Iesha Shadowstar-Petrosca |
OK, things are looking up here.
My dad is recovering nicely from open-heart surgery last Tuesday to replace the aortic valve. I couldn't make it up to Johnstown for the surgery, but I did get up to the hospital Sunday to spend at least part of Father's Day with him. He's alert, seems to have no memory loss or other mental issues but hates the hospital food. [He's not allowed salt or sugar.]
Only one more minor stress coming up; Thursday my daughter is having oral surgery to remove FIVE wisdom teeth (and maybe a sixth tooth, with a cavity hidden by two molars growing too close to see just how bad the cavity is).
Then, hopefully, life will get back to as normal as it gets.
Eloise Tow |
Oof... Well, good news about your dad. Wish your daughter all the best from me, someone she doesn't know. ;)
And good hope to yourself as well...
DM Corerue |
Great news about your dad Iesha! Heart surgery is a bear!
I know the wisdom teeth thing, I am soon to face it too, plus a bone graft for a post insert. *Shudders - MLWS...*
So updates in game, sorry for the short posts. Nothing more to add in the area you currently are in. Though feel free to take artistic liberties with the unseen servants. They can cook, make tea, clean and such so long as the command isn't overly complex it can be done.
However they cannot locate the Count. Sowry!
Eloise Tow |
Wow. There's so much slapstick going on, this is like an episode of Laurel & Hardy! :D
DM Corerue |
So some news, back where I can post and we found out just recently that our third child is a girl, its exciting! Two boys and a girl, I'd say its the perfect combo. Only way it could be better is be two for two but my wife is finished with having kids lol.
Also posts incoming! Apologies for the wait!
Eloise Tow |
Has anyone heard from Sour Heck lately? We could sure use him right about now. :( Not to mention he's been a highlight of the game..
DM Corerue |
MY oldest just started school this year, Kindergarten, so its adding another iron to the fire of things I have to do, but I am trying to keep my focus only on current games I have. So far its going good. Again I will message Sour Heck and see if he's okay. IN another game I am running I have some players (married) who are experiancing major RL difficulties so I urge anyone having similar troubles to message me if needed and I have no problem running the character in NPC if you need a break.
Real Life comes first. Always.
Eloise Tow |
Aww YEAH, she FINALLY got in reach of my better combat suite! /:D
At last, I get to earn my keep in this battle. :')
DM Corerue |
Never did hear back from Sour Heck, which is regrettable. If anyone wants to remake characters feel free. But for now we will continue as is. I will NPC Sour Heck so that his characters assistance isn't missed in the coming struggles.
apologies for the long wait, work has been hectic, per usual lately. Low oil is not good for us oilfield folk. Also mandatory training is kicking my butt. But I am caught up and will resume normal posting.
Hope to see you all soon.
Eloise Tow |
Whew! :D That was intense - and makes me love the Magus class even more. Tanking it up AND trading spells with an enemy? Sweeeeet~! ^_^
Eloise Tow |
Iesha Shadowstar-Petrosca |
Well, I'm still here, if a bit erratically.
Life seems to hate me right now. As I mentioned before, Dad is recovering nicely. He's even driving again...for short distances. However, Mom fell and broke her right arm. The same side she broke her shoulder on last year. We're not sure how it happened, she said she woke up around 3,, needed to use the restroom,and slipped on the floor. My brothers and I have been alternating staying up in Somerset with them to help out - and to drive - my second shift starts this Thursday, right after my PT for my ankle, which I managed to sprain badly just after Dad's surgery. Their internet (Dish satellite) su--, er is poor at best, so any posting there will be erratic, or very late at night.
Meanwhile, while trying to undo the damage the Windows 10 stealth update did, our main computer died...bios & hard drive both trashed. Not sure if we can blame Win10 or if they were bad to begin with, but hubby couldn't find the backup he did before updating, so we had to use one from January and have lost a lot of game data.
This, of course, means I will not be getting a new current on is about 8 yrs old and whines and overheats at the slightest stress.
But enough ranting about computers and on to something more fun, but that will also delay my posts.
We (hubby, me and dau) are going on a Bahamas cruise. Our first. We'll be leaving home probably Oct 4 or 5, and the ship leaves on the 8th for a 5 day cruise. We are NOT spending the extra fees for internet, so from Saturday Oct 8 through Thursday Oct 13th Iesha will need botted.
I will try to post more often up to then, however.
DM Corerue |
That's too bad about the computer issues. If you lived closer I'd let you have my old Alienware. Its likea decade old now but its been barely used. Its a big desktop with a lot of room for making changes. I really need to get rid of the thing. -.-;
Glad to here some of the ordeals in RL are sorting out a little better then before. Bones will mend and though it's annoying (my son broke his arm this year) its not super life threatening at least.
Have fun on your cruise though! I want a vacation. T-T
Iesha Shadowstar-Petrosca |
OK, I'm going to say go ahead and start boting Iesha.
I'm not sure if we're optimistic, stupid, suicidal, or just stubborn; however we are packed and ready to leave about 6am for our cruise...which, at this time has not been cancelled or modified.
Yes, we're about to drive to Florida during a hurricane...reportedly the strongest one in years. Hopefully the boat and our destinations will all still be there when we arrive.
DM Corerue |
Eloise Tow |
Eloise Tow |
DM Corerue |
Apologies for the wait, I am babysitting kids this week for the pregnant wife and her friends to have some fun kid free. 8 kids is more work then I expected and they have been staying the night. Good thing I buy everything in bulk but the little punks keep stealing my bacon ~.~; #Firstworldtroubles
Post incoming
DM Corerue |
So, I am having a hard time getting into this adventure. Horror theme hasn't been my cup of tea for a long time but I am still trying. I modified some things, due to it being very dry/reptetive IMO. Like how book two is very construct heavy. Something I am unfamiliar with as well. But I am reading over the books again (everything is in PDF as my traveling makes taking books very hard).
If you guys are still willing, lets keep moving forward and finish up book 2, after which we can decide to continue to book 3. Which looks really interesting btw.
I haven't given it my best, for that I apologize, I will do more this week to post 1-3 times per day at minimum.
If you feel you can't keep moving forward then let me know. No hard feelings. I know i've been sub-par, no excuses.