Dungeon World PBP play (Inactive)

Game Master Elsine

Watch as our heroes, using skills aquired from across the continent, join together to combat evil and defend their adopted town

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Female Dwarf Channeler 8 (23/28 hp, 1 armor, d4 damage, 2/15 xp) (Str -1, Dex +2, Con +3, Int +2, Wis +1, Cha +0)

"But only elves count?" Belym says quietly to herself. When Conwall finishes speaking, she'll pick up the bone, then catch up with the elf. " Thank you for telling me that. Is it allowed to ask who you avenged to forge Catastrophe?"

Can't recall offhand - is Catastrophe's name something the group would know, or does Conwall hold that secret?

As they prepare to leave, Belym quickly sifts through the pile of stuff cast off by TAM. She'll take their guild plaque, the deliveries for Ghostmoore, and any obvious heirlooms (as well as any of the group's collective possessions).

On the road

I know, I'm sorry, but we have to keep moving. There are more people who need us Natria says, offering you her hand.

Am I right in guessig that we're ready to move on to Ghostmoor?

At a hidden altar on the ghostmoor

I should describe your surroundings. You are on a warded island in the ghostmoor. Most dry land in the moor has wards, to keep away the revenants, ghosts, and spectres this marsh is infested with. there are also warded bridges, to give people (Relatively) safe passage across the ghstmoor

you take the gem in your hand, and immediately it reacts to your holy power. this reaction takes the form of an explosion, and a swirling purple portal expanding from the spot the gem exploded. you, however, are thrown from the island, into the marsh. a pair of ghouls who have been hungrily eyeing the corpses on the island for some time now block your path, and they are turning towards you. What do you do?

Female Dwarf Channeler 8 (23/28 hp, 1 armor, d4 damage, 2/15 xp) (Str -1, Dex +2, Con +3, Int +2, Wis +1, Cha +0)

Yep, I'm ready to move on, though I do want to hear Conwall's reply. The remaining journey is still a few days (and will therefore presumably include time to make camp/level up), correct?

Belym wrote:
Yep, I'm ready to move on, though I do want to hear Conwall's reply. The remaining journey is still a few days (and will therefore presumably include time to make camp/level up), correct?

Absolutely. Which advanced move are you going to take?

HP: 22/22 | Gambit 0 | Def 0 | GG: 619 (+4026 infernal) | Aggressive 7.11 BM (6.0 Wiz -0 ongoing) | AC 4 | 1d8 | S 1 | D 3 | C 0 | I 3 | W 0 | CH 0 | Spells: Light, Prestidig., US, Shadow Walk

Ron takes Natria's hand for a moment, still looking out towards Norwhich. Do ye ever think about ... His voice trails off as there is a rustling among the horses. I'm sorry, I must see to the horses.

Ron tends to the horses while the camp is broken down, and takes point as the party rides on to Ghostmoor.

Male Elf Level 6 Fighter (Armor 3, HP 25/25, xp 9/13 load 6/12) |STR 0|DEX 2|CON 1|INT 1|WIS 1|CHA 1

If we made a sword for every living thing killed by these hateful beasts, we'd have more swords than elves, I'm afraid. Catastrophe is forged from my sister's killer. It took...some time to find it. And it's much easier to kill these things with the sword than without it. But it was worth it.

F Templar Lvl 6.02   dmg:D8 HP:25/25 A:2   Wrath:+3 ~ STR:+3 ~ CON:+2 ~ DEX:+1 ~ WIS:+1 ~ INT:0 ~ CHA-1   WANTED

As she gets up from the mire, her knife slides into the sheath at Roshan's belt, and a long, square blade and a rough hide shield are drawn. Her Chakram was damaged, and the thick mire would make Dancing Blades much less effective, so Roshan approaches the ghouls cautiously, readying for Parting Silk.

