GM Raltus' Demon Hunting
Game Master
Book 2 Maps l Loot Lists l Hand Outs
Female Demon-born Tiefling [ HP: 42/42 | AC: 17 (13 TAC, 16 FFAC) | CMB: +8, CMD: 19 | Fort: +5, Ref: +4, Will: +6 | Init: +1 | Perception +7, darkvision 60ft ] Oracle 6 / Hiero 1 [ Speed 30 ft | Spells: 1st 5/7 2nd 6/6 3rd 4/4 | Mythic Power 5/5 | +1 CI Longspear +9/1d8+7 P; Claws +8/1d4+4 B and S | Active conditions: ghoul fever ]
Did I find anything from a casual search of the bodies? (perception 11)
Male Human Bonded Wizard 1 (HP:11/15) (AC: 12)
Turns out copying spells is also expensive. I'm just gonna have to hold onto this until I have more than 30 gold.
Female Demon-born Tiefling [ HP: 42/42 | AC: 17 (13 TAC, 16 FFAC) | CMB: +8, CMD: 19 | Fort: +5, Ref: +4, Will: +6 | Init: +1 | Perception +7, darkvision 60ft ] Oracle 6 / Hiero 1 [ Speed 30 ft | Spells: 1st 5/7 2nd 6/6 3rd 4/4 | Mythic Power 5/5 | +1 CI Longspear +9/1d8+7 P; Claws +8/1d4+4 B and S | Active conditions: ghoul fever ]
Yeah, let's definitely rest here.
Female Demon-born Tiefling [ HP: 42/42 | AC: 17 (13 TAC, 16 FFAC) | CMB: +8, CMD: 19 | Fort: +5, Ref: +4, Will: +6 | Init: +1 | Perception +7, darkvision 60ft ] Oracle 6 / Hiero 1 [ Speed 30 ft | Spells: 1st 5/7 2nd 6/6 3rd 4/4 | Mythic Power 5/5 | +1 CI Longspear +9/1d8+7 P; Claws +8/1d4+4 B and S | Active conditions: ghoul fever ]
Are we still on the stairs as shown on the map doc, or did we follow Khaz to the door? I'd assume the latter, since we rolled stealth and everything.
I assume we've all moved - I don't think there's a map for this bit though so we may be winging it a little!
I have a map up, you would have followed if you said you did
Female Demon-born Tiefling [ HP: 42/42 | AC: 17 (13 TAC, 16 FFAC) | CMB: +8, CMD: 19 | Fort: +5, Ref: +4, Will: +6 | Init: +1 | Perception +7, darkvision 60ft ] Oracle 6 / Hiero 1 [ Speed 30 ft | Spells: 1st 5/7 2nd 6/6 3rd 4/4 | Mythic Power 5/5 | +1 CI Longspear +9/1d8+7 P; Claws +8/1d4+4 B and S | Active conditions: ghoul fever ]
I mean, you said that we were all waiting at the door that Khaz opened.
What is that multicolored rainbow thingy in the hallway? And are you sure that every "tile" is 5 feet? because that would mean the doors in the hallway are 10-15 ft wide and that there's a book on a table which is about 5 ft high and 10 ft wide when open.
They may not be but we can work around it since this shouldn't be too long, everyone can move up to be with Khaz I wasn't saying you couldn't
Female Demon-born Tiefling [ HP: 42/42 | AC: 17 (13 TAC, 16 FFAC) | CMB: +8, CMD: 19 | Fort: +5, Ref: +4, Will: +6 | Init: +1 | Perception +7, darkvision 60ft ] Oracle 6 / Hiero 1 [ Speed 30 ft | Spells: 1st 5/7 2nd 6/6 3rd 4/4 | Mythic Power 5/5 | +1 CI Longspear +9/1d8+7 P; Claws +8/1d4+4 B and S | Active conditions: ghoul fever ]
Alrighty then. Sorry if I came off as hostile, I didn't mean it that way. I'm just kind of confused by the map.
Warpriest (6) Guardian (1) Wounds (6) HP (94) AC (22/11/21) Saves (9/4/9, +2 vs death/energy drain/neg energy/necromancy) SR(13) Initiative (+2) CMD (23) Negative Energy (5) Mythic (4/5) Fervor (1/9) Blessings (5/6) Lvl 1 (1/5) Lvl 2 (0/4) Smite (1/1)
So, Khaz has Spell Resistance of 10 + 1/2 his Hit Dice. Pretty cool, right?
Found that a human can blow that out of the water at lvl1!
Bonus Feat: Racial Heritage Derro (example: ancestor, or even the character, survived Derro experiments)
Lvl 1 Feat: Derro Magister
Quote: Prerequisites: Cha 20, derro.
