DM Barcas - Kingmaker: Eye of the Cyclops

Game Master Isaac Duplechain

Newhaven stands as a nation in its own right, upsetting the balance of power in Brevoy and the River Kingdoms, placing it in peril of covetous neighbors. An ancient evil rises to threaten everything that the Founders have built, casting a single malicious eye upon their kingdom.

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This will be the OOC thread for the third chapter of our Kingmaker game.

Male Human Cleric (Abadar) 7th / Fighter 1st / AC 24/10T/24F / HP 61 / F +10 R +3 W +11 / Init. +0 / Perc. +5 / Sense Motive +14


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Jabber too preezennt!


(And awkward timing with my posts in prior chapter. SOOooo I reposted them here in the Gameplay thread.)

Male Human Cleric (Abadar) 7th / Fighter 1st / AC 24/10T/24F / HP 61 / F +10 R +3 W +11 / Init. +0 / Perc. +5 / Sense Motive +14

Just a call out to check if there are any final dweomercrafting concerns or upgrades - everything Verik crafted in 4710-2 that is reflected on character profiles has been moved off. So perhaps a good time to get anything added in or discussed with the DM before we roll on.

Grand Lodge

Male Elf Wizard (Forsight) 7 AC 13(21)/13(21)/13(21) / HP 38/38 / F +4 R +6 W +7 (+2 vs. ench) / Init. +10 / Perc. +20)


Leveling Up!

Level 7 – Wizard
HP: 4 + 1
Skills: 8: (1) Perception, (1) Know (arcane), (1) Know (Dungeon), (1) Use Magic Device, (1) Spellcraft, (3) Know (religion)
Spells: 1 additional 1st level spell, 1 4th level spell, 1 4th level school spell, 1 bonus 4th level spell due to high int.
Free spells: Scrying, Black Tentacles
Feat: Spell Penetration

New gear / spells (adjusting for WPL): Spells copied to spellbook: (240gp) Improved Invisibility, (240g) Globe of Invulnerability, Lesser, (240g) Detect Scrying, (240g) Stoneskin, (60g) Create Pit = 1020g

Male Human Cleric (Abadar) 7th / Fighter 1st / AC 24/10T/24F / HP 61 / F +10 R +3 W +11 / Init. +0 / Perc. +5 / Sense Motive +14

Meet the Clerks and of Abadar at the Bank of Sanctuary!
(other non-clerical NPC's to follow shortly)

The Clerks and Initiates of the Bank of Sanctuary - 4712:

Clerks Reside In: The Bank of Sanctuary (Clergy wing)
* 2 Senior Clerks
* 7 Full Clerks
* 10 Junior Clerks

Initiates Reside In: Initiates Manor on the Bank grounds
* 28 Initiates "Candlewicks"

* Senior Clerk Anya Amitel (Human Female 3rd Cleric) Age 20, LN, Brevoy (Restov)
(WIS 16, CHA 8, INT 15, CON 13, DEX 12, STR 10) (15pt)
Spells: 4 Or/4 1st/3 2nd (Domains Law, Defense (sub)) Weapon: Light Mace
Disciplines: Archives, Contracts, Dweomercraft
Anya was once an Initiate of the Bank of Abadar in Restov, product of a poor family of no consequence there. As such, despite her gifts she was abused and relegated to the most menial tasks at the Bank, subject to the whims of a cruel Master of Initiates and his favorites. In 4708 when Verik visited Restov to get word of his mission to Absalom, he caught the attention of the young girl, who was relegated to serving him in the library while he conducted research. When Verik left Restov back for Newhaven with a wagon of supplies, he found Anya had stolen away and begged him to “keep” her, for she could no longer endure her plight. Verik assented, and so she became part of the Bank of Newhaven - under his tutelage she gained her keys in 4708, full Clerk status in 4709 and then Senior Clerk by the Spring of 4710. Due to the violence inflicted upon her in the past she was still shy and reclusive for many years, preferring to spend her time lost in the fledgling library or scribing whatever is required. Because of her trust in Verik, Thomas and the younger Initiates she grew in confidence even as she matured, finding her calling in the Bank of Sanctuary. Verik leans on Anya to oversee all critical library research, cataloging and scribing duty assignments, requiring her to use Initiates to conduct the menial tasks. She is still hopeless at oratory and sermons due to old fears, but she has become quite the lawyer, and could go for her magistrate exam if she wanted to. She has grown up early for her age and does not see the value of “childlike” humor very often with the Initiates, but is very protective of the Junior Clerks and Initiates in the Bank – especially the girls for obvious reasons. A surprise romance started in the Summer of 4710 between she and Willas Gunderson over their shared love for knowledge and writings, which has grown and been blessed by Verik – even if it means more difficulty for her in keeping hours at the Bank.

* Senior Clerk “Old” Eben Whitestag (Human Male 3rd Cleric/2nd Expert) Age 66, LG, River Kingdoms (Riverton)
(WIS 15, CHA 15, INT 13, CON 9, DEX 10, STR 8) (10pt)
Spells: 4 Or/4 1st/3 2nd (Domains Protection, Trade (sub)) Weapons: Quarterstaff, Dagger
Disciplines: Master of the Initiates, Commerce, Diplomacy
“Old” Eben as he is called originally hales from the Sellen near Riverton, where for years he haphazardly practiced a variety of trades: fisherman, deckhand, peddler, gambler and (at times) beggar. Once long ago he was married, but lost contact with his wife through neglect and mischief. Going from port to port up and down the River Kingdoms, he was smart but never successful at any endeavor for long, and as he grew older he was drawn increasingly to drink and gambling. Indebted to the thieves guild and jobless, Eben would have ended up just another wasted life in Riverton, when in a vision he saw a golden clockwork creature speak to him, offering him a chance at redemption and purpose if he forsook all else. This he did, and found a small cache of freshwater pearl oysters in the river with which to clear his debts, having just enough proceeds to do so. Joining Abadar at age fifty-six, he worked hard to prove his value and was admitted to learn with the Initiates, surprising even himself that he could learn a new way of life. He earned his ‘key’ at age sixty. Not long after, a second vision of the golden clockwork creature called him to aid the life of another young Abadarian, whom he must protect and bring ‘to previously untamable lands, now tamed by the Master’s agents’. Though he did not know whom he had to save, he was ready by the time young Dannil LeVane came to Riverton with Galtian agents not far behind. Eben used his connections and wiles to hide Dannil on a friend’s river barge, getting upriver towards Mivon before they could be discovered. Old Eben is protective and proud of Dannil LeVane, wanting to see the lad fulfill his true purpose as per his vision. Originally bound for Restov, Eben heard of Newhaven and felt it was where they had to be, arriving with other immigrants from the south in Desnus 4709. Before the end of 4710 he was made Senior Clerk, and often acts as an advisor to Verik with his unique perspective and patient advice freely given.
Eben is patient and kindly, enjoying tricks and tales for the children. Admittedly he is a poor orator and his hands do not ply the quill so well anymore, but his mind is very keen on counting numbers, and he implicitly understands the art of trade and merchanting from his former days. He has become Verik’s must trusted and senior Clerk besides Anya (especially after Junior Banker Quiss departed full-time for Olegsgrav), anchoring many duties on the evaluation of Junior Clerk and Initiate talent, his grandfatherly charm earning a great deal of trust and loyalty from the clergy. Kindly as he is, not much gets by the old man, for he has seen every trick and con in his many years abroad…something that doesn’t bode well for any of the “youngins” plying mischief. His favorite hobby is fishing, and he has shown Verik how to do so on select mornings down by the lake.