Hack and Slash: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (5, 5) + 2 = 12 Spending 1 Wrath to Smite
Parting Silk: 1d8 + 1d4 ⇒ (4) + (2) = 6

Roshan ducks and guards three blows before the broad, hacking blade swings down in an overhead arc through the first ghoul. The blade leaves red after-images in the air that paint a perfect arc.

On the road

The road goes by mostly uneventfully, as you are still too large a party to rob. the hills yield to plains for half a day before the moor begins. you arrive at the wooden walkways of the Ghostmoor two days after the demon attack. It is a long walk, with occasional islands (For those unfortunate souls who cannot make the whole bridge's length in a single day). You will arrive in ghostmoor, soon, anyone do anything beforehand?

in the ghostmoor

your blade damages the ghoul, but it doesn't even so much as flinch. They both move to tear your flesh, what do you do?

Male Human Cleric 6 26/26 HP | 14 XP | Bless, Sanctuary, Speak With Dead | -2 cast a spell, 2 hold (spend 2 to make camp, 5 to escape labyrinth), blessed

Is there anything I can do to treat my injuries on the road?

F Templar Lvl 6.02   dmg:D8 HP:25/25 A:2   Wrath:+3 ~ STR:+3 ~ CON:+2 ~ DEX:+1 ~ WIS:+1 ~ INT:0 ~ CHA-1   WANTED

Roshan takes a step back, plants her feet and braces herself against her shield.

I don't know if I would be better served by Defending or Defying Danger with CON. Are you going to let me defend myself? (some DMs don't) If I end up with three Hold with Defend, will I be able to deal 2 damage twice, now or with separate attacks? If I ace the DD, will I be able to cancel (rather than halve) their damage? The priority is to get some idea of their danger to further assess how aggressive she can afford to be. Mostly, I'm not really situationally aware right now. I have no idea if Roshan has an option to run away, or push through. I know the ghouls are blocking my path, but I don't know where that path goes. Am I right in thinking I have a deathswamp at my back, and two ghouls between me and the only forseable safe place? Do I need to Discern Realities to know more about my situation? Could I Spout Lore to know more about ghouls?

Rose Unfolds: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (4, 2) + 2 = 8
That's probably halved damage either way, but knowing the answers to those questions would be helpful, especially if she'll be solo for much longer.

Iron Tom

You make camp 3 times between there and Ghostmoor. everyone is back at full health. as for the debilities, nothing but a couple days rest in Ghostmoor will fix those


In order: If you are just bracing for impact, it is either DD+Con, or survive if you have that move. it is only defending if you are defending something/someone else.

beyond the ghouls, who you can try to shove/run past, is the warded island, where they, probably, can't follow, behind you is, in fact, deahswamp. DR might be wise, just to understand the severity of the situation. with this information, do you still brace (And take half damage, or do you do something else?

Male Human Cleric 6 26/26 HP | 14 XP | Bless, Sanctuary, Speak With Dead | -2 cast a spell, 2 hold (spend 2 to make camp, 5 to escape labyrinth), blessed

I had full health, just two debilities... oh well. It was worth taking that retreating demon out.

F Templar Lvl 6.02   dmg:D8 HP:25/25 A:2   Wrath:+3 ~ STR:+3 ~ CON:+2 ~ DEX:+1 ~ WIS:+1 ~ INT:0 ~ CHA-1   WANTED

Doing things other than taking care of incoming attack has tended to end in taking multiple attack rolls from you end to end, so I think I'll definitely do what I can to reduce that incoming damage. Doing anything through that attack would require some form of DD, I would assume. So I will definitely brace against the attack(s).

While Roshan continues to hold off the majority of the ghouls' strikes, she watches their movements, eyes the far shore, and weighs her fight and flight instincts.
Discern Realities: 2d6 ⇒ (5, 6) = 11
Who is in control here?
What here is useful or valuable to me?
What is about to happen here?

Male Elf Level 6 Fighter (Armor 3, HP 25/25, xp 9/13 load 6/12) |STR 0|DEX 2|CON 1|INT 1|WIS 1|CHA 1

I'm more pensive than normal. Maybe it was the close encounter with the Cacadus, maybe it was the loss of my friend. Either way, I'm anxious to be done with these cultists. They've raised my anger, and that's not an easy task.


