Alosvalophos |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Rules for Game 2
The First Divinity Forge
Across aeons the gods had done battle; wielding the mighty forces of their divine station, they sent their chosen peoples to war across land and sea to secure ascension to true apotheosis for the sole victor. After the turmoil of ages upon ages locked in broil and battle that reshaped the world itself, one deity emerged triumphant: Alosvalophos, the Celestial Patriarch, Lord of the Centaurs.
His being has been written into the very fabric of the universe by the Entity, and now it comes time for him to raise another after the same fashion on a world ripe for theogenesis.
From his lofty perch amidst the stars, Alosvalophos looms over the world as-of-yet empty of sapience and gods. "It is not good," he pronounces, "for life to know neither wisdom nor war. Let there be consciousness and strife, yea, and gods both new and old! Come forth and do battle again, that you might be as I - a Lord over Creation!"
You are a god! You have been conjured by Alosvalophos, victor of the first Divinity Forge, for the purpose of doing whatever the hell you like on this untouched world. You may create your profile as follows:
It's preferable that you create a character alias for this game to help me keep track of your posts.
Name: Your godly name. Append as many superfluous titles as you feel is necessary.
Name Code: Choose a recognisable three-letter code to represent your presence on the map.
Domains: Your two domains, chosen from those listed. Feel free to discuss and suggest new domains while we start this up. We won't be starting the game just yet, so there's time.
Race: Your chosen people, created/stolen/uplifted as you choose. To begin with, your race has one advancement of your choice, and one home terrain (choose a biome and elevation they are most comfortable at). You cannot choose a water domain.
Race Code: Choose a recognisable two-letter code to represent your race on the map.
Background: Who are you as a god and what are you doing here?
The codes are important. Presence on the map is shown as follows:
<God Code>-<Race Code>-<Number of Armies>,<Number of Population>,<Number of Settlers>
For example: FBM-BM-2 means that Fuzzy Bear Man has two Bear Men armies here. FBM-BM-2,3,4 means that Fuzzy Bear Man has two armies, three population in a settlement and for some reason, four settlers.
FBM-BM-0,3; FBM-LM-2 means that Fuzzy Bear Man has a settlement of three Bear Men and somehow ended up with two Lizard Men armies. I guess that could happen?
The map will be generated after we have enough players to begin the game. This is to make a relatively even map and to assure a nice distribution of players. Bunching caused some troubles in Divinity Forge Game I, so we are trying to avoid that with a more even spread and a smaller world (to encourage more interaction).
You may sign up later in the game, but be aware that you'll be starting out at a disadvantage. Most of the extant gods will likely have a lot of settlements, armies and reserves of power already.
Posting Rules:
You may submit your turn once per round. Don't dally overmuch. For the first few turns, I'd like to see the game progress around a 48-hour or quicker schedule. Later, as things get more complicated, we'll probably do a weekly update sort of thing. I will post in advance when I intend to post a new turn. Please try to post every turn. The game is best when everyone is invested! Moreover, you'll be at quite a disadvantage, as missing a turn will only grant you whatever power generation you're entitled for that turn. That means a roll + whatever other power generation options you might have that do not require an action from the player.
Make sure your posts are clear about what you want to do. I need to be able to resolve them unambiguously at the end of each round. Please show your math, as it will help me update the turns quickly and easily if I do not have to do your math for you.
Note as well: The effects of anything you do only take place at the end of the round. So if someone blows up your favourite city, don't worry! You can still use it to do stuff until I post the end of round summary. Then it blows up. Combat is resolved post-blow up.
The same is true of terrain alterations. You treat all terrain as shown on the map. It will be altered at the end of the round by the terrain miracles performed by gods on their turns.
You don't roll for battles. I do. Again, it takes place at the end of the round. You just have to move your armies onto tiles you want to attack.
I would also love to see as much as RP as you'd like. It adds so much more to the game if we all take our characters seriously and play ourselves as them. However, this is primarily a competitive game with the goal to secure victory. Consider your choices in light of this ultimate end.
That's probably all for now. Feel free to start making your god and race. Questions should be addressed here directly about your character and the creation process, but if you have deep questions about game mechanics and what not, or suggestions, I'd suggest you go over to the discussion board.
Either which way, get started at your leisure!
Oh, and one last thing: We managed to run an entire game without one substantial instance of bad feelings, and we even weathered difficulties with RL problems of several players! Let's try to keep that same even-headed, fair-minded, "can-do" attitude for this game, too. It would be a shame if this game fosters, in spite of its competitiveness, any sort of negative feelings amongst the players. This is, after all, a game, and it is our foremost duty to have fun!