* Full Clerk Dannil LeVane (Human Male 3rd Cleric-Evangelist) Age 19, LN, Galt (Isarn)
(WIS 16, CHA 15, INT 13, CON 10, DEX 11, STR 9) (15pt)
Spells: 4 Or/4 1st/3 2nd (Domains Leadership (sub)) Weapons: Light Mace, Dagger
Disciplines: Proselytization, Arbitration, Diplomacy
Dannil was one of a promising number of Galtian youth in Isarn, being raised to foster in a “Reformation” by a group of devout Abadarian order-seekers. Like so many revolts and revolutions before them, theirs was ferreted out and crushed shortly after Dannil gained his ‘key’ as a Junior Clerk of the movement. His family and friends hunted down and killed, Dannil and a few others were spirited upstream to the Sellen River from Isarn, though Galtian trackers were in close pursuit. At Riverton the young priest would have been captured or killed, had it not been for the intervention of “Old” Eben, who successfully hid him on a local barge and gained safe passage upriver to Mivon. Dannil feels a connection and debt to Eben, and followed him to Newhaven in Desnus 4709 after hearing about the fledgling realm and its town of Sanctuary. Dannil has wisdom but is fiery and passionate about the need for Order and Law, reminding Verik somewhat of his cousin in that regard. Dannil is charismatic, a gifted speaker and an intense worker, though opinionated and overly prone to debate with his peers. Verik strives to temper his oratory to what Newhaven needs and preaches tact and restraint, eliciting Eben’s influence on the lad to do so. Verik formally validated his Junior Clerk status in the Summer of 4709, but had quite a time correcting his weaknesses. Used to violence but not battle, Dannil has grown up somewhat after the Battle of Hydra’s Bridge in Fall 4710 and seeing the death of two of his compatriots up close. He redoubled his efforts in earnest and Verik made him a Full Clerk in the Fall of 4711 as he is the Bank’s most gifted orator and teacher - though he can still be hotheaded he has tempered it enough for Verik to trust him with wider latitude on the training of the Initiates, and has grown in divine power as a result. However, it is not lost upon Verik that Dannil will, one day, return to Galt to free his homeland from chaotic oppression – even Verik was caught up in the zeal of Dannil’s plight of the Galtans in early 4711 to give his infamous “Galtan Taxday Speech” which stirred up quite a few hearts.

Newer Clerk Notes:Like Dannil, the six Full Clerks of the Bank of Sanctuary are transplants from other areas of Avistan, yet have been part of the Bank under Verik’s authority for less time than even the current Junior Clerks and many of the Initiates under instruction. After Casil and Sulda Whitestag were killed in the Battle of Hydra’s Bridge in Fall 4710, Verik had precious few Junior Clerks to promote and run the massive Bank, and so he grudgingly made a call to the other Banks in the region for assistance. Three male Junior Clerks already arrived since mid-4710 were promoted in 4711 to Full Clerk status, with six other Clerks arriving in 4711-2. Unlike with Dannil or Eben, Verik has not had the relationship or full confidence in these arrivals as he’s had with his other Clerks or even the Initiates, relying mostly on Thomas Quiss to work with them and evaluate their qualities. As a reward Verik gave Thomas two picks of this lot upon permanently leaving for Olegsgrav in early 4712 (he picked the two Absalom arrivals of course), and tries to get to know those that remain in Sanctuary better, though it still is a conscious effort – some say the deaths of Casil and Sulda Whitestag make it harder for the Banker to fundamentally connect with them.

* Full Clerk Lem Bodkins of Ustalav (Human Male 3rd Cleric) Age 26, LG, Ustalav (Caliphas)
(WIS 14, CHA 8, INT 13, CON 10, DEX 12, STR 10) (5pt)
Spells: 4 Or/4 1st/3 2nd (Domains Protection, Archon) Weapons: Heavy Mace, Light Crossbow, Dagger
Disciplines: Archives, Dweomercraft
Lem hails from Ustalav and came to Newhaven both for new opportunities…but more to escape the sinister aspects of his homeland. He is a shy, nervous, and sometimes stuttering man, tall and lanky that seems haggard and unhealthy to others, with black hair streaked with grey. Lem’s eyes seems haunted and wide as if he’s just seen something shocking, which adds to his lack of appeal to others. Those that get to know him find Lem to be kindly and earnest to earn his keep. Utterly hopeless in disciplines that call for him to talk to patrons, he performs adequately in the duties of scribing and cataloging of the scriptorium and finds it peaceful. Recently however it has been discovered that Lem has a “knack” for the casting of wards, consecrations, blessings and the brewing of potions – all traits from his Ustalav family history. Though he is not physically skilled, he takes his weapon practice sessions seriously.

* Full Clerk Theodorius Di Cenzo III of Taldor (Human Male 3rd Cleric-Cloistered Cleric) Age 35, LN, Taldor (Oppara)
(WIS 14, CHA 11, INT 13, CON 10, DEX 8, STR 10) (5pt)
Spells: 4 Or/4 1st/3 2nd (Domains Law, Protection) Weapon: None
Disciplines: Contracts, Dweomercraft, Arbitration
Theodorius Di Cenzo, the third of his name, is a thoroughly dislikeable fellow, the product of years as a ‘pure’ Taldoran in Oppara. Known internally as a “bookend Clerk” for his lack of ability to excel and advance in the church hierarchy after many years, Theodorius is portly, somewhat lazy, arrogant, lacks teamwork and is quick to lord over others with his ‘knowledge’ on subject matter. His pronounced Taldane accent and haughty style of speaking doesn’t help him. Theodorius came to Newhaven out of sheer opportunity to advance in a “lesser” Bank hierarchy; Verik would have packed him back to Taldor long ago if not for two reasons (aside from being terribly short on Clerks in his Bank). First, Theodorius knows contract law quite well and has been a great assistance to Dominic Kobach – equally arrogant and irritating to others but the two men have quite an accord with one another and work well. Second, the Clerk is skilled in the dweomercrafting of scrolls and churns them out at an astonishing rate as required. His role as an arbiter is grating to say the least, but in certain aspects the role as arbiter does not need to make friends, so Verik will put him in on particularly hard disputes where diplomacy has little or no chance of success anyway.

* Full Clerk Mihai Akarius of the River Kingdoms (Human Male 2nd Cleric) Age 21, LN, River Kingdoms (Fort Inevitable)
(WIS 14, CHA 13, INT 12, CON 9, DEX 10, STR 9) (5pt)
Spells: 4 Or/4 1st (Domains Law, Nobility) Weapon: Light Mace
Disciplines: Proselytization, Diplomacy
Mihai Akarius is the nephew of Viktor Akarius, arrived in Newhaven with his family from the other side of the River Kingdoms called Fort Inevitable. Fort Inevitable is a link on the West Sellen route to Mendev, but had become overshadowed by Hellknights and Asmodeus clergy who marginalized the other faiths in the area. The Akarius family is very law-abiding and respectable, and Mihai gained his keys as an enthusiastic and avid follower of Abadar. Unfortunately, he came to the Bank of Sanctuary with lots of ideas on how Banks “should” conduct affairs where he was once Initiate and Junior Clerk – bringing baggage that Verik desires the young man to unlearn. Mihai is still enthusiastic, friendly and pleasant, able to conduct public services and hearings of the patrons well, but his “this is how we would do it” ways frequently conflict with the other established Clerks’ nerves…and that of his Banker. Despite being First Vaultman Viktor Akarius’ nephew, Viktor does not want to show any favoritism and often errs on the side of being harshly critical of Mihai (particularly as the man is hopeless in combat training), admonishing him at any hint of trouble with the Banker.

