MichaelCullen |

I am expecting some players from this recruitment thread.
But am looking for 7-8 players for Skull and Shackles.
My requirements for players:
Post about once a day or more.
If you have an unusual concept you have to back it up with a good back story.
I would like to see some good RP, good RP will be rewarded in story.
I will post at least once a day, probably a lot more.

Calah Riptide |

Calah reporting for duty sir!
Calah was part of a small enclave of Undines who lived peacefully at a remote island. They had a close relationship with the sea and its inhabitants and were minding their own business, while sometimes trading with merchants who came by. They would trade pearls and seashells for exotic products from land.
However, a group of pirates heard of this story and thought the Undines would be very wanted on other ships and fetch high prices on slave markets. For instance they could be used to dive for treasure in shipwrecks.
When the pirates struck they killed any who resisted too much and captured all the rest who could not get away in time. They destroyed the enclave with their cannons to make sure nothing remained. Calah's family was killed during the strike. She was only five years old when this happened.
Calah was sold a couple of times for increasing prices. She has no choice but to work with the pirates at this time because they keep her chained up (even when she swims for treasure). She still needs to find out which pirate ship it was that attacked her island. When she finally gets free they will rue the day they destroyed her life.

Arjun Srivastava |

Ahoy! Here is the submission for Tanner Nielsen. His character sheet can be amended as necessary when you decide on character creation guidelines.
Hair: None
Eyes: White
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 130lb
You see a scruffy-looking man with a shoulder-length black hair and tanned skin. His eyes are a pearly white, with no visible iris, though they are usually hidden underneath a bandanna tucked low over his brow. He has a thin nose, high cheek bones, and a strong jaw. He is dressed in black leathers, with a curved sword of eastern make at his belt and a dagger. He is tall, with a slim frame and straight posture.
No one would ever call Arjun a friendly person. Or nice, or caring, or warm, or anything of that sort. He has a tendency of scaring children who cross his path and a disconcerting disregard for people around him. Professional? Of course. Competent? Very much. Meticulous? Sometimes tediously so. But never friendly. It is difficult to know whether or not Arjun cares for or approves any person or thing in particular - most of the time he is quick to recognize faults, especially his own, and is terse with praise. He is the sort of person you want tackling a tough project, but would never invite to a dinner party. Not that it would have bothered him, of course.
Arjun hails from the island-nation of Jalmeray. His family of vishkanya, ostracized and shunned as outsiders due to their appearance, was a somewhat notorious clan of thieves, burglars, bandits and assassins that specializes in guile and stealth. For generations they found liberation and lucrative work in criminal enterprises and were content to stay in Jalmeray. Much to their shock and dismay, Arjun's grandfather Nopor announced one day that he intended to become a pirate on the high seas. He left abruptly, leaving the clan to believe that he was destined to never return.
He did return, several years later, with stories to tell. He had become a Free Captain of the Shackles - with a flotilla of raiders at his command and a small hill of treasure in his holds. Quieting the naysayers and impressing the clan elders, Arjun's family took to piracy with enthusiasm. They found that their abilities and talents were well suited to a life of piracy, and trained Arjun while still very young in the skills she would need to succeed.
When he reached adulthood, Arjun left his home to strike out and make a name for himself. He went to a tavern called the Formidably Maid, a notorious pirate hangout in Port Peril, eager to start his career as a buccaneer. While he was there, however, a dashing and flirtatious corsair caught his eye, and after a whirlwind night of booze and romance, he found himself beaten senseless and stuffed in a sack, carried off to who knows where.

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I'm interested, as I said in the other thread, but my posting on weekends is generally pretty restricted, especially in the summer. I can certainly post multiple times a day every weekday, but weekends will be hit or miss for at least half the year.
I'll submit a monk or brawler with that put out there.
Character will arrive once character creation rules are posted.

MichaelCullen |

Point buy will be 20, if you are using a race outside of the PHB then I ask that you have a good background story to go along with your choices. Campaign traits out of Skull and Shackles player's guide are authorized. You may take a flaw for an extra trait. If you wish to take a campaign trait run it by me, the answer will probably be yes.
As far as determining players it will be 'mostly' on a first come first serve basis. Those who actually recruited me will (from the other thread) will have first priority. I expect a post describing your character in order to reserve a spot, around a paragraph or two.

MichaelCullen |

Who I have so far:
Jolly Roger - Calah Undine Druid
Sobel Noro - Human Barbarian
Twilsemail - Brawler
Shadowy Fox - dirge bard or sea singer
Tanner Nielson - Arjun Vishkanya Ninja (backstory works)
Tin Foil Yamakah - Dimitrious Black Phanaton Shadow Sorcerer (backstory works)
Pedro Coelho - Doreen Makgree human buckaneer
Double Gold
And I will have to end it there

MichaelCullen |

@ Double Gold, happy to have you.
@Dimitrious you may keep him as he is so long as he has a reason to be in Port Peril and becoming a pirate will fit with his concept.
@ Calah you can choose your traits.
@EVERYONE, I have opened up the gameplay thread for those who wish to begin roleplay. The game will officially kick off in 2 days.

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Darn, appears I somewhat-literally missed the boat on this one. Had a character for a pbp that lost its GM within the first day (despite having a very interesting lineup of characters).
The application is in this profile. If you are still taking players, I can amend the crunch tonight to fit your character generation guidelines. Do let me know if a position opens up!
Concept is an Aasimar Shaman from Tien who fled from Quain and took to the seas to escape his pursuers. Met his spirit animal on the way to Goka and learned from her the Shamanistic ways.