DM Carbide's Giantslayer

Game Master John Woodford

Giantslayer AP Part 3: Forge of the Giant God




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Rise of the Runelords Pt2|RotRL Pt 3| Giantslayer|Emerald Spire| CORE Emerald Spire

No problem--the boards going off probably didn't help, either.

The fleeing half-orc is keeping the gap open between him and the rest of the party, but so far is unable to widen it. If you had to guess, it looks like he's going to try to make for Trunau.

Svarog, another DC 15 Perception check to keep from being tripped up by uneven terrain or other hidden obstacles.

Dice rolls:
Knowledge (Local) check: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13

Kellid ranger 5 HPs:42/44 - AC: 19*|13*|16 *+1 dodge vs orcs, +2 dodge v giants - Fort:+5 | Ref:+7 | Will:+3 - Per:+10 (+2/4 FE orcs/giants, +2 FT) Init:+3 (+2 FT) CMD:20 +1 v orcs
snow owl griffon HPs:22/22 AC: 15/15/14 - Fort:+5 | Ref:+5 | Will:+1 - Per:+10, Init:+2

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21

Dusk was a time for wolves, and it was time to howl.

"Guards! Shut the gates!" Svarog bellowed as he ran.

I've been picturing this whole setup in some wrong way. I thought we were already closer to Trunau than the half-orc, and we were chasing him toward the Plague House. Mah brane is confuzd.
If there are no gates to shut, Svarog won't waste his breath.

Rise of the Runelords Pt2|RotRL Pt 3| Giantslayer|Emerald Spire| CORE Emerald Spire

You're right--you wouldn't have been able to tell where he was going if he wasn't closer to the Plague House than the town. So he's heading there.

Male Dwarf Warpriest 6, Orc Hewer (AC: 22 [26 against monsters of the giant subtype], HP: 56/60) Giants Slain: Cave Giant x1, Hill Giant x3, Hill Giant Skeleton x1, Marsh Giant x1

Haftor is able to see fine in the dark, but he knows the only way he's catching anyone is through focus and endurance. He chugs along at double time.

Rise of the Runelords Pt2|RotRL Pt 3| Giantslayer|Emerald Spire| CORE Emerald Spire

Kira & Jarrek, what are you doing?

Kellid ranger 5 HPs:42/44 - AC: 19*|13*|16 *+1 dodge vs orcs, +2 dodge v giants - Fort:+5 | Ref:+7 | Will:+3 - Per:+10 (+2/4 FE orcs/giants, +2 FT) Init:+3 (+2 FT) CMD:20 +1 v orcs
snow owl griffon HPs:22/22 AC: 15/15/14 - Fort:+5 | Ref:+5 | Will:+1 - Per:+10, Init:+2

Svarog pelted after the half-orc like a hound from the hells, preparing to tackle him if he got close enough.

"You have nowhere to go! Stop and answer our questions!"

Kira's bags of reagents and extracts bounce along as she keeps up with the group in an attempt to catch the escaping man. Her hand reaches into one pouch in particular and grabs hold of a sunrod. Snapping it to let the light shine out as she breathes heavily as she starts to run flat out to catch the person.

Pulling out a Sunrod and activating it then running at x3.

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15

Rise of the Runelords Pt2|RotRL Pt 3| Giantslayer|Emerald Spire| CORE Emerald Spire

Running is a full-round action, and activating a sunrod is a standard action--you'll be starting out a bit behind Svarog.

Male Half-Orc Bard (Arcane Duelist)/Oracle (Lore) 5/1 [HP: 47/47 | AC:23 | T:14 | FF:19 | CMB:+8 | CMD:22 | Fort:+5 | Ref:+9 | Will:+6 | Init:+0 | Perc:+0 (Darkvision) | Spd 20]

Jarrek is still following Svarog following the half-orc.

"Thief! Thief! Stop him!" Jarrek does his best to summon assistance as he pelted behind Svarog after their quarry.

