DM Immortal's Blood Red Roses: A Skull & Shackles Campaign

Game Master imimrtl

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Island of Empty Eyes Map

Port Peril Map

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Dread Lady Upper level
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Island of Empty Eyes Map Current Map

The weather looks to be relatively clear the next three days, you suspect it may rain for 24 minutes and 37 seconds at precisely 3:18pm tomorrow afternoon. ;-P

F Elf Ranger (Freebooter) 5, Hunter 4, Guardian 1 /AC 23, T12, FF21/ HP 78/78, F+11, R+12/+13, W+6 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +10, CMD 22/Init +4(+6), Perc. +17/+19
Dhaavan wrote:

"We got folk what's I know the Cap'n tends ta charge in, and Jiro's got his ways for swingin over, but the rest o us? I'll likely vanish afore we get to em, summon some eagles on the approach, then drop a Hell Hound on the deck as we grapple o're. Then I can conjur a pit for them what at the wheel, so there'll be no way to control the ship," Dhaavan explains with a vicious grin. "Adular, Flynn, Rain?"

Imm, how would we use the Boarding Pike? Last time, Rain rolled a sailing check to grapple and then we were good, so if rain just has the pike, she sailing check's us in, and can use it normally?

"I will stay on the Lady as long as possible, ensuring we have successfully grappled and our helm is secure. I will have Sandara protect the wheel once I move to board the other vessel. I too can either use the rigging the swing myself over or I can climb across the ropes. So, I will be in the second wave to board the enemy vessel."

If both pilots want to grapple, grappling is automatically successful. If only one pilot wants to grapple, she must make a combat maneuver check against the target ship's CMD, using the base CMB of the ship plus the pilot's sailing skill modifier (or WIS mod) as the total CMB of the grappling maneuver. If the check is successful, the target ship is grappled. On the next round, the two ships are moved adjacent to one another, and the speed of both ships is reduced to 0. This is what Rain did with the Kurstav.

F Elf Ranger (Freebooter) 5, Hunter 4, Guardian 1 /AC 23, T12, FF21/ HP 78/78, F+11, R+12/+13, W+6 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +10, CMD 22/Init +4(+6), Perc. +17/+19
DM Immortal wrote:
The weather looks to be relatively clear the next three days, you suspect it may rain for 24 minutes and 37 seconds at precisely 3:18pm tomorrow afternoon. ;-P

Ah, excellent, almighty GM. I shall pass on said information to my fellow officers. Thank you. ;)

F Elf Ranger (Freebooter) 5, Hunter 4, Guardian 1 /AC 23, T12, FF21/ HP 78/78, F+11, R+12/+13, W+6 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +10, CMD 22/Init +4(+6), Perc. +17/+19

Flynn, Adular does not have 'Bless'; Rain does as one of her known inquisitor spells. His cleric spells are listed on the discussion board.

Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)
Rain Taneththir wrote:
Flynn, Adular does not have 'Bless'; Rain does as one of her known inquisitor spells. His cleric spells are listed on the discussion board.

Ah! Thank you Rain, I had missed that. Bless would be helpful, if you're willing to cast it, though :)

Female 7 - HP: 61, AC: 19, (Fort: 6, Ref: 3, Will: 9). Initiative: +1, Perception: 13/15
Dhaavan wrote:

GM, how fast is the enemy going? Jack can fly 160 ft/round with a full run, so whenever Jack can get in range to scout some

"There's thinkin," Dhaavan acknowledges. If/and when possible, Dhaavan says, "Jack, go on ahead and scout the enemy a li'l, eh? See what kind o' whatnot they got on em yeah? Crew, seige-weaponry, wether or not they got oars an' such?"

Arodus 26th

Time: Roughly noon on the foredeck
Location: On the Foredeck

Amen-set moves near Horatio, listening to him talk. As he continues to speak, she hands Dhaavan a small package and presses it into his hands. It is a bit bulky, and a few pounds.

”For later, imey-er,” she says somewhat shyly with an intent gleam in her eyes.

Sovereign Court

Male Human Magus 2; HP 17/17, AC 16/12/14; saves 4/2/3; CMB: +4, CMD 16 loot list

During the discussion of tactics, Variel has a thought and shares it with the group. What would you think if when we are within signal distance, we signal them to surrender and give up their cargo. If they do so then no harm will come to them. If they choose to fight then blood will be spilt till they do surrender? If they have heard of us and our reputation for dealing fairly with our captured prey they might surrender without a fight. Even if they don't surrender right away, they will know we accept surrender as an option and will stop fighting sooner when they realize they can not win. If they should refuse, then we can see what Flynn has in store for them with his catapult targeting the steering wheel to disable them. I don't want to

As for the combat itself, I will start near Rain prepping myself and turning her invisible for a short period of time. Not only will this provide her some protection, but it may alarm the other ship to see ours unpiloted yet still chasing after them. Beyond that it is too soon to tell what may happen. Besmara guide us.

Male Elf Slayer 4

"Seems fine to me, Captain. We don't want to risk the prize any more than we must."

Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)

Arodus 26th
Time: Roughly 12:05 p.m.
Location: On the Foredeck during the tactics meeting

Horatio listens to Variel’s speech about offering terms of surrender; a fair gambit. It would allow them the chance to demonstrate mercy and show a reputation for being less barbaric than others. It would certainly mean that those who surrendered would be more eager to join with them, for their crew would not demonstrate that they were outright killers; but instead the sailors on "The Dread Lady" would be seen as more decent – and, in a way, even honorable.

Still – one thing disturbed him about the plan…

”It’s a good plan. But, if they surrender outright, then we’ll not spill blood,” he says slowly, his expression somewhat unsettled.

