DM Papa.DRB |

Q1) - Magic items such as Core Rule Book scrolls & wands. These are out I assume, since the spells themselves are gone?Q2) - Are one allowed to start with Ritual scrolls (as described in the
Ritual chapter of SoP.)? Paying the listed price of course.Q3) - Are we allowed to apply with more then one character? I think there is a nice potential in a telekinetic warrior type and it would let you choose from a wider pool of test subjects .P
1) Correct, no scrolls and wands from the CRB.
2) Yes.
3) No, only 1 character per person please.
@TheAlicornSage - Yes, racial spells as normal, ie. from the CRB (for now).
-- david

SilvercatMoonpaw |
1) Correct, no scrolls and wands from the CRB.
Shahrzad isn't her real name. She gave that up after leaving her family so they couldn't track her and as a show of defiance. Her family are known for their subtle magic, to the point at which their family motto is "The best kind of magic is the kind you don't use". But Shahrzad just wasn't subtle, so she fled west, seeking out stories of the "lands of freedom" in Avistan and Garund.
Female human (Keleshite) Incanter 5 (Cha-based)
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +3 (+3); Senses Perception -1
AC 15 (+3 Dex +1 natural [magic] +1 armor [magic]), touch 13, flat-footed 12
hp 5d6 + 5 Con = 35 hp
Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +4
Defensive Abilities
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +2 (+2 BAB +0 Str)
----Unarmed +2 (1d3 non-lethal; 20/x2; B)
Ranged +5 (+2 BAB +3 Dex)
----Destructive Blast +5 touch (3d6 lethal; 20/x2; B; bypass DR/magic)
----Air Blast +5 touch (3d6 non-lethal; 20/x2; B; bypass DR/magic, free Bull Rush [CMB = +8])
----Crystal Blast +5 touch (3d4 lethal; 20/x2; P; bypass DR/magic, Reflex 15 or entangle, square counts as difficult terrain)
----Electric Blast +5 touch (3d6 electrical; 20/x2; B; bypass DR/magic, metal -3 AC/saves vs)
----Force Blast +5 touch (3d6 force; 20/x2; B; bypass DR/magic, Reflex 15 or prone)
----Frost Blast +5 touch (3d6 cold; 20/x2; B; bypass DR/magic, Reflex 15 or staggered [1 rd])
----Stone Blast +5 touch (3d6 lethal; 20/x2; S/P/B; bypass DR/magic, does not count as magic)
----Thunder Blast +5 touch (3d6 sonic; 20/x2; B; bypass DR/magic, Fort 15 or deafened [2d4 rd])
Special Attacks
Str 10 (+0), Dex 16 (+3), Con 12 (+1), Int 11, Wis 8 (-1), Cha 16 (+3)
Base Atk +2; CMB +2; CMD 15 (+2 BAB +3 Dex)
Feats Extra Magical Talent (Nature Sphere [Earth]), Extra Magical Talent (Forge Earth), Extra Magical Talent (Whirlwind); class bonus: Extra Magical Talent (Crafted Blast), Extra Magical Talent (Explosive Orb [15 ft radius]), Extra Magical Talent (Sculpt Blast); human bonus: Extra Magical Talent (Extended Range [Medium])
Skills ranks/level: 2 class + 1 human = 15 total; Intimidate 5 (+8); Linguistics 1 (+1); Knowledge (Arcane) 4 (+4); Use Magic Device 5 (+8)
Languages Keleshite (native); Taldane (skill)
Other Gear: amulet of natural armor +1 (1,000 g); cloak of resistance +1 (1,000 g/1 lb); bracers of armor +1 (1,000 g/1 lb); 7,500 g
Carrying Capacity: 2/33 lb / 34-66 / 67-100
Special Abilities
Class Bonus Feats: Bonus Feat x3 (Extra Magical Talent)
Class Magical Talents: Destruction Sphere, Air Blast, Crystal Blast, Electric Blast, Force Blast, Frost Blast, Stone Blast, Thunder Blast

