Doug M's Way of the Wicked (Inactive)

Game Master Douglas Muir 406

Follow the Way of the Wicked, the award-winning AP from Fire Mountain games.

The wickedness continues in Way of the Wicked Part II: The Dark Tower!

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Female Aasimar Wizard 6 (HP 53/53; AC 18/18/15; CMD 16 Fort +5; Ref +7 Will +8; Init +3; Perception +11; Darkvision 60 ft)

Ha! You need to keep up with the sexy, Xen.

Female Aasimar Wizard 6 (HP 53/53; AC 18/18/15; CMD 16 Fort +5; Ref +7 Will +8; Init +3; Perception +11; Darkvision 60 ft)
Cуровую зиму wrote:
Douglas Muir 406 wrote:
The Havelyns are a very old family -- among the oldest. They've been noble for centuries. They have produced a number of famous aristocratic leaders, warriors, generals, and priests. (They were among the first to adopt the Mitran faith, way back when.
DM with a roll of '30' is there a family of political power that is also very closely linked to the church of Mitra that has some alliance to the House of Havelyn. The House of Chancellor Morton, perhaps?
Cуровую зиму wrote:

Please add your notes and ideas.

Cуровую and Jax with the aid of Xen prepare some letters and an eye.

B. Letter for the commander, expressing some agitation for the cleric not being here when she made a clear request to see him. How VERY uncouth of him. She would like to speak to the commander directly and mention some other business as well.

Delivery of the first two letters.

Waiting on some information from DM before I compose this letter. Any ideas how to draw the commander out? Or shall we pay him a visit?

M Tiefling Magus/Rogue;
HP 169/169; AC:37/21/29; Saves: +22/+23/+20; Init +10; Per +28(See Invisibility), CMD 42
Effects: Resist Cold 30, Fly 30', Telepathic Bond

I think instead of trying to add more plans into a 2 day span we should focus on the magister, the dwarves and the rookery.

Female Aasimar Wizard 6 (HP 53/53; AC 18/18/15; CMD 16 Fort +5; Ref +7 Will +8; Init +3; Perception +11; Darkvision 60 ft)
Jax Naismith wrote:
I think instead of trying to add more plans into a 2 day span we should focus on the magister, the dwarves and the rookery.

I was going to try and draw the commander out the night of the stew or see if we could get an invite to meet him. If by some long shot we get to him and are able to disguise Edmin as him, the fort will fall. But taking him on will be dangerous on many levels, I was asking for ideas.

Jax Naismith wrote:

The better question is when doesn't he?


Dum de dum dum.

Cуровую зиму wrote:

DM is there a family of political power that is also very closely linked to the church of Mitra that has some alliance to the House of Havelyn.

I don't know. Is there?

Cуровую зиму wrote:

Cуровую was given a Pearl of Power by the cardinal. I need you to paint it to look like an eye. But make it look very weathered and old, aged with very little of the original paint remains. It has to look hundreds of years old.

Interesting. Okay, Jax can do this (and all the other stuff), but it's going to take him a while -- at least half a day undisturbed, sitting in his room with papers and pens and paintbrushes.

Cуровую зиму wrote:

Did anyone hear what happened with landlord Barhold besides attacking the seamstress then going to jail?


Cуровую зиму wrote:

Jax or Xen did you observe the gnome seamstress with Detect Magic?


Cуровую зиму wrote:

How do we get to the tower defenses?

Good question!

Female Aasimar Wizard 6 (HP 53/53; AC 18/18/15; CMD 16 Fort +5; Ref +7 Will +8; Init +3; Perception +11; Darkvision 60 ft)
Douglas Muir 406 wrote:
Cуровую зиму wrote:
DM is there a family of political power that is also very closely linked to the church of Mitra that has some alliance to the House of Havelyn.
I don't know. Is there?

DM with a Knowledge Nobility roll of '30' is there a family of political power that is also very closely linked to the church of Mitra that has some alliance to the House of Havelyn. The House of Chancellor Morton, perhaps?

Female Aasimar Wizard 6 (HP 53/53; AC 18/18/15; CMD 16 Fort +5; Ref +7 Will +8; Init +3; Perception +11; Darkvision 60 ft)
Douglas Muir 406 wrote:
Interesting. Okay, Jax can do this (and all the other stuff), but it's going to take him a while -- at least half a day undisturbed, sitting in his room with papers and pens and paintbrushes.

