name of the tavern... so invented a reason... then decided it needed a signature drink that matched the name... and then no one asked after the name, or wondered about the root in the drink, or even partook of said drink after they'd gone and bought one. All that thought for something that didn't come up at all. Important to remember in PbP you have time to ponder these things a little as they happen... too much preplanning might prove inefficient! =)
- The Pathfinder Campaign Setting supplement on Irrisen was awesome. I used it a lot. Some of the towns and stuff in that country are wierd. Just reading the description of Chillblight made me never want to visit there. I tried to throw some of this in here and there, though didn't do as good a job as I could have I suspect (though was trying to avoid Magic Cow/Gazebo issues). Especially since I didn't get it until part way in (or I never would have put the caravan route the way I did (I had to do an emergency edit of the dotted line to avoid the Frozen Fog on the map, after reading what it was)). The supplement for the Linnorm Kingdoms had some useful info too, but didn't see that til near the end.
- Did you know that crows are killed on sight in Irrisen? I didn't know how this would affect someone like Wei Tchak... so decided to avoid that complication entirely and never brought it up. =)
- still not sure if was better or worse to have only two of the goblins speak common (1 of whom preteneded not to). Made some things easier, to have a single mouthpiece, but I noticed you didn't really engage with them that much, and not sure if that was part of the reason.
- Had a plan in my head for a comical 'arch nemesis' vibe on Storc vs Phoebee... but she never bit the bait I tossed out. Heh.
- first time, out of three runs, I've not managed to kill one of the goblins though! Cursed clerics.
- am still amazed how well the information gathering portion of the 3rd scenario went in Trollheim (for the PbP format). I think part of that was getting you all to roll diplomacy rolls up front, for all 5 parts, an then just RPing things going forward from there. But mostly, it was all due to your schedules. You all logged in to post at different times, and each actually were asking a different or follow-up question. So the NPC would say some stuff... one of you popped in and asked a question... I answered... then someone else would pop in and ask a question... I'd answer... etc etc...
It made the whole thing seem almost like a real conversation with everyone involved. I was really pleased how that part worked out.
- Was hoping someone would remember poor little Thorngrin though... alas, the sickly little hard-luck gnome remains stuck in Trollheim.
- For future reference: out of reach goblin alchemists with the explosive bombs discovery are mean!
- There are a few connections between the Shades of Ice scenarios that are not really pointed out in the scenarios themselves. For instance the fact that the ulfen prisoners in part 2 were captured in the same raid that Hjort blamed the Pathfinders for in part 1... this was not pointed out at all, so unless you were carefully reading both scenarios, you could miss that entirely. Probably due to the disconnected nature of scenarios, even linked ones.
- I was taken by surprise when Masym starting talking about Melkorka being possessed by the axe... I went back and read the descriptions I'd been giving, and then totally saw where he was coming from, so let it ride! Made the weapon seem way more important and artifacty!
- Glad you guys responded so well to the Snowmask Induction ceremony. I thought it up as I drove home from work that day. Didn't expect everyone to keep the tattoos though.
- Though it was the last fight... I think that one with the Revenant was my favorite ... at least the one I had the most fun describing... though the goblin firebombers had their moments.
- I played From Under Ice not long after it first came out, but remembered almost none of it. I view that as a failure on the GM's part, if the player doesn't recall what happened later.
- The only person I didn't manage to knock unconscious through it all, was Nella! That Adoration domain ability foiled me a few times =)
- Had a great 'dream' scene I wanted to use, the next time Tchak tossed the Infernal Healing on another unconscious PC... but it never came up once I thought of it! 8(
- Masym had the worst dice luck sometimes! It made me laugh many a time. On the flip side, Jones was king of the opportune crit.
- I wanted to say Malusha's crossbow luck sucked too... but usually he needed a 19 or 20 to hit... so his luck was pretty normal given the odds. =)
- Jones was always pulling out a tankard and some booze... but doesn't have a tankard on his equipment list! =) (Edit: That should be Tchak's gift to Jones!)
- On a similar line, Malusha, buy some food! Technically you guys had to feed yourselves for part 5... and everyone had just barely enough food for it... except Malusha who had none, and Tchak who had lots!
- Looking at some of the earlier posts and some of the later, I clearly got more and more descriptive as I went... some of those later ones were huge! Egads.
- fyi: There are only so many ways to describe swinging swords at people!