He hefts a boarding axe which is dangling loosely in his hand, gripping it a bit more tightly; the spike which juts from the aft of the blade is still rust colored and stained.

”But for that – I agree; you have a good plan in asking for surrender. I like it and respect it, aye," he says considering things.

Then he lifts his gaze and speaks more directly.

"But - no offense meant - I’d rather fight and kill then ask for terms this day.”

His eyes are distant and seem to stare at nothing, ignoring the widened look of surprise on the young girl who has shadowed him the past several days.

After making that opinion known, he continues to listen to Variel’s plans.

During Variel's plans Horatio's eyes narrow a moment and his gaze suddenly moves from Variel to Rain, then back to Variel.

”I thought Rain meant to board with our second wave? If so, wouldn’t that mean Sandara would have the helm as Rain readies herself to board?” he asks, looking at Variel’s eyes, as if studying them.

You sense that Horatio is sincere in his question, but his look said plainly that he was thinking more than he said.

After a moment, he rubs his chin, and shrugs; but the distant look in his eyes is gone, and now he seems very focused and alert.

”I don’t know – but I think that if we were eager to protect anyone, it would be people on board who could heal; our clerics are both Adular and Sandara; and it’s likely that Sandara will be conning the ship in any case as Rain is boarding with us. No offense to Rain, but I would rather our clerics weren’t hit at all, if we could help it. If our healers are slaughtered outright then I think we'll all be in trouble.”

”Besides, when we're toe-to-toe in a hard fight, isn't the general rule to always protect the casters first?” he asks curiously.

F Elf Ranger (Freebooter) 5, Hunter 4, Guardian 1 /AC 23, T12, FF21/ HP 78/78, F+11, R+12/+13, W+6 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +10, CMD 22/Init +4(+6), Perc. +17/+19

Rain slowly focuses her attention on Flynn, her face devoid of emotion but her words clear so he could understand her.

"Variel did say he would make me invisible while sailing the ship, giving chase to them. Not during the battle itself. Once we drew close enough, the tactic would be to unnerve the opposing sailors as if the Lady were in the expert hands of a spectre not a flesh-and-blood pilot."

Then choosing her next words carefully, she utters, "Aye, we hear you would draw weapon and spill blood. However, if we can manage to gain what we seek without bloodshed, then it is preferable as a whole."

Human - (Status: normal) Varisian Sorcerer 5 (HP: 56/56, AC:21(14/19[+2]) /F:8,R:8,W:9 / MP: 5/5 / Init. +2 / Perc. +5/6(3))(Jack's Perc: +13/+15)

"The priests'll be out of harms way, for the most part, and there's both value in the Shock-and-awe from an invisible pilot, and then when she comes over, cloaked in a glamor, she can put that pike o' hers through someone wit' em none the wiser, so she'll get one good shot, eh? Just sayin, there's some sound tactics in that."

Quietly to Flynn, later on, Dhaavan admits, "I could go for some blood too. Doubt that they'll accept our terms, but still, let it be known that we offer. Then let it be known why yea accept, eh?" licking his lips.

Sovereign Court

Male Human Magus 2; HP 17/17, AC 16/12/14; saves 4/2/3; CMB: +4, CMD 16 loot list

Correct, Rain. Yet to answer Flynn more directly, once we get that close I would move to the main deck and prepare myself for boarding. Do not be surprised if I myself vanish for a second or two. I would only do this should we come abreast of our prey but are unable to grapple her. Whilst others are throwing grappling hooks, I might attempt to leap across then under the protection of invisibility. Once there I would make a direct path to the captain and engage him before they even suspect anything. Hopefully this would allow us to succeed in the grappling and boarding as they are distracted by my appearance in the midst of them. Do not count of this action though as there are too many variables that need to be weighed.we might find ourselves being boarded and I will be needed to help repel them. I thought what I would give you fair warning though if you do not see me leading the charge. Know that I am there ready to lay waste to them.

AC20 (T 16, FF 14); HP 86/86; saves F +6, R +16, W +7; bab: 6/1; melee 8/1(+13/8), ranged +12/7; CMB 8, CMD 24; speed 30; init +6(+8); perc +11(13)(+15) mp 2/5 | kitsune rogue (pirate)/7; bard(sea singer)/2
acro 21(23,26), appr 11, bluff 6, climb 11, dd 17, disg 5, esc art 10, fly 9, intim 8, k local 5, k geog 6(8), ling 8, perc 11(13,15), prf: harm 8, prf: act 8; pr: sail 11, sm 2, soh 13, spcrft 6, stlth 19(21)(23), swm 10

"I agree offering them a chance to surrender first is a great idea. Perhaps the tales of our deeds, as spread by Dhaavan, might be enough to influence their reaction." He shrugs.

"If not, well then we go ahead and grapple and board them, take them by force. I can help with an encouraging song or two to inspire our men... and women." He looks over at Rain and flashes her a smile as he adds the 'and women'.

"I'll swing over invisible too, hopefully catch one or two offguard like last time."

Human - (Status: normal) Varisian Sorcerer 5 (HP: 56/56, AC:21(14/19[+2]) /F:8,R:8,W:9 / MP: 5/5 / Init. +2 / Perc. +5/6(3))(Jack's Perc: +13/+15)

Dhaavan laughs heartily at the captain and Sejiro's suggestions of their actions. "I can imagine the tales now," he says putting an arm on Adular's shoulder as a tavern go-er sharing a harrowing tale, "They came upon us, Black-wings on a blood-red flag. Offered us a chance to surrender, oh gods i wish we'd taken it. They sail in nobody at the helm, driven by Besmara herself! then before we even know it, they're on-board, our Cap'n dead and the scallywag crew swarms us!" He laughs again, nearly cackling at the thought. mock fear of a survivor in his eyes.

