GM Raltus' - Slaying Giants

Game Master Raltus

Maps l Hand outs l Lootz

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Welcome to Trunau where we are saying the world from Gaints

25% Chance to reduce crits 1/2Orc
Mutagen stats:
+4 Dex -2 Wis +2 Nat Armor AC21T14FF17
Alchemist17HP122/122,Init+6,F17R17W12(14 fear)AC19T12FF17Per22

Will think something up

(Unchained Rogue - Sylvan Trickster 5) Init +4, Perc +9, AC 18/14/14 (+2vs Giants), F+3/R+8/W+2(+2 vs. Charm) HP36 DD+14 - Scent

A fox sneaks through the lower part of Trunau, trying to avoid any attention.
Stealth: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (7) + 18 = 25

Just to get the campaign on the dots list


Also think Ichanged my mind from a Fighter to a Warpriest. Cos you know who's good at fighting giants - THOR!

M Oread Kinetic Knight 4____HP 28/39

An oread, skin of black granite with white flecks sits in a clearing. Not a single movement betraying his presence to his surroundings

M Dwarf Inquisitor(Living Grimoire) 37/37,Init5,F7R2W6,AC18T13FF16

Dain rests on a stool while polishing his axe, he had been out for town for quite some time and looked like he had been sleeping in a ditch.

Human Fighter 5 / AC 20 (+4 vs Reach, +4 Mobility Feat), Touch 11, Flat 18 / HP 49/40 / Init +1 / Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +4 (+1 vs Fear) / Perception +5

Balder walks to the stream and kneels down beside it, laying a massive mace with a long haft and longer metal head on the stoney embankment beside him, and shoves his hands into the stream, washing the blood from his hands before standing and taking up his weapon that is too large for anyone to be able to wield and walks to the shade of a tree before sitting and resting beside it.

Still have to write a background. but was thinking of tying him to Dain and possibly saying that they are the last survivors of a party of giant slaying mercenaries. Thoughts?

That is fine, I will get the beginning of the story up tonight, so come to Trunau and mingle a bit.

(Unchained Rogue - Sylvan Trickster 5) Init +4, Perc +9, AC 18/14/14 (+2vs Giants), F+3/R+8/W+2(+2 vs. Charm) HP36 DD+14 - Scent

Yorikata visits Trunau's reservoir downhill from the hope-spring to lap up some water. Making sure to stay in the shadows the tiny fox satisfies her thirst.

Going back she gives the Clamor, Trunau's smithy, which is too loud for her taste, a wide berth. Sneaking around the That'n'Such Yorikata searches for something edible on display she could snatch. But they are too tidy - nothing fell on the ground.

As a last resort she sneakes into the Ramblehouse. There is only small folk inside, which looks much less threatening to a fox. And here and there a bite falls of the table when the halflings have one of their regular get-togethers.

Sometimes Yorikata gets noticed due to the sheer number of people around. But as they are not hostile even if they notice her, she comes here now and then. But as soon as someone calls 'fox' she is out. Today there is nothing going on. Yorika simply moves through the shadows in the house and searches for food, with her nose on the ground.

Jubilation fills the evening air in the normally staid town of Trunau, for it is the twelfth birthday of the Chief Defender’s youngest daughter, Ruby, and the townsfolk have been preparing all day for the ceremony and festivities to follow. A throng of spectators has amassed at the town Commons; the buzz of the crowd subsides as the weathered town leader, Halgra of the Blackened Blades, takes the stage and begins to speak.

“Thank you all for joining us this night. I take immense pride in my responsibility as Chief Defender, especially when it comes to the honor of the hopeknife ceremony. It is always a great privilege to bequeath Trunauan youths their hopeknives as they come of age.” Halgra stops speaking long enough to open an ornamental case and retrieve a slender, ornately decorated dagger hanging from a silver chain. “But tonight is a special occasion, for the recipient of this hopeknife is none other than my youngest daughter.” Once again, Halgra pauses, but this time she turns to talk to the child beside her.

