
Jabber the Helpful's page

9 posts. Alias of Vorduvai.

Full Name

Jabber the Most Helpful



About Jabber the Helpful

"Crazy-man is man who crazy." Jabber answers Berrin's question with what the Steward could swear is sarcasm.

Kingmaker Reference Maps
Latest Newhaven Overview Map (Calistril 4713)

Latest Newhaven Kingdom Turn Map (Rova 4712)

Latest Sanctuary Main District Map (Lamashan 4712)

Latest Sanctuary Eastern District Map (Lamashan 4712)

Latest Sanctuary Southern District Map (Lamashan 4712)

Latest Olegsgrav District Map (Lamashan 4712)

Latest White Hart District Map (Rova 4712)

Latest Dragonswatch District Map (Lamashan 4712)

Latest Promise District Map (Lamashan 4712)

Latest Candlewatch District Map (Calistria 4713)

Latest Varnhold District Map (Calistria 4713)

Faith Leaders in Newhaven (of the All-Faiths Conclave)
* Abadar: Banker Verik Jarrow (Cleric), Sanctuary; Junior Banker Thomas Quiss (Cleric), Olegsgrav
* Erastil: Patriarch Jhod Kavken (Cleric), Whitehart
* Iomedae: Second Sword Knight Glavin Taborr (Warpriest), Sanctuary
* Pharasma: High Sexton Lena Stosic of the Fates (Cleric), Sanctuary; Sexton Almira Koren of Beginnings (Life Oracle), Olegsgrav; Sexton Mislava Mivos of the Graves (Cleric), Varnhold.
* Irori: Ascended Brother Keveran (Monk/Cleric), Sanctuary
* Shelyn: High Priestess of the Eternal Rose Shandara (Cleric/Bard), Sanctuary
* Calistria: High Priestess Evelyn Dinarda (Cleric), Dragonswatch
* Cayden Cailean: Superb Brewmaster "Hobnob" (Cleric/Rogue), Sanctuary; Innkeeper Extraordinaire Valmore (Urban Druid), Varnhold
* Milani: First Seeker of Just Revolution ? (?), Promise
* Desna: The Dreamtender ? (??), ???; The Starsong ? (??), ???
* Sarenrae: Merciful Priestess Antalia Farin (Cleric), Sanctuary
* Alseta: Emissary Aidana Lumari of the Welcomer (Cleric), Sanctuary

(Unaffiliated with the All-Faiths Conclave)
* Gozreh: 'Crazyman' of Gozreh (Druid), Hooktongue Marshes

The Faith of Abadar in Newhaven
Picture of Bank Grounds, Exterior View (draft)

As of Fall (Rova) 4712, the rolls of the Bank of Sanctuary are as follows:
* 1 Banker
* 19 Clerks (2 Senior Clerks, 7 Full Clerks, 10 Junior Clerks)
* 28 Initiates (full capacity w/ waiting list)
* 10 Keysworn Guardians (First Keysworn Dakkone soon to retire)
* 9 Devoted Experts (First Vaultman, Vaultmaster, Architect, Moneylender, Contract Lawyer, Orphanage Schoolmaster, Governess and Chamberlain, Business Journeyman)
* 40 (60) Vaultmen (40 on Bank grounds, 20 privately quartered in Sanctuary)

Abadarian NPC's of Newhaven - Abadarian NPC's Page

The Bank of Abadar in Sanctuary (Fall 4712):

Built: Arodus 4710 (replaces older Bank built back in Erastus 4708)

Overview: The Bank of Abadar in Sanctuary is a massive main structure roughly in the shape of an ‘I’ comprised mostly of stone, with the exception of its roofs and ceilings. The ends of the ‘I’ are the fore and aft wings of the building and two stories (twenty feet) in height, the outer-facing ends containing no windows (though set with decorative bas-relief on the end that is its main entrance) and more heavily fortified as a stone wall. Set out to the sides of each end are two small square twenty-five foot crenelated towers, making four towers total. The shaft of the ‘I’ exclusively comprises the forty-foot tall worship hall with buttressed walls of stone and with a high-peaked wooden beam roof; the uppermost sides of the tall hall walls set with windows containing beautiful panels of stained glass to let in natural light.

