DM RichD's Giantslayer Campaign

Game Master Briccone

GiantSlayer Book 3: Forge of the Giant God
Part 3: Cathedral of minderhal

The heroes must infiltrate the ruined temple of an ancient giant god and defeat the Storm Tyrant’s lieutenant to prevent the warlord from gathering an even larger army. Within the cathedral, the adventurers also discover a powerful artifact that they must reactivate before they can make use of its magic.

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NARRATOR Skirgaard GS Map / SS MAP/

Round 12

@Brother Hawthorne: So it is!

Attack 2 Confirm?: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (8) + 16 = 24


Sven delivers a blistering attack on the giant! The rest of you quickly fell the giant!

Out of Round Mode!

Male Dwarf Bard 10 HP: 100/100 AC: 23 TCH: 15 FF: 18 CMD: 22 | F+4*, R+12*, W+7*

The still invisible Brother Hawthorne states, "that sucked! I need to get a bow, so I can help take things down more quickly!"

Oracle 10 | HP 120/120 | AC 23 | T 13 | FF 22 | CMB +17 |CMD 24 | Fort +7 | Ref +6 | Will +13 | Init +2 | Perc +18 | Lvl 1 (5/8) | Lvl 2 (5/8) | Lvl 3 (5/6) |Lvl 4 (5/6) | Lvl 5 (4/4) Current Buffs (magic vestment (20hr) endure elements (48 hr ) enlarge person (40 min) weapon of awe (20 min) divine favor (2 min) and BoF (10r) Sven

Brother Hawthorne 15(26/90)WOUNDED
Rask Hammersong 15(51/126)WOUNDED
Kurag Urlot III 13(51/86)WOUNDED
Sven The Mazebreaker 4(71/120)WOUNDED

Channel: 5d6 ⇒ (3, 3, 4, 2, 4) = 16
Channel: 5d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 1, 5, 6) = 21
Channel: 5d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 1, 1, 2) = 8
Channel: 5d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 5, 4, 3) = 15

Total Healed: 16 + 21 + 8 + 15 = 60

Hawthorne: 26 + 60 = 86 86/90
Rask: 51 + 60 = 111 111/126
Urlot: 51 + 60 = 111 86/86
Sven: 71 + 60 = 131 120/120

"The magic in yer voice was well enough." Sven said, as he rolled his shoulders following the strain of combat. "Now, make sure that they all be dead. Gonna be mending our wounds, and I don't want to have to put these fookers down again." Sven said, as he prepared to perform the required ritual to heal the group.

Male Dwarf Bard 10 HP: 100/100 AC: 23 TCH: 15 FF: 18 CMD: 22 | F+4*, R+12*, W+7*

"Thank you very much!"

Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.

Kurag does as asked and chops the heads off the giants before the party is healed. After that as the healing washes over them he searches the bodies for magic items and the reason the main giant was resisting some of his arrows damage.

perception 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (8) + 19 = 27

NARRATOR Skirgaard GS Map / SS MAP/

Urathash Gear:
Combat Gear scroll of prayer; Other Gear mwk breastplate, +1 warhammer, cold iron dagger, dagger, silver dagger, bane baldricUE, boulder bag (Pathfinder Adventure Path #91 73), mwk artisan’s tools (armor and weapons), spell component pouch, stone unholy symbol of Minderhal, 10 gp

There are no other threats in the Cathedral, but the forge is still unlit and the Cathedral itself is surrounded by Urathash's army.

Male Dwarf Bard 10 HP: 100/100 AC: 23 TCH: 15 FF: 18 CMD: 22 | F+4*, R+12*, W+7*

A bane baldric! No crap. I've purchased them before, but never had one drop on a monster before! Crazy! If only I had a way of attacking regularly!

"I will gladly wear the baldric, unless one of you have a use for it. Everything else is too big for me. Oh, and I will pilfer the spell component pouch as well, so I am all set!"

Oracle 10 | HP 120/120 | AC 23 | T 13 | FF 22 | CMB +17 |CMD 24 | Fort +7 | Ref +6 | Will +13 | Init +2 | Perc +18 | Lvl 1 (5/8) | Lvl 2 (5/8) | Lvl 3 (5/6) |Lvl 4 (5/6) | Lvl 5 (4/4) Current Buffs (magic vestment (20hr) endure elements (48 hr ) enlarge person (40 min) weapon of awe (20 min) divine favor (2 min) and BoF (10r) Sven

"Glad ye can use it." Sven said, somewhat wearily as he stretched his sore arms. "We've got the Forge now. And we need to get it lit, before Urathash's army comes in."