“Ruby, by the traditions of our town, you have come of age. This hopeknife represents your responsibilities as an adult and defender of Trunau. You must be willing to use it on yourself, your fellow Trunauans, and your family—even me, should it come to that. It will be a far quicker death than that which the orcs will offer, and providing it is your duty. Do you swear to guard Trunau from all comers, and to use your hopeknife only for its intended purpose?” Ruby—dusky skinned, black haired, and painfully shy—nods her head in response to her mother’s question.

“If the orcs come, and there is no other option, this is where you cut—here, here, and here.” Halgra demonstrates which arteries to sever while Ruby watches.

When she is finished, Halgra sheathes the hopeknife and places the necklace around Ruby’s neck before turning back to address the crowd.

“Tonight, Ruby becomes a full member of our community! Let us welcome her, and celebrate her passage into adulthood! Trunau forever!” The crowd echoes Halgra’s last words in unison, signaling the end of the ceremony.

(Unchained Rogue - Sylvan Trickster 5) Init +4, Perc +9, AC 18/14/14 (+2vs Giants), F+3/R+8/W+2(+2 vs. Charm) HP36 DD+14 - Scent

Hundreds of humans, with some halflings, half-orcs, dwarfs and others in between, on a large flat area with almost no place to hide. The horror.

But Yorikata's curiosity doesn't allow for not being there. One of the booths is placed at the fringe of the area, in a position to allow watching Halgra and her daughter on the stage. The fox takes the opportunity as the owner leaves to listen from the front row. Yorikata jumps on the booth and listens carefully to the speech.

The most important thing for an adult human, is to have a knife and know how to kill herself or a companion with it?!? That gives her the shudders.

Human Fighter 5 / AC 20 (+4 vs Reach, +4 Mobility Feat), Touch 11, Flat 18 / HP 49/40 / Init +1 / Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +4 (+1 vs Fear) / Perception +5

Balder or, the Cursed, to some walks over to the 'celebrations'. As he walks people give him a wide berth, standing over 6ft tall and the muscular man was an imposing sight. Resting on his shoulder was a weapon of impressive size, half the length of his height in fact. Half the weapon was studded metal and the other half of it was an iron handle wrapped in leather with a steel ring on the end.
Across the small of his back was a short sword of cold iron and at his side a dagger. Strapped across his back were five short throwing spears.
Clad in sturdy armour made from the tanned hides and the furs of what could possibly be a bear of some kind. Leather leggings and study boots. His skin marred with scars. Long black hair and dark eyes with a overhanging brow which hinted at there being some giant in his lineage.

He came to a stop and put his mace at his side and crossed his arms as he watched the ceremony.

"Hrmmm... irony is calling a knife by the name of hope." the large Ulfen fighter says to nobody in particular.

M Oread Kinetic Knight 4____HP 28/39

Gran't' sits off to a side of the celebrations. He holds a small stone, lines and shapes slowly beginning to take shape as he works.

Having been in town for a few days Gran't' does not draw nearly as much attention from the adults as Balder does. Especially considering he doesn't carry a weapon, and is wearing a basic travelers outfit.
The children though do seem to swarm Gran't' slightly. Constantly trying to see what he is making, and many guesses fly as they catch glimpses through his large hands.

Gran't' stands a little over 4 foot, but is very sturdily built. His legs swing below him as he sits upon a rain barrel next to one of the many houses. To describe him, one could liken him to a shattered night sky. His skin a dark granite with bright white flecks thrown across it. Where his fingers bend as he works, plates of stone slide over each other. His eyes are marked by shards of amphibole..

As the ceremony starts the children run to watch the celebration, and Gran't' continues to work. As the speech ends he stands, placing a decently made, small stone ram on the barrel upon which he was sat. Craft Stonemasonry: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16

He moves towards the crowd as a stone lifts out of the ground about 10 feet away and flies into his hand. He starts to work on his next project. Unsure yet of what this stone wishes to be.