* Full Clerk Lena Fullspirit of the River Kingdoms (Human Female 2nd Cleric) Age 19, LN, River Kingdoms (Liberthane)
(WIS 15, CHA 13, INT 14, CON 10, DEX 14, STR 8) (10pt)
Spells: 4 Or/4 1st (Domains Defense (sub), Trade (sub)) Weapons: Light Crossbow, Dagger
Disciplines: Commerce, Archives
Lena is a product of Liberthane – fiery and outspoken relative to most Abadarian clergy besides perhaps Dannil Levane. She earned her keys in Liberthane but made her way up the East Sellen to the new opportunities of Newhaven, appearing at the Bank doors one day to seek admittance. Having no living family (her “name” of Fullspirit was questioned but ultimately allowed by Verik) she has seen some abuse similar to Anya Amitel in her time, but has the temperament much more like Petyr Mikhalia and is neither introverted nor afraid to give her opinion. Anya has taken her under her care for obvious reasons, and Lena’s love of books and law make her an obvious candidate to head the scriptorium and libraries of the Bank should she make Senior Clerk. Yet Lena enjoys her time at the Bank vaults and in moneylending as well, earning her praise from both Vaultmaster Lago and Jamus Marquett. Her only drawback to this point is that her sharp tongue and desire to prove herself grate against men who see her as a “girl” or upstart who doesn’t know her proper place – men such as Dominic Kobach in contracts and arbitration.

* Full Clerk Dolan Sutberry “Clockwork One” (Human Male 2nd Cleric) Age 25, LN, Brevoy (New Stetven)
(WIS 14, CHA 10, INT 13, CON 11, DEX 9, STR 9) (5pt)
Spells: 4 Or/4 1st (Domains Law, Protection) Weapon: Light Mace
Disciplines: Contracts, Commerce, Archives
Dolan Sutberry is one of two men sent to bolster Verik’s need for experienced Clerks by Archbanker Vinodragov – something at one point before Dragonshead Verik would never have accepted. Even so, Verik ensured through truthtellings, divinings and lengthy interviews that Dolan would be trustworthy and adhere to Banker Jarrow’s leadership. Verik has since come to realize that Dolan Sutberry was most likely offered to Verik to demonstrate the “perfect” Clerk from Vinodragov’s perspective. While it is true that Dolan is fully qualified as a Clerk and able to perform the required duties with diligence and accuracy, Verik finds the man wholly uninspired and boring, with no sense of humor and little in the way of passion or personality. So do most patrons of Abadar. So do the rest of the seasoned Clerks, which earned Dolan the title of “Clockwork One” for the near-automaton way he interacts with them. His fellow Clerk Fidlan sent from New Stetven is just as bad, giving them the collective title of “Clockwork Brothers” even though they are of no family relation.

* Full Clerk Fidlan Dinthorpe “Clockwork Two” (Human Male 2nd Cleric) Age 24, LN, Brevoy (New Stetven)
(WIS 14, CHA 10, INT 13, CON 11, DEX 9, STR 9) (5pt)
Spells: 4 Or/4 1st (Domains Law, Protection) Weapon: Light Mace
Disciplines: Contracts, Commerce, Archives
See Dolan Sutberry above. Fidlan Dinthorpe is a year younger than Dolan Sutberry and has brown hair instead of black hair, but otherwise could be mistaken for the other man in passing. Their training in New Stetven has made them fully qualified for scribing, cataloguing, counting and organizing parchment and tomes, but otherwise are so dull and unengaging that Fidlan has been given the nickname “Clockwork Two” by the other veteran Clerks. Verik has fully vetted Fidlan and uses him as best as he can according to his abilities, but privately resolves to himself that he would find far better use from one of his Junior Clerks or Initiates when they gain maturity and experience.

Junior Clerk Notes: The Junior Clerks of the Bank of Abadar are all “the first flock” from being Keyhouse Initiates and recently passed in their full examinations to receive their keys – like Ethen most have risen to Clerk status in the Spring and Summer of 4712. They are all very young by most Clerk standards in other cities, earning Verik the reputation for raising his Bank as a schoolhouse.

* Junior Clerk Ethen Hoefurrow (Human Male 1st Cleric) Age 18, LG, River Kingdoms
(WIS 14, CHA 12, INT 10, CON 13, DEX 12, STR 14) (15pt)
Spells: 3 Or/3 1st (Domains Defense (sub.), Travel) Weapons: Spear, Quarterstaff
Disciplines: City Planning (not formally chosen yet)
Ethen is the youngest son of a local family of farmers that settled in Newhaven. Back in 4708-9 when Jhod and Verik were competing to take on initiates from the promising youth (the majority of them gravitating to Jhod’s side), Ethen was a rare exception who willingly chose Abadar as his calling. A strong young man seasoned from work on the farm, he has a kind and unassuming nature about him, as well as enormous patience for one his age. Ethen and Petyr were the two original Initiates for Verik at his fledgling Bank in 4708, and as such he holds special significance to the Banker. Ethen dreams to build grand buildings one day and has worked hard to improve his literacy and mathematical skills, such that Master Galen Laviil has actively taken him on as his main apprentice when not on other duties for the Bank. Verik has encouraged this, knowing that a second adept architect besides Galen can only strengthen Newhaven. Ethen took his tests and gained his Junior Clerk status in the Spring of 4712, and has proven himself as the hardest working Clerk with possible exception of Anya herself – Verik hopes in another year he will be able to elevate his status to Full Clerk.

* Junior Clerks Jokubas, Artur, Marta, Lukas, Alise, Matas, Oliver, Emilija and Samson (6 Human Males / 3 Human Females, all 1st Clerics) Ages 17-19, LN/LG, Brevoy/River Kingdoms
Spells: 3 Or/3 1st (Domains: Varies) Weapons: Light Mace, Light Crossbow
Disciplines: Varies

Alise – One of three female Junior Clerks and the ringleader of the young women. Very bright and capable, aspiring to public-facing disciplines of proselytization and diplomacy. Both credited and admonished for the “solution” of the offering of roses to Desnan butterflies as an Initiate with Jokubas. A favorite of Clerk Lena Fullspirit.

Artur – A solid and dependable young man, though not the brightest of the Junior Clerks by far. Leans towards the archive discipline.

Emilija – The second of three female Junior Clerks and the quietest of the trio. She is one of the few that appreciates Clerk Lem Bodkins and often speaks for him when she assists him. Smart with formulas and currently training for the discipline of dweomercrafting.

Jokubas – The ringleader of the male Junior Clerks aside from Ethen Hoefurrow (whom Jokubas defers to), smart and capable but mischievous. Along with Alise he was a co-conspirator to offering the roses in the greenhouse to the Desnan butterflies. Aspiring to disciplines of proselytization and arbitration.

Lukas – Hardy and enjoys physical training along with Oliver. Idolized Casil and Sulda Whitestag, and has an interest in crafting metal as Sulda did. Aspiring to disciplines of commerce and dweomercrafting.

Marta – The third of three female Junior Clerks, was a favorite of Governess Gerda Ryton during the Initiate days of the Keyhouse. No-nonsense and demanding in her own way, she has shown interest in the disciplines of contracts and arbitration.

Matas – Matas is very mathematical and enjoys drawing and sketching designs, often found discussing ideas on engineering and building design with Ethen and Galen Lavill. He gravitates towards the disciplines of city planning and commerce.

Oliver – Fast and athletic, enjoys physical training along with Lukas. Has heard of the rigors of training under Taisper Stozs and desires to emulate the training – naturally Verik has been reticent to reveal too much about Taisper and his regimens. Handsome, he has an innate charisma but doesn’t try too hard with it. He currently aspires to no discipline focus and is marginal at most intellectual duties, though he does give his all – Verik wonders if perhaps Oliver should be recommended for a more martial discipline at a Bank in the Inner Sea.

Samson – Softer-spoken than most of the other male Junior Clerks, Samson has maturity and patience beyond his age. He displays perfect memory recall and excels in the disciplines of diplomacy and arbitration despite his youth – he strikes Verik as one that might be a candidate for the Justicars, and if he continues to grow and excel the Banker will offer to recommend him in a few years’ time as a seasoned Clerk. 