"I love it. We don't board a ship, we appear on the deck swords flashing and blood spilling afore the fight even starts." DHaavan loves it. "Cap'n, even if yea don't need to, Instead of leadin the charge, I think ya may do well usin invisibility anyway."

Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)
Rain Taneththir wrote:

Rain slowly focuses her attention on Flynn, her face devoid of emotion but her words clear so he could understand her.

"Variel did say he would make me invisible while sailing the ship, giving chase to them. Not during the battle itself. Once we drew close enough, the tactic would be to unnerve the opposing sailors as if the Lady were in the expert hands of a spectre not a flesh-and-blood pilot."

Then choosing her next words carefully, she utters, "Aye, we hear you would draw weapon and spill blood. However, if we can manage to gain what we seek without bloodshed, then it is preferable as a whole."

Arodus 26th

Time: Roughly 12:10 p.m. on the foredeck
Location: On the Foredeck during the tactics meeting

Horatio hears Rain’s words, but he is watching Variel now, still considering something.

”I do not wish to press the matter; but I disagree on both counts,” he says slowly.

”If the ship is sailing and there is no pilot, I'd figure that would mean that an enemy would simply attempt to attack the helm directly. With no pilot there, they may elect something more mundane – such as lobbing an explosive onto the quarterdeck; or a perhaps something more direct, like a fireball…”

”We do not yet know if this ship has casters – arcane or otherwise.”

”If there is a wizard aboard, and he sees the ship – he may elect to attack the entire quarterdeck completely in an effort to destroy the wheel regardless, and being visible or not won’t matter.”

”I will add that seeing a ship without a pilot would not unnerve me at all – fire ships don’t have pilots, they merely lash the wheel to a beam so it does not spin, set the ship on fire and evacuate. Further still, a ship may be guided by magic. For myself, I do not think it is so impressive a thing; though yes, it would certainly keep Rain from being seen by an enemy. That would be the only advantage I would see to casting a spell on her while she pilots the ship - and it is a good one, too.”

”But in any case, the pilot is in the aft of the ship – behind the sails and the rigging. Until or unless we come alongside the enemy to move to board, they likely won’t see anyone past the sails and the masts and the prow of the ship, whether they vanish or not; until the last moment; and I'd wager that by then, they will have other things on their mind.”

”But it seems a vain advantage as a whole; and a waste of a spell besides. And also, we do not yet know fully what enemies are on this ship yet. Even if we are able to somehow confuse them them with no pilot on the helm – assuming that works – what practical advantage will that give us when we fight them? I mean to say, even if they are confused, how long will that last, if at all?” he adds, not trying to goad, but sincerely baffled as to why having an invisible pilot would be so unnerving, considering all the amazing and supernatural wonder's they had seen so far.

He turns his gaze to Rain.

”I reckon I don't agree with you that avoiding bloodshed is preferable. You think it is, and that's your choice. But, no disrespect, I don’t agree.”

”Today I want to kill something; for me, that would preferable.”

Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)
Dhaavan wrote:

"The priests'll be out of harms way, for the most part, and there's both value in the Shock-and-awe from an invisible pilot, and then when she comes over, cloaked in a glamor, she can put that pike o' hers through someone wit' em none the wiser, so she'll get one good shot, eh? Just sayin, there's some sound tactics in that."

** spoiler omitted **

Arodus 26th

Time: Roughly 12:14 p.m. on the foredeck
Location: On the Foredeck during the tactics meeting

”Begging your pardon, Dhaavan – but how can the clerics be safe?”

”Won’t at least one of the clerics board with us? Surely – if not Sandy, then Adular will be coming with us when we hit deck, right?"

”If he does so, then it’s likely he’ll stick out like a sore thumb, with the others invisible.”

”Meantime, we need him covered, and you covered, Dhaavan; if you come across. Hell, lad you’re not the most hearty of fighters.”

”If you don’t come, though – if you stay on board our ship, you may be successful with ranged attacks, but I’d rather have at least one cleric by my side to help me if I fall; and also I think it would be good if he was nearby so I can at least see him and know that he’s covered personally.”

”But that’s just me. I ain't here to argue, just offer my opinions is all,” he adds.

He looks at the sky, watching the heavens for any signs of a storm, but seeing nothing of note.

”Anyhow, as I see it – you, Rain, Variel and Seijiro will all be invisible; while me, Adular and Sandy will be on the main deck and visible with the rest of the crew… “

He thinks about that for a a moment, then shrugs.

”Well, if that’s the plan, that’s the plan; no point worrying about,” he adds after a moment, looking at Dhaavan.

"So I tell you what; you just tell me who you want killed and I'll do what I can to oblige," he adds, suddenly flashing Dhaavan a friendly smile, and clapping him on the shoulder as he nods politely at Variel to show that he'll not protest anything about this plan and was simply offering some suggestions.

F Elf Ranger (Freebooter) 5, Hunter 4, Guardian 1 /AC 23, T12, FF21/ HP 78/78, F+11, R+12/+13, W+6 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +10, CMD 22/Init +4(+6), Perc. +17/+19
Horatio Flynn wrote:

”Today I want to kill something; for me, that would preferable.”

Rain refrained from speaking her thoughts on Flynn's last statement. He was a force and law unto himself.

"Aye, your contrary opinion has been heard and acknowledged, Flynn." There is no ire in her statement. Just a new kind of recognition.

Rain meets Flynn's gaze momentarily before moving about the foredeck somewhat, hoping to alleviate some of the tension from her body.

Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)
Rain Taneththir wrote:
Horatio Flynn wrote:

”Today I want to kill something; for me, that would preferable.”

Rain refrained from speaking her thoughts on Flynn's last statement. He was a force and law unto himself.

"Aye, your contrary opinion has been heard and acknowledged, Flynn." There is no ire in her statement. Just a new kind of recognition.

Rain meets Flynn's gaze momentarily before moving about the foredeck somewhat, hoping to alleviate some of the tension from her body.

Horatio watches Rain walk walk away, but he says nothing.

Male Elf Slayer 4

"For my part, do not worry about me. Most men can't see a man's holy symbol in the heat of battle, and I will be but one more deucedly handsome well dressed pirate among many, and I can take care of meself pretty well," he also adds, "And if I am seen as shirking my part in the fight, how can the men respect me as a Bossun?"

F Elf Ranger (Freebooter) 5, Hunter 4, Guardian 1 /AC 23, T12, FF21/ HP 78/78, F+11, R+12/+13, W+6 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +10, CMD 22/Init +4(+6), Perc. +17/+19
Horatio Flynn wrote:

”Anyhow, as I see it – you, Rain, Variel and Seijiro will all be invisible; while me, Adular and Sandy will be on the main deck and visible with the rest of the crew… “

A short few minutes pass as Rain moves about deck (in the near vicinty of the group). She had caught Flynn's additonal words about being visible targets and even Adular's response of not shirking his responsibility and position. Flynn seems unusually bloodthirsty. When did he become this way...Something is not quite right.

Rain moves back to the circle of officers. She looks to Flynn again and her turquoise gaze is calm. "Flynn, we are simply discussing possible tactics -- ideas that may or may not work. Nothing is set in stone at this time. No one wants to see either you, Adular, Sandara or the general crew thrown in harm's way or made into direct targets. Aye, as I mentioned earlier, Sandara will take the helm from me, so I may join the boarding party. I agree that she will need to be protected, and in turn the helm, and I will listen to ideas in that regard for you are in charge of the gun crew. Adular seems well-equipped to handle himself, however if he would rather move between us and be shielded by the group, I will not oppose it. In addition, his access to us will not be compromised in terms of healing." Rain looks toward the half-elven Besmaran priest in case he has something to add. Then, "Let us please continue to talk and finalise our plans. It is true that we must act as a whole or else we may falter and fall. The enemy will look for weaknesses and we cannot show them any."

F Elf Ranger (Freebooter) 5, Hunter 4, Guardian 1 /AC 23, T12, FF21/ HP 78/78, F+11, R+12/+13, W+6 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +10, CMD 22/Init +4(+6), Perc. +17/+19
Seijiro wrote:

"If not, well then we go ahead and grapple and board them, take them by force. I can help with an encouraging song or two to inspire our men... and women." He looks over at Rain and flashes her a smile as he adds the 'and women'.

Recollecting Jiro's words a few minutes ago, Rain quietly smiles and takes a look at the kitsune now.

She was glad to have the kitsune on side. Rain wondered if Jiro with his keen senses had observed a strong and abrupt change in Flynn. She could not delve into it at present for they had a fight to prepare for. Dhaavan had not gotten back to her with the information concerning Flynn's silent companion shrouded in wraps and she wondered why. Rain presumed it was the same person Jiro had seen coming onboard with Flynn on their last night in Bloodcove. Rain had to learn to place her trust in all her sworn shipmates. It was hard with some when there seemed to be secrets aboard the Lady. The questioning would have to wait. Now was the time for devising plans that would result in success.

As soon as the tactics were agreed upon, Rain would find a private moment to sacrifice something precious to the ocean, to Besmara herself. Gozreh she already spoken with in her dawn prayers.

Human - (Status: normal) Varisian Sorcerer 5 (HP: 56/56, AC:21(14/19[+2]) /F:8,R:8,W:9 / MP: 5/5 / Init. +2 / Perc. +5/6(3))(Jack's Perc: +13/+15)

"Invisibility is a right fragile Glamor, Flynn. Any attackin'll break most o' the illusions. So the Cap'n an' Sejiro bein unseen'll only last till they take an attack. It's jest a trick ta get o'er there safe an' to the Pilot ot someone real easy. The idea ain't ta sneak round, save for me how I summon an' conjure while hidden."

"So while they'll be invisible for a moment, appearin' may actually draw the crew's attention ta their helm or wherever The Cap'n an' Jiro show up, then they may waste time tryin ta find Rain when they realize that she's likely only vanished as well" then with a shrug, Dhaavan says "but we really ain't gonna know how they react till we do it."

Regarding wizards, Dhaavan feels, "If they got a wizard or sommat on-board what can create fires like that, then there's likelyhood that they throw that magic right off, regardless of who's helming. Rather had I a target and that kind o' power, I'd just kill the pilot outright... Dhaavan really isn't sure one can plan for, or predict enemy caster's actions, rather be as ready as one can, and deal on the fly.

Island of Empty Eyes Map Current Map

Let me know when you guys are good to move on and any specific plans you are making. Remember the distance I have on the map will be the distance we start combat at around dusk.

Human - (Status: normal) Varisian Sorcerer 5 (HP: 56/56, AC:21(14/19[+2]) /F:8,R:8,W:9 / MP: 5/5 / Init. +2 / Perc. +5/6(3))(Jack's Perc: +13/+15)

I'm pretty much ready, but for my prep I kinda need to pick whick point I start cause it's all measured in rounds. So I should pick when I Vanish as we approach.
- the rest of us have brainstormed, and seem to be aware of eachother's intensions.