As he nears he spots a small fox climb up onto a booth on the fringe of the crowd. He turns towards the fox, his tools grating against the stone, a bushy tail taking form. "And what is a fox doing so close to this many people?" He says as he stops a short distance behind the booth.

Two men, looking like brothers make their way to the centre of the celebration, between them they carry a heavy rope. The rope is stretched out in a long 45' line, the crowd backs up as enthusiasm builds. The elder of the two brothers makes his way over to Ruby, talking loudly so all can hear.

"This is a test of strength for the new full citizen of Trunau, Ruby please choose some members of the crowd to be on your team, Kurst myself and a few others from the Militia will be on the opposite end." The man is Rodrik Grath, a friendly smile sits upon his handsome face.

Ruby goes around the crowd looking at all the towns folk she knows. Ruby ges to Dain and Balder who are both hanging out by the drinking booth.

"You two are on my team." Ruby tells the Men, Ruby then looks at Rodrik, "How many can I pick?" She asks, Rodrik smiles deeper and shrugs his shoulders. Ruby continues moving about the crown, she finds Gran't standing beside a booth.

"You look REALLY strong, you could beat them all by yourself I bet." Ruby holds out her hand asking him to come with her.

M Oread Kinetic Knight 4____HP 28/39

Grant fumbles slightly as he quickly tucks his tools into his pockets along with his project.

He puts his hand in Ruby's. Her fingers barely closing around his index finger as he lets her lead him to the rope. "They look strong too... but you are strong aswell, I am sure we will win." he says with a smile at the girl besides him.

(Unchained Rogue - Sylvan Trickster 5) Init +4, Perc +9, AC 18/14/14 (+2vs Giants), F+3/R+8/W+2(+2 vs. Charm) HP36 DD+14 - Scent

Yorikata becomes tense as the stone man comes closer, instead of turning his attention to the stage like all others. She prepares to jump off and run away, but Ruby turns Gran't's attention away. She relaxes and follows the two with her eyes.

M Dwarf Inquisitor(Living Grimoire) 37/37,Init5,F7R2W6,AC18T13FF16

Dain listens to the proceedings with a bit of dismay. To end one's life in a dire situation is bad but perhaps understandable, but to make it almost a religion?

Dain sighs and shakes his head as he finishes sharpening his axe. After the debacle of the last patrol, he was in the dumps and hearing such dark words spoken to a child didn't help him any.

Human Fighter 5 / AC 20 (+4 vs Reach, +4 Mobility Feat), Touch 11, Flat 18 / HP 49/40 / Init +1 / Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +4 (+1 vs Fear) / Perception +5

Balder nods slowly. "As you wish lady Ruby." he answers and clicks his knuckles with some loud popping sounds as he walks over to the rope.

"Is that your fox mister?" Ruby asks Gran't

M Oread Kinetic Knight 4____HP 28/39

Gran't' smiles again "It is not. I was as curious about it being here as you seem to be."

"she is rather pretty" Ruby smiles at the fox and moves back into the centre of the crowd, as she goes throw Ruby spots an Elven woman. "You can help me too." Ruby takes her hand and practically drags the woman and Gran't with her.

(Unchained Rogue - Sylvan Trickster 5) Init +4, Perc +9, AC 18/14/14 (+2vs Giants), F+3/R+8/W+2(+2 vs. Charm) HP36 DD+14 - Scent

As Lanneth gets dragged along to the stage, looking from afar is no longer good enough anymore for Yorikata. She jumps down from the booth, taking two steps towards the stage and two steps back again, as she doesn't dare to walk through all these people. There is only one way...

(Unchained Rogue - Sylvan Trickster 5) Init +4, Perc +9, AC 18/14/14 (+2vs Giants), F+3/R+8/W+2(+2 vs. Charm) HP44 DD+14

... out from behind the booth comes a red haired woman, wearing simple clothes and a grey brown cloak. She walks towards the stage, sliding through the openings between people until they stand so dense that she can't get through without asking or pushing - which she is far too shy to.

Ruby moves to the rope with those she has selected taking up the rope behind her, giving one final look around the crowd rub spots Yorikata. Dropping the rope, Ruby runs over to the woman.