* Initiates (18 Human Males / 10 Human Females, 0 lvl Initiate) Ages 11-16, LN/LG, Brevoy/River Kingdoms
Spells: 2 Orisons
The young initiates came throughout 4710-12 with the families of immigrants and refugees, bolstering Verik’s eventual need for Clerks. Verik has arranged for their living and schooling at the Initiates Manor on the grounds of the Bank of Sanctuary, with those not making their examinations (for the most part) being given referrals to the Keyhouse School. Most of the children have families in Newhaven in one of the cities or towns, though some come from an outlying farmstead. As Verik can only take twenty-eight appointed Initiates the waiting list of the applicants annually is immense. The Bank of Sanctuary not only trains Initiates for its needs but also for the newer Bank of Olegsgrav. The day-to-day life and needs of the Initiates is presided over by the Rochanne couple at the Initiates Manor, but the oversight of their divine training and evaluations is run by the Master of Initiates, Senior Clerk “Old” Eben.

Yay! Part 3 of the story :)

School's started back up and I've been sick, I'll get better, and back in the saddle.

Male Human Cleric (Abadar) 7th / Fighter 1st / AC 24/10T/24F / HP 61 / F +10 R +3 W +11 / Init. +0 / Perc. +5 / Sense Motive +14

The Keysworn of the Bank of Sanctuary:

Reside In: The Bank of Sanctuary or Private Residences

* First Keysworn Guardsman Bertram Dakkone (Human Male 5th Warrior) Age 50, LN, Andor
(STR 14, DEX 15, CON 14, INT 10, WIS 12, CHA 10)
Weapons: Halberd, Light Crossbow, Warhammer / Armor: Chainmail
Bertram Dakkone is an oathsworn (dubbed “Keysworn”) guardsman of Abadar, being in the service to the faith for over twenty years. Prior to that he was a caravan guard in his homeland of Andor, but left there to Absalom to strive for something better. Seemingly content with steady pay, a roof over his head and warm meals, Bertram has never been married and has no ties other than the church, though he keeps a decent account in Absalom for his niece that also lives there with her family. He volunteered to accompany young Thomas Quiss on his mission north to the new mission in Newhaven in 4708, wanting to see something of the world before he was too old not to. Spry and tough for his age, his strength is deceptive, and he is a good and practiced shot with the crossbow. Bertram also has a knack for woodworking and carpentry. Once the only devoted Keysworn guard to the fledgling Bank in 4708-9, he has come to be the leader of a full squad of ten Keysworn for the Bank of Sanctuary, as well as a profound source of stability for Verik as Banker. Lives in private quarters at the Keysworn House on Bank grounds.
Bertram became involved with a woman in town in 4710 that was widowed from Dragonshead, and in 4713 plans to fully retire and marry her, though Verik has asked that he still remains affiliated with the Bank in some capacity compatible with them. As of 4712 he actively looks amongst his Keysworn to choose one of him as his replacement.

* Veteran Keysworn Guardsman Karl “Archer” Mersen (Human Male 4th Warrior) Age 32, LN, Brevoy
(STR 14, DEX 14(formerly 18), CON 14, INT 10, WIS 12, CHA 8)
Weapons: Shortsword, Light Crossbow / Armor: Chain Shirt
Karl Mersen was one of the fledgling Newhaven Army’s best longbowmen, having learned as a boy to hunt and shoot in the farms of southern Brevoy. He came in Summer 4708 after Stagfall like so many others, joining the new army under Akiros Ismort. A worshipper of Abadar from his family, he was one of the few that would routinely take blessings from Verik when he took to the training grounds in 4709, and instructed the Banker on how to better aim a crossbow. During Dragonshead Karl Mersen’s left arm was badly burned and torn in the dragon assault on the square and nearly died; he survived but lost his arm in the process. Right-handed, he can still wield a blade but can no longer shoot a bow, and was declared unfit for full army duty. Verik gave Mersen a job under Bertram Dakkone shortly thereafter, asking for him to take up the crossbow and teach his people how to shoot. He took the oath from Verik in late Summer of 4709. Though not his true love of the bow, Karl Mersen can shoot and load a modified light crossbow one-handed. The Initiates (most now Junior Clerks) called him “Archer” as a poor jest, but he embraced the nickname and threatens the ‘younglings’ with penance if they call him by anything else now. He has since become protective of the Initiates and young Clerks of Abadar and is often called “Uncle Mersen” as well as “Archer” by many of them.

* Veteran Keysworn Guardsmen Davies, Ellard and Romett (Human Male 4th Warriors) Age 34, 38, 44, LN, Brevoy
(STR 14, DEX 12, CON 12, INT 9, WIS 12, CHA 9) (5+1 pt)
Weapons: Spear, Longsword, Light Crossbow / Armor: Breastplate
Oathsworn to defending the Bank of Abadar and its clergy, all three men were formerly guards of merchant caravans, having become older and less fit for constant duty on the road. Verik specifically wanted older men hand-picked by Bertram to guard the Bank, as temperament and experience was more important than strength and speed – particularly around the younger Initiates. All have seen action in the Battle of Hydra’s Bridge.

Davies – Age 34, from Brevoy. The best rider of the Keysworn, having learned to ride from a young age. Tends to have a foul-mouth from his caravan days and sometimes lapses in his conversations with it. He has an antipathy towards Restov and the Aldori, perhaps from a duel challenge by one of their braves during his caravan days. Lives in private quarters at the Keysworn House on Bank grounds, but recently has been angling to find a wife and settle down before he “gets too old” as he puts it.

Ellard - Age 38, from Brevoy. Chided by his fellows as the kindest and most understanding of the Keysworn men, Ellard has occasionally committed acts of selflessness that should have gotten him injured or killed, but good fortune was with him. He equates that to living a proper life in the service of Abadar. Has hinted that he would like to expand his understanding of the Master, but knows he doesn’t have the mind for being a Clerk. Lives in private quarters at the Keysworn House on the Bank grounds.

Romett - Age 44, from Brevoy. Very stern and no-nonsense, and participated in questionable actions of mercenary companies before repenting and moving to caravan work in his younger days. Abadar became his focus for living a better life and having a place in society. Romett is married (no living children) and lives in town.

* Keysworn Guardsmen Castimir, Eduard, Geralt, Nikolas, Patrik (Human Male 3rd Warriors) Age 30-45, LN, Brevoy/River Kingdoms
(STR 14, DEX 11, CON 12, INT 9, WIS 12, CHA 9) (5 pt)
Weapons: Spear, Longsword, Light Crossbow / Armor: Scalemail or Chainmail
Oathsworn to defending the Bank of Abadar and its clergy, most of these men were formerly guards or merchant caravans or retired army soldiers, having become older and less fit for constant duty on the road or in the field. Verik specifically wanted older men hand-picked by Bertram to guard the Bank, as temperament and experience was more important than strength and speed – particularly around the younger Initiates.

