DM Salsa Presents: Wrath of the Righteous (Inactive)

Game Master AdamWarnock

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Guru_of_the_Sands wrote:


I added the Stolen Fury trait to my crunch and the Characters profile. Can you help me with what else I may be missing for Karas?

Nope, I just missed that I needed to make those changes. It's fixed now.

Awesome! Thank you! Can't wait to see how this turns out. It should be a very interesting game.

Salsa, my campaign trait is on my character sheet: Child of the Crusade. Is that the only mix-up with my crunch?

Yes it was. Updated list below.

Lufien "Silvertongue" Loamin: Wiles Malloy - Male Human Rogue(Acrobat) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Chance Encounter(Trickster)
Phntm888: Harram Fliyn - Male Human Slayer | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Chance Encounter(Trickster)
gossamar4: Akvius Sirthos - Male Tiefling Witch (Cartomancer) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path | Chance Encounter(Trickster)
Chainmail: Bimbur Longstrike - Male Dwarf Monk(Zen Archer) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Chance Encounter(Trickster)
Olmek: Loric Solnebren - Male Human Rogue (Sanctified Rogue) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Child of the Crusades(Marshal)

Threeshades: Shirraj - Female Catfolk Bard | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Touched by Divinity(Hierophant)
Typhina Blightsworn: Eibon Elders - Male Human Paladin (Hospitaler) of Iomedae | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Child of the Crusades(Marshal)

The Crusader: Rakeesh Sah Tarna - Male Aasimar (Angelkin) Paladin (Sacred Servant/Oath of Vengeance) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Exposed to Awfulness(Guardian)
Kelarith: Tchirash Suntouched - Female Aasimar (Archon-Blooded) Warpriest of Iomedae | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Exposed to Awfulness(Guardian)

DoubleGold: Zirul Huntinghawk - Male Human Sorcerer Shaitan Bloodline | Crunch, Mythic Path | Riftwarden Orphan(Archmage)
LordLuke: Caius Vail - Male Human Magus | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | [None listed, Assuming Riftwarden Orphan(Archmage)]
Cuàn: Tehina Muunokhoi - Female Samsaran Wizard (Pact Wizard) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Riftwarden Orphan(Archmage)
sarpadian: Chrust - Male Tengu Wizard (Phantasm Illusionist) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Riftwarden Orphan(Archmage)

Choon: Ulfr Uggason - Male Skald(War Drummer/Fated Champion) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Touched by Divinity(Hierophant)
The Rising Phoenix: Kellix Valane - Male Human Inquisitor of Desna | Crunch | Stolen Fury(Champion)
F. Castor: Corven Albercroft - Male Human Monk (Martial Artist) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Stolen Fury(Champion)
Nidoran Duran: Paige Sentine - Female Human Paladin of Iomedae | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Exposed to Awfulness(Guardian)
gossamar4: Kavaki Zhen - Male Tiefling (Rakshasa-Spawn) Monk (Flowing) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | [None listed, Assuming Stolen Fury(Champion)]
Guru_of_the_Sands: Karas Argentus - Male Tiefling (Pitborn) Bloodrager (Draconic: Silver) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Stolen Fury(Champion)

Mahorfeus: Cereza Morah - Female Aasimar Warpriest of Arshea | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Touched by Divinity(Hierophant)
Dreaming Warforged: Bertholdt Escheus - Male Human Cleric(Evangelist) of Iomedae | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Touched by Divinity(Hierophant)
ginganinja: Lily Taharial - Female Aasimar (Azata-blooded) Oracle(Purifier) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Touched by Divinity(Hierophant)
HighonHolyWater: Tarren Emerdel - Female Aasimar (Archon-blooded) Cleric of Iomedae | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Touched by Divinity(Hierophant)
DeciusNero: Droosch Two-Blood - Male Half-Orc Shaman(Witch Doctor) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Touched by Divinity(Hierophant)
Calinthas Aldimay: Lisandra Elsinore - Female Aasimar Oracle of Life | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Touched by Divinity(Hierophant)

gossamar4: Baru Brimmstone - Male Tiefling (Grimspawn) Arcanist(School Savant) | Crunch, Mythic Path, RP Sample
Tirion Jörðhár: ??? - ??? Druid(Goliath Druid)
El Ronza: ??? - Female Human Medium
Belltrap: Triaxus - Male Human Oracle(Spirit Guide) of the Heavens
rorek55: ??? - ??? Barbarian

Thanks. :)

Grand Lodge

Everything should be updated for mine!

And fixed.

Lufien "Silvertongue" Loamin: Wiles Malloy - Male Human Rogue(Acrobat) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Chance Encounter(Trickster)
Phntm888: Harram Fliyn - Male Human Slayer | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Chance Encounter(Trickster)
gossamar4: Akvius Sirthos - Male Tiefling Witch (Cartomancer) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path | Chance Encounter(Trickster)
Chainmail: Bimbur Longstrike - Male Dwarf Monk(Zen Archer) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Chance Encounter(Trickster)
Olmek: Loric Solnebren - Male Human Rogue (Sanctified Rogue) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Child of the Crusades(Marshal)

Threeshades: Shirraj - Female Catfolk Bard | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Touched by Divinity(Hierophant)
Typhina Blightsworn: Eibon Elders - Male Human Paladin (Hospitaler) of Iomedae | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Child of the Crusades(Marshal)

The Crusader: Rakeesh Sah Tarna - Male Aasimar (Angelkin) Paladin (Sacred Servant/Oath of Vengeance) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Exposed to Awfulness(Guardian)
Kelarith: Tchirash Suntouched - Female Aasimar (Archon-Blooded) Warpriest of Iomedae | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Exposed to Awfulness(Guardian)

DoubleGold: Zirul Huntinghawk - Male Human Sorcerer Shaitan Bloodline | Crunch, Mythic Path | Riftwarden Orphan(Archmage)
LordLuke: Caius Vail - Male Human Magus | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Riftwarden Orphan(Archmage)
Cuàn: Tehina Muunokhoi - Female Samsaran Wizard (Pact Wizard) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Riftwarden Orphan(Archmage)
sarpadian: Chrust - Male Tengu Wizard (Phantasm Illusionist) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Riftwarden Orphan(Archmage)

Choon: Ulfr Uggason - Male Skald(War Drummer/Fated Champion) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Touched by Divinity(Hierophant)
The Rising Phoenix: Kellix Valane - Male Human Inquisitor of Desna | Crunch | Stolen Fury(Champion)
F. Castor: Corven Albercroft - Male Human Monk (Martial Artist) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Stolen Fury(Champion)
Nidoran Duran: Paige Sentine - Female Human Paladin of Iomedae | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Exposed to Awfulness(Guardian)
gossamar4: Kavaki Zhen - Male Tiefling (Rakshasa-Spawn) Monk (Flowing) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | [None listed, Assuming Stolen Fury(Champion)]
Guru_of_the_Sands: Karas Argentus - Male Tiefling (Pitborn) Bloodrager (Draconic: Silver) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Stolen Fury(Champion)