Given Belym's corrections, hold 1 for defend. the ghouls are going to talon you for 1d8 damage

in order:

In control would probably be the portal, it won't disgorge anything for a few minutes, but it has become semi-permenant.

what's valuable is a relatively clear path, to the left of the ghoul, which takes you well clear of the portal, and gets you back on the walkways.

whats about to happen. in order: in less than a minute, the creatures of the swamp will come en-mass toward you, in a few minutes, the portal will disgorge a few defenders, in about half an hour, the cultist will break free (assuming the demons don't kill him), and run back to Einora.

Also, out of curiousity, how did you know it was the second one that was the lie? I've been meaning to ask for a while.

F Templar Lvl 6.02   dmg:D8 HP:25/25 A:2   Wrath:+3 ~ STR:+3 ~ CON:+2 ~ DEX:+1 ~ WIS:+1 ~ INT:0 ~ CHA-1   WANTED

Honestly, like Roshan said, it was the one which was oddly specific. The fact that there may be some relics seemed like conjecture, and the altar in the town center sounded like general knowledge. The formations sounded like an adjustment of the truth. It was a fact which needed decoration to become a lie, so it was more detailed. Plus: I don't gain much by confirming the other two. Assuming I pick wrong, the most useful information to have is the guard formation.

I'm using this post as precedent for damage/defend/armor calculations

tis but a flesh wound: 1d8 ⇒ 7 / 2 = 4 - 2 = 2 damage

Having assessed the danger of the area, Roshan decides discretion is the better part of valor. She waits for an opening in the Ghouls' pummeling attacks, and rams forward with her shield, swinging her sword behind her. She keeps her center of gravity low, and her shield tilted back as she trudges through the muck toward shore.

if there's a roll:

Defy Danger(STR?): 2d6 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (3, 1) + 2 + 1 = 7


You get to the walkway. tell me, what does it cost,

1.Does the ghoul latch onto you, and force you to to expend a use of rations or adventuring gear
2.Do you have to lash out at the ghouls with holy power, and expend 1 wrath
3.Do you have to put on an incredible burst of speed, leaving you winded (-1 strength until you rest for a moment)

after you win free, what do you do?


Over the last few days, since you watched Sheridan die, you have been hearing voices. odd, sometimes sinister, sometimes oddly comforting. t was only recently that you recognized the voices, it had been so long since you had heard either, one you would have given anything to hear again, one you hoped was silenced forever. Is this a known phenomenon, or is this apparently unique?

F Templar Lvl 6.02   dmg:D8 HP:25/25 A:2   Wrath:+3 ~ STR:+3 ~ CON:+2 ~ DEX:+1 ~ WIS:+1 ~ INT:0 ~ CHA-1   WANTED

As the marsh closes in around her, Roshan can feel a disturbing tug at her shoulder. With a flick of the wrist, she sends her sword spinning through the air in front of her. Shrugging, she ducks out of the strap of her waterskin. She lunges forward to catch the blade and roll into the warded path. Out of the fire. Into the pan.

From the ground, she turns to meet eyes with the man with the scarred shoulder. The light of the portal on his face. The cool tones of the wards across her eyes. They would see one another again. One damaged soul to another, they knew they had unfinished business.

Head bowed, Roshan fled.

Male Elf Level 6 Fighter (Armor 3, HP 25/25, xp 9/13 load 6/12) |STR 0|DEX 2|CON 1|INT 1|WIS 1|CHA 1

Those voices. One Yvette, the other Cysorax. My sister and her killer. It's not unknown for spirits of the dead or the demon to become bound to a Skysteel blade. As far as I know, it's never been both at once. I'm tempted to unsheath Castrophe and just start talking to Yvette, but she's dead even if she's still talking to me. It wouldn't be healthy. I'll save chats with her for when I really need it.


