DM Salsa's Curse of the Crimson Throne (Inactive)

Game Master AdamWarnock

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Arianna lets out a small giggle at Kishta's "gruff" display. "Certainly gruff enough, consider your image maintained."

Manny turns his tobacco pipe inside out and finds a small tuft stuck in the corner. Picking it out, he stuffs it into his pipe and lights it, putting slowly at the last bit of his favorite vice.

DM-Salsa wrote:

@ Arkcmagik: I'm not positive, but I believe that is a prestige class. If it's just an archetype, that's fine, but otherwise you'll need to qualify for it before taking it.

It is now an archetype for the Ranger. Sable Company Marine. I will have my character written up tomorrow night.

Dreqar sets his pack down beside him and pulls out his spellbook, to study, while he waits on his ale, he starts to read, paying more attention to the decorative doodles Vensi and him made in the margins then the actual spells, he occassionaly glances over at the bald Shoanti woman and the other one playing cards, he trys to refocus on his book though his feline curiosity gets the best of him and his ears flick in thier direction, eavesdropping, while his eyes stay on his text.

I would like to take a moment to apologize for a very horrid lack of foresight on my part. Due to some unforeseen events and mostly some bad judgement calls on my part, I'm going to be very busy over the next 4 months. The game is going to be slow going, but I'll try to avoid making it glacial. If this changes your mind let me know.

DundjinnMasta wrote:
DM-Salsa wrote:

@ Arkcmagik: I'm not positive, but I believe that is a prestige class. If it's just an archetype, that's fine, but otherwise you'll need to qualify for it before taking it.
It is now an archetype for the Ranger. Sable Company Marine. I will have my character written up tomorrow night.

Okay then, I'll have to be a little clever at fourth level if you get picked, but that's half the fun.d\

@ pH Unbalanced: That's fine.

@SweetCharity: I don't think the levels go that high, but if they do, I'll let you know by tomorrow.

@ Everyone: I'm still going through the submissions, so don't worry if I haven't gotten to you yet. I'll try and have a full list up tomorrow night.

No worries doesn't change my mind at all. I just want to play.

Same here. I ams till interested

Still interested, it just means that the player's will need to fill any void with some IC character building.

I am submitting:
Detective Gaius Lerroung, NG human investigator Rogue


While he is a "law man" he places greater value to helping the poor folk of Korvosa. He believes in his heart that the purpose of law and government is to protect and provide for the well-being of it's citizens. He still believes that the majority of civil servants mean well, but that too often beaurocracy gets in the way of doing real good. He upholds and enforces the law, but will not hesitate to bend the rules if it clearly serves a greater good. He tries to bring criminals in properly, but he has killed them before when it just didn't work, or when he knew that he had no hope of conviction. He sees nothing wrong with this and feels no guilt. With the city's poor, he is very kind and compassionate. [/spoiler

[spoiler=The Crunch]
Detective Gaius Lerroung
Human Investigator Rogue NG
Level 1 0/2000

BAB +0
HP 8
AC 16 (+3 AC, +3 Dex)
Touch 10
Flat-Footed 16
Initiative +3
Fort +1
Ref +6
Will +2
CMB +3
CMD +3

Rapier +3 1d6 18-20/ x2
Dagger +3 1d4 19-20 /x2
Light Crossbow +3 1d8 19-20/ x2

Str 10 +0
Dex 17 +3     
Con 8 -1
Int 13 +1
Wis 12 +1
Cha 14 +2     

Skills Ability Total Ranks Ability Mod Class Skill Misc Armor
Diplomacy Cha +6 1 +2 +3
Sense Motive Wis +5 1 +1 +3
Know (Local) Int +6 1 +1 +3 +2 trait
Acrobatics Dex +7 1 +3 +3 +1 trait -1
Perception Wis +6 1 +1 +3
Stealth Dex +6 1 +3 +3 -1
Bluff Cha +8 1 +1 +3 +1 trait
Disable Dev Dex +7 1 +3 +3
Intimidate Cha +6 1 +2 +3
Disguise Cha +6 1 +2 +3

Weapon Finesse
Agile Manuever

Sneak Attack +1d6
Follow up (roll twice on Diplomacy to gather info)

Drug Addict (+2 Know Local)             
Blade Bravado (+1 Acrobatics, Bluff)

Favored Class (Rogue)
HP 1

Daggers (x2) 
Light Crossbow 
Studded Leather coat (+3 AC, -1 penalty) 
Spring loaded wrist sheath

Gaius started as a simple member of the Korvosan Guard, but has worked his way up the ranks to be a detective. He now has broad freedoms as long as he checks in regularly, and continues to get results. He has recognized that the petty criminals of this city are not the real threat, but rather the bosses behind them. His investigations may allow the front-line criminals to continue so that he can track them back to their masters. If he can't get to the boss, he settles for chopping off their branches, but he's never very satisfied with it. 

He is easily forgettable, and often changes elements of his outfit to not be easily recognized, thus he remains largely unknown to the crime bosses, though he is slowly building a reputation. He has been know to go in undercover, but only when he is assured to get within arms reach of a boss. He always prioritizes the concerns of the poor over the rich, knowing that it matters more to them. In some poor neighborhoods he has become a minor celebrity for championing their interests. 

In his younger years he trained briefly at Orisini's Academy, but his career made it difficult to continue. He still looks up to Orisini, but not in the same idolizing way he did 10 years ago. See below for his relationship with Lamm.

1. What does your character look like? 

Dark hair worn just long enough to get in his eyes, and he seems to constantly have 3 days of stubble. His face could be considered ruggedly handsome, but certainly not "pretty". His build is athletic but light.

