DM Raltus Demon Slaying (Inactive)

Game Master Raltus

Book 2 Maps l Gear Spread sheet l Hand outs

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Aasimar Warpriest (7) - HP 93, AC 18/12/16 (Large 16/10/15), FRW 7/4/8, Ini +7, Perc. +13

"I guess this needs some cleaning." Lynn states.

Turning to the guys who were with the Iomedae look alike she asks "Are you yourself again and willing to help?" she asks.

Ratfolk Crafter 6 (HP 63)

Tink casts prestidigotation repeatedly to help clean.

The time is about 1130 PM, since you went in at night.

Aasimar Warpriest (7) - HP 93, AC 18/12/16 (Large 16/10/15), FRW 7/4/8, Ini +7, Perc. +13

Which means?

The men look at all of you bewildered.

"Where are we? How did we get here?" One of them asks while the other two tend to the man who is unconscious.

Just letting you know time and that you are still on the same day as your Flag capturing mission

Aasimar Warpriest (7) - HP 93, AC 18/12/16 (Large 16/10/15), FRW 7/4/8, Ini +7, Perc. +13

"Well, maybe we should get them back to camp and us too." Lynn reconsiders.

Ratfolk Crafter 6 (HP 63)

"Perhaps not a bad idea at all." What happened to the impostor?

She is gone, no idea what happened

"Camp? Where are we though? Who are you?" the man continues to press.

Aasimar Warpriest (7) - HP 93, AC 18/12/16 (Large 16/10/15), FRW 7/4/8, Ini +7, Perc. +13

"We have a camp outside Drezen. And we're here on behalf of Queen Galfrey. Who you are and how you got here, I have no idea though. It looked like you fell victim to an Iomedae look alike." Let's move out.

Lynn leads the group and whoever of the other guys is willing back to the camp, where she gives a report to Irabeth.

The 3 conscious men nod and pick up the 4th, they carry him out.

"We were doing a routine patrol along the Boarder of Star Keep and the world wound is the last thing I remember." One of the men says "What year is it?"

Silver Crusade

Male Aasimar - Azata Blooded Paladin (Divine Hunter) 7/Marshall 2 of Erastil and Iomedae HP:91/91, AC 22, Touch 16 flat-footed 16: CMD 24, Perception +11 w/Darkvision: Fort +11, Ref +13, Will +8 (Immune to Disease and Fear, Resist Acid, Cold and Electricity 5)

Azrael lends the men some of his healing in the way of Lay on hands and after giving the current year explains I fear you were charmed, or worse. You physically opposed us while we fought a multiple demons. At first you only stood and watched but then you joined in on the side of the demons. We were forced to use non-lethal techniques to overcome you.

Lay On Hands: 3d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 6) = 8

Lay On Hands: 3d6 ⇒ (2, 1, 4) = 7

Lay On Hands: 3d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 4) = 10

Ratfolk Crafter 6 (HP 63)

I was sitting in the room watching the look alike. Please describe what I saw.

She just disappeared, different from when you did your cutting of space and time. Almost like a teleport

"Charmed? I guess ya, we went help a group I think while out on patrol." The men move slowly carrying their companion, eventually you make it outside as their companion wakes. He looks around bewildered but stays quiet as at least he knows someone. The party slowly moves back towards the Camp, the Citadel at night in the dark is ominous, you still get the feeling that you are being watched.

Ratfolk Crafter 6 (HP 63)

Spellcraft to identify spell effect: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (8) + 22 = 30

Tink is not 100% sure but she likely teleported out.

Passing the Curtain wall the Group enters the camp after saying the passcode to the guards.

Aasimar Warpriest (7) - HP 93, AC 18/12/16 (Large 16/10/15), FRW 7/4/8, Ini +7, Perc. +13

"Here some more guys freed from Dezren. Check them, that they are fine and that no evil one hides beneath them." Lynn tells the pallies.

The Guards let you pass with the new comers. You can see that there are fire's and lights further out into the city as well, Aron and his building crew have been busy today. Lines have been dropped into the dry river bed and it appears that rock is being pulled back up to repair the Bridge. This will be a very large under taking but it will make moving supplies much easier.

It is around midnight now, what are you doing?