You are back on the pathways. The road to Ghostmoor is winding, and despite being perhaps 4 miles from the town, as the crow flies, the walkways will run about 10 before you arrive. Have you been to the town before?

The rest

You arrive at the gates. you are challenged for a moment, but Natria vouches for you. the town is abuzz, the church of Mersiel was attacked last night, no survivors. Natria Says that she needs to get to the mayor's house, but gives you a note for the tavernkeeper, Herod. it will get you free room and board for a few days. What does everyone do?

Male Human Cleric 6 26/26 HP | 14 XP | Bless, Sanctuary, Speak With Dead | -2 cast a spell, 2 hold (spend 2 to make camp, 5 to escape labyrinth), blessed

Tom will drop his stuff off and grab a drink at the tavern.

Male Elf Level 6 Fighter (Armor 3, HP 25/25, xp 9/13 load 6/12) |STR 0|DEX 2|CON 1|INT 1|WIS 1|CHA 1

I make my way to the armor smith Natria mentioned. It make take a little while to get this fine armor, and I'll want him to get started now.

F Templar Lvl 6.02   dmg:D8 HP:25/25 A:2   Wrath:+3 ~ STR:+3 ~ CON:+2 ~ DEX:+1 ~ WIS:+1 ~ INT:0 ~ CHA-1   WANTED

Danyal and Roshan had been staying in the church of Mersiel overnight. Roshan left as soon as Danyal fell asleep, against his direct order to wait until morning.

Now, Roshan had a two-hour run to alert him to a threat he would feel in thirty minutes. He would tell her she was being brash. She would calmly report on the information she gathered. He would say she could have died. She would say she hadn't. He would hold her until he remembered she didn't hold him back.

A ghoul with a deathwish pushes through the edge of the ward, his rotten flesh peeling against the influence of the holy magic. Roshan spins and relieves the creature of his head as she runs past.

She still hadn't seen a single female cultist... Roshan presses the blade of her ceremonial dagger against the scarred skin above her bracer, letting the blood run down her heavy blade.
Penance: 1d4 ⇒ 1 Wrath at 3

HP: 22/22 | Gambit 0 | Def 0 | GG: 619 (+4026 infernal) | Aggressive 7.11 BM (6.0 Wiz -0 ongoing) | AC 4 | 1d8 | S 1 | D 3 | C 0 | I 3 | W 0 | CH 0 | Spells: Light, Prestidig., US, Shadow Walk

Ron will accompany Natria, if she will allow it.

Female Dwarf Channeler 8 (23/28 hp, 1 armor, d4 damage, 2/15 xp) (Str -1, Dex +2, Con +3, Int +2, Wis +1, Cha +0)

Belym will accompany Natria as well - one of Sheridan's deliveries was instructions for the militia, and it seems likely the commander will be at the mayor's.

In The Tavern

A traveler! Herod booms as you go in, as you sit, he lays a mug of ale before you. Where do you hail from? he asks. the rest of the establishment seems somewhat somber, despite the crowding. people only speak in whispers (And you don't think it is because of your presence).

What do you do?

On The Ghostmoor

your run is... invigorating, and disturbing (the swamp seems particularly active along the route south) however it is largely uneventful. what do you do when you reach Ghostmoor

At The Blacksmiths

By my beard The blacksmith says as you walk in I Would'da bet that the only Elf I'd ever lay eyes on was Cellica. Are elven deserters rare enough for you to recognize that name?

The man wipes soot from his face, and steps forward toward the open door (Breathing in that fresh air deeply). What can I do for ye, master elf?

What do you do?

In The Town Hall

Three men are already at the meeting when you arrive. Ron, You recognize one of them as Daniel Rushmantle, lord mayor of Ghostmoor. another one is a boy, roughly Jericho's age, in armour that looks well worn, who stands half-slumped in the corner. The third has the look, and attire, of an acolyte, or neonate priest, with the gold fabric of Mersiel. he too is young, though he stands stock still, and his steely eye belie his youth.

