Pirate Rob wrote: They still seem available to me. They're not there. If you look, the scenarios go from #8 to #13, skipping the ones that were retired. All of the retired modules have been removed. ![]()
PFRPGrognard wrote:
Due to the story of that shadow, I like to run it that if a PC brandishes a torch at it, it will recoil in fear. It doesn't matter that it can't be damaged by it, it only matters that it is afraid of fire. This can give the PC's time to discover the wand or the dagger, or to run away if needed. To keep the challenge, give the shadow a will save every round that the torch is in it's face. ![]()
UnArcaneElection wrote: If you're talking about Weapon Trick (Polearm, Choke Up), I think this won't work with Spell Combat, because it requires that you have nothing in your other hand, and Spell Combat is equivalent to having something in your other hand according to the Errata on Slashing Grace and Fencing Grace, which also require you to have nothing in your other hand. Yeah, I noticed that, too. I think I'll stick to a whip-wielding magus. ;) ![]()
Kurald Galain wrote:
Well, alrighty then. There is a RAW reason why this won't work. Much appreciated Kurald. I guess I'll have to settle for the equipment trick route or a two-level dip in titan mauler barbarian. ![]()
UnArcaneElection and MrCharisma said wrote: Snip for space reasons Thanks for the input, guys! I tend to read Spear Dancing Spiral as having two separate clauses, as that supports what I want to do with it. ;) Both Spear Dancing Style and Spear Dancing Spiral use the word "while". This implies a choice in using the feat or not. And Spear Dancing Spiral has a period, and then says "In addition, you can". To me, this reads as two separate clauses (the "while" and the "in addition"), both with a choice to turn it on or off. While it may not fly in PFS, or would at least need a ruling, I feel that since I'm spending 5 feats on the ability to wield a fauchard one-handed to use spell combat with it, I think my interpretation is fair. I don't see it as game breaking. Spear Dancing Reach is meant to be used specifically with Spear Dancing Style turned on, as it calls out using the reach weapon as a double weapon. Since I'm not using the fauchard as a double weapon, I wouldn't need this feat. But, everyone will have their own interpretation. Let me know if I'm missing anything. ![]()
MrCharisma wrote:
The reason I ask, is that it could be interpreted as you wielding it AS a one-handed weapon, but the inherent property of the weapon is still two-handed, thus negating spell combat. Also, why would it lose reach? I don't read anything in those two feats that says the weapon loses any particular quality. A quarterstaff is not a reach weapon to begin with (at least in game mechanics) so when wielding it one-handed (and applying that ability to the fauchard) it doesn't lose anything. But I could be wrong, this is why I ask questions. ;) ![]()
isdestroyer wrote:
Bumping my post for clarification. ![]()
Quote: the Hexcrafter archetype removes Spell recall, but not improved one. Does this mean that at level 11, you get the improved version as normal despite not having the basic one? Kurald Galain wrote: He gets the basic version at L11, not the improved one. Is this explicitly stated somewhere, like in an FAQ or errata? I was under the impression that because you don't get the 1st ability, the improved version of the ability does not give you the basic. You just flat out do not get the ability. ![]()
Moriakul wrote: Guns are handled incorrectly in all games... I am interested in what you are saying, and would like to subscribe to your newsletter. Seriously, do you have any other "hacks" for the game? What other house rules do you use? I am planning on running an introductory adventure for a group of new players, and have been debating what game system to use. I would like to use Pathfinder, but I tend to let the rules get in the way, and some common sense house rules and/or a new way of looking at the existing rules might help me. Anyway, really awesome post, and thanks for the ideas! ![]()
Kurald Galain wrote: I'm actually surprised that, for all the classes initially appearing in Pathfinder 2.0, Paizo has not chosen a magical warrior / gish class (such as the Magus, but could also be the warpriest or bloodrager or whatnot). That's the primary archetypical character that core classes have never covered. I was actually disappointed they didn't include the Magus. I rarely see Alchemist builds on the Advice forum, but multiple Magus builds. I have a sneaking suspicion the Alchemist was a "developer favorite". ![]()
