DM Corerue's Carrion Crown

Game Master DM Corerue

Loot Spreadsheet: Here!
Trial of the Beast Map 5

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Grand Lodge

Having gamed through the birth of 4 kids, I understand your lack of time and applaud your determination to continue GMing at this time. I'm only the new guy here, but I am very willing to go forward either at a slower pace or to fast forward through this part.

Frankly, it seems like we're done with the Frankenstein's monster portion of this book. It feels like we're just killing things for XP and loot at this point. Am I wrong about that? Am I mission something?

There is more to the adventure actually. It seems each of the Carrion Crown's is a specific theme.

This is Frankenstein monster and its brethren.
The next is different, etc, etc.

There is more to this area, this guy is a real bother though. You have the building up the mountainside through the door you opened as well to contend with but I will admit after this guy this portion (building) is nearly out of steam.

The building up the hill is another matter though.

Appreciate the response Dax Thura. ;)

Its scary having a new baby in less then 30 days, but its nice to know i am done for now. i don't plan on anymore but life will be life, if you know what I mean. So we will see.

(Saracen of Arshea)HP:10/37;Init+3;Senses low-light vision;Perception+7

Very best wishes both to New Parent DM as well as every body else.


Thank ya Sunset and Heading to bed, big post made, combat over but exploration to continue!

I cut it short instead of spending the time beating a near dead Golem. The Hound definitely helpped in this regard.

Posts coming in the AM to follow up on healing requests and Adelrams exploration. Rolling back to days is proving especially painful. Falling asleep on my keyboard is not conducive to good rest. Ugh.

K, up and getting my kids ready for school. One of them is sick but he'll sleep the day away. Big post coming in an hour so after I get my oldest dropped off.

Finally feeling like I am rolled over to days.

(Saracen of Arshea)HP:10/37;Init+3;Senses low-light vision;Perception+7

*Hugz to DM and family* (^_^)

Get well soon.

trying to, one day at a time. :)

Gm Glyn in the other game seems decent. :)

(Saracen of Arshea)HP:10/37;Init+3;Senses low-light vision;Perception+7

Really busy at moment. Will able to post better in a couple of days.

No problem. XD I'm off to work again. So my posting will brgaflarg for a few days per usual.

Well, its flu season apparently. I am back after suffering some ugly bedrest for two or three days. I'm not sure. just sick and resting. Ugh. Posts in the AM. After I catch up with all the games. Sorry.

(Saracen of Arshea)HP:10/37;Init+3;Senses low-light vision;Perception+7

*Hugz* :(

Get well soon.

Have been suffering bouts of Hay-fever, m'self. :(

Wishing every one all the very best.

Updates coming today. Apologies for the wait. New computer and transferring files.

Got a surface pro 4 and its actually really nice. Surprisingly so.

(Saracen of Arshea)HP:10/37;Init+3;Senses low-light vision;Perception+7

*Nods* I have Surface as well.

They're really nice. I use mine for the 'Gaming table'. Link it up to a second screen. Show Players images, floor plans etc.

Season's greetings and bets wishes for the crazy time of year.


(Saracen of Arshea)HP:10/37;Init+3;Senses low-light vision;Perception+7


Seasons greetings and best wishes to every one! (^_^)

Female CG Human Bladebound Magus 6 | HP: 33/51 | AC: 21 (13 Tch, 20 Fl) | CMB +5, CMD +16 | F: +7, R: +3, W: +5 | Init: +5 | Perc.: +2 | SM: +0 | Speed 30 ft. | Arcane pool 3/6 | Spells: 1st: 3/5, 2nd: 2/4: Active conditions: None

Back atcha.

Female CG Human Bladebound Magus 6 | HP: 33/51 | AC: 21 (13 Tch, 20 Fl) | CMB +5, CMD +16 | F: +7, R: +3, W: +5 | Init: +5 | Perc.: +2 | SM: +0 | Speed 30 ft. | Arcane pool 3/6 | Spells: 1st: 3/5, 2nd: 2/4: Active conditions: None

My apologies for breaking character and going all real-world, but I saw this today, and I hope you will forgive me for sharing and asking you do the same through social media.