Besides the main ‘I’ structure and accompanying four towers, two mostly wooden manor-style buildings are located at a 45-degree angle to each side, their front entrances facing towards the front entrance of the main structure. Stone walls fifteen feet high (without parapets or crenelations) run from the Bank walls and past the towers to enclose the manor-style buildings within their own courtyards, making for a full stone enclosure around the Bank and its grounds. As such, it is the third-most defensible structure in Sanctuary behind the Castle of the Founders and the Garrison Compound of the First Army of Newhaven. This was intentionally done to help shelter the citizens of Sanctuary during a time of attack or crisis - a bitter lesson learned from the aerial assault of Dragonshead in 4709.

Though the main worship hall in the center of the Bank is finely furnished and decorated, for the most part the Bank's furnishings are not as opulent or richly crafted as might be expected for the Bank of Sanctuary - a clear decision was made for sheer size and defensibility over wealth and status, reflecting the attitude of its Banker (and the reality of life in the Stolen Lands).

At its planned capacity, the Bank’s compound can comfortably quarter and maintain the following Abadarians:
* Clergy: 1 Banker, 1 Junior Banker, 4 Senior Clerks, 12 Full Clerks, 10 Junior Clerks, 28 Initiates (manor), 2 Clerical Guests
* Soldiers: 10 Keysworn Guards (manor house), 40 Vaultmen (manor)
* Devoted: 3 Devoted (front wing, manor)

Unless otherwise noted, each area or “wing” of the Bank has Continual Flame globes ensconced into the walls or ceilings for normal light, though some are covered during the day where natural light is available.

Front Entrance: The front of the Bank is clearly meant to convey a solid and fortified presence to any onlookers or parishioners, made entirely of stone and lacking any windows. Only a solid set of bronze-plated reinforced large double doors allow access to its interior; clear views of the entrance can be seen from the front towers farther down on either side. However, the stone has been recessed immediately to either side of the doors for two decorative columns, with frescoes decorating the stone work above the doors and to either side of the columns themselves. Of particular note is the elaborate bas-relief sculpture above the double doors which illustrate an impressive image of Cobblehoof looking down upon any who enter, with wings spread to either side and the Golden Key of Abadar at its heart. A painted fresco on the left-side wall depicts the stag seal of Newhaven, whereas the bas-relief on the right-side wall depicts a set of scales upheld by two armored figures – one more angelic in appearance while the other is clearly some sort of divine construct (the dual images of the Call of Enlightened Order).

Main Foyer: Within the double entrance doors lies a sizable square foyer with a white stone pedestal at its center; the pedestal holds a utilitarian copy of The Order of Numbers for review as well as registry books for appointments and sign-ins, complete with quills and inkwells inset into the basin. A tile mosaic is set upon the floor with the Golden Key of Abadar. Each of the other three walls hold archways with closeable iron-reinforced doors, though the archway directly across from the entrance is larger and set with double doors (whereas the side archways contain single doors only). Along the side walls and corners between the archways are white stone sitting benches; the far wall on each side of the double-doors has insets containing various notices and proclamations of the Bank, such as:
- schedules for vigil hours, formal congregation services and arbitration reviews
- services available by the Bank (most by appointment only)
- bounty rewards for uncaught lawbreakers (updated weekly)
- visitation hours for families of the Initiates
- recent proclamations and laws enacted by the Founder’s Council
- Charter of the establishment of the Vaultmen
- Outlaw and Oathbreaker Bounty Proclamation (states that lawbreakers may voluntarily submit themselves for arrest at the Bank if they fear for their safety and will be escorted to jail, but those that flee arrest are considered “cast outside of the Law” and no longer subject to the Privileges and Protections of the Accused, fully at their own risk)
- Religious Declaration, Registration and Taxation Proclamation (states that all practicing faiths in Newhaven must register with the Office of the High Cleric within one week of arrival, subject to approval by the Founders and taxation for maintaining a permit. Also states any clerics of faiths that seek to reside in Newhaven must declare themselves to the Office of the High Cleric or risk fines and arrest, including banishment)
- Freed Sootscale Protections Proclamation (proclamation by Banker Jarrow stating that uniformed kobolds in Newhaven not engaged in an active crimes are afforded full protections under the Law, with violators of those protections subject to criminal penalty)

From the Main Foyer, the left-side archway leads to the Vault Wing and the right-side archway leads to the Chamber Wing, with the far-side double-door archway leading into the Main Worship Hall. During public hours the Main Foyer is always staffed with two Bank guardsmen and two to four Initiates and/or Junior Clerks, which assist visitors in making appointments or providing directions to various public areas of the Bank.