Viondar wrote:
It's for PFS, in which the E.A. is banned. ![]()
Well, the only reason I asked was because of the wording of ranged spellstrike. It clearly says that you cast a spell and make an attack. You're correct in saying that the Eldritch Archer does all of this better, but for my purposes, I plan on playing in PFS, where E.A. isn't an option. I am attempting to forestall table variance by having a rule (or ruling) that I can point to. According to my reading of the ability (as highlighted in my original post), ranged spellstrike says you cast the spell and then make your weapon attack. Since you can't hold the charge of a ranged touch spell, this will be the only way to use ranged spellstrike without Quicken Spell. If the consensus is that you need Quicken Spell to make the Myrm's ranged spellstrike work, then I need to give up on the idea of playing a gun magus in PFS. ![]()
I can't seem to find my specific question on the forums, so if it has been answered before, just point me in the right direction. Ranged Spellstrike wrote wrote: At 4th level, a myrmidarch can use spellstrike to cast a single-target touch attack ranged spell and deliver it through a ranged weapon attack. Even if the spell can normally affect multiple targets, only a single missile, ray, or effect accompanies the attack. So, I know that a myrmidarch can't use Spell Combat and Ranged Spellstrike at the same time, but the wording of Ranged Spellstrike seems to imply that you cast a spell and make the ranged attack at the same time. Not two attacks, just one attack roll with two damage effects. But if that's true, it begs the question; which effect am I using for the attack roll? A ranged touch spell targets Touch AC, but a regular attack targets normal AC. If I spellstrike with a bow, and I can cast and attack at the same time, am I targeting Touch or normal AC? Now, I plan to make a myrm that uses a gun, so the particular point is moot for me, so I am more concerned with the first issue; does Ranged Spellstrike allow for one attack roll with two damage effects? To clarify the first question: I declare that I am using Ranged Spellstrike and casting snowball. I hit my target, and I deal my weapon damage AND my spell damage. Is this correct? Sorry if this is all still confusing, but any help would be greatly appreciated. ![]()
Kurald Galain wrote:
Alright, fair enough. Maybe I'll just hold onto the boon and wait to see if they grant another one for the Eldritch Archer. ;) ![]()
Kurald Galain wrote:
Well, this is for Society play, and the Eldritch archer isn't allowed. I have a boon for the spellslinger, and I want to combine it with the magus, even if it's with a subpar archetype. So with that, how can I make this combo suck the least? I figure I start with human, grab amateur gunslinger (for quick clear) and point-blank shot. Then I take precise shot. After that, what should be next? ![]()
So, this is my first time trying this. I don't have the time nor money to go to conventions, and thus, this is all I have: Season 5 #1 - Custom Order
Want: Season 9 - Spellslinger Boon (I don't know the name). I am willing to give both of the (probably crappy) ones I have for the Spellslinger. I do have a question; I have a PDF of both boons, but the coordinator put my name and PFS number on the physical sheet before sending them to me. Not sure if that is okay or not. If the trade is not worthwhile for anyone with the Spellslinger boon, I completely understand. ![]()
Saleem Halabi wrote:
What scenario gives this boon? ![]()
I have a podcast that covers this module specifically. It gives a lot of good information about it and could help you run it. I will upload it my my Dropbox after I get back from my home game. In the meantime, here is a link to some of their other episodes. The cast podfaded a while ago, and this is the only link to their episodes I have found. https://rpggeek.com/rpgpodcast/7015/chroniclespathfinder-podcast I also don't know how to post external links. ![]()
Heather 540 wrote: Thank you. I will take a good look at those classes. I would reiterate the Zen Archer archetype for the monk. Combine it with the qinggong monk archetype to add flexibility with your class features. Then, with alternate racial abilities, you can bump all of your saves by combining the Mystic racial ability with the Fate's Favored trait. If that's not enough, you can be a worshiper of Iori, and take the trait Wisdom in the Flesh, and make Disable Device a class skill. This can make your out of combat play even more versatile. With your high Wisdom, I also like to take the feat Scent, for extra fun. Sorry if this all seems a bit munchkiny, and if it doesn't fit your style, that's okay. ![]()