Thank the gods you're back Daniel says as Natria enters the room. The slumped youth lets out a laugh and says Not as glad as Kenan is like to be tonight, before the other two shoot him withering glares, and he returns to sulking.

I assume by now you've heard about the Church? he asks, before he catches sight of the two visitors You brought James, and another dwarf. This is going to be one of those weeks, isn't it Daniel asks.

What do you do?

Male Human Cleric 6 26/26 HP | 14 XP | Bless, Sanctuary, Speak With Dead | -2 cast a spell, 2 hold (spend 2 to make camp, 5 to escape labyrinth), blessed

I come from <the direction we came from>, just got here after a rough trip, Tom says pointing to his messed up face, I'm not jovial myself, but things seem a bit grim in here don't they?

He downs the first and asks for a second.


Aye, times be grim indeed. Between The news of King Simeon, and the slaughter at the church, there don't be much good spirit left Herod says as he refills your glass What brings ye to Ghostmoor?

F Templar Lvl 6.02   dmg:D8 HP:25/25 A:2   Wrath:+3 ~ STR:+3 ~ CON:+2 ~ DEX:+1 ~ WIS:+1 ~ INT:0 ~ CHA-1   WANTED

Roshan heads back to the church. As she runs, she cleans her blades with sand and straw. She is already making her plan of ingress.

Circle around to the well and draw water. Clean up, and carry the water in for brother Ursel. If Danyal has noticed my transgression, I will confess and accept penance. If not, I simply rose early to draw water. In either case, the labor will soften his mood.

How far does she get before it's obvious something's wrong at the church?

Male Human Cleric 6 26/26 HP | 14 XP | Bless, Sanctuary, Speak With Dead | -2 cast a spell, 2 hold (spend 2 to make camp, 5 to escape labyrinth), blessed

I'm just a traveling healer, offering my services t' those who have business here. Unfortunately the dangers of the road means I get in the thick of it a bit, Tom takes a sip, I don't know this area at all, what's this business with King Simeon?

Female Dwarf Channeler 8 (23/28 hp, 1 armor, d4 damage, 2/15 xp) (Str -1, Dex +2, Con +3, Int +2, Wis +1, Cha +0)

Belym starts visibly at the mention of other dwarves, but will remain silent until Natria introduces herself and Ron.


Wrapped up in your thoughts, you don't notice the state of the cathedral until the smell of smoke, acrid and heavy, assails your nostrils.you look up, and see the cathedral, its doors torn off their hinges, half a dozen guardsmen and acolytes dead upon the steps, the edifice scorched and torn. The words of the cultist come to you again, unbidden You are too late to save the oppressors church in Ghostmoor, but if you move quickly, you may yet recover some of the relics. He spoke true, the Cult did this. What do you do?

Iron Tom

I am glad to hear you are a healer, with the church masacred, we may have need of you. and have ye not heard? King Simeon died several days ago. Prince Rhannon is now the king A number of groans come from the people in the bar at this. you get the impression Rhannon is unpopular. What do you do?

Ron & Belym

Aye, Ron, and Belym[b] she points to you in turn [b]are couriers from Norwich Natria says They and their team have come to confront the cult nearby. What do you do?

F Templar Lvl 6.02   dmg:D8 HP:25/25 A:2   Wrath:+3 ~ STR:+3 ~ CON:+2 ~ DEX:+1 ~ WIS:+1 ~ INT:0 ~ CHA-1   WANTED

The bucket of water clatters to the ground. "Damn, Danyal... back at it again with the White Vance..." It still takes a moment for the information to settle in.