Vault Wing The Vault Wing comprises the areas reserved for the secure storing of goods, coin and property of paying clientele to the Bank, both short-term and long-term. It also offers moneychanging services. There are no windows on this wing, and no exits other than back to the Main Foyer. The reception room of this wing from the Main Foyer is not very deep and taken up with a long raised stone counter across its width, where attentive Clerks and Initiates conduct requests for deposit and withdrawal of items after being dutifully recorded on account ledgers (and verified by at least one Full Clerk). Behind the counter upon the wall is a mural depicting the First Vault of Abadar, with a bas-relief Golden Key symbol at its center (a concealed panel contains a coffer that actives a Glyph of Warding w/ Invisibility Purge if opened. A single access door beyond the counter leads to a hallway which makes a ‘U’ turn around the lower floor; that section of the lower wing level is a series of locked Storage Rooms (strong wooden doors w/ average locks) with marked shelves, each containing chests and coffers for patrons requiring services of lesser value. The hallway eventually leads to a door (iron door w/ good lock and bar) that is always guarded by a Keysworn guard and Clerk pair, and can only be opened from the other side which leads upstairs. The upstairs wing is reserved for more select Vault rooms (iron doors w/ good locks) that are individually reserved for wealthier patrons, often with additional paid protections (superior locks, lead panels, Vaultmen watch duty) and enchantments (glyphs, arcane locks, alarms, ) upon them. Upstairs is also where the Bank’s own Vault room is located, as well as the office and living quarters of the Vaultmaster, Ignacius Lago.

A varied number of Keysworn guardsmen and Vaultmen are always found here, both at stationary posts as well as on patrol through interior halls and chambers, usually with Clerks to observe and support them. Initiates are typically not allowed in the Vault Wing, except to assist in counting and tallying efforts under direct supervision in the reception room at the counter.

Ultimately, Verik wants to add a pair of constructs and a Symbol or two to reinforce the protections of the Vault Wing, but currently does not have the divine power or resources to do so.

Chamber Wing: This wing provides both public and private meeting rooms for facilitating negotiations and arbitration of contracts between parties, settlement of commerce disputes and otherwise engaging in various contracted services of the Bank (contract writing, appraisals, arbitration, architectural design, Vaultmen services, dweomercrafting and enchantment services, etc.). Small narrow windows are found on the upstairs level only, and no exits other than back to the Main Foyer. The lower floor holds several sparsely furnished common chambers for ease-of-use, though a few smaller common rooms are available as well for ad-hoc needs by small parties. The upper floor holds finer decorated chambers reserved in advance for specific needs, with refreshments and accessories available. Upstairs is also where the private offices of the Bank’s professional experts are located: Dominic Kobach (contracts and law), Galen Lavill (architecture), and Jamus Marquett (appraisals and moneylending).

Bank Clerks are often found in the Chamber Wing, assisting the professional experts in supportive spellcasting (Abadar’s Truthtelling, Fairness, Bless, etc.), research or scribing duties. Initiates too are often found here, though they are relegated to guiding patrons to their chambers and serving them, cleaning chambers for use and otherwise assisting the Clerks.

Main Worship Hall: The heart of the Bank between its two-story wings on each end, the Hall is over forty-feet tall and comprises mostly one large open hall for worship, with a high peaked ceiling supported by strong wooden crossbeams; around the hall on its upper reaches are tall rectangular windows with panels of stained glass, letting in the greatest amount of natural light during days of good weather. Below the windows are frescoes painted on the walls, depicting worthy scenes and symbols of Abadarian importance. The near end of the Hall just past the double-doors has a small space that is partitioned by decorative wood-and-silken panels where a series of doorways and stairwells allow access to other parts of the Bank: two side staircases allow access to a balcony level above, and double doorways allow access to the outside courtyards and towers on each side, which are commonly used by Keysworn guardsmen, Vaultmen and Initiates to gain access to the Bank from the manor houses.