DM I would say two maybe three hours at most. Jax is not creating the documents, Cуровую only needs two seals and an 'eye' painted. Jax should have a +20, counting the cardinal's tome and Cуровую's Linguistics aide. The actual letters are penned in her hand, because she IS Lady Sackville North.

Xenfal wrote:

While all the smart stuff is going on Xen will try to open the box, which he has not told anyone about since he was alone in the room.

Clever! Clever.

Of course, that means you're opening it alone. Which means you're going to face the Glyph of Warding that the dwarves paid Father Dunnigan to cast on the chest without any help from the rest of the party.

Will save, please.

Female Aasimar Wizard 6 (HP 53/53; AC 18/18/15; CMD 16 Fort +5; Ref +7 Will +8; Init +3; Perception +11; Darkvision 60 ft)

Tricksy dwarves! Good luck Xen bring the sexy!

M DEAD KILLED BY DMDM Lore Warden 2/Arcane Duelist 3
HP 4/45; AC 20(25 w def/CE)/16(21)/14; CMD 19; Init +5; Perception +4; Fort +7 (8 vs Poison), Ref +9, Will +3; Fire Res 1; BP 10/12; Spells Lvl 1 3/4 Initiative +5


1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16

Whelp, I guess it is time to work on my soon to be master spy character

The good news is, you got the chest open. And it's full of gold! The dwarves' payroll -- 360 gold. Well done. Well done.

Cуровую зиму wrote:

Cуровую will scan the skies with See Invisibility just in case the magister was instructed to patrol unseen.

1d100 ⇒ 31

Note that the effects of the poison won't last for days. More like hours. So if you want to attack and/or call down the bugbears, you'd likely want to do it on Poison Day, not after.

The less good news is, you just failed your save against the Bestow Curse in that glyph.

Now, you know how a normal Bestow Curse can take -6 off any single attribute?

Well, this is a modified version of that. It causes distinctive reddish-purple blotches to appear all over your body and face -- clusters of them, sort of like leopard spots. And it also causes you to give off a revolting, eye-watering ammoniacal stench that is immediately obvious to anyone within 30'.

This has the following effects. (1) -4 to Charisma. (2) -6 to Disguise, Diplomacy, and Stealth checks. (For Disguise and Diplomacy, that's in addition to the -2 from your lowered Cha.) (3) You appearance and odor are now distinctive.

The curse is magical, so no amount of bathing or scrubbing will affect the blotches or the smell. As with all curses, the effects are permanent until broken with a Remove Curse, Break Enchantment, etc.

Female Aasimar Wizard 6 (HP 53/53; AC 18/18/15; CMD 16 Fort +5; Ref +7 Will +8; Init +3; Perception +11; Darkvision 60 ft)

It's 6 am here. Time for bed. And maybe time for Xen to be put in the secret tunnel.

Would not the Glyph cost more than the gold its protecting? Maybe there is a secret compartment.

Maybe we can buy a Scroll from the remaining clerics. More later after some zzzzs.

Cуровую зиму wrote:

Would not the Glyph cost more than the gold its protecting?

1) Glyphs cost 200 gp material components. As for the casting, Father Dunnigan gave the dwarves a whopping discount because they're doing Mitra's work. (And then he applied the money towards a sports program for underprivileged youth.)

2) Spending 500 gp to protect 100 gp would make perfect sense to a dwarf.

Male Human Oracle (FC) 15 Init: +8 Perc: +0 AC:24/14/20 F:+13 R:+14 W:+15 HP:124/124 Freedom of movement, Resist Cold/30, Air Walk 30'

The good news is you have a magical disguise on so it should cover the spots. The bads news is it won't help your stench so if the Dwarves get near you you are busted.
I would be curious to know how you are going to explain this to the group. You go searching around the Dwarves room and shortly after you contract a magical disease or possibly after being looked over by Dren, a curse. Maybe this will be a lesson learned...bring these things to the group and we might be able to get around these issues.

Shouldn't we copy the plans and return them? If plans to the tower got out don't you think that it would escalate the security to a very high level? We just need a rough sketch, something that will take minutes but give us a layout...we would want to study the portculis mechanism though to figure out how to disable it.

