Dungeon Master S's "Curse of the Crimson Throne" (Inactive)

Game Master Chris Marsh

Completed Final Post

  • Grym
  • Sandor
  • Morkeleb
  • Gaius
  • Ferox
  • Odric

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    Male Human Ranger 17, AC 30, HPs 202/202, Int +5, Fort +17, Ref +15, Will +9 (Bucho AC 31 HPs 175/175, Fort +18, Ref +13, Will +8 +4morale)

    The ranger pulls a second flask of holy water out and pours it over the decapitated head. If anyone asks, he says ...we just want to be sure...

    Thorgrym then helps with searching the room. Especially in and around the altar.
    Perception 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (3) + 11 = 14

    Male Half-Elf Unchained Rogue 4/Cleric 11; Trapspotter 22; Init: 5; AC: 31; T: 18; FF: 30; HP: 145/122; Fort 9, Ref 13, Will 11

    Gaius conducts his own search.

    Perception:1d20 + 15 ⇒ (7) + 15 = 22

    MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

    There is next to nothing in this room oddly. While it looks like a temple, the statues depict a tiger headed rakshasa dressed like a Taldoran in a toga. He stands as though he is being worshiped. The dead body (still sizzling from Grym's second drenching) bears only simple robes and an enchanted kukri.

    The lack of any living space or accouterments of comfort likely means that he is just visiting this room.

    King of Korvosa

    Odric helps gaius search take 10 auto success.

    Male Half-Elf Unchained Rogue 4/Cleric 11; Trapspotter 22; Init: 5; AC: 31; T: 18; FF: 30; HP: 145/122; Fort 9, Ref 13, Will 11

    Enchanted Kukri *Yoink*

    Ewwwwww... It's martial.

    Gaius tosses the kukri to Odric.

    King of Korvosa

    Thanks Gaius!

    Hey do you guys want to have a little fun with Sandor?

    Odric drizzles blood over himself quite liberally and runs out the door screaming, "we're all gonna die!"

    Male Human Wizard (Enchanter: Controller) 17 Init +6; AC=19; T=16; FF=17; HP 23 / 92
    Gaius Lirsiiv wrote:
    Enchanted Kukri *Yoink*

    Spellcraft to Identify: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (16) + 15 = 31

    Also, Detect Magic

    Morkeleb, still invisible for the moment, lets out a sigh heavier than is typical. Well fought, everyone. I was sure this foe was beyond us. An impressive display of teamwork!

    Male Human Ranger 17, AC 30, HPs 202/202, Int +5, Fort +17, Ref +15, Will +9 (Bucho AC 31 HPs 175/175, Fort +18, Ref +13, Will +8 +4morale)
    Morkeleb the Mighty wrote:
    Gaius Lirsiiv wrote:
    Enchanted Kukri *Yoink*

    [dice=Spellcraft to Identify]d20+15

    Also, Detect Magic

    Morkeleb, still invisible for the moment, lets out a sigh heavier than is typical. Well fought, everyone. I was sure this foe was beyond us. An impressive display of teamwork!

    For a moment Grym ponders the wizard's words. He remembers the shameful incident where the party paid a vampire gold instead of the killing it deserved. Perhaps they will encounter that particular undead again...

    MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

    Only the kukri +1

    Male Human Ranger 17, AC 30, HPs 202/202, Int +5, Fort +17, Ref +15, Will +9 (Bucho AC 31 HPs 175/175, Fort +18, Ref +13, Will +8 +4morale)

    Grym and Odric start rounding up the party to move them out of the room and over to the northern door.

    While waiting the ranger takes 10 listening at the door.
    Perception 10 + 11 = 21

    King of Korvosa

    Take a second to heal and recover first. But Odric pushes forward with Grym

    MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

    Grym, you hear (and Bucho smells) something on the other side of the door. It sounds like someone either working through a hangover or shrugging off a sap to the back of the neck.

    Male Human Ranger 17, AC 30, HPs 202/202, Int +5, Fort +17, Ref +15, Will +9 (Bucho AC 31 HPs 175/175, Fort +18, Ref +13, Will +8 +4morale)

    The ranger leaves Bucho to guard the door. Thorgrym hurries back to the others. Quickly finish up healing or whatever needs doing. There is someone on the otherside of this door. Blades out, Grym rushes back on quick quiet feet to wait with his dog.

    King of Korvosa

    To be clear DM - Odric and Grym are only waiting a short time, maybe a round, to get healed then charging in. Guys if you object pls say so. I figure its either a god guy who needs help or a bad guy who might be getting more and more aware by the moment. The time is now.

    MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

    Understood. I'm just waiting on a quick sidebar to resolve before continuing.

