DM Papa.DRB |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

This is a single module PbP, and a test of sorts which should last around two – three months. I am looking to see how the Spheres of Power classes work instead of regular classes, especially the spell casting classes, and if everything works out well, I may start up a full blown campaign. If you do not have access to the Spheres of Power book or PDF, I suggest you look for another game to apply for, unless you want to spend $20 US on the PDF.
A complete character sheet for a 5th level character, including a brief description, and a brief personality. No need for an alias yet. Only selected characters will be required to set one up.
Character Creation Guidelines
Paizo: CRB - Core Rulebook – No classes, and no spells from this book allowed.
Drop Dead Studios: SoP - Spheres of Power – Everything in this book allowed.
Warrior, Divine, Arcane, Skill.
I am using Arcane / Divine in the generic sense. Spheres of Power classes and Spheres are not broken down into those two categories but what I am looking for should “replace / handle / be similar to” the “cleric / oracle / sorcerer / wizard” classes. Please indicate which category you would like your character to be considered for.
PbP rules
-- david, DM Papa.DRB

DM Papa.DRB |

Interested in watching, and perhaps asking questions. I don't have 20 dollars for the book, but I'm interested to see how sop are supposed to work.
Follow the link in the first post to the Spheres of Power entry in the store. It gives most of the generic information from the book / pdf.
11 classes, 1 prestige class, 20 spheres. It replaces the standard Pathfinder spell casting system, ie. you get access to a sphere(s) and talent(s) as well as a spell casting pool instead a spell list.
Several of the classes can be "warrior" types (armorist, symbiat, etc.) Some are "gish" types (mageknight, etc), some are "arcane" types (eliciter, fey adept, incanter, etc.), some are "divine" types (soul weaver, incanter, etc.) and like I say in the first post, divine / arcane are "generic" terms.
An incanter with life sphere, protection sphere, and perhaps one other could make a good "cleric" replacement.
There is no memorization, just use the powers and spell points.
-- david

SilvercatMoonpaw |
Drop Dead Studios: SoP - Spheres of Power – Everything in this book allowed.
Does that include the Core class Sphere archetypes? I ask for others.
Also what setting is this?

DM Papa.DRB |

DM Papa.DRB wrote:Drop Dead Studios: SoP - Spheres of Power – Everything in this book allowed.Does that include the Core class Sphere archetypes? I ask for others.
Also what setting is this?
The only classes allowed are from the SoP (see the CRB entry in my original post), so an archetype for a not allowed class would not be allowed. Sorry should have been more specific.
As this is a relatively short module, keeping it in Golarian is the easiest way.
-- david

Lessah |

Oooh shiny! I have the pdf (and the expanded options one) laying around - but I haven't had opportunity to use them just yet.
The first idea that came to my mind when looking at them was a sweet diabolist consorting with demons and other foul things, but the concept should work equally well for someone wanting to play around on the other side of the good/evil axis.
I'm going to look into the conjuring sphere and see what class meshes well with that (Invoker?) and which other spheres to complement it with - I'm thinking the buff ones.
Brb : )

SilvercatMoonpaw |
I just want to destroy stuff. But, you know, in a "Good" way. Elementalist, or Invoker if I feel like Telekinesis or Nature. Either from the Keleshite empire in the east. Or from Nex. Either way running from a family that's about subtle magic, perhaps with an scholarly bent, who don't approve of "PURE ULTIMATE POWAH!"

Stalchild |

I don't see it on the list, so I assume the 'expanded' book isn't approved? I would love to make a symbiotic knight armorist, or a dual-channeler soul weaver.
If not, I've still got some ideas: A hedgewitch built to be a blind druid (black/green traditions, focus on plant control and healing), a symbiat built to be a Jedi-type mage-warrior, or a full-blown Archmage style Incanter, mastering a bunch of different magics.
Since it seems a few other people like the full-caster niche, I'll build either the armorist or the symbiat for the Warrior role, once I get an answer.

