Trianne Ashton |

“Anything with the word troll in it can’t be good,” Trianne said, quirking an eye at Jarrek’s excitement. Then she turned Kira’s way and added, “You all but bleed alchemist’s fire, I hope?”
Trianne blew a few stray strands of hair from one eye and mulled how unprepared for the likes of a troll she was. Still, she knew it would be nice to sample some of their regnerative blood if she could.
I still need to make an icon for Trianne.
Does this icon make my butt look big?

Svarog Sky-Tamer |

"If you aim true, only the troll will bleed alchemist's fire," Svarog rumbled. A joke? His expression belied it.
OK, I guess we can go in the same way as the tracks, if everyone would prefer. Let's be semi-sneaky if we can, and avoid alerting them. ...Are any of us sneaky? Svarog's got Stealth at +8.
Does this icon make my butt look big?

Jarrek Everstand |

Neither is the half-orc.
"Ha! That's the spirit, Svarog! We'll cut the thing's limbs off and watch them dance!"
Does this icon make my butt look big?
Hahaha. :)

Svarog Sky-Tamer |

I have the feeling our plan is going to be Kick In The Door And Blow Stuff Up. I have to say, Svarog kind of approves... he just wants to catch that orcfoot to interrogate him, and doesn't want him getting away due to premature alerting. If Svarog doesn't see anything suspicious, he'll open the door and motion for the others to join him. He doesn't have trapfinding or anything, though.
Svarog motioned for the others to keep their distance for the moment, and crept to the door the tracks led to. Easing it open, he took a quick peek to see if any threat was visible within.
Stealth: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18 +2 vs orcs

DM Carbide |

Does this icon make my butt look big?
Considering it doesn't show your butt, that would be quite a trick.
Jarrek knows that flood trolls only regenerate in running water. On hearing what sort of creature it is, Trianne recalls that although they are native to Belkzen they seldom make it this far south of the Flood Road. This jogs the memories of those party members who have met Katrezra--according to him, Rodrik had also encountered a flood troll at the Plague House.

Jarrek Everstand |

"Flood trolls are only magic in running water. As long as we don't drop it in a river it won't be coming back once we chop its head off." Jarrek laughs. "But don't let that stop you from setting it on fire or blowing it up!"

Trianne Ashton |

“Then it will be inclined to flee toward water,” Trianne said. “If it has any sense at all. Keep that in mind.”
“Be careful,” she called after Svarog as he moved off. Redundant perhaps, but her maternal instincts ran deep.
As she watched, she stretched her hands and flexed her fingers in anticipation of bringing her power to bear. Plucking strands of the weave from the carousel of energy which spun in her mind was a delicate art that required a great deal of focus. Plus, she hadn’t been in the thick of battle for some time, and her heart raced a bit at the promise of danger.
She moved as quietly as she could just enough to keep Svarog in her field of vision.
Stealth: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23
Insert obligitory "the dwarf is not sneaky" joke here.

The Stone Fist |

Haftor was getting the feeling that he might be satisfying his itchy trigger finger soon. He takes a moment to load his crossbow and hold it at the ready.

Jarrek Everstand |

Speaking of which- DM, are there any rivers or sources of running water nearby? Related- is it weird to find a flood troll around here?

DM Carbide |

No sources of running water nearby, and it is odd to see a flood troll in this area. Two of them, unless this is the same one Rodrik encountered.

DM Carbide |

The door Svarog opens leads down the stairs where you killed the rats. Svarog sees nothing (it's quite dark), but hears faint movement further inside and down the stairs.

Svarog Sky-Tamer |

Svarog scowled. Looking back, he decided that the eyes of the half-orc might be as useful as those of the dwarf, and potentially less noisy. Standing aside, he pointed at Jarrek and motioned him closer, prepared to launch an attack on anything that looked at them funny out of the darkness.

DM Carbide |

The bard can see no sign of movement down the stairs. Descending cautiously, he likewise observes no movement in the chamber at the bottom of the stairs where the party found the statue with the masterwork longsword.

Svarog Sky-Tamer |

When Jarrek relayed this information back, Svarog grunted. Caution was good and well, but if they could contain the monsters within the Plague House, they would capture them and have their answers. He was sure of it.
He waved for the others to approach, and followed Jarrek into the darkness. There were times, he reflected, that he wished he could have learned dwarf-sight along with dwarf custom.
He stalked forward, eagerly awaiting the moment when caution could be thrown to the wind.
If it's super dark and Svarog can't see at all, he'll walk with a hand on someone who can see in the dark. Probably not Haftor, though. He'd have to bend too far. :P

Trianne Ashton |

Trianne closed the distance to the Plague House on light feet. She smirked unpleasantly at the inky shadows awaiting them. As the others proceeded down into the darkness, she nodded at Kira to go ahead of her.
Bringing up the rear, Trianne brought her magical torch out but did her best to keep its light to a meager spill.
Dim enough to navigate but shielded behind her and in one clenched hand to reduce its output.

DM Carbide |

Svarog continues to hear stirring from further into the basement up until Jarrek reaches the bottom of the stairs. At that point all sound stops.
D: 1d20 ⇒ 15

Svarog Sky-Tamer |

Sorry, I thought it was clear to Jarrek too.
Svarog tugged at Jarrek's shoulder, then nodded his head down the basement. "Too quiet," he mouthed.

Trianne Ashton |

An abrupt halt. Whispered words. The tension swept back across the ranks in the silence.
Trianne cupped the torch against her utterly, burying as much of the light as she could. Her other hand rose in front of her, and her fingers curled instinctively into the first position taught within many schools of magic. As her heart hammered, she shifted slowly to one side of the hallway and turned a bit to reduce her profile.

DM Carbide |

Svarog has a much higher Perception bonus than Jarrek, but you're right--the opposition is in a hurry, and not concentrating on stealth.

Jarrek Everstand |

Jarrek nodded back at Svarog and gestured at the wall, indicating without words that he was going to stick to one side of the chamber rather than walk brazenly right down the middle. With his oversized sword out in front and Svarog's hand on his shoulder, Jarrek hugged the right wall and proceeded further into the room.
He's mostly trying to make sure he doesn't get flanked.

The Stone Fist |

Happy to be moving underground, Haftor helps to guide Svarog along through the passage, with subtle elbow nudges in one direction or the other.
He keeps his crossbow at the ready, pointed down for safety.

DM Carbide |

Jarrek, your recollection is that the righthand passage leads eventually to a hall that previously was filled with traps, which the party tripped. Slipping along the wall, he glances down the formerly-trapped hall and sees that the bear traps are still on the floor. There is no sign of motion in the meditation chamber past the traps.
The party hears a door close from inside the meditation chamber.
What do you do?
G, skill check: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
D, skill check: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
D, skill check: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18

The Stone Fist |

Haftor is concerned that they might get flanked from the left-hand corridor. He takes up a position in the intersection, keeping an eye out in that direction. The two big guys can handle whatever is in the meditation chamber, at least for a few rounds.

Svarog Sky-Tamer |

Svarog is all for charging in, but I don't know if there's enough light for him to indicate that silently. If it's totally dark, he'll follow Jarrek's lead. If not, he'll gesture his intent to the others, and move up and open the door.

Jarrek Everstand |

Jarrek moves up to the door of the meditation room and takes up a flanking position with Svarog. Once the barbarian is in place, the big half-orc tries to open the door.

DM Carbide |

To clarify, the meditation chamber is the one in the middle of the basement with the sword design in the floor--there's no door between you and it.

Trianne Ashton |

As the forward contingent moved down the hall, Trianne slipped by Kira and Haftor on quick, quiet feet and took up position just beyond the sentinel dwarf. She didn’t know these men that well yet, but she knew enough of tactics to cover one of their flanks. Haftor would alert them if the need arose on the main front.
She kept her magical torch dim until more was called for and focused her attention on the hallway ahead of her, just making out a doorway at the limits of her vision.
Trianne would ready a Jolt casting action against anything hostile which might approach from the NW corridor. Thanks for the patience and clarity!

Jarrek Everstand |

Jarrek nods at Svarog and heads down the passageway to the meditation room.
I'll go ahead and roll Stealth and see what we get but I'm not hopeful.
Stealth: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (14) - 2 = 12

Svarog Sky-Tamer |

Svarog follows Jarrek, stepping softly but quickly, ready to charge forward.
Stealth: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16

DM Carbide |

Jarrek and Svarog move quietly into the meditation chamber. It's immediately apparent that the place has been ransacked still further, and it's also plain that other than that the room is empty. There are three doors and a portcullis that exit from the room, but Svarog had been able to see the door on the west wall when he heard the sound from the room. You forced open the portcullis when you came through earlier, and it hasn't been closed again.
So there are two doors for you to check. Which one first?

Jarrek Everstand |

Let's go north up that short hallway, I guess? Then we can do the door to the north first and the door to the east second.
Jarrek gestured to the hallway to the north and the door at the end.

Svarog Sky-Tamer |

Svarog gave a suspicious look to the door to the west, but nodded and followed Jarrek's lead. He strained to hear any noise that might give their chosen prey away.
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19 +2 orcs

DM Carbide |

Just to clarify, since the cardinal directions are at 45° to the gridlines on the map: you're first checking the door to the furnace room, where you found the captive earlier?

Jarrek Everstand |

I believe so. My intent was to first check the small room at the end of the hallway leading toward the top edge of the map, then afterward check the larger room to the right.

Trianne Ashton |

No word, little sound. Just a faint shuffling in the dark. Trianne didn’t care for the skulking. She understood it. She just didn’t like it. Moving slowly and all but on tip-toe, she advanced into the meditation chamber, still keeping her light well hooded.
She was a dim outline, casting only a faint glow as beacon for both halves of the group. Withdrawing into a narrow corner, she waited and listened.
Half-speed move with Stealth: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13.

DM Carbide |

Svarog listens carefully, but can't pick out any noise through the closed doors.
Ghaer: 1d20 ⇒ 15

Svarog Sky-Tamer |

Svarog nodded to Jarrek. Time to bust in!
Svarog readies a charge attack for when they see a foe.
MW Longsword charge: 1d20 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 5 + 2 = 21
2h dmg: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

DM Carbide |

Jarrek throws the door open and sidesteps to allow Svarog to charge in. The ranger leaps into the room, bringing his sword up against any foe that might be present in the cramped confines...but finding no target. The room is empty.

Svarog Sky-Tamer |

I meant he'd only charge in if he saw a foe, but okay.
Svarog grunted his disgust, and turned to motion Jarrek to open the next door.

Jarrek Everstand |

Jarrek nods back at Svarog and sets up to one side of the door. Once Svarog indicates his readiness he throws open the next door!

Trianne Ashton |

As the frontline duo came back toward Trianne, she hummed two notes in low succession, barely loud enough to hear. She smirked at herself for the engrained habits. The last bunch she had delved with had used the notes as identifiers while moving in darkness.
She shifted her weight and maintained her vigil between the two access points being explored. Keeping the energies she commanded on the tip of her tongue was challenging, but her training had been rigorous and unforgiving. Now she was reaping the benefits of those trying times.
Readied Jolt action toward the doorway they just vacated in case something dangerous follows them back.

DM Carbide |

One other clarification--from your previous expedition you know there's a concealed door in the furnace room. Are you going to check that, or the door next to Jarrek?

Svarog Sky-Tamer |

My vote is the concealed door, but I think it's up to Jarrek, since he's the one opening them.

DM Carbide |

I'll assume that Jarrek goes for the one closest, then.
The half-orc throws open the door next to him, just in time to see a pair of booted feet vanish from sight through a ragged opening in the ceiling. Jarrek recalls that there's a place in the great hall above where the floor had mostly collapsed, and figures that this must be where it opens to.

Svarog Sky-Tamer |

Only Jarrek can see it?