2. What is your character's personality like? 

When dealing with citizens, he's warm and compassionate. With criminals he is hard as iron. He plays them for fools and then manipulates them to his purposes. When he's finished, he makes sure they won't get to hurt anyone again.

3. How bitter is your character toward Lamm? 

Until a year ago, Lamm was just another boss on his shit-list, but then it got personal. There was a young lady (a bar wench) in a seedy part of town that often acted as an informat for Gaius, and he had become quite fond of her, and was even thinking about proposing to her. Then suddenly she started using Shiver. She got very distant and even started missing work, and she wouldn't talk to him. He finally snuck in through the window of her apartment and found her on the tail end of a very bad overdose, and she died in his arms shaking.

He began investigating her dealer with a vengeance, and tracked it back up the chain to Lamm.He knows where he is but can't get at him. He even got desperate at one point and tried to ambush him in an alley, but Lamm's men beat his within an inch of his life. He only survived by rolling into an open sewer drain and they gave it up. Now he's determined to get rid of Lamm once and for all. The attack left him with serious internal injury, and has affected his health dramatically, and his lungs often cause him pain (hence the poor Constitution). His superiors have ordered him to leave it alone, insisting that Lamm is not worth their valuable resources, so Gaius has never been able to muster the resources for a proper raid. 

4. How would your character react to having Lamm tied up in front of them this instant. 

He would kill him. Quickly, coldly, and cleanly, plungin his sword through his heart without a word, ensuring that there is no chance for escape. He sees Lamm as a cancer that must be purged, but isn't boiling with rage. It is something that needs to be done, but no one will do it.

5. How does your character feel about Korvosa as a whole? 

He feels a personal sense of ownership and duty to Korvosa and it's citizen's, especially the poor. He hates the Hellknights with a passion, seeing them as a twisting of everything the law is meant to be. He thinks allowing them in Korvosa was the worst mistake  of their generation.

6. How does your character feel about the King? The Queen? 

He thinks the King's rule has been reasonably good, and respects his a good monarch. He honestly has no opinion about the queen, assuming that the rumors about her are more about court drama than any real conspiracy. 

7. Does your character have any strange quirks?

1) He has a fondness for hats. He owns a large collection of various hats, which help to change his appearance daily. However, they are all old and ragged. Gaius hates wearing upper class clothing, as well as the Korvosan Guard uniform.
 2) Even though Gaius is well educated, he insists on talking like the lower class. It's a point of pride. 

A nondescript man in leather armor with a large sword strapped across his back walks-in. After pausing for a second to scan the room, he approaches the dwarf and tosses a handful of coppers down. "Ale," he grunts, then turns and heads to a table in the corner. As he passes the little guy in a sack he stops, lets out a little laugh and says, "Nice hat," before continuing on.

Manny rattles his cup. Trying to save up for one of those fancy ones with feathers sticken all out of it. Maybe have a bird in a cage on top.

Gaius quietly saunters up to the old dwarf, glares him in the good eye for tense moment, them smiles broadly at his dwarf acquaintance's play at gruffness.

"Eh there, ya ole coot! Good ta see ya again. Sorry, it's been a while since I made it your neighborhood. Don't worry, I'm not here to press one of your rooms into the Guard's service. 'Owever, I WILL take a mug of that lager you keep. Damn fine stuff, that. I just need a seat in the corner for a few hours, see if a particular somone one comes by. Don't be frettin', I'm not aimin' to make a ruckus. You won't even notice me, promise."

He slides forward several coins towards the dwarf, quite a few more than a mug would warrant. He looks the dwarf in the eye, and smiles genuinely.

"I much appreciate your 'ospitality, friend, as always.

Detective Gaius Lerroung wrote:
"'Owever, I WILL take a mug of that lager you keep. Damn fine stuff, that."

Rumal, staring straight unblinking into the side of his mug, responds absent-mindedly "Thang yew, is wunna muh shpeshul resi.." he stops, realizing where he is, and that the man was speaking to the dwarf. "PSSHHH, pazza... *hic* passab... *urp* passabul ad bess. Iss jush good iss so sheep."

He looks to the ladies discussing cards, asking "Izzen thad an ol Evvin proverb? 'Heeyu bears the iddit iz doom to fuel the demuz lannern'"

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Hey, I've never done the play by post thing before but I'm interested. Is it too late to join?

Make up a character according tot he creation rules

Gellius Thrune, Human Fighter (free hand fighter), Neutral


Gellius has always been pragmatic, not overly concerned for others, but never cruel either. However, his fiance (Tamarie Wintrish, NG Half-elf expert), was a genuinely good person, and since her murder, he has often found himself thinking about what she would want him to do. Wanting to make her proud of him will often lead him to do good things, although her death has also made him far more angry and bitter.


Orphaned at a young age, Gellius was raised in Korvosa by his distant grandfather, a merchant with extensive business contacts in Cheliax. Gellius practically raised himself, and this unloving childhood combined with his intelligence served to make him a withdrawn, unsociable individual, more interested in books than people. He was closer to his elderly fencing instructor than he was his own family.

Interested in architecture, he apprentice himself to an architect and spent a number of years mastering the art. One day he encountered a half-elven woman named Tamarie Wintrish who was studying astronomy with a friend of his teacher. She became one of Gellius' only real friends, and the two grew very close, eventually falling in love. One month ago he proposed marriage, and she happily accepted. His life collapsed into ruin however, when she was found knifed to death in an ally. Ever since Gellius has transformed from a distant, unsociable scholar to a cold and cynical man, searching for the person who killed the light of his life. He recently found her engagement ring in a shop, and learned that Lamm sold it to the merchant. Now he just needs to find Lamm...