I forget, how do we go about doing that?

Male Dwarf Bard 10 HP: 100/100 AC: 23 TCH: 15 FF: 18 CMD: 22 | F+4*, R+12*, W+7*

"Well, grab all of this magic stuff, it'll sell in Magnimar or somewhere."

Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.

Indeed, what we can't use ourselves we sell and put to good use that way. First stop is to find a bow for you Brother. After that we need to go retrieve the rest of the ingredients to get the forge relit. There were 4 components we needed: clay, water, dragon's breath, and fire geodes. We have 2 of them but we will need to get the other 2 if we want to relight the forge. All told I believe we could make the trek in 4 days time to get there and back unless one of you have ways of magical travel to make the trip shorter.

Maybe sooner on Lucky if the nice GM allows no random encounters to just get the materials and come back.

Male Dwarf Bard 10 HP: 100/100 AC: 23 TCH: 15 FF: 18 CMD: 22 | F+4*, R+12*, W+7*

"Can anyone summon a dragon to do the breathing?"

NARRATOR Skirgaard GS Map / SS MAP/

What are you going to do about the giant army that have you surrounded?

Male Dwarf Bard 10 HP: 100/100 AC: 23 TCH: 15 FF: 18 CMD: 22 | F+4*, R+12*, W+7*

Details, details. Maybe we should send them off to invade Valhalla?

Oracle 10 | HP 120/120 | AC 23 | T 13 | FF 22 | CMB +17 |CMD 24 | Fort +7 | Ref +6 | Will +13 | Init +2 | Perc +18 | Lvl 1 (5/8) | Lvl 2 (5/8) | Lvl 3 (5/6) |Lvl 4 (5/6) | Lvl 5 (4/4) Current Buffs (magic vestment (20hr) endure elements (48 hr ) enlarge person (40 min) weapon of awe (20 min) divine favor (2 min) and BoF (10r) Sven

Depends. How do we get the materials? Are we sneaking out to get them? Where are they?

Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.

Anyone good with illusions and bluff that can make an image of the after command the army to disperse?

If that doesn’t work then toss his decapitated head out of the fortress and make an intimidation check.

NARRATOR Skirgaard GS Map / SS MAP/

So what's the plan? Sneaking out? Throwing Urathash's head out the nearest window?

Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.

I have never been one to mix and match wits with words. My skills lie in more direct action or subterfuge. I can safely say that I could get out of here with Lucky but no guarantees that I could get the rest of you out without one of you being spotted. I could retrieve the items we need and make it back here in short order while staying mounted and hiding my tracks. However, that still doesn't solve the problem at our doorstep. We need to disperse the army by flooding the valley here, giving them orders to disperse, or finding a way for them to attack each other and do the dirty work for us.

As Kurag literally has no way to influence an army other than killing one giant at a time he heads to a window and tries to survey the army before him watching and looking for weaknesses.

After a few hours of watching his inaction gets the better of him and he makes his way through the complex clearing out any remaining riff raff. Once that is done if there are still no answers, he volunteers takes Lucky out to go grab the materials for the ritual himself.

NARRATOR Skirgaard GS Map / SS MAP/

Anyone going with Kurag? @Kurag: you and Lucky going invisible or using stealth?

Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.

Stealth unless someone else casts invisibility on him

Kurag would leave at night to allow himself the advantage of darkness and his darkvision ability.

Stealth check using pass without trace wand twice 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (5) + 20 = 25 Uh oh

Oracle 10 | HP 120/120 | AC 23 | T 13 | FF 22 | CMB +17 |CMD 24 | Fort +7 | Ref +6 | Will +13 | Init +2 | Perc +18 | Lvl 1 (5/8) | Lvl 2 (5/8) | Lvl 3 (5/6) |Lvl 4 (5/6) | Lvl 5 (4/4) Current Buffs (magic vestment (20hr) endure elements (48 hr ) enlarge person (40 min) weapon of awe (20 min) divine favor (2 min) and BoF (10r) Sven

"We don't have many good options here." Sven said. "We aren't the stealthiest of dwarves. And if the giants realize what is going on, we are all as good as dead. Sadly, it makes the most sense to gather the materials and to perform the ritual as quickly as possible. Kurag, if ye be sure that ye can sneak out to do this, then we will hold our position as best we can, and will retreat if the giants start moving in."

Male Dwarf Bard 10 HP: 100/100 AC: 23 TCH: 15 FF: 18 CMD: 22 | F+4*, R+12*, W+7*

Brother Hawthorne, in fact, CAN, and does hit Kurag with Invisibility, for an additional +20 on that stealth.

