DM Duke's Serpent's Skull Campaign

Game Master DukeRuckley

Serpent's Skull adventure path using Pathfinder rules.

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No map for this one unfortunately (lack of time to make one, and the adventure doesn't provide one). Djal's initiative is noted.

Djal puts himself on hands in knees, hoping to see if he can identify the creature below. Unfortunately, at this angle he can only just make out the thing's leg. It's seems to be another Eurypterid, although it is clearly larger than those that were fought on the beach. Unfortunately, Djal is unable to see much more without climbing down below. He estimates the creature is about 20 feet away (once down below).

Climbing down is a move action with a successful DC 10 climb check. Or you could jump down with a successful DC 15 acrobatics check to avoid taking damage and falling prone.

On the lower decks: Note that because of the violent rocking of the lower deck, it is treated as difficult terrain and everyone (enemy included) have a -2 penalty to attacks.

Male Human Dervish Dancer Bard

"Lobster or Rat?" Ace asks, kukri in hand.

"Lobster. Big."

AC 26/T 26/FF 20; F/R/W +14/+15/+14; Max HP 111; Current HP 110 Effects:

Is the fifty foot rope long enough to reach from where they tied it all the way down to the lower deck? I'm supposing it would depend on how far from the rope the hatch is.

If the rope is long enough (or they have a second, Rowena recommends lowering somebody on the rope, them hauling them back up to draw the creature out where they could attack it from above.

Sure you could do that.

Djal beams at the sailor: "That's a great idea Rowena. As I'm the heaviest, I should probably use you for bait. Do you want to do the knot yourself..?"

AC 26/T 26/FF 20; F/R/W +14/+15/+14; Max HP 111; Current HP 110 Effects:


She loops the rope about her waist, holds a shuriken in one hand and holds the rope with other.


"Ah! Ah! Ah! That's the spirit sailor!"

Djal carefully lowers Rowena, ready to heave him back up.

Str check (or climb, same modifier; the rope still has knots in it, which might help Djal): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6

Sorry for the posting delay, been busy.

DM Rolls:
Djal: 19
Rowena: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
Ace: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
Eurypterid: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11

Djal - 19
Eurypterid - 11A
Ace - 11B
Rowena - 9

Djal lowers Rowena on the rope, losing his grip slightly, but recovering. The large scorpion-like lobster comes into view. It is about the size of a dwarf and is frantically scratching at the door to the storeroom. Rowena can make out some blood coming from the bottom of the door, but she can't tell how fresh it is from here. Luckily for her, the Eurypterid has not yet noticed her. Ace knows they have tremorsense.

Surprise round! No map for this one, but you probably won't need it anyway.

AC 26/T 26/FF 20; F/R/W +14/+15/+14; Max HP 111; Current HP 110 Effects:

Is the thing capable of reaching up to her if it does attack?

Either way, Rowena holds on with one hand, chucks a shuriken with the other hand, then yells for Djal to pull her up.

Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23 minus whatever penalties for throwing a weapon while hanging from a rope.
Damage: 1d3 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Male Human Dervish Dancer Bard

Ace, knowing they have Tremorsense, looks for a couple fairly heavy things to throw on the lobster-bug. To squish it, if nothing else.

Perception Check:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

Yes, it can reach you from here, but will have to climb to get up to you once you've been pulled up.

The eurypterid feels a sudden sting in its back as a shuriken embeds itself into the creature. It immediately turns, finally noticing the party, and begins to advance.

Ace, looking around, doesn't seem to notice much in the way of heavy items on the upper deck, most having fallen overboard into the water. However, he does some broken pieces of rail and other items that could be thrown at the enemy.

Djal has a chance to pull you up before the thing can make its way over. I'll need a strength check for that.. Rowena, if Djal can't do it, you'll be able to make a climb check on your own next round.

"Up you go Ro!"

Str: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

AC 26/T 26/FF 20; F/R/W +14/+15/+14; Max HP 111; Current HP 110 Effects:

I'm thinking a climb check is in order after all.

Climb: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21

Rowena scrambles up the rope.

Actually, Djal's strength check is enough. I figure Rowena would be a medium load for Djal, so as long as he didn't completely fumble the check, you'd be alright.

The Eurypterid comes scrabbling over the lower deck toward Rowena as Djal pulls her up to safety. Thankfully, it has trouble moving on the deck below as the waves cause it to rock violently. It looks to start trying to climb up to the deck above.

Ace and Rowena are up! It is essentially directly below you both. You do not take a -2 attack penalty while on the upper decks.