Benefit: A derro magister’s spell resistance equals the derro’s Hit Dice +10. Heal is always a class skill for a derro magister, and it gains a +4 racial bonus on all Heal checks.
A derro with this feat treats its caster level for all spell-like abilities as equal to his Hit Dice. In addition, as soon as a derro with this feat achieves a total of 6 Hit Dice by gaining enough levels in any combination of classes, it gains the use of additional spell-like abilities as detailed below.
At will—levitate
1/day—deeper slumber, modify memory
Pretty crazy, right? The only way to get better Spell Resistance, that I know of, is Drow’s Noble Spell Resistance (11+Level). Which requires lvl13, and 3 other (admittedly very good) feats.
Anyways, just sharing. :)
That is if the DM allows it, it is like the feat Fey Foundling I wouldn't allow that for non-fey PCs, it is just a power gamers way to do things and makes no sense. I would also maybe allow it if you played a druid
DM Raltus wrote: That is if the DM allows it, it is like the feat Fey Foundling I wouldn't allow that for non-fey PCs, it is just a power gamers way to do things and makes no sense. I would also maybe allow it if you played a druid My other WotR character has it, but she's a gathlain. I've used Fey Foundling her human incarnation too, but I took Fey Taken as my drawback and wrote the characters entire backstory around the idea so it fitted. :)
That combination into Derro Magister is ridiculous though.
Warpriest (6) Guardian (1) Wounds (6) HP (94) AC (22/11/21) Saves (9/4/9, +2 vs death/energy drain/neg energy/necromancy) SR(13) Initiative (+2) CMD (23) Negative Energy (5) Mythic (4/5) Fervor (1/9) Blessings (5/6) Lvl 1 (1/5) Lvl 2 (0/4) Smite (1/1)
Yeah...true. I’d argue that it could work for a dark tapestry Oracle, playing up the madness aspect.
And for fey foundling, I agree, it really does need a good background to go with it. I could see it being thematically appropriate for fey bloodline or verdant bloodline bloodragers.
I’m also of the opinion that fey foundling should come with the drawback fey-taken.
Quote: As a child, you were whisked away by mischievous fey for a time. When you returned, you were ever after considered odd and distant. You long to return there, and find the mortal world dull and at times revolting, so you do not eat as you should and do not question strange visions.
Effect: You take a –2 penalty on saving throws against disease, illusions, and poison of all kinds, as well as against the spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities of fey.
It’s a pretty serious drawback, but it’s well overshadowed by the power of the feat.
That is a pretty huge Draw back and would lead to some pretty awesome RP.
Female Demon-born Tiefling [ HP: 42/42 | AC: 17 (13 TAC, 16 FFAC) | CMB: +8, CMD: 19 | Fort: +5, Ref: +4, Will: +6 | Init: +1 | Perception +7, darkvision 60ft ] Oracle 6 / Hiero 1 [ Speed 30 ft | Spells: 1st 5/7 2nd 6/6 3rd 4/4 | Mythic Power 5/5 | +1 CI Longspear +9/1d8+7 P; Claws +8/1d4+4 B and S | Active conditions: ghoul fever ]
Regarding my damage modifier: +4 is correct. I accidentally applied the 1.5x for 2-handed weapons twice.
Warpriest (6) Guardian (1) Wounds (6) HP (94) AC (22/11/21) Saves (9/4/9, +2 vs death/energy drain/neg energy/necromancy) SR(13) Initiative (+2) CMD (23) Negative Energy (5) Mythic (4/5) Fervor (1/9) Blessings (5/6) Lvl 1 (1/5) Lvl 2 (0/4) Smite (1/1)
If the tiefling woman has partial cover against my attacks (+2 AC), then logically speaking, wouldn't I have partial cover against her attacks too? Because if that is the case, she rolled an 18 to hit me and I have AC18. So partial cover would have made her attack miss me just as it made my attack miss her.
She only has partial cover vs Firinn and Lorena because of where the table is in respect to the angle they are attacking through, you moved right up in her grill, no cover there.
Warpriest (6) Guardian (1) Wounds (6) HP (94) AC (22/11/21) Saves (9/4/9, +2 vs death/energy drain/neg energy/necromancy) SR(13) Initiative (+2) CMD (23) Negative Energy (5) Mythic (4/5) Fervor (1/9) Blessings (5/6) Lvl 1 (1/5) Lvl 2 (0/4) Smite (1/1)
Ah, I see. My mistake. Carry on then!