Whack-a-Rogue |

I posted back in your original interest check thread as a potential Fey Adept. Heavy focus on the Illusion sphere (obviously). Lots of playing with the nature of reality. He'd be a Gnome. A couple questions: are you allowing anything from the "Expanded Options," "Worlds of Power," or "Geomancer's Handbook" supplements? Also, there are a few Feats from "Gnomes of Golarion" that I'd love to take to further enhance my illusions. They're not vital but would help immensely. Thoughts? Lastly, are you using a published adventure? Can you give us any information about it?
Once I know the answers, I'll get a submission put together in the next day or two.

Distant Scholar |

Here's a bunch of info on a character. Hopefully, it isn't too much of the wrong stuff and too little of the right stuff. He's a warrior, with a bit of control thrown in.
He continued on as a protector, keeping the half-breeds and deformed and those rejected by society safe from predation in the dark tunnels. But an overwhelming curiosity had lodged in his mind. What was this "Light" and "Sky" the others mentioned? They said he had seen it himself, but he had no recollection of it. He decided he must go see for himself. What new discoveries or perils might Davak find in this new, wide world?
Davak is about six and a half feet tall; average for a half-orc. His skin is a dull grey, his hair black, straight, and long, and he lacks the tusks some other half-orcs have. His eyes, though, appear to be darker than they should be, a gray that's almost black. He wears an almost-cliche outfit of a chain shirt, rough leather pants, a greataxe, and a cloak. He also carries a wand that he has figured out how to use---most of the time.
male NG half-orc(?) thaumaturge 5
Str 13 Dex 14 Con 14 Int 10 Wis 10 Cha 18
AC 18/16f/12t {+3 w/Empowered Defense} hp 55 (5d8+15)
Skills: Intimidate +14, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +9, Sense Motive +8, Use Magic Device +13
Feats: Power Attack, Point-Blank Shot, Empower Spell[B] (2 sp), Precise Shot
Saves: F +4, R +4, W +5
BAB: +3 CMB: +4 CMD: 16
* Destructive Blast (melee touch): +4; 3d6 or more (1s and 2s become 3s), counts as magic for DR
* Destructive Blast (ranged touch): +5; 3d6 or more (1s and 2s become 3s), counts as magic for DR; 35 ft.
* Sculpt Blast: cone or line, 3d6 or more (1s and 2s become 3s), counts as magic for DR
* Greataxe (normal): +5; 1d12+2/x3 slashing
* Greataxe (power attack): +4; 1d12+5/x3 slashing
* Sling: +6; 1d4+1 bludgeoning; 50 ft. range increment
* Spell Pool: 9 sp
* Magic Talents: Dark, Destruction (Crafted Blast, Sculpt Blast)
* Forbidden Lore: (+3 to CL risking 15% chance of backlash {-1 attack, saves, skills, CL})
* Invocations: 4/day, DC 16
- Meditation: reroll Knowledge check once
- Lingering Pain: when using forbidden lore, targets are sickened (DC 16 F neg)
- Lingering Blessing: when using forbidden lore, targets gain 5 temp hp for 1 round
- Empowered Defense: when using forbidden lore, get +3 dodge to AC for 4 rounds
- Empowered Attack: when using forbidden lore, get +3 to attack for 4 rounds
* Occult Knowledge: +1 to Knowledge, Spellcraft, UMD [added in]
* Bonus Feats: 1 (see feats above)
* Dark:
- Darkness: 150 ft. range, 20 ft. radius, concentrate or 1 sp for 5 minutes
* Destruction
- Destructive Blast: 3d6 melee touch or ranged touch attack (35 ft. range), bludgeoning, bypasses DR/magic; 5d6 damage for 1 sp
- Crafted Blast: can do bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage; all rolled 1s and 2s are 3s; no blast type talent can be applied
- Sculpt Blast (blast shape): 1 sp to create 35 ft. cone or 150 ft. range line; Reflex save (DC 16) for half instead of attack roll
Magic Talents (Forbidden Lore):
* Dark
- Darkness: 180 ft. range, 30 ft. radius, concentrate or 1 sp for 8 minutes
* Destruction
- Destructive Blast: 4d6 melee touch or ranged touch attack (45 ft. range), bludgeoning, bypasses DR/magic; 8d6 damage for 1 sp
- Crafted Blast: can do bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage; all rolled 1s and 2s are 3s; no blast type talent can be applied
- Sculpt Blast (blast shape): 1 sp to create 45 ft. cone or 180 ft. line; Reflex save (DC 18) for half instead of attack roll
* Darkvision 60 ft.
* Intimidating: +2 to Intimidate [added in]
* Orc Blood: Counts as both human and orc for any effect related to race
* Orc Ferocity: 1/day fight on for 1 more round below 0 hp
* Weapon Familiarity: proficient with greataxe and falchion
* Languages: Common, Orc
* Favored Class Bonus: +5 hp [added in]
+1 chain shirt
+1 cloak of resistance
+1 ring of deflection
wand of life (CL 2, 1 sp)
masterwork sling
sling bullets
about 2500 gp left [consumables, trinkets, etc.]

