Divinity Forge - Competitive World-Building (Inactive)

Game Master Umbral Reaver

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This is the divine realm of Out Of Character. Herein, the gods of this fledgeling world speak in strange, abstract terms, as if they were players of a game.

Discuss Divinity Forge here! Discuss its rules, its players and its many foibles. Discuss!

The Entity demands it.

I should've picked a race of seafaring kitties. But then again, cats without the kryptonite of water would depopulate any planet they've settled on.

Also, hey girls heyyy.

Male (In)human Game Master 3/Player 2/Philosopher 3/Game Designer 2

Either Tacticslion banishes me quickly or I banish him... There seems to be no other way.

Male (In)human Game Master 3/Player 2/Philosopher 3/Game Designer 2

Just a thought more about Death domain - I was thinking that Death domain god would get 1 point of power for each figure of population destroyed in game, by anyone or anything, including random events.

Male (In)human Game Master 3/Player 2/Philosopher 3/Game Designer 2

Possible Undead domain: each point of population you kill or your own population you lose you gain one army. When using sacrifice miracle you have to chose either power or undead army.

Drejk wrote:
Just a thought more about Death domain - I was thinking that Death domain god would get 1 point of power for each figure of population destroyed in game, by anyone or anything, including random events.

What would happen if there were multiple Death gods? Would it be split between them or they each get a full amount?

Male (In)human Game Master 3/Player 2/Philosopher 3/Game Designer 2

Each would probably get a full amount to avoid problems with division. The ability should be useful but not overpowered, at least until late phases of the game with high concentration of population centers and obliterate/armageddon miracles.

Male (In)human Game Master 3/Player 2/Philosopher 3/Game Designer 2

When calculating distance do we count side to side squares or do the diagonals count as well? (e.g. if I decide to smite Tacticslion on his home square of E7, do I pay +1 for distance or not?)

He who is Within and Without, the Father of Thought.

Greetings all! Sadly I couldn't find Rjak, so this avatar will have to make do ;)

I am stoked to start this s$&%, yo.

Drejk wrote:
When calculating distance do we count side to side squares or do the diagonals count as well? (e.g. if I decide to smite Tacticslion on his home square of E7, do I pay +1 for distance or not?)

You count the target square when calculating distance as well. Diagonals only count as 1 space. The eight tiles surrounding a tile are 1 space away from it. Distance 0 reaches only the source tile itself.

He who is Within and Without, the Father of Thought.

I wrote down a very basic intro to Prexus and his Iremae people. I'll clean it up later, and keep on adding more and more to it as it comes to me. Intrepid explorers, the Iremae have the desire to see every corner of the world. Followers of the Father of Thought, they seek to empower themselves through wisdom and knowledge and embrace what some call 'science' to do so.

A recent invention of the Iremae is the sailing ship, where the application of a large canvas lets the wind do all the hard work for you. Many more intricate thoughts went into the design, but this basic vessel lets them skirt the coastline. The transportation of people, commodities and goods are vital to the free flow and advancement of wisdom and knowledge. The seafaring ventures of the Iremae have brought forth a new dynamic within their community; trade. Like words, coin and goods can be weighed and then evenly exchanged. While this faithful servant of Prexus writes this down, others with inventive minds are busy discussing how to improve on this design so that they can build a ship that will tame the endless sea. Then, thoughts can be gathered and exchanged from all over the world for the greater glory of Prexus!

That's an intro for the other players as to who I will play and what to expect :)

I have realised that it may be somewhat hard to RP the advancements of their people without a scale to compare them to. What does 5 ranks of armour mean? Do we have tanks?

Seafaring is the easist to judge so far. Clearly, rank 0 means you can only make crude ships that even have difficulty in shallow water. This suggests canoes and short-range rafts. Rank 1 eliminates the penalty but still prevents long ocean voyages. Early Mediterranean oarships? Rank 2 allows difficult ocean travel, and could represent the medieval sailing ships. Finally, rank 3 eliminates that penalty as well, and may represent the later age of sail. Beyond that, seafaring only improves ocean combat. 4+ might involve cannons.