Mahorfeus: Cereza Morah - Female Aasimar Warpriest of Arshea | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Touched by Divinity(Hierophant)
Dreaming Warforged: Bertholdt Escheus - Male Human Cleric(Evangelist) of Iomedae | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Touched by Divinity(Hierophant)
ginganinja: Lily Taharial - Female Aasimar (Azata-blooded) Oracle(Purifier) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Touched by Divinity(Hierophant)
HighonHolyWater: Tarren Emerdel - Female Aasimar (Archon-blooded) Cleric of Iomedae | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Touched by Divinity(Hierophant)
DeciusNero: Droosch Two-Blood - Male Half-Orc Shaman(Witch Doctor) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Touched by Divinity(Hierophant)
Calinthas Aldimay: Lisandra Elsinore - Female Aasimar Oracle of Life | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Touched by Divinity(Hierophant)

gossamar4: Baru Brimmstone - Male Tiefling (Grimspawn) Arcanist(School Savant) | Crunch, Mythic Path, RP Sample
Tirion Jörðhár: ??? - ??? Druid(Goliath Druid)
El Ronza: ??? - Female Human Medium
Belltrap: Triaxus - Male Human Oracle(Spirit Guide) of the Heavens
rorek55: ??? - ??? Barbarian

In my roleplay sample I referenced Jesus, as I'm a Christian boy, if this offends or is a no-no in your game I can change it, but I as good christian don't find it offending in the least bit or find anything wrong with it, but I know how some people are when it comes to religion.

I didn't see what you were talking about, but you're talking to a fellow Christian here. I don't find mentioning Jesus or God offensive, though I'd prefer not to take His name in vain.

Dark Archive

Mythic Path: Archmage

Baru Brimmstone
Male Tiefling Arcanist (School Savant)

Ability Scores
Str = 12 (1)
Dex = 25 (7)
Con = 20 (5)
Int = 18 (4)
Wis = 12 (1)
Cha = 13 (1)

Initiative = +7

Dagger = +7 (1d4/19-20x2)
Claws = +7 (1d4+1/20x2)

Sling = +7 (1d4/x2)

HP = 12

AC(Touch) = 17(17)

Fortitude = 5
Reflex = 7
Will = 3

CMD = 18

Arcanist Features
Arcane Reservoir (Su): An arcanist has an innate pool of magical energy that she can draw upon to fuel her arcanist exploits and enhance her spells. The arcanist's arcane reservoir can hold a maximum amount of magical energy equal to 3 + the arcanist's level. Each day, when preparing spells, the arcanist's arcane reservoir fills with raw magical energy, gaining a number of points equal to 3 + 1/2 her arcanist level. Any points she had from the previous day are lost. She can also regain these points through the consume spells class feature and some arcanist exploits. The arcane reservoir can never hold more points than the maximum amount noted above; points gained in excess of this total are lost.

Points from the arcanist reservoir are used to fuel many of the arcanist's powers. In addition, the arcanist can expend 1 point from her arcane reservoir as a free action whenever she casts an arcanist spell. If she does, she can choose to increase the caster level by 1 or increase the spell's DC by 1. She can expend no more than 1 point from her reservoir on a given spell in this way. 4/day

Consume Spells (Su): At 1st level, an arcanist can expend an available arcanist spell slot as a move action, making it unavailable for the rest of the day, just as if she had used it to cast a spell. Doing this adds a number of points to her arcane reservoir equal to the level of the spell slot consumed. She cannot consume cantrips (0 level spells) in this way. Points gained in excess of the reservoir's maximum are lost.

Dimensional Slide (Su): The arcanist can expend 1 point from her arcane reservoir to create a dimensional crack that she can step through to reach another location. This ability is used as part of a move action or withdraw action, allowing her to move up to 10 feet per arcanist level to any location she can see. This counts as 5 feet of movement. She can only use this ability once per round. She does not provoke attacks of opportunity when moving in this way, but any other movement she attempts as part of her move action provokes as normal.

1st Level 3/day

Adhesive Spittle
Color Spray
Mage Armor

Standard Prep


Arcane Mark
Detect Magic
Read Magic


Color Spray

Appraise = (4+0+3)
Bluff = (4+0+0+2)
Craft = (4+0+3)
Diplomacy = 5 (4+1+0)
Disable Device = (7+0+0+2) (Grimspawn)
Fly = (3+0+3)
Knowledge (Arcana) = 8 (4+1+3)
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) = (4+0+3)
Knowledge (Engineering) = (4+0+3)
Knowledge (geography) = (4+0+3)
Knowledge (History) = (4+0+3)
Knowledge (Local) = 7 (4+1+3)
Knowledge (Nature) = (4+0+3)
Knowledge (Nobility) = (4+0+3)
Knowledge (Planes) = 8 (4+1+3)
Knowledge (Religion) = (4+0+3)
Linguistics = (4+0+3)
Perception = 2 (1+1+0)
Profession = (0+0+3)
Sleight of Hand = (7+0+0+2) (Grimspawn)
Spellcraft = 8 (4+1+3)
Use Magic Device = (1+0+3)

Weapon Finesse(1st lvl): With a light weapon, rapier, whip, or spiked chain made for a creature of your size category, you may use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on attack rolls. If you carry a shield, its armor check penalty applies to your attack rolls.

Special: Natural weapons are considered light weapons.

Armor = none
Weapon = dagger
Weapon = sling

Magic Item

--Case (map/scroll)
--Ink Pen & Ink
--Pouch, Belt
--Rations, Trail
--Rope, 50'
--Water skin

Alternate Racial

Prehensile Tail: Many tieflings have tails, but some have long, flexible tails that can be used to carry items. While they cannot wield weapons with their tails, they can use them to retrieve small, stowed objects carried on their persons as a swift action. This racial trait replaces fiendish sorcery.

Maw or Claw: Some tieflings take on the more bestial aspects of their fiendish ancestors. These tieflings exhibit either powerful, toothy maws or dangerous claws. The tiefling can choose a bite attack that deals 1d6 points of damage or two claws that each deal 1d4 points of damage. These attacks are primary natural attacks. This racial trait replaces the spell-like ability racial trait. Claws


Student of Philosophy (Social): You were trained in a now defunct philosophical tradition—such as that of the now destroyed Galtan universities or Lirgeni astrologers—and learned to use logic and reason to persuade others. You can use your Intelligence modifier in place of your Charisma modifier on Diplomacy checks to persuade others and on Bluff checks to convince others that a lie is true. (This trait does not affect Diplomacy checks to gather information or Bluff checks to feint in combat.)

Pragmatic Activator (Magic): While some figure out how to use magical devices with stubborn resolve, your approach is more pragmatic. You may use your Intelligence modifier when making Use Magic Device checks instead of your Charisma modifier.

