Furiel |

Happy Easter. I guess we are breaking for a while.
I would push the action like Painlord's guide says, but that hasn't worked out.
Assume Furiel is organizing the raid on the farm to impound the slaver's lands and try to find him to 'check his legitimacy' to hold his lands.

DM Bloodgargler |

Meh.. Good guide. All points are what one should likely strive for.
But I get bored when I DM right.
The most efficient way forward would be...
1) Decisive group actions toward exploring, taking out villains etc... things that lead to encounters.
2) Then, take a week off in gameplay time for downtime. Though the character to character to NPC interaction is enjoyable to me, day to day content is bogging us down.
3) repeat until end of the month.
Oh yes! Happy Easter! I'm out looking for black market foreign chocolate. Love my country... hate our chocolate.

Sonechka Alkaeva |

I thought the PCs were going to take care of Kinsilvi personally. That was what was expecting our next IC move to be, anyway.

Bregor Rowain |

Yes, me too, after all, Green has been pretty clear about his desire to take the evil old man down himself.
Eh, chalk that one up to miscommunication then, no big deal right?

Sonechka Alkaeva |

Furiel wrote:Third post on raiding the farm.Since Green is making a speech, Furiel decides to make one too.
"You need to know that there are some threats to our settlement already. Kesten, your Castellan and Guard Captain, will be looking into this threat today. Forces that liked how things were like before we arrived, are trying to keep us from making a unified land out here."
We can explore or go with Kesten to the farm to make sure there is no resistance. I would prefer the second.
So we all agree the PCs should go to Kinsilvi's, it looks like. I'm not sure announcing it to everybody who was listening was the best choice, but at least it looks like we're agreed on next steps.

Bregor Rowain |

Well, I would suggest we do it in the open, officious and in broad daylight.
It would set a precedence in how we deal with internal threats, and might make it harder for rabble rousers to use it against us later on.
However, if people were more interested in trying to make it a more crushing victory by taking him apart bit by bit all stealthy like or something like that, I'm all ears.

Sonechka Alkaeva |

Loud works for me. If he runs we declare his land forfeit due to his abandonment of his duties to the kingdom or foreclose due to the completely unexpected infestation of kobolds.

DM Bloodgargler |

Last time here...
Boolna responds to Green quietly with her eyes averted.
"I am Boolna of Seven Bloods Clan. I have little to say, but I saw the rage toward Master in your face. Our clan carries out a great curse, Master is punishment in flesh of a man. I only ask..." She looks over at Hyassus. "deal for our young... break their blood clean of their fathers' mistakes..." She keeps her head own and starts to back away.
It also has become party knowledge that the Sootscale are one of the Seven Bloods Clans. They were ruled by alleged tyrant clan the Embermaw. Mikmek is an Embermaw, and that is why the Sootscale would not let him take a mate.

Sonechka Alkaeva |

Sonya could always Slumber the guy.
We should check out the manor before anyone has time to clean things up. Splitting the party isn't usually a good idea, but Sonya and Dolgrym could probably do a good job of figuring out what's going on here while the Green team takes Kinsilvi back to town.

DM Bloodgargler |

The Kitchen you are in is an old stone structure. The farmhouse was built abutting it as if the stone structure was an addition to the house.
The trap door leads down to the Kinsilvi's Lab and Cannery. Whether there are kobolds or others down there has not been mentioned.
In the backyard is a large chicken coop. This is where Boolna implied the diseased kobolds most ready to accept help are housed.
Going down to the lab and cannery first? Or back to the chicken coop?
Hyassus and the old woman Janille under guard?

Sonechka Alkaeva |

I read the intention to enter the lab into Green's post but now that I re-read it I see that it's not entirely clear. Sonya's preference would be to check out the lab, but if Green goes to talk to the infected friendly-ish kobolds she'll go along with him.

DM Bloodgargler |

Dolgrym - I hadn't updated the map, but will right now.
With a move and your roll, you could hit the either screaming (and durable) hag head, the grappling hair head currently waking the tiny old man, or the tiny old man.
The screamer is 10 feet up - above a shelving unit full of jarred goods... +2 AC from cover which your roll would overcome.

Dolgrym Sharpaxe |

If there was a head between Dolgrym and the man, I would have hit that head. If not, I'd have hit the man, whichever was closer to me.

Dolgrym Sharpaxe |

I'll level up Dolgrym tomorrow.
Do we roll HP level up, or take a certain number?

Dolgrym Sharpaxe |

5th level
HP: 7 4 + 2 Con + 1 FC
Feat: Spell Penetration
Wiz bonus Feat: SF Transmutation
6 Skills: Acro x3, Spellcraft, Know. Arcana, Know. Planes
2 new spells gained: Haste & Slow

Bregor Rowain |

Fine by me, the only thing left as far as Green is concerned with is to confront Kinsilvi with the new proof and find out just what he has to say to his own defence.

DM Bloodgargler |

Dolgrym - Grounding is from Ultimate Equipment.
A grounding weapon can safely touch electrically charged surfaces without
harm to its wielder. When used against a creature of the air subtype, it
deals an extra 1d6 points of damage. The wielder of a grounding weapon
receives a +2 competence bonus on saving throws against air- and
electricity-based effects, and the weapon itself is immune to electricity

DM Bloodgargler |

Rod found by painting...
Though it has been crafted to resemble an Archon's Torch, it glows when held by anyone.
1d100 ⇒ 31
1d100 ⇒ 36
Lesser Metamagic Rod of Extend Spell
The wielder can cast up to three spells per day that are enlarged as
though using the Extend Spell feat. Benefit: An extended spell lasts
twice as long as normal. A spell with a duration of concentration,
instantaneous, or permanent is not affected by this feat.

DM Bloodgargler |

We are behind on Kingdom Building in relation to story. Any time everybuddy's ok with fast forwarding, we should/could do that.
You've been able to raise an army the last few turns. You've only created one settlement, Stagfall.
So if you care to decide on that now, feel free. You can raise one now, and at the beginning of next turn/month.
You may also decide on another settlement... to catch up.
Races of Troops available

Bregor Rowain |

I'd say we start with a human unit, they are likely in the majority, so that would make sense.
As for making a second settlement, shouldn't they be spread out a little more than we can do right now?
We can only make one in a hex we own no?
If not, then maybe we could start a new one at Olegs place?
Sometimes I feel stupid for asking questions but...you need to ask to get clarifications.

DM Bloodgargler |

Kingdom Building is a little confusing.
You can only place a settlement in a hex you own. For a hex to be part of your kingdom, it must be adjacent to your current claimed hexes.
Otherwise (such as making a settlement at Oleg's) you can explore and claim the hex (you've already explored there), but it would be independent of your kingdom... Unless you claim it as a Vassal State or Colony, and name a Viceroy.
within the vassal state, the Viceroy acts as ruler, and adds his/her Int or Wis modifier to your kingdom's Economy roll.

DM Bloodgargler |

As a side note... All leaders of your kingdom can be named Viceroy of a Vassal State. As long as they spend 7days/month in their borders, there is no leadership vacancy penalty for that vassal state.
-side note to side note: Heir or Consort (generally spouse) may take your place to negate the penalty

Bregor Rowain |

Hmm, if it was up to me, I would say at least one hex between settlements makes sense.
We could explore and then claim F9, then make a settlement there.
Mind you, I am eager to hear what the rest of you think.

Dolgrym Sharpaxe |

I've never been good at understanding the kingdom building but your basic idea sounds fine with me. F9 seems a fine place to start.

Bregor Rowain |

Since our kingdom is new and small, I would say it is important to build up some economy now.
I would suggest we build houses in the new town (since you can build one house "for free") and something of low cost in stagfall.
A shop, smithy or mill all make sense, since they provide raw goods for the kingdom, or items for the residence.
Of course, that's just a basic plan, we need to see how much extra BP we get from our current economy first.
Upkeep phase
Stability (DC 24): 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (6) + 22 = 28
Upkeep: currently no upkeep cost.
New magical items: No magical item slots.
Unrest: No new unrest
Since that would reduce unrest below zero, we gain +1Bp at this point.
Edict phase
Leadership positions: No new leaders to assign yet.
Claim new hexes: We can claim one new hex, I'd suggest F7, if our DM allow us to have explored it during the time that passed.
Terrain buildings: At this point it would probably be too expensive to do that.
Build/Improve settlements: We could immediately begin to build a new settlement in F7, with one house for 4 BP in total.
Then we could build one more building, preferably in Stagfall.
After that it's creating an army, not sure how big a militia we can reasonably make?

Bregor Rowain |

The foundry fits very well, especially since we have two mines that can connect to it for an extra +2 economy and an extra +2 BP per turn.
Sadly, we haven't the BP to build it yet, and from next turn on we will have a consumption.
Because the foundry needs to be adjacent to water borders, and it takes two lots, we can't build a mill in Stagfall if we want a foundry and a waterfront there.
So perhaps the best alternative is to build a general shop in the new town?
That would cost another 8 BP for a total expenditure of 12 this turn, -1 for the lack of unrest.
That leaves us with 4 BP in the treasury, plus whatever we get on the economics roll.