These were not sinners. This is the church of the oppressors? This wasn't Danyal. This was the black hand of Einora. Danyal may still be in there. Her knuckles grow white on the hilts of her dancing blades. I'm going to need Townsmen, Travelers... a Calloused Hand of Iisac if I can find one. Assured that there is no need to enter the cathedral now--to discover the fate of Danyal now--Roshan doubles back toward the tavern.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
HP: 22/22 | Gambit 0 | Def 0 | GG: 619 (+4026 infernal) | Aggressive 7.11 BM (6.0 Wiz -0 ongoing) | AC 4 | 1d8 | S 1 | D 3 | C 0 | I 3 | W 0 | CH 0 | Spells: Light, Prestidig., US, Shadow Walk

BRB, grabbing some popcorn.


How long have you been in Ghosmoor, will anyone in the tavern recognize you?

You enter the tavern, to see a large crowd already there, grumbling about the prince, and the chapel, and the war. you see Herod talking with some outlander, cloaked in the garb of a hedge-priest. What do you do?

Female Dwarf Channeler 8 (23/28 hp, 1 armor, d4 damage, 2/15 xp) (Str -1, Dex +2, Con +3, Int +2, Wis +1, Cha +0)

" My condolences on your loss, Mayor. As she said, we're here to confront Einora's cult; we destroyed a similar Kelosian group near Norwhich, and learned of the group near your town from them. What can you tell us about them?"

F Templar Lvl 6.02   dmg:D8 HP:25/25 A:2   Wrath:+3 ~ STR:+3 ~ CON:+2 ~ DEX:+1 ~ WIS:+1 ~ INT:0 ~ CHA-1   WANTED

On their pilgrimage, Danyal and Roshan have been staying in churches and monasteries. There have been times they have visited taverns to search for information or hire townsmen or Travelers, but they reached Ghostmoor late in the evening yesterday on rumors of occult activity. To the rabble, Roshan merely has the appearance of an unusually tall holy soldier, bristling with weapons and breathing like an enraged bull. Anyone who would recognize her uniform probably has reason to leave swiftly. Anyone who recognizes why initiates wear red would have reason to hide.

Still heaving with the exertion of the half-marathon, drawing water, and crossing the town twice, Roshan slams the partially dried tattoo on the bar counter next to the hedge-priest. "We have... Business... At the chapel... Do you have... Bodyguards?" Her contralto voice is hard, but pure, like oiled iron. The wrapped hair, array of exotic weapons, and scars running up her arms mark her as a sworn knight of the dead God Hebron.

HP: 22/22 | Gambit 0 | Def 0 | GG: 619 (+4026 infernal) | Aggressive 7.11 BM (6.0 Wiz -0 ongoing) | AC 4 | 1d8 | S 1 | D 3 | C 0 | I 3 | W 0 | CH 0 | Spells: Light, Prestidig., US, Shadow Walk

Ron reaches out to shake the mayor's hand. A pleasure to see ye again, Lord Rushmantle. I assure ye, me visit here will not be like last time. Belym speaks true. We are here to eliminate Einora's cult, nothing more.

In the mayor's House

It had best not, we had to move the tavern, the old place still stinks of swamp ghoul the mayor says, half chuckling.

Meanwhile, the Priest turns to Belym We know disturbingly little. We know that they took up residence in a village they massacred some 8 months ago. We know that steadily we have been losing contact with the villages nearby that one. We know that all scouting expeditions we sent have gone missing. we know that king Simeon, rest his soul, would not send in the army this close to the Braxan border, for fear of provoking war, and we know that King Rhannon is not likely to use the army to defend a small border town. We know that they are vile kelos worshipers, and that they traffic with devils. Beyond that, we have little to go on

Natria gasps partway through his exposition, and rushes over to the mayor, and whispers in his ear, before receiving a single nod. What do you do?

In The Tavern

Herod lays a tankard before Roshan Sit, Drink, and put that He points to the flayed skin Away. I'm glad to see a few members of the faith survived the attack, but ye must keep civil in my establishment He says. What do you do?

Female Dwarf Channeler 8 (23/28 hp, 1 armor, d4 damage, 2/15 xp) (Str -1, Dex +2, Con +3, Int +2, Wis +1, Cha +0)

" Your king denied the Braxans food, but fears his army nearby would be a provocation?" Belym looks at Ron. " Your ruler is a fool." Turning back to Lord Rushmantle, Belym adds, "I also have a letter here for your guard captain, from the new commander of the Norwhich militia. If you haven't heard, the Braxan army recently attacked Norwhich."