Just got into another WotR campaign, so I should bow out of this one. Have fun hunting demons all of you uber-powerful goodie goodie warriors.

Okay, Salsa, I have progress! Here's the crunch for my medium, Neile Vass.


Neile Vass
Female human (Taldan) medium 1
N Medium humanoid (human)
Init +3; Senses Perception +6
AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 12 (1d8+4)
Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +4; +2 vs. Mind-Affecting effects of Evil Outsiders.
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee dagger +5 (1d4+5/19-20) or
. . light mace +5 (1d6+5) or
. . punching dagger +5 (1d4+5/×3) or
. . unarmed strike +5 (1d6+5)
Str 19, Dex 17, Con 17, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 20
Base Atk +0; CMB +5; CMD 17
Feats Combat Reflexes, Endurance, Improved Unarmed Strike
Traits child of the crusades, child of the streets, demon-proof mind
Skills Acrobatics +2 (-2 to jump), Handle Animal +6, Heal +3, Intimidate +9, Knowledge (planes) +7, Perception +6, Spellcraft +7, Stealth +3, Survival +3
Languages Abyssal, Common, Hallit, Varisian
SQ beater (lesser), known spirits (the bear, the beating, the lost, the owl, the rabbit prince), seance boon (the beating), spirit bonus +1, trance (full rd action)
Other Gear mwk armored coat, dagger, light mace, punching dagger, backpack, belt pouch, blanket, fishhook (2), flint and steel, hat, ink, black, inkpen, journal, mug/tankard, scarf, sewing needle, signal whistle, string or twine, thread (50 ft.), trail rations (7), waterskin, whetstone, rat, thrush, 2 gp, 2 sp
Special Abilities
Beater (Lesser) (Su) +1 bonus on attack rolls against foes you have damaged with an unarmed strike in the last 24 hours.
Child of the Crusades (1/day) Against possession/incapacitation, free action: Reroll failed save, keep 2nd result.
Combat Reflexes (4 AoO/round) Can make extra attacks of opportunity/rd, and even when flat-footed.
Endurance +4 to a variety of fort saves, skill and ability checks. Sleep in L/M armor with no fatigue.
Improved Unarmed Strike Unarmed strikes don't cause attacks of opportunity, and can be lethal.
Seance Boon (The Beating) +2 on damage rolls against foes you have damaged.
Spirit Bonus +1 (Su) Gain a bonus based on the type of spirit you host.
Trance (1/day) (Su) As a full rd action, gain next power of hosted spirit, or lesser power of new one.


  • You stated that good alignments are preferred, and I respect that. However, considering that Neile has five bonded spirits, of which two are evil and three are neutral, I can't see her alignment being north of neutral. She's trying, certainly, but she's being pulled in a different direction. If it will affect her chances, I can shift her to NG, and play it as her having more control.
  • A lot of my sub-optimal choices were made to fit my concept of a jumpy street rat, such as her armoured coat, the Endurance feat so she can sleep in it without being fatigued, and several of her skills. Demon-proof mind seemed to fit as a trait because, way I see it, if you've got several outside influences already crammed in your head, it's going to be hard for things to get past that.
  • She has a rat and a bird. These are mundane pets, because I thought she could use some company. If mundane pets are likely to end up as a quick snack, I can get rid of them, but personally, I'm rather fond of Gail and Twitch. :P
  • With permission, I could end up throwing half of this out the window if selected and able to get party opinions and suggestions.
  • When Occult Adventures is released, I understand I will need to rebuild.
  • If selected, I'd like to work with you to establish the history and personality of her known spirits.
  • Her mythic path will be Marshal, and her campaign trait is Child of the Crusades.

I'm now working on her backstory, personality, and appearance, then I can hopefully get a role-play sample up!

Any questions so far? Have I thrown you in the deep end with this class? :P

El Ronza wrote:
Any questions so far? Have I thrown you in the deep end with this class? :P

A couple and I threw myself into the deep end when I did the stat generation the way I did.

1. Are Neile's pets small enough to hide somewhere on her person? If not, then it might be better to get rid of them.

2. Not really a question but a statement, I may prefer good characters, but a well-done Neutral character will get in past a not as well-done good character. Background, characterization, and opportunities for me to tortur-- I mean promote character growth them are things that I look for beyond just liking your concept. Simply put if you can make me go, "Whoa, that's cool. I wonder what I can do with that," then you are on the right track.

3. I'm cool with working with you on the spirits if you get in. I'll also be giving everyone a chance to integrate their characters or get feedback from their fellows if they wish. We should have enough time to get at least the basics down.

I don't have my list handy right now, so it will be tonight before I get it updated. There are a couple of you that I have PM'd. If I haven't heard from you by tonight, I'm going to assume that you you are no longer interested. After I update the list, I'll give everyone until Wednesday to get at least something in for the four things I am requiring. You may refine it up until Friday night, but I need at least something by Wednesday.

I plan on making my decision Friday, then giving all of those selected a little time to work their backgrounds together if they wish.

Taking a nap till friday...

1. I'm gonna guess yes? Rats are pretty little, and a songbird small enough to perch on her finger could hide under her hat or something. :p

2. Glad to hear that. Plenty of potential with this one, for certain. I'd like to see her grow, cope, and eventually shift to a good alignment, but that's a way off.

3. Eeeeeeexcellent.

I'll get cracking on my backstory and such after work!

Updated List

Lufien "Silvertongue" Loamin: Wiles Malloy - Male Human Rogue(Acrobat) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Chance Encounter(Trickster)
Phntm888: Harram Fliyn - Male Human Slayer | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Chance Encounter(Trickster)
gossamar4: Akvius Sirthos - Male Tiefling Witch (Cartomancer) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path | Chance Encounter(Trickster)
Chainmail: Bimbur Longstrike - Male Dwarf Monk(Zen Archer) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Chance Encounter(Trickster)
Olmek: Loric Solnebren - Male Human Rogue (Sanctified Rogue) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Child of the Crusades(Marshal)

Threeshades: Shirraj - Female Catfolk Bard | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Touched by Divinity(Hierophant)
Typhina Blightsworn: Eibon Elders - Male Human Paladin (Hospitaler) of Iomedae | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Child of the Crusades(Marshal)
El Ronza: Neile Vass - Female Human Medium | Mythic Path | Child of the Crusades(Marshal)

The Crusader: Rakeesh Sah Tarna - Male Aasimar (Angelkin) Paladin (Sacred Servant/Oath of Vengeance) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Exposed to Awfulness(Guardian)
Kelarith: Tchirash Suntouched - Female Aasimar (Archon-Blooded) Warpriest of Iomedae | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Exposed to Awfulness(Guardian)

