Divinity Forge - Competitive World-Building (Inactive)

Game Master Umbral Reaver

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Sounds good.

Um, do you wanna post it in gameplay, though? I mean I could do it for ya, but whatevs.

Uh, Yogga, you post talkin' about attackin'...but you never attack anyone?

I am going to let everyone have some more time to post. I will update the turn tomorrow sometime as there is confusion re: Yogga's and the Source didn't say if he wanted to do it.

? Yes I did, I quite clearly moved 4 armies into J14 which is owned by The Dark Seer. Or am I meant to be listing that action differently to represent the army's intention?

Lord Yogga wrote:
? Yes I did, I quite clearly moved 4 armies into J14 which is owned by The Dark Seer. Or am I meant to be listing that action differently to represent the army's intention?

Ah! Sorry then.

I misunderstood the movement action.

Generally, we've made it a bit more dramatic in terms of making clear the action, as through saying "attacking the _______ at ______".

Never mind, then!

All's well with you, Yogga. :)

Okay guys, so the updated idea is that tomorrow the turn changes or early the next day.

So think around midnight Thursday or slightly afterwards depending on how tired I am after work.

The game is winding down now. There's not much time left for big plays. Use it or lose it!

I'd like to promote further discussion of game 2. Who here is up to join? I'll likely be Gming again, and Umby may be a player. I'd love to have all of you play and we can pick up two more people or so.

I will be posting the new turn by around 6:00 am tomorrow morning, give or take. It depends on when I come home tonight.

So please make your posts if you're gonna.

There are two more cycles left in the game (turns).

So, no one but me (through Gumby's orders) did the quest for the turn.

I really don't want to mess with the dynamics of the world too much with there being only two cycles left, but I am thinking of something cool to do. Maybe a new set of quests unless you guys are super "eh" about it?

The Dark Seer, the Hidden One, the Lord of Shadows and Secrets

Sorry I've been out. Out of town+difficulty summoning enthusiasm+decision paralysis based off of different play style and preferences. I'm still here, though. I'm fully aware you can get around the water, Yogga. It's meant as a (short) line, rather than a true barrier.

It's understandable. We all get hit with it sometime.

Glad to see you postin' again, though!

So, another idea for the next game:

Should each terrain have its own bonus?

Example: Forests grant the equivalent of agriculture +1 on terrain.

Impressive turn, Red Scaled.

Male (In)human Game Master 3/Player 2/Philosopher 3/Game Designer 2

Meh. Also, initial power roll could be better.

Thanks for the correction. Makes my job easier. :)

But yeah: I've got a string of s$!+ty power rolls, too.

Lantern Lodge

I don't think the specific terrain benefits really work in a game where all the races don't have the same biome preference. why should a race of volcano dwelling crystals have an easier time feeding themselves in a forest? Just a thought. Although having some sort of specific benefits to different biomes would lead to more terraforming as people try to get certain benefits.

Hordshyrd wrote:
I don't think the specific terrain benefits really work in a game where all the races don't have the same biome preference. why should a race of volcano dwelling crystals have an easier time feeding themselves in a forest? Just a thought. Although having some sort of specific benefits to different biomes would lead to more terraforming as people try to get certain benefits.

Good point regarding the species and such, but as you said, it would introduce a nice attempt to terraform the world more to your strategic liking.

Okay guys. Think about trying to end the turn by Friday morning. That is when I am thinking I'll update.

I've been out-out of the site taking care of work and such for the past two weeks. I think it's best if I just say I'm out of this game. If/when things settle, I'll join back up.

Male (In)human Game Master 3/Player 2/Philosopher 3/Game Designer 2

If you won't be taking any specific action would you like to sacrifice your population before I conquer it, denying me the settlement and getting back some power for later?

Yeah, I would suggest that Source.

The game will not be updated this morning. The game will update Saturday around 11 am.

The last turn!

Despite some hiccups, this game was enjoyable!

Well guys, I would feel kind of gay updating this before Yogga posts, as it would totally appear like I am twinking this game so I win.


Unless Yogga posts by this morning, I will postpone it till tomorrow morning.

After that, the turn posts regardless. I just wanted to make sure everyone knows I am not trying to twist this in my favour or something. I've sent out two PMs. HOpefully Yogga can pop in and say he's here.

Okay. Well, I am going to extend that grace period. I will post the new turn tomorrow morning.

After that point, it's pointless to wait. Things will go as things will go.