AC 26/T 26/FF 20; F/R/W +14/+15/+14; Max HP 111; Current HP 110 Effects:

Rowena will grab a piece of railing about the right size to be a club and biffs it down at it.

Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
Damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4 I'm totally guessing on damage dice here.

The damage looks right. Only problem is that it is an improvised weapon, so you'd take a -4 on your attack roll for non-proficiency. Still that'll hit. Any word from Ace?

Male Human Dervish Dancer Bard

Sorry about the lack of communication. Its been a busy few days.

Ace decides to mimic Rowena and grabs another length of railing.

Attack: 1d20 - 4 ⇒ (5) - 4 = 1
Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 4

That railing goes wide, really, really wide. Ace pulls out his Kukri, in case the crab decides to come up and say hello.

Djal has an action before the eurypterid starts climbing.

Sorry, misunderstood your post.

Djal takes a great swing at the big lobster, using the full length of his don dergar and putting all his weight in the swing.

10 ft reach as a move action, I'll ready if necessary for it to get within reach. I might also get an AoO!
Don dergar Power Attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23; 1d10 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16
Wow! Confirm: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17; 1d10 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12

Djal manages to get a lot of momentum in his swing, timing it perfectly with the dwarven traditional weapon. The ball comes crashing with great fracas in the beast.

Nah, it was my fault, I think. And yeah, you just decimated it with a confirmed crit!

Djal, showing mastery with his dorn dergar, dispatches the creature in one fell swoop. The eurypterid crumbles at the mighty blow, moving no longer.

Okay, where to? There are three primary rooms you can get to: the captains cabin, the larder, and the supply room (which is where the eurypterid was clawing at).

Back at the Beach

Embrianna and Sorin, about half way through with setting up a camp, despite not having any tools, see Jask stand up and walk over to them. "I wish to help. Though I'm not sure how much help I'll be with these manacles on. Perhaps I can keep you company while you work. Where are you from?"

Male Human Dervish Dancer Bard

Ace nods once at the dead beast. "Alright, I am going to head to the Captain's cabin, see if I can find anything useful. Give a shout if you guys need any help with anything." Ace then walks over and tries the door. Is it locked?

Ace finds the door to the Captain's cabin unlocked. The cabin area the cabin is located is rather steep, and upon opening the door, Ace see that this slope has caused the majority of the room to slide through a hole in the wall caused by the wreck. Now, a desk is lodged precariously in this hole, just large enough that it won't fit through. The desk has three drawers in it, the bottom of which is locked. There is also a footlocker leaning against the desk.

The upper drawer contains several keys around a single ring. The next drawer down contains several maps. The first map is of the route the Jenivere takes to and from Sargava, but it appears to have been recently changed. A dotted line is drawn showing a detour to the north of the normal route, leading to an X. The second is a more detailed map of Desperation Bay, and upon close examination Ace notes that the X on the previous map would be hovering directly over Smuggler's Shiv, according to this more detailed map. Next to Smuggler's Shiv is a note that says "Avoid at all costs."

The lower desk drawer is locked and none of the keys on the keyring unlock it.

DC 25 Disable Device or DC 23 Strength:
The drawer contains a bottle of fine brandy, a darkwood model of the Jenivere in a glass wood bottle, and a small coffer containing about 350 gold pieces. Also in this drawer is leather satchel containing 12 potions of varying types.

The footlocker may be opened with one of the keys and contains quite a bit of gear including a rather well-made dagger (masterwork), a suit of leather armor, two potions, a holy symbol (a two-faced mask, one side white and the other black), and a spell component pouch.

DC 10 Knowledge (Religion) check:
The holy symbol is to Nethys.

AC 26/T 26/FF 20; F/R/W +14/+15/+14; Max HP 111; Current HP 110 Effects:

Rowena makes her way to the larder, and will look for any foodstuffs which would keep well (which should be all of them, given that they're on a ship). She'll grab a sack or two from the larder as well to carry the food, if such things can be found.

Female Changeling Witch / 8 HP: (51)51 / AC: 13 (with MA: 17) / Init:: +2 / Perc: +6 / Will: 10 , Reflex: 5 , Fort: 3 / CMB: +3 / CMD: +13

Embrianna shrugs at Jask's question. "A small village in the middle of nowhere. If you want to help, just stand right here beside me and hold these two branches while I lash them together to form a crosspiece for the shelter. Those manacles shouldn't get in the way of that. Of course this could go faster if people who weren't manacled could be bothered to help. It's a shame that someone we had locked up shows more concern for the welfare of the group." She shakes her head and keeps working.

Obviously Embrianna is trying to shame the others into helping.