DoubleGold: Zirul Huntinghawk - Male Human Sorcerer Shaitan Bloodline | Crunch, Mythic Path | Riftwarden Orphan(Archmage)
LordLuke: Caius Vail - Male Human Magus | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Riftwarden Orphan(Archmage)
Cuàn: Tehina Muunokhoi - Female Samsaran Wizard (Pact Wizard) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Riftwarden Orphan(Archmage)
sarpadian: Chrust - Male Tengu Wizard (Phantasm Illusionist) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Riftwarden Orphan(Archmage)
gossamar4: Baru Brimmstone - Male Tiefling (Grimspawn) Arcanist(School Savant) | Crunch, Mythic Path, RP Sample

Choon: Ulfr Uggason - Male Skald(War Drummer/Fated Champion) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Touched by Divinity(Hierophant)
The Rising Phoenix: Kellix Valane - Male Human Inquisitor of Desna | Crunch | Stolen Fury(Champion)
F. Castor: Corven Albercroft - Male Human Monk (Martial Artist) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Stolen Fury(Champion)
Nidoran Duran: Paige Sentine - Female Human Paladin of Iomedae | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Exposed to Awfulness(Guardian)
gossamar4: Kavaki Zhen - Male Tiefling (Rakshasa-Spawn) Monk (Flowing) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | [None listed, Assuming Stolen Fury(Champion)]
Guru_of_the_Sands: Karas Argentus - Male Tiefling (Pitborn) Bloodrager (Draconic: Silver) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Stolen Fury(Champion)

Mahorfeus: Cereza Morah - Female Aasimar Warpriest of Arshea | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Touched by Divinity(Hierophant)
Dreaming Warforged: Bertholdt Escheus - Male Human Cleric(Evangelist) of Iomedae | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Touched by Divinity(Hierophant)
ginganinja: Lily Taharial - Female Aasimar (Azata-blooded) Oracle(Purifier) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Touched by Divinity(Hierophant)
HighonHolyWater: Tarren Emerdel - Female Aasimar (Archon-blooded) Cleric of Iomedae | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Touched by Divinity(Hierophant)
DeciusNero: Droosch Two-Blood - Male Half-Orc Shaman(Witch Doctor) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Touched by Divinity(Hierophant)
Calinthas Aldimay: Lisandra Elsinore - Female Aasimar Oracle of Life | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Touched by Divinity(Hierophant)

Dark Archive

missing crunch...

Baru Brimmstone
Male Tiefling Arcanist (School Savant)/1

Ability Scores
Str = 12 (1)
Dex = 25 (7)
Con = 20 (5)
Int = 18 (4)
Wis = 12 (1)
Cha = 13 (1)

Initiative = +7

Dagger = +7 (1d4/19-20x2)
Claws = +7 (1d4+1/20x2)

Sling = +7 (1d4/x2)

HP = 12

AC(Touch) = 17(17)

Fortitude = 5
Reflex = 7
Will = 3

CMD = 18

Arcanist Features
Arcane Reservoir (Su): An arcanist has an innate pool of magical energy that she can draw upon to fuel her arcanist exploits and enhance her spells. The arcanist's arcane reservoir can hold a maximum amount of magical energy equal to 3 + the arcanist's level. Each day, when preparing spells, the arcanist's arcane reservoir fills with raw magical energy, gaining a number of points equal to 3 + 1/2 her arcanist level. Any points she had from the previous day are lost. She can also regain these points through the consume spells class feature and some arcanist exploits. The arcane reservoir can never hold more points than the maximum amount noted above; points gained in excess of this total are lost.

Points from the arcanist reservoir are used to fuel many of the arcanist's powers. In addition, the arcanist can expend 1 point from her arcane reservoir as a free action whenever she casts an arcanist spell. If she does, she can choose to increase the caster level by 1 or increase the spell's DC by 1. She can expend no more than 1 point from her reservoir on a given spell in this way. 4/day

Consume Spells (Su): At 1st level, an arcanist can expend an available arcanist spell slot as a move action, making it unavailable for the rest of the day, just as if she had used it to cast a spell. Doing this adds a number of points to her arcane reservoir equal to the level of the spell slot consumed. She cannot consume cantrips (0 level spells) in this way. Points gained in excess of the reservoir's maximum are lost.

School Savant - Teleportation
Summoner's Charm (Su): Whenever you cast a conjuration (summoning) spell, increase the duration by a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your wizard level (minimum 1). At 20th level, you can change the duration of all summon monster spells to permanent. You can have no more than one summon monster spell made permanent in this way at one time. If you designate another summon monster spell as permanent, the previous spell immediately ends.

Shift (Su): At 1st level, you can teleport to a nearby space as a swift action as if using dimension door. This movement does not provoke an attack of opportunity. You must be able to see the space that you are moving into. You cannot take other creatures with you when you use this ability (except for familiars). You can move 5 feet for every two wizard levels you possess (minimum 5 feet). You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier. 7/day

1st Level 3/day

Adhesive Spittle
Color Spray
Mage Armor

Standard Prep


Arcane Mark
Detect Magic
Read Magic


Color Spray

Appraise = (4+0+3)
Bluff = (4+0+0+2)
Craft = (4+0+3)
Diplomacy = 5 (4+1+0)
Disable Device = (7+0+0+2) (Grimspawn)
Fly = (3+0+3)
Knowledge (Arcana) = 8 (4+1+3)
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) = (4+0+3)
Knowledge (Engineering) = (4+0+3)
Knowledge (geography) = (4+0+3)
Knowledge (History) = (4+0+3)
Knowledge (Local) = 7 (4+1+3)
Knowledge (Nature) = (4+0+3)
Knowledge (Nobility) = (4+0+3)
Knowledge (Planes) = 8 (4+1+3)
Knowledge (Religion) = (4+0+3)
Linguistics = (4+0+3)
Perception = 2 (1+1+0)
Profession = (0+0+3)
Sleight of Hand = (7+0+0+2) (Grimspawn)
Spellcraft = 8 (4+1+3)
Use Magic Device = (1+0+3)

Weapon Finesse(1st lvl): With a light weapon, rapier, whip, or spiked chain made for a creature of your size category, you may use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on attack rolls. If you carry a shield, its armor check penalty applies to your attack rolls.

Special: Natural weapons are considered light weapons.

Armor = none
Weapon = dagger
Weapon = sling

Magic Item

--Case (map/scroll)
--Ink Pen & Ink
--Pouch, Belt
--Rations, Trail
--Rope, 50'
--Water skin

Alternate Racial

Prehensile Tail: Many tieflings have tails, but some have long, flexible tails that can be used to carry items. While they cannot wield weapons with their tails, they can use them to retrieve small, stowed objects carried on their persons as a swift action. This racial trait replaces fiendish sorcery.

Maw or Claw: Some tieflings take on the more bestial aspects of their fiendish ancestors. These tieflings exhibit either powerful, toothy maws or dangerous claws. The tiefling can choose a bite attack that deals 1d6 points of damage or two claws that each deal 1d4 points of damage. These attacks are primary natural attacks. This racial trait replaces the spell-like ability racial trait. Claws


Student of Philosophy (Social): You were trained in a now defunct philosophical tradition—such as that of the now destroyed Galtan universities or Lirgeni astrologers—and learned to use logic and reason to persuade others. You can use your Intelligence modifier in place of your Charisma modifier on Diplomacy checks to persuade others and on Bluff checks to convince others that a lie is true. (This trait does not affect Diplomacy checks to gather information or Bluff checks to feint in combat.)

