DM John's The Reaping Stone

Game Master Paizo Fan

Current battlemap: Coming soon!

Dark Archive

Discussion thread for The Reaping Stone. Please place any OOC discussion in here.

Male Catfolk Alchemist (Vivisectionist) 2 | HP: 18/18 | AC 18 (Armor, Dex) (ff 14, t 14) | Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +0 | Init +4, Perc +5, scent | Claws (2) +5 (1d4+2), Sling +5 (1d4+2)
with mutagen:
HP: 18/18 | AC 20 (Armor, Dex, Natural) (ff 16, t 14) | Fort +5, Ref +9, Will -1 | Init +6, Perc +4, scent | Claws (2) +7 (1d4+2), Sling +7 (1d4+2)

Thanks for the pick, and congrats to R!Kktik, Johnson, Kirzon, Shelai, and Virtus. Looking forward to a fun and perilous table.

A quick question for the GM before we start:

Among Zrair's starting gear is a big bundle of alchemical items. Would it be alright to assume that he has had sufficient time to craft some of these alchemical items for himself (at 1/3rd base cost)? I'd only be applying this to items he can craft by taking 10, i.e. only those with a DC of 18 or less.

F Suli Paladin (Oath against undead)/2

Thanks! Ill be posting soon. :) Congrats to everyone else.


Thank you! Looking forward to it!

Male Ratfolk Alch/2 | AC 18| HP 22/22 | F +6 R +9 W +5 |Perc +5|
Zrair wrote:

Thanks for the pick, and congrats to R!Kktik, Johnson, Kirzon, Shelai, and Virtus. Looking forward to a fun and perilous table.

A quick question for the GM before we start:

Among Zrair's starting gear is a big bundle of alchemical items. Would it be alright to assume that he has had sufficient time to craft some of these alchemical items for himself (at 1/3rd base cost)? I'd only be applying this to items he can craft by taking 10, i.e. only those with a DC of 18 or less.

Likewise; R!Kktik has a slightly higher Craft check due to racial bonuses, but the principle is the same.

And thanks for picking me, DM J. Looking forward to it!

M Samsaran Wizard 1

Looks like this will be fun.

Dark Archive

Welcome one and all.

R!KKtik and Zrair; I have no problem with that. You can assume that before you set off you had time to prepare.

Can everyone use the following format for your profile headers (enter the following text with relevant changes pertinent to your character) in the Race/Class field in your character profile:

Human Ranger (Righteous Sentinel) 3 | HP: 20/26 | AC 19 (Armor, Dex, Shield) (ff 16, t 13) | Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +4 | Init +3, Perc +7 | Longbow +6 (1d8/x3), +1 Handaxe +6 (1d6+3/x3), Greataxe +5 (1d12+2/x3)

This allows me to keep the flow moving in combat/dungeon crawls. Also, you don't need to bold speech in the gameplay thread. Any thoughts should be in italics.

Human Male Invulnerable Rager 3 Resource Tracker
HP 42/42 | AC 16 (armor, Dex) (14ff, 10t) | +9 fort +3 Ref +3 Will (superstition +3 vs magic, SLA's etc) | +2 Init +5 Perc
HP 33/33 | AC 18 (armor, Dex) (16ff, 12t) | +6 fort +3 Ref +1 Will | +2 Init +5 Perc

I've updated the profile header. Any thoughts on how best to capture the stat changes with raging, since most of them do change.

Dark Archive

You can use spoilers in the header field, if that makes it easier.

Human Male Invulnerable Rager 3 Resource Tracker
HP 42/42 | AC 16 (armor, Dex) (14ff, 10t) | +9 fort +3 Ref +3 Will (superstition +3 vs magic, SLA's etc) | +2 Init +5 Perc
HP 33/33 | AC 18 (armor, Dex) (16ff, 12t) | +6 fort +3 Ref +1 Will | +2 Init +5 Perc

There's a pretty short limit on the number of characters in that field. Can't get it to fit with spoilers, shame.

Male Catfolk Alchemist (Vivisectionist) 2 | HP: 18/18 | AC 18 (Armor, Dex) (ff 14, t 14) | Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +0 | Init +4, Perc +5, scent | Claws (2) +5 (1d4+2), Sling +5 (1d4+2)
with mutagen:
HP: 18/18 | AC 20 (Armor, Dex, Natural) (ff 16, t 14) | Fort +5, Ref +9, Will -1 | Init +6, Perc +4, scent | Claws (2) +7 (1d4+2), Sling +7 (1d4+2)

The gender, race, and classes/levels fields all appear in the header with independent character limits. I have Zrair's normal stats under race, and the class field for his mutagen stats. I don't know if I like it taking up so much space with the spoiler, though, might just add it on only when it's in effect.

Human Male Invulnerable Rager 3 Resource Tracker
HP 42/42 | AC 16 (armor, Dex) (14ff, 10t) | +9 fort +3 Ref +3 Will (superstition +3 vs magic, SLA's etc) | +2 Init +5 Perc
HP 33/33 | AC 18 (armor, Dex) (16ff, 12t) | +6 fort +3 Ref +1 Will | +2 Init +5 Perc

Ah I see, I'll change it tonight. Thanks.


It's funny, I don't think any of us has any skill in diplomacy/bluff/intimidate.