"Your hair is so pretty, my name is Ruby, I wish I had hair like yours then my name and hair would match." Ruby takes Yorikata's hand and takes her over the the rope, Ruby takes her spot at the front and nods to Rodrik.

It is your combined str check vs their 7

Ruby vs Guards: 1d20 - 1 - 1 + 3 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (12) - 1 - 1 + 3 + 4 + 2 = 19
Guards vs Ruby: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21

The guards team pulls Ruby and her Team forward 5'. Rubies face contorts in determined concentration.

"We can show smelly Rodrik that we are stronger than him." Ruby says through gritted teeth.

Ruby vs Guards: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
Guards vs Ruby: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15

Rubies team pull the guards back to the starting position.

Ruby vs Guards: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17
Guards vs Ruby: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

Ruby vs Guards: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
Guards vs Ruby: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12

Ruby vs Guards: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
Guards vs Ruby: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12

Eventually Rubies team pulls the guards over the centre line. Rodrik and the guards all come over to congratulate her and thank everyone for helping her out.

Free time to mingle

Local Lore, everyone roll a knowledge Local or Straight Intelligence check.

DC 5:

“The hopeknife is more than a weapon—it’s a symbol. To Trunauans, earning your hopeknife is a mark of your place in the community. When you earn your hopeknife, it means you are wise enough to make adult decisions, old enough to know what it means to fear, and strong enough to protect your neighbors, even if it costs you your own life.”

DC 10:

“Even though she’s the Chief Defender’s daughter, Ruby has to pledge to uphold the Standing Vow in order to receive her hopeknife, just like the rest of us. She must agree to hold Trunau against all comers and to never forfeit her homeland willingly. That is the Vow.”

DC 12:
“Rumor has it that Rodrik Grath is next in line for the position of patrol leader after his old man Jagrin retires. Jagrin’s a good commander, but he’s getting old, and it might be time for some new blood in the militia’s leadership.”

DC 15:
“Shame about the graffiti all over town. The militia’s got better things to do than clean up youngsters’ messes, but even stranger is how long it lasts. Try as one might, soap and water don’t do a thing to those marks!”

DC 18:
“Have you read Rodrik Grath’s latest work, ‘The Other Side of Contempt’? He’s our own home-grown writer. It’s a controversial poem, but that’s what makes Rodrik’s writing so strong—he’s not afraid to push limits.”

DC 22:
“Rodrik Grath is slated to replace his father as patrol leader, but from what I hear, he’s more concerned with his poems and plays than with militia matters. He’s diligent, don’t get me wrong, but I’m not quite sure either of the Grath boys is ready to lead the town’s defense.”

(Unchained Rogue - Sylvan Trickster 5) Init +4, Perc +9, AC 18/14/14 (+2vs Giants), F+3/R+8/W+2(+2 vs. Charm) HP44 DD+14

Knowledge(Local): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6

Strange customs these people have. Yorikata thinks.

As all start to talk she turns to Ruby. "Would you show me that knife you got and tell me what it means to get one? I'm not from here, but this seems to be very important to the people."

Human Fighter 5 / AC 20 (+4 vs Reach, +4 Mobility Feat), Touch 11, Flat 18 / HP 49/40 / Init +1 / Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +4 (+1 vs Fear) / Perception +5

Int check: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

Balder pats Dain and Gran't on their backs with his big meaty hands.

"Well done! Dain, reliable as always. And you, I have never met an oread before, though people around town speak highliy of your crafting skills and now I see much strength within you as well."

He says with his deep booming voice then walks over to Ruby and the red haired woman and the elf lady. "Ladies, I am Balder, thank you for this victory and celebration. Ruby, how does it feel to have your own Hopeknife finally?"

Then as each answer he turns to another engaging with them. To the red haired woman. "I have been in town a short while and have never seen fiery hair. Remarkable. And what brings you here?"

Then to the elven woman "Did not think I would see an elf here in a shabby little town. Have you been here long or are you passing through?"