Male Vampire(former Dhampir) Bard(Negotiator) 13/Anti-Paladin/2 - [HP 209/231; AC43,FF36,T22; CMD32; DR/10 magic+silver; F+28,R+29,W+26; Per+31; Init +12]

That was why Jax was also there at the room. He is the theft/forgery expert. It was his evaluation of things that was expected. We were not seeking to rob the place, we were trying to get information on the castle since the dwarves were the ones working on it.

Regarding stealing the coffer, Jax would have been in the room at the same time I would assume, and when the invisibility wore off, one he would have been there. At the very least, he should have had a perception to notice Xen walking around with a large coffer, unless Xen has gained several hundred pounds recently, he will have a tough time hiding a coffer under his shirt.

I know that certain members of this team are enjoying stealing for their own personal enjoyment and otherwise making numerous unilateral decisions, but remember, each of these things is going to be reported back to the Cardinal for an appropriate correction when we get back to him.

Finally, unless people are having alignment shifts, remember your alignment. LE is the alignment of rules, following rules, and looking for loopholes in rules. Not the alignment of stealing for fun and ignoring instructions. While not all of us are LE, most are. Furthermore, while, I did not specifically instruct Xen and Jax to not touch anything, at this point, I think that it should be apparent that the Judge would have made this quite clear. Our purpose is to take down the fort. Once that is done, we can cheerfully loot the town while the bugbears feast on the remains of the villagers. Stealing now does nothing but harm the mission.

To put it another way, If pvp was allowed, certain people's actions are getting close to where Morsum would suddenly appear in your room at night and quietly make his own correction.

M Tiefling Magus/Rogue;
HP 169/169; AC:37/21/29; Saves: +22/+23/+20; Init +10; Per +28(See Invisibility), CMD 42
Effects: Resist Cold 30, Fly 30', Telepathic Bond

Jax was in the hallway keeping watch, Judge so he wasn't in the same room.

Dren does have a point about returning the plans to the dwarves. I do like your plan, Judge, but think his has a bit more merit. Perhaps we could drop off the coffer in the troupe and return the blueprints to the room? That way everyone wins.

LD14, Cav 1 INIT:+4, AC:34 (39)/FF:33/T:16, HP:283/216, F:+24 R:+14 W:+17, P: 10
Bluff+8,Climb+12,Dip+8,Disg+8,Han An+9,Intim+30,Kn(Nobil)+18,Kn(relig)+8,Perc+10,Ride+10,Spellc+4,Surv+6,Stea lth+8

I agréé. Since the seal has been broken, plant it on the troup and rémové one of ifs membres.

M DEAD KILLED BY DMDM Lore Warden 2/Arcane Duelist 3
HP 4/45; AC 20(25 w def/CE)/16(21)/14; CMD 19; Init +5; Perception +4; Fort +7 (8 vs Poison), Ref +9, Will +3; Fire Res 1; BP 10/12; Spells Lvl 1 3/4 Initiative +5
Judge Tohram Quasangi wrote:

To put it another way, If pvp was allowed, certain people's actions are getting close to where Morsum would suddenly appear in your room at night and quietly make his own correction.

1. I took it to decide what to do with it, not keep it for myself.

2. it is a payroll box with 300 gold. not that big and xen has a haversack
3. Jax was not in the room
4. PvP is technically allowed so if you want to kill xen go ahead.

Planting the box on the troupe: I'd need to see either two Stealths, or a Stealth and a Bluff. Presumably this will be Jax?

Once you've done this, I think we can move forward to Day 11.

Meanwhile, who is delivering the letter? Zimu in her "apprentice" disguise? Someone else?

Also: with just over a day to go, please have your ready spells and equipment up to date.

M DEAD KILLED BY DMDM Lore Warden 2/Arcane Duelist 3
HP 4/45; AC 20(25 w def/CE)/16(21)/14; CMD 19; Init +5; Perception +4; Fort +7 (8 vs Poison), Ref +9, Will +3; Fire Res 1; BP 10/12; Spells Lvl 1 3/4 Initiative +5

Well guys, I went through the items I found in the room, finally got the box open that I found. Bad news, nothing in there that helps us get rid of anyone, I was hoping there was an explosive or some keys or something. Good news there was coin. Worse news I got cursed. I can cover the visual effect, but for now I will smell odd.