Male Human Dervish Dancer Bard

Scratching his head, Ace places the charts and other things away in his pack. Why would the captain change course? What benefit could he garner from coming here?

Bardic Knowledge, GO!1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

Ace pulls gently at the bottom drawer, trying each key. Determining its locked up tight, Ace shrugs and moves to the footlocker. Unlocking the footlocker, Ace observes the contents contained inside. He examines the Holy symbol, playing with it.

Bardic Knowledge: Religion:1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11

A symbol of Nethys. What was the captain doing with this? Ace takes a moment to secure the potions in his pack, packing them so the bottles won't break. He places the Holy Symbol back in the footlocker, moving the locker next to the rope to be retrieved when they are leaving.

While pondering the charts, Ace wanders over to the hole to the lower decks. "Djal, there's a drawer that I can't get open."

Ace pulls out his crowbar for Djal to use, as he waits for Djal to finish up on the lower decks.

In the larder:
Rowena enters the larder and her attention is immediately brought to the Jenivere's cook, who is lying dead on the floor. He has bite marks in his neck and shoulders. Rowena is able to salvage enough food for 24 days worth of rations.

DC 16 Heal:
The bite marks on the cook's neck and shoulders appears to have been from a very large snake.

In the Captain's room
Oops! I forgot something rather important... In the drawer with the maps you also found the captains log.

Captain's Log contents:
An examination of this log reveals that the Jenivere’s captain seemed to be suffering from some sort of madness that grew over the course of the ship’s final voyage. Earlier entries from previous voyages are precise in recording progress and events along the way, as are entries from the first two-thirds of this last trip. Yet as one reads further, the more recent the entries get, the less common they become—in some cases, several days are missing entries. What entries do appear are strangely short, focusing more and more on one of the passengers—the Varisian scholar Ieana, with whom the captain seems to have become obsessed. Several entries are nothing more than poorly written love poems to Ieana, while others bemoan Captain Kovack’s inability to please her or catch her attention. Near the end, the entries begin to take on a more ominous tone with the captain starting to complain that other members of the crew are eyeing “his Ieana.” In particular, he suspects his first mate is in love with her, and writes several times about how he wishes Alton would just “have an accident.”

The final entry is perhaps the most disturbing, for in it the captain writes of how he’s changed course for Smuggler’s Shiv at Ieana’s request. He hopes that the two of them can make a home on the remote island, but also notes that he has to keep the rest of the crew from finding out. The captain muses that “something may need to be done about the crew” if they become suspicious.

Back at the beach:
Jask gladly helps with the task at hand, but the others do not seem to be interested in doing anything other than mope. They occasionally look up to see the progress being made, but spend most of their time looking at their stuff or out at the water.

Hp: 21/30; AC:19/19/17 (22 ward, 24 PfE)
(Mage Armor, +2 AC 1/6); DR 10/magic vs. ranged weapons (40pts); Fort+6, Ref+3, Will+5 (+2 vs. enchantments, immune sleep, resist cold 5)
Half-Elven Wizard 6

"I am sorry Jask. I would love to talk now, but unfortunatly there is far too much to be done, and as I have not done anything like this before, it is taking a bit more thought than usual. Once we are a bit more settled in we may have time." Sorin goes back to weaving the palm fronds into the sun/rain shade that sits, half-complete in his lap. After a few more moments he looks up at Jask again. "Thank you for helping though, it really is appreciated."

Djal follows Rowena and takes a look at the cook. Heal: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17

"Poor lad... Those marks are nasty; looks like a big snake tried to reverse the roles on him! We should bury him..."

Slowly, he moves the cook's body with the bags of food to be salvaged.

He then goes to the supply room: "Watch out for snakes!"

Male Human Dervish Dancer Bard

Ieana wasn't among the survivors on the beach, was she?

Missing personnel include Captain Kovack, Alton (the first mate), Ieana, and the cook who has just been found. Everybody else is accounted for.

The supply room:
The origin of the blood that seeped under the storage room door is evident immediately upon entering the room. Slumped against the wall on the opposite side of the room lies Alton Devers, the first mate. Examining his body, Djal finds two separate set of wounds. The first set of wounds is older and comes from a piercing weapon of some sort (Heal check below) and the second appears to be a series of inflamed stings, presumably from the eurypterid. Alton is wearing a set of masterwork leather armor and carries a masterwork short sword in one hand. Alton is also quite wet, as if he'd been swimming recently, and his boots and trousers have sand on them. It appears as if Alton may have been the one to drag the castaways to the beach.