Niteflier |

Huh. Can't get access to the Rules, but here we go!
Name: Utatnaphor, The Wandering One.
Name Code: UTA
Domains: (In the Rules, I'm guessing. I'll fill out later.)
Race: The Sphinx (Home Terrain: low plains)
Race Code: SX
Background: Utatnaphor loves to travel, and as such, sees many things. Unfortunatly, sometimes you can't UNsee something. So he's hiding out for awhile, until Oya calms down. Darn thunder.

Umbral Reaver |

I'll make up an alt for posting soon. In the meantime:
Name: Itzpapalotl
Name Code: ITZ
Domains: Nature, Wizardry
Race: Orizaba
Race Code: OZ
Home Terrain: Hilly Forest
Advancement: Religion
Itzpapalotl rules over Tamoanchan, a verdant realm of lush greenery, fertilised by ground bones and sacrificial blood. She is a goddess of either terrifying obsidian-winged appearance or of unearthly beauty, as she chooses. Her people are the Orizaba, the Obsidian Butterflies, also known as Cihuateteo (divine women). The Orizaba are said to have once been the spirits of women that died in childbirth. Itzpapalotl considered childbirth a form of battle, and so to her these spirits were fallen warriors. She honoured them with beautiful new bodies and returned them to the world to be her servants.
The modern Orizaba are generations removed from their mythic ancestors, now able to live and reproduce normally. Despite there being no males, Orizaba couples are able to create offspring by means of a ritual that produces a seed. The seed, once planted and watered with blood, grows into a large flower bud. It blooms only once, unveiling the child within, then withers.
Physically, an adult Orizaba looks much like a human woman, with dark skin and typically lean physique, though their fingers and toes are sharply clawed. As they age, they develop pale markings on their faces that resemble skulls. Their culture is both highly artistic and bloodthirsty. Living sacrifice is a great honour, giving blood for the next generation to be born. They harness the mystic power from this release of life as well, and most Orizaba are skilled practicioners of the supernatural arts.

Alosvalophos |

Huh. Can't get access to the Rules, but here we go!
Name: Utatnaphor, The Wandering One.
Name Code: UTA
Domains: (In the Rules, I'm guessing. I'll fill out later.)
Race: The Sphinx (Home Terrain: low plains)
Race Code: SX
Background: Utatnaphor loves to travel, and as such, sees many things. Unfortunatly, sometimes you can't UNsee something. So he's hiding out for awhile, until Oya calms down. Darn thunder.
Glad to have you onboard! The rules should now be available right here.
Sorry on the mix up.

Alosvalophos |

thunderbeard wrote:I've heard good things about games like this. Is this an open recruitment thing? (the rules are apparently a restricted file)Wow! Thanks for telling me. Sorry - I will unrestrict it right away.
This is an open recruitment, yes.
Great character concept there, Umby.
Aztec Amazon Dryads. Me likey.