Lessah |

Question1 - how much is this a stress test and how much is just feeling & mechanics? Aka should be do our best to try and break as much stuff as possible or simply build nice rounded characters?
Also - Protection, Warp & Conjuration seems like a nice control 'wizardy' kit so I will probably build around that : )
Edit: Invoker/Thaumaturge seems like a nice mixture providing both power and talent as well as the ability to try out the much freer multiclassing of SoP casters.
Question2 - Might pick up an domain or two trough the Invoker class feature, I assume the CRB restriction applies to those too? (Aka none of the shiny subdomains)
Edit2: Question3 - I'm thinking of making a neutral character devoted to Nethys. And to have a bit of fun with the duality theme I'm thinking of having a pair of Conjurable minons at opposed ends of the spectrum, either NG/NE or LN/CN. Would that be okay?
Technically, this does not violate your alignment guides, but I thought I'd ask anyway before I get to attached to the idea. As summoned minions they would of course be under the summoner's command so no 'oops accidentally murdered a child/gave the party's gold to orphans/flinged the macguffin into a lake' or things in that vein : )

DM Papa.DRB |

I don't see it on the list, so I assume the 'expanded' book isn't approved? I would love to make a symbiotic knight armorist, or a dual-channeler soul weaver.
If not, I've still got some ideas: A hedgewitch built to be a blind druid (black/green traditions, focus on plant control and healing), a symbiat built to be a Jedi-type mage-warrior, or a full-blown Archmage style Incanter, mastering a bunch of different magics.
Since it seems a few other people like the full-caster niche, I'll build either the armorist or the symbiat for the Warrior role, once I get an answer.
"Expanded Options" is approved, but like my answer above, only archetypes, etc. for the SoP classes not other classes.