A search of the room turns up tools and lumber, which could be used to aid in setting up campsites, a block and tackle, three large canvas sheets, two fishing nets, a grappling hook, two bullseye lanterns, 12 flasks of lantern oil, 150 feet of hemp rope, and five shovels.

Heal DC 16:
The piercing wound is from a rapier that was tipped with poison. The poison is what killed Alton.

Okay, so Alton isn't missing anymore...

Heal: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18

"I found Alton... He'll need burial also unfortunately. Looks like he's the one who got us on the sand. I can't figure how he got back on the ship to die from... what seems like a nasty poke of a rapier and... yes, looks like poison! What's going on? Why didn't they kill us???"

Djal moves the equipment and the body with the other items.

"Let's get all this to shore first. I'd like to try and dismantle other parts of this ship. It might be useful to build a skiff. Rowena, Ace, how much time do you think we have?"

Male Human Dervish Dancer Bard

"I might be able to answer that, but Mister Crowbar and I need a little help with one of the drawers on the Captain's desk!" Ace pauses as he looks down at the pair. "Also, I found the keys to the rest of the ship, and I think Jask's manacles."

"With pleasure!"

Str: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18

"Little help?"

Male Human Dervish Dancer Bard

Ace smiles, holding the his friend, Mr. Crowbar. "Try using Mr. Crowbar. But before you do, let me grab a couple things."

Around five minutes of searching reveals exactly what Ace was looking for: A pulley and a bit of trashed rope. Ace takes a moment, threading his hemp rope through the pulley and tying it to the handle of the drawer. He uses the trashed rope to tie the pulley to the remains of the mast closest to the door, and then gives a shout. "Count from one to three. When you say three, you pry with the crowbar and I pull with the rope!"

Profession Sailor Check to assist in opening the drawer using ropes and a pulley:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22

And that should give you a +4, Djal. +2 from using the crowbar, and +2 from me helping...assuming the GM agrees.

That'll be enough! I'm adding +1 for ingenuity with the pulley system. Sorry for the delayed response, lots of meetings today...

Djal and Ace manage to break open the locked drawer after some effort. Inside the drawer is a bottle of fine brandy, a darkwood model of the Jenivere inside a small glass bottle, a small coffer containing 350 gold pieces, and a leather satchel carrying twelve potions of varying types.

"Ah! Well done! I'll be happy for the gold once we're out though... Let's get everything to shore. Did I dream or is there a small skiff behind the ship? If so, let's try to grab it!"

AC 26/T 26/FF 20; F/R/W +14/+15/+14; Max HP 111; Current HP 110 Effects:

"It's there," Rowena calls from the other room, "but it's smashed beyond repair. No use."

"Gah! Was it damaged or sabotaged?" Djal proceeds to move the equipment to the top deck, picking the heaviest pieces first. "There will be a lot of hauling... We should set up a pulley to lift things up from the deck to the top of the cliff. Ace, you seemed to know your knots. Wanna have a stab at it?"

Male Human Dervish Dancer Bard

"Shouldn't be too much of a problem to rig something up. You found the tools, right?" Ace hopes the answer is yes, as if they were washed off the ship that makes things considerably more difficult. "We should focus on getting things just to a point above the high tide line for now."

Speaking of high tide: How long till High Tide, by my estimate?

You have enough time to bring the tools and other loot back to the beach over several trips before high tide. It would take about an hour or so. High tide is a few hours away.

Just a heads up, but I am extremely busy and will only be able to post once or twice a day, if at all, for some time. On one hand, this is good because it means things in real life are going well, but on the other it means I can't focus on my games nearly as much as I'd like. I'm hoping things stabilize soon, but I thought I'd apologize in advance.

Alright guys, it's official. I just don't have time to DM on these boards any more. I'm pulling back my participation on Paizo forums to just one PbP as a character, not a DM, and that's it. I was really looking forward to getting into the groove with your characters, especially because I really enjoyed the backstories you have all come up with. But things are what they are, and I can't really change that.

Anyway, feel free to find a replacement DM if you wish. I think we're early enough in the campaign that it should be easy to catch up.

Once again, I'm very sorry about having to drop this game, but I really just don't have time to put the effort in that would make it great. Good luck with your other games!

Male Human Dervish Dancer Bard

Gotcha. Thanks Duke!

That's too bad. Thanks for the heads up though. Good luck with RL.

Hp: 21/30; AC:19/19/17 (22 ward, 24 PfE)
(Mage Armor, +2 AC 1/6); DR 10/magic vs. ranged weapons (40pts); Fort+6, Ref+3, Will+5 (+2 vs. enchantments, immune sleep, resist cold 5)
Half-Elven Wizard 6

It happens.

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