DM Faelax presents: Rise of the Runelords
Game Master
sorry guys, misplaced my copy of the AP, but found it. Will continue in a little bit
Init +4, Perception +5, AC 19/15/15, Fort 2/Ref 7/ Will 2, HP 10, stealth +10, Halfling Archaeologist Bard 1
Sounds good Faelax! I'm enjoying the game.
Cover: Orbius Onx, sea elf sailor. HP 8/8, AC 14, CMD 11, Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3, Init +2, Per +7, Admixture 9/9
Male Human Gunslinger(Musket master) lvl 4 (AC 18, CMD 17, HP 16/16, Fort: 4 Ref: 9 Will: 4, Init: 7, Perc: 9
Male Human Paladin 1
I am loving it. The bit with girl and her father is a bit hard on a paladin but I kjnew what i signed up for. with C D;s bluff even Brun wonders about his tats since the might have been given to me by a deity. Feel free to fill in Brun's past however you see fit.
Male Human Gunslinger(Musket master) lvl 4 (AC 18, CMD 17, HP 16/16, Fort: 4 Ref: 9 Will: 4, Init: 7, Perc: 9
yeah!! for finding book!! ^.^
Cover: Orbius Onx, sea elf sailor. HP 8/8, AC 14, CMD 11, Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3, Init +2, Per +7, Admixture 9/9
Gene, please don't take Spectrum's behavior as dislike. He's just very goal-oriented. Once he has an answer he tends to move on to the next thing without much segue. Having known him a while, you're probably aware that he doesn't think of himself as rude (even though it could be seen that way)
Male Human Gunslinger(Musket master) lvl 4 (AC 18, CMD 17, HP 16/16, Fort: 4 Ref: 9 Will: 4, Init: 7, Perc: 9
(jp)Gene is very offended! In fact so much so I think he ma RAGE!!!(jp)
Gene's fine I'm sure he sees your actions for what they are.
(why wait for something that is not coming.)
Male Half-Orc
DM, no posts in the Gameplay thread for over 10 days but you're posting other places on the boards. You doing okay, is this game dead, etc?
Im a little confused as to whats the plan right now to be honest. What is the party doing right now?
Init +4, Perception +5, AC 19/15/15, Fort 2/Ref 7/ Will 2, HP 10, stealth +10, Halfling Archaeologist Bard 1
I think we were waiting for your guidance. Is the church a next stop?
Male Human Gunslinger(Musket master) lvl 4 (AC 18, CMD 17, HP 16/16, Fort: 4 Ref: 9 Will: 4, Init: 7, Perc: 9
I think so Gene would like to go there i believe.
Well, it is getting to be rather late in game. You might want to hand over the goblin and turn in for the night. Just my opinion
Cover: Orbius Onx, sea elf sailor. HP 8/8, AC 14, CMD 11, Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3, Init +2, Per +7, Admixture 9/9
That was going to be my suggestion
Male Human Paladin 1
I am good with that plan. I just want to know if tekk is going to seek out the sheriff tonight with the goblin or let me do it. I am fine with a qick narration either way. Then on to breakfast.
Hey guys, I'll have a post up soon. You went so far off the AP's suggested path I need a bit to finish the final details of what I have planned. Thanks for waiting up on me. I'm still kind of new to the role of DM, so thanks for bearing with me
Init +4, Perception +5, AC 19/15/15, Fort 2/Ref 7/ Will 2, HP 10, stealth +10, Halfling Archaeologist Bard 1
No problem DM Faelax. I have enjoyed it thus far. I think we have a great group and just need some momentum ;)
Male Human Gunslinger(Musket master) lvl 4 (AC 18, CMD 17, HP 16/16, Fort: 4 Ref: 9 Will: 4, Init: 7, Perc: 9
I can understand that lol.
Cover: Orbius Onx, sea elf sailor. HP 8/8, AC 14, CMD 11, Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3, Init +2, Per +7, Admixture 9/9
The whole house was basically home brewed. Not exactly in the book, but oh well, I enjoy a challenge.