Human Male Invulnerable Rager 3 Resource Tracker
HP 42/42 | AC 16 (armor, Dex) (14ff, 10t) | +9 fort +3 Ref +3 Will (superstition +3 vs magic, SLA's etc) | +2 Init +5 Perc
HP 33/33 | AC 18 (armor, Dex) (16ff, 12t) | +6 fort +3 Ref +1 Will | +2 Init +5 Perc

Yeah I noticed that too. Oh by the way johnson won't object to (somewhat harsh) interrogation but he won't permit torture. Let's not go there :)


@John Stout - I completely understand if it's too late for such things, but would it be possible for Kirzon to make an adjustment to cover the Intimidate skill? He would give up the Focused Mind trait in exchange for the Fiend Blood trait (+1 Intimidate, Intimidate is a class skill). Next level, he'd drop a skill point into Intimidate. I think it's both useful and fits with the character.

Dark Archive

Fine by me.


Sweet. Kirzon is getting scarier by the minute. :P

Male Catfolk Alchemist (Vivisectionist) 2 | HP: 18/18 | AC 18 (Armor, Dex) (ff 14, t 14) | Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +0 | Init +4, Perc +5, scent | Claws (2) +5 (1d4+2), Sling +5 (1d4+2)
with mutagen:
HP: 18/18 | AC 20 (Armor, Dex, Natural) (ff 16, t 14) | Fort +5, Ref +9, Will -1 | Init +6, Perc +4, scent | Claws (2) +7 (1d4+2), Sling +7 (1d4+2)

Sit by the fire, children, and I shall recount for you that blood-chilling tale... the story of The Party Without a Face!

Male Catfolk Alchemist (Vivisectionist) 2 | HP: 18/18 | AC 18 (Armor, Dex) (ff 14, t 14) | Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +0 | Init +4, Perc +5, scent | Claws (2) +5 (1d4+2), Sling +5 (1d4+2)
with mutagen:
HP: 18/18 | AC 20 (Armor, Dex, Natural) (ff 16, t 14) | Fort +5, Ref +9, Will -1 | Init +6, Perc +4, scent | Claws (2) +7 (1d4+2), Sling +7 (1d4+2)

To keep track of this sort of thing, I put together a spreadsheet organizing our various skill and language abilities which anyone may edit:

Link to Google doc

The skill list isn't complete--I didn't feel like calculating 200-odd modifiers, so for everyone else it only shows those ranks that are actually on our profiles. Feel free to fill out the rest for your own PCs. The skill name backgrounds indicate who has the highest rank, and black indicates trained-only skills that none of us possess.

Male Ratfolk Alch/2 | AC 18| HP 22/22 | F +6 R +9 W +5 |Perc +5|
Zrair wrote:
Sit by the fire, children, and I shall recount for you that blood-chilling tale... the story of The Party Without a Face!

But we've got three tails, which should count for something.

Male Catfolk Alchemist (Vivisectionist) 2 | HP: 18/18 | AC 18 (Armor, Dex) (ff 14, t 14) | Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +0 | Init +4, Perc +5, scent | Claws (2) +5 (1d4+2), Sling +5 (1d4+2)
with mutagen:
HP: 18/18 | AC 20 (Armor, Dex, Natural) (ff 16, t 14) | Fort +5, Ref +9, Will -1 | Init +6, Perc +4, scent | Claws (2) +7 (1d4+2), Sling +7 (1d4+2)

Perhaps, but no one has Handle Animal either.

F Suli Paladin (Oath against undead)/2

I can technically be a face. XD But we're gonna have a bad time.


That's a neat chart, Zrair. Surprised nobody picked up Necril. Of course, Kirzon's too dumb to pick up anything.

M Samsaran Wizard 1

I'll probably pick it up if we get to level 3.

F Suli Paladin (Oath against undead)/2

I will be gone for this weekend. Magic convention! I will post if possible.

Male Catfolk Alchemist (Vivisectionist) 2 | HP: 18/18 | AC 18 (Armor, Dex) (ff 14, t 14) | Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +0 | Init +4, Perc +5, scent | Claws (2) +5 (1d4+2), Sling +5 (1d4+2)
with mutagen:
HP: 18/18 | AC 20 (Armor, Dex, Natural) (ff 16, t 14) | Fort +5, Ref +9, Will -1 | Init +6, Perc +4, scent | Claws (2) +7 (1d4+2), Sling +7 (1d4+2)

As in "the Gathering," or as in "Castle"?

M Samsaran Wizard 1

Zrair, you may want to re-read the 'Throw Anything' entry under the Alchemist class. Despite having no bombs, your alchemist's acid and fire are better than normal.

Male Catfolk Alchemist (Vivisectionist) 2 | HP: 18/18 | AC 18 (Armor, Dex) (ff 14, t 14) | Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +0 | Init +4, Perc +5, scent | Claws (2) +5 (1d4+2), Sling +5 (1d4+2)
with mutagen:
HP: 18/18 | AC 20 (Armor, Dex, Natural) (ff 16, t 14) | Fort +5, Ref +9, Will -1 | Init +6, Perc +4, scent | Claws (2) +7 (1d4+2), Sling +7 (1d4+2)

Thanks for pointing that out. I didn't realize the Int bonus damage was part of it as well.

Male Ratfolk Alch/2 | AC 18| HP 22/22 | F +6 R +9 W +5 |Perc +5|

I'd just noticed that, too. Which is part of why R!Kktik now jingles a bit when he walks...alchemist's fire, alkali flask, shard gel, and a couple of other things. Between his INT, ratfolk bonus, and alchemist level bonus he's got +13 on alchemy checks; if he survives to 3rd level he'll be able to take 10 and make DC 25 items.

F Suli Paladin (Oath against undead)/2

Magic as in tricks.

M Samsaran Wizard 1

Is anyone down any hit point damage from that?


Don't think so. Looks like the only harm was that Kirzon picked up filth fever, probably unnecessarily in retrospect.

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