Pragmatic Activator (Magic): While some figure out how to use magical devices with stubborn resolve, your approach is more pragmatic. You may use your Intelligence modifier when making Use Magic Device checks instead of your Charisma modifier.

Silver Crusade

you still recruiting?

Dark Archive

Kavaki Zhen
Male Tiefling Monk (Flowing Monk)/1

Ability Scores
Str = 20 (5)
Dex = 22 (6)
Con = 17 (3)
Int = 15 (2)
Wis = 20 (5)
Cha = 10 (0)

Initiative = +6

Unarmed = +5 (1d6+5/x2)
--Flurry +4 (1d6+5/x2), (1d6+4/x2)
--Trip (Improved) +7

Flurry of Blows = (-1/-1) to base attacks

Shuriken = +6 (1d2+5/x3)

HP = 12

AC(touch) = 21(21)

Fortitude = +5
Reflex = +8
Will = +7

CMD = 21

Acrobatics = +10 (6+1+3)
Diplomacy = +6 (2+1+3)
Escape Artist = +10 (6+1+3)
Knowledge: Religion = +7 (3+1+3)
Perception = +9 (5+1+3)
Sense Motive = +11 (5+1+3+2)
Stealth = +10 (6+1+3)

Combat Reflexes(1st lvl): You may make a number of additional attacks of opportunity per round equal to your Dexterity bonus. With this feat, you may also make attacks of opportunity while flat-footed.

Normal: A character without this feat can make only one attack of opportunity per round and can't make attacks of opportunity while flat-footed.

Special: The Combat Reflexes feat does not allow a rogue to use her opportunist ability more than once per round.

Improved Trip(monk bonus: 1st): Benefit: You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a trip combat maneuver. In addition, you receive a +2 bonus on checks made to trip a foe. You also receive a +2 bonus to your Combat Maneuver Defense whenever an opponent tries to trip you.

Normal: You provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a trip combat maneuver

Redirection(flowing monk): At 1st level, as an immediate action, a flowing monk can attempt a reposition or trip combat maneuver against a creature that the flowing monk threatens and that attacks him. If the combat maneuver is successful, the attacker is sickened for 1 round (Reflex DC = 10 + 1/2 the monk's level + monk's Wisdom modifier to halve the duration), plus 1 additional round at 4th level and for every four levels afterward (to a maximum of 6 rounds at 20th level). The monk gains a +2 bonus on the reposition or trip combat maneuver check and the save DC for redirection increases by 2 if the attacker is using Power Attack or is charging when attacking him. The benefit increases to a +4 bonus and an increase of the saving throw by 4 if both apply. Ultimate Combat

Armor = none
Weapon = dagger
Weapon = 20 x Shruiken

Pouch, belt
-- gp
--torches (10)
--trail rations (5 days)
--Monk's outfit


Alternate Racial
Prehensile Tail: Many tieflings have tails, but some have long, flexible tails that can be used to carry items. While they cannot wield weapons with their tails, they can use them to retrieve small, stowed objects carried on their persons as a swift action. This racial trait replaces fiendish sorcery.

Magical Knack: You were raised, either wholly or in part, by a magical creature, either after it found you abandoned in the woods or because your parents often left you in the care of a magical minion. This constant exposure to magic has made its mysteries easy for you to understand, even when you turn your mind to other devotions and tasks. Pick a class when you gain this trait—your caster level in that class gains a +2 trait bonus as long as this bonus doesn’t raise your caster level above your current Hit Dice. Witch

Student of Philosophy (Social): You were trained in a now defunct philosophical tradition—such as that of the now destroyed Galtan universities or Lirgeni astrologers—and learned to use logic and reason to persuade others. You can use your Intelligence modifier in place of your Charisma modifier on Diplomacy checks to persuade others and on Bluff checks to convince others that a lie is true. (This trait does not affect Diplomacy checks to gather information or Bluff checks to feint in combat.)

If you are, here is Strongarm Rossburg. a monk tetori. Who will have much oily wrestling fun with the demons before throwing them back from whence they came. Everything is in the alias.

champion path

since this character has been selected for a different game, I humbly bow out.

Thank you, and good luck all

Lufien "Silvertongue" Loamin: Wiles Malloy - Male Human Rogue(Acrobat) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Chance Encounter(Trickster)
Phntm888: Harram Fliyn - Male Human Slayer | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Chance Encounter(Trickster)
Chainmail: Bimbur Longstrike - Male Dwarf Monk(Zen Archer) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Chance Encounter(Trickster)
Olmek: Loric Solnebren - Male Human Rogue (Sanctified Rogue) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Child of the Crusades(Marshal)

Threeshades: Shirraj - Female Catfolk Bard | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Touched by Divinity(Hierophant)
Typhina Blightsworn: Eibon Elders - Male Human Paladin (Hospitaler) of Iomedae | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Child of the Crusades(Marshal)
El Ronza: Neile Vass - Female Human Medium | Mythic Path | Child of the Crusades(Marshal)

The Crusader: Rakeesh Sah Tarna - Male Aasimar (Angelkin) Paladin (Sacred Servant/Oath of Vengeance) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Exposed to Awfulness(Guardian)
Kelarith: Tchirash Suntouched - Female Aasimar (Archon-Blooded) Warpriest of Iomedae | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Exposed to Awfulness(Guardian)

DoubleGold: Zirul Huntinghawk - Male Human Sorcerer Shaitan Bloodline | Crunch, Mythic Path | Riftwarden Orphan(Archmage)
LordLuke: Caius Vail - Male Human Magus | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Riftwarden Orphan(Archmage)
Cuàn: Tehina Muunokhoi - Female Samsaran Wizard (Pact Wizard) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Riftwarden Orphan(Archmage)
sarpadian: Chrust - Male Tengu Wizard (Phantasm Illusionist) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Riftwarden Orphan(Archmage)
gossamar4: Baru Brimmstone - Male Tiefling (Grimspawn) Arcanist(School Savant) | Crunch, Mythic Path, RP Sample

Choon: Ulfr Uggason - Male Skald(War Drummer/Fated Champion) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Touched by Divinity(Hierophant)
The Rising Phoenix: Kellix Valane - Male Human Inquisitor of Desna | Crunch | Stolen Fury(Champion)
F. Castor: Corven Albercroft - Male Human Monk (Martial Artist) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Stolen Fury(Champion)
Nidoran Duran: Paige Sentine - Female Human Paladin of Iomedae | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Exposed to Awfulness(Guardian)
gossamar4: Kavaki Zhen - Male Tiefling (Rakshasa-Spawn) Monk (Flowing) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | [None listed, Assuming Stolen Fury(Champion)]
Guru_of_the_Sands: Karas Argentus - Male Tiefling (Pitborn) Bloodrager (Draconic: Silver) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Stolen Fury(Champion)
rorek55: Alexander Strongarm Rossburg - Male Human Monk (Tetori/Qinggong) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Stolen Fury(Champion)