Rise of the Runelords Pt2|RotRL Pt 3| Giantslayer|Emerald Spire| CORE Emerald Spire

So, the rewind:

The sun is setting as you return to Trunau, battered and bloodied but bearing treasure and information. Kurst Grath left a message for you to meet him in the morning, so you return to the Longhouse. After dinner, Jarrek remembers that the Plague House can actually be seen from the upper floors of the boarding house and idly takes a look out the window at the spot where the party lately had fought for their lives. In the darkness his eyes pick out a faint blue glow to the far side of the ruined building, as though there was a blue flame in the firepit the party saw earlier.

Male Dwarf Warpriest 6, Orc Hewer (AC: 22 [26 against monsters of the giant subtype], HP: 56/60) Giants Slain: Cave Giant x1, Hill Giant x3, Hill Giant Skeleton x1, Marsh Giant x1

"Hmph. That is an odd color for a fire, I'd say.

Rise of the Runelords Pt2|RotRL Pt 3| Giantslayer|Emerald Spire| CORE Emerald Spire

Since it's been a few months, I'll remind you that the young man you rescued also mentioned seeing a blue fire.

Kellid ranger 5 HPs:42/44 - AC: 19*|13*|16 *+1 dodge vs orcs, +2 dodge v giants - Fort:+5 | Ref:+7 | Will:+3 - Per:+10 (+2/4 FE orcs/giants, +2 FT) Init:+3 (+2 FT) CMD:20 +1 v orcs
snow owl griffon HPs:22/22 AC: 15/15/14 - Fort:+5 | Ref:+5 | Will:+1 - Per:+10, Init:+2

If Jarrek mentions it to us, Svarog will suggest going to check it out.

Male Dwarf Warpriest 6, Orc Hewer (AC: 22 [26 against monsters of the giant subtype], HP: 56/60) Giants Slain: Cave Giant x1, Hill Giant x3, Hill Giant Skeleton x1, Marsh Giant x1

Haftor would reluctantly agree, thugh he would grumble about it.

"We should check that out eh?" Kira looks between Jarrek and Haftor.

Male Dwarf Warpriest 6, Orc Hewer (AC: 22 [26 against monsters of the giant subtype], HP: 56/60) Giants Slain: Cave Giant x1, Hill Giant x3, Hill Giant Skeleton x1, Marsh Giant x1

Haftor reluctantly agrees, though he grumbles about it.

Rise of the Runelords Pt2|RotRL Pt 3| Giantslayer|Emerald Spire| CORE Emerald Spire

In Jarrek's absence, I'll assume he lets the party know about what he's seen. It takes around half an hour to get everyone back together. In the meantime, take a look in the Discussion thread and let me know if you can think of any better way that Trianne can get into the party.

Rise of the Runelords Pt2|RotRL Pt 3| Giantslayer|Emerald Spire| CORE Emerald Spire


Trianne, the passage across Belkzen was not an easy one, and more than once you counted yourself fortunate to be traveling with an experienced caravan crew. Only two of the guards had been killed by orc raiders, but the raiders never left with more than half their number still able to move. Even as the caravan approached Trunau's relative safety, no one relaxed. If anything, they grew tenser, and the sight of even lone orcs (or other, stranger creatures) drew a disproportionate alertness. This was sufficiently unlike your experience with settlements in your homeland that you asked one of the guards, a Varisian whose too-light blade (not a proper axe or greatsword) was still quite the orc-bane in his capable hands. "Ah, yes. In less dangerous lands, or when a town is strong, its people send out soldiers to keep the peace. Trunau is strong enough to survive in this place, but they have not the power to protect *us*. So cunning orcs will sometimes come here and wait for such as we to happen by, all laden with fine treasures and gold." (This does not fill you with confidence in your ability to travel from Trunau least not without rather more practice, and/or skilled allies.) Fortunately, the orcs of his tale do not materialize, and early in the afternoon the caravan crests a hill and you see your destination.

Your first impression of Trunau is one of defiant fragility, confirming the guard's words. The town's walls, though substantial enough, would clearly not withstand a determined assault by the full strength of Belkzen's hordes. The townsfolk must be clever people, indeed, to walk the tightrope between being perceived as dangerous enough not to attack lightly, but not so dangerous as to draw an attack in force. The town militia greet the caravan masters warmly. The militia sergeant, a middle-aged gentleman, knows them by name, offering embraces and clasped hands. "So, Barterstones are going now--I assume you'll be wanting to get there quickly, so I'll not keep you. Captain Rodrik will want to know, though. How was the trip?" You're close enough to hear the one merchant's low-voiced reply: "It's quiet out there. Too damned quiet by half. Usually we end up having to fight off at least one band of Twisted Nail's hotheads, but this time?" She makes a cutting motion with one hand. "Nothing. Something's not right. I think we'll have to be on the road again quickly, make for Lastwall, and damn the profits." She looks around at the other two merchants, who nod in agreement. The sergeant looks uneasy, then brightens. "We'll have to buy quickly then, too."

The caravan trundles past the gate, to a set of flat stones outside the wall. There's a small bazaar happening there, with people buying and selling. With practiced ease the merchants and their crew set up a small tent and tables and join the mercantile mob. You gather up your belongings, suddenly a little unsure now that it looks like the only people you know are going to be leaving much sooner than expected. A pair of young, dark-haired women step around you, pulling a handcart filled with small jars packed carefully in padded boxes. The older of the two gives you a sympathetic look. "New in town?" She stops by one of the flat stones and spreads out a colorful cloth from her handcart before unloading jars that you now recognize as containing alchemical substances. "I'm Kira."

Over the course of the afternoon, you learn that Kira is indeed an alchemist, and she and her younger sister Jeska are Trunau natives. Once the day's sales have concluded, the two of them walk you to the Longhouse, where most out-of-towners stay, and introduce you to Cham Larringfass, the halfling proprietress. The next couple of weeks are generally uneventful, belying the merchant's dire words. You follow up on clues, talk to people more familiar with the area, and generally settle in. Kira invites you to dinner a couple of times and you're able to talk at least some subset of shop with her. One night, though, the town's routine is broken in a pleasant way, and you finally learn why all the natives carry small daggers.

Ruby's Hopeknife Ceremony

The party goes on into the night, even after you would prefer to be going off to bed. The next morning, though, brings tragedy: Rodrik Grath, the beloved militia captain, has apparently killed himself. The town hangs under a pall, and for some reason Kira isn't around at all that day. Jeska tells you that Kira is off doing something for the militia, but she doesn't know what.

Late the next day, Kira comes to see you at the Longhouse. She looks different--she's wearing leather armor, for one thing; her clothing carries fresh bloodstains, and she has a few scars you don't remember (likely signs of magical healing of otherwise-severe wounds). "Listen. I'm working with some others for Kurst Grath, Rodrik's brother, trying to find out what really happened to him. Can you help? It's all right if you say no."

Flashback ends.

Rise of the Runelords Pt2|RotRL Pt 3| Giantslayer|Emerald Spire| CORE Emerald Spire

Crud, I got the name of the inn wrong--it's not the Longhouse, it's the Ramblehouse. And it's been just over an hour, so I can't fix it.

Ulfen Transmuter 6 HP=40/41 AC: 12|12|10 - Fort: +4 | Ref: +4 | Will: +6 - Per: +3 Init: +2 CMD: 15 (17 v. Trip)

“No,” Trianne replied. “It’s not alright if I say no. What kind of thanks would that be after how much you and Jeska have done since I arrived? I'd be tickled to lend a hand.”

She pulled lengths of ribbon into the two books she had been bouncing back and forth between and closed them with certainty. Standing, she moved closer to Kira with a scrutinizing wince.

“I’m hoping most of that blood isn’t yours?” She gathered up some of her belongings and walked with Kira toward the door. “You can tell me all about it on the way.”

Then Trianne paused, pointing at her crossbow hanging from a nearby hook. “Am I going to need that?”

Feel free to ramp us up as fast as you'd like. No need to warm the waters for me. :)

Kira gives a nod, "Yes, definitely bring the crossbow."

Then, looking down at her leather armor and the blood stains she shrugs, [b]"Some mine... some the enemies. I'm still breathing and they aren't so it works for me in the end... anyway, we've got more work to do. Lets go."

Kira then leads Trianne to the rest of the party and makes some quick introductions, "Friends, this is Trianne. She's going to help us out, got some magic in her head and some knowledge I don't have."

Ulfen Transmuter 6 HP=40/41 AC: 12|12|10 - Fort: +4 | Ref: +4 | Will: +6 - Per: +3 Init: +2 CMD: 15 (17 v. Trip)

“I like it,” Trianne said. “Sweet and to the point. Thanks for having me. I’ll shape your world as best I’m able.”

She hiked her slung crossbow a little snugger and leaned in to clasp hands and make bows as appropriate. The slight twist of a smile lit her face, and she paused when crossing gazes with Jarrek, letting slip a low whistle of appreciation.

“Well, you’ve got to be a salty one,” she said. “That's tough blood to carry in these streets.”

When the introductions and formalities had passed, she said, “Kira told me the gist of what’s afoot. What’s our next move?”

Male Dwarf Warpriest 6, Orc Hewer (AC: 22 [26 against monsters of the giant subtype], HP: 56/60) Giants Slain: Cave Giant x1, Hill Giant x3, Hill Giant Skeleton x1, Marsh Giant x1

Haftor nods in welcome to Trianne and replies, "There's some shady activity at the Plague House. I don't mind admitting that I don't understand what's going on, but If we are to get to the bottom of this mystery, we need to go back there."

Male Half-Orc Bard (Arcane Duelist)/Oracle (Lore) 5/1 [HP: 47/47 | AC:23 | T:14 | FF:19 | CMB:+8 | CMD:22 | Fort:+5 | Ref:+9 | Will:+6 | Init:+0 | Perc:+0 (Darkvision) | Spd 20]

Jarrek nods. "We explored it a little but there's someone out there we didn't find. We'll need to go back."

Ulfen Transmuter 6 HP=40/41 AC: 12|12|10 - Fort: +4 | Ref: +4 | Will: +6 - Per: +3 Init: +2 CMD: 15 (17 v. Trip)

“The Plague House? Sounds lovely,” Trianne said with a cocked eyebrow. Then recollection hit her. “Wait, that scorched ruin outside of town that everyone's yammering about?”

She glanced over at Kira and said, “Now the blood makes a bit more sense.”

“Someone specific we’re looking for in conjunction with the murder?” she asked. “Or just more of an anonymous lurker that needs to be questioned?”

Male Half-Orc Bard (Arcane Duelist)/Oracle (Lore) 5/1 [HP: 47/47 | AC:23 | T:14 | FF:19 | CMB:+8 | CMD:22 | Fort:+5 | Ref:+9 | Will:+6 | Init:+0 | Perc:+0 (Darkvision) | Spd 20]

"We didn't see him there, but someone told us there's an older half-orc using the Plague House. There was a fire- a blue fire- out there last night, telling us someone was out there. We'll need to go back and see if we can talk to this grey haired old man."

We were supposed to meet Kurst in the morning; I'm a little mixed up with the little rewind for Trianne's intro- is that still tomorrow morning (i.e.- is it currently still the same night we got back from the Plague House/chased the half orc)?

Kellid ranger 5 HPs:42/44 - AC: 19*|13*|16 *+1 dodge vs orcs, +2 dodge v giants - Fort:+5 | Ref:+7 | Will:+3 - Per:+10 (+2/4 FE orcs/giants, +2 FT) Init:+3 (+2 FT) CMD:20 +1 v orcs
snow owl griffon HPs:22/22 AC: 15/15/14 - Fort:+5 | Ref:+5 | Will:+1 - Per:+10, Init:+2

Svarog grunted agreement with Jarrek. He was still fuming a bit at having run from the ghosts in the Plague House, and that ire was printed on his face.

Rise of the Runelords Pt2|RotRL Pt 3| Giantslayer|Emerald Spire| CORE Emerald Spire

Jarrek, remember that we retconned out the half-orc chase. The party returned from the Plague House and were settling down when you looked out over the wall and saw a faint blue glow from the far side of the Plague House. There was an assumption on the part of some of the other PCs (which I did not rule out) that Svarog was going to tell the rest of the party that night, and you would return straightaway.

Male Half-Orc Bard (Arcane Duelist)/Oracle (Lore) 5/1 [HP: 47/47 | AC:23 | T:14 | FF:19 | CMB:+8 | CMD:22 | Fort:+5 | Ref:+9 | Will:+6 | Init:+0 | Perc:+0 (Darkvision) | Spd 20]

I missed that we retconned out the half-orc chase. Either way, Jarrek was referring to Othdan (I think that was his name?) telling the group he had been abducted by a grey haired, older half-orc. Personally, from a meta standpoint, I don't think the PCs are in any shape to go back out to the Plague House tonight. Jarrek, though, would be all for it.

Rise of the Runelords Pt2|RotRL Pt 3| Giantslayer|Emerald Spire| CORE Emerald Spire

That's right--you were offboard when we restarted. You can see the discussion above and in the Discussion thread.

What are you going to do? You're all at full HP due to support from the Iomedaean clergy.

Male Dwarf Warpriest 6, Orc Hewer (AC: 22 [26 against monsters of the giant subtype], HP: 56/60) Giants Slain: Cave Giant x1, Hill Giant x3, Hill Giant Skeleton x1, Marsh Giant x1

Haftor feels honor bound to see this task through, and would return to the Plague House.

Kellid ranger 5 HPs:42/44 - AC: 19*|13*|16 *+1 dodge vs orcs, +2 dodge v giants - Fort:+5 | Ref:+7 | Will:+3 - Per:+10 (+2/4 FE orcs/giants, +2 FT) Init:+3 (+2 FT) CMD:20 +1 v orcs
snow owl griffon HPs:22/22 AC: 15/15/14 - Fort:+5 | Ref:+5 | Will:+1 - Per:+10, Init:+2

Gah, this stupid new code! D: Goblins in the machine everywhere!
Svarog also wants to go check it out.

Male Half-Orc Bard (Arcane Duelist)/Oracle (Lore) 5/1 [HP: 47/47 | AC:23 | T:14 | FF:19 | CMB:+8 | CMD:22 | Fort:+5 | Ref:+9 | Will:+6 | Init:+0 | Perc:+0 (Darkvision) | Spd 20]

Jarrek's on board with going back to the Plague House, too.

Ulfen Transmuter 6 HP=40/41 AC: 12|12|10 - Fort: +4 | Ref: +4 | Will: +6 - Per: +3 Init: +2 CMD: 15 (17 v. Trip)

Blue fire?” Trianne asked. “I presume that’s not something common to the Trunau way of life?”

She scanned the faces around her, and deducing her answer, she hiked her pack a little higher, thumbs tucked comfortably under the straps. She blew a stray hair away from her face and said, “Well then, shall we? More than likely he won’t be expecting us at night.”

Trianne assumed they were going on foot, so no need to fetch her horse, and as she neared the door she could sense her familiar nearby. The emotional grumbling was impossible to mistake after all these years…and regardless of how much he ate. That damn bird was always hungry.

Onward at the story’s convenience!

Rise of the Runelords Pt2|RotRL Pt 3| Giantslayer|Emerald Spire| CORE Emerald Spire

Thanks for your patience, all. Remember that everyone is at full HP, courtesy of the Iomedaean clergy.

With a word from Kurst, the militia guards at the gate open a sally port to let you out and give you a password for reentry. Jarrek and Haftor lead the group through the shadows cast by the palisade around the town.

The Plague House is a patch of deeper darkness against the starry sky. Making your way around to the far side, where the light seemed to originate, you find an absence of blue. However, the fire pit still contains smoldering coals, and Kira identifies the resinous smell hanging over the pit as the product of an alchemical preparation to produce the blue fire.

Where to now?

Male Half-Orc Bard (Arcane Duelist)/Oracle (Lore) 5/1 [HP: 47/47 | AC:23 | T:14 | FF:19 | CMB:+8 | CMD:22 | Fort:+5 | Ref:+9 | Will:+6 | Init:+0 | Perc:+0 (Darkvision) | Spd 20]

Around what time is it? After midnight?

Jarrek grunts. "They moved on. But why build a fire out here when they could be inside?" He turns to look at the Plague House and the ground in between the campfire and the building. "Was it a signal?"

Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 17 Has darkvision.

Kellid ranger 5 HPs:42/44 - AC: 19*|13*|16 *+1 dodge vs orcs, +2 dodge v giants - Fort:+5 | Ref:+7 | Will:+3 - Per:+10 (+2/4 FE orcs/giants, +2 FT) Init:+3 (+2 FT) CMD:20 +1 v orcs
snow owl griffon HPs:22/22 AC: 15/15/14 - Fort:+5 | Ref:+5 | Will:+1 - Per:+10, Init:+2

Svarog stalked the perimeter of the light the coals gave off, hunting for some sign of who had set the fire, or where they had gone. He squatted to get a better view of scuffs and possible prints in the dim light, feeling with his fingertips and sniffing the air like a wolf.

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27 +2 vs. orcs

Rise of the Runelords Pt2|RotRL Pt 3| Giantslayer|Emerald Spire| CORE Emerald Spire

Jarrek and Svarog note signs that at least two creatures have been around the fire recently. Svarog thinks the boot prints are 1) from a half-orc, and 2) suspiciously similar to the prints he found in the haunted chamber inside. The other tracks are made by a humanoid that goes unshod and has claws on its feet.

DC 17 Knowledge (Local):
These look like the tracks of a flood troll, a smaller and weaker cousin of the more dangerous troll. (The DC is high because you're trying to identify from tracks, with no other indication of appearance.)

Male Half-Orc Bard (Arcane Duelist)/Oracle (Lore) 5/1 [HP: 47/47 | AC:23 | T:14 | FF:19 | CMB:+8 | CMD:22 | Fort:+5 | Ref:+9 | Will:+6 | Init:+0 | Perc:+0 (Darkvision) | Spd 20]

Kn:Local: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16 Ugh. So close. This already includes his bonus to identify monsters; anybody want to Aid Another here?

Which way do the tracks go, DM? Toward the Plague House or some other direction?

Rise of the Runelords Pt2|RotRL Pt 3| Giantslayer|Emerald Spire| CORE Emerald Spire

Svarog can take 10 on his Survival check to tell that the half-orc tracks came from the nearest Plague House entrance, the other tracks came from the south, and then both sets of tracks return to the Plague House.

Kellid ranger 5 HPs:42/44 - AC: 19*|13*|16 *+1 dodge vs orcs, +2 dodge v giants - Fort:+5 | Ref:+7 | Will:+3 - Per:+10 (+2/4 FE orcs/giants, +2 FT) Init:+3 (+2 FT) CMD:20 +1 v orcs
snow owl griffon HPs:22/22 AC: 15/15/14 - Fort:+5 | Ref:+5 | Will:+1 - Per:+10, Init:+2

aid another: K:local: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12 Success!

"Whoever it is, they went inside," Svarog told the others, pointing to the entrance the tracks led to. "They look like tracks I found inside. Maybe the captor of that boy we found. And one of these things had clawed feet." He drew his sword, indicating what he thought of that.

Ulfen Transmuter 6 HP=40/41 AC: 12|12|10 - Fort: +4 | Ref: +4 | Will: +6 - Per: +3 Init: +2 CMD: 15 (17 v. Trip)

“Clawed feet?” Trianne echoed. She had been circling the fire pit in thought, but when the details of the various tracks emerged, she said, “Seems as though a signal fire was right then.”

She then fiddled with her belongings a moment, repositioning a small, glowing torch into one of her pouches for ready access. Nodding that she was ready, she fell in behind the others as they made their way forward.

Assuming position 4 or 5 in a marching order at Kira’s discretion. When the darkness becomes too challenging, Tri would bring forth her everburning torch for light.

Ulfen Transmuter 6 HP=40/41 AC: 12|12|10 - Fort: +4 | Ref: +4 | Will: +6 - Per: +3 Init: +2 CMD: 15 (17 v. Trip)

“What kind of claws?”

Trianne’s curiosity got the better of her. She had tried to hold her tongue and had lasted almost a full minute. She knew that she was overly inquisitive. It was one of the reasons she was chosen for this mission, after all. She had trouble not asking questions, but she also knew that in her line of work, information and preparation kept you alive.

“How many claws were there?” she clarified. “About how long were they?”

As she continued to collect tidbits, she skimmed her memory for possible fits to the details provided, bipedal, fairly intelligent, and now the claws.

Looking to cross-reference
K:Geography: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25
K:Nature: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
to hopefully bring up some possible local species to prepare for.

Kellid ranger 5 HPs:42/44 - AC: 19*|13*|16 *+1 dodge vs orcs, +2 dodge v giants - Fort:+5 | Ref:+7 | Will:+3 - Per:+10 (+2/4 FE orcs/giants, +2 FT) Init:+3 (+2 FT) CMD:20 +1 v orcs
snow owl griffon HPs:22/22 AC: 15/15/14 - Fort:+5 | Ref:+5 | Will:+1 - Per:+10, Init:+2

Svarog traced the tracks in the dirt to make them more clear to Jarrek and Trianne. "Do these look familiar to you?"

If Jarrek tells him what he thinks it is, Svarog will try to remember anything he might know about it. Would that be Knowledge:nature?

Rise of the Runelords Pt2|RotRL Pt 3| Giantslayer|Emerald Spire| CORE Emerald Spire

No--this is a humanoid, so it's Knowledge (Local).

Male Dwarf Warpriest 6, Orc Hewer (AC: 22 [26 against monsters of the giant subtype], HP: 56/60) Giants Slain: Cave Giant x1, Hill Giant x3, Hill Giant Skeleton x1, Marsh Giant x1

Haftor grunted in surprise when he heard the assessments from the more woodsy members of the group. "Someone, and some-thing, have been skulking about here for some purpose. Do you suppose their activity has something to do with our mystery? If so, how?"

Haftor will follow the lead of Svarog or Jarrek at this point. He feels a bit outside of his area of expertise, here.

Kellid ranger 5 HPs:42/44 - AC: 19*|13*|16 *+1 dodge vs orcs, +2 dodge v giants - Fort:+5 | Ref:+7 | Will:+3 - Per:+10 (+2/4 FE orcs/giants, +2 FT) Init:+3 (+2 FT) CMD:20 +1 v orcs
snow owl griffon HPs:22/22 AC: 15/15/14 - Fort:+5 | Ref:+5 | Will:+1 - Per:+10, Init:+2

"Something smells off. I don't like it. I say we catch them and ask." Svarog headed towards the Plague House, sword held ready.

I'm not sure where the footprints went on the map, but I suggest we use an alternative entrance. Maybe the part that's been destroyed? Isn't that where we went in last? At least we know what's waiting there, I hope.

Ulfen Transmuter 6 HP=40/41 AC: 12|12|10 - Fort: +4 | Ref: +4 | Will: +6 - Per: +3 Init: +2 CMD: 15 (17 v. Trip)

“Hrm. Those aren’t animal tracks,” Trianne said, glancing down at a particularly clear set of markings once they were pointed out. “Your natives in the area are…built a little differently.” The wry smirk on her face was a mix of displeasure and amusement.

Then she fell in line with ease once the group started moving again.

Having never been here, Tri would wait for another to choose the point of entry.

Rise of the Runelords Pt2|RotRL Pt 3| Giantslayer|Emerald Spire| CORE Emerald Spire

The tracks lead to the entrance closest to the party, which those of you who have been here before will remember opens onto a stairway down. I have four of you on the map around the fire circle; I still need to make an icon for Trianne.

Male Half-Orc Bard (Arcane Duelist)/Oracle (Lore) 5/1 [HP: 47/47 | AC:23 | T:14 | FF:19 | CMB:+8 | CMD:22 | Fort:+5 | Ref:+9 | Will:+6 | Init:+0 | Perc:+0 (Darkvision) | Spd 20]
Svarog Sky-Tamer wrote:
Svarog traced the tracks in the dirt to make them more clear to Jarrek and Trianne. "Do these look familiar to you?"

When Svarog traced the claw marks in the dirt, Jarrek nodded. "Looks like a flood troll. Smaller, weaker cousin of a regular troll." He grinned up at the others. "Now that's something to get excited about. Fighting orcs is nothing but work, but a troll- even a flood troll- will be some fun!"

Trianne Ashton wrote:

“Hrm. Those aren’t animal tracks,” Trianne said, glancing down at a particularly clear set of markings once they were pointed out. “Your natives in the area are…built a little differently.” The wry smirk on her face was a mix of displeasure and amusement.

Then she fell in line with ease once the group started moving again.

Jarrek laughed. "They sure are! You've got to be a little different, growing up in a place like Trunau."

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