NARRATOR Skirgaard GS Map / SS MAP/

I'm sorry...I thought that Urathash was the end of this AP...but wait there's more!

There is a stone coffer that is locked that you quickly open. It contains the following:

A human-sized Andoren lace wedding dress of obviously very high quality, which is slightly torn and stained with blood on one of its sleeves. If the dress is repaired with a successful DC 18 Craft (cloth) check or magic such as mending or make whole, it is worth 1,000 gp.

The coffer also holds a wooden game board carved with strange notches, a leather pouch with 30 stones polished and shaped to resemble eggs, and a collection of 12 quartzite crystals carved to resemble rocs in flight. These are all part of a popular betting and strategy game among giants called “Rocs.” The quartzite pieces are worth 50 gp each. Lastly, carefully wrapped within oiled deerskin are three torcs that Urathash sometimes wears as rings. Two are forged from mithral and have designs of dwarven origin (worth 500 gp each), while the third is a torc of lionheart fury (Ultimate Equipment 261).

There are upper layers of the tower.

Z17. Inquisition Room

Carved into center of the floor of this chamber is the symbol of a mountain and a giant anvil. Mystic runes painted with a fine, glittering dust sprinkled over what appears to be blood encircle the carving. Six iron cages stand in a circle around the floor carving, interspersed with stone braziers burning small coke fires scented with smoldering pine cones. A few tables holding a variety of iron implements stand against the walls nearby. The walls are windowless and covered with lines of carved text. Staircases at opposite ends of the room lead to floors above and below.

Knowledge Religion (DC20):
The carving on the f loor is the holy symbol of Minderhal

Four of the cages contain gaunt and mutilated humans, each one curled into a fetal position. Long strips of flesh and muscle have been torn from the corpses, the result of feeding by Urathash’s pet rukhs, though whether this killed the prisoners or they starved to death is unclear.

Two of the cages still contain living people, both prospectors from Shinnerman’s Fortune, whom Urathash has kept as playthings. The two prisoners lie quietly starving in their cages, mentally and physically broken and ready for death. The prisoners are still conscious (albeit barely).

Oracle 10 | HP 120/120 | AC 23 | T 13 | FF 22 | CMB +17 |CMD 24 | Fort +7 | Ref +6 | Will +13 | Init +2 | Perc +18 | Lvl 1 (5/8) | Lvl 2 (5/8) | Lvl 3 (5/6) |Lvl 4 (5/6) | Lvl 5 (4/4) Current Buffs (magic vestment (20hr) endure elements (48 hr ) enlarge person (40 min) weapon of awe (20 min) divine favor (2 min) and BoF (10r) Sven

The group did one last check of the citadel before sending the brave dwarf out. If there was a chance that they could fulfill their quest without such a risk in both time and safety, then it was worth exploring it. As they came across a human-sized wedding dress, Sven picked it up and looked at it with a discerning eye. "This be well-made and will sell well to a Duke or Baron. But first..." He chanted a prayer to Torag and as he did so the dress was slowly but surely mended, until it was right for sale. The dwarf gently folded the clothing and added it to the bag of loot that they had gathered. He was certain that the others would pick the coffers clean while he worked.

K Religion: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (14) + 12 = 26

The group made their way to the Inquisition Room, and Sven pointed out the sign of Minderhal upon the floor. "Seems appropriate that we walk on top of this slag." He said, stopping when he saw the cages. His jaw dropped at the sight of the cruelty. "What the-" He said. Without even thinking he rushed forward and began to heal the figures, so as to stabilize them.

CLW: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
CLW: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

"Let's get them out." He said, in between prayers.

Male Dwarf Bard 10 HP: 100/100 AC: 23 TCH: 15 FF: 18 CMD: 22 | F+4*, R+12*, W+7*

Brother Hawthorne takes 10 and nods knowingly, "Minderhal indeed."

"Now, as to these items. They are all worth something, but it seems only this one torc is magic." He scans the other items to make sure, and describes the functioning of the magic torc.

NARRATOR Skirgaard GS Map / SS MAP/

The captives begin to show some signs of life as Sven begins to heal them. Thank you good Dwarf! Please free us 'fore Urathash comes back! He'll torture you too!

Male Dwarf Bard 10 HP: 100/100 AC: 23 TCH: 15 FF: 18 CMD: 22 | F+4*, R+12*, W+7*

"No, I don't believe he'll be bothering anyone."

Brother Hawthorne will see about freeing them.

Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.