The Devoted of the Bank of Sanctuary:

Reside In: The Bank of Sanctuary, the Keyhouse or Private Residences

* First Vaultman Viktor Akarius (Human Male 4th Fighter) Age 42, LN, River Kingdoms (Fort Inevitable)
(STR 16, DEX 12, CON 14, INT 12, WIS 13, CHA 10) (15 pt)
Weapons: Falchion, Glaive, Heavy Crossbow / Armor: Breastplate
Viktor Akarius has been a soldier, mercenary squad leader, caravan guard, caravan master and even a nobleman’s guard during his long martial career. He has fought with Razmirian zealots, River Kingdoms bandits, enemy humanoids and Numerian raiders, He has been all the way up to Nerosyan in Mendev and down to Caliphas in Ustalav througout his travels. The Akarius family was settled in the western River Kingdoms area along the West Sellen route of the River Kingdoms, and Viktor comes from a tradition of enforcing order in a wilderness of chaos and brutality. Yet, the political climate with the Hellknights of Fort Inevitable caused him to seek different lands for opportunity, leading him to the rumors of Newhaven. Originally seeking simple guardsman work in his first few months upon arrival, he was fortuitous to be in Sanctuary at the time of Verik’s founding of the Vaultmen, and quickly showed the Banker that he was more than qualified for it; inside of a year he rose to become the organization’s “First Vaultman” and was instrumental in establishing the desired discipline and professionalism that Verik expected. Viktor is one of the Banker’s most trusted advisors - the only reason he has not taken the oath of the Keysworn is that he holds an affinity to Iomedae as well as Abadar, and doesn’t feel he can fully devote to the Master of the First Vault exclusively.
Viktor was present at the raid to arrest the Desnans in the Summer of 4710, proving that once set to orders he can proceed without waver or mercy. He is also a veteran of the Battle of Hydra’s Bridge. Viktor has a rivalry and antipathy with Sanctuary’s Captain of the Guard Giergios Dumanov, even though the temperament of the men regarding duty and loyalty is not that different from one another. He has a good relationship with First Keysworn Bertram Dakkone, and coordinates with him closely. In mid-4711 he was able to successfully get his brother and sister and their families migrated to Newhaven, providing an introduction for his Abadarian nephew (Mihai Akarius) in the process. He holds no favoritism for his nephew however, and is disappointed the young man has not made a better accounting of himself to the Banker that provides for him.

* Vaultmaster Ignacius Lago (Human Male 4th Wizard-Abjurer / 1st Expert-Locksmith) Age 58, Taldor (Casomir) LG
Ignacius Lago is a full-blooded and accented Taldane man from the city of Casomir, but unlike many Taldans he is actually likeable and friendly to deal with. Formally trained in one of the magic academies of Taldor as a middle-ranked abjurer of wards and counter-detection, Ignacius found himself on the wrong side of politics with his noble masters and blacklisted – he does not like to talk about it but hints that he would not bloody his hands with magics for his House in a feud he considered unwarranted. With no clout or backing he spent many years providing hedge-wizard work wherever he could find it, eventually setting up arrangements with more transient merchants plying the Sellen River to make a rudimentary living, acquiring a love of tinkering and becoming a master locksmith. His efforts at business led him to becoming a strong follower of Abadar. Ignacius had a wife at one point but lost her to illness, and shortly thereafter decided to leave Taldor for good and traveled for cities in the North. Eventually he came to Newhaven to apply for a position as a Vaultkeeper when the new Bank was being constructed in 4710, and came to the attention of Verik Jarrow. His interview was lengthy and scrutinized heavily, but upon its conclusion he was offered the position of Vaultmaster by Verik, and had a hand in the design and protections of the vault wing with Verik and Galen Lavill. Ignacius has his private quarters in the top level of the vault wing itself.
Ignacius is understandably inquisitive and is unafraid to question a person’s opinion or decision – not out of any passion for the subject really, but because he seeks to determine if a person’s judgment is credible and can be supported in argument. He loves the art of debate, which admittedly can get him into trouble with those that do not understand him or his motives for doing so.

* Master Galen Laviil (Human Male 4th Expert-Architect) Age 28, LG, Brevoy (New Stetven)
Master Lavill was a learned but relatively inexperienced architect when he came to Sanctuary in 4709; having completed his journeymanship from the New Stetven Guild, he accompanied a noted Brevian architect to help design and build the “Brevian Manse” in Sanctuary during Desnus 4709 and remained behind to offer his services to the Founders. A worshipper of Abadar, he convinced Verik of his designs and ideas enough to earn a stipend on the Bank’s ledger, designing the town’s first pier. After Dragonshead, he worked tirelessly to inspect damaged buildings and work with town laborers to reinforce what could be saved. Since that time, his projects (always backed by the Bank of Sanctuary) have transformed the small town of Sanctuary into a notable city, earning Master Lavill a great deal of fame and wealth for one so relatively young and without family connections. Amongst his many public accomplishments are Sanctuary’s town hall, the Bank of Sanctuary, the Iomedaean Church of Sanctuary, the Keyhouse School and Orphanage (expansion), Newhaven’s First Army garrison compound, the People’s Library, the City Watchhouse and jails, the and the shore-side Park of Lanterns, as well as collaborative contribution in the Harborage House (original design and expansion), the Sphere and Rose Theatre (with its patrons of Shelyn) and the All-Faiths Cathedral – a work of art and architecture not rivaled except for landmarks in New Stetven itself. Of lesser note (but which made him rich) are numerous designs and contributions with the homes of the nobility and well-to-do in Sanctuary. It is unfortunate (and common gossip) that his personal romantic life has not nearly been as successful.
Galen is likable and witty, though at times he gets lost in his own thoughts as he dreams of the new buildings that could be Sanctuary one day. He designed and built his own townhouse in the upper ward of Sanctuary’s central district, and at one point seemed happily engaged to Katia Kobach, Dominic Kobach’s ravishing and only daughter. The match seemed solid until Katia ran off with a minor knight of Brevian nobility in late 4710, ending the idyllic man’s passions for good. Since then he has had brief courtships with ladies of Sanctuary but it has never been the same as with Katia – he is more paranoid and morose as of late in his mood. Verik has tried to compensate by giving the chief architect protégés in Ethen and Matas to assist and learn from him…if nothing else to glean what they can from the brilliant young man before he leaves or does something unexpected.

* Master Jamus Marquett (Human Male 3rd Expert-Moneylending) Age 40, Brevoy (Restov) NG
Master Marquett is the Bank’s primary moneylender and money exchanger, primarily responsible for the setting of prices for Bank services and terms for loan repayments, as well as the customary negotiation and haggling for those services and terms! He works closely with Vaultmaster Lago for security of funds and Master Kobach for effective and binding contracts to the agreements he negotiates. His offices are found in the chamber wing of the front of the Bank, though he lives in a well-to-do townhouse in Sanctuary’s main district.
Jamus is a good-looking and fit man, well-spoken and outgoing, using his charm and charisma to get what he wants in the business arena. Fortunately, he is a devout worshipper of the “Gold-Fisted” that is Abadar, for the internal discipline in his life has done well for him and kept him from going astray. He has a passion for “the art of the deal” and generally enjoys haggling and arguing for one – going hours without exhaustion if he must. Otherwise, Jamus is known to be a great patron of the theatre and attends performances at the Sphere and Rose regularly. He also is a connoisseur of fine wines from the Inner Sea, and keeps a profound collection which he enjoys showing off at select feasts and galas.

* Master Dominic Kobach (Human Male 3rd Expert-Lawyer) Age 44, Brevoy (Whiteseat) LN
Master Kobach arrived in Sanctuary in the weeks following Dragonshead with his wife Myra and teenage daughter Katia, offering his services as a practiced Brevic lawyer in contracts and arbitrations of trade and property. Verik eagerly took his offer, as his Bank was sorely lacking in this area (his own upbringing delving into criminal law) at the time. Master Kobach organized, fixed and resolved much of the gridlock by the Fall of 4709, and has been the ranking layer and arbiter of contracts since. He is a solid and devout Abadarian, but is prideful and even arrogant in his expertise of law, something that chafes Verik but which he puts up with. Opposite of Galen, Dominic is utterly devoid of humor, as is his wife (invitations for dinner or tea with the Kobach family is dreadful even for Verik). Their daughter, however, was not a rigid Abadarian; Verik surmised she was going to ruin Dominic’s meticulously laid plans for her upbringing. What he did not count on was that she would dash the loving hope of Galen Lavill in the process, as she left with a petty Brevian knight without warning in late 4710. This nearly unhinged Myra and made Dominic even more terse and difficult to deal with than before, as he disavowed and disowned his daughter for the impropriety. The Kobach couple live in a smaller villa of the well-to-do Brevian Manse.