Silver Crusade

Male Aasimar - Azata Blooded Paladin (Divine Hunter) 7/Marshall 2 of Erastil and Iomedae HP:91/91, AC 22, Touch 16 flat-footed 16: CMD 24, Perception +11 w/Darkvision: Fort +11, Ref +13, Will +8 (Immune to Disease and Fear, Resist Acid, Cold and Electricity 5)

Axrael checks the men for evil before getting them settled in and going to check on his alchemist friend.

Ratfolk Crafter 6 (HP 63)

Tink calls Lynn aside once they are within the ring of tents. "Whoever that was back there. They are strong. And we don't know where they went. We need to protect the banner."

Aasimar Warpriest (7) - HP 93, AC 18/12/16 (Large 16/10/15), FRW 7/4/8, Ini +7, Perc. +13

"Can you hide it magically? To make it undetectable?" Lynn inquires.

Ratfolk Crafter 6 (HP 63)

"I might be able to find a way, but for now? no."

Silver Crusade

Male Aasimar - Azata Blooded Paladin (Divine Hunter) 7/Marshall 2 of Erastil and Iomedae HP:91/91, AC 22, Touch 16 flat-footed 16: CMD 24, Perception +11 w/Darkvision: Fort +11, Ref +13, Will +8 (Immune to Disease and Fear, Resist Acid, Cold and Electricity 5)

Its safest with us. Azrael points out.

Are you in the command tent or just outside?

Ratfolk Crafter 6 (HP 63)

My intention was to pull her one side between the tents. Nowhere near the command tent.

Aasimar Warpriest (7) - HP 93, AC 18/12/16 (Large 16/10/15), FRW 7/4/8, Ini +7, Perc. +13

"I guess we need to tell Irabeth what we found. There are more and more creatures who know who we are and that we're here to end their reign over Drezen." Lynn tells.

"They will continuously come until we have secured the city. Out here we are vulnerable and without solid defenses." Irabeth says walking up with Aniva who looks very tired.

"I got report that you were back. What did you find out?"

Ratfolk Crafter 6 (HP 63)

"That we are going to need to be very careful. Now if you don't mind we were trying to have a conversation." Tink says before leading Lynn away from Irabeth and Aniva. Once he deems them to be far enough away again he stops and says to Lynn "The fake left by some form of teleportation effect. I do not know where it went. If that creature can imitate a god it can surely imitate anyone in the camp. I don't have any means to detect such trickery either. I think we should be careful."

Aasimar Warpriest (7) - HP 93, AC 18/12/16 (Large 16/10/15), FRW 7/4/8, Ini +7, Perc. +13

"Let's go to bed and tomorrow we go back into town and take it for the glory of whatever good god you follow." Lynn replies in a slightly annoyed tone. "I can use the banner as security blanket until then."

Well the benefit to an army of Paladin's is that you can hvae them detecting Evil all day long

Irabeth gives you a funny look as you move away but turns with Aniva and heads back to their tent. Tink and Lynn find a spot that they can talk but it takes a bit of time as the camp is packed tightly to prevent anyone from coming in unexpectedly.

Who was Lynn annoyed with?

Aasimar Warpriest (7) - HP 93, AC 18/12/16 (Large 16/10/15), FRW 7/4/8, Ini +7, Perc. +13

With this situation where the enemies can dance on our noses and lie to our faces with no chance to detect it in game. I'll soon start stabbing everyone who looks suspicious. I'll check in my God's of Golarion what deity supports that if that means I have to switch.

Two guards pass by just out of Ear shot heading towards the command tent.


Going to his own tent Azrael finds his ward in there tinkering with some liquids.

"Hello master Azrael, did you find whatever it is you're looking for inside the Citadel? I am working on the Glue that Master Tink had asked about."

Balthazar is escorted to a tent and 2 guards placed there, the party has vouched for him but Irabeth still holds hims under some suspicion on how he got here.

Lynn eyes the passing guards with suspicion

Aasimar Warpriest (7) - HP 93, AC 18/12/16 (Large 16/10/15), FRW 7/4/8, Ini +7, Perc. +13

Once everything is clarified with Tink, Lynn moves over to the command tent to fill Irabeth in on what happened in the citadel and tell her to be careful that the camp doesn't get infiltrated.

After discussing precautions with the commanding officers and the special forces she goes to sleep.

Minimum precautions are all from the group in one tent with the banner and pallies around the tent for guarding.
Can we have a new day please?