Mahorfeus: Cereza Morah - Female Aasimar Warpriest of Arshea | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Touched by Divinity(Hierophant)
Dreaming Warforged: Bertholdt Escheus - Male Human Cleric(Evangelist) of Iomedae | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Touched by Divinity(Hierophant)
ginganinja: Lily Taharial - Female Aasimar (Azata-blooded) Oracle(Purifier) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Touched by Divinity(Hierophant)
HighonHolyWater: Tarren Emerdel - Female Aasimar (Archon-blooded) Cleric of Iomedae | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Touched by Divinity(Hierophant)
DeciusNero: Droosch Two-Blood - Male Half-Orc Shaman(Witch Doctor) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Touched by Divinity(Hierophant)
Calinthas Aldimay: Lisandra Elsinore - Female Aasimar Oracle of Life | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Touched by Divinity(Hierophant)

@gossamar4: I'm still missing campaign traits for your submissions.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Wow, the Heirophant and Champion paths seem to be fairly popular.

I will actually be dual pathing marshal and Champion. No idea which one will be dominant yet.

Silver Crusade

DeciusNero wrote:
Wow, the Heirophant and Champion paths seem to be fairly popular.

which is funny, the last thread I saw had like, 1 Heirophant applicant.

Me, I just went with Marshal because I couldn't think of anything else, and thought, "eh, close enough" :P

Oops, Paige's trait was supposed to be Stolen Fury, not exposed to Awfulness, since the former is the one written into her backstory. I made the mistake only in her crunch, but it's definitely supposed to be Stolen Fury. I may also retool her as a sword 'n board Paladin, but I'll make any changes after selection, since the stat rolls are much higher than any other WotR game would be and I'd also need a heavy rewrite of her to apply elsehwere if she doesn't go in.

My plan is sword and shield cleric. Not doing huge damage but hopefully being a big enough threat.

Bwahahaha. Let me show those Demons the strength of my heart. First you humiliate them! by pinning them to the ground and smacking them in face. Then you make remark about how one day, maybe they get mustache like you!. Then you twist them up into itty bitty tiny ball and throw them away!

This, Is Rossburg!

campaign traits added to alias profiles

All done, and my vital statistics are next to the class, so it will be easy to read in gameplay, even though they aren't in the format the DM gave.


Male human oracle (spirit guide) 1
NG medium humanoid (human)
Init +11; Senses Perception +4

AC 20, touch 12, flat-footed 18 (+6 armor, +2 Dex, +2 shield)
hp 13 (1d8 + 4 + 1)
Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +5

Speed 20 ft.
Melee cold iron morningstar +3 (1d8+3)
Ranged sling +5 (1d4+3)
Touched by Divinity Spell-like Ability (CL 1st)
1/day - iprotection from evil[/i]
Oracle Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +7)
1st (5/day) - bless, cure light wounds, protection from evil
0 (at will) - detect magic, guidance, light, stabilize
Mystery heavens

Str 16, Dex 20, Con 18, Int 15, Wis 17, Cha 23
Base Atk +0; CMB +3; CMD 18
Feats Improved Initiative, Spell Focus (illusion)
Skills Diplomacy +10, Heal +7, Knowledge (the planes) +6, Knowledge (religion) +6, Perception +4, Sense Motive +7, Spellcraft +6
Traits Magical Lineage (color spray), Reactionary, Touched by Divinity
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Hallit, Taldane (Common)
SQ oracle’s curse (tongues [Celestial]), revelations (awesome display)
Gear cold iron morningstar, four-mirror armor*, heavy steel shield, oracle’s kit, silver holy symbol of Desna, sling, sling bullets (10), spell component pouch, 84 gp, 8 sp, 10 cp

*A note on Triaxus’ armor: While four-mirror armor is listed as ‘Eastern’ armor, four-mirror armor was used in the PFS pregens for the battlerager, shaman, and warpriest, despite none of the characters having a distinctly Eastern flavor or background, but if you’d rather I switch it out for the corebook armor, I’ll do so without complaint.

Some, hearing the story of the young man named Triaxus, might call him cursed from birth, although Triaxus himself has never thought of it that way.

Triaxus was orphaned at a young age. His memories of his mother are distant - he can only remember snippets of songs and melodies as she cradled him to sleep. Like many others in Mendev, he lost his mother to a demon, though he was not told the whole story until he grew older. Lacking a father, he was raised in an orphanage - for in a land of constant war like Mendev, the agents of the Abyss ensured there would never be any shortage of orphans. The orphans were raised by a number of clerics of various faiths (many of them friends of his deceased mother) as well as former orphans who had grown into adults, and, just as the older children looked after Triaxus when he was young, so does he look after the younger children now that he’s grown older.

Triaxus has, at times, clashed in his views with the more conservative clerics of the orphanage. As he reached puberty, Triaxus was told that there was more to the story of his mother and the demon who murdered her. A succubus deceived his mother, concealing her true nature, and supped on her soul. The clerics of Iomedae and Abadar no doubt meant to warn Triaxus to be cautious, despite his youth, but despite not remembering his mother very well, Triaxus had always had a sincere affinity for the faith of Desna, and he believed then, and continues to believe now, that life is for living. Mistakes might be made, but he would rather live a life with joy and mistakes both than a life without either.

Triaxus’ oracular nature was discovered when, one night, as he slept, the young man began to speak in Celestial in his sleep. Though Kenbares has left the worst of its history behind it, since that day many - especially those who know the fate of Triaxus’ mother and the conspicuous absence of a father - have started to look at him differently, wondering if perhaps the boy was sired by the demonic temptress, if perhaps his seemingly divine magic and his talent for the Celestial tongue are some clever Abyssal deception.

This hasn’t escaped Triaxus’ notice, and, not wanting more suspicion to fall on the orphanage or its caretakers, Triaxus has resolved to put his gift for divine magic to use in service of the crusade, to prove his loyalties in action. To this end, he has begun practicing his magic to master his newfound talents and training himself in the rudiments of arms and armor both in the hours after the orphans are put to bed and in the earliest hours of the morning before they wake, and intends to finally leave the orphanage to join the crusade the day after the Armasse celebration.

Despite the prejudice he faces, Triaxus does not consider his oracular nature a burden or a curse, nor does he believe it to be a destiny or a fate. It is, to him, both a responsibility and an opportunity. His gift can save lives, mean the difference between life and death for those who might otherwise perish. He has no intention to wait for the opportunity to arise for him to make a difference. Instead, once he has readied himself, he will seek it out, and make sure his gifts will not go to waste.

Triaxus is all too familiar with mortality and loss - many of the priests who raised him have died in the crusade against the Worldwound, as have many of the older orphans who joined the crusade once they were of age.