Would that you were right The mayor says Nay, Master Belym, King Rhannon intends to make war upon Braxos, something his father wuld never have tolerated, and as such, he isn't likely to spare the troops to deal with a problem in a backwater border town. You get the sense that the last three words are a quote from some past correspondance.

The Bedraggled Youth takes the papers Jericho, it's been a few years, but I don't remember her from last time I was in Norwich. I would have expected Owen, or maybe Erik to succeed old Garin. Or maybe the other old guy. He mutters as he reads. When he finishes, he remarks Damn, I hope Chillhollow can help, because we can't spare any men after last night

What do you do?

HP: 22/22 | Gambit 0 | Def 0 | GG: 619 (+4026 infernal) | Aggressive 7.11 BM (6.0 Wiz -0 ongoing) | AC 4 | 1d8 | S 1 | D 3 | C 0 | I 3 | W 0 | CH 0 | Spells: Light, Prestidig., US, Shadow Walk

Ron raises one finger. One Prince.

He raises a second finger. One King.

Both fools.

Who are the various rulers again? Are we still in Tanard? Is Rhannon the King of Tanard?

What happened last night?

F Templar Lvl 6.02   dmg:D8 HP:25/25 A:2   Wrath:+3 ~ STR:+3 ~ CON:+2 ~ DEX:+1 ~ WIS:+1 ~ INT:0 ~ CHA-1   WANTED

I heard all roads lead to Tanard ;)

Male Human Cleric 6 26/26 HP | 14 XP | Bless, Sanctuary, Speak With Dead | -2 cast a spell, 2 hold (spend 2 to make camp, 5 to escape labyrinth), blessed
DM Volsung wrote:
I am glad to hear you are a healer, with the church masacred, we may have need of you. and have ye not heard? King Simeon died several days ago. Prince Rhannon is now the king A number of groans come from the people in the bar at this. you get the impression Rhannon is unpopular. What do you do?
I spent my youth on the sea, my middle age learning the faith, and now I wander the land for the first time. I don't know much about politics... It seems this is a sore subject, but be there any gossip about the family? Why does the name 'Rhannon' elicit groans?
Roshan Kaur wrote:
Still heaving with the exertion of the half-marathon, drawing water, and crossing the town twice, Roshan slams the partially dried tattoo on the bar counter next to the hedge-priest. "We have... Business... At the chapel... Do you have... Bodyguards?" Her contralto voice is hard, but pure, like oiled iron. The wrapped hair, array of exotic weapons, and scars running up her arms mark her as a sworn knight of the dead God Hebron.

Tom falls off the stool spilling his drink and scrambles to put his hand on the hilt of his sword, Under Hebron's grace! You scared the ale out of me! What is this? Tom stands and evaluates what he sees, acknowledging the symbols of Hebron from an obviously very foreign woman. He glances at what made a wet slap on the bar, quickly realizing it's skin and sinew torn flayed from a humanoid.

Discern realities: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (5, 1) + 1 = 7 -> What here is useful or valuable to me? I would ideally like to know if I recognize this iconography from my vision.

Still leaning over the flesh, he slowly turns his head to the woman next to him and is lost for words as...

DM Volsung wrote:
Herod lays a tankard before Roshan Sit, Drink, and put that He points to the flayed skin Away. I'm glad to see a few members of the faith survived the attack, but ye must keep civil in my establishment He says. What do you do?

Tom stands and tries to hide what he views as a very casual reaction to flayed flesh currently staining his bar, and scratches his head currently bearing a patchy growth of unshaved and clearly balding hair.

I understand it's been a long night fer you, I do not act like I understand all that is happening around here but it is clear you are at least injured. Let me bandages your injuries while you catch your breath and tell me the details, Tom takes a deep drink from the mug placed in front of Roshan and grumbles about be too old for this s*@!.