Most of the bottom level of the Main Worship Hall is devoted to rows of wooden pews for the bulk of the Abadarian congregation on days of worship and ceremonies. The balcony level has more private and reserved seating for its devoted and noted patrons. On the far end of the Main Worship Hall past the pews are another set of double doorways to each side to the courtyards, though these are kept closed during times of worship. Past the doors the floor raises two steps up to a raised floor for the Abadarian clergy to preside over its congregation in worship services: the noted Banker’s “desk” is centered there as well as a white marble speaking podium slightly forward and to one side, with the sanctified marble altar flanking opposite to the other side. Chairs for Senior Clerks facing the pews are arrayed behind and to either side of the Banker’s desk, set in order by seniority. Atop the altar lies a glass-topped gilded metal box Glyphed w/ Bestow Curse with the Bank’s formal chartered copies of The Order of Numbers and The Manual of City Building contained within. A white marble font basin for the consecration and use of holy water is back by the far wall, and on the other side stands an eight-foot tall bronze statue of the Lawgiver with a gilded tower shield with a white and golden embroidered shroud over it. The tower shield has a Symbol of Healing (3rd Lvl, CL5) inscribed, activated if the shroud is removed and the passphrase ”Light of the Lawgiver” is uttered – as a tower shield it can be removed outside to aid the public in a crisis. A wood-and-silken panel directly behind the Banker’s desk obscures a doorway leading back to the Clergy Wings (see below), and is the only way out of the Main Worship Hall on the far side.

Clergy Wings Lower Floor: The lower level of the Clergy Wing contains nearly all practical elements of the Bank’s faithful to live and work, apart from their actual living quarters (located on the upper floor). The doorway from the Main Worship Hall leads to an elegant 15’ wide columned decorative hallway, which ends at the door to the Banker’s Office: a main room containing a full desk with chairs to receive visitors, and archways to either side with rooms to a small Book Repository and Private Sanctum, paying homage in design to the old Bank. In the columned decorative hallway just outside the Banker’s Study are two closable doors under archways with warnings not to enter for those that have not been Keysworn (each Glyphed w/ Blindness for passage by Abadarians only) which lead to separate wings of the lower floor.

The left-arched doorway leads to the Bank’s Library and Scriptorium, where the bulk of the Bank’s documents are kept and scribing is performed. An archway past the Library (also Glyphed w/ Blindness leads to an open and always occupied Keysworn Guardroom, as well as a Sanctum and Reliquary for the clergy to worship privately; past these rooms lie a stairwell to the Upper Floor.

The right-arched doorway leads to the Bank’s Common Room dining hall where up to twenty-four can be seated at one time, with an adjoining Kitchens and pantry. Also located in this lower floor right-hand wing are: two Storerooms, a Cloakroom, a Bath with a changing room and eight copper tubs, a fully functional Lavatory with three receptacles and piping to an outside sewage hold, along with an adjoining closet for supplies. A similar stairwell on this far side leads to the Upper Floor.

Each of these two stairwells have a locked-and-barred iron portal (iron door w/ good lock and barred) which leads into an adjacent Guard Tower, allowing access in times of emergency to and from the tower’s interior at its base. Only Keysworn guards and Senior Clerks’ keys have access to unlock these portals.

Clergy Wings Upper Floor: This floor mostly comprises of the living quarters of the Bank’s Clerks. Each stairwell landing is enclosed and arched (each Glyphed w/ Bestow Curse to non-Abadarians. It has one long 10’ upper hallway running the length of the floor from stairwell to stairwell, with doors to rooms of various purpose along the exterior side of the floor, and two smaller hallways on its interior side leading to the living quarters of the Banker and Clerks. Only a few narrow reinforced windows that can be shuttered and barred are available on some of the exterior-facing rooms (classrooms, sitting room, lavish guest room); neither the Banker’s rooms nor the Clerks’ rooms have windows, for reasons of security.

The exterior side along the upper hallway has doorways to the following areas: A Lavatory with three receptacles located directly above (and connected to) the downstairs Lavatory, a Storeroom, two Classrooms for the Clerks to be taught and study, a well-furnished Sitting Room for the Clerks to lounge, two Guest Bedrooms (one larger and more lavish, the other smaller and more sparse in design), an Armory for the Clerks (strong wooden door w/ good lock) with an adjoining Dweomercrafting Workroom separated by an archway (Glyphed w/ Blindness) – this is where the Banker enchants objects and where the Bank’s reserve of beneficial potions, scrolls and wands can be found. The Armory is locked can only be opened by Senior Clerks’ keys and above.