M Oread Kinetic Knight 4____HP 28/39

"Strength is wasted without the will to apply it." Gran't' replies with a smile. "The stonework exercises my will, and the travelling exercises my body."

He offers a hand to Balder, having to raise it quite high to shake that of the taller man. "I have been here for a few days, but have not seen any of you..." he says, leaving the question hanging

Ruby looks at the woman with the red hair, holding her Hope Knife in both hands.

"It is to protect us from the Orcs, mom said if they come and we cannto push them back and I cannot flee to cut." She indicates the spots she was told "So they cannot hurt me anymore." Ruby looks rather proud to be holding such an item. As Balder approaches Ruby looks up at him with a big smile. "Like I am full grown now, I can go out and defend the town with this." Ruby holds up the Hope Knife to show Balder

(Unchained Rogue - Sylvan Trickster 5) Init +4, Perc +9, AC 18/14/14 (+2vs Giants), F+3/R+8/W+2(+2 vs. Charm) HP44 DD+14

Yorikata looks at Ruby with a sad look. "You are now a grown girl. And you have a hopeknife. That is good." she tells with a fake smile. "But look at Balder, with the big club, or Mr. Dwarf here with the big axe. The hopeknife is for when you lose. You have to choose a weapon you want to wield to win."

"And then you grow up and practice every day to become a proud woman like your momma." she adds, holding the girl at the shoulders. She remembers her lessons with Haltak the dwarf. He didn't approve of her weapon of choice, but his lessons improved her abilities anyway. Even though she didn't see the need for it back then.

M Dwarf Inquisitor(Living Grimoire) 37/37,Init5,F7R2W6,AC18T13FF16

Int: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

Lol I don't even

My thanks Balder, always good to help the young ones out. He turns to Ruby. As the lady here says, fight to live and make sure your clan survives. The knife is when all is lost.

M Oread Kinetic Knight 4____HP 28/39

Know Local: 1d20 ⇒ 1

Human Fighter 5 / AC 20 (+4 vs Reach, +4 Mobility Feat), Touch 11, Flat 18 / HP 49/40 / Init +1 / Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +4 (+1 vs Fear) / Perception +5

"Red here is right. But, may you never lose. The people of this town are made of strong stuff." balder says, as he looks around the celebration.

M Dwarf Inquisitor(Living Grimoire) 37/37,Init5,F7R2W6,AC18T13FF16

We don't know who we are, where we are or what we are. I am a rabbit!

Lets wait on the high int witch see how bad she rolls

Ruby looks around at all those with her and thanks you all for the good advice. "Mister what kind of weapon do you use?' Ruby asks Gran't

Healed Today:
D, W
Elf Hedge Witch 5 (HP 32/32 | AC:18 (14) | T:14 (18 vs incorporeal) | FF:16 (12) | Fort:+3 | Ref:+6 | Will:+6 | Init:+4 | Perc +10)
Spells Remaining:
1: (EPS, OM), 2: (G, VS), 3: (RoE, WW)

Local: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21
The Elven woman laughs softly as Ruby's team wins the tug of war.
I have not competed in one of those tests of strength in many years. Probably since training back before I became an a full adult myself.
She smiles down at Ruby as she says: In an area like this, that is something to be proud of.

She starts looking around like she is trying to find something...
Softly you all hear her say to herself.
Now where did she get off to? I hope she is looking to steal chickens from the Barterstone again.... She feels amused and reflective for some reason....

But she breaks off her searching as she is addressed by the barbarian.
I have been around, but not in town young man. We don't normally come into town, but the Orcs has been particularly restless lately, so it seemed a good time to move on. There's something in the air that's different from the last few years, but I'm not sure what.

When the Red haired woman responds to Ruby Lanneth adds on to what she said.
Remember Ruby, your oath, that Hopeknife is only to be used in the last resort, when you are captured and can no longer flee. For everything else find a weapon that fits you and use that. What Master Oread here uses may not be the right thing for you.

But The young woman here is correct. Any weapons you pick up needs training before you attempt to use it on an Orc.