If that's the case, then we can probably apply similar periods of technological advancement to describe the others. 0: Stone Age. 1: Bronze Age. 2: Iron Age. 3: Medieval. 4: Rennaisance. 5: Industrial Age? 6: Electric Age?? 7: Atomic Age??? 8: Digital Age (we are here)???? 9: !?!?!?!?

Maybe that's a bit much for the scope of this game. Hmm. We could say that advancements of 5 or 6+ are magical in nature. Or maybe not. It could be up to the individual race how they develop.

I imagine each culture has its own unique "flair", such that we might, in suitably diverse fantasy fashion, allow for high-tech vs. high-magic conceptions of development. But the general idea that the ranks should more or less correspond to ages of development sound like a great idea for the sake of RP description.

I myself am going to stick with a more fantasy-focus rather than a SciFi one, but I can't imagine the alchemical robot folks that the other player has as being especially fantastical as opposed to scifi by the time they upgrade heavily.

Yeah, it should be fine.

In my last world-building game (a more freeform, non-competitive system), I had an almost purely technological race with the goal of ascending into space and leaving the planet behind. Some dabbling into psychic powers occured, as a consequence of using biology-based computing.

Additionally, ranks of advancements could represent innovations in methods not involving better devices at all, such as describing increasing ranks of weapons and armour as advanced battlefield tactics or mastery of martial arts.

That's a cool idea, I must say! Though as this is competitive, the feature of leaving the world would probably not be feasible in this.

Yeah, that was a very different game.

Gameplay is up!

Another entry to the FAQ, about when benefits of advancements apply.

He who is Within and Without, the Father of Thought.

What happens to any remaining power at the end of the turn. Does it remain in your pool, like mana would?

Yes. You retain any power left over.

Regarding the Red Scaled One's first turn:

6 points of science are spent to learn agriculture 1 (1 point), religion 1 (1 point), religion 2 (2 points), and religion 3 (2 points)

I was under the impression (correct me if I am wrong) that the cost of advancement is determined by how many advancements you already have.

That is, you start off with zero advancements, so it costs 0 science to research.

Your first science costs 1.

Your next science costs 2 (regardless of whether it is an upgrade or not).

Your next science costs 3 (ditto).

If so, that move should've gone:

Agriculture 1 (1 point), religion 1 (2 points), religion 2 (three points), religion 3 (4 points). The last move would not be possible with the science he currently has.

Male (In)human Game Master 3/Player 2/Philosopher 3/Game Designer 2

As far as I can tell you are right about how research costs normally works. However, my Discovery domain halves the advancements costs thus the cost were 1 (half of 1, rounded up), 1 (half of 2), 2 (half of 3, rounded up), 2 (half of 4).

There you go! Discovery. Right. Didn't realize you were using that. :)

I thought I may have been misinterpreting the rules and such.

Prexus, careful! You can only edit your post for an hour.

Question: In my turn I went...

Settlement at E3: Grow! Cost: 1 (1 difficulty + 1 population - 1 difficulty - 1 agriculture - rounded to 1 [grr!]). 4 power left.

I assumed that I had to round UP to a minimum of 1. Was that a mistake? The reason I ask is that I see that another person has done 0 cost grows, and I thought that wasn't permissible. Am I mistaken?

If so, I'd like to tweak my last turn to account for the rule confusion, as my calculation is off. Not a huge deal, mind you!

Yes, minimum cost is 1. Did I miss something?

GM Umbral Reaver wrote:
Yes, minimum cost is 1. Did I miss something?

I think there was some confusion then with Yog's move.

Yes, I made some mistakes in my second move, I believe they have all been fixed now though.

A new god joins the game!

Also: You are allowed to, as divine beings, speak to each other in-character. You may use PMs to keep these conversations secret if you wish.