The interior side along the upper hallway has two arched doorways (each Glyphed w/ Blindness to non-Abadarians AND those not of Lawful alignment) leading to hallways to the living quarters of the Clerks. Living quarters are arranged by rank, with living space, doors and furnishings reflecting the rank of the inhabitant. Starting on one side are two small communal Bunk chambers (10’x20’, simple wooden door w/ simple lock) for the Junior Clerks, one for boys and one for girls, with each room having simple cot beds and furnishings for up to five to six Junior Clerks. An adjacent closet contains spare linens and cleaning supplies to keep the rooms in order. Next are a full twelve Bedroom chambers (10’x10’, simple wooden door w/ simple lock) for Full Clerks, each one sparsely furnished but designed for a single inhabitant, with a small desk for private study. A second adjacent closet for the Clerks is stocked similar to the first. Next are the four Bedrooms of the Senior Clerks (10’x20’, good wooden doors w/ average locks) and one of the Junior Banker (10’x40’, good wooden door w/ good lock), which due to their length have been partitioned (wood and silk screens, wood frame walls) to allow for antechambers, sitting rooms and bedrooms, each according to the style and preferences of its occupant.

Lastly, the Bedroom of the Banker (25’x25’) lies at the far end (strong wooden door w/ good lock DC30, Glyphed w/ Spiritual Weapon to non-Abadarians AND those not of Lawful alignment). The living space is divided into: an foyer (5’x5’), a receiving room for meeting with guests (10’x10’), a private vault (10’x10’, iron door w/ good lock, Glyphed w/ Electricity Blast 3d8 to non-Abadarians AND password required) for Verik’s armor and prized possessions with a secret door to a separate lockroom (5’x5’) w/ iron chests for sensitive items (ex. Thrune’s black blade in an iron strongbox w/ superior lock and Blast Glyphed), and finally the bedroom area itself (25’x15’) with space for a cozy sitting area and a small desk for personal correspondence on each side of the large four-post bed. Above the bed on the wall is a beautifully crafted wooden sculpture of Cobblehoof, gilded and carved to the finest detail (Symbol of Sleep CL9, password activated), a purchased and granted acquisition from the Banks in Absalom.

The Four Towers: Each of the four square towers (30’x30’) are fully stone and are twenty-five feet tall, with a ground level, main level and rooftop level. Regular access to each of the towers is by stone stairs from the courtyards up to the main level (iron door w/ good lock and bar). The main level (20’x20’ interior space) doubles as a guardroom w/ furnishings for the men who have shifts there. An iron-rung ladder leads up to a trapdoor for access to the rooftop level, and a simple wooden staircase leads down to the ground level. The ground level acts as a rudimentary storage room for supplies in the event of an attack, including stores of oil, throwing spears, crossbow bolts and spare parts, rope, rations, water barrels, etc. Concealed behind barrels in the rear two towers are iron doors that lead into the Clergy Wings Lower Floor, but these are locked and barred from the wing’s side.

Each of the towers has good visibility and lines-of-fire along the walls of the Bank’s wings and a good portion of the compound wall over to the manor houses.

Initiates Manor and Garden Courtyard (left courtyard): The Initiates Manor is modeled after the “Keyhouse” that was the separate home of the Abadarian Initiates during the time of the Old Bank in 4709. It is meant to be a safe and secure home for younger Initiates to live and learn about the ways of Abadar, until the time of their testing (determined by aptitude and age) to judge if they can “take the Keys” and become a Junior Clerk of the faith. The manor house is wooden and two stories in height, set in the common Brevian style with a high sloped roof and several chimneys. The upper floor has a wing which exclusively comprises the living quarters for the male Initiates. It consists of two well-sized Bunk rooms, each able to accommodate up to ten male Initiates and furnished with the cots, footlockers and chamber pots required, along with additional cabinets for dress robes and winter garb. A Sitting Room is adjacent to the living quarters for their use, as is a Storage Room for various supplies. On the other side of the upper floor opposite the stairwell are three Classrooms, one large and two small.

The lower floor houses the girls’ Bunk room on one wing as well as another Sitting Room. A Bedroom for the governess and steward is strategically placed to guard that side of the floor from unwanted intrusion or mischief. A Lavatory and Bath room is readily available to the girls, with boys able to use the facilities only at specified times. On the other wing of the lower level is the Office of the governess, a Common Room for the Initiates, two Laundry rooms and Storage Room dedicated to linens and clothing (the Initiates perform the laundry for all Clerks as well as themselves), and finally a small Sanctum for prayer. Meals are taken in the Bank’s dining hall and not at the manor.

Like the prior arrangement of the Keyhouse, the Banker prefers for the Initiate’s living arrangements to be presided over by Devoted – in this case a middle-aged married couple act as governess and steward over the manor, Master Trevor Rochanne and his wife Madam Annita Rochanne.

