GM Umbral Reaver |

Okay, some more questions:
1) what happens when you capture a city? is it immediately pacified and or may you use actions there?
Since combat happens at the end of a round, the city is available for your use in the next round.
2) how do you want us players to do diplomacy; should we post in the open or PM?
You may post openly if you don't mind the other players seeing it, or use PMs for secret communication.

Alosvalophos |

Should I allow players to use miracles later in the turn, even if they have already posted? (provided they have power available)
If we allow people to constantly tweak their turns, we'll never end the turn.
It's the downside to "all players move at once". In a table top game, we'd move sequentially.

Tacticslion |

The Dark Seer:
You started with 1 more Power and Science than you thought.
The action taken by a city after being inspired is not reduced in cost by your community domain.
The following actions could not be completed: Create People Miracle (insufficient power). Festival in E8 (no settlement).
Umbral, why did I start with more power than I thought?
And, my apologies, but, are you saying that I was supposed to start with seven points instead of six? I really sorry, but I'm not quite sure what you're saying - I apologize.
My city acted, gaining advancement.
My civic domain then halves the cost of civic miracles.
Let's break down my post to see what's going on.
^ Here I'm dropping my post so everything lines up neatly and rolling my dice. I have a +1 from 1 rank of religion (which I started with) and one settlement. EDIT: and that's why I have one more power than previously noted, because I started with Religion and should have gotten it at the end of the first turn. That would bring my total to 15, like you're suggesting.
Power: 6+8 = 14
Science: 1
Worshipers: 5
Advancement: Religion 1, Survival 2 (total 3)
Settlements: E7
This is what I thought I had after last turn. Was I supposed to have 7+8 = 15 power and 2 science?
My E7 people produce [Advancement] (cost 0 power). This generates four science!
The Shaecubi Advance in Religion (cost 3 science)!
This is standard, based on prices noted in the rules document.
I enact a Civic Miracle [Inspire City] to inspire My E7 people produce one settler (cost 5+2=6 power). The settler does nothing at this time.
I enact a Civic Miracle [Inspire City] to inspire my E7 people to produce an army (cost 4 power).
I enact a Civic Miracle [Create People]; the Shaecubi people spread to E8 (cost 3 power). They produce [Festival] (cost 0 power; generates 1 power).
So I enact three civic miracles. Based on my Civic domain, their power is half-cost.
1) Inspire City is normally 10 cost, but for me it's 5. The cost of producing a settler is 2 because I have 1 settlement and 1 settler. EDIT: okay, see, I was adding it up in my head and ignoring the "six" behind the equals, but it looks kind of like I have enough anyway.
2) I produce an army. This costs 2, as I have no other armies and the difficulty cost is 0; add the miracle cost, it should cost me a total of 5. So, I mistook 1 point here. However, if I'm reading you correctly, I should have had 1 additional point to start with... making this a wash.
3) Civic Miracle: I create a people. They are adjacent to my city (no cost for distance) and, with survival, there is no difficulty for the terrain (no cost increase). I have 1 settlement. The cost would normally be ([1*1]*6)/2 due to my Civic domain. This is the exact cost you noted to us earlier, here, which is why I felt confident using that as the calculation base.
Total: 7+5+3 = 15. With the one point higher that you noted earlier, shouldn't this be enough?
Power: 1
Science: 2
Worshipers: 5
Advancement: Religion 2, Survival 2 (total 3)
Settlements: E7, E8
So... what do I have, how much power, how much science, and where?
I can't post anything because I've no idea what I've got right now, and no idea how much stuff costs. I'm reading it and I don't know how much it costs. I'd really like to be able to do something this turn, but I don't know if I can, because I don't know what's happening rules-wise. Apparently one mistake in my previous post has created a lot of confusion for me. I need more help. Sorry. :/

GM Umbral Reaver |

Umbral, why did I start with more power than I thought?
And, my apologies, but, are you saying that I was supposed to start with seven points instead of six? I really sorry, but I'm not quite sure what you're saying - I apologize.
You had six power. You generated 9 but only gave yourself 8. I added 9 when processing your turn.
I enact a Civic Miracle [Create People]; the Shaecubi people spread to E8 (cost 3 power).
It costs 4. You forgot to add 1 for distance. (6 * 1^2 + 1) / 2 = 3.5, round up to 4.
Does that clear things up for you?

Tacticslion |

Okay... but should I have had 16 points or 15? I'm sorry - I really messed up my first turn, so now I'm scrambling to get it all back in order and am not doing a good job.
With that additional 1 point (for distance - huh), it would cost 16 points.
If I did spend 16 points, I would have gained an additional 4 from my religion advancement... if, instead, I only spent 12 (leaving me with three points... or four points), I'll gain only 2.
Either way, I gained 10 from the boost.
Power: 14 (if all power was spent last turn); or 16 or 15 (if some was retained)
Science: 3
Worshipers: 3 (so settlers don't count as worshipers? good to know!)
Advancement: Religion 2, Survival 2 (total 4)
Settlements: E7 (start), E8 (maybe?)
So... is that more accurate?

Tacticslion |

Okay, that probably looks weird to you.
I actually have 12, or 12 or 11 power - the above was my way of adding the non-random bonuses. You're suggesting the 11 power... so I supposed I shouldn't get Religion for my first turn despite starting with it.
Okay, working with that base, then...

GM Umbral Reaver |

If you look at the map, you'll see your current settlements. The information tab contains all the details you require, including current Power. Not counting generation from this turn, you have 11 Power in reserve. Because your population is low, you will only roll 2d6 for gathering this turn.
Edit: Your religion bonus from the first turn was already counted, wasn't it? I'll go check.
Edit2: Yes, it was already added. You have 11 Power.