DM Papa.DRB |

So far, these are the submissions that I see. If others are present or I have the basics wrong please let me know.
Distant Scholar – Davak – Thaumaturge – GMT
SilvercatMoonpaw – Shahrzad – Incanter – GMT
Whack-a-Rogue – Gow-Wabber – Fey Adept – GMT
KatsuneSage – Hailina – Soul Weaver – GMT
GM Runescarred Dragon – Egon Gregers – Mageknight – GMT
Lessah (Mysterious Character) – Alexis Trikanow – Thaumaturge 1/Incanter 4 – GMT-8/+1
-- david

DM Papa.DRB |

Distant Scholar – Davak – Thaumaturge – GMT -6 (bit of Warrior)
SilvercatMoonpaw – Shahrzad – Incanter – GMT
Whack-a-Rogue – Gow-Wabber – Fey Adept – GMT -5 (bit of Skill)
Lessah (Mysterious Character) – Alexis Trikanow – Thaumaturge 1/Incanter 4 – GMT-8/+1 (bit of Warrior)
KatsuneSage – Hailina – Soul Weaver – GMT -5
GM Runescarred Dragon – Egon Gregers – Mageknight – GMT
-- david
Re: GMT - Just a data point for my process.

Mysterious Character |

Maybe tags along the lines of 'Crowd Control' & 'Blaster/Magical Damage' would be helpful, seeing as there are many 'Arcane' but they seem to be split along those lines : )?
(Alexis would be 'Crowd Control' then)
Also - Question!
I was thinking of getting some Binding scrolls (Advanced Conjuration Talent, basically Magic Circle).
The Scroll rules are a bit vague on how one costs a scroll containing an Advanced talent that doesn't directly interact with the base power of a sphere - if those are even possible to have.
The formula for adding an advanced power to a scroll is +2 complexity (+1 per spell point spent), so a scroll with *just* an advanced talent would be complexity 3 (1 base + 2) and +1 per spell point expended by the advanced talent?
Mayhaps it would be better to simply treat it as an 3rd level ritual for pricing/use (as the corresponding Core spell level)?
Or ... maybe such specific gear questions should wait until after any potential selection?

Stalchild |

Ok, like Lessah, I've got this profile for temporary character applications (this is Stalchild)
I had it finished, then lost it to a time-out, so I need to re-fill the data. Short term synopsis: Elven Symbiat named Ken'ariel, built to focus on Mind, with some telekinesis. Applying for the 'skill' position, though I feel the term is a little vague- he's got the core 'rogue' skills (although some are not class skills- the only way to get Dis. Device on your list is as a Charlatan Hedgewitch), and works out a lot like a bard.
I'm going to re-type the info tonight or tomorrow, but I figured I'd at least confirm interest.

TheAlicornSage |

I'm nearly finished, just need skills and equipment. and then to post it (a slow process on my phone.).
Silva is her name. She rides a summoned mount with a fair bit of maneuveribility. She blasts enemies with spell and arrow though is best in a scout and ranged position. She has conjuration, creation, and destruction spheres. Mageknight 2 / Elementalist 3.

DM Papa.DRB |

Folks, Putting this in Bold & Bigger. In the first post I said this PbP would only last two - three months and it was really a test of the SoP mechanics. Backstories are not needed; Buying all equipment is not needed, just the major items; No need to put a lot of time into the "fluff". When this short module is over, the PbP ends and I MAY run a full AP after this.
Just trying to set expectations. And IF I do run a full blown AP after this one, the characters will start at level 1, so these characters really are test characters.
-- david

SilvercatMoonpaw |
I read that, hence why my backstory is as short as it is (I wish all games would accept ones that short). I just like having a little for personal use.
In terms of "items" it's just that I don't know what the "major" ones would be: I've never been in a D&D or Pathfinder game that got high enough for it to matter.

DM Papa.DRB |

Major, in relation to character level, so in this instance would be any magical items, armor, weapons, masterwork stuff. I don't care about haversacks, general goods, etc.
So, if you want a short backstory, good. It is just not a requirement and with the short length of this particular PbP test, I do not want folks to spend a ton of time of something that is only going to be around for a bit.