SilvercatMoonpaw |
Here's my first proposal. Please let me know if it violates any of your rules or isn't to your taste.
I may need help choosing gear.
Shahrzad isn't her real name. She gave that up after leaving her family so they couldn't track her and as a show of defiance. Her family are known for their subtle magic, to the point at which their family motto is "The best kind of magic is the kind you don't use". But Shahrzad just wasn't subtle, so she fled west, seeking out stories of the "lands of freedom" in Avistan and Garund.
Female human (Keleshite) Incanter 5 (Cha-based)
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +4 (+3 Dex +1 trait); Senses Perception -1
AC 15 (+3 Dex +1 natural [magic] +1 armor [magic]), touch 13, flat-footed 12
hp 5d6 + 5 Con = 35 hp
Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +4
Defensive Abilities
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +2 (+2 BAB +0 Str)
----Unarmed +2 (1d3 non-lethal; 20/x2; B)
Ranged +5 (+2 BAB +3 Dex)
----Destructive Blast +5 touch (3d6 lethal; 20/x2; B; bypass DR/magic)
----Air Blast +5 touch (3d6 non-lethal; 20/x2; B; bypass DR/magic, free Bull Rush [CMB = +8])
----Crystal Blast +5 touch (3d4 lethal; 20/x2; P; bypass DR/magic, Reflex 15 or entangle, square counts as difficult terrain)
----Electric Blast +5 touch (3d6 electrical; 20/x2; B; bypass DR/magic, metal -3 AC/saves vs)
----Force Blast +5 touch (3d6 force; 20/x2; B; bypass DR/magic, Reflex 15 or prone)
----Frost Blast +5 touch (3d6 cold; 20/x2; B; bypass DR/magic, Reflex 15 or staggered [1 rd])
----Stone Blast +5 touch (3d6 lethal; 20/x2; S/P/B; bypass DR/magic, does not count as magic)
----Thunder Blast +5 touch (3d6 sonic; 20/x2; B; bypass DR/magic, Fort 15 or deafened [2d4 rd])
Special Attacks
Str 10 (+0), Dex 16 (+3), Con 12 (+1), Int 11 (+0), Wis 8 (-1), Cha 16 (+3)
Base Atk +2; CMB +2; CMD 15 (+2 BAB +3 Dex)
Feats Extra Magical Talent (Nature Sphere [Earth]), Extra Magical Talent (Forge Earth), Extra Magical Talent (Whirlwind); class bonus: Extra Magical Talent (Crafted Blast), Extra Magical Talent (Explosive Orb [15 ft radius]), Extra Magical Talent (Sculpt Blast); human bonus: Extra Magical Talent (Extended Range [Medium])
Traits Arcane Temper, Dangerously Curious
Skills ranks/level: 2 class + 1 human = 15 total; Intimidate 5 (+8); Linguistics 1 (+1); Knowledge (Arcane) 4 (+4); Use Magic Device 5 (+11)
Languages Keleshite (native); Taldane (skill)
Other Gear: wand of cure moderate wounds (4,500 g); amulet of natural armor +1 (1,000 g); cloak of resistance +1 (1,000 g/1 lb); bracers of armor +1 (1,000 g/1 lb); 3,000 g
Carrying Capacity: 2/33 lb / 34-66 / 67-100
Special Abilities
Class Bonus Feats: Bonus Feat x3 (Extra Magical Talent)
Class Magical Talents: Destruction Sphere, Air Blast, Crystal Blast, Electric Blast, Force Blast, Frost Blast, Stone Blast, Thunder Blast

DM Papa.DRB |

Question1 - how much is this a stress test and how much is just feeling & mechanics? Aka should be do our best to try and break as much stuff as possible or simply build nice rounded characters?
Also - Protection, Warp & Conjuration seems like a nice control 'wizardy' kit so I will probably build around that : )
Edit: Invoker/Thaumaturge seems like a nice mixture providing both power and talent as well as the ability to try out the much freer multiclassing of SoP casters.
Question2 - Might pick up an domain or two trough the Invoker class feature, I assume the CRB restriction applies to those too? (Aka none of the shiny subdomains)
Edit2: Question3 - I'm thinking of making a neutral character devoted to Nethys. And to have a bit of fun with the duality theme I'm thinking of having a pair of Conjurable minons at opposed ends of the spectrum, either NG/NE or LN/CN. Would that be okay?
Technically, this does not violate your alignment guides, but I thought I'd ask anyway before I get to attached to the idea. As summoned minions they would of course be under the summoner's command so no 'oops accidentally murdered a child/gave the party's gold to orphans/flinged the macguffin into a lake' or things in that vein : )
1) The test is along the lines of "Can an effective group be built out of the SoP classes only or should some of the CRB classes be allowed." I am a "traditionalist" in that I believe that Warrior, Arcane, Divine and Skill PCs make an effective party. I am just trying to find out if these roles can be covered with only SoP classes.
2) Do you mean the Hedgewitch feature about picking up a domain? I do not see that under Thaumaturge, but if you are referring to the Hedgewitch feature, that is ok.
3) Yup, skirting the line, but I will allows the minions, but lets keep it to LN/CN rather than any xE please.
-- david