Yes, you are still in Tanard, King Rhannon is King Simeon's son, and now the king, he is the one who told the braxans to go starve.

That is still unclearThe mayor says However, by the look of things, The cult attacked the Church of Mersiel in town, with no survivors. Brother Elijah here only survived because he was not there last night.

The man in gold robes, Brother Elijah, you guess steps forward From what I could tell from the state of the church, they used a number of demons, and attacked with suprise. What do you make of this? He asks

What do you do?

Iron Tom

Aye, Princ- ah King Rhannon is a right piece o' work. when he was prince, he was known for his aggressiveness, and fits of pique. not that he is king, one day after his coronation, he has declared war upon Braxos. The conscrptories will likely reach us soon, take a few dozen good men, and leave us to the ghouls Herod says bitterly

also, examining the tattoo, you recognize the sigil (Three runes superimposed), you recognize if from your vision, twice. once upon the altar that struck out at the heavens, and upon the sword that struck down the sun. No roll nessesary for that, Spout lore to get information about the sigils religious significance

What do you do?

Male Elf Level 6 Fighter (Armor 3, HP 25/25, xp 9/13 load 6/12) |STR 0|DEX 2|CON 1|INT 1|WIS 1|CHA 1

I'm back in business!

DM Volsung wrote:

At The Blacksmiths

By my beard The blacksmith says as you walk in I Would'da bet that the only Elf I'd ever lay eyes on was Cellica. Are elven deserters rare enough for you to recognize that name?

The man wipes soot from his face, and steps forward toward the open door (Breathing in that fresh air deeply). What can I do for ye, master elf?

What do you do?

The diaspora are not nearly rare enough for me to know them all, but I can guess who she is through context

I bow deeply to Geralt.

Hello Sir Smith. You're Geralt, I presume? Student of Cellica? Her daughter told me that you have the abilities to produce Elven Chain? My current armor is not...quite doing the job. I'd like something with a little more heft but that won't slow me down. Natria seems to be quite confident in your abilities.

Male Human Cleric 6 26/26 HP | 14 XP | Bless, Sanctuary, Speak With Dead | -2 cast a spell, 2 hold (spend 2 to make camp, 5 to escape labyrinth), blessed

Spout Lore: 2d6 - 1 ⇒ (4, 2) - 1 = 5 -> not terribly surprising...

Recognizing the symbols and the significance to his vision, and knowing the corruption and arrogance of the King of Tanard Tom's brow furrows, Herod, I cannot speak of much but I will say the war will reach here and so will the trappings of Zimran. I would urge you weighing your patriotism against your family, and consider leaving these lands at war while you are still able. Do you have a private room where my new friend and I may speak freely?

Female Dwarf Channeler 8 (23/28 hp, 1 armor, d4 damage, 2/15 xp) (Str -1, Dex +2, Con +3, Int +2, Wis +1, Cha +0)

"That's consistent with what we've seen of them; there were several demons at the compound we attacked, and we were ambushed by a pair of rainbow-winged demons on our way here as well. I'm disturbed to hear they had great numbers - one of our companions thought those two likely would've taken most of this group's strength to summon and control. Did they attack anything other that the church?"


Gerant nods humbly Aye, Cellica taught me the trick to making Smokesteel. I can make armour in the elven fashion, though their Skysteel blades be beyond my capability. It is a somewhat...costly item, however, breastplate or scale-mail will run you 200 gold, and 500 for a set of full plate. 50 more to get them enameled. He gestures to the wall, where bits of smokesteel armour are on stands. not elven craftsmanship, but remarkably close. What do you do?


You recognize the sigil, but not in a religious capacity. It is the sail of the dread pirate Argentio, known for never leaving survivors, and attacking during storms.

Aye, I have some private rooms, so you and your friend may... speak freely He says, eliciting snickers from a few others at the bar Down that hall, to the right, and keep yer... voices down

What do you do?

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