![]() |

Hi there!
I'm quite interested in Spheres of Power myself and have done lots of theory crafting Spheres Characters so would love to play!
I've made characters from 1-20 for half the classes in the book using only SoP and Core book options so these rules are right up my alley.
From what you've got already it looks like you're most in need of a skills character which I've found is harder to put together using Spheres only classes. (Sphere Archetyped Core Book clases are another matter.)
Only the Hedgewitch has 6+ skills per level but all of the Spheres classes suffer a bit from lack of class skills. Thus I think the best way to make a Skills based character is Multi-classing.
So I submit Lanaral (or Lan for short) for the Skills category though he could probably count under divine as well. A 2nd healer is never a bad thing and he's certainly not as specialized in healing as Hailina. I didn't know how you were doing HP so i just went with the PFS standard. If you want the breakdown for any particular numbers just ask.
Lanaral is a bit different from most Forlorn Elves. While most Forlorn Elves feel disconnected from a society where they outlive everyone Lanaral has always naturally understood the cycles of life and death. he enjoys the time he has with people and always looks forward to something new. More than anything, he enjoys Song and has learned to even sing the music of the spheres themselves. His magic focuses on Sound, Life, Luck and letting him see things differently.
Male Elf Hedgewitch (Triple Goddess) 3 / Elementalist 1 / Incanter 1
(all Cha-Based)
NG Medium humanoid (Elf)
Init +3; Senses: Perception +11, Low-Light Vision
Speed 40 Ft. (8 Squares)
+1 Rapier, 1d6+2 (18-20/x2)
Masterwork Composite (+1) Shortbow, 1d6+1 (x3)
Thunder Blast +5, 2d6 (4d6 with SP)
AC 21 (18 FF, 14 Touch)
HP: 32
F: +5, R: +7, W: +9
(+2 vs Enchantments, +2 vs magical effects, Evasion)
Str 12, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 14
BaB: +2, CMB: +3, CMD 17
Weapon Finesse, Skill Focus (Perform), Extra Secret (Evasion)
Acrobatics +7, Appraise +6, Bluff +13, Climb +5, Diplomacy +6, Disable Device +12, Escape Artist +7, Heal +5, All Knowledges +6, Linguistics +6, Perception +11 (+12 vs traps), Perform: Sing, +13, Sense Motive +13, Sleight of Hand +7, Spellcraft +6, Stealth +7, Survival +5, Swim +5, Use Magic Device +6
Languages: Common (Taldane), Elf, Kelish, Osiriani, Varisian
Racial: Low-Light Vision, Elven Immunities, Elven Magic, Keen Senses, Weapon Familiarity
From Hedgewitch:
Charlantism Tradition: VersatilePerformance: Sing (Bluff, Sense Motive), Guile Pool (4 Points) (+2 to skill checks or +2d6 Sneak Attack), Secrets (Evasion, Trapfinding)
Triple Goddess Gives 2 Free Spheres
Weave Energy Gives Destruction for free
From Incanter:
Sphere Specialization: Fate
Fated Protection +2 Prescience 5/day
Luck Domain: Bit of Luck 5/day
Travel Domain: +10 Base Speed, Agile Feet 5/day
Casting Tradition: Song-Wielder plus Sphere Specific Drawbacks
Destruction (Thunder Blast, Sculpt Blast)
Drawbacks: Energy Focus
Divination (Blindfolded Oracle, Ghost Sight, See Hazard)
Drawbacks: Hidden Magic, Limited Divination (Divine)
Fate (Greater Serendipity, Pain)
Drawbacks: Neutrality
Life (Ranged Healing, Resuscitate, Restore Mind)
Talent Total: 14
(2 base, +2 Free from Maiden, Mother, Crone, +2 From Hedgewitch levels, +1 from Weave Energy, +2 from Incanter Level, +1 from Incanter specialization, +4 from Sphere Specific Drawbacks.)
+1 Rapier, Masterwork Composite (+1) Shortbow, +1 Mithral Chain Shirt, +1 Mithral Buckler, +1 Ring of Protection, +1 Cloak of Resistance, Masterwork Thieves' Tools, 525 gp for base gear.