Male Human Paladin 1
oops, ahh well. As a player I am amenable to steering. Heck i do not mind if you do an OOC post saying adventure this way.
Male Human Gunslinger(Musket master) lvl 4 (AC 18, CMD 17, HP 16/16, Fort: 4 Ref: 9 Will: 4, Init: 7, Perc: 9
just a heads up it looks like no notifications for new posts are going out again. :(
Cover: Orbius Onx, sea elf sailor. HP 8/8, AC 14, CMD 11, Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3, Init +2, Per +7, Admixture 9/9
DMF, is the Kingmaker game dead?
Hey guys, Im switching internet providers at my house, so I should be good to go by tommorow afternoon.
Spectrum, it might be :( Ill see if everyone is interested in continuing
Cover: Orbius Onx, sea elf sailor. HP 8/8, AC 14, CMD 11, Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3, Init +2, Per +7, Admixture 9/9
If we lose players I'd be fine recruiting. We're not very far.
Male Human Gunslinger(Musket master) lvl 4 (AC 18, CMD 17, HP 16/16, Fort: 4 Ref: 9 Will: 4, Init: 7, Perc: 9
Init +4, Perception +5, AC 19/15/15, Fort 2/Ref 7/ Will 2, HP 10, stealth +10, Halfling Archaeologist Bard 1
Yep. I'm waiting to hear if my grease spell stopped the family.
Male Human Gunslinger(Musket master) lvl 4 (AC 18, CMD 17, HP 16/16, Fort: 4 Ref: 9 Will: 4, Init: 7, Perc: 9
Cover: Orbius Onx, sea elf sailor. HP 8/8, AC 14, CMD 11, Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3, Init +2, Per +7, Admixture 9/9
Still here.
I think the problem is that we don't have a posted initiative order.
To speed things up, I recommend we handle initiative in block method.
It works like this- All the bad guys and NPCs go at the same time (they all use a single roll).
We roll and are divided into 2 groups. Before the bad guys (group 1) and after the bad guys (group 2)
Then we act in whatever order we can within our groups.
I find that this helps maintain the integrity of the initiative system while still being flexible enough to accommodate the needs of a PBP game.
What do you think?
Cover: Orbius Onx, sea elf sailor. HP 8/8, AC 14, CMD 11, Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3, Init +2, Per +7, Admixture 9/9
Another way of keeping things rolling is for the GM to roll initiative for everyone, and post the results, rather than waiting for everyone to roll separately and compile a list.
Cover: Orbius Onx, sea elf sailor. HP 8/8, AC 14, CMD 11, Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3, Init +2, Per +7, Admixture 9/9
Bumping this. GM, you alright?
Hey guys, the boards must have not gotten this post last time. But, due to RL reasons, Im going to have to drop this game. Im sorry guy, but it's been great. I'm sure you can find another DM to run it for you
Male Half-Orc
Well, okay then. Appreciate you letting us know.
Also, please make it inactive in your campaign options.
I have been a follower (reader) for this game. Are u gonna look for other DM or just gonna drop it?
Cover: Orbius Onx, sea elf sailor. HP 8/8, AC 14, CMD 11, Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3, Init +2, Per +7, Admixture 9/9
There hasn't been any discussion on looking for a replacement, but personally i'd be all for it.
Are you volunteering?
Init +4, Perception +5, AC 19/15/15, Fort 2/Ref 7/ Will 2, HP 10, stealth +10, Halfling Archaeologist Bard 1
Init +4, Perception +5, AC 19/15/15, Fort 2/Ref 7/ Will 2, HP 10, stealth +10, Halfling Archaeologist Bard 1
I might be willing to GM it if someone can help me learn mapping.
V: 56/56, W: 74/74, Temp HP 18, AC 17*, Fort +11*, Ref +9, Will +10*, Rage 23/23 , Power 9/9, Psi 7/7, Active Effects: Bull Strength
I usually use a google docs spreadsheet. Just adjust it to squares of whatever size you want and save it as a template, then change the colors of the blocks to be your "map".
Something like this
Male Human Paladin/20
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