    Male Dwarf Fighter 15 Urban Ranger 2 AC=32 (CMD base 37+ specials); T=16; FF=29; HP 183/183; Init+8; Per +22; +18F+14R+9W

    Sandor stops bracing the door shut, and opens it when he hears Odric's We're all gonna die yell. He knows the lad, and assumes that he's joking but still takes a step inside to verify that's not the case.

    Sorry lads, I would have stayed in to fight, but he was about to get away. I knew you all could handle him

    Sandor takes up position on this room waiting to be first in after Gaius does his magic.

    Male Human Wizard (Enchanter: Controller) 17 Init +6; AC=19; T=16; FF=17; HP 23 / 92

    Morkeleb considers his injuries, and quaffs a potion.

    CMW: 2d8 + 3 ⇒ (1, 6) + 3 = 10

    MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

    This simple chamber contains a single bed and a number of shelves carved into the stone walls. All manner of animal figurines, some crude and carved of wood, others exquisite and sculpted from stone or even metal, decorate these shelves. A heap of raw materials for crafting more of the animals lies against the western wall. The most interesting part is the half-orc, bound and half-heartedly gagged. He's got the cut of a pirate about him. He smells of the sea, not the Jeggare, and if the neatly piled and inventoried clothing are any indication, he's used his gear and weapons repeatedly. The half-orc, however, is barely conscious and naked on the floor.

    Active Buffs:
    Per Diem:
    Spells 1st 6/6 | 2nd 6/6 | 3rd 0/6 | 4th 3/4 | 5th 3/3 Judgements 5/5 | Bane 15/15 | Dimesion Hop 150/150
    Male Human Inquisitor 15 | HP 108/120| AC 24 FF 19 Tch 17 | CMD 27 | F+13 R+12 W+13 | Perc +23 | Init +9

    Ferox walks into the room, pulls the blanket off of the bed and tosses it over the half-orc. With his Key visible hanging from his neck, Ferox tries to help the half-orc sit up and removes the gag, then checks him over to see what condition he's in.

    Heal: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 21

    Easy, friend. Be calm. We're here to help. You're safe now. Can you tell me your name?

    Diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18

    MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

    ...hang tight. Will post when able.

    Ferox, he look slike he took a nasty smack to the back of the head. Based on how well and proper the bindings are, he was likely unconscious when he was tied up. Otherwise he looks no worse for wear.

    Male Half-Elf Unchained Rogue 4/Cleric 11; Trapspotter 22; Init: 5; AC: 31; T: 18; FF: 30; HP: 145/122; Fort 9, Ref 13, Will 11

    Gaius channels positive energy

    Channel: 2d6 ⇒ (2, 3) = 5 points healed to everyone.

    Again... 2d6 ⇒ (6, 6) = 12 points healed to everyone.

    Active Buffs:
    Per Diem:
    Spells 1st 6/6 | 2nd 6/6 | 3rd 0/6 | 4th 3/4 | 5th 3/3 Judgements 5/5 | Bane 15/15 | Dimesion Hop 150/150
    Male Human Inquisitor 15 | HP 108/120| AC 24 FF 19 Tch 17 | CMD 27 | F+13 R+12 W+13 | Perc +23 | Init +9

    Ferox pulls out some smelling salts from his healer's kit to help rouse the half-orc.

    MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

    That's just what the doctor ordered... Will post when ready to go...

    Male Human Ranger 17, AC 30, HPs 202/202, Int +5, Fort +17, Ref +15, Will +9 (Bucho AC 31 HPs 175/175, Fort +18, Ref +13, Will +8 +4morale)

    First thing Grym puts Bucho on guard (with Morkeleb as the guarded subject) in case this is some sort of a trap or ambush.
    Grym then takes a look at the half orc's gear and weapons. Does it seem like he is the artist?

    The ranger also looks through the sculptures. Does anything stand out or catch his eye?
    Perception 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 27

    Male Human Wizard (Enchanter: Controller) 17 Init +6; AC=19; T=16; FF=17; HP 23 / 92
    Gaius Lirsiiv wrote:
    Gaius channels positive energy

    Morkeleb gives Gaius a nod of thanks as all but the worst of his cuts knit.

    Grym wrote:
    First thing Grym puts Bucho on guard (with Morkeleb as the guarded subject) in case this is some sort of a trap or ambush.

    The wizard nods at Grym, too...and even reaches to pet Bucho briefly. He then does his own examination of the area, specifically looking at some of the more pretty figurines.

    Detect Magic, and

    Appraise check:
    Appraise: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (15) + 12 = 27

    MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

    1-foot-long blue-coral gecko worth 300 gp, an exquisitely crafted firepelt cougar carved from redwood worth 200 gp, and a gold flame drake with tiny pearls for eyes worth 1,200 gp.