![]() |

Name: The Warlord; The Grand Commander, Lord of Strategy and War
Name Code: WAR
Domains: Militarism, War
Race: Minoans
Race Code: MN
Home Terrain: Hilly Scrubbland
The Warlord serves as the god of armies and strategy. He is portrayed as a dirty blond mature man dressed as a general according to the local customs. The Warlord keeps his name a secret from, as to avoid anyone to gaining any power over him by using his name against him.
The Warlord is logical and analytical in his demeanor, giving him a cold look, but his passion for war and the engine that an army is and all that composes it, but he does not enjoy to see his soldiers perish at war, but he knows it’s an unavoidable collateral to achieve victory. He speaks with a strong and stern voice and throaty laugh. He looks unfavorably upon those who switch alliances often or capriciously and disliking the behavior of soldiers that act in accordance to the tenants of war.
War is won by the machinery that compromises strategy and an army and every detail in it. Any man can take a horde and overwhelm some defenses, but a well prepared army would repel such a force. War is fought by two sides or more, as long as you can control your side’s resources and assets you can size victory. If you can lead your armies and train them to overcome their foes, no army will defeat you.
There is never lasting peace, see to your defenses and drill your soldier, if you falter you will lose your edge and victory. There will always be a skirmish that can grow to war, be on the lookout for the signs of war, there are always visible in peace, but look for peace during war.
Edit: I just got access to the rules, making changes.
Edit: I have a proposed Advancement
Marching Orders: +1 bonus to your move Force rolls.

Alosvalophos |

Name: The Warlord; The Grand Commander, Lord of Strategy and War
Name Code: WAR
Domains: Militarism, War
Race: Minoans
Race Code: MN
Home Terrain: Hilly ScrubblandBackground
The Warlord serves as the god of armies and strategy. He is portrayed as a dirty blond mature man dressed as a general according to the local customs. The Warlord keeps his name a secret from, as to avoid anyone to gaining any power over him by using his name against him.The Warlord is logical and analytical in his demeanor, giving him a cold look, but his passion for war and the engine that an army is and all that composes it, but he does not enjoy to see his soldiers perish at war, but he knows it’s an unavoidable collateral to achieve victory. He speaks with a strong and stern voice and throaty laugh. He looks unfavorably upon those who switch alliances often or capriciously and disliking the behavior of soldiers that act in accordance to the tenants of war.
War is won by the machinery that compromises strategy and an army and every detail in it. Any man can take a horde and overwhelm some defenses, but a well prepared army would repel such a force. War is fought by two sides or more, as long as you can control your side’s resources and assets you can size victory. If you can lead your armies and train them to overcome their foes, no army will defeat you.There is never lasting peace, see to your defenses and drill your soldier, if you falter you will lose your edge and victory. There will always be a skirmish that can grow to war, be on the lookout for the signs of war, there are always visible in peace, but look for peace during war.
Edit: I just got access to the rules, making changes.
Very cool character concept. Might you add the initial advancement?

Alosvalophos |

Incidently, this would make an excellent board game. Ever think of adapting it to one?
I've told Umbral Reaver she ought to consider it. She created the game in a manic session of creativity one night. She GMed the first game (I picked up half-way through) and now she'll just be a normal player.

Alosvalophos |

Okay, I think we might have enough players
I have one spot reserved for a friend who I have sent out an invitation to already.
We might need one more player if that friend in question bails out, but as it stands we'll have between 6-8 right now.
The following will be players (provided they stick around):
Alosvalophos non-GM Player (depends!)
Boberto (friend invited).
I am thinking the gameboard will be either 15x15 or 13x13. I am favouring the smaller board as it stands, but I have yet to finalize the map right now. We'll see!

Fallen_Mage |

Just off the top of my head, the board game setup could be something this.
- The board itself uses a hexagonal setup, similar to Settlers of Catan, only the hexegons are grouped in 3's.
- Use Risk-like figures for Forces and Settlements
- Tokens and/or Counters of some sort for Power, Science, etc.
Just my two coppers...

Alosvalophos |

When moving a Force, you must declare a tile you are moving and you roll a d6, this Advantage would give you a +1 to that specific roll, instead of Survival which I was thinking was for normal settlers moving, not military wise.
Survival covers both settlers/pop and military forces. It's the universal "lower terrain difficulty" stat.
Settle down to which advancement you want to start off with, and you'll be all set.
Just to note, if it wasn't clear: All of you will start in a square that matches your home biome.