His name was given to him by his mother, a lover of astronomy and astrology. A cleric of Desna at heart, she named him after the celestial body Triaxus: the Wanderer. Other than his name and the distant memory of the songs she sang to him that sometimes return to him in his dreams, his only inheritance is the silver holy symbol of Desna she once bore.

Triaxus is a memorable young man, a beauty, with thick hair that falls in ebony curls to his shoulders, his skin snow white, his lips blood red.

Mythic Path/Character plans:
Hierophant. Intention is to focus on the use of color spray, bolstered by Awesome Display and mythic color spray. In situations where this is not viable, however, Triaxus' secondary focus will be acting as a medic and healer, using the spirit guide archetype to pick up the life spirit.

RP sample:
As he put the orphan children to bed, Triaxus was all too keenly aware that tomorrow would be the last day he’d follow this routine, and so he savored each moment. They would be in the care of capable hands, the same as those who raised him, he reminded himself. It took them longer than usual to settle down, but that was to be expected - they were all so excited for Armasse celebration. Triaxus was careful not to let slip his melancholy - it wouldn’t do to spoil the holy day’s celebration for them.

Finally, once they’d all settled down, Triaxus returned to his room, falling again into his routine. Using his magic to light the room, he took stock of his gear. He’d worked hard to save up the coin for his equipment, and for the journey ahead. Next, he maintained his arms and armor. Finally, he donned his armor alone, only to remove it again. Habit was a rarity among the faithful of Desna, but Triaxus wanted to have the muscle memory, to be ready.

Truthfully, Triaxus didn’t feel as ready as he’d hoped as he put away his weapons and armor. But he was as ready as he was ever going to be. He wasn’t going to feel any more prepared if he dawdled here in Kenbares, here at the orphanage longer. Triaxus didn’t believe the gods had given him a destiny or a fate - what they had given him was an opportunity to save lives; he had been given the power and responsibility to make a difference. It was up to him to make his own destiny, his own fate.

Tomorrow will be my last Armasse in Kenbares. he thought, as he finally extinguished the soft illumination he’d used his magic to light. Well, Armasse or not, he’d have to get up early, just like every other morning, if he wanted to get in his training with his arms and armor before the children awoke...

Okay, I think this is what the final pool of contenders looks like. Still waiting on a couple of people to finish their submissions. I'll be PMing them.

Lufien "Silvertongue" Loamin: Wiles Malloy - Male Human Rogue(Acrobat) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Chance Encounter(Trickster)
Phntm888: Harram Fliyn - Male Human Slayer | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Chance Encounter(Trickster)
Chainmail: Bimbur Longstrike - Male Dwarf Monk(Zen Archer) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Chance Encounter(Trickster)
Olmek: Loric Solnebren - Male Human Rogue (Sanctified Rogue) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Child of the Crusades(Marshal)

Threeshades: Shirraj - Female Catfolk Bard | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Touched by Divinity(Hierophant)
Typhina Blightsworn: Eibon Elders - Male Human Paladin (Hospitaler) of Iomedae | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Child of the Crusades(Marshal)
El Ronza: Neile Vass - Female Human Medium | Mythic Path | Child of the Crusades(Marshal)

The Crusader: Rakeesh Sah Tarna - Male Aasimar (Angelkin) Paladin (Sacred Servant/Oath of Vengeance) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Exposed to Awfulness(Guardian)
Kelarith: Tchirash Suntouched - Female Aasimar (Archon-Blooded) Warpriest of Iomedae | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Exposed to Awfulness(Guardian)

DoubleGold: Zirul Huntinghawk - Male Human Sorcerer Shaitan Bloodline | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Riftwarden Orphan(Archmage)
LordLuke: Caius Vail - Male Human Magus | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Riftwarden Orphan(Archmage)
Cuàn: Tehina Muunokhoi - Female Samsaran Wizard (Pact Wizard) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Riftwarden Orphan(Archmage)
sarpadian: Chrust - Male Tengu Wizard (Phantasm Illusionist) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Riftwarden Orphan(Archmage)
gossamar4: Baru Brimmstone - Male Tiefling (Grimspawn) Arcanist(School Savant) | Crunch, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Riftwarden Orphan(Archmage)

Choon: Ulfr Uggason - Male Skald(War Drummer/Fated Champion) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Touched by Divinity(Hierophant)
The Rising Phoenix: Kellix Valane - Male Human Inquisitor of Desna | Crunch | Stolen Fury(Champion)
F. Castor: Corven Albercroft - Male Human Monk (Martial Artist) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Stolen Fury(Champion)
Nidoran Duran: Paige Sentine - Female Human Paladin of Iomedae | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Stolen Fury(Champion)
gossamar4: Kavaki Zhen - Male Tiefling (Rakshasa-Spawn) Monk (Flowing) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Stolen Fury(Champion)
Guru_of_the_Sands: Karas Argentus - Male Tiefling (Pitborn) Bloodrager (Draconic: Silver) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Stolen Fury(Champion)
rorek55: Alexander Strongarm Rossburg - Male Human Monk (Tetori/Qinggong) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Stolen Fury(Champion)

Mahorfeus: Cereza Morah - Female Aasimar Warpriest of Arshea | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Touched by Divinity(Hierophant)
Dreaming Warforged: Bertholdt Escheus - Male Human Cleric(Evangelist) of Iomedae | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Touched by Divinity(Hierophant)
ginganinja: Lily Taharial - Female Aasimar (Azata-blooded) Oracle(Purifier) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Touched by Divinity(Hierophant)
HighonHolyWater: Tarren Emerdel - Female Aasimar (Archon-blooded) Cleric of Iomedae | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Touched by Divinity(Hierophant)
DeciusNero: Droosch Two-Blood - Male Half-Orc Shaman(Witch Doctor) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Touched by Divinity(Hierophant)
Calinthas Aldimay: Lisandra Elsinore - Female Aasimar Oracle of Life | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Touched by Divinity(Hierophant)
Belltrap: Triaxus - Male Human Oracle of the Heavens (Spirit Guide) | Crunch, Backstory, Mythic Path, RP Sample | Touched by Divinity(Hierophant)

Not sure if you caught my post above or just forgot to change it on your thing, but Paige has Stolen Fury, I just messed that up a little on her sheet.

Paige Sentine wrote:
Not sure if you caught my post above or just forgot to change it on your thing, but Paige has Stolen Fury, I just messed that up a little on her sheet.

The latter. If you get picked, expect that to happen, alot. :P

That said,. I'll have it fixed in a moment.

I'm rooting for all! Best of luck!

looking at the submissions, I almost felt lonely. I was the only core race and class in my mythic path. Then I look at the recruitment as a whole, plenty of core characters. The guardian path steers away from the core, while other paths only have one=(. Common people it will be fun. diplomacy: 1d20 + 50 ⇒ (18) + 50 = 68 to convince some people to go all core.