Umbral Reaver |

Cost of gaining another science rank (with the Science domain):
rank 1 = free
rank 2 = 1
rank 3 = 1
rank 4 = 2
rank 5 = 2
rank 6 = 3
rank 7 = 3
rank 8 = 4
rank 9 = 4.. so with 6 power, I can get up to 5 total ranks, like I did, no?
The cost is affected by ranks in all advancements, not just the one you are advancing.
Edit: I double-checked. You are right! I'll adjust your details in the information tab accordingly.

Prexus |

Rank____Cost____Cost with Science Domain

Drejk |

Hopefully my smite can be directed against the invaders before the combat starts. Otherwise I might lose my home city to The Dark Seer...
As far as I can tell, if the combat occurs, The Dark Seer's two armies will be rolling 2 dice with -3 penalty to attack (hitting only on 6) while my single army will roll 1 dice destroying one of the Shaecubi invaders on 2+.
I might survive that even if the smite won't take effect before attack... If the Dark Seer won't roll any 6s early.

Tacticslion |

Craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap. No, no, no, no, no!
I wrote the wrong letter! :(
Look at the biomes and difficulty that I wrote, "C" is "crater": I meant E8 and E6, not D8 and D6.
DANG IT. I messed that up. That's what I get for being sick and insomniac. Daggumit, I didn't want to invade... :( :( :(
Dang it, I'm on the verge of just throwing in the towel. I'm being stupid again and again, making really major mistakes.
EDIT: Even the fluff-text doesn't make sense. "Flow upward" doesn't mean anything if I go from E7 to D8 or D6!
EDIT 3: Also, neither D6 nor would be "0 difficulty", unlike... say... E6 and E8. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME.
EDIT 2: You know what, when it's just impacting myself incorrectly, it's really frustrating, but when I'm accidentally attacking other players? That's just awful. I don't want to attack Drejk, I don't want him to have to expend resources on defending against me. That said,
If we allow people to constantly tweak their turns, we'll never end the turn.
It's the downside to "all players move at once". In a table top game, we'd move sequentially.
... is very true. In fact, in general, I agree with this sentiment.
Thus I'm not sure if I should be allowed to recant my last post - it sets an unhealthy precedent of "OOPS!" and then causes a cascade of "well, if he didn't do this, than I didn't do this" and that's going to be an absolute ruin for this game.
That said, it's absolutely worthless for me to have done this. It goes against my playing strategy, my goals, and everything that I want to do in this game at this time. It's a waste of my resources and a terrible idea.

Alosvalophos |

Craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap. No, no, no, no, no!
I wrote the wrong letter! :(
Look at the biomes and difficulty that I wrote, "C" is "crater": I meant E8 and E6, not D8 and D6.
DANG IT. I messed that up. That's what I get for being sick and insomniac. Daggumit, I didn't want to invade... :( :( :(
Dang it, I'm on the verge of just throwing in the towel. I'm being stupid again and again, making really major mistakes.
EDIT: Even the fluff-text doesn't make sense. "Flow upward" doesn't mean anything if I go from E7 to D8 or D6!
EDIT 3: Also, neither D6 nor would be "0 difficulty", unlike... say... E6 and E8. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME.
EDIT 2: You know what, when it's just impacting myself incorrectly, it's really frustrating, but when I'm accidentally attacking other players? That's just awful. I don't want to attack Drejk, I don't want him to have to expend resources on defending against me. That said,
Quote:If we allow people to constantly tweak their turns, we'll never end the turn.
It's the downside to "all players move at once". In a table top game, we'd move sequentially.
... is very true. In fact, in general, I agree with this sentiment.
Thus I'm not sure if I should be allowed to recant my last post - it sets an unhealthy precedent of "OOPS!" and then causes a cascade of "well, if he didn't do this, than I didn't do this" and that's going to be an absolute ruin for this game.
That said, it's absolutely worthless for me to have done this. It goes against my playing strategy, my goals, and everything that I want to do in this game at this time. It's a waste of my resources and a terrible idea.
Chillax, friend. It isn't the end of the world! You're playing fine. :) Just take your time to calculate things a bit.

Tacticslion |

BLARG. Three turns of "NOPE" action after-the-fact are really getting to me. :(
EDIT: probably combined with being really tired from being sick, being over-tired from not resting, and frustrations like my mouse buttons double, triple, or even quadrupal clicking with a light tap, and getting repeatedly logged out of the forums when I hit "preview" and losing my entire post.

Tacticslion |

Oh, and welcome to the realm of 4x gamers that accidentally moved their forces in the wrong direction!
One of us! One of us!
'Tis true - I have done that before. Usually, though, it's a mouse click instead of being a complete moron and writing the wrong thing.
... but thanks. :)

Drejk |

Drejk wrote:Oh, and welcome to the realm of 4x gamers that accidentally moved their forces in the wrong direction!
One of us! One of us!
'Tis true - I have done that before. Usually, though, it's a mouse click instead of being a complete moron and writing the wrong thing.
... but thanks. :)
Well, you missed E key and hit D key is next to it - it is comparable distance to the one between 7 and 4 (or any other two adjacent numeric keys) on numeric pad - which is cause of wrong move in any decent 4x game except Master of Orion or those that use hex grid instead of square tiles.

GM Umbral Reaver |

I understand exhaustion, and since Prexus has posted his reasons, I'll allow the game to wait until he posts.
I suffer from my own fatigue problems, so I can forgive tardiness due to reasonable reasons.
If someone doesn't give reasonable warning about their lateness, I'll post after 24 hours even if their turn hasn't been entered.

Alosvalophos |

That's fine, but let's hope that this doesn't become something that every player engages in. If we all begin to take excessive amounts of time to move this game will cease to be fun for the other players.
Regardless, I am just eager to play and anticipate the next turn so we can get into some cool stuff.