Tacticslion |
Me too, Drejk. Me too.
Also, it's my thought that the Volcanoes I'm in is shorter than the other because of my (literal) fall (before re-ascension to wherever we deities are), crashing into it, and collapsing it to some effect. It might once have just been a regular mountain before my impact!
I also notice that we've got "these are like humans" or "half-humans" or "ape-like potential precursors to humans" but... no humans! Which I find interesting.
So far, I've had ten "nope!" responses from my mass-recruitment drive... and two new players weighing in that I didn't ask! So far, my Recruitment Drive going better than I expected! Welcome, guys!
EDIT: That's not a snub at you guys, by the way! I really am glad you're here! I just didn't ask because I didn't have PMs from you, so I didn't know you!
Also, UR, there has been some response with interest... if there are diplomatic options in, say, a future game (no time at present)! So if this one goes well, it may behoove us to have a different one with tweaked mechanics in the future!
Tacticslion |
I was thinking about diplomacy/trade. It could add spice to the game. Though if we get too many more players, we ought to have a larger world to accomodate them. I could see crowding causing serious problems!
I tend to agree, but I think as a game that's just kind of getting off the ground, holding off is a wise idea - right now there are a lot of unfamiliar fiddly bits, which might have unexpected consequences down the line. That and Umbral's been pretty explicit that she wants it to be in-character action instead of mechanics... which makes sense!
That said, once we play one game, I'm all for banging out a set of diplomacy-based rules to add to a similar, later game! :D
EDIT: see my initial post as Yannah-Elishar and my follow up posts for the religious idea that I had for cooperative play, as just one example! I followed it up later by explaining what I was thinking about the various methods and interactions there! :D
GM Umbral Reaver |
I do think rules for things like trade, diplomacy and espionage would be neat! However, we'll see how this game runs without them. If we add too much complexity right at the beginning, the game might collapse.
I plan to use what I learn from running this game to improve the next. Maybe that one will have more features for cooperation.
Tacticslion |
Uh, I posted here. Did I do it wrong? Is there somewhere else I'm supposed to be rolling and reporting? If so I missed that and don't see where.
Also, in the Comments area of the map, all I see is people logging on and off.
And, as I posted there,
Tac, here.
So... do I post what I want to do here, or in the Gamer Talk area?
Also... sorry if it looks like I was on all night... the computer was, with this tab open, but I kiiiiiiiiinda fell unconscious at some unspecified point yesterday evening.
Anyway, so it looks like I can do this. Cool. Thanks for the update, UR!
Tacticslion |
Hey, there's something kind of important to clarify.
If miracles cost more the farther away from your cities they are, what about the Create People miracle? Does it cost more (and if so, how much more) because the settlement is further way, or does it cost the same because you now have a city there? If it costs the same, how does that interact with extant cities?
Until noted otherwise, I'm leaving my first attempted post as currently written.
GM Umbral Reaver |
You pay for the effect before you benefit from it, so create people costs an extra 1 point per tile of distance. If you have no settlements at all, the distance is always considered 0. Add the distance to the total (plus any other modifiers, if relevant) before halving due to community domain.
Also, now that the game is underway, please keep rules discussions and such to the discussions thread. Having them all in one place would be best.
Oho! Everyone has already posted! It looks like I can start the next round early.
Don't worry about mistakes made this round. I'll tidy those up. You may end up in negative power from overspending, something you're not normally allowed to do, but I'm being generous and accomodating you guys being new at the game.
In subsequent turns, actions declared beyond your capacity to perform them will be omitted from the map update for the next round.
Wrong John Silver |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I'd like to join!
Name: The Source, the Root Rhizome, the Single Spore
Name Code: SRC
Domains: Nature and Slavery
Race: Cordyceps, a semi-telepathic fungus that infests local animals and plants and compels them to do the bidding of the colony. A cordycep village has fungoid filaments everywhere, and the individual animals function as autonomous beings much of the time, doing the work of the colony. Starting advancement: Agriculture. Home biome: 1F, starting in H9.
Race Code: CY
Background: A single spore lands on a new world. The life is abundant there. Soon, the land responds, welcomes the spore, lets it grow across the surface...
GM Umbral Reaver |
I'd like to join!
Name: The Source, the Root Rhizome, the Single Spore
Name Code: SRC
Domains: Nature and Slavery
Race: Cordyceps, a semi-telepathic fungus that infests local animals and plants and compels them to do the bidding of the colony. A cordycep village has fungoid filaments everywhere, and the individual animals function as autonomous beings much of the time, doing the work of the colony. Starting advancement: Agriculture. Home biome: 1F, starting in H9.
Race Code: CY
Background: A single spore lands on a new world. The life is abundant there. Soon, the land responds, welcomes the spore, lets it grow across the surface...
Sure! I'll put you in now, and you may roll for Power and act this turn. Be warned: You're at a little disadvantage for starting late.