More at lunch, but Dhaavan likes Rain getting us grappled then getting over to the enemy boat to attack, as she's one of our best fighters, and that first invisible attack happening round 2 would be really helpful, i'd bet. Is freebooter's bane a swift or move action? I forget

Sovereign Court

Male Human Magus 2; HP 17/17, AC 16/12/14; saves 4/2/3; CMB: +4, CMD 16 loot list

Once we actually start the combat rounds, Variel will have a series of prepe spells going off kind of like the first ship combat. The only thing that would alter his order is when he casts vanish on Rain and moves to the main deck. Will get the list up shortly once I go to lunch break.

Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)

Arodus 26th
Time: Roughly 12:14 p.m. on the foredeck
Location: On the Foredeck during the tactics meeting

Horatio listens to the plans for a bit, and props his axe over his shoulder.

”Right – so the plan to talk’s out, and we’re in for blood, then?” he asks, not entirely sure what exactly the others have planned, but guessing that with so many warlike preparations he has seen that nothing regarding diplomatic options is being considered any more at this point.

He glances at the sky for a little bit. As the others talk and his mind ranges over the powers that Variel will have, given the spells he is preparing.

This damn thing will be either really short, or we’re likely going to die fast. Anything that Variel can’t slaughter in one sword stroke will be so damn tough the rest of us will barely scratch it, if we can hit it at all… And if we can put it down, he’ll have it finished before we can charge across.

He shrugs and pulls out a cheroot and lights it, continuing to listen.

There would have been time that he would have held his charge; holding back until Variel had leapt across with all of his powers enhancing him and simply slaughtered two or three men every few seconds with a few sword strokes. During such time Horatio would have waited on their own ship and provided cover fire for those who got too close Variel with ranged weapons, even as folk like Dhaavan used magic, hidden from view; and others with skills at shooting could have also helped out, too.

Then, when things looked good and Variel had cut the swath open, or if he needed some direct help, than he and the other ranged fighters and casters could leap across and fill in any gap that needed filing and lend a hand.

He would have happily done that.

But not today.

Today the group would all move across under the guise of magic. There could be no help from ranged fire from mates aboard The Lady as those ranged folk couldn't see their allies either, and may hit them by accident.

And it seems that there would be no help from casters, kept in safety and hidden from view to call forth magic that would change the tide in a crucial moment. They would already have moved across in the fight…

Meanwhile, of course, the enemy knew they were coming.

Furthermore, the enemy knew their own ship and Horatio did not. The enemy knew where they could hide best; where they could position themselves – also with vanishing spells, perhaps – and remain hidden for long moments until combat seemed nearly finished. They could hide cleverly until a mate rushed by them; then they could lunge forth from their magical cover and strike at a vital spot.

Your mates will each have one free attack before they’re hip deep in it. And with your ship following, who knows if the enemy is not planning on doing similar things even now?

You should wait; you should offer fire in any case from the distance of your ship; not go charging in, if you can help it. That will help your allies best; to offer range from a safer distance instead of getting mixed into it, eh?

His eyes narrowed a bit at that thought.


If you do that you will not feel what you seek. You will not feel that ripple that travels from iron or steel and then into your flesh, and up your arm and deep into your very heart when you deliver a killing blow with your hands.

He glances at Amen-set.

And what of the girl who travels with you, eh? If you throw your life away, she will likely die or be beached, along with Piper. If your life is held so cheaply, at least consider theirs.

He frowns as the young girl turns her eyes at him, regarding his face curiously, as if trying to read his thoughts.

Gods damn it…

He glances back to the sky again.

I don’t have to decide either way, yet. Aye, so I’ll decide in the moment, when my blood is up, and not with all this thinking. I think too much anyway.

Content at this, he nods to himself.

Good! So, when it comes to playing it safe and cautiously, or throwing my life away simply to butcher an enemy – I’ll let my blood decide that course when it the need is in front of me, not before.

Feeling better when that weight is lifted from his spirit, he smiles easily again.

”Anyhow – like I said; you tell me who you want killed, and I’m content with that,” he adds, speaking to the others, his voice relaxed.

Human - (Status: normal) Varisian Sorcerer 5 (HP: 56/56, AC:21(14/19[+2]) /F:8,R:8,W:9 / MP: 5/5 / Init. +2 / Perc. +5/6(3))(Jack's Perc: +13/+15)

Noonish the 25th

"I could fly Jack over with a message, asking for surrender. He could drop the note for 'em and wing back, playing the simple bird. He's clever enough not to get hisself killed over there if he drops it.?"
We could send Jack with a white cloth in one claw, nad a note on the other, Drop that for the Captain, and he can fly back with a response, listening to them as they discuss?

"So all in all, I'll be conjuring, invisible, and Jiro and Variel lead the charge, potentially glamoured as well. Rain's got the Con till we grapple em an'll join the fight right then, givin' Sandara the Helm ta tie off. Adular's for his blessings as well as curses for the enemy to throw from out ship," Dhaavan lists out for the officers early in the afternoon.

"Flynn, you got command of the siege? Anybody else a good shot what can help with the aiming of other weapons?" [ooc]We got the two Balista, and two catapults, right? "ANd then when we get there, Flynn, yea don't need to worry over much, if yea can get a pot-shot on the Cap'n off early on, as we're moving then either take shots at who all approaches the fighters yea can come over later if need be? Whatcha think?" Dhaavan asks, trying to establish a plan so as not to get in the way of Flynn's shots.

F Elf Ranger (Freebooter) 5, Hunter 4, Guardian 1 /AC 23, T12, FF21/ HP 78/78, F+11, R+12/+13, W+6 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +10, CMD 22/Init +4(+6), Perc. +17/+19

Since it's Good Friday here, I may not be on the boards, and am posting the grapple here now.