Alosvalophos |

Just off the top of my head, the board game setup could be something this.
- The board itself uses a hexagonal setup, similar to Settlers of Catan, only the hexegons are grouped in 3's.
- Use Risk-like figures for Forces and Settlements
- Tokens and/or Counters of some sort for Power, Science, etc.
Just my two coppers...
The only difficult thing: Lots of math! But with counters and such, and a handy calculator, it could be real fun.
Okay. Gotta go. See you guys tonight. It is currently 2:30 pm where I am. I should check back in around 10 pm.

pavaan |

Mogar (mog)
race goblins (GB)
domains death, slavery.
home wetlands
advancement survival 1
Mogar is the goblin mother. She wishes to see her spawn populate and prosper. She does not care what they do to each other so long as they are the only ones around. to help her children she set out plague and sickness upon what ever world her git are on. from time to time it kills her own. but it kills off more then enough of any other races that might fight her baby's.
All other races should be wiped our or made to serve her little ones. she has gifted them with high reproduction rates to overwhelm any foes they might come to meet. while killing 1 goblin might be easy killing 10 is not so easy a task.
with a new world to be a cradle for her children she will push them hard even though she faces gods and there races. this new world will be hers at all costs.
will make a proper alias when game starts. i have to many alias made for games that i have not been picked for now they are just sitting there....
also i can post every day, am reliable having nothing to do but work, sleep and playing on my computer.

Darjuu |

Fallen_Mage here with my submission:
Name: Darjuu; The Storm of Enlightenment, The Formless One
Name Code: DJU
Domains: Discovery and Protection
Race: Velmoru
Race Code: VU
Terrain: Barren Mountains
Starting Advancement: Religion
Darjuu is a God of no form. It exists primarily as a swirling tempest of dark clouds and vivid lightning. However, within lies a gentle entity that has sworn to pierce the darkness of ignorance.
The followers of the Storm of Enlightenment, are a devout and studious people. For them, the pursuit of knowledge is paramount, for there is a prophecy in their teachings that goes: 'Once the veil has been pierced, shall Darjuu emerge with physical form and bring the Light of Knowledge to all sentient beings.' As a result, they study vigorously so their God can achieve physical form.

Utatnaphor, The Wandering One |

Okay, republish notes now that I have the Rules:
Name: Utatnaphor, The Wandering One.
Name Code: UTA
Domains: Discovery and Protection
Race: The Sphinx (Home Terrain: Hilly Scrubland)
Race Code: SX
Background: Utatnaphor loves to travel, and as such, sees many things. Unfortunatly, sometimes you can't UNsee something. So he's hiding out for awhile, until Oya calms down. Darn thunder.

Alosvalophos |

Okay, republish notes now that I have the Rules:
Name: Utatnaphor, The Wandering One.
Name Code: UTA
Domains: Discovery and Protection
Race: The Sphinx (Home Terrain: Hilly Scrubland)
Race Code: SX
Background: Utatnaphor loves to travel, and as such, sees many things. Unfortunatly, sometimes you can't UNsee something. So he's hiding out for awhile, until Oya calms down. Darn thunder.
Great. And starting advancement?

Fraemaour |

Name: Fræmaður (henceforth Fraemaour); the Seed Man, the Sower, He-who-Brings-Life-to-Land, Father of the Fields.
Code name: Fra
Domains: Nature and discovery.
Race: Grasvólk (henceforward Grasvolk) (GV)
Advancement: Survival +1
Terrain: Flat forest (OF).
Background: A single stalk of grass from the slightest mote of dirt--a living symbol of life from lifelessness. It was from this process, pregnant with meaning, that Fraemaour was born, and it is for this process that he has his being. He shall make life where there is none, and, like he, they shall awaken into sapience.
He walked across barren fields and spread the Seed of Life and spoke, "My children, arise into Reason and Consciousness and spread with me! Fertilize the fallow; grant life unto the wastes; sprout and spread! And forget not your wisdom, for knowledge is the life of the mind, and mental fields are e'er in need of tilling!"
So were born the Grasvolk, their flat blades folded into vaguely anthromorphic shape, and with voices like a type of rustling like wind through the tall, tall grass. They followed their leader riding on the backs of bees and butterflies, or else burrowing through the soil on tamed earthworms. Wherever they went, life followed, and ever a desire to learn!