DM Papa.DRB |

I posted back in your original interest check thread as a potential Fey Adept. Heavy focus on the Illusion sphere (obviously). Lots of playing with the nature of reality. He'd be a Gnome. A couple questions: are you allowing anything from the "Expanded Options," "Worlds of Power," or "Geomancer's Handbook" supplements? Also, there are a few Feats from "Gnomes of Golarion" that I'd love to take to further enhance my illusions. They're not vital but would help immensely. Thoughts? Lastly, are you using a published adventure? Can you give us any information about it?
Once I know the answers, I'll get a submission put together in the next day or two.
Expanded options: Yes, but only things that relate to SoP classes or CRB races.
Worlds of Power: No
Geomancer's Handbook: No. I may allow it if/when I run a full blown campaign.
Gnomes of Golarian: No.
Published adventure: This is a short (18 page) adventure by Jon Brazer Enterprise, that was released via Kickstarter - Shadowfall by JBE. The full blown adventure would be a 3PP Pathfinder AP, and if/when I decide to run it, all the pertinent information would be provided.
Right now I just want to see how the basics work together before allowing any other material.
-- david

Whack-a-Rogue |

With the exception of purchasing gear (should be pretty standard: CHA headband, cloak of resistance, some sort of weapon, various consumables) my Fey Adept is done. Any feedback is appreciated.
On a different note, my wife is also interested in this game and will be submitting some sort of healer. Most likely tomorrow.
Gnome Fey Adept 5
Alignment: NG
Languages: Common, Gnome, Sylvan
1/day SLA: dancing lights, ghost sound, prestidigitation, speak with animals
Master Illusionist (+2 rounds)
Truesight 1/day (5 rounds)
Shadowstuff: 7/day
- Shadowmark (3d6 damage, -1 to Will saves)
STR 10
DEX 14
CON 12
INT 10
WIS 10
CHA 20
Low-light Vision, Darkvision 60ft
Speed: 20ft
Initiative: +2
HP: 46 (5d8 + 5 CON + 1 favored class)
BAB: +2
AC: 13; Touch: 13; Flat-Footed: 11 (+2 DEX, +1 size) (+4 vs. giants)
CMB: +1; CMD: 13
Saves: Fortitude +2; Reflex +3; Will +4 (+2 vs. illusions)
Skills (20 + 4 favored class)
*Bluff +13, *Disguise +13, *Perception +2 (untrained), Profession(magician) +6, *Sleight of Hand +10, *Stealth +14
Extra Magic Talent
Point Blank Shot
Sphere Focus (illusion)
Money: 10,500gp
Combat (+1 vs reptiles and goblinoids)
melee +3
ranged +6
Spheres Known (CL 5; 10 spell points)
- Illusion (DC 19): Illusory Sound, Illusory Touch x2, Invisibility
- Nature (plantlife) (DC 17): Grow Plants
- Telekinesis (DC 17): Flight

Isuru |

Looks like it won't tell me about casting traditions, but they sound optional. Anything to worry about or can they be ignored?
If they are the optional ones towards the end of the book, the system doesn't rely on them. The Hedgewitch does make use of magical traditions as a core ability package. Would have to check the specific terminology, don't recall the term used for each, but they sound similar. As long as you're not talking about the Hedgewitch you should be fine.

DM Papa.DRB |

Looks like it won't tell me about casting traditions, but they sound optional. Anything to worry about or can they be ignored?
As Isuru and SilvercatMoonpaw say, Casting Traditions are optional.
I have read all the posts, and believe that I have responded to everyone. The submitted characters look good, but I will give all of them a more thorough going over later in the week and post questions if I have any.
-- david

DM Papa.DRB |

Pretty much as defined in the PRD. My "issue" with Cx is too many people write CG on the sheet and are really CN and start to drift into CE.
-- david

SilvercatMoonpaw |
What if we write "NG" and start to drift into "CG"? My character's already decided they don't want to listen to their family about what to do with her life, and is probably at least a little contemptuous of restrictions, doesn't that make her Chaotic? I don't plan to play her like she wants to break down society, but I think she might be less than fond of organization. Any character that I play is probably going to be a little like that.