But as far as races go, if you are playing a female character going Aasimar, then that is just hot, even if you are male behind that screen.

Hey don't hate, I'm fairly certain there are some good looking Tiefling's as well! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that

There aren't many APs that actively encourage any non-core classes, while Wrath really leaves the option for Aasimar or Tiefling open rather than being a fringe hard sell for the GM, so I can see why people flock to them.

Zirul Huntinghawk wrote:
But as far as races go, if you are playing a female character going Aasimar, then that is just hot, even if you are male behind that screen.

Speaking as one of those, wow, is there ever a lot of that in the heirophant category... competition will be thick.

Good luck everyone

Good luck indeed!

Okay, slipping in at the last second with my backstory and RP sample!


Neile Vass was born in Kenabres to crusader parents - her father was a scout; her mother, cavalry. As an only child, she found company, as any child in a moderately-sized city, among other youths her age - and, in secret, her imaginary friends. While her mother expressed mild concern over the latter, her father wrote it off as harmless imagination, encouraging her, asking questions about these friends.

In a way, perhaps Neile would be different today if he hadn't.

As Neile grew, so too did her friends, voices that whispered in her mind, speaking softly in the shadows. There were those who were kind - one regaled her with tales of battle, warning her that tides can turn. Another offered aid in times of sadness.

And there were those who were cruel. Who whispered of madness, of unknowable things. Of the dissolution of self.

These were the voices that made Neile whimper in the night.

As she grew, she changed. She drew in on herself, trying to shut out the voices in her own mind, unable to lock them away. Her speech became singsong, voicing the things she heard from the forces she contained. She would speak of things she'd never experienced. She dissolved into paranoia, trusting nobody, even trying to draw away from her own parents.

So when a crusader in her mother's unit told Neile that she was a liability, nobody believed the girl's tale. After all, it was more rambling. Her father tried to believe her, but when Niele couldn't even get her own thoughts straight long enough to articulate it, it was a losing battle.

Eventually, being at an impressionable age, Niele packed her things and took to the streets.

It was cold, but she found a discarded coat. It was rough, but she adapted. It was lonely.

But she had her voices, her friends.

Neile has been on the streets now for some time, and it's beginning to take its toll, wearing the girl down. She's lost weight, shrinking down to a skinny shell of a girl. Her face appears pinched, her eyes wide and wild. Her mousy brown hair hangs in her eyes, a floppy hat drooping over her face, all elbows and knees under an armoured coat.

And the voices won't go away.

RP sample:

She wakes to the sweet trilling of Gail, the songbird's call rousing her from slumber. She yawns widely, pushing her hat away from her eyes; she sits, stretches, pulls on her coat. The heavy armour plates settle into place awkwardly against her skinny frame, the garment made for someone far bigger.

Gail perches on her hat, still trilling, and she smiles, reaching up to stroke the bird with a finger. "Good morning," she murmurs. "Sun shining, smiling. How are you today?"

She rolls up her blanket, humming a soft tune along with the bird, bobbing her head in time. She goes through her worn backpack - all her possessions are still there. The dagger pressed into the small of her back hasn't moved, either. Good. "Everything as it should be. Everything in its place," she murmurs, nodding approval.

Everything taken care of, she sits again, leaning against the wall, hugging her knees close and letting her head drop to her chest. She closes her eyes, closing out the sounds of the city waking up, the warm stirring in her breast pocket as Twitch wakes, the shuffling noise as Gail adjusts her perch.

For now, they speak.

It happens every morning. She sometimes thinks she should be more reverent, sit with her legs crossed, her hands on her knees, breathing deeply. But this fits. This, this position of drawing in on herself, of distilling her entire world down to her own breath on her knees, her heart beating against her shins like a frightened bird, of squeezing her eyes shut and fighting for control... It fits. It works.

She lets them speak. Lets them whisper their promises. Lets them fight. And as she finds the strength, she listens to one, and one only, and lets the others continue their whispering.

She climbs to shaky feet, muttering to nobody, adjusting her coat and hat. Twitch climbs from her pocket, his hairless tail brushing her collarbone as he takes his usual place on her shoulder, nestled among the folds of a woollen scarf.

"Another day," Neile whispers to no-one. And five voices answer.

I realized I can use my Irori trait to make sleight of hand a class skill modified by wisdom. So Bimbur has a larcenous side. Able to lift the slightest things and growing up in a monastery where everything is shared, Bimbur has a habit of lifting things of utility from others without a second thought.

The kender mentality of property is what I am thinking. Who doesn't love Tasslehoff

ginganinja wrote:
Hey don't hate, I'm fairly certain there are some good looking Tiefling's as well! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that

I should probably clarify. I didn't say Tieflings weren't pretty, but I was going with the "Angel" theme. You know how some guys will say to a girl "You're an Angel, or you're my guardian Angel." Well the irony here is that he would right literally speaking too, regardless if he knows she is an Aasimar or not.

Edit: You would never hear someone call a guy an Angel that is just weird. He might be called sweetheart or honey or some other nickname, but never have I heard a guy been called Angel, except for that TV show that existed in the 90s called Angel.

Zirul Huntinghawk wrote:
You would never hear someone call a guy an Angel that is just weird.

Huh. Guess I'm weird, then, because I call my fiancé an angel...

You must've lucked out, then. Most of us don't deserve the moniker. ;)

He's stayed with me through some pretty rough stuff, so I'd say he deserves it. He's still a dick, though :p

I have good news and more good news for some of you, not so much for the rest of you.

First, the good news, You don't have to wait two days for me to make up my mind, I've already done so.

That leads to the good/bad news, depending on who you are. If your name is on the list, report to the discussion thread here: The Drunken Balor and when you are ready, post in the game thread here: The Thread of Awesomeness, with extra awesome sauce.

And those lucky few are, drum-roll please:

El Ronza: Neile Vass - Female Human Medium | Child of the Crusades(Marshal)
Choon: Ulfr Uggason - Male Skald(War Drummer/Fated Champion) | Touched by Divinity(Hierophant)
Guru_of_the_Sands: Karas Argentus - Male Tiefling (Pitborn) Bloodrager (Draconic: Silver) | Stolen Fury(Champion)
Chainmail: Bimbur Longstrike - Male Dwarf Monk(Zen Archer) | Chance Encounter(Trickster)
The Crusader: Rakeesh Sah Tarna - Male Aasimar (Angelkin) Paladin (Sacred Servant/Oath of Vengeance) | Exposed to Awfulness(Guardian)
Kelarith: Tchirash Suntouched - Female Aasimar (Archon-Blooded) Warpriest of Iomedae | Exposed to Awfulness(Guardian)
Cuàn: Tehina Muunokhoi - Female Samsaran Wizard (Pact Wizard) | Riftwarden Orphan(Archmage)

To the rest of you, you did not make this easy. I could run two tables of this, but I'm not quite crazy enough to try. I wish you luck and I hope you guys find a WotR game soon!

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