A pale, athletic man standing 5'10" with dark red hair and hard black eyes. His face is long and his nose is sharply hooked. The overall cast of his face is vaguely unpleasant, and combined with his usual cold expression he is not someone that draws people to him. Usually dressed in well tailored blue clothing, he has recently taken to wearing tough though well kept leather breeches and a blue shirt with his dark gray hooded cloak and chain shirt.


A cold, bitter man, he feels as though life has been cruel to him. While not a bad man at heart, he usually keeps everyone at arms distance. Cynical and brooding, he uses his sharp tongue on anyone that annoys him (which is nearly everyone). Behind the cold exterior, however, lies a lonely man who is afraid to reach out to others. If no one is paying attention, he does things to help people, although he is embarrassed if caught being generous.


Extremely bitter. He hates Lamm with a passion that scares himself.


He would demand answers. Then, he would try to kill Lamm. If delayed from that for long enough, he would eventually decide that Tamarie wouldn't want him to become a murderer because of her... but if not interrupted that thought would only haunt him much later.


Korvosa is his home. He has never lived anywhere else, and has never intended to. He had planned on living his life here, working as an architect, selling his wares to others while starting a family. Now he is far less kindly disposed to Korvosa, as it took his love from him, but he has no reason to leave it either.


He rarely gave them much thought. He is quite cynical, however, and harbors no real positive feelings for rulers who allow crime to occur so frequently.


Extremely fastidious about his appearance. He hates being dirty and goes out of his way to appear at his best at all times. Carries several pocket handkerchief to clean his hands with after combat.

Hates appearing to care about others. When helping people, he either acts annoyed and insulting, or tries to help without giving away that he did so. If caught helping others, he becomes embarrassed.

I'll post a character later today

Rumal wrote:
"Thang yew, is wunna muh shpeshul resi.." he stops, realizing where he is, and that the man was speaking to the dwarf. "PSSHHH, pazza... *hic* passab... *urp* passabul ad bess. Iss jush good iss so sheep."

Gaius claps Rumal on the back his tone suddenly very pragmatic, as he scans the room. "Jes keep drinkin' pal, and keep yer 'ead down. Enjoy that drink!" With that Gaius heads to the corner directly to the right of the door, leans back on a chair casually, and waits.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Rumal wrote:
He looks to the ladies discussing cards, asking "Izzen thad an ol Evvin proverb? 'Heeyu bears the iddit iz doom to fuel the demuz lannern'"

"Could be. Elven proverbs were always too subtle for me. I don't want to spend fifty years of reflection to understand their point. I prefer stories with a strong heroine, a flash or two of steel, and a triumphant finish."

DM-Salsa wrote:

@Gundahar: Define "moderate".

Charm person "might" be involved in the process. Just to encourage truthfulness and assist with the production of evidence.

If I were higher level, a geas requiring a full and accurate confession of all crimes to the appropriate authorities would be a better solution.

Nothing so crude as physical torture.

I will have an expanded background this evening. My original background was campaign neutral. I deleted most of my background and need to rewrite.

The original concpet was expelled for heresy and had the history of heresy trait.

I have been away from the PC for a few days but I am still interested. I will put some RP into this thread tomorrow.

A well groomed man in a dark gray hooded cloak enters the tavern. Pausing to let his eyes adjust he carefully surveys the room before approaching the bartender. "Red wine." Looking at the dwarf for a moment he sneers. "In a clean glass. If you can actually manage it."

A small delicate-looking man in a fine cloak throws back the hood of his fine cloak with a stiff movement and brushes dust from his sleeves. His thick hair is shoulder length and well coifed. You would be forgiven for mistaking him for a woman at first glance. As he makes his way to the bar he takes obvious care to avoid brushing against any of the other patrons.

"I will have strong wine, barkeep. Something smooth but not bitter." When he receives his drink he sips it and frowns. After paying he approaches an empty chair while muttering "Dockhands would turn there noses up at this. Before he sits he looks at the women standing over the harrow deck and approaches them.

"The classic Varisian Deck, I take it? Please indulge me with your findings. I regret that I missed your opening placement. I am something of an enthusiast myself." His pronunciation is refined but his accent betrays him in places. He sounds like a local Korvosan, or someone from the immediate surroundings. You get the impression that he is putting on airs.

Fenkar's interpretation of Chaotic Neutral:
Fenkar views his alignment very much like you described it in the first post. He is selfish and will violate the law and cultural norms with some rationalization. He is pragmatic and realizes that if all were to do as they pleased then civilization would collapse and that is not to be desired. But he makes exceptions for himself wether out of sense that something is for the greater good or simply by claiming that one instance of criminality does not matter in the grand scheme of things. This is especially true if he thinks no one will discover his misdeed.

His alignment also reflects his view of the world as a chaotic place where random chance can intervene at any moment to unmake even the best laid plans.

Andrea1 wrote:

Manny thumps in with his can, wheezing under his sack mask. Gazing at the half-blind proprieter, Manny pulls out some coppers.

I have some coppers, good sir. Just a quiet spot for ale. I don't have anything that is catchin good sir, just a bunch of ugly after the sick got me.

"Ah do nae care 'ow ulgy yae are 'slong as yer coopper's good. Just do nae start a foight an' yae'll 'ave yer quiet spot."

With well practiced hands, the dwarf sweeps the coins into a pouch at his belt and fishes out a tankard for someone Manny's size. In one fluid motion, the dwarf fills the tankard and sets it down on the bar within reach.

"Careful, moight be a wee bit strong fer a 'alfling."

There's a twinkle of humor in his good eye before he starts checking the caskets and bottles lining the wall behind the shelf.

Rumal wrote:
"Hey! I gos coin ta *hic* shpen on dreese. Bargeep ser'me up.... Whoah! Wha' hhappen' t'yer eye? Tha... *hic*, thas.. *hic* thashs foul! Neewaze, I shrounzed up suh coin, an' I NEED a dring!" He staggers forward, and as he gets close to the bar steps a little too far forward stumbling into a stool and almost falling over. "Washit' misser, yew almus puzh me over." He berates the offending stool before plunking the coin down for an ale.

The neutral expression the dwarf was wearing suddenly turns sour at the mention of his eye.

"Do nae be askin' aboot things yae really do nae wont tae know aboot." See SweetCharity's reply from me for the rest of yours.

Terreno wrote:

A burly human enters the taproom. His white shirt and his black and white pants are full of flour-stains. His hair is untidy and telling by the looks of his eyes he hasn´t slept much in the last few days. He carries a basket full of freshly baked bread and delivers it to the kitchen. Afterwards he sits down at a table and adresses the dwarf:

"Gimme sommthin... Dunn care what. Maybe y´can make it poisonous so I can think ´bout, if I use it meself or on that dirty son´o´a pig Lamm..."
Later, the sullen baker seems to mumble to himself:
"Should tie´m up at his *** until he rotts off and even that won´t be painful enough..."
As he finished half his drink, he puts a good tip on the table. With watery eyes, he slams his meaty fist on the table, shouts a loud curse and walks into the kitchen. A few minutes later, the sour man leaves the taproom with an empty breadbasket and a mind full of agony...

"Sounds laek yae havin' wimmin troubles. Yae'll be needing' this."

The dwarf grunts as he bends to pick up a heavy bottle that he sets on the table with a solid thunk. The label, which has lots of red text in a language he cannot read, Terreno can guess it's dwarven in origin, but that may be because the largest text reads, "Dwarven Liquor" in Taldane (Common).

BEWARE! This is not for the Faint of Heart. Dragons have ran in terror when presented just a mere whiff of this liquor. Proprietor is not to be held responsible for anything that occurs after uncorking the bottle.

SweetCharity wrote:
Thea grabs for the bar at the bumbling gnome's entrance, then reaching for her tankard as it spills all over her dress. She curses under her breath, quite unladylike for such a petite girl. "Oaf," she condemns before she's able to stop herself. "Not all of us are so plastered that we're incoherent," she manages to the gnome, forgetting her tipped tankard now. "Another really a good idea?"

The barkeep starts to say something else to the gnome, but stands there in stunned silence as the gnome causes a minor catastrophe. He wipes up the mess on the bar before refilling Thea's tankard.

Thea or Perception DC 25:
"Yae ken 'ave anuther on thae house when yae finish this one."

After whispering in the girl's ear, he rounds on the gnome, his face red with fury.

"Are yae daft? O'course yae are, yer a bloody gnome. Yae won't be gettin' a drink until yae 'ave gotten more sober than a damned Caydenite!"

The dwarf grabs a glass and fills it with water before slamming down on the bar in front of Rumal before storming off to take care of another patron.

Dreqar Soriano wrote:
Dreqar matched the gaze of the one good eye the dwarf had pulled out a single gold piece and laid it on the bar's 'island' and took his clawed finger off of it leaving the gold coin standing on it's side. "How's that for a few coppers?" the catfolk smirks, revealing his shiny sabered tooth. "I'd like your best ale." He replied and moved to take a seat close to the fire, with a flick of his wrist and a few arcane gestures he brought the spark spell into contact with the coals, reviving some of the fire's life and warmth, as he waited.

Luckily for Dregar, the barkeep doesn't respond to the slight jab. The gold coin going a long way to keeping him on friendly, well, indifferent terms. He raises an eyebrow as if asking a question when he sees the fire, but simply brings the catfolk his ale, a dark brew with a rich deep flavor and some sweet and nutty overtones.

Not in response to anyone in particular

Seeing the common room fill up fast, the dwarf hurries to a door and opens it just enough to stick his head inside. A few minutes later, a sleepy half-elf with a tangle of curly hair running mid-way down her back emerges wearing a simple blouse and dress with a deep green bodice. She immediately perks up when she sees the growing crowd and begins to help serve the other patrons.

Arianna Sirmikova wrote:

A young Varisian woman looks at the drunken gnome in curiosity, thinking to herself Why would anyone let themselves get into that state of their own doing? before turning her attention back to the dwarven barkeep.

"Watered wine please. Just something to take the edge off of my thirst." she says hand a couple of copper coins to the dwarf.

After acquiring her drink, she moves over to a table and begins to lay out a spread of cards. How can I find this Gaedren Lamm? she silently asks the cards, losing herself in thought.

"Not mooch call fer wine Ah am afraid. Ah ken get yae one o' the missus' ales. Too mooch o' the taste o' froot fer mae, boot the finer ladies seem tae laek 'em."

He gives Arianna an apologetic half-shrug as he explains the lack of wine to her.

Tyldric wrote:
A nondescript man in leather armor with a large sword strapped across his back walks-in. After pausing for a second to scan the room, he approaches the dwarf and tosses a handful of coppers down. "Ale," he grunts, then turns and heads to a table in the corner. As he passes the little guy in a sack he stops, lets out a little laugh and says, "Nice hat," before continuing on.

He nods and begins pouring Tyldrig's drink after sweeping the coins off the bar and into his increasingly jangling belt pouch. After a minute, a pretty half-elven girl comes over with your drink.

"Is there anything else I can get ye?"

Detective Gaius Lerroung wrote:

Gaius quietly saunters up to the old dwarf, glares him in the good eye for tense moment, them smiles broadly at his dwarf acquaintance's play at gruffness.

"Eh there, ya ole coot! Good ta see ya again. Sorry, it's been a while since I made it your neighborhood. Don't worry, I'm not here to press one of your rooms into the Guard's service. 'Owever, I WILL take a mug of that lager you keep. Damn fine stuff, that. I just need a seat in the corner for a few hours, see if a particular somone one comes by. Don't be frettin', I'm not aimin' to make a ruckus. You won't even notice me, promise."

He slides forward several coins towards the dwarf, quite a few more than a mug would warrant. He looks the dwarf in the eye, and smiles genuinely.

"I much appreciate your 'ospitality, friend, as always.

You know the dwarf's name is Brask and that he's married to a younger dwarf named Luca. The two brew most of the ale they serve here, and most of it is the good stuff that costs 5 coppers to a gold, the cheaper ale they serve is still quiet good for the price, but Brask has been known to be a bit finicky with what he serves and has thrown out entire caskets before because it tasted "off". You also know that the half-elf serving girl is named Tariel. She was casing the tavern one night, looking for people looking for a little "loving" for a few coins. Brask and Luca noticed and after an initial confrontation that ended with the poor girl in tears, the two took her in and cared for her like she was their daughter. Strangely, there was also man who "turned himself in" with some "persuasion" from the two dwarves on several accounts of assault, kidnapping, and murder that night. Oddly enough, the two still deny knowledge of how he wound up with a broken wrist, a shattered kneecap, a black eye, numerous bruises and lacerations, a hastily bandaged burn in a rather unpleasant place, and tied up like a mummy.

The dwarf returns the glare and ups it with a scowl before breaking into a broad, toothy grin and reaching across the bar to give Gaius a hardy handclasp and a good natured slap on the shoulder.

"Heh, yae 'ad best not be. Ah still get an earful from Luca aboot the last time. Ah 'ope yae can stay fer dinner, Luca and Tari are goin' tae be moightae sad if yae do nae."

He pours Gaius' drink as he talks and sets the tankard of beer in front of the man as he finishes his invitation to dinner.

Gellius Thrune wrote:
A well groomed man in a dark gray hooded cloak enters the tavern. Pausing to let his eyes adjust he carefully surveys the room before approaching the bartender. "Red wine." Looking at the dwarf for a moment he sneers. "In a clean glass. If you can actually manage it."

"Aye, an' would yae like mae tae rub yer shoulders while yae drink? 'Ow aboot Ah wash yer feet too? An' mehbe we can poot pink bows in our hair after playin' with yer doillies?" The surprisingly high pitched falsetto quickly collapses into his normally gravelly voice as he finishes with, "'Ope yae gots the stomach fer a real drink 'cause Ah do nae serve wine, or any other damned brew tha' a damned elf drinks."[/b]

List coming, just wanted to get these responses up.

EDIT: Sorry I almost missed one.[/b]

Fenkar wrote:

A small delicate-looking man in a fine cloak throws back the hood of his fine cloak with a stiff movement and brushes dust from his sleeves. His thick hair is shoulder length and well coifed. You would be forgiven for mistaking him for a woman at first glance. As he makes his way to the bar he takes obvious care to avoid brushing against any of the other patrons.

"I will have strong wine, barkeep. Something smooth but not bitter." When he receives his drink he sips it and frowns. After paying he approaches an empty chair while muttering "Dockhands would turn there noses up at this." Before he sits he looks at the women standing over the harrow deck and approaches them.

"The classic Varisian Deck, I take it? Please indulge me with your findings. I regret that I missed your opening placement. I am something of an enthusiast myself." His pronunciation is refined but his accent betrays him in places. He sounds like a local Korvosan, or someone from the immediate surroundings. You get the impression that he is putting on airs.

"Sorry lass, yae must nae 'ave 'eard me o'er the creakin' in yer neck. Ah do nae carry wine, boot ye can 'ave this if yae think yer wommin enuff tae hold it."

The drink that appears on the bar is most assuredly not wine, but it does have a pleasant aroma, not unlike an apple orchard.

Sense Motive DC 10:
The dwarf knows Fenkar is a man, but asking for wine when he just got done telling someone else that he doesn't serve it doesn't do much to improve his mood.

Assuming Fenkar accepts the ale without complaint...:
Right after muttering about dockworkers and the turning of noses skyward, there is a rather indignant voice coming from behind Fenkar, "Wot kinda tight-assed dockworkers do ye know? Might wanna watch wot ye say aboot me ale Mist'r Pretty-boy." You also hear groan coming from the bar and an almost frantic "Oh-no!" from elsewhere in the tavern.

[ooc]Sorry if it seems like I'm picking on Fenkar, that opportunity was just too good to pass up.

"DM Salsa wrote:

"Not mooch call fer wine Ah am afraid. Ah ken get yae one o' the missus' ales. Too mooch o' the taste o' froot fer mae, boot the finer ladies seem tae laek 'em."

He gives Arianna an apologetic half-shrug as he explains the lack of wine to her.

"That would be fine, thank you." she says with a soft smile.

Gaius eventually catches Tariel's eye and motions for her to come over. Quietly, "Eh wot, dear? Who all be stayin' here last night? You 'appen ta see a tall skinny bloke missing his two front teeth? Real ugly like? I'm hopin' I didn't miss him."

After hearing her answer (whatever it is) he smiles and orders a bowl of Luca's stew, then returns to his leaned back posture.

DM Salsa wrote:

"Aye, an' would yae like mae tae rub yer shoulders while yae drink? 'Ow aboot Ah wash yer feet too? An' mehbe we can poot pink bows in our hair after playin' with yer doillies?" The surprisingly high pitched falsetto quickly collapses into his normally gravelly voice as he finishes with, "'Ope yae gots the stomach fer a real drink 'cause Ah do nae serve wine, or any other damned brew tha' a damned elf drinks."

"I suspect my feet are cleaner than your best rag, and would rather not soil them. I'll have ale then, if I have no better option."

Getting his drink Gellius eyes it distrustfully before finding a seat and drinking a small sip. Grimacing slightly he sighs wearily and looks around the room once more. One hand nervously fingers the sword hilt obscured by his gray cloak.

Note to DM

I failed my forum-fu check when I posted my character. My build is within my Alignment spoiler, and I can't edit it anymore. Please look at that build, not the one in this alias.

Detective Gaius Lerroung wrote:

Note to DM

I failed my forum-fu check when I posted my character. My build is within my Alignment spoiler, and I can't edit it anymore. Please look at that build, not the one in this alias.

It's cool. Thanks for the heads up.

Just a note, I'm assuming that the alias has all of the info needed for the submission. If this is not the case, either let me know, or put all the info in there. I'm making a list with links to help speed the selection process.

Also, I'm closing submissions on Friday, if you have expressed interest, you have until Saturday to get your submission done. I'll announce who is selected on Sunday and the game will start soon after that.


He nods and begins pouring Tyldric's drink after sweeping the coins off the bar and into his increasingly jangling belt pouch. After a minute, a pretty half-elven girl comes over with your drink.

"Is there anything else I can get ye?"

Tyldric shakes his head as he takes his drink. He raises his mug to the half-elf in a small toast and says, "Thanks," tossing her a copper piece as he does. Then he taps the mug on the table before taking a large swallow of ale.

Manny nods to the barkeep when he gets his ale and sips at it as he smokes his pipe, very interested at the increasing number of people filling up the bar. Must be off work dock-workers. I wonder if I can bum some pipeweed from them Manny looks around for a possible smoker.

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20

Sense Motive
1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

dm-salsa wrote:
"Sorry lass, yae must nae 'ave 'eard me o'er the creakin' in yer neck. Ah do nae carry wine, boot ye can 'ave this if yae think yer wommin enuff tae hold it."

Fenkar clearly bristles at the barman's abuse. In truth the witch is not sure if it is insolence or genuine confusion. The latter possibility cuts more deeply. He accepts the proferred drink in the hope that its aroma promises a rewarding experience. Of course, it does not.

In response to the bartender's hostility Fenkar quickens his steps toward the harrow reading. He attempts to make this imperceptible as if he took no notice of the implied threat.

Dm-Salsa: It's all in good fun!

Ready to go:
Krieyna - Josh Shrader - Sanctified Rogue
Theanna Lyonsbold - SweetCharity - Oracle of the Heavens AP only goes up to 16th level, so no need to worry about the 18th level spells.
Eydan Windcaller - Vhalas Rhun - Magus
Manny - Andrea1 - Rogue
Fenkar - Bill Lumberg - Witch
Arianna Sirmikova - Talomyr - Witch
Halfast Proudfoot - Fangaur - Scout/Knife Master Rouge
Linard Toivan - flykiller- Urban/Skirmisher Ranger
Dreqar Soriano - KingmanHighborn - Magus
Kishta Feathersmoke - pH unbalanced - Arcan Duelist Bard
Tyldric - cjgrimm - Fighter
Detective Gaius Lerroung - Razorstrom - Investigator Rogue
Gellius Thrune - poesraven8628 - Free Hand Fighter

Needs to get everything in one place:
Mercy Quaalearn - Black Dow - Redeemer Paladin
Terrano - Sorcerer (Aberrant)
Waydon Cordus - Honor Guard/Strategist Cavalier of the Sheild
Gundahar Brandt - Micheal Sumrall - Wizard (Geomancer)

Good to know, because you just drew the ire of the Barkeep's wife. She brewed the ale. he gave you.


Can't a man offend a man's wife and establishment in front of him anymore? What is Korvosa coming to?

DM-Salsa wrote:

Luckily for Dregar, the barkeep doesn't respond to the slight jab. The gold coin going a long way to keeping him on friendly, well, indifferent terms. He raises an eyebrow as if asking a question when he sees the fire, but simply brings the catfolk his ale, a dark brew with a rich deep flavor and some sweet and nutty overtones.

Dreqar takes the ale and gives a nod of his head, showing respect to the dwarf. He brings the ale up and inhales it scent, apreciating it for a moment before drinking it slowly savoring it, rather then downing it in one glup. He sets the ale down and returns to his studying and people watching.

DM-Salsa wrote:
"Sounds laek yae havin' wimmin troubles. Yae'll be needing' this."

"Y´seem t´have quite a good ear, master dwarf. But in fact, me life was purfect as long´s my beloved Miriam was with me t´share it wimme. Now me problem is a evil ol´ buzzted, the sort of which y´want t´kill or die tryin´..."

With a faint sob, Terreno nibs at the strong drink but realizes, that at the moment, he even lacks the will to get drunk.

Consolidating old posts:


Terreno, human sorcerer (aberrant), lawful good
Some moral standards:
At the beginning of the campaign, Terreno is vengeful and tries everything in his power to kill Gaedren Lamm. Normally, he is a pleasant, simple guy. He thinks, that hard work is more honorable than making it through sheer talent and often thinks of justice on an "eye-for-an-eye-basis". He is generous and thinks, that the best one can do in his life is to care for his family. He is courageous and steps in for those who can´t help themselves even against overwhelming odds.
Str 13 Dex 14 Con 12 Int 8 Wis 10 Cha 17
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +2
Traits: Love lost (widowed), resilient
Feats: Toughness, Spell Focus (Conjuration)
Major Equipment: Spear, no armor
Skills: Intimidate +9, Profession (baker) +4
Spells Known: 0 - Dancing Lights, Daze, Prestidigitation, Mage Hand 1 - Grease, Silent Image

1. What does your character look like?
Terreno is broad-shouldered, has a few pounds to much and often traces of flour in his hair. He wears simple clothing, often typical for a baker (black and white plaid pants, white shirt, white cap) when he comes right from work.
2. What is your character's personality like?
Normally, Terreno is a rough but cordial man who solves most conflicts by shouting and being angry with somebody. He says what he thinks and has not the best manners. On the other hand he is always concerned about what people might think about him and tries not to make any "social errors".
But at the moment, Terreno is sullen and longs for nothing more than executing what he thinks is justice on Gaedren Lamm.
3. How bitter is your character toward Lamm?
"If I ever catch him, I will tie him up on his ankles until he rotts off! Gaedren deserves death and the world will be a much better place without this old bastard!"
4. How would your character react to having Lamm tied up in front of them this instant.
see above.
5. How does your character feel about Korvosa as a whole?
"It is my city, my homeland. I am proud being a part of it. But I think, the king as an egoistical fop, who makes one wrong decision after another. I don´t like the Varisians and the Shoanti here, they are just to many. Although some of them are honest and hard-working, I´m sure."
6. How does your character feel about the King? The Queen?
"The King has not married the Queen because of her high intelligence and she has not taken him because he is so beautiful - that´s for sure. I think, they don´t love one another."
7. Does your character have any strange quirks?
Terreno snores like hell. He nearly always tries to solve conflicts by shouting or threatening somebody first (though his threats are never really evils things - he might threaten the bank-clerk to withdraw all his money or he might threaten the butcher to buy his meat elsewhere).

Terreno was born twenty years ago. A son of a simple but good-hearted baker and his wife, he was taught to be honest and just. At the early age of sixteen, Terreno fell in love with Miriam, a clever and beautiful girl working as a novice at the local temple of Abadar.
The two got married when Terreno was nineteen and right as they thought, their luck could not be bigger, Miriam got pregnant. Terreno was happy as a man could possibly be. He bought a small cottage and made it ready for his little family.
But fate strikes, when one expects it the least...
Miriam was responsible for bookkeeping and accountancy in the temple. In her daily work, she stumbled across some money-laundering-affair of Gaedren and his dangerous gang. She gave notive to her headmaster and Gaedrens account was confiscated by officials of the city of Korvosa.
Gaedren caught word of this and had Miriam and thereby also her unborn child killed by one of his flunkies.
Terreno was so horribly sad, that he could think of nothing else but revenge. But what could a little baker-boy do against a notorious criminal? Looking for weapons, Terreno stumbled across a strange, multi-colored sphere, which was hidden on his grandmother´s attic.
As he touched the mysterious thing, an amorphous creature seemingly made of a green mist appeared to him. Terreno didn´t know, what the creature´s intent was (maybe that´s for the DM to use as he deems appropriate), but in the following nights, his mind and body underwent... changes...
Armed with this strange new alliance and a few disturbing powers, Terreno aims right for Gaedren´s black heart...

DM-Salsa, I didn't appear to make it on the list of applicants.

Rumal, as back in the now as ever is, takes another swig of his ale with a grimace. "Bargeep, iv yew wadder down yer ale neemore idill be eezer to dring from the cidee well. I gand even tase the hopsh." He takes another swig, smacking his lips in distaste.

I know he's drinking only water, but I'm not so certain Rumal caught on to the exchange with the dwarf.

Waydon's sits towards the back. His drink is undisturbed. He didn't come here to drown his sorrows. He came to listen to the local drunks prattle on and hope that something more than ale dribbles from them lips. His ears perk up when he hears Terreno mention the name Lamm and he watches Terreno without being overly obvious.

Here is Veklen Stonefist, the half-orc magus. Veklen is true neutral-to me that means that he is out for himself, he'll follow the law or help the innocent as long as it's not inconvenient, but he'll break the laws when it's in his best interest.
the basic build stuff is in my profile.
1. What does your character look like? 

Veklen stands about 6' 2". His flame red hair contrasts with his green skin. He wears a shirt breaches and cloak, but seems slightly uncomfortable in them. His arms and legs are thick, making his clothes a little tight. A sword is attached to the belt at his hip. His grey smoky grey eyes are constantly searching, his lips curled in contempt.

2. What is your character's personality like? 
Veklen has recently begun to feel a new connection to his deity, Nethys, in a dual personality. In his youth he grew up by the sword and fist. But as he grew and realized he was smarter than his orcish companions, he gained a desire for knowledge. By the time he was accepted to the Acadamae, he was more scholar than fighter. After he was forced from the Acadamae due to the murder he was framed for, his increasing rage has left him proportionally dependent on his sword. He is now a barely controlled balance between the two personalities. Sometimes relying more on his magic and reason, and sometimes his fist.

3. How bitter is your character toward Lamm? 
I hate Lamm more than anything else. How buyer am I, very Veklen growls the last word, making it almost seem like a threat.

4. How would your character react to having Lamm tied up in front of them this instant.
I'd tear him limb from limb with my bear hands, but make sure it's a slow process. Veklen shakes his head and pauses for a moment. When he continues, his voice is less harsh, I'd find a way to force him to confess--I'm sure there's a spell i could learn--then bring him before a magistrate to clear my name.
It would depend on the his mood at the time and which personality he was relying on more.

 5. How does your character feel about Korvosa as a whole?
I love the Accadamae, it is a great place to learn more magic, and gain more magical power. The rest of the city is good, it's important because of it's support of the Accadamae. But it's very hard for a half-orc to get anywhere. I'd like to open some of the minds and eyes of those who rule here. add an after thought Veklen growls or perhaps just break open their heads.

 6. How does your character feel about the King? The Queen? 
They're some of those that if like to open up. Veklen stops there, leaving the statement ambiguous.

7. Does your character have any strange quirks?
Aside from his split personality? No not so much.

Sorry about any errors, but this was done on my phone. My computer is out of commission until Saturday.

Waydon Cordus wrote:
... His ears perk up when he hears Terreno mention the name Lamm and he watches Terreno without being overly obvious.

As if pleaing for help, Terreno mumbles half to himself and half to everyone who cares: "Have t´punish him meself. But it ain´t no good wastin´ me life until... Ain´t no use in dyin´ with th´ ol´ man still livin´.


...whole bag of flunkies he has, of that I´m sure. Would be good gettin´ someone meself..."

Maybe Terreno is quite observant. Or maybe Calistria is just a fickle wench who tears at the strands of fate at just this moment. Terrenos gaze wanders around the taproom and meet Waydon´s for just that brief amount of time, that it can´t be only coincidence... or can it?

Ready to go:
Krieyna - Josh Shrader - Sanctified Rogue
Theanna Lyonsbold - SweetCharity - Oracle of the Heavens
Eydan Windcaller - Vhalas Rhun - Magus
Manny - Andrea1 - Rogue
Fenkar - Bill Lumberg - Witch
Arianna Sirmikova - Talomyr - Witch
Halfast Proudfoot - Fangaur - Scout/Knife Master Rouge
Linard Toivan - flykiller- Urban/Skirmisher Ranger
Dreqar Soriano - KingmanHighborn - Magus
Kishta Feathersmoke - pH unbalanced - Arcane Duelist Bard
Tyldric - cjgrimm - Fighter
Detective Gaius Lerroung - Razorstrom - Investigator Rogue
Gellius Thrune - poesraven8628 - Free Hand Fighter
Terrano - Sorcerer (Aberrant)
Waydon Cordus - Honor Guard/Strategist Cavalier of the Sheild
Rumal - Troy Malovich - Mindchemist Alchemist
Veklen Stonefist - Runner 188 - Magus

Needs to get everything in one place:
Mercy Quaalearn - Black Dow - Redeemer Paladin
Gundahar Brandt - Micheal Sumrall - Wizard (Geomancer)

@ Rumal: Sorry that was an oversight on my part. All fixed now.

Some very interesting characters, should be a hard call for you mate. Anyway you cut it, there's a great selection of options for you, depending on how you want to do your party make-up.

Yup, and this is going to suck because I see a lot of characters I would really, really like to see develop over the course of the adventure. I would run two games but I got burned out the last time I tried that. I want to keep the party small to help keep the game moving and to help give the right feeling, so yeah...

Keep up the RP though, I'm liking what I'm seeing.

Manny approaches Rumal. Pardon there mate would you have any tobacco to spare? My pipe is runnin low. I kin share my ale if ya be interested.

*SNNNRKK* He wakes with a start at being addressed, "Whu? No, no. I don shmoke *hic* issa fithy habid. Yew shuh quid yehseff, issa uhlee addishun. *Burp*" he replies, the odor of street, vomit, and ale coming off of him.

"Yer wehcome to sid and share some fine combany, reg.. *hic* regarl... *hic* regarlesh." he offers, attempting to point to one of the swirling chairs beside him.

EDIT: Thought of this scene when I said it.

Manny shrugs and hefts himself into the chair. Thankies. Manny pours a little of the fine ale the bartender gave him into Rumal's cup. Share and enjoy.

Gundahar is updated and should be complete

Kishta is surprised to see that her favorite dive has become so popular today. And dismayed that so many of the newcomers are giving the barkeep trouble. She leaves the Varisian to her reading and wanders over to one of the more vocal.

Gellius Thrune wrote:

"I suspect my feet are cleaner than your best rag, and would rather not soil them. I'll have ale then, if I have no better option."

Getting his drink Gellius eyes it distrustfully before finding a seat and drinking a small sip. Grimacing slightly he sighs wearily and looks around the room once more. One hand nervously fingers the sword hilt obscured by his gray cloak.

"You can relax -- this place may not look like much, but the ale is top notch. So enjoy your drink. Unless..." Kishta pauses, and lets her hand drift to the vicinity of her longsword hilt. "Unless you want to start a fight."

DM-Salsa wrote:
Yup, and this is going to suck because I see a lot of characters I would really, really like to see develop over the course of the adventure. I would run two games but I got burned out the last time I tried that. I want to keep the party small to help keep the game moving and to help give the right feeling, so yeah...

Maybe anyone else could run a second CotCT-Campaign? I would do so myself, but I already DM another AP, so I don´t want to dillute the quality...


Kishta Feathersmoke wrote:
"You can relax -- this place may not look like much, but the ale is top notch. So enjoy your drink. Unless..." Kishta pauses, and lets her hand drift to the vicinity of her longsword hilt. "Unless you want to start a fight."

Gellius eyes Kishta speculatively for a moment, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword, before shifting it slightly away. "I'm not used to visiting... establishments... of this... quality. The only fight I'm interested in involves no one present. Tell me, have you ever heard of a man named Gaedren Lamm? I wish to... discuss something with him, using something a great deal sharper than my tongue."

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