Female Demon-born Tiefling [ HP: 42/42 | AC: 17 (13 TAC, 16 FFAC) | CMB: +8, CMD: 19 | Fort: +5, Ref: +4, Will: +6 | Init: +1 | Perception +7, darkvision 60ft ] Oracle 6 / Hiero 1 [ Speed 30 ft | Spells: 1st 5/7 2nd 6/6 3rd 4/4 | Mythic Power 5/5 | +1 CI Longspear +9/1d8+7 P; Claws +8/1d4+4 B and S | Active conditions: ghoul fever ]
so this woman has 18+ AC...yikes
Male Human Bonded Wizard 1 (HP:11/15) (AC: 12)
Why are you waiting on me? Your last post said "everyone but Carson."
Good day,
Since Terry had a Family emergency and had to leave this brings us to a point of do we want to look for a 5th PC who has to have lock picking?
Warpriest (6) Guardian (1) Wounds (6) HP (94) AC (22/11/21) Saves (9/4/9, +2 vs death/energy drain/neg energy/necromancy) SR(13) Initiative (+2) CMD (23) Negative Energy (5) Mythic (4/5) Fervor (1/9) Blessings (5/6) Lvl 1 (1/5) Lvl 2 (0/4) Smite (1/1)
It’s a good point in the story to do so. Though if this is the case I’d prefer to invite someone known to either the GM or a player rather than do a recruitment. Better chance of said player sticking around and it’s faster.
That is fine with me, does anyone know someone who would like to join, they have to have disable device though, doesn't HAVE to be a rogue.
Warpriest (6) Guardian (1) Wounds (6) HP (94) AC (22/11/21) Saves (9/4/9, +2 vs death/energy drain/neg energy/necromancy) SR(13) Initiative (+2) CMD (23) Negative Energy (5) Mythic (4/5) Fervor (1/9) Blessings (5/6) Lvl 1 (1/5) Lvl 2 (0/4) Smite (1/1)
I’ll give it some thought. For available classes, off the top of my head:
Seeker Sorcerer
Seeker Oracle
Trapper Ranger
Urban Ranger
VMC Rogue
Quite a few options that have trapfinding
Female Demon-born Tiefling [ HP: 42/42 | AC: 17 (13 TAC, 16 FFAC) | CMB: +8, CMD: 19 | Fort: +5, Ref: +4, Will: +6 | Init: +1 | Perception +7, darkvision 60ft ] Oracle 6 / Hiero 1 [ Speed 30 ft | Spells: 1st 5/7 2nd 6/6 3rd 4/4 | Mythic Power 5/5 | +1 CI Longspear +9/1d8+7 P; Claws +8/1d4+4 B and S | Active conditions: ghoul fever ]
Are there NPCs who can fill in temporarily? I figure Horgus is useless but Anevia(?) is still around, right? Did she ever say what she can do?
Aniva is around yes and a rogue, you can ask her.
As I said, I'm happy to dip into rogue (probably via VMC or a single level dip) so we don't need to recruit unless people really want to.
I know a fair few people on the forum so I can probably find someone if we want to.
Regarding rogue - Weapon Finesse, trapfinding and d6 sneak are pretty good for a one level dip. I could even take a full four levels for the various goodness and keep Rionnag on level with Boon Companion. Would hit my casting a bit, but that's always likely to be utility/out of combat anyway so I'm not too worried about it.
Warpriest (6) Guardian (1) Wounds (6) HP (94) AC (22/11/21) Saves (9/4/9, +2 vs death/energy drain/neg energy/necromancy) SR(13) Initiative (+2) CMD (23) Negative Energy (5) Mythic (4/5) Fervor (1/9) Blessings (5/6) Lvl 1 (1/5) Lvl 2 (0/4) Smite (1/1)
Please do out the invitations, unless you want to dip.
Either way, lets get on with purging this city, one ruined building at a time :)
Frankly I'm fine with the dip so if anyone else has strong feelings say so, otherwise I'll whistle my way into a multiclass :)
Leather armor x 2
short swords x 2
cure light wounds x 2
50 gp total
Potion of cure moderate wounds, potion
of invisibility, wand of spiritual weapon (8 charges),
alchemist’s fire (2), tanglefoot bag; Other Gear chain shirt,
mwk glaive, antitoxin, bejeweled book of prayers devoted
to Baphomet worth 50 gp, lockbox key, orders from Staunton Vhane, 32 gp
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Khaz I love the RP, I had to work the sword into the game since it is a big part of the story. You should have got it underground but this was the best place I could put it in.
Now Khaz you don't use the mace that is your Deity's favored weapon, the Issue with this sword is that if it is in the hands of a different Paladin it will "morph" into the favoured weapon of your Deity.