* Madam Gerda Ryton (Human Female 3rd Expert-Governess) Age 43, Brevoy (Medhold) LG
Madam Ryton is a solid matronly woman of no-nonsense values, coming from the town of Medhold and the nearby Grozni Forest. She was governess of a minor noble Brevic family, but lost that position to a younger (and more attractive) caretaker. With little connection in New Stetven and a loathing of the revived Aldori customs of Restov, Gerda heard rumors of a stir of Brevian nobles in the upstart town of Sanctuary to the south, arriving after Dragonshead. Verik learned of her skills and made an offer for her to preside over ‘The Keyhouse’, as he needed a governess to oversee day-to-day necessities of the Initiates’ upbringing. She accepted and was the Initiates’ governess in 4709-10 until the new Bank was completed; Verik endorsed and sponsored her to remain with the Keyhouse and turn it into a proper orphanage and adjoining school for Sanctuary children, selling to her majority interest in the business with a Bank loan. Madam Ryton has since completed the loan and is a leading (many would say demanding) figure in town hall meetings.
Gerda attends Abadarian sermons regularly, and is not unaccustomed to “advising” the Banker on the need to settle down with a proper wife. Never having children herself, Madam Ryton’s “children” of the Keyhouse are very special to her, and although she takes a firm hand with them on their chores and manners she is quite protective of them. She is the only adult to live at the Keyhouse in modest quarters and has a fondness for her room’s décor, though her manner of dress is quite spartan.

* Governess Annita Rochanne (Human Female 2nd Expert-Governess) Age 29, River Kingdoms (Mivon) LG
* Chamberlain Trevor Rochanne (Human Female 2nd Expert-Chamberlain) Age 34, River Kingdoms (Mivon) LG
The Rochanne couple is a transplant from Mivon, coming up to Newhaven back when the routes were quite dangerous due to the reign of Hargulka. They themselves made the journey without incident, and applied to the position of Governess at the newly constructed Initiates Manor in 4710 when the new Bank of Sanctuary was completed. Though Verik wanted a replacement for Gerda Ryton and did not seek two positions to fill the role of one, he soon realized he was not going to find another Madam Ryton, and did not want to risk the job to someone that was unstable in their private life. Agreeing to the Rochanne couple from his list of applicants seemed to be the most prudent choice available, and Verik has not been disappointed by them yet.
Annita Rochanne is the formal Governess and oversees the day-to-day needs of the young Initiates who live there, cloistered apart from families and all that they knew before behind the Bank’s compound walls. She is motherly and engaging with the Initiates – unlike Gerda Ryton she does not believe in a stern approach, though she does discipline when she must – typically her sad disapproval at poor judgment from the Initiates is enough to keep most in line.
Trevor is older than Annita by a few years and has a deep scar upon his face from an insult-turned-duel when he was younger on the streets of Mivon, and often does not say much to others unless prompted. His title is that of “Chamberlain” but for the most part sees to the supplies and repairs of the manor house, yet his true calling is in tending the gardens and greenhouse; Trevor teaches some plant and herb-lore to the Initiates and shows them how to properly prepare roses for market.
In 4712 it was revealed that Annita Rochanne was pregnant, due to have her first child in 4713. The knowledge has the Initiates and many Clerks excited.

* Petyr Mikhaila (Human Male 1st Rogue/1st Expert-Merchant) Age 16, N, Brevoy (New Stetven)
(WIS 13, CHA 14, INT 14, CON 10, DEX 15, STR 9) (15 pt)
Petyr, an orphan, came to Sanctuary from the caravans of settlers and traders in the spring of 4709, having somehow bribed or tricked his way to be taken away from the streets of New Stetven. He originally was going to be part of Tandlara’s “flock” of orphans after being caught trying to steal food from the farmer’s market, but made a passionate case to Verik at his trial and so impressed the Banker that he suggested the sentence be one year in service to the bank. Though he had potential in the service to Abadar and was one of the original two Initiates for the fledgling bank (the other being Ethen Hoefurrow), Verik realized the lad did not have the devotion to try for his keys and become a full-fledged Clerk of Abadar. In 4710 he informed the young man of his decision (which drew a great amount of anger from Petyr over the dismissal), but then apprenticed the lad with a well-respected merchant that was a partner in Mercadi’s Wagons and Woodworking with Verik, and had him learn the trade at a modest stipend. Petyr has a knack with numbers and money and took to the apprenticeship more than he thought possible, earning status as a journeyman two years later in 4712. As Verik’s ownership stake in the wagon business grew, so did the Banker’s reliance on the young man to report any “anomalies” or issues with the operations. Close to his naming day as an adult, Verik hopes by 4713 that he can engage the young man in other new ventures, ensuring Petyr’s success while keeping an eye on him from any truly ruinous lapses in judgment.
Petyr is a confident and charming youth with an easy demeanor and admirable wit and memory, self-taught in reading and writing despite his poor upbringing, showing raw intellect nearly as adept as any.

Some really entertaining stories in those NPCs.

Male Human Cleric (Abadar) 7th / Fighter 1st / AC 24/10T/24F / HP 61 / F +10 R +3 W +11 / Init. +0 / Perc. +5 / Sense Motive +14

Okay, who's needing to get going on their intros so we can get this chapter rolling? Nikolai? Jemini? Borodin? I for one am eager to see some content from our characters after the two-year in-game hiatus.

Grand Lodge

Male Elf Wizard (Forsight) 7 AC 13(21)/13(21)/13(21) / HP 38/38 / F +4 R +6 W +7 (+2 vs. ench) / Init. +10 / Perc. +20)

Excellent post Verik! I think that Elsir would count you as a friend as well. Tonight I'm writing up my apprentices and a few teachers for the academy, and I wanted to address a topic that had previously been touched upon. I think that certain spells should be outlawed in New Haven with the first batch of apprentice wizards coming into power along with priests of non-abadarian religions present there should be some limitations put in place. Mind-control magic as well as most necromancy should be banned and the selling of such scrolls limited or prevented. Destructive magic should controlled in the same way that military equipment might. Some potions such as invisibility could only be obtained through approved merchants that would record a bill of sale.. Thoughts?

Male Human Cleric (Abadar) 7th / Fighter 1st / AC 24/10T/24F / HP 61 / F +10 R +3 W +11 / Init. +0 / Perc. +5 / Sense Motive +14

Heeeeey Friend!

Yeah I was thinking with Elsir's temperament that the two of them don't get into squabbles that get chippy or personal, plus Verik sees the "upstart" nature of Elsir's Lodge as aligned with his own struggles with the Bank in its infancy, plus as Magister they have alignment on education and the fostering of Newhaven's knowledge base - there's a lot that they can agree and align and chat on. Oh and then Elsir got him to finally speak proper elvish, so there's that too, not to mention Elsir probably could use another colleague to keep an eye on that Willas Gunderson fellow!

I like your idea of having Newhaven be somewhat restrictive on types of magic in its laws, as well as some level of scrutiny and enforcement. From Verik's point-of-view his eyes were opened to the concern when Elsir slung that first Fireball in the elven ruins, not to mention the danger of the Cloudkill trap and similar magics that shape his viewpoint. Up till then he was focused mostly on controls of the divine faiths, but that event had him vocal in the council for restrictions on the arcane side. That being said, Verik would give wide latitude and support to Elsir on whatever restrictions and limitations he views as practical.

The interesting question to me is if Elsir is going to incorporate the role of arcane societies or guilds in the laws equation - do they get preferential treatment or benefits because they are in a society or guild of Newhaven, or are there harsher limitations for the "freelancer" that is beholden only to themselves? That's a fun question I think to ponder.