As she starts looking around again clearly searching for something, but rather then say anything she asks another question.
Ruby, I noticed all the writing on the walls, Is this something new, it was not here last time we were in town.

"it has come over the last few days yes, no one can get it off and no one knows who is putting it up there. Omast has been scrubbing at it for days, he even taught me a new swear." Ruby giggles at that, from in the Distance you can hear her mother call for her. Ruby waves to you all then runs away to be with her mother and siblings.

M Dwarf Inquisitor(Living Grimoire) 37/37,Init5,F7R2W6,AC18T13FF16

Well shall we enjoy the festivities? We might as well get some rest before we head out on a new patrol. Eh, Balder?

(Unchained Rogue - Sylvan Trickster 5) Init +4, Perc +9, AC 18/14/14 (+2vs Giants), F+3/R+8/W+2(+2 vs. Charm) HP44 DD+14

Yorikata thanks Rodrik and the guards for a fair game, before she starts looking for a chance to get away without being noticed.

Sense Motive DC10:
She tries to avoid Lanneth's eyes.

Healed Today:
D, W
Elf Hedge Witch 5 (HP 32/32 | AC:18 (14) | T:14 (18 vs incorporeal) | FF:16 (12) | Fort:+3 | Ref:+6 | Will:+6 | Init:+4 | Perc +10)
Spells Remaining:
1: (EPS, OM), 2: (G, VS), 3: (RoE, WW)

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15

Lanneth notices the Red haired woman avoiding her but she is too occupied looking for her fox companion to think anything of it.

She glances over at the Dwarf.
Oh you are part of the militia then? Have you noticed... Oh wait where are my manners. I am Lanneth. Your names sing in my ears Daim and Balder.
Then she bows her head ever so slightly to the two men.

M Oread Kinetic Knight 4____HP 28/39

"Gran't'." Gran't' says, introducing himself. "What news do your patrols bring? And to where will you next be patrolling?"

M Dwarf Inquisitor(Living Grimoire) 37/37,Init5,F7R2W6,AC18T13FF16

Good day to you. Yes, we work with the scouts and had a rather bad run in with giants not so long ago. I don't know what we will be doing in the future right now, perhaps stay in town for the time being.

(Unchained Rogue - Sylvan Trickster 5) Init +4, Perc +9, AC 18/14/14 (+2vs Giants), F+3/R+8/W+2(+2 vs. Charm) HP44 DD+14

"I'm Yorikata." the red haired woman mutters as introductions are done and she still sees no option to get away besides fleeing. Which would draw a lot of unwanted attention.

Human Fighter 5 / AC 20 (+4 vs Reach, +4 Mobility Feat), Touch 11, Flat 18 / HP 49/40 / Init +1 / Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +4 (+1 vs Fear) / Perception +5

”My stout companion is right. Time for food and drink and rest. What was the name of that taven we were at yesterday?” Balder says scratching his head.

”We need to be in fighting shape if we’re going to find the giant that killed our friends.”

M Dwarf Inquisitor(Living Grimoire) 37/37,Init5,F7R2W6,AC18T13FF16

Oh as long as we know the location we will be fine. Some hot stew and ale will do wonders to lift our spirits. Plus we have to report back to our bosses about what happened.

Human Fighter 5 / AC 20 (+4 vs Reach, +4 Mobility Feat), Touch 11, Flat 18 / HP 49/40 / Init +1 / Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +4 (+1 vs Fear) / Perception +5

"We must crush those monsters for what they did!"

(Unchained Rogue - Sylvan Trickster 5) Init +4, Perc +9, AC 18/14/14 (+2vs Giants), F+3/R+8/W+2(+2 vs. Charm) HP44 DD+14

"Food sounds good. Back there was a booth with something I 'd like to try. Maybe we meet later again." Yorika excuses herself and leaves towards the booth.

Perception DC28:
Slight of Hand: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28
On the way to the booth, Yorika passes the barrel and grabs the the small stone ram, Gran't' made.

At the booth she waits for the owner to return.

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