Warpriest (6) Guardian (1) Wounds (6) HP (94) AC (22/11/21) Saves (9/4/9, +2 vs death/energy drain/neg energy/necromancy) SR(13) Initiative (+2) CMD (23) Negative Energy (5) Mythic (4/5) Fervor (1/9) Blessings (5/6) Lvl 1 (1/5) Lvl 2 (0/4) Smite (1/1)
Had no idea about the sword when we started. Definitely rewards players for picking a deity with a good favored weapon.
But Bolka is his favored deity. A heavy mace isn’t ideal (weapon will go from 19-20 crit down to just 20). I’ll make it work. The RP beats the mechanics any day.
He’d wield it with pride.
Ok, You Don't have too but it would make sense.
Warpriest (6) Guardian (1) Wounds (6) HP (94) AC (22/11/21) Saves (9/4/9, +2 vs death/energy drain/neg energy/necromancy) SR(13) Initiative (+2) CMD (23) Negative Energy (5) Mythic (4/5) Fervor (1/9) Blessings (5/6) Lvl 1 (1/5) Lvl 2 (0/4) Smite (1/1)
I appreciate that.’s a downgrade for weapon type. If he got to pick his weapon he could customize it’s enchantments. He’d likely end up with an earthbreaker (two handed hammer) that is 2d6 x3 crit. Much better than 1d8 x2 crit.
But! This weapon is free. I believe that it scales as the adventure goes on? It will let Khaz spend money on other items instead. That alone is a huge boon.
From where I stand, Khaz is lucky to get this item as it is. And, realistically speaking, one doesn’t always get to optimize. He’s just really lucky that his goddess’ favored weapon isn’t a spork.
It becomes a holy avenger near the end of the adventure
Warpriest (6) Guardian (1) Wounds (6) HP (94) AC (22/11/21) Saves (9/4/9, +2 vs death/energy drain/neg energy/necromancy) SR(13) Initiative (+2) CMD (23) Negative Energy (5) Mythic (4/5) Fervor (1/9) Blessings (5/6) Lvl 1 (1/5) Lvl 2 (0/4) Smite (1/1)
Well then...damn.
Hard to complain about anything then!
Hey Everyone, I'm away for the next twelve days in Florida - going to Disney World for the first time!
I won't be able to check my games while I'm away so I'm on pause until the 10th (or possibly the 11th if I'm too jet-lagged!).
Please feel free to bot me as the situation requires! :)
Warpriest (6) Guardian (1) Wounds (6) HP (94) AC (22/11/21) Saves (9/4/9, +2 vs death/energy drain/neg energy/necromancy) SR(13) Initiative (+2) CMD (23) Negative Energy (5) Mythic (4/5) Fervor (1/9) Blessings (5/6) Lvl 1 (1/5) Lvl 2 (0/4) Smite (1/1)
An idea: let the mob surround me and then color spray them?
I have no clue how to deal with invisibility though..
Female Demon-born Tiefling [ HP: 42/42 | AC: 17 (13 TAC, 16 FFAC) | CMB: +8, CMD: 19 | Fort: +5, Ref: +4, Will: +6 | Init: +1 | Perception +7, darkvision 60ft ] Oracle 6 / Hiero 1 [ Speed 30 ft | Spells: 1st 5/7 2nd 6/6 3rd 4/4 | Mythic Power 5/5 | +1 CI Longspear +9/1d8+7 P; Claws +8/1d4+4 B and S | Active conditions: ghoul fever ]
Do we have a map for this encounter? Just wondering.
Anyways, I don't have anything for invisibility. Took a quick look through everyone and I don't think anyone else does either.
No map, basically it is a raised "stage" that is on a few carts and wagons pushed together, think 10' square but soild
Hey Everyone, I'm back :)
Sadly none of my magic will help with this - I need to pick up Entangle!
Everything is ok? Now we are missing Carson
Male Human Bonded Wizard 1 (HP:11/15) (AC: 12)
Sorry, I've been getting moved in and settled back at college.
No Worries, Just wanted to make sure everything was ok.
Warpriest (6) Guardian (1) Wounds (6) HP (94) AC (22/11/21) Saves (9/4/9, +2 vs death/energy drain/neg energy/necromancy) SR(13) Initiative (+2) CMD (23) Negative Energy (5) Mythic (4/5) Fervor (1/9) Blessings (5/6) Lvl 1 (1/5) Lvl 2 (0/4) Smite (1/1)
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I will get a post up tonight sorry folks, Forums issues and then RL issues when they were up
Warpriest (6) Guardian (1) Wounds (6) HP (94) AC (22/11/21) Saves (9/4/9, +2 vs death/energy drain/neg energy/necromancy) SR(13) Initiative (+2) CMD (23) Negative Energy (5) Mythic (4/5) Fervor (1/9) Blessings (5/6) Lvl 1 (1/5) Lvl 2 (0/4) Smite (1/1)