DM Papa.DRB |

What if we write "NG" and start to drift into "CG"? My character's already decided they don't want to listen to their family about what to do with her life, and is probably at least a little contemptuous of restrictions, doesn't that make her Chaotic? I don't plan to play her like she wants to break down society, but I think she might be less than fond of organization. Any character that I play is probably going to be a little like that.
No problem. I like a group without the loner (CG) and that reasonably "cooperates and graduates". I will probably remove the No CG restriction in the future.
-- david

SilvercatMoonpaw |
I like a group without the loner (CG) and that reasonably "cooperates and graduates".
Okay so that's good to know. She's just a bit "power-happy" and suspicious of people who tell her to rein it in, but she's neither a loner nor a destructive anarchist.
EDIT: I really just think of her as someone who likes and is happy to use her power.

Lessah |

Started tinkering with my character and I came across some more questions!
Question1: I was thinking of making a serpentine conjuration with weapons, akin to how nagas are depicted in games (say Heroes of M&M or WC3). But the serpentine base forms already comes with 2 natural attacks which may make things *uhm* excessive.
Would it be okay to trade out these pair of natural attacks for a pair of arms on the starting form?
Question2: Since the module where the test is taking place is still a bit secret, I assume you would prefer a more generic and open-ended backstory? Is there any events/stances/ideas we should avoid including to not shoot ourself in the foot (in the backstory I mean)?
Edit: Question3: Oh and how do you want me to generate the HP for the conjured stuff? Max hp per die like PCs - or perhaps average per die?
I think I would suggest the second one, as they otherwise would be very tanky (as they have 1d10 dices).

![]() |

Made a devoted healer type.
Halfling Soul Weaver 5
Alignment: TN
Languages: Common, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, Sylvan
Blessing (+1 to saves for 24hrs)
Bound Nexus (7/day, aid the dead +2, lovelorn soul, siphon health 3d6, summon spirit I)
Channel Positive Energy (9/day, 3d6, DC 16)
STR 10
DEX 12
CON 12
INT 14
WIS 12
CHA 18
Speed: 20ft
Initiative: +1
HP: 35 (5d6 + 5 CON)
BAB: +2
AC: 12; Touch: 12; Flat-Footed: 11
CMB: +1; CMD: 12
Saves: Fortitude +2; Reflex +2; Will +5 (+2 vs. fear)
Skills (2 + INT + favored class)
Acrobatics +2 (untrained), Climb +2 (untrained), *Diplomacy +12, *Heal +6 (2 ranks), *Knowledge(arcane, history, religion) +7 (2 ranks), *Knowledge(planes) +9 (4 ranks), *Linguistics +6 (1 rank), Perception +8, *Spellcraft +7 (2 ranks), Stealth +4 (untrained)
Extra Channel
Extra Magic Talent (protection)
Selective Channeling
Money: 10, 500gp
melee +3
ranged +4
Spell Points (9/day, CL 5, DC 16)
Life: Fount of Life, Greater Healing x2, Greater Restore, Ranged Healing, Restore Movement
Hailina is quiet and shy, a true introvert. She doesn’t agree with violance for violence’s sake and prefers not to fight. She instead heals those injured who she is traveling with.
Coming up with back story.

TheAlicornSage |

I find the official rules rather unspecific on alignment and open to vast differences in opinion.
I for example would find it acceptable to have a lawful good character that flips a middle finger at legalities and laws.
Many folks I know seem to think that anyone lawful will hold legal type laws as supreme. I don't see it that way.
For my understanding, lawful is someone with a rigid way of doing things. Highly organized and everything has to be "just right," or it needs to be fixed, and takes a structured approach to everything they do. I.E. a violinist who practices proper technique and does scales for practice, as opposed to the chaotic violinist known as a fiddler, who practices by playing for enjoyment, ignoring proper technique and rigid practices like scales, instead just feels their way through and goes with the flow. (alternative example if you've seen Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Smith is lawful in how she runs an op while Mr. Smith is chaotic.)
Vastly different effects on issues like breaking and entering, taking prisoners, handling pirates, etc.