Urarhash is dead and will trouble this realm no more. Kurag then pulls some rations out to give to the captives to help after their wounds are healed.

So this symbol of Minderhaal…do we leave it or get rid of it? Do we still need to recover the other pieces of the ritual?

NARRATOR Skirgaard GS Map / SS MAP/

Urathash is dead? Bless your Dwaraven souls! But I I wouldn't make too much noise cause there be a dragon upstairs!

Male Dwarf Bard 10 HP: 100/100 AC: 23 TCH: 15 FF: 18 CMD: 22 | F+4*, R+12*, W+7*

"What can you tell us of the drake above?"

Oracle 10 | HP 120/120 | AC 23 | T 13 | FF 22 | CMB +17 |CMD 24 | Fort +7 | Ref +6 | Will +13 | Init +2 | Perc +18 | Lvl 1 (5/8) | Lvl 2 (5/8) | Lvl 3 (5/6) |Lvl 4 (5/6) | Lvl 5 (4/4) Current Buffs (magic vestment (20hr) endure elements (48 hr ) enlarge person (40 min) weapon of awe (20 min) divine favor (2 min) and BoF (10r) Sven

"Aye. Such as, does it breathe fire?" Sven added in, remembering that dragon flame was needed for the ritual they had before them.

NARRATOR Skirgaard GS Map / SS MAP/

I don't know iffen he breathes fire, but he be read if that will be helping? One of the captives responds.

Male Dwarf Bard 10 HP: 100/100 AC: 23 TCH: 15 FF: 18 CMD: 22 | F+4*, R+12*, W+7*

"Fire it is then!"

Oracle 10 | HP 120/120 | AC 23 | T 13 | FF 22 | CMB +17 |CMD 24 | Fort +7 | Ref +6 | Will +13 | Init +2 | Perc +18 | Lvl 1 (5/8) | Lvl 2 (5/8) | Lvl 3 (5/6) |Lvl 4 (5/6) | Lvl 5 (4/4) Current Buffs (magic vestment (20hr) endure elements (48 hr ) enlarge person (40 min) weapon of awe (20 min) divine favor (2 min) and BoF (10r) Sven

"Aye, it does." Sven said. "Right lads. Looks like we have an ingredient ready and waiting for us, so we should get to it." Turning back to the captives he said "Ye be free. There is a giant army camped outside, we had to sneak in here past them. I'd advise ye to catch your breaths and rest up. Ye can leave with us, should we survive. If not, then we will wish ye the best, aye?"

Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.

Are we ready to take on a dragon though? If it is dragon fire that is needed for the ritual, should we gather the remaining components first? Then, once he breathes fire, we light the torch and bring it down here for Sven to complete the ritual. I don't fancy trying to keep a dragon trapped for a few days while we gather the clay and water.

Oracle 10 | HP 120/120 | AC 23 | T 13 | FF 22 | CMB +17 |CMD 24 | Fort +7 | Ref +6 | Will +13 | Init +2 | Perc +18 | Lvl 1 (5/8) | Lvl 2 (5/8) | Lvl 3 (5/6) |Lvl 4 (5/6) | Lvl 5 (4/4) Current Buffs (magic vestment (20hr) endure elements (48 hr ) enlarge person (40 min) weapon of awe (20 min) divine favor (2 min) and BoF (10r) Sven

”Aye…but what if it leaves? Still…keeping the fire…” Sven sighed. ”I see both sides to this. I’m fine with getting the clay and water first.”

Male Dwarf Bard 10 HP: 100/100 AC: 23 TCH: 15 FF: 18 CMD: 22 | F+4*, R+12*, W+7*

"How do we 'capture' the fire anyways? We can't drug the dragon, and drag the drugon to where we need it, right?"

Male HP: 96/96 AC: 20,15,15 saves F:8, R:16, W:6,+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like, perception +15, stealth +18 Init:+6 (+2 in mountains); Rng8 Rog 2.

Kurag looks at the others and shrugs his shoulders. My best guess is that we piss off the dragon enough that it breathes fire upon us. When it does so one of us holds up a torch so that it is lit and then takes it down to the forge. Anyone want to volunteer to be the target of the flame?

Male Dwarf Bard 10 HP: 100/100 AC: 23 TCH: 15 FF: 18 CMD: 22 | F+4*, R+12*, W+7*

"Despite my dashing good looks and flaming beard, I'm no azer to be resistant of fire itself, but if that's what is needed, I will do the deed for the group."