Please read this article, even if it is depressing and terrifying.
And share it.

Extinction looms.

Eloise and anyone curious as to my response on Climate Change yadda yadda:
NP Eloise, it's something that is on my mind as well. If I had any major money at some point. I'd build/renovate an underground bunker large enough to house several families. Powered exclusively by green tech and hydroponic labs below ground for food. Because the next 20 years could be really bad. However, sometimes these reports are not as accurate as they could be.

However, the endangered species such as elephants is why I agree to sport hunting. Sport hunting funds protected wildlife preserves that combat poachers. Because they charge large sums to rich folk so they can go and shoot an animal. The thing they don't tell you is that the animal selected is usually a rogue or danger to other animals and the reserve. So the hunter gets to take care of the problem and the reserve maintains its security and stability because a rogue asset is removed.

The temperature gauge throws me off as the agreed upon increase has been roughly 1.3 F worldwide in the last 100 years. Same with sea levels increasing roughly 1.7 ml EACH YEAR, which however is a lot, supposedly the last millenia it was around 0.86 ml and before that 0.54 ml.

THe thing that frightens me the most is that fact our population continues to boom. Overfishing the seas and that fact that eventually we won't have enough drinking water for all of us. Their is already water wars in some places and lands bordering deserts are suffering desertification far more quickly then before.

Freshwater makes up a very small fraction of all water on the planet. While nearly 70 percent of the world is covered by water, only 2.5 percent of it is fresh. The rest is saline and ocean-based. Even then, just 1 percent of our freshwater is easily accessible, with much of it trapped in glaciers and snowfields.

Being an oilfield worker I see what we do to try and keep the field clean, animal populations are booming because hunters are denied on the oil lease. Which is VAST and I think the animals know it because when hunting season begins is when the field is covered in animal life. Huge herds of caribou, musk ox, bears, foxes, geese, ducks. It is truly amazing.

Living in Alaska I will say the last few years have been very strange, warmer winters, less snow, more cold air, much dryer and much more intense fire's when spring starts because the ground is really dry.

So trust me, you are not alone. If green tech wasn't so damn expensive I'd have installed it long ago. I have a friend who owns several rentals who is installing panels on every roof and recently purchased a plot of land to turn it into a Power Station of Panels, turbines and small geothermal unit test site. Much to the local power companies displeasure. Because they are federal mandated to pay you,so they are making it a hassle for him.

Other things to consider is shifting wheather patterns due to El Nina and El Nino. The Jet Stream has shifted which is playing havoc across the Continental US. Alaska is warmer and the lower 48 is cooler haha.

I think in the next 5-10 years either we will see a correction or a catastrophic event will occur. But our population needs to slow down or stop for at least 20 years or we risk overwhelming the planet.

We need to start colonizing other places haha.

also waiting on posts from sunset and eloise, will press forward in the morning.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
(Saracen of Arshea)HP:10/37;Init+3;Senses low-light vision;Perception+7

Sorry for seeming slow. T'is the silly season and I'm pushing an 80 hour week.

Will do my best to keep up.

NP. Take your time if you need to Sunset. Just let me know and I can not ya for a bit. :)

Merry Christmas everyone! Happy holidays!

(Saracen of Arshea)HP:10/37;Init+3;Senses low-light vision;Perception+7

Season's greetings! (^_^)

Ugh, so my laptop and all my PDF's are Ked for now. Putting things on pause until I can get it either fixed or everything downloaded again. I have a lot of pdf's but few physical copies.

Sorry for the wait guys. :/

(Saracen of Arshea)HP:10/37;Init+3;Senses low-light vision;Perception+7


Be good.

Having lost PC's before I understand how painful data loss is.

Much cheers to all.

Grand Lodge

Best of luck to you with that.

