Hey there, we begin the hell`s vengeance adventure path soon. Which evil-only character options (feats, spells, class Features...) do you suggest? They should obviously be reasonably useful. I usually like to play very versatile, generalist-characters like wizards, alchemists and investigators. I don`t like melee much and want to shine in the less violent situations. Thanks for suggestions. ![]()
Hey there, we begin the hell`s vengeance adventure path soon. Which evil-only character options (feats, spells, class Features...) do you suggest? They should obviously be reasonably useful. I usually like to play very versatile, generalist-characters like wizards, alchemists and investigators. I don`t like melee much and want to shine in the less violent situations. Thanks for suggestions. ![]()
....and another question regarding this Revelation: The inflict version of touch of the moon applies confusion to the target. Confusion says, that confused creatures always attack their attackers. If that would be the case for this spell, touch of the moon would be pointless, because all Targets would attack the caster. What am I missing? Why do the confused creatures not automatically attack the Oracle? ![]()
Hey there - I have a question concerning Touch of the Moon:
Touch of the Moon (Su): The exact effects of this revelation depend on whether you cast inflict or cure spells. If you cast inflict spells, these spells carry with them the taint of madness. Subjects who take damage from your inflict spells are also subject to confusion, as the spell, except the duration of this effect is a number of rounds equal to the level of the inflict spell. The save DC against this effect is 10 + 1/2 your oracle level + your Charisma modifier. Alternatively, if you cast cure spells, these spells are potentially more effective but entirely in the target’s mind. Whenever you cast a cure spell, you can cast it as though it were enhanced with the Empower Spell metamagic feat by expending two spell slots, except these hit points are temporary. This does not increase the level of the spell. Hit points healed this way expire after a number of minutes equal to half your oracle level. You must be at least 7th level to select this revelation. What, if you take both cure and inflict spells? It doesn't read like it depended on your first Level choice of free cure or inflict spells... Can you use both effects? Thanks! ![]()
Hey there - just wanted to make sure if you guys come to the same conclusion as I did: Draconic Bloodline Arcana gives a spell with a certain descriptor an untyped +1 Bonus on damage per die. I assume that this increases the damage of all four elements of an Elemental Assessor spell? That's RAW at least... wouldn't break game balance either, because Elemental Assessor is not that good for a level 6 spell... Right? ![]()
Thanks for the advice and opinions! The Mad Comrade wrote:
We are just on the trip to Jorgenfist (Part 4). They killed Barl, Longtooth and Lamathar Bayden in absurdly short time. All three had time to attack only once. We are 4 characters, no leadership, one full leveled animal companion, usually no summons. Main problem is in my opinion the archer ranger (favored enemies giants 4, humans 4, dragons 2). ![]()
Hey everybody - currently, me and my group are running Rise of the Runelords. I'm quite frustrated with it, because my PCs kill nearly every BBEG in about two rounds, although they are underequipped. So I'm looking for the most challenging AP. Which APs are the most difficult in your experience? Thanks! ![]()
Hey there,
- Which spells do you think are worth taking only once, which twice?
Thx ![]()
I'd like to submit Edita Zaqawi. Background:
Edita was born and raised among wagons, songs and bright-coloured dresses. Although she is a full-blooded Varisian girl, she always felt a bit ... off. The ever-changing life of a nomad seemed to not fully satisfy her. Because of this she often got into arguments with her family and finally ran away at a very young age.