DM Papa.DRB |

I forgot how many questions folks have when a new PbP is announced, and I was trying to keep the recruitment post simple. So, I'll try to answer all the questions and give additional information on what this is trying to accomplish.
1) CRB (no classes), SoP, SoP:EO (some). So no traits. Gear from CRB only. No need to detail gear out completely, just the major gear.
2) Backstory not needed for this test. I don't want folks to spend a ton of time on that.
3) The module is from Jon Brazer Enterprises "Shadowsfall" setting and is called "The Temple of Orcus". It was a "free RPG game day" Kickstarter from December 2011, and is 16 pages long, but the actual module is 8 pages of it (rest is sample characters, backstory, legal, etc.). There are about a dozen encounters (or so). Some role playing, some combat. I will also be adding in a few "random" encounters to flesh this out.
4) Not so worried about alignment as my initial post suggests. I am going to lose the no CG next time and it will be just No Evil, No CN.
5) Lessah - Q1 - No, lets go with the book for this test. Q2 - Backstory not needed. Q3 - Max HP for conjured stuff for this test.
6) This should take about two or three months to run. After that, I may run a level 1 to 20 AP with new characters, but using the information gathered from this short module as whether or not to use SoP only, or open the new game up to other classes. My concern is that a Skill Monkey character and perhaps a Warrior type character may not be viable just using the SoP classes. Right now I am enjoying the "arcane" and the "divine" submissions (Just love the Soul Weaver submission!).
7) If I run an AP, I will open it up to all but give a slight preference (not a guarantee) to those who participated in this test.
-- david

SilvercatMoonpaw |
Here's my sheet updated to conform to current rulings.
Shahrzad isn't her real name. She gave that up after leaving her family so they couldn't track her and as a show of defiance. Her family are known for their subtle magic, to the point at which their family motto is "The best kind of magic is the kind you don't use". But Shahrzad just wasn't subtle, so she fled west, seeking out stories of the "lands of freedom" in Avistan and Garund.
Female human (Keleshite) Incanter 5 (Cha-based)
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +3 (+3); Senses Perception -1
AC 15 (+3 Dex +1 natural [magic] +1 armor [magic]), touch 13, flat-footed 12
hp 5d6 + 5 Con = 35 hp
Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +4
Defensive Abilities
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +2 (+2 BAB +0 Str)
----Unarmed +2 (1d3 non-lethal; 20/x2; B)
Ranged +5 (+2 BAB +3 Dex)
----Destructive Blast +5 touch (3d6 lethal; 20/x2; B; bypass DR/magic)
----Air Blast +5 touch (3d6 non-lethal; 20/x2; B; bypass DR/magic, free Bull Rush [CMB = +8])
----Crystal Blast +5 touch (3d4 lethal; 20/x2; P; bypass DR/magic, Reflex 15 or entangle, square counts as difficult terrain)
----Electric Blast +5 touch (3d6 electrical; 20/x2; B; bypass DR/magic, metal -3 AC/saves vs)
----Force Blast +5 touch (3d6 force; 20/x2; B; bypass DR/magic, Reflex 15 or prone)
----Frost Blast +5 touch (3d6 cold; 20/x2; B; bypass DR/magic, Reflex 15 or staggered [1 rd])
----Stone Blast +5 touch (3d6 lethal; 20/x2; S/P/B; bypass DR/magic, does not count as magic)
----Thunder Blast +5 touch (3d6 sonic; 20/x2; B; bypass DR/magic, Fort 15 or deafened [2d4 rd])
Special Attacks
Str 10 (+0), Dex 16 (+3), Con 12 (+1), Int 11, Wis 8 (-1), Cha 16 (+3)
Base Atk +2; CMB +2; CMD 15 (+2 BAB +3 Dex)
Feats Extra Magical Talent (Nature Sphere [Earth]), Extra Magical Talent (Forge Earth), Extra Magical Talent (Whirlwind); class bonus: Extra Magical Talent (Crafted Blast), Extra Magical Talent (Explosive Orb [15 ft radius]), Extra Magical Talent (Sculpt Blast); human bonus: Extra Magical Talent (Extended Range [Medium])
Skills ranks/level: 2 class + 1 human = 15 total; Intimidate 5 (+8); Linguistics 1 (+1); Knowledge (Arcane) 4 (+4); Use Magic Device 5 (+8)
Languages Keleshite (native); Taldane (skill)
Other Gear: wand of cure moderate wounds (4,500 g); amulet of natural armor +1 (1,000 g); cloak of resistance +1 (1,000 g/1 lb); bracers of armor +1 (1,000 g/1 lb); 3,000 g
Carrying Capacity: 2/33 lb / 34-66 / 67-100
Special Abilities
Class Bonus Feats: Bonus Feat x3 (Extra Magical Talent)
Class Magical Talents: Destruction Sphere, Air Blast, Crystal Blast, Electric Blast, Force Blast, Frost Blast, Stone Blast, Thunder Blast