TheAlicornSage |

Here she is!
I'll have the companion up next, ;)
Name: Silva Val'Hilzanvier
Race: Female Gnome
Age: 45 summers old (Young Adult)
Size: Small, 3' 9" 36lbs
Type: Humanoid (Gnome)
Level: 5
Classes: Mageknight 2 / Elementalist 3
Favored: Mageknight
Faith: Shadowism
Languages: Draconic, Dwarven, Goblin, Common, Gnome, Sylvan
Str 10 (+0), Dex 14 (+2), Con 10 (+0),
Int 16 (+3), Wis 14 (+2), Cha 12 (+1)
Senses; Perception +12 Normal Vision
Aura None (see detect evil)
Init +2;
Speed 20 ft.
BAB +4; CL 4 (5 for destruction sphere)
CMB +3; CMD +15
MSB +5; MSD 16
Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +8
Conditional: +1 vs magic, +3 total vs illusions
AC 21, ff 18, touch 14; (+4 Armor, +? Deflection, +2 Dex, +1 Dodge, +1 Natural, +2 Shield, +? Sacred, +1 size)+4 vs Giants
HP 27 ( HD: 2D10 + 3d8)
DR: 0/-
Resist: None
Other Conditional Bonuses: +1 attack vs reptilian and goblinoids.
Total Skill Name (Ranks) Class (Ab Mod) [Bonus] {conditional}
+8 Acrobatics(3)3(2)[]
+? Appraise()()[]
+? Bluff()()[]
+? Climb()()[]
+? Craft:
#+9 Leather(1)3(3)[2]
+10 Diplomacy(5)3(2)[]
+3 Disable Device(1)(2)[]
+? Disguise()()[]
+? Escape Artist()()[]
+6 Fly(1)3(2)[]
+? Handle Animal()()[]
+? Heal()()[]
+? Intimidate()()[]
+? Knowledge:()()[]
#+? Subskill()()[]
+? Linguistics()()[]
+12 Perception(5)3(2)[2]
+? Perform:#+? Subskill()()[]
+? Profession:
#+? Subskill()()[]
+10 Ride(5)3(2)[]
+? Sense Motive()()[]
+4 Sleight of Hand(2)(2)[]
+7 Spellcraft(1)3(3)[]
+10 Stealth(5)3(2)[]
+6 Survival(1)3(2)[]
+4 Swim(1)3(0)[]
+? Use Magic Device()()[]
+? Wild Empathy()()[]
- Combat Reflexes Can make [dex mod] additional attacks of opportunity per round.
- Improved Unarmed Strike Unarmed Strike is lethal and proficient
- Weapon Finesse Can use dex instead of str for some weapon attack rolls.
- Evasion No damage on a successful reflex save.
- Bonus Combat Feat: Mounted Combat Make a ride check to negate an attack vs mount.
- Favored Element: Force +[1/2 elementalist lvl] with chosen damage type
- Resist Magic +1 Bonus to saves against magic, spells, SLAs, and Sphere abilities.
At Will
-Destruction: Blast melee/ranged touch attack (Close range), 1d6 force per [1/2 CL round down]
-Creation: Repair/Destroy, add/subtract 1d4 + [1/2 CL] HP of unattended, non-magical, touched object. Bypasses hardness, doesn't restore warped or transmuted effects.
-Conjuration: Summon a contracted companion. Lasts for concentration.
Once Per Day
-Dancing Lights
-Ghost Sound
-Speak with Animals
By Spell Pool Unless stated otherwise, costs one spell point. "Enhancing" effects can be chosen, but don't cost extra.
By Spheres CL 4; DC 13 + [1/2 CL]
-Augment Blast: Increase dmg dice to 1d6 per CL.
-Create: One small size per CL, object, lasts concentration. 20' square cloth is small, as is 10' square inch thick panel of something else.
-Expanded Materials (Enhancing): Can now create with any material of hardness 5 or less, plus stone.
-Companion stays for a duration instead of conc.
-Greater Summoning (Enhancing): Extends duration of summoned companion.
-Natural Aspect (Enhancing): My companion has Fast Healing 1
-Avian Form (Enhancing): My companion has wings and can fly.
Outfit: Explorer's outfit (4 lbs)
- Left Ring: Ring of Feather Fall Fall safely.
- Right Ring: Ring of Sustenance No need to eat or drink and require only two hours of sleep.
- Amulet: Amulet of Natural Armor +1 Nat armor.
- Left Hand: Darkwood Heavy Shield "Firebreaker" +2 ac, 0 acp, 2.5 lbs.
- Armor: Mithral Chain Shirt +4 ac, +6 dex, 0 acp, 6.25 lbs.
Non-Slotted Items: 0 lbs
- None (0 lbs)
Carried: 3.5 lbs
- Melee: +1 Longsword "Campfire" glows red when drawn +6/1d6+1 19/*2, 2 lbs
- Ranged: Masterwork Longbow "Eye-poker" +8/d6 20/*3, 100' each, 1.5 lbs
- Melee: Unarmed Strike +7/d2 20/*2
Belt Pouch #1: (0.5 lbs) 1.5 lbs
- Healer's Kit (1 lbs)
- Potion of Cure Light Wounds x 2
- GP 10
Pack: (1 lbs) 7 lbs
- Bedroll (2.5 lbs)
- Blanket (.5 lbs)
- Hammock (1.5 lbs)
- Mirror, Small Steel (0.5 lbs)
- Scroll Case (0.5 lbs)
- Waterproof Bag
- Waterskin (2 lbs)
- GP 158
Light: 75x1/3 =25
Medium: 75x2/3 =50
Heavy: 75x1 =75
Lift: 75x2 =150
Drag: 75x5 =375