Update, so swapped harddrives, upgraded to a new SSD about double the size of the old one. Cleared the data from my remaining onboard completely and slapped a fresh windows install and my Laptop is back in buisness. Now I just have to reinstall everything. My PDF's were luckily backed up on my portable so I should be up and posting tonight once transfers are done. lol

(Saracen of Arshea)HP:10/37;Init+3;Senses low-light vision;Perception+7


Good to hear your problems were easily (Relatively?) solved.

Relatively easy, once I stopped face palming myself and running in circles. The initial shock worsened it and instead of taking the right steps I bungled it up more I think. But now I realized I made a mistake and installed 32 bit system instead of 64 bit so I am reinstalling. Again.

Currently flying to work. Will have a post in by today or tomorrow. Transferring my PDF's once I reinstall windows 64 bit. lol...

But I learned alot, and I was able to help a friend of mine who had a similar issue.

Windows does this a lot I guess, the Win 10 anyway. So thats wonderful to know haha.

So I left my computer updating everything again and downloading all my PDF files off my portable HDD. So Game post will be up today. Thanks for your patience, thankfully my camp's internet is fast and my updates are going smoothly. Computer has a long ways to recover. lol...

(Saracen of Arshea)HP:10/37;Init+3;Senses low-light vision;Perception+7


Wishing every one all the very best. :)

Coming soon to a map near you.

Finally getting freed up enough to focus.

Character portraits and approximate positions inputted into the map.

Let me know if anything else is needed. thanks!

You can also change your characters positions and the map is editable so be careful haha.

Okay fixed the map so you guys can edit now. I had it on view only, my mistake there. Updates coming soon.

(Saracen of Arshea)HP:10/37;Init+3;Senses low-light vision;Perception+7

No worries. Am sorry very busy with work.

Free time soon. (^_^)

(Saracen of Arshea)HP:10/37;Init+3;Senses low-light vision;Perception+7

Posting tags are BACK!

Yes yes they are haha


Wishing every one all the very best.

Yeah, i'm still here. All my games are suffering, my mom went in for open heart surgery so... yeah.

Will get this rebooted here in the morning, if not sooner. At work and actually have my head on straight. But at least Seraph is still going! XD

Female CG Human Bladebound Magus 6 | HP: 33/51 | AC: 21 (13 Tch, 20 Fl) | CMB +5, CMD +16 | F: +7, R: +3, W: +5 | Init: +5 | Perc.: +2 | SM: +0 | Speed 30 ft. | Arcane pool 3/6 | Spells: 1st: 3/5, 2nd: 2/4: Active conditions: None

I hope your mother will be well.

(Saracen of Arshea)HP:10/37;Init+3;Senses low-light vision;Perception+7


I understand life kicking you. A freind has just lost thier father to cancer.

I knew the Elder gentleman. I too feel his loss.

Very best wishes to you and yours Master DM.

Female CG Human Bladebound Magus 6 | HP: 33/51 | AC: 21 (13 Tch, 20 Fl) | CMB +5, CMD +16 | F: +7, R: +3, W: +5 | Init: +5 | Perc.: +2 | SM: +0 | Speed 30 ft. | Arcane pool 3/6 | Spells: 1st: 3/5, 2nd: 2/4: Active conditions: None

My condolences to your friend, Sunset.

Grand Lodge

Take care of your family and loved ones. We'll be here.

Post is up, going to try and stay on it. Can't promise much, life is hectic. I can keep up with Seraph but she is like the only character I have been consistently lol. So fingers crossed.

(Saracen of Arshea)HP:10/37;Init+3;Senses low-light vision;Perception+7


Know how that is Master Dm.

yah, life can throw stuff around pretty much. :P

Post is up. Updated map as well.

Going to update soonish. Trying to get things in order. down to 7 games now. So I shouldn't be drowning anymore. Been reading the book over to get my head back into it with this.

Hope you guys are still willing, if not we can end it on a high note and re-focus somewhere else or not at all. Been trying to keep the kingmaker game going because it was the only one I could keep my head in at the time and with what time / service I had. Ugh.

Grand Lodge

I'm still in

(Saracen of Arshea)HP:10/37;Init+3;Senses low-light vision;Perception+7

Very best wishes to all! (^_^)

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