Thank you! Glad to join.


And thanks Yog. I didn't mean to be a pest about it, as I thought I may have screwed up and miscalculated mine. I'm a bit new too to this sort of strategy game, and don't want to mess up the math.

Male Agathion (Leonal) Gestalt Monk-Paladin (with bardic performance!); Mythic (dual): Archmage/Heirophant

Move from the other thread...

Wrong John!

Glad to see you!

Umbral, is anyone able to chat on the map?
I see nothing except a list of six anonymous users and you.

This is what I was trying to say before.

There's a space that says "Type here to chat"... but I can't type there!

Is anyone else experiencing this, or is it just me?

That's weird! I'm talking to an anonymous user right now!

Male Agathion (Leonal) Gestalt Monk-Paladin (with bardic performance!); Mythic (dual): Archmage/Heirophant

Can't do it. :/

I was the anonymous user... I think...

Male Agathion (Leonal) Gestalt Monk-Paladin (with bardic performance!); Mythic (dual): Archmage/Heirophant

That's frustrating. Alas!

Ah, well, I hope you guys all enjoy!

And hey, TL, great to see you again! Thanks for letting me know about this!

Male Agathion (Leonal) Gestalt Monk-Paladin (with bardic performance!); Mythic (dual): Archmage/Heirophant

Glad to! :D

EDIT: as it turns back, I've heard back from about half the people I invited as "no" so far, so we're right on track for my guestimation of how many people might ultimately say, "yes"... which was optimistic! Of the remaining, I know some of them are unlikely to reply (they're likely on hiatus from the thread), extremely busy, or other, similar circumstances. I'm still glad to have sent that stuff out. And it's always a pleasure to play with you, John!

The Dark Seer, the Hidden One, the Lord of Shadows and Secrets

Hah! Got my titles working!
(For the curious, you can write what you want to appear in your Class/Level line in your Alias page.)

He who is Within and Without, the Father of Thought.

I'll draft my post now. I barely got any sleep last night thanks to my neighbours having an awful fight in the middle of the night. If I make any mistakes and sleepy dumb me doesn't see 'em, feel free to point them out! :D

He who is Within and Without, the Father of Thought.

Okay, some more questions:

1) what happens when you capture a city? is it immediately pacified and or may you use actions there?

2) how do you want us players to do diplomacy; should we post in the open or PM?

3) I'm not being an a%@*!~~, am I? If I am, I'll happily retro-actively pull some of my punches and resort to roleplaying, which is what I'm really looking for in this game!

Having seen someone else's actions during the same turn can I add an action even though I've otherwise finished my own?

He who is Within and Without, the Father of Thought.

That's EXACTLY why I feel that what I'm doing isn't a 100% kosher. I'd much rather engage in roleplaying our 'meeting'. I know you got power left and what you'd do with it *winks*

Male Agathion (Leonal) Gestalt Monk-Paladin (with bardic performance!); Mythic (dual): Archmage/Heirophant


I'd say that we can make our diplomatic negotiations as open or secretive as we like. Openly discuss things here, or use PM to negotiate and discuss stuff.

He who is Within and Without, the Father of Thought.

edit - nm

Male Agathion (Leonal) Gestalt Monk-Paladin (with bardic performance!); Mythic (dual): Archmage/Heirophant

I understand what those kinds of mistakes are like. Trust me. I'M EDIT-CENTRAL, BABY!

He who is Within and Without, the Father of Thought.

Yeah, I'm just gonna go to bed. I got some 3 hours of sleep last night and I'm screwing things up left and right.

Yeah fair enough to consider things first and hold back on the aggressions, honestly I was likely going to destroy your army even if it just got within 1 square of my settlements.

So let it go on official record that if moves aren't yet closed (which I would expect them to not be) and the armies of Prexus are within 1 tile of my settlements I use 2 points to smite them, and will write up a colorful description of specifically how I do so.

He who is Within and Without, the Father of Thought.

I PM'ed you.

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