Male Human Magus (Kensai) 5/Rogue UN (Roof Runner) 3: AC 22/18/14 / HP 70 / F +10 R +9 W +8 / Init. +5 / Perc. +12 / Sense Motive +8

Verik and his rules! Bah! Are you going to regulate the use of crossbows as well? ;p

Been thinking about NPCs but work is just completely crappy at the moment. I'm reading all the posts and will work one up here soon.

Want to start a conversation with Elsir on the goings on in Newhaven.

Grand Lodge

Male Elf Wizard (Forsight) 7 AC 13(21)/13(21)/13(21) / HP 38/38 / F +4 R +6 W +7 (+2 vs. ench) / Init. +10 / Perc. +20)

Apprentice's of the Harborage House Academy:

* Senior Apprentice Sune Okino (Kitsune Female 3rd Sorcerer (Fey) Age 23, NG, Gronzi Forest (Restov)
(WIS 10, CHA 17, INT 13, CON 8, DEX 16, STR 8)
Spells Known: 5 0lv/4 1st Lv Spells Per Day: 6 1st Lv Weapon: Dagger
Specializations: Historical Research, Fey Lore, Enchantment;
A first generation immigrant who parents arrived in Rostland following their exile from the fabled land of Minkai after the death of Minkai’s last emperor, Sune had a quick mind and was eager to learn more. Willing to work as a de facto librarian for the Harborage House Sune asked only for room, board and a small stipend a month as well as an continuing education once Elsir decide to take on students following the completion of the planned Lecture Hall. Unfortunately, while the request was reasonable, the three outlying cottages planned for the eventual use for visiting pathfinders were not yet complete and so Elsir instead agreed to cover her lodging at a local inn from his own rapidly shrinking pool of gold. Following the battle of Hydra Bridge, Elsir spent additional time working with Sune, who to his frustration was quick to take on the principles of magic but whose training was more instinctive rather than studious.

Apprentice Notes: While Sune Okino was the first and most established of Elsir’s fledgling group of apprentices, the remaining four Apprentices are transplants from other areas of Avistan, drawn or forced into New Haven for a number of reasons. With the initial establishment of a formal academy in Sanctuary in the summer of 4712, Elsir had no lack of applicants, however previously trained students with their own established specializations provided the magister with a potential nucleus for the eventual establishment of New Haven’s first Wizards Guild. While each of the Apprentices have shown some potential for future growth, Elsir worries that the previous training that each of the apprentices have received may cause future problems in their development.

* Apprentice Jarosh Talingate (Human Male 3nd Wizard (Universalist) / 1nd Expert) Age 53, CG, River Kingdoms (Sevenarches)
(WIS 15, CHA 13, INT 15, CON 9, DEX 10, STR 8)
Spells: 4 Olv/3 1st/2 2nd Lv. Weapons: Quarterstaff
Specializations: Dweomercraft, Potion Creation, Herb Lore;
Jarosh Talingate originally haled from Sevenarches where, like much of his community was raised among the Green-faith. For years he practiced as a local herbalist under the rule of the Oakstewards, even opening his own business specializing in dried herbs and rare alchemical ingredients before his shop foundered when a corrupt Oaksteward leveled charges against Jarosh for illicit trading in poisonous substances. With his business ruined and his coin quickly running out, Jarosh in the spring of 4710, relocated to New Haven in the hopes of re-establishing his business. As the oldest of all of Elsir’s apprentices and the most set in his ways, the Magister has come to rely on Jarosh’s knowledge of herbs and potions, while choosing to overlook the man’s somewhat dower demeanor.

Jarosh has a quick mind and wise outlook. His skill with potion crafting is second only to the Harborage House’s master of Alchemy Jerrit Suel and his strong bend towards the business opportunities in bottled magic make the man a valuable asset to Elsir for his eventual plans in the forming of an official wizard’s guild. Despite his poor interactions with past members of the Green Faith, Jarosh still holds himself to be a follower of the “old ways” and in recent debates, Jarosh had shown a leaning toward Jhod Kavken’s faction.

* Apprentice Willard Pharn (Human Male 1st Wizard (Necromancer) / 1st Rogue) Age 19, N, Galt (Edme)
(WIS 13, CHA 15, INT 16, CON 10, DEX 11, STR 9)
Spells: 3 Olv/3 1st Weapons: Dagger
Specializations: Anatomy, Taxidermy, Necromancy
Willard Pharn’s life has been one of tragedy. Born in the small Galtan city of Edme, Willard’s mother died in childbirth delivering him and his father who became despondent following his wife’s death died several years later when he, along with much of the other staff of the prestigious Torvin Academy was executed under the gaze of the Grey Gardeners. As a single child, homeless and penniless Willard was forced to rely on his wits to survive. With bloodly riots constantly breaking out amongst the city, Willard knew that it was only a matter of time before he died to a final blade or starvation. It was by pure chance that the man, only 17 at the time managed to join a caravan of Galtan’s fleeing north, led by several outcast nobles who included in their ranks Aleza Bellavieu. Unfortunately what at seemed at first to be a change of luck, quickly turned ugly when the caravan was captured by a group of Trolls led by the Bestial King Hargulka. Following his capture, Willard was among the unfortunates that were collected by Ghorraneaux's and subjected to her dark-magic. Following his rescue at the hands of the Founders, Willard as well as the small group of survivors that had undergone Ghorraneaux's foul treatments were personally watched over by Aleza Bellavieu. Perhaps out of pity or some inborn determination not to allow the hag’s treatment to overwhelm her, the woman tried to ensure that each of the other victims was given a new chance at life. Working hand in hand with Sanctuary’s Banker, she persuaded Verik to write a letter of recommendation for Willard to receive a proper education at Elsir’s new academy.

Equal parts anxious and depressed, Willard rarely goes a single night without nightmares. Generally he is socially withdrawn and occasionally has mood-swings, however despite the terrible things that have happened to him, Willard is remarkably bright and when he tries can be charming. Because of his survivor’s guilt as well as the after effects of Ghorraneaux's influence upon him Willard has privately begun researching dark magic of his own and unless unchecked it is likely that his alignment will slide into NE as he continues his secret studies.

* Apprentice Varl Tagger of Tymon (Human Male 1st Wizard (Transmuter)/ 1st Brawler) Age 26, CN, River Kingdoms (Tymon)
(WIS 10, CHA 8, INT 13, CON 14, DEX 12, STR 18)
Spells: 3 Olv/3 1st/3 Weapons: Unarmed Strike
Specializations: Transmutation, Boxing
Brash, loud and burly, Varl Tagger is the last person one would expect to attend a school of magic. Weighing one hundred at ninety pounds of bone and muscle, the twenty six year old man looks like he would be more at home in a smoky tavern, cracking skulls then he would studying scrolls by candle-light. None the less, behind the gruff exterior, Varl hides an above average intelligence. Hailing from the gladiator kingdom of Tymon, Varl is a devout worshiper of Gorum and even trained as a youth at one of the lesser known gladiator college before choosing to leave, when he realized that raw strength alone would not be enough if he wanted to one day return to the city and stand as a champion in the great coliseum.

* Apprentice Tamari Narthropple (Female Gnome 1st Wizard (Illusionis)) Age 54, CG, River Kingdol (Sanctuary)
(WIS 14, CHA 11, INT 13, CON 10, DEX 8, STR 10)
Spells: 4 Or/4 1st Weapon: None
Specializations: Animal Husbandry, Auditory-Illusion, Astrology
Niece to Jubilost Narthropple, leader of the gnome population who calls White Hart home, Tamari is inquisitive, adventurous and playful. Tamari displays a sincere love of animals as well as an interest in how monthly and yearly migratory cycles can be predicated by animal behavior. Thanks in large part to her racial heritage, Tamari has a strong inclination towards illusionary magic that she uses regularly as part of her well-meaning pranks.

Junior Apprentice Notes: The Junior Apprentices of the Harborage House Academy are all members of the first convened class of magical theory and application that began formal training in the summer of 4712AR. Each Junior Apprentice has been admitted based on aptitude tests as well as referrals from the Keyhouse School for the more arcane inclined. It is Elsir’s intention that the Junior Apprentices focus their studies in the schools of Divination, while excluding Necromancy and Enchantment.

* Junior Apprentices (5 Human Males / 3 Human Females, 0 lvl Apprentice) Ages 15-19, LG/NG/CG/LN, Brevoy/River Kingdoms
Spells: 2 Cantrips
The remaining eight Junior Apprentices were admitted to Elsir’s academy in the summer of 4712 based on Elsir’s intent to establish a power base to strengthen his regional control in regards to the political turmoil surrounding his creation of a Pathfinder Lodge. Elsir has housed these younger students in a small dormitory on the Harborage House grounds. Still young in both skill and age, Elsir has relied on his Senior Apprentices, Sune and Jarosh to oversee the basic instruction and their day to day needs. While Elsir realizes that this situation is far from ideal, it is the best solution that the wizard is able to provide at this time.

Grand Lodge

Male Elf Wizard (Forsight) 7 AC 13(21)/13(21)/13(21) / HP 38/38 / F +4 R +6 W +7 (+2 vs. ench) / Init. +10 / Perc. +20)

Next up will be a list of teachers at the Harborage House, followed by the pathfinder's that have visted Sanctuary thus far.

Male Human Cleric (Abadar) 7th / Fighter 1st / AC 24/10T/24F / HP 61 / F +10 R +3 W +11 / Init. +0 / Perc. +5 / Sense Motive +14

Wow. That's great stuff - what a diverse group of apprentices too

Grand Lodge

Male Elf Wizard (Forsight) 7 AC 13(21)/13(21)/13(21) / HP 38/38 / F +4 R +6 W +7 (+2 vs. ench) / Init. +10 / Perc. +20)

Morning guys, I'm working on a follow up post now. Hope everyone had a good weekend / Labor-day (for the U.S. folks).

Male Human Cleric (Abadar) 7th / Fighter 1st / AC 24/10T/24F / HP 61 / F +10 R +3 W +11 / Init. +0 / Perc. +5 / Sense Motive +14

I don't have an idea on a reply after Svetlana (quippy or otherwise), so someone post something in the council meeting...

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013

Is Vordecai a name Nikolai knows from anywhere else? Does that have any significance to him at all? Remember he wasn't privy to most of the conversations about the folk from the future or the conflict's they've all experienced.

He was there when Verik read out the runes at Candlemere, right?

More and more I get a feeling in my head that this would be our own "Rains of Candlemere" (Castamere, Game of Thrones)

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013

FOr those of you who might be interested, my Four Horsemen group has lunched a kickstarter. We and a few select authors are writing the adventures for Louis Porter's Cross of Fire Saga.

I encourage everyone to check it out, offer feedback, or join conversation at the Four Horsemen Facebook page. And of course, back it. It's a great deal!

Time for some posting! Finally looking at having free time.

My promotion is tomorrow! Post will be up after the celebration.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013



Good job!

Silver Crusade

Male Human 8th Lvl Expert

Addressed to the Players:
Respectfully, it's time to rekindle some old habits and tailor yourselves to checking the Kingmaker game much more frequently, and posting much more than once-weekly to get momentum going again.

The game is waaaayyyyy too slow again right now, and not sure if it's because everyone is waiting around for someone else to jump first, or thinking the scene has to be tailored perfectly for the character (instead of finding your own opportunities or creating new ones), or reticent to post because you think it has to be a huge perfect post every time, or what. If it's because there's work and school and family and house "stuff" I certainly get it to a point, but let's be honest that there's always that going on at various levels for everyone involved in the game.

Personally, I think the interim period between RRR and Eye got players out of posting habit. Which happens of course, but if so it's time to refocus those habits of posting. Too few posts = too little synergy and creativity = less posts = game stall. Let's reverse the trend here. Not every post has to move the arc plot along, and any type of post shows what the character is doing or thinking, which creates opportunities for reaction. Some of our best stuff has been the sideline talk that brings out character depth.

Anyway, we have a scene here set before us to where we've all met back up and have some new developments going on, before we suit up and potentially get into a combat scene. Let's make the most of it and stop the drifting.

A big part of it has been my fault, which has been the erratic updates. However, things should be settling down and I should be more reliable now.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013

It occurs to me that I have no healing potions. Nikolai ought to carry 1-2 of those.

Don't you think you might want to I don't know multiply that number by 5 or 10?

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013

Well..I don't mean for me. If mean for when a fight is over : )and I'm able to help the wounded. : )

Sure, Mr. 18 AC. (Read as "Laugh it up Fuzzball")

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013

Hehe. Jemini! NOOOoooooo!

I hope you enjoy the arrival of an old friend!

Grand Lodge

Male Elf Wizard (Forsight) 7 AC 13(21)/13(21)/13(21) / HP 38/38 / F +4 R +6 W +7 (+2 vs. ench) / Init. +10 / Perc. +20)

Cool twist!

Male Human Cleric (Abadar) 7th / Fighter 1st / AC 24/10T/24F / HP 61 / F +10 R +3 W +11 / Init. +0 / Perc. +5 / Sense Motive +14

That's really tremendous, and I'm looking forward to this next part! I've been down sick since the evening of Christmas and just getting back to somewhat-normal as of this morning, but I'll get to interacting soon.

Heya :) - sorry for the unannounced absence. The end-year had taken me by storm; work suddenly needed a lot of attention as I got saddled with all programming work (development and support) while everybody else got to have a holiday. Coupled with a visit from my mom I've been very pre-occupied.

A side note though: I've been playing Dragon Age: Inquisition (highly recommended!) and feel that they're story writers must be reading our pbp. At least that is my explanation for the game having their take on "The Darkest Timeline".

You've stuck with the game for four years. At this point, a brief drift-away is totally understandable.

Grand Lodge

Male Elf Wizard (Forsight) 7 AC 13(21)/13(21)/13(21) / HP 38/38 / F +4 R +6 W +7 (+2 vs. ench) / Init. +10 / Perc. +20)

made my knowledge check, post comming in.

Male Human Cleric (Abadar) 7th / Fighter 1st / AC 24/10T/24F / HP 61 / F +10 R +3 W +11 / Init. +0 / Perc. +5 / Sense Motive +14
Jemini wrote:
Alter dream: apply young template to all nightgaunts. No nett-effect to AC, but they go from medium to small, attack, grapple and damage all drop. Hitpoints drop by 2 per HD. Their grapple and CMD should both drop by 3 I think.

That's really excellent there Lorekeeper. I never would have thought of something like that ... and you made the check too! Very cool stuff.

Glad you like :) - Jemini has really good Will save, so she's at least got an even chance of succeeding. Fortunately the hounds were there, without the fortitude save first, it wouldn't have worked.

When I imagined the battle as if playing in a movie, the youngifying was the funnest visual I came up with. (But sorry to DM Barcas for making more work for him! ;)

Look at Verik, being all competent in combat!

Male Human Cleric (Abadar) 7th / Fighter 1st / AC 24/10T/24F / HP 61 / F +10 R +3 W +11 / Init. +0 / Perc. +5 / Sense Motive +14

It's taken a couple of levels but I think I have him shaping up to be a decent support melee when necessary! Don't think he's going 1v1 on the hounds though.

Waiting on Jemini. I don't want to DMPC her for this round because of how critical a position she is in. I'll give it another day or two.

I thought with the initiative order Jemini was effectively out of options. I've posted now, hopefully it passes :)

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013

So everyone understands...Nikolai is more Nikolai in this dream thing. Shorter temper, less filter. Just role a-playin.

Jemini's actions present an interesting opportunity for me. Anyone else want to chime in before I do what I plan to do?

Should I/we be worried?


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