Dizzydoo42 wrote:
Since I'm not much of a forumite, I can't help with the last part. However, if this is your first time with Pathfinder, then I would stick to the Core Rulebook and learn the game first. The other books add to the complexity of the game. If you are the player, only concern yourself with making a character and learning how your character's abilities work. If you are the GM, learn how the game runs, and only use the Core Rulebook until you are comfortable with the rules. I would also recommend reading the articles on this website, as the author gives really good GM'ing advice: http://theangrygm.com Hope all this helps! ![]()
Kurald Galain wrote:
Mainly just to fit a character portrait I found on Google images. I think you have it in your guide, it's the one of the slightly oriental human with the white shirt. ![]()
Ammon Knight of Ragathiel wrote:
Just understand that you won't be able to reload as a free action without at least a three or five level dip into musket master. With rapid reload and paper cartridges, a two-handed firearm will reload as a move. ![]()
I made a build starting with spellslinger 1, and the rest eldritch archer. I went with human, to get amateur gunslinger (quick clear) and rapid reload. The next two feats will be PBS and precise shot. While I haven't been able to test this build, I believe the fact that you're using a touch attack weapon with spells will compensate for the -4 to hit while firing into melee. Just remember that you cannot spell combat the cone spells, because they are area effects and do not have an attack roll. However, all spells that you spellstrike will get the +1 to their save dc. Also, you will have to use a pistol in order to keep the reload as a free action by using paper cartridges. ![]()
I see what you guys are saying, the spell combat is still only for melee. Well, I guess I can just gimp my action economy, or forget the whole thing. This what really disappoints me about Paizo, their willingness to make and keep inferior rules and erratas. Why is the Eldritch archer banned in PFS, and not something like the Zen Archer? ![]()
Hey everyone, I would like some help with building a PFS legal gun-wielding magus. I know it's not an optimal combination, but I am married to the idea of using spellstrike with a gun, as I think it would be fun to play. I have read the Myrmidarch guide, but it has not been updated with the latest options. Because the Myrmidarch is a switch hitter, I will have a scimitar, but I want the focus to be on using the gun. Here's what I'm thinking: Human Gunslinger (Pistolero) 1/ Magus (Myrmidarch) 11
These are my major questions: Should I stay with human, or go with elf or half-elf for the 1/6th magus arcana FCB, gaining one arcana and losing one feat? What spells would be best, and at which level (i.e. should I get snowball at magus 1, or wait until magus 2, scorching ray first, or mirror image)? Is my feat/trait selection good, or have I missed better options? I know that my overall damage will be lower than regular magus', but can this build be effective (as in, contributing to the scenario)? Should I get a double pistol later on? Thanks for any help you can give! ![]()
Aberzombie wrote: Sadly, my response is "meh". Mostly because I don't really game much anymore since leaving my old group in Philly and not having anyone to game with in Houston. Comicpalooza is a good place to find GMs. There are also several comic shops all over. I don't know where you are in Houston, but 8th Dimension on HWY 6 is one. ![]()
WombattheDaniel wrote:
Just in case this affects the build at all, Paizo released their Ultimate Equipment P.S. The link actually goes to the PFS discussion of it, but John Compton put the links to the actual download page in his post. ![]()
So, I have searched the boards for information on this, but most of it doesn't pertain to what I want. I would like some advice on making a PFS legal arcane necromancer that is more spell based than minion based. None of the wizard guides seem to have any updates past Ultimate Magic, so I turn to you for help. I want him to be human, but I don't know if wizard is the best class for this anymore. Are there any options that would be more powerful? Any advice would be appreciated, along with feat and spell selection, perhaps a level progression. Thanks!