Hi, sorry about my lack of post, havn't been able to summon the drive to, barely made the post before as well... yeah...

The Dark Seer, the Hidden One, the Lord of Shadows and Secrets

Did you say, "SUMMON THE DRIIIIIVE"?!?!?

Oh... uh... hm. That... probably would have been more impressive if I'd actually had a pun to go along with it.

Sorry, guys, sorry, let me try again. Ahem.

Did you say, "SUMMON THE DRIIIIIVE"?!?!?

... and here's where I learn that Google search links aren't parsed correctly on an iPad using Safari. Dang it.

* goes away defeated by technology muttering something about being completely unable to forgive Yogga, despite the fact that he was under a similar experience recently because... um... reasons *

You're cool, Yogga. I've been there!

Lord Yogga wrote:
Hi, sorry about my lack of post, havn't been able to summon the drive to, barely made the post before as well... yeah...

Do you want me to skip your turn or give you a few days...?

Okay guys.

I think I am going to post the turn today.

The reality is: The game is winding down as it stands and it's silly to prolong the inevitable at this point.

I'd very much like to all have you participate in Game 2! I think it might be better to hasten to that, as it feels like this game has run its course at this point.

So. Let's not dwaddle. Let's finish this up and move on to a new, improved game!

Okay. The final turn is upon us!

This is for all the marbles!

Ah. I see. I think it was P7 that I missed. That has 3 pop.

As an alternative to making destruction spells roll-based, what do you guys think about some sort of defensive building?

Basically, as an action you could build up defenses on a square of your territory. The defenses would have a comparable power expenditure as a destructive spell.

Also, I am sensing profound and utter fatigue.

Do you guys want to call it quits and not finish out this round? I am gladly up for this last turn, but if you guys are "done" with it, let's go ahead and wrap things up.

Either way works for me.

The Dark Seer, the Hidden One, the Lord of Shadows and Secrets

Eh? I was waiting on others to post. I've still been following, but been busy, so I was trying to wait until I had some sense of what's going on. It's not a rejection, I just thought I was waiting on others.

Oh sweet. I just thought people were a bit tired. Usually there's more discussion and such.

Sounds good!

Male (In)human Game Master 3/Player 2/Philosopher 3/Game Designer 2

Tired by work. I'll try to make my last moves on weekend.

Drejk wrote:
Tired by work. I'll try to make my last moves on weekend.

I've been tired, too.

Okay guys.

Let's try to get those turns posted within a few days.

I'd like to finish off the game before I get some dental work done that could be nasty and painful and make updating this game a pain in butt.

So, let's aim for...Monday morning?

Thanks, Red Scaled One, for posting.

As most of the rest of you haven't, I think I will give two more days to do so. I will have dental issues after that, as noted, so I'd really like to avoid keeping up with this after that.

Let's get a rollin', guys!

Great game. You were all fun players. Really. And three cheers to Umby for creating this kick-ass game.

Hurray for Umbral for making this great game.

Sorry for not finishing it, have a tendancy of that, but I just got caught up by general blahs, over load at work and ungodly humidity that should never be here on already too hot days.

Lord Yogga wrote:

Hurray for Umbral for making this great game.

Sorry for not finishing it, have a tendancy of that, but I just got caught up by general blahs, over load at work and ungodly humidity that should never be here on already too hot days.

It's been decent where I live (NY) for the first time in ages.

I am surprised, as I anticipated an extremely bad summer.

So we can expect no post from you this turn, Yogga?

probably not, my turn would in some effect be to cast smite on all the armies and population of alosovaphalos that have been taken from me and to use whatever remaining power I have to use long rang obliterates on his largest population centres up on the main continent. then probably growing my settlements, would probably be more complex if I were doing it myself but I've sort of lost the thread here.

It's over, huh?

I've been requested to make a closing post, but I'm just so miserable and tired of everything. :(

If you really don't feel up to it, you can tell me a basic idea and I can write it up.

Or another player.

Or whatevs!

I'm still updating the map for the final turn. I'll be back after breakfast (going out) to finish that up. The stuff with Yogga/Alosvalophos on the Southern Continent is the last of that stuff.

Okay guys. The turns are all processed. Yay for us!

Umbral will make her post when she feels up to it!

Great job.

Okay, another idea I have for next turn: There ought to be a penalty for escaping from combat. Perhaps, in fact, two different types of penalties:

For RETREATS to neutral or occupied territory, 1/2 of the army must engage in 1 round of combat with the enemy. This can be offset by the miracle REAR SHIELD, which casts 3 + distance cost per army to protect.

For ADVANCES into enemy territory, 1/2 of the army must engage in exhaustive combat with the enemy + a power cost equivalent to the amount of enemy.

This can be offset by the miracle CHARGE with costs 4 + distance cost per army to protect.

These miracles will be under a new MILITARY MIRACLE set. GROUP REAR SHIELD and GROUP CHARGE will cost 12 (retreat) or 16 (charge) to cast.

What ya think?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

There's a next turn? I though we were done?

And I hope you can feel better umbral, you started us this game and now you get to see it finished!

Well, several things about some of that last turn stuff don't really make sense to me but whatever.

Also Alosovaphalos if your going to both run the game and compete in the future I suggest posting your turns first rather than last in the order. Posting them last makes it seem a bit like your taking advantage of being able to see everyone elses turns before making your own, then ending the turn and not giving them a chance to retaliate before the tallies are made.

... and my head is spinning, I think I need more water...

Lord Yogga wrote:

There's a next turn? I though we were done?

And I hope you can feel better umbral, you started us this game and now you get to see it finished!

I meant next game. Sorry.

The Black Vizier wrote:
Lord Yogga wrote:

There's a next turn? I though we were done?

And I hope you can feel better umbral, you started us this game and now you get to see it finished!

I meant next game. Sorry.

Sorry to give any impression of that.

I usually did it to simplify my task. It's easier for me to sit down and do everything.

I am thinking we need something to offset last-turn advantage. I am thinking a power bonus effective when the GM thinks it is necessary, perhaps after the initial turns when people begin to get close to eachother, though that may take anywhere between 4-7 turns depending on the map and player actions. I was thinking along the lines of, in a six player game:

First to move: +15 power.

Second to move: +10 power.

Third to move: +5 power

4th to move: No bonus.

5th to move: -5 power.

Last to move: -10 power.

As a quick summary of proposed changes:

Military Miracles

A new subset of miracles. Featuring the following:

REAR SHIELD: When an army RETREATS to neutral or held territory, a player normally must subject half of the retreating force to 1 round of combat v. the invading force. When this miracle is evoked, pay 3 power + 1 distance per army of that 1/2 of forces to save them from that combat.

GROUP REAR SHIELD: Cost 14 (changed from above).

CHARGE: When an enemy escapes a square that is being attacked to attack the enemy in its turn, the attacking player must usually expend power equal to the amount of attacking armies from the enemy + 1/2 of the army must fight exhaustive combat (to annihilation of one or all forces) with 1/2 of the enemy. With this miracle, pay 4 per army saved to avoid having to fight the enemy and only 1/2 of the cost of charging through the armies.

GROUP CHARGE: Cost 16 + 1/2 of the cost of charging through enemy.

INSPIRE FORCES is now divided into INSPIRE ARMY, which is a military miracle, and inspire SETTLER which is now a civic miracle.

Public and Private Alliances

Any alliance declared in public shall be a BINDING PROMISE for player behaviour.

Any alliance declared in private shall have NO SUCH BINDING for player behaviour.

Destruction Miracle Changes

Smite shall now cost twice as much (6 power).

All territories held shall now have a MAGIC SHIELD build command. For 3 power per shield. These shields are permanent till expended. Each shield will block 1 smite. You cannot have more shields than the population.

Magic Shields do not work against armies, but do work against global miracles. It takes 6 shields to block an obliterate. Shields will stop global miracles equivalent to the global miracle casting smite repeatedly.

Obliterate's cost cannot be halved to account for added efficacy v. shields and the rising in cost of smite.

Sea Changes

Seafaring +3 grants +3 deep water transit bonus over squares. Seafaring +4 grants +2 shallow water transit bonus, or +3 if not touching land(this is different from the rules in this game).

This probably won't come into play as the gameplan is to have the world feature far, far less water.

Victory Conditions

Besides worshipper totals, there ought to be several potential victory conditions. We haven't discussed which. Let's do that.

Last Turn Advantage Nullifier

In a 6 player game after a turn decided by the GM:

First to move: +15 power.

Second to move: +10 power.

Third to move: +5 power

4th to move: No bonus.

5th to move: -5 power.

Last to move: -10 power.

Anyone like those ideas?

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