Alosvalophos |

The map is provisional and doesn't include the placement for the two other players joining just yet. As you'll notice, I've placed every player around the map as evenly as feasible, and with their starting base 1 tile off from the side. Hopefully everyone will be more or less satisfied, and remember you can alter the climate with miracles.
Oh, and the unexplained center tile: It's forbidden! That's all that needs to be known right this second. It'll eventually be opened up.

Alosvalophos |

Two characters left, so let's say another 24-48 hours?
The GM won't be playing from the center position, by the way. The forbidden zone is for something I am developing as a victory condition as mentioned in the rules. I haven't decided what would be best for it, so I haven't announced it just yet. I am throwing around a few different ideas of how the zone will be accessed and used as another victory condition.
The GM's role is mainly to make events, quests, and npcs. The first round won't have any NPCs. Those will come in around round 2 or 3, depending on how things go.
As for the first round event: It'll just be "everyone has at least 10 power this turn! Wee!"
Also, to keep things fair do note: I won't be in control of any sort of action that benefits my player character as the GM. Any sort of quest, for instance, will be done by another player for my player character, so I can't like...you know, figure out something to benefit me. 100% fairness is my commitment to all of you. So do please keep me honest if I ever make mistakes or anything of the sort. I won't be mad if you point out an error on my part!

Alosvalophos |

So because at the start we have no army's does the first to post still get extra power. To me it seems like there is no tactical difference between the first and last post.
I am going to make this clearer, as I had another person ask me this, but the first post/last post thing happens much later on in the game (several turns in) when the GM decides it's time.
So up till say...round 5 or so, no one gets bonuses from posting first or penalties for posting last.
I just changed the rules to be much clearer on this point. I will add a little FAQ thing, too!
Thanks for asking. I hope it's clearer now.
Also, as I mentioned above, we're going to start round 1 with at least 10 power. I don't want the first turn to be messed with crappy rolls for everyone. Expect to be subject to the tyranny of the dice thereafter, though, and prepare accordingly!

Alosvalophos |

Mogar (mog)
race goblins (GB)
domains death, slavery.
home wetlands
advancement survival 1** spoiler omitted **
will make a proper alias when game starts. i have to many alias made for games that i have not been picked for now they are just sitting there....
also i can post every day, am reliable having nothing to do but work, sleep and playing on my computer.
Oh, Pavaan, just to be clear: You wanted flat wetlands, right? I put you on the map as flat, but I can put you up on hills if you want.

Alosvalophos |

I would like to join this campaign, but I am not very familiar with the system in question.I hope this isn't too big of an issue for you
Not at all!
It's a system that Umbral Reaver made and I've tweaked. I never played it before last game. It's simple and easy to learn and we'll be glad to help you figure out the rules.
But please, you're welcome to join. I'd love to have you.

orionbasher |

Name: Iazamaz(IZ),He who walks among us, the impossible one, the shifter of shape
Race:Ethereals (ET)
Domains:Discovery and wizardry
Home:Volcanic mountains
Iazamaz is the god of self-identity and form.because of this,he is a god of many forms, and each race sees him as one of their own, though the god retains his garb of a cloak that covers his face in shadow, and a mask that hides the rest of his face. His godly form resembles a vaguely humanoid figure who radiates wisps of energy. He believes that all folk should find their purpose in life through him or with his guidance,and thus his worshippers often do not last very long, though the god himself agrees this is for the best.
His servitor race is the Ethereals.A race of radiant humanoid Figures with spindly limbs which extend and change shape in order to fill the needs of the ethereals.Like iazamaz, the ethereals are a race of shapeshifters, and often place themselves among the ranks of other races, embodying the race's physical aspects while retaining their minds.However, they enjoy putting their own personal touches on their forms, resulting in the show of their true identity as goblins who are too tall, grasvolk made of inorganic material such as paper or male orizaba appear alongside their original counterparts.