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I think you did a great job... and reading all your inside information really points up how much you put into it that wasn't in the script! Thanks for that, you really breathed life into these scenarios! and whoops, we DID forget the poor gnome, didn't we... a reminder might have helped... after all, our characters most likely wouldn't have forgotten, and if we were at a table playing ftf, we likely wouldn't have all forgotten either.. unfortunately the nature of pbp does make recollecting small details (pun intended) difficult. Still, it was all fun!

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I had a lot of fun with this and am sorry to see our group break up. I wonder if any of us would be willing to DM and trade off?

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well, I remember him now that you've reminded me... and tbh, with my memory, which is none too great under the best of circumstances, that's quite a feat! I could easily forget a casual conversation with a random npc and not recall even if reminded, so it DID make an impression!

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Whoops, I feel bad for forgetting poor Thorngrin too! Maybe we can ask Benarry to send a message back that way and see if her contacts can help him out?
Re: gifts - I'd say that if you wanted to buy another PC a gift then as long as it's something cosmetic that doesn't cost any more than a gold or two at most then it shouldn't cause a ruckus.
Still at work so I'll comment more in-depth on your other notes later GM! :)

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She is all leveled and took Deific Obedience

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Ha. I do have tankards on my hero's lab inventory. I guess I didn't transfer them to the profile equipment list.
Thank you again to everyone. This was a memorable adventure.

EvilMinion |
And with that, we are done!
Malusha wrote that poem there at the end, he just let me include it as part of the ending post.. Sadly the forum doesn't let me keep the indenting, so it doesn't look quite as nifty as the original did.
Will keep the thread active for a few more days, before closing things down (unless the conversations continue to be lively).
Thanks again everyone!

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I hope to run into each of you in other PbP games since I have thoroughly enjoyed all of our interactions.
Phoebee (Jason), good job on pulling off an opposite gender character. I don't think I could do it.
Jones, I liked your steady presence and always coming in to save the day.
Tchak, you played an unusual race very well. You made me a believe in the fact that it is possible to play something other than the core races effectively.
Masym, loved your character. When I talked to friends in RL about him I referred to him as the "beefcake". I liked the quiet, strong fighter vibe you created.
Nella, thanks for playing along with Malusha's crush. I enjoyed the crush/romance development between Malusha, Masym, Phoebee, and Nella in this series of adventures.
I'll be at PaizoCon so if any of you are coming maybe we can meet up IRL.
I think I'm going to keep Malusha out of any PbP until after PaizoCon so that I can play him there in a few scenarios. If I can get 3 more I can level up again!

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He needs to take weapon focus crossbow :)

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I am looking at running the Dalsine Affair at tier 3-4. It might be a perfect scenario for Malusha. Phoebee wouldnt be able to go but the credit would go to her.
Anyone interested?

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when were you thinking of running it? I have a con at the end of the month (same dates as Paizocon I think... may 26-29... I'd kind of like to have Tchak free to play then... could join a game after.

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I was thinking of starting before that.


Phoebee... just a heads up...
But you are advertising that Dalsine Affair as a Core game.
Which means no one here could play it anyway, with their non-core characters.
Nor could you assign credit to Phoebee once you're done.
Also, in case you were not aware, the tier you GM it in is irrelevant to the PC you assign GM credit to.

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Working on catching up on games, will get to this one very soon I hope!

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I will run it in both standard and core but wanted to see core off first

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Here is the standard recruitment

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Hey, we made 675 posts.

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Also as tempting as it is, I think I'll gently decline the invitation for now. Not that I don't want to keep playing Nella but I'm looking to start my first solo-flight scenario as a GM soonish and the less games I'm juggling while I do that (plus the Cosmic Captive special starts in about a month and I'll also be going to a convention that same weekend) the better it'll be on my sanity :)

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I think that the scenario is a 1 through 5

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Go ahead and post in the recruitment thread

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I'm almost done with the confirmation in one group and reliable the first part of an evergreen series if that will help.