M Tiefling Magus/Rogue;
HP 169/169; AC:37/21/29; Saves: +22/+23/+20; Init +10; Per +28(See Invisibility), CMD 42
Effects: Resist Cold 30, Fly 30', Telepathic Bond
Douglas Muir 406 wrote:

Planting the box on the troupe: I'd need to see either two Stealths, or a Stealth and a Bluff. Presumably this will be Jax?

Once you've done this, I think we can move forward to Day 11.

Jax will do it with invisibility (Day 11 is a new day?) when he has time after/before doing all the paint/etc.

1d20 + 31 ⇒ (7) + 31 = 38 and 1d20 + 31 ⇒ (9) + 31 = 40 (unarmored)

Xen, you smell as bad as the Judge! Go hide in the tunnels until we can wash you with some acid.

M Tiefling Magus/Rogue;
HP 169/169; AC:37/21/29; Saves: +22/+23/+20; Init +10; Per +28(See Invisibility), CMD 42
Effects: Resist Cold 30, Fly 30', Telepathic Bond
Xenfal wrote:
Well guys, I went through the items I found in the room, finally got the box open that I found. Bad news, nothing in there that helps us get rid of anyone, I was hoping there was an explosive or some keys or something. Good news there was coin. Worse news I got cursed. I can cover the visual effect, but for now I will smell odd.

Equipment is up to date but Jax's spells have been much different than his usual compliment prepped (with all the sneak work and with the alter self for the last combat). I'll change his prepped spells for Day 12 (the night we go in).

Okay. You're able to plant the empty chest with little difficulty. To make things interesting, you plant it in the gnome seamstress' wagon.

That wraps up the evening Day 10, and brings us to Day 11 -- the last complete day before Stew Day.

M DEAD KILLED BY DMDM Lore Warden 2/Arcane Duelist 3
HP 4/45; AC 20(25 w def/CE)/16(21)/14; CMD 19; Init +5; Perception +4; Fort +7 (8 vs Poison), Ref +9, Will +3; Fire Res 1; BP 10/12; Spells Lvl 1 3/4 Initiative +5

Sent to my room and not allowed to work? Wonderful.

Two things left to resolve from last night: (1) how is Zimu's letter getting delivered? and (2) are you going with the "copy the blueprints, return them" plan, or just taking them?

Male Human Oracle (FC) 15 Init: +8 Perc: +0 AC:24/14/20 F:+13 R:+14 W:+15 HP:124/124 Freedom of movement, Resist Cold/30, Air Walk 30'

My vote is for returning the blue prints after copying them. Hope the dwarves are not back yet. Check first by looking through the window after I levitate that person.

M Tiefling Magus/Rogue;
HP 169/169; AC:37/21/29; Saves: +22/+23/+20; Init +10; Per +28(See Invisibility), CMD 42
Effects: Resist Cold 30, Fly 30', Telepathic Bond

Jax is copying and returning them.

Male Human Oracle (FC) 15 Init: +8 Perc: +0 AC:24/14/20 F:+13 R:+14 W:+15 HP:124/124 Freedom of movement, Resist Cold/30, Air Walk 30'

Dren will accompany you and levitate you up to the window to check the room before entering...

Even Dren has to wrinkle his nose...Xen, with your hat I should be able to replicate one of the troup and try to buy a scroll to attmpet to remove it...let's cross our fingers and hope they have one.
I won't give a reason specifically until I have it in my possesion but then say something about that we found something old and happen to have a curse on it. We finally got around to opening it and it cursed one of our members. I am going to purposely make the story sound a little fair fetched but they wouldn't connect the dots until they heard about the theft.

Dren grins at his own devious mind...

Female Aasimar Wizard 6 (HP 53/53; AC 18/18/15; CMD 16 Fort +5; Ref +7 Will +8; Init +3; Perception +11; Darkvision 60 ft)

Cуровую has Knowledge Engineering which she took just to exploit finding a weakness if there is one in the fort, can she please get to see the blueprints?

Female Aasimar Wizard 6 (HP 53/53; AC 18/18/15; CMD 16 Fort +5; Ref +7 Will +8; Init +3; Perception +11; Darkvision 60 ft)
Douglas Muir 406 wrote:
Once you've done this, I think we can move forward to Day 11.

Just one more thing please. Those with Stealth please look through the homes of the captains for uniforms or items of value we can use. This includes keys, holy symbols or passwords for Glyphs.