    Male Half-Orc Fighter 8 (Corsair) AC=20/23 Lt.Fortification; T=12; FF=18/21; Init. +4; Perc. 0; Fort 11; Ref 6; Will 4(6); HP 86/86

    Gozreh's Gizzard! What's going on, where the bully am I?

    attempt to Call Salt Reaver to hand. Swift action, if item is within 100 ft. instantly appears in hand.

    Salt Reaver, to ME!

    Male Human Ranger 17, AC 30, HPs 202/202, Int +5, Fort +17, Ref +15, Will +9 (Bucho AC 31 HPs 175/175, Fort +18, Ref +13, Will +8 +4morale)

    Peace, half orc. The ranger holds up his empty hand in placating gesture. Thorgrym's svord is sheathed.

    MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

    DeGrog, that's currently your stuff on the shelf. You're bound and nekkid. Salt Reaver flies off the shelf and lands comfortably into your hand. The callouses join perfectly to each groove and bump on the handle.

    King of Korvosa

    Wait, can we have readied actions for this situation?

    King of Korvosa

    If allowed: Odric is fully prepared once he hears the command and readies himself to disarm the bound creature.

    Odric's blade deftly dips beneath the impressive Salt Reaver and makes a warning sound deep in his chest. The familiarity this prone Man-Orc must have with swordplay would make it immediately clear that with a flick of his massive wrists Salt Reaver would take flight like a gull on the wing.

    Reaghse the weapon slowly and allow it to drop to the floor beside you. We mean you no harm, but we are prepared to defend ourselves. Be not afreaghd, we will give you fair chance to speak.

    Readied: Disarm with MW Keen Falchion +1: 1d20 + 14 + 2 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 14 + 2 + 4 = 29 if DeGrog starts to aggro.

    Male Dwarf Fighter 15 Urban Ranger 2 AC=32 (CMD base 37+ specials); T=16; FF=29; HP 183/183; Init+8; Per +22; +18F+14R+9W

    Not trusting the situation, especially with the last invisible foe. Sandor stands ready with all his senses tuned.

    They be sayin the truth of it orc, no ya best be droppin the blade there's no way ya would stand if'n it came ta combat. But ta be answerin ya question ya are in a labrynth in the city of Korvosa. So why don't ya tell me of how you and ya magic sword got 'ere

    Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23
    Sense Motive: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11

    MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

    Sense Motive doesn't work on PCs..... ;-)

    Male Dwarf Fighter 15 Urban Ranger 2 AC=32 (CMD base 37+ specials); T=16; FF=29; HP 183/183; Init+8; Per +22; +18F+14R+9W
    Dungeon Master S wrote:
    Sense Motive doesn't work on PCs..... ;-)

    Good thing it was a crappy roll then HA!

    Male Human Ranger 17, AC 30, HPs 202/202, Int +5, Fort +17, Ref +15, Will +9 (Bucho AC 31 HPs 175/175, Fort +18, Ref +13, Will +8 +4morale)

    Thorgrym moves forward and very gently moves Odric and his great falchion aside. Half Orc, as I said before, peace. I would like to untie you. But as a show of faith please set down your blade.
    If the half orc sets down his blade then the ranger slowly moves forward and releases the half orc's bonds.

    If you are a prisoner in this labrynth, then you could perhaps be an ally to us. As you can see our party has no half orc pirate.

    King of Korvosa
    Thorgrym the Tracker wrote:
    As you can see our party has no half orc pirate.


    MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |
    Thorgrym the Tracker wrote:
    As you can see our party has no half orc pirate. [/b]

    Pure gold.

    Male Half-Orc Fighter 8 (Corsair) AC=20/23 Lt.Fortification; T=12; FF=18/21; Init. +4; Perc. 0; Fort 11; Ref 6; Will 4(6); HP 86/86

    DeGrog pauses in his struggling, eyes on the falchion and surveying the room, then surveying his general lack of undergarments.

    Why should I trust you one wink? Why don't ye tell me how I got 'ere! And where's me bloomin' trousers - you trying to bugger me?! And furthermore, I's not a PIRATE . . . well not anymore, anyhow. If you're going to gut me, just get it over with. If you've got the stones, untie me and we'll fight fair

    DeGrog attempts to burst his bonds.
    Strength check: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23

    Male Half-Orc Fighter 8 (Corsair) AC=20/23 Lt.Fortification; T=12; FF=18/21; Init. +4; Perc. 0; Fort 11; Ref 6; Will 4(6); HP 86/86

    If Odric disarms: CMD=21 (no dex bonus; penalty for prone?)

    King of Korvosa

    Ho there! I am sure we can talk peaceably. Let me untie you, your pants are over there, so you can cover yourself, if that's what you're into.

    Odric tries to nod to Grym to untie the angry half-orc while Odric maintains his readied position with the Kegerator.