Mimesyne |

Okay, I just saw this and I've been wanting to see how SoP plays as well. I've been considering using it in a campaign myself but I haven't had a chance to grind out the mechanics.
I'm in a handful of AP campaigns, so something short and sweet sounds ideal. I have a character from an MMO (Dragon Nest, if anyone cares ;P) I've wanted to try to translate over to Pathfinder for quite some time. SoP seems about the only way to do it!
Typically, I post in the evening or at night. My time zone is MST (GMT -7).
A Handful of Questions
~ Are favored class bonuses a thing?
~ If a feat from SoP has a prerequisite from Paizo feats, can we take the needed feats?
No one is smarter, sexier, or sophisticated than Ruriel. Or at least that's her opinion.
Actually, she did show a lot of magical promise and was top of her class despite horrendous study habits which usually included mouthing off to anyone who tried to give her instruction. She's been held back in a few of her classes by her professors based on her poor attitude alone.
Currently, she's taking a year off (at the adamant requests of her school's dean) to do some self-driven learning. Far, far away from the school.
She'll do just about anything for the right price or motivation. Despite all her bad qualities, she does appreciate friends and will become very loyal (and possessive) to anyone who can stand her for more than a week.
A picture's worth a thousand words, right?
Female Incanter 5
TN Medium humanoid(human)
Initiative +2; Senses Perception +5
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +2 armor, +1 natural, +1 deflection)
hp 30 (5d6+0)
Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5
Speed 30ft
Melee dagger +2 (1d4/19-20) or staff +2(1d6)
Ranged dagger +4(1d4/19-20/10ft)
darkness — feed on darkness, pure darkness
destructive blast (3d6; close, 35ft) — force blast, explosive orb
alter time (haste/slow) — improved haste, improved slow, ranged time (close, 35ft)
teleport (60ft) — group teleport, ranged teleport (close, 35ft)
shift (10ft) — 8/day
Drawbacks focus casting (orb), energy focus (destruction; force)
Sphere Specialization Warp
Strength 10 (+0), Dexterity 14 (+2), Constitution 10 (+0), Intelligence 20 (+5), Wisdom 10 (+0), Charisma 12 (+1)
Base Atk +2; CMB +2; CMD 14
Feats Cantrips, Counterspell, Delayed Magic (metamagic), Extra Magical Talent, Sphere Focus (time)
Skills Acrobatics +7, Appraise +9, Diplomacy +6, Knowledge(arcana) +13, Knowledge (dungeoneering, history, local) +9, Knowledhe(planes) +13, Knowledge(religion) +10, Linguistics +9, Perception +5, Spellcraft 13, Stealth +4
Languages Aklo, Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Sylvan
Weapons dagger, staff
Armor +1 silken ceremonial armor
Slotted Items headband of alluring charisma +2, ring of protection +1, amulet of natural armor +1, cloak of resistance +1
Carrying lb
Carrying Capacity 33lb/66lb/100lb
Ability Score Increases
4th — Int
Apologies if the stat block is a little cluttered looking, or if anything is missing/wrong. I saw that the deadline is... okay today wow I'm up late tonight. Anyways, I wanted to get this outline of a character pushed forward. Gotta jump on a chance when you see it. I have no problem breaking down the math for you when it's not almost 4am! :D