Perception DC 25:

A tearing sound is coming from your tent

Aasimar Warpriest (7) - HP 93, AC 18/12/16 (Large 16/10/15), FRW 7/4/8, Ini +7, Perc. +13

Perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (10) + 13 = 23

Ratfolk Crafter 6 (HP 63)

Perc Tink: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22
Perception checks for the paladins guarding the tent?

M Bowerbird Valet Familiar 5(HP 23)

Perc Blue: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (3) + 12 = 15

M Bowerbird Valet Familiar 5(HP 23)

Perc Blue: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (16) + 12 = 28
Blue stirs on his perch on a cross beam in the ceiling of the tent.
Upon realizing what he heard he starts to make a ruckus "Intruder! Tear the tent! Thief! GUARDS GUARDS!"

The tear goes all the way down the tent back, as a slight breeze blows it open nothing can be seen. Two men from the front step peek inside.

Aasimar Warpriest (7) - HP 93, AC 18/12/16 (Large 16/10/15), FRW 7/4/8, Ini +7, Perc. +13

With all the noise and the sudden cold inside Lynn wakes. As she sits up she puts a hand on the weapon and asks "What's going on?"

Ratfolk Crafter 6 (HP 63)

"Check the banner." Tink says as he wakes from his stupor with a start. What time of night is it. How much rest have we had?

it is about 336 am, so around 3-4 hours.

"You have taken something that is not yours." A voice says from inside the tent. "I will be taking it back along with you both as my thralls."

Percetion DC 28:

THere is a fine mist in the room

Ratfolk Crafter 6 (HP 63)

"Good Luck." Tink says as he stands and casts a spell.
His disembodied voice then commands, "Raise the alarm Blue!"
Would you or I have had the banner Lynn? Because if I had it, it is now invisible with me.

Aasimar Warpriest (7) - HP 93, AC 18/12/16 (Large 16/10/15), FRW 7/4/8, Ini +7, Perc. +13

Lynn casts protection from evil communal. And jumps up. "Hey, our Iomedae wannabe is back."

"Paladins, detect evil if you can pinpoint that imposter!"´she commands.
Perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (12) + 13 = 25

One of the guards falls into the tent, two holes in the next the other does the same a second later with the same two holes.

"Ohh my sweet children, you will not be allowed to hide that easily." The voice says.

Lynn said she was sleeping with it, Also Lynn is the only one protected since you have to touch others to give them the benefit. You could send Blue to the Tent of your party since he would know where they are but it is dark out

A figure materializes in Front of Lynn as she end's her spell, a vicious dagger Plunges towards her unarmored Body. A wickedly fanged orc stands over Lynn.

AoO: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (8) + 12 = 201d8 + 2d6 ⇒ (4) + (3, 2) = 9
1d6 ⇒ 5

The Orc then stabs again

Dagger: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (17) + 12 = 291d8 + 2d6 ⇒ (3) + (1, 3) = 7
1d6 ⇒ 2


Tink Initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13
Balthazar Initiative: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
Lynn initiative: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
SteelGate Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
Initiative Azrael: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25

Voice: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12

Tent Fight - Round 1
Balthazar <---
Tink, SteelGatek Azrael

Aasimar Warpriest (7) - HP 93, AC 18/12/16 (Large 16/10/15), FRW 7/4/8, Ini +7, Perc. +13
Lynn Warhaven wrote:

After discussing precautions with the commanding officers and the special forces she goes to sleep.

Minimum precautions are all from the group in one tent with the banner and pallies around the tent for guarding.
Can we have a new day please?

They are all Lying next to me.

Aasimar Warpriest (7) - HP 93, AC 18/12/16 (Large 16/10/15), FRW 7/4/8, Ini +7, Perc. +13

"Ok, screw it." Lynn mumbles. "We are under attack wake the whole camp. Demon intruders!" she shouts at the top of her lungs.

Balthazar wakes from his tent next door, he jumps up quickly and rushes out of his tent

Lynn can go, Sorry

Aasimar Warpriest (7) - HP 93, AC 18/12/16 (Large 16/10/15), FRW 7/4/8, Ini +7, Perc. +13

Lynn steps away from the orc and stabs at him.
Stab: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (17) + 12 = 291d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 302d10 + 28 ⇒ (4, 6) + 28 = 38

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