    It is a sign of good faith to let you up sir. Please treat it as such and cease your struggles. Think reasonably, if we were interested in killing or buggering you, don't you think we would have done so already? Odric risks a look to the erstwhile and roguish rogue to make sure buggering preparations were indeed not underway.

    Lets get you up and have a talk like civilized people, on equal footing and both clothed. Odric extends a hand to help DeGrog up.

    Male Half-Orc Fighter 8 (Corsair) AC=20/23 Lt.Fortification; T=12; FF=18/21; Init. +4; Perc. 0; Fort 11; Ref 6; Will 4(6); HP 86/86

    DeGrog notices Odric's glance and also appraises the rogue in question. (the questioning rogue?) He relaxes a bit.

    Well, you certainly don't look like typical guards. But as for 'thinking reasonably', there's little to do with reason 'ere. I still don't know what you're talking about, 'Labyrinth'. Oh, bugger all, untie me and hand over me britches!

    DeGrog gently lowers Salt Reaver to the ground and stops struggling.

    Odric wrote:
    The familiarity this prone Man-Orc must have with swordplay . . .

    'Man-Orc', I like that!

    Male Half-Orc Fighter 8 (Corsair) AC=20/23 Lt.Fortification; T=12; FF=18/21; Init. +4; Perc. 0; Fort 11; Ref 6; Will 4(6); HP 86/86

    Anyone who sees DeGrog's face immediately notices his crazy tattoo: A trident shaped scar/tattoo covering his whole face. The central tine runs vertically from chin to forehead, and the side tines go up his cheekbone and over his eyelids, terminating above his eyebrows (which are very coarse). The main shape is formed by scars, outlined and bad-assified, tribal style, in blue-black ink.

    King of Korvosa

    "You're one ugly motherfrakker..." Odric marvels under his breath.

    MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |


    Your dwarf senses can spot it from a mile away, but it's lost on everyone else. The stone to the NE in this room is separate. There's a secret door. You note that one of the shelves is also attached wrong. It's well done... for humans. You're confident that you can simply lift the front of the shelf and open the secret door.

    Male Human Wizard (Enchanter: Controller) 17 Init +6; AC=19; T=16; FF=17; HP 23 / 92

    As for how you got here, we don't have the first idea. The first we knew of you were the sounds we heard behind this door a moment before opening it.

    Male Half-Orc Fighter 8 (Corsair) AC=20/23 Lt.Fortification; T=12; FF=18/21; Init. +4; Perc. 0; Fort 11; Ref 6; Will 4(6); HP 86/86

    if they untie DeGrog
    DeGrog, rubs his writs, eyes still on his saviors (or captors?) He slowly stands up to his 6'6'' height, sure to cover himself with the blanket. With one hand, reaches the back of his neck, mutters

    Well, I'll be keel-hauled, long-time since someone sent me below! How they managed with me armor and all . . . must've been tougher than the regular guards on the docks.

    If no one stops him, DeGrog begins retrieving and donning his gear from the shelf, careful to note if any of his possessions are missing. He also takes note of the badge on Odric's chest.

    So, you bully boys clearly aren't going to gut me, unless you think this is all good sport. I don't know where in the deeps we are, or how I got here, but I's trying to help a shipful of starving folks, that your stabs a finger at Odric's badge mates have been holding at the docks!

    I aim to help folks be free, as I have been helped. If ye are what you say, and by thunder, me guts tell me ye are - help me get out of here. Mayhaps you can talk to your high-and-mighties about the refugees on that ship . . . Now, can I pick up me cutlass?

    Male Horse
    [dice=First Hoof]1d20-2[/dice] for [dice]1d4+1[/dice] damage. [dice=Second Hoof]1d20-2[/dice] for [dice]1d4+1[/dice] damage.
    Horse/1 Initiative:+2 - AC:11, T:11, FF:9 - HP:15/15 -
    Fort: +6, Ref: +5, Will +1 - Perception +6


    Donkeyhorse noses his way into the room and begins nuzzling DeGrog lovingly. Something about the Man-Orc's coarse hair clearly has the creature excited.

    King of Korvosa

    Odric gestures to the spectacular cutlass obligingly. By all means sir.

    What is the tale of this ship. because I have been rather too busy saving the city to notice the goings on at the docks of late.

    King of Korvosa

    Errr… we. Odric amends. We have been saving the city. He hopes his companions don't take offense.

    Male Dwarf Fighter 15 Urban Ranger 2 AC=32 (CMD base 37+ specials); T=16; FF=29; HP 183/183; Init+8; Per +22; +18F+14R+9W

    Sandor waits patiently for the man-orc to retrieve his smelly orc items off the shelf. Once he does he moves the shelf to trigger the door. As the door slides open...

    Mayhaps ya came in through here Sandor goes to the door and peers in...

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