DM Papa.DRB |

Ok, these are the characters that I see so far:
Distant Scholar – Davak – Thaumaturge – GMT -6
Whack-a-Rogue – Gow-Wabber – Fey Adept – GMT -5
Lessah (Mysterious Character) – Alexis Trikanow – Thaumaturge 1/Incanter 4 – GMT-8/+1
VanceMadrox – Lanaral – Hedgewitch (Triple Goddess) 3 / Elementalist 1 / Incanter 1 – GMT-6
TheAlicornSage – Silva Val'Hilzanvier – Mageknight 2 / Elementalist 3 – GMT-6
Mimesyne – Ruriel – Incanter 5 – GMT-7
KatsuneSage – Hailina – Soul Weaver – GMT -5
GM Runescarred Dragon – Egon Gregers – Mageknight – GMT
SilvercatMoonpaw – Shahrzad – Incanter – GMT
If I missed anyone, or have not answered all the questions, please let me know. I will close recruitment tomorrow morning(about 24 hours from now), and have a decision by Saturday morning.
-- david
A Handful of Questions
~ Are favored class bonuses a thing? Yes, favored class bonus are good.
~ If a feat from SoP has a prerequisite from Paizo feats, can we take the needed feats? If the prerequisite is in the CRB, ok.

DM Papa.DRB |

Submissions closed. I will let everyone know by Saturday AM at the latest.
As far as I can tell, these are the submissions:
Distant Scholar – Davak – Thaumaturge – GMT -6
Whack-a-Rogue – Gow-Wabber – Fey Adept – GMT -5
Lessah (Mysterious Character) – Alexis Trikanow – Thaumaturge 1/Incanter 4 – GMT-8/+1
VanceMadrox – Lanaral – Hedgewitch (Charlatan) 3 / Elementalist 1 / Incanter 1 – GMT-6
TheAlicornSage – Silva Val'Hilzanvier – Mageknight 2 / Elementalist 3 – GMT-6
Mimesyne – Ruriel – Incanter 5 – GMT-7
KatsuneSage – Hailina – Soul Weaver – GMT -5
GM Runescarred Dragon – Egon Gregers – Mageknight – GMT
I have done my Dog Walking (Level 3 Canine Handler in a 4 Level Prestige Class) already this morning, and will be heading over to my daughter & son-in-law house for Thanksgiving dinner so I am pretty much off the air and away today.
-- david

DM Papa.DRB |

Dang, this was a tough decision. I really want to test as much as possible the SoP mechanics and each of the characters has the potential to do that, as well as being well thought out. So instead of the five that I would normally pick, I chose six.
Will the following folks please go to the discussion thread and check in.
Distant Scholar – Davak – Thaumaturge – GMT -6
Whack-a-Rogue – Gow-Wabber – Fey Adept – GMT -5
VanceMadrox – Lanaral – Hedgewitch (Charlatan) 3 / Elementalist 1 / Incanter 1 – GMT-6
Mimesyne – Ruriel – Incanter 5 – GMT-7
KatsuneSage – Hailina – Soul Weaver – GMT -5
GM Runescarred Dragon – Egon Gregers – Mageknight – GMT
I will also post the opening post in the gameplay thread either later today or tomorrow to let the characters role play with each other and on Tuesday move the game forward with the first "encounter" post.
-- david