Oracle 10 | HP 120/120 | AC 23 | T 13 | FF 22 | CMB +17 |CMD 24 | Fort +7 | Ref +6 | Will +13 | Init +2 | Perc +18 | Lvl 1 (5/8) | Lvl 2 (5/8) | Lvl 3 (5/6) |Lvl 4 (5/6) | Lvl 5 (4/4) Current Buffs (magic vestment (20hr) endure elements (48 hr ) enlarge person (40 min) weapon of awe (20 min) divine favor (2 min) and BoF (10r) Sven

”Brave.” Sven said, matter of factly. ”It would make a fan verse in any saga.”

NARRATOR Skirgaard GS Map / SS MAP/

DM Hint #1:
You all found the Drakesbane horn so you can always call him back

DM Hint #2:
The dragon's breath needs to light the geodes, so if you can somehow get the dragon to ignite the geodes, you will have what you need..

Male Dwarf Bard 10 HP: 100/100 AC: 23 TCH: 15 FF: 18 CMD: 22 | F+4*, R+12*, W+7*

Soooo, I have a +17 Perform (wind) skill, but even so, I'm not sure I see how either scare, fear, sympathy, or being fascinated will solve this? Running it off clearly isn't useful, and having it want to possess the horn, or stand dumbfounded doesn't seem helpful. Can those wiser than this poor dwarven bard assist my understanding? Now, if the horn gave some sort of control over dragonkind, so I could command "breathe fire on the geodes, and leave us dwarves alone." Now, if we only had a holocaust cloak, and a wheelbarrow!

NARRATOR Skirgaard GS Map / SS MAP/

So, what are you all going to do?

NARRATOR Skirgaard GS Map / SS MAP/

you take the survivors to their village and while he town mourns those that were lost, they celebrate those that were returned.

There is a great feast (or as great a feast as a small village can provide) where you are the guests of honor. They feel bad they cannot provide you with more but they tell you that you will always have a welcome place to stay!

You spend a few months getting the remaining components and travel back to the cathedral. There are a few giants remaining each calling themselves the 'New Urathash'. You quickly make them the 'Dead New Urathashes'

You have scouted out the Cathedral and know that the drake is also still in residence. You climb to the top and are at the door that opens into the drake's lair.

Any prep spells?

Oracle 10 | HP 120/120 | AC 23 | T 13 | FF 22 | CMB +17 |CMD 24 | Fort +7 | Ref +6 | Will +13 | Init +2 | Perc +18 | Lvl 1 (5/8) | Lvl 2 (5/8) | Lvl 3 (5/6) |Lvl 4 (5/6) | Lvl 5 (4/4) Current Buffs (magic vestment (20hr) endure elements (48 hr ) enlarge person (40 min) weapon of awe (20 min) divine favor (2 min) and BoF (10r) Sven

Sven walked in with a light step. The break had done him well. All of the hiking and adventuring had been hard on his old body. But now he was rested and was ready to begin anew. "Right." He said. "We had a month's worth of last meals. Ye all ready to dance with a dragon?"

Male Dwarf Bard 10 HP: 100/100 AC: 23 TCH: 15 FF: 18 CMD: 22 | F+4*, R+12*, W+7*

Oh, wait, if we ever happened in a place where gear can be bought, I am still running around with crap I can't use, and no crap that I can!

NARRATOR Skirgaard GS Map / SS MAP/

@Brother Hawthorne: Unfortunately the village was too small and poor to have anything of value, but after you take care of the drake, you should be able to outfit appropriately.

Anyone doing any other prep or are you ready to open the door?

Male Dwarf Bard 10 HP: 100/100 AC: 23 TCH: 15 FF: 18 CMD: 22 | F+4*, R+12*, W+7*

What's the plan here now? We need it to breathe on us?

Oracle 10 | HP 120/120 | AC 23 | T 13 | FF 22 | CMB +17 |CMD 24 | Fort +7 | Ref +6 | Will +13 | Init +2 | Perc +18 | Lvl 1 (5/8) | Lvl 2 (5/8) | Lvl 3 (5/6) |Lvl 4 (5/6) | Lvl 5 (4/4) Current Buffs (magic vestment (20hr) endure elements (48 hr ) enlarge person (40 min) weapon of awe (20 min) divine favor (2 min) and BoF (10r) Sven

Yup. If everyone else is here, that is

NARRATOR Skirgaard GS Map / SS MAP/

Good idea Sven! Besides Brother Hawthorne and Sven, who else is still here? Neltji? Rask?

NARRATOR Skirgaard GS Map / SS MAP/

Let me send a DM to Kurag and Rask to see if they are still here. Does anyone want to roll for them in the drake battle?

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