Eventually, she found her way to Korvosa and a certain man named Gaedran Lamm. Lamm got her addicted to better control her, for he saw tremendous magical talent in Edita. A few years later though, she broke free from Lamm and opened a small fortune Tellers shop in Korvosa. Although today she is more of a therapist than a true soothsayer. She tries to help people better their lives through sensitive talk, because her magic powers are still underdeveloped. Rough Build: Human Tattooed Sorcerer (Draconic Bloodline - Bronze), Lawful Good
- Will have an emphasis on blasting, divinations and some control spells
Ectoplasmic Hand - to my mind one of the best spells for a psychic. It is a Spiritual Weapon, a part-time Telekinesis and a Spectral Hand all in one. Plus you can end nasty grapples with a touched Freedom of Movement even without casting it ahead of time (this works with spectral Hand too, though). Tactical Acumen - A very good Party Buff from Level 10 up. Costs almost nothing (Level 2). Cast it right after Haste for maximum effect. Ectoplasmic Shards - ...just make sure to let your allies know where the shards are. Telepathic bond is your friend. Telepathic Bond - When I'm DMing, I only allow my Players to discuss strategy when their characters have the time to do so. With telepathic bond I lift this restriction. Also makes discussion possible when sneaking up on the BBEG. ![]()
Hey there - is there a list of useful feats for animal companions that can only be taken with INT 3? (example big cat) I had a look at the list of the ones you can take with INT 2 Spoiler:
Acrobatic, Agile Maneuvers, Armor Proficiency (light, medium, and heavy), Athletic, Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Diehard, Dodge, Endurance, Great Fortitude, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Armor, Improved Natural Attack, Improved Overrun, Intimidating Prowess, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Power Attack, Run, Skill Focus, Spring Attack, Stealthy, Toughness, Weapon Finesse, and Weapon Focus and it seemed already pretty good to me, so that I'm tempted to just put the ability points into the (odd numbered) physical abilities. Thx all :-) ![]()
Hello there, I play a chaotic neutral Oracle with an animal companion. Because I am going to take Animate Dead I wanted to ask if there are any downsides on using the animal an some Skeletons together. Animal panics because of unnatural creatures around? Is there a Thing as an "get along with undead"-trick? THX all ![]()
Hello there - I play an arcanist (School savant) in our current homebrew campaign. What do you guys think are the best Divination-spells at each Level? Because the Divination-School powers are so good, I want to try to make the best out of divinations mediocre spells. We use everything from paizo, but no third party content.
1: Heightened Awareness
Thanks for your opinions! ![]()
Hello there, is the following possible? Wizard awakes downtime-morning. Wizard prepares fabricate. Goes to the market, buys a ton of alchemy supplies. Casts Fabricate and crafts 10 cubic-feet per Level. (which is a lot of... say... Antitoxin...) ...or is it still limited by the craft-check like when you craft items the normal way? (Check result x DC silver pieces) Thanks. ![]()
Hey there, From what I understand, WotR is considered to easy from book 4 on by most people here. I really like mythic and dm it nevertheless. What could be a quick and viable solution to make WotR an adequate challenge? What do you think of this approach? I'd just double each mythic foe's hp and it can spend 1 MP to use Arcane Surge (with its SLAs also) or to make an additional attack like the champions feature (don't know the right now). ![]()
What about the various Elemental Bonds? I guess, Fire is much stronger than the other three bonds, because fire is not only an elemental descriptor, but also a type of damage. So the fire-bonded Mage can throw really big blasts around (especially with Intensify). The other three can't do that most of the time. So to my mind, there are two possible solutions: a) Apply the Fire Bond only to non-damaging spells
I favor b). Any opinions on this? ![]()
A charge over difficult terrain isn't possible. What if someone charges and an enemy creates difficult terrain right in his path? Would that... a) ...make the charger lose his full-round action?
Example: An Outer Rifts-Oracle uses "Unearthly Terrain" to interrupt a charging Orc Warrior. The Orc has to stop right in front of the now difficult terrain and what then? Thank you all. ![]()
Hey everybody, I need a high level witch spell storage. One of my players plays a witch and quests for a high-level mentor to learn spells from. I intend the spell-storage to go up to level nine, but it shouldn`t be all encompassing, because I want the player to "trade" spells with the going-to-be npc-witch. One fun method for getting such a list would be a real witch one of you plays. Just post your spells here. Thanks a lot.