The Courtyard of the Initiates (the space between the manor and the Bank) is meant to be a place of peace and reflection, comprising of a carefully manicured and well landscaped garden of grass, low hedges and stone benches with a fountain at its center. Towards the front wall a Greenhouse with an adjacent storage shed contains an herbal garden grown mostly for medicinal (and some culinary) purposes, and provides a working atmosphere for the Initiates to learn herb-lore for healing, something the Banker strongly encourages in their training. An adjacent open Garden was meant to grow some crops to supplement their food supply, but upon petition by the Initiates in the year the Bank was opened it was converted to the growth of Brevian roses and some other sellable northern flowers at the Sanctuary markets, of which the proceeds are recorded for the Initiates. Plans are to raise enough funds to establish a second separate greenhouse, which would allow for a longer growing season and add some new flowers of Inner Sea variety.

Manor of the Vaultmen and Training Courtyard (right courtyard): The Vaultmen Manor is of very similar size to the Initiates Manor, also made of wood construction and standing at two stories with a high sloped roof and chimneys. It appears larger due to two adjoining two-story house structures to either side. The lower floor houses two barracks-style Bunk rooms that accommodate ten Vaultmen each, a Common Room for meetings and relaxation off-duty, an Office for the administrative duties of the Senior Vaultman, a Storage room for supplies, an Infirmary and a well-stocked Armory for the Vaultmen of the lower floor. A small Bath is located next to the infirmary. The Lavatory access is outside via a separate outhouse.

The upper floor contains another barracks-style Bunks room for ten men on one wing next to a second Armory and Storage Room, with the other wing houses Lodging rooms (for 1-2 men each) for another ten Senior Vaultmen. Also for the senior men is their own Sitting Room, Bath and inside Lavatory for a more comfortable existence.

One adjacent two-story house structure is the domicile of the Keysworn Guards, which is built similar to a boarding house but for permanent occupancy. The downstairs has a comfortable Sitting Room, Lavatory, Bath[i], [i]Armory and Storage Room, while the upstairs is devoted to Lodging rooms for ten Keysworn, with 1-2 men per room.

The other adjacent two-story house structure is an inside Dojo training and combat area, built with a high-peaked roof and no second floor – instead there are balconies for trainers and onlookers to judge the quality of the training. This area is heated and accessible even in the heart of winter, when the courtyard training grounds may not be.

Not all the Vaultmen and Keysworn Guards that are on the Bank’s rolls stay at the manor – several have families and maintain residences in Sanctuary proper. For those that do not however, the free lodging in addition to their pay often provides a strong incentive to stay upon the grounds, despite the various restrictions and many duties they must maintain. Given this and the variety of escort jobs the Vaultmen perform, it is rare for the manor to be fully occupied at any given week, with the exception of Taxfest/Stagfall and other noted festivals.
The Courtyard of the Vaultmen and Keysworn Guards (the space between the manor houses and the Bank) is set for combat training and calisthenics, reflecting a smaller version of similar courtyard spaces in the Sanctuary Army’s Garrison Compounds.

Between the manor and the front wall are a Stables and corral (Animal Pen) for the maintenance of up to eight horses, including the Banker’s current combat-trained draft horse Giles and former riding horse Virtue for Clerk errands. Also near the front wall are two larger workshop buildings for the soldier’s use – one containing a Smithy and the other housing a Leather Workshop and Laundry, as the men must maintain and clean their own armor and clothing.

Abadarian Clerical Ranks of Note in the Bank:

* Clerk-Initiate or "Initiate" – Describes a novice who has not passed the full examinations and consistently receives the Master’s blessings on a daily basis (pre-1st Level Cleric). Initiates, when not at their many studies, are tasked to labor in the many areas that Clerks of Abadar are expected to perform at a full Bank: Counting coin, scribing dictation, copying contracts and texts, cataloguing the library, serving at negotiations and reciting relevant passages from memory are but a few of their functions. At most Banks, Initiates are not required to take more than just rudimentary weapons and armor training, though it does vary according to the locale and realm.

* Junior Clerk – A fully qualified member of the clergy who receives the Master’s blessings daily, but one that is new to his/her ‘key’ (1st Lvl Cleric), and are often referred to as "the newly minted" clerks. Junior Clerks find that their labors are even more numerous and strenuous than when they were Initiates, as their examination studies no longer apply. Partially, this is to help determine the Junior Clerk’s strengths and weaknesses in a given discipline, so that they might be channeled to a specialty for greatest productivity. Junior Clerks tend to be promoted to Full Clerks after approