Tablark Hammergrind

Dolgrym Sharpaxe's page

1,338 posts. Alias of Gerald.


Goliath Druid 17 | AC 29 w/Barkskin (32 v. Giants w/Barkskin)/14/24 | HP 212/212 | CMD 28 (32 v. Bull rush or trip) |


F+18, R+10, W+19, (+2 v. Spells, SLAs, and poison) (+4 to saves v. SLA and SU abilities of giant)| Perc25, Init+4 | Darkvision 60’

About Dolgrym Sharpaxe

Male Dwarf
Goliath Druid 17
Neutral Good
Medium Size (4'3”, 210 pounds, Eyes: Brown, Hair: Brown)
Age: 74
Move: 20’
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Druidic
Darkvision: 60'

Strength 17/19
Dexterity 14
Constitution 18/20
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 17/23
Charisma 8

Initiative: +4
AC: 25 (2 Dex + 1 Def + 2 NA + 7 Armor + 3 Shield), 14 touch , 24 flat footed
Hit Points: 212/212 (17d8 + 85 Con + 17 Favored Class + 17 Toughness)

BAB: +12/+7/+2
+18/+13/+8 +2 Impact Warhammer, (2d6 +6, 19-20/x3)
+16/+11/+6 Quarterstaff, (1d6+6, x2)
+16/+11/+6 Short-spear, (1d6 + 3, x2, 20’)
+16/+11/+6 Dagger (1d4 + 3,19-20/x2, 10')

+15 Shortspear

CMB: +16
CMD: 28 (32 v. Bull Rush or Trip)



Fort: +18 (Base 10 +5 Con +3 Magic)
Ref: +10 (Base 5 +2 Dex +3 magic)
Will: +19 (Base 10 + 6 Wis +3 magic)
plus +2 on saves vs. poison, spells and spell like abilities, +4 on spell like or supernatural abilities from giants.



1. Combat Casting
3. Toughness
5. Natural Spell
7. Extend Spell
9. Power Attack
11. Elemental Focus: Fire
13. Divine Interference
15. Powerful Shape
17. Improved Critcal ( hammer)



4per level = 68 total ranks

Handle Animal +18 (17 rank - 2 Cha + 3 Class)
Know. Local +6 (3 Rank + 0 Int + 3 Class)
Know. Nature +20 (17 ranks + 0 Int + 3 Class)
Perception +26 (17 rank + 6 Wis + 3 Class)
Spellcraft +6 (3 rank + 0 Int + 3 Class)
Survival +20 (11 ranks + 6 Wis + 3 Class)



A. Reactionary: +2 Initiative
B. Orphaned by Giants: +1 to hit creatures with giant subtype. +2on critical threats against creatures with the giant subtype.

Spells Known:


0 (4) - Guidance, Read Magic, Spark, Stabilize
1 (6) - CLW (x2), Entangle, Faerie Fire, Magic Fang, Produce Flame
2 (6) - Barkskin (x3), Burst Of Radiance (x2), Lesser Restoration
3 (5) - Aqueous Orb, Communal Resist Energy (x2), Neutralize Poison, Stone Shape
4 (5) - Echolocation, Flame Strike (DC 22), Freedom of Movement (X2), Life Bubble
5 (5) - Air Walk (Communal), Death ward, Fire Snake (DC 23)(x2), Stoneskin
6 (4) - Eagle Aerie, Fire Seeds (DC 24), Greater Dispel Magic, SNA 6
7 (3) - Heal, SNA 7, Sunbeam
8 (2) - Reverse Gravity, Stormbolts (DC 24)
9 (1) - Tsunami

Save DCs for 0 level = 16
Save DCs for 1 level = 17
Save DCs for 2 Level = 18
Save DCs for 3 Level = 19
Save DCs for 4 Level = 20
Save DCs for 5 level = 21
Save DCs for 6 level = 22
Save DCs for 7 level = 23
Save DCs for 8 level = 24
Save DCs for 9 level = 25
+1 for fire spell

Racial Abilities:


*+2 Con and Wis, -2 Cha
*Medium Size
*20' movement
*Darkvision 60'
*+4 to AC v. giant subtype
*+2 to Appraise on nonmagical goods w/gems or metals
*+1 v. orc and goblin subtype
*+2 on saves v. poison, spells, and SLA's
*+4 to CMD v. bull rush or trip
*Proficient w/ battle axes, heavy picks, warhammers and "dwarven" weapons
*Stonesinger (APG)-Spells with earth descriptor are treated as being cast at one level higher.

Goliath Druid Abilities:


*Spontaneous Casting: Enlarge Person
*Wild Empathy: only works on large or bigger creatures.
*Primal Summons: Add Compsognathus to SMI list. Add Dimorphadon to SMII. SMIII, add velociraptor to list. SM IV, add ogre, parasaurolophus to list.
*Animal Companion.
*Woodland Stride.
*Trackless Step.
*Face Nature’s Might
*Wild Shape 6/day as Giant Form 2 + 1 addl time per day due to Druid’s vestment.
*Venom Immunity

Animal Companion


Basher, Anklyosaurus
Speed: 30’
AC 37 (9 + 13 NA, 4 Dex , + 1 Dodge)
HP 94
BAB +10/+5 (with multiattack)
Attack: +17/+12 Tail club, 2d6+6/x2
—Stun: enemy hit by tail must make a Fort save (10 + 1/2 HD + Str mod) or be dazed one round. If it is a critical hit, if the save is failed, the creature is stunned for 1d4 rounds.

Str 24
Dex 18
Con 14
Int 2
Wis 12
Cha 8

Fort+8, Ref+13, Will+7, (+4 on saves vs Enchantment spells and effects)
Feat: Weapon Focus (Tail Slap), Improved Natural Armor, Dodge, Iron Will, Power Attack, Blind Fight, Mobility, Spring Attack
Skills: Climb +5, Escape Artist +8, Perception +5, Survival +13
SQ:low light vision, scent.
Tricks: Aid, Attack, Come, Defend, Down, Fetch, Flank, Flee, Guard, Heel, Intimidate, Track.
Link: handle as a free action, push as a move action. +4 on HA checks with animal companion.
Share Spells.
Improved Evasion

Equipment: 2419 gold


Lesser Rod of Extend Metamagic, 3000 gold
Druid’s Vestment, 3750 gold
Cloak of Resistance +3, 9000 gold
Belt of Physical Might (Str/Con) +2, 10000 gold
Headband of Inspired Wisdom +6, 36000 gold
Javelin of Lightning
Scroll of Barkskin
Scroll of SNA4
Scroll of Call Lightning
Wand of CLW (x39)
Wand of Call Lightning (x43)
Wand of Greater Magic Fang (x12)
Wand of Flaming Sphere (x9)
Scroll of Remove Fear
Scroll of Spike Stones
Hand of Stone
Exilir of Black Dragon Breath

+2 Impact Warhammer: on any bull rush combat weirder adds a bonus equal to the weapon’s enhancement bonus. 1/day as a full round action wielder can cast heightened enlarge person. Also if critical hits a humanoid creature victim has to make a Fort save or shrink by one size category.

Dagger, 1 gold
Shortspear (x5), 5 gold

Amulet of Natural Armor +2
Ring of Protection +1
+1 ironwood breastplate
+1 heavy dark wood shield
Druid kit, 14 gold
Alchemist’s Fire, 20 gold
Acid flask, 10 gold
Smoke pellet
Fuse grenade
Pellet grenade
Tangleburn bag.

Usual Shifted Form: Mountain Troll (Huge)
-Regeneration 10/
-Str 27
-Dex 12
-Con 26 (42 extra HP)
-AC 35, 39 v giants
-Movement 30’.

Using hammer, attack and damage is +21/+16/+11, 4d6+10 (x3)