Even Xen can do this.

M DEAD KILLED BY DMDM Lore Warden 2/Arcane Duelist 3
HP 4/45; AC 20(25 w def/CE)/16(21)/14; CMD 19; Init +5; Perception +4; Fort +7 (8 vs Poison), Ref +9, Will +3; Fire Res 1; BP 10/12; Spells Lvl 1 3/4 Initiative +5

Waiting to be given instructions by the judge

Cуровую зиму wrote:
Cуровую has Knowledge Engineering which she took just to exploit finding a weakness if there is one in the fort, can she please get to see the blueprints?

Tomorrow I'll post a link to the blueprints -- provided that someone can make a high enough Knowledge A&E roll.

(Um, can someone send me the email addy at which to send them? Sorry, I erased that last e-mail. Ahem.)

The alchemist's will open tomorrow morning, and you can check for scroll availability then. But before it does...

Jax, you're sitting eating breakfast when three soldiers come to take you away. "You're wanted at the Tower, painter." They are armed and armored and their expressions are grim.

Resist, flee, or go along with them?

M Tiefling Magus/Rogue;
HP 169/169; AC:37/21/29; Saves: +22/+23/+20; Init +10; Per +28(See Invisibility), CMD 42
Effects: Resist Cold 30, Fly 30', Telepathic Bond

Which day is this? 11? I hope so...he has invisibility that day but not 12..

Jax will look up with the spoon half way to his mouth. What? I am? Oh! Is it the Captain? He puts the spoon down and pretends to look excited 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (20) + 14 = 34 bluff and smiles at the guards. Or is it one of your daring officers? I'd be happy to paint them all if that's what it is. I'll even cut you a deal!

Okay. And off you go to the Tower...

Jax only:

You are kept waiting for perhaps half an hour. (The guards do not have drawn weapons, but are obviously alert.) Then the door opens. It's Commander Havelyn and Magister Tacitus, trailed by one of the acolytes.

Roll a d20, please.

Jax goes away, and an hour later he's not back. Do the rest of you want to change your plans, or just carry on?

M Tiefling Magus/Rogue;
HP 169/169; AC:37/21/29; Saves: +22/+23/+20; Init +10; Per +28(See Invisibility), CMD 42
Effects: Resist Cold 30, Fly 30', Telepathic Bond

Well I'd like to know how the guards react to him before he goes the whole way..he's wary of it being dangerous. Sense motive as well: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21

Edit: Also the d20 requested 1d20 ⇒ 9

M DEAD!! KILLED BY EVIL EVIL DMDM!! Rogue1/Barb (Feral)1 temp hp 14/17 and 9 con (HP 24/25+4 when Raging; AC21/17/15(-2 Raging) ; CMD 16 (18 Rage) Fort +4(6); Ref +8; Will +1( 3); Init +6; Perception +5/6 for Traps; Darkvision

wary? dangerous? absent? Is Evil Word Spwn coming to visit goblin? tee hee tee hee hee hee

M Tiefling Magus/Rogue;
HP 169/169; AC:37/21/29; Saves: +22/+23/+20; Init +10; Per +28(See Invisibility), CMD 42
Effects: Resist Cold 30, Fly 30', Telepathic Bond

Nah, if Jax dies, he'll totally repent and go to purgatory. He hasn't sold his soul yet!

Female Aasimar Wizard 6 (HP 53/53; AC 18/18/15; CMD 16 Fort +5; Ref +7 Will +8; Init +3; Perception +11; Darkvision 60 ft)
Jax Naismith wrote:

Which day is this? 11? I hope so...he has invisibility that day but not 12..

Jax will look up with the spoon half way to his mouth. What? I am? Oh! Is it the Captain? He puts the spoon down and pretends to look excited 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (20) + 14 = 34 bluff and smiles at the guards. Or is it one of your daring officers? I'd be happy to paint them all if that's what it is. I'll even cut you a deal!

Sexy roll Jax. Hope to see you back!

Maybe they just want you to paint some 'missing' pictures of the cleric to post around the nearby towns. You get paid for your crime!

Female Aasimar Wizard 6 (HP 53/53; AC 18/18/15; CMD 16 Fort +5; Ref +7 Will +8; Init +3; Perception +11; Darkvision 60 ft)

Off to work soon, back in six hours with more posts.

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