TheAlicornSage |

I will be crossclassed mageknight 2 / elementalist 3.
Major magic investment in a companion that lasts all day, minor creation and of course destruction magic.
Broad skill base as well.
Gnome character.
As a gnome though, how do you want to handle the racial spells? I'm guessing you want to use them normally, but figured I'd ask to make sure.

GM Runescarred Dragon |

Male LN Human Mageknight 5
Init +2, Perception +7
AC 21, T 13, FF 19, CMD 22
Hp 60
Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +7 (Resist Magic +2)
Greatsword +9, 2d6+7
Longbow +7 or +5/+5, 1d8+4
Magic - CL 6 - Wisdom
Spell Points 10
Traditions: Magical Signs, Verbal Casting, Prepared Caster, Personal Time
...Improved Haste(Personal Time)
...Repelling Light
Str 18, dex 14, con 13, int 10, wis 14, cha 10
BAB +5, CMB +9
Power Attack, Quick DrawB(Human), Arcane StrikeB(Mystic Combat), Deadly Aim, Point Blank ShotB(Combat Feat), Rapid Shot
Climb +5, Knowledge(Nature)+4, Perception +7, Stealth +4, Survival +8
+1 Mwk Greatsword, Composite Longbow [Str +4], +1 Mwk Breastplate, Ring of Protection +1, Amulet of Natural Armor +1, Cloak of Resistance +1, Clothes
+1 Arrows*20, Mwk Silver Arrows*6, Mwk Cold Iron Arrows*6, Arrows*8
12pp, 10gp, 2sp 5cp
HP: 60/60
Spell Points Prepared
Light: 2/2
Time: 3/3
War: 5/5
Right now he's out taking private contracts, and that's what got him into this mess; looking for work.
He dresses in clothing that blends well with foresty surrounds, and keeps his gear in good shape. Egon has never deserted from a mission, and he doesn't plan to change that. He has a reputation to uphold, after all.

Mysterious Character |

I'm going to try something new (for me, prompted by another recent thread). That is a generic alias to put all my applications in, so that everyone has easy access to the most up-to-date versions of my character.
Note: The character is not actually done yet, just the major framework. But that is available at least : )
And as usual, I have some more questions!
Q1) - Magic items such as Core Rule Book scrolls & wands. These are out I assume, since the spells themselves are gone?
Q2) - Are one allowed to start with Ritual scrolls (as described in the
Ritual chapter of SoP.)? Paying the listed price of course.
Q3) - Are we allowed to apply with more then one character? I think there is a nice potential in a telekinetic warrior type and it would let you choose from a wider pool of test subjects .P
(Also, building SoP characters turned out to be fun!)
Edit: I thought I might mention that this is Lessah writing, just in case :P