About DeGrog Coarse-HairFace Tattoo:
DeGrog has a trident scar/tattoo on most of his face. The central tine runs vertically from chin to forehead, and the side tines go up his cheek and over his eyelids, terminating above his eyebrows (which are very coarse). The main shape is formed by scars, outlined and bad-assified, tribal-style, in blue-black ink. HP: 86
AC: 20; 23 w/shield
Fort: 11 (Endurance, Diehard)
BAB: +8/+3
Combat Strategy:
*note* only 'call' Salt Reaver to hand when suddenly surrounded, or to use element of surprise. Otherwise unsheathe as normal weapon (to avoid revealing spec. ability).
Casual Marching: Trident in hand (as a walking stick). Shield slung. Make AoO w/trident, or throw at target, then draw cutlass.
Melee: Optimal: Get close, Lunge and damage lots of bad guys with cutlass. Flank with allies. Threatening more baddies takes priority over avoiding flank. Rely on armor, Fortification and Diehard whilst laying waste. *One big baddie, charge-able: Charge, Power Attack, two-hands. *Dangerous big baddie (aka Dragon): Be more careful. *Many small baddies: move to within 5 or 10 ft.(as tactically appropriate), Lunge, Power Attack, Improved Deckfighting (as Great Cleave, no AC pen.) *Many tough/dangerous baddies: as above, use shield. *Baddie hard to hit: no Power Attack. *Baddie(s) hit back hard: ready shield, use Lunge with discretion. *Baddie needs lots of damaging: full attack, two-hand Power Attack *Lots of missile fire/spell-flinging: ready shield, move close, quickly, using cover when available. *Special Baddie(s): use appropriate weapon type/treatments (Oil of Bless Weapon, Bladeguard, bludgeon, alchemical silver, cold iron, splash weapons, etc.) *Uncertain terrain/conditions: move with caution, no charging, use crossbow if can't get close. Or - take calculated risk to jump over holes, etc. (no armor check penalty on Acrobatics). Salt Reaver (+1, Called cutlass): att. +16/+11; Crit 15-20 x2
Salt Reaver, full BAB die rolls:
Other attacks:
Trident (MW, cold iron): att. +14/+9; Crit x2, Brace
1hand: 1d8+5 2hand: 1d8+7 Thrown: range 10, att. +11, 1d8+5 Warhammer (Alchemical silver): att. +13/+8; Crit x3
Crossbow (heavy): att. +11 (shoot 1hand: +7); Crit 19-20 x2
Dagger (+1, magical beast Bane):
Dagger: att. +14/+9; Crit 19-20 x2
Shield Bash (off-hand): att. +3/-2; Crit x2
Splash Weapons:
AC items:
Breastplate (agile) (+1, Light Fortification): bonus +7; med.; max dex. +3; penalty -3 (O for Climb and Jump); wt. 25. Shield (+1, Darkwood): bonus +3; penalty 0; wt. 5 (as heavy shield) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Skills:
Skills: (no armor penalty for Acrobatics + Swim; Climb + Jump)
Acrobatics 10; Appraise 0; Bluff -1; Climb 10; Diplomacy -1; Disguise -1; Escape artist 2/-1; Fly 2/-1; Heal 0; Intimidate 3; Knowledge(Geog) 4; Perception 0; Perform -1; Profession(sailor) 8; Ride 2/-1; Sense Motive 0; Stealth 2/-1; Survival 5; Swim 10. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Items, Treasure, encumbrance, etc.:
Belt of Giant Str. +2
General weight carried: HHH, weapons, armor
------------------------------------------------------------------------ Feats, Abilities, Traits:
Endurance (+4 various saves) Ironhide (+1 nat. armor) Weapon Focus-Cutlass (+1 att.) Deckfighting (as Cleave, no AC pen., standard act.) Power Attack (standard act., until next turn) Weapon Specialization-Cutlass (+2 dmg.) Diehard (auto stabilize; staggered; standard act.=1 dmg; until -16 HP) Improved Deckfighting (as Great Cleave, no AC pen., standard act.) Lunge (+5' reach/threat, -2 AC until next turn) Improved Critical-Cutlass (double threat range) Special Abilities:
------------------------------------------------------------------------ DeGrog comes from a sordid past involving: a desperate Orc female, a (very) drunken sailor with a trident tattoo, an Orc Shaman with a penchant for scraping things in your face, a fatal altercation over a ‘lady’, a pirate captain, years of plunder and bloodshed, and a near-death experience during a terrible shipwreck. DeGrog has now traded in his evil ways, and uses his fighting prowess to help others find the freedom they seek among the open seas. He’s still a rough and tumble fellow, to be sure – but he has a deep respect for Gozreh, and a trident tattoo on his face to match. He’s less ferocious than you might expect of a half-Orc. However, his gruff exterior and stoic outlook hide a moving compassion for the oppressed, and a calm terror for his foes. (He still shouts Arrrrggghhh!!! once in a while, though). During his pirating days, DeGrog learned to fight with all pirate weapons. The cutlass, though, is his true calling. In battle, his preferred weapon is Salt Reaver, a magical cutlass he can Call to his hand in a flash, even from a distance. He prefers not to reveal this ability except in dire circumstances, or when he expects his enemies won’t survive (which is usually the case). He’s recently perfected his lunge, and lashes out with surprising reach. He also learned to fight, move about on a crowded deck and even swim in heavier armor than usual for a sailor. As his ex-captain’s hard hitter for ship-boardings, DeGrog also took up the shield to ward off arrows from marines and cheap shots from unscrupulous pirate-types. He wields the shield when in danger of taking many hits, otherwise he adds power to his swing with two hands on his weapon. Most recently DeGrog took a job as a mercenary on a ship full of refugees from a famine-stricken area. He hoped to protect these folk as they struggled to find a new home. Dangerously low on food and fresh water, they docked at Korvosa. With the plague ravaging the port city, their ship was quarantined at dock, and neither people nor supplies were allowed to move to and from the ship. Without enough supplies to sail on, DeGrog knew that hunger and illness would soon overtake the refugees trapped on board. Time wore on, until the Corsair could no longer stand the outrage and took action. Equipped for the worst, DeGrog climbed down into the harbor water, and swam for a likely spot to steal some food to bring back to the ship – or if the opportunity arose, to overpower some of the guards, allowing some of the refugees to escape their floating coffin. DeGrog himself, however, was soon overpowered, knocked senseless and thrown into a dungeon . . . |