If only one pilot wants to grapple, she must make a combat maneuver check against the target ship's CMD, using the base CMB of the ship plus the pilot's sailing modifier as the total CMB of the grappling maneuver. If the check is successful, the target ship is grappled. From the player's guide, a sailing ship has a base CMB of 8 then add Rain's +13 (Prof. Sailing mod) and the total CMB of the grappling maneuver is 21. The Rahadoumi's Ship (2 Masted Schooner - Sailing ship) CMD is 18 (from Player's Guide).

So, when the time comes to grapple the Rahadoumi Schooner,

Combat Maneuver Check (to grapple): 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (8) + 21 = 29

If this is correct, that means the Rahadoumi ship is successfully grappled as its CMD is 18. GM to clarify.

Island of Empty Eyes Map Current Map

So do we have a plan yet or are we still deciding?

Human - (Status: normal) Varisian Sorcerer 5 (HP: 56/56, AC:21(14/19[+2]) /F:8,R:8,W:9 / MP: 5/5 / Init. +2 / Perc. +5/6(3))(Jack's Perc: +13/+15)

We'd need sailing checks to close, right? At this point I'm ready. I ca either say that i have my birda out and am casting SM1 when the Grapple happens, or i can take my Prep rounds as we approach, but that one only works if someone rolls out the opposed sailing checks to get into range.

If someone wants to comment on offering terms of surrender, I'll do that. Just need to write the note. GM any rolls for that?

Sovereign Court

Male Human Magus 2; HP 17/17, AC 16/12/14; saves 4/2/3; CMB: +4, CMD 16 loot list

I think we are ready and if Rain is willing I can post her sailing checks to move things along for her if there are a couple of rounds needed before we can initiate the grapple check.

Variel will help Dhaavan compose the note for Jack to drop off to the other captain. The message is simple, surrender and let us board you and you will not get hurt. Resist and be attacked until you surrender. Signed Captain Variel Nightstorm of The Dread Lady. Or something similar. He will let Dhaavan pen it though and put it into his own words.

F Elf Ranger (Freebooter) 5, Hunter 4, Guardian 1 /AC 23, T12, FF21/ HP 78/78, F+11, R+12/+13, W+6 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +10, CMD 22/Init +4(+6), Perc. +17/+19

3 sailing checks. (I'm not sure how many are necessary at this point but putting these three on the board. If more are required, Variel can roll them on Rain's behalf. Thanks. :))

Prof. Sailor: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (8) + 13 = 21
Prof. Sailor: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (10) + 13 = 23
Prof. Sailor: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (12) + 13 = 25

Edit: GM, please add any bonus/es for modifications to ship and favourable wind conditions/upperhand etc as per Variel's post below.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Human Magus 2; HP 17/17, AC 16/12/14; saves 4/2/3; CMB: +4, CMD 16 loot list

Dont forget the upgrades our ship provides Rain. +2 to sailing from broad rudder and rapid deploy sails and another +1 to upper hand checks. Thus I show a modified +15 normally and +16 upper hand. If we have control of the wind that is another +2 to the upper hand checks. Spent way too much time reading the players handout.

F Elf Ranger (Freebooter) 5, Hunter 4, Guardian 1 /AC 23, T12, FF21/ HP 78/78, F+11, R+12/+13, W+6 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +10, CMD 22/Init +4(+6), Perc. +17/+19

Once we draw closer to the Rahadoumi Schooner (just before we board her), Rain will enact Freebooter's Bond (move action) granting all allies within 30 ft who can hear or see her a +2 bonus on attack rolls when flanking with the freebooter or with another ally affected by this ability. Her speech goes something like this, "Let us move as if we are one! Together we will have the might and cunning to defeat this enemy! We are comrades. Let us never forget it."

F Elf Ranger (Freebooter) 5, Hunter 4, Guardian 1 /AC 23, T12, FF21/ HP 78/78, F+11, R+12/+13, W+6 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +10, CMD 22/Init +4(+6), Perc. +17/+19
Variel Nightstorm wrote:
Dont forget the upgrades our ship provides Rain. +2 to sailing from broad rudder and rapid deploy sails and another +1 to upper hand checks. Thus I show a modified +15 normally and +16 upper hand. If we have control of the wind that is another +2 to the upper hand checks. Spent way too much time reading the players handout.

Thanks for the that, Variel. Once the GM clarifies what the situation is for us, then please tack on the necessary bonuses. :)

GM, do the bonuses for ship modifications and favourable wind conditions etc affect the combat maneuver check performed by Rain to successfully grapple the Rahadoumi vessel?

Island of Empty Eyes Map Current Map

1d20 + 11 ⇒ (1) + 11 = 12
1d20 + 11 ⇒ (8) + 11 = 19
1d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 16

You all will manage to catch up, it will take 10 rds before you are in range to board. You are 300' away and will get 30' closer per round. Let me know about what actions you plan when.

Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)

Arodus 26th
Dusk (roughly 8:10 PM as sunset is around 7:36 in Arodus 26th)
Location: On the Foredeck by Catapult
Moon Cycle: More than half a moon; full moon on the 31st
Weather Conditions: Clear Sky
Round 1 - 300 feet from ship

Looking at the ship in the distance, Horatio’s eyes narrow.

He turns to Piper –

”Go take care of the bloody offering,” he growls.

She nods quickly – then dashes below decks…

Looking at the sights, his eyes narrow as he gauges the range and sites his target.

”FIRE!” he roars out.

Total modifiers in place calculated at +5 as the ship is one range increment away, that’s a -2 penalty.
Attack with the catapult vs. DC of 15
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16

If it hits (Horatio is aiming for either Ballista, either will work. If he hits, he’ll aim for it again.
4d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 4, 3) = 13

As soon as the shot is fired, he instantly orders the men to begin to reload the catapult.

I believe that would take one round to load, if I used a 4 man crew; and theoretically I could fire another shot next round. Please let me know if that is correct. Sorry for any delay; I've been babysitting my nephew tonight.

Sovereign Court

Male Human Magus 2; HP 17/17, AC 16/12/14; saves 4/2/3; CMB: +4, CMD 16 loot list

Round by round breakdown as follows...

Round 1: shield
Round 2: cat's grace
Round 3: mirror image 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Round 4: bull's strength
Round 5: enlarge
Round 6: skip
Round 7: vanish on Rain and move to main deck
Round 8: finish move to main deck ending by center mast using it as cover against incoming fire
Round 9: step out from the main mast cast vanish
Round 10: jump across and board the other ship when adjacent and using arcane pool to add +1 and keen 1d20 + 10 - 2 - 2 ⇒ (20) + 10 - 2 - 2 = 26 negative modifiers represent slightly slippery and unsteady conditions


Hp: 36/36
AC: 21, 13, 17
Mirror images: 3
Arcane pool used: 2/6
AOO: 5 total, +10, d8+7, 15-20/x2
spell combat: +8, d8+7, 15-20/x2
Concentration: +13

Sovereign Court

Male Human Magus 2; HP 17/17, AC 16/12/14; saves 4/2/3; CMB: +4, CMD 16 loot list

Flynn you would need a 5 man crew in addition to yourself, 3 to load, 2 to aim, and yourself to fire if you wanted to fire every round.

Human - (Status: normal) Varisian Sorcerer 5 (HP: 56/56, AC:21(14/19[+2]) /F:8,R:8,W:9 / MP: 5/5 / Init. +2 / Perc. +5/6(3))(Jack's Perc: +13/+15)

all this preperation and rounds of combat may be moot, if they accept our terms...

"Hajen! that ship looks Rahadoumi. You mind translating this note below the words i've got written, in case they don't read common, or would rather have a note in their own tongue?"

Jack speeds over to the opposing vessel, carrying a note tied round a wooden shaft in one claw, and a small white cloth in the other. Flitting up along the side, he takes a quick wing over the stern of the ship, he drops the shaft with the note onto the deck and flits around the back, hiding in behind the woodwork, Listening to the Rahadoumi speak, in case they use any common...

The note reads:
You are pursued by the Dread Lady on this day. Lay down your arms and surrender your cargo to us and none aboard shall be harmed. Rather you shall be released to go upon your way with supplies enough to make the nearest port. Resist and be attacked until your surrender.

Signed: Captain Variel Nightstorm, Captain and commander of the Dread Lady.

Below this reads the same message in Rahadoumi tongue

Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)

We have the people to do that - I can do that pretty easily as we won't need folk on the side balista at this point. We formally have seven people on the "gun team" to divide between the various siege engines.

If it takes 5 guys; we'll do it. And I'll toss up some more rolls soon - sorry for the sporadic postings; there's been a complication with me posting now. I'll have something up soon...

AC20 (T 16, FF 14); HP 86/86; saves F +6, R +16, W +7; bab: 6/1; melee 8/1(+13/8), ranged +12/7; CMB 8, CMD 24; speed 30; init +6(+8); perc +11(13)(+15) mp 2/5 | kitsune rogue (pirate)/7; bard(sea singer)/2
acro 21(23,26), appr 11, bluff 6, climb 11, dd 17, disg 5, esc art 10, fly 9, intim 8, k local 5, k geog 6(8), ling 8, perc 11(13,15), prf: harm 8, prf: act 8; pr: sail 11, sm 2, soh 13, spcrft 6, stlth 19(21)(23), swm 10

So, Seijiro's plan is to cast vanish one round, begin bardic performance the next round, and swing over while still invisible and attack as part of swinging reposition on that round, making himself visible again, which would happen anyway, since his vanish only lasts 2 rounds. On the other hand, they might surrender negating the need for any of this... but just so you all know his plan.

Seijiro climbs up in the rigging and finds himself a suitable rope for swinging over onto the enemy vessel... He casually waits to see what their response is going to be to the terms offered.

Island of Empty Eyes Map Current Map

Horatio your attack will hit but it's not enough damage to destroy the ballista.


Dhaavan, you see Jack wing off and as it gets closer to the ship a flurry of movement happens.

1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26
1d6 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28
1d6 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
Crit confirm 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18

You see something flick with blurring speed over the sterncastle and watch in horror as Jack plummets into the waves, speared by several black spikes. At which point you see, standing on the sterncastle where it had been invisible, a monstrous creature that roars defiantly at you all. It has a man shaped head on a lions body with dragon wings and a long sinuous tail tipped with multitudes of black spikes.

Knowledge Arcana DC 15:
It's a Manticore!

Sorry Dhaavan but I had warned you in the past about using Jack as a scout. The Manticore was invisible and still so it had a +40 to its stealth. Even on a 20 Jack wouldnt have been able to beat it. Just FYI it did 22 damage so Jacks still actually alive but you need to find him and get to him by the end of next round or hes pretty much a goner. He is about 200' away and will be 30' closer by the end of next rd. Let me know if you have any questions.

AC20 (T 16, FF 14); HP 86/86; saves F +6, R +16, W +7; bab: 6/1; melee 8/1(+13/8), ranged +12/7; CMB 8, CMD 24; speed 30; init +6(+8); perc +11(13)(+15) mp 2/5 | kitsune rogue (pirate)/7; bard(sea singer)/2
acro 21(23,26), appr 11, bluff 6, climb 11, dd 17, disg 5, esc art 10, fly 9, intim 8, k local 5, k geog 6(8), ling 8, perc 11(13,15), prf: harm 8, prf: act 8; pr: sail 11, sm 2, soh 13, spcrft 6, stlth 19(21)(23), swm 10

Seijiro sees Jack get speared and winces... and is glad he left Tomo in the officer's quarters for the duration of the attack... it was too dangerous on deck for the little fellow. He looks over to Dhaavan to see what his reaction is to Jack's fall into the water. He must be frantic. And really angry, but how could we have known they had an invisible monster on deck?

Human - (Status: normal) Varisian Sorcerer 5 (HP: 56/56, AC:21(14/19[+2]) /F:8,R:8,W:9 / MP: 5/5 / Init. +2 / Perc. +5/6(3))(Jack's Perc: +13/+15)

Had a nice frikin description of my actions written, and got poofed. grumble...

[edit]Then my familiar died!

don't feel like deleting the work again:

As the ship approaches, Dhaavan Vanishes, incanting a spell to call forth his pets. Three Fiendish Eagles appear, and rise into the air as Dhaavan once agains taps his profane connections to the nine layers of hell, summoning from the fell kennels of Avernus itself a hellhound.

Round 7:
- Vanish
Round 8:
- Summon Monster 2
Round 9:
- Summon Monster 2
- 1d3 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3 Fiendish Eagles which rise into the air and position to charge
Round 10:
boarding action on Dhaavan's Init
- hellhound appears on the enemy deck
- eagles attack, to be directed in roudn 1 of combat.
- Dhaavan's action

Status at start of combat
- Invisible - 2 rounds
- Spells cast - Lv1: 1, Lv2: 2
- HP/AC/Saves same

By your statement, and based on the empathetic link I have with Jack, Dhaavan is aware of his pet's state.

Timing wise, Dhaavan would have to spend a Hero-point to cast a Summon, to get another Standard action, completing the spell. Then the Water elemental popping into exstance 30 ft closer to Jack, with a swim of 90 would be able to get to Jack. THe elemental picks Jack up on the charge, then returns Jack to the boat into Dhaavan's waiting arms and save him. That work?

Casting a summoning spell with , Dhaavan screams at the top of his lungs, in aquan, "Get me my bird back, alive NOW!" directing the water elemental that he's called to return with Jack, whom he points the creature to.

Island of Empty Eyes Map Current Map

He's not technically dead yet! He wants to go for a walk! :-) Plus I don't think hes in danger of drowning as dont most birds float?

Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)

Okay - back.

Question - did Rain formally cast "bless" on me before I fire? If so, that would effect my rolls.

Sovereign Court

Male Human Magus 2; HP 17/17, AC 16/12/14; saves 4/2/3; CMB: +4, CMD 16 loot list

Knowledge arcane 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23

By Besmara what have they got on board that ship? Oh my it's a Manticore. We need to take that down now. calling out to Flynn, Flynn, I need you to take out that manticore. Or at least take it down a notch before we get too close. Use the ballista if you need to or your own weapon if you must but I want it dead and soon.

The presence of the manticore was alarming to say the least, but Variel knew that the quickest way to end this conflict was to take out the captain first. Then once that was accomplished he could focus on the manticore. Unfortunately it's greater mobility would be in its favor and Variel could only hope to catch in within his expanded reach as it flew over and around him.

Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)

Arodus 26th
Time: 8:10 PM
Location: On the Foredeck by Catapult
Moon Cycle: More than half a moon; full moon on the 31st
Weather Conditions: Clear Skies
Round 2
Distance to Target – 270 Feet

Horatio will in fact use the full crew compliment to reload and fire this round. At this time he continues to aim at the space the manticore is at, before it strikes; hoping to at least wound it. To aid in this task, he uses ing he can destroy it before it has a chance to take flight. To aid in this plan he is using Deadly Aim (if possible to use that for this ranged weapon).
Attack against a DC of 15
1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19

If it hits –
4d6 + 4 ⇒ (2, 5, 1, 2) + 4 = 14

Right before he does this, he turns to Amen-set.

”Get it ready,” he barks out – then turns to the gun crew – ”FIRE, GODS DAMN YOU!

Amen-set dumps out a few things on the deck, including two items which look like metal spears. She picks one up and readies and waves her hand over it.

Spellcraft DC 15:


The item explodes into flame like a torch; she adjusts it to point at the enemy vessel, her eyes gleaming fiercely.

Turning his head to some of the other gunners; he calls out as a "free action" - "Gods damn it - get to the Top with poxing arrows!"

GM - the other two "gunners" will be taking short bows and climbing up the "fighting top" to prepare to fire at the Manticore, if it moves closer into range. I don't know how long it will take them to climb up there, or if you want me to roll for them, or if you'll make the roll; just let me know. Thanks!

Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)
Variel Nightstorm wrote:

Knowledge arcane d20+8

By Besmara what have they got on board that ship? Oh my it's a Manticore. We need to take that down now. calling out to Flynn, Flynn, I need you to take out that manticore. Or at least take it down a notch before we get too close. Use the ballista if you need to or your own weapon if you must but I want it dead and soon.

The presence of the manticore was alarming to say the least, but Variel knew that the quickest way to end this conflict was to take out the captain first. Then once that was accomplished he could focus on the manticore. Unfortunately it's greater mobility would be in its favor and Variel could only hope to catch in within his expanded reach as it flew over and around him.

The ballista are on the flanks of the ship - they can't hit a forward target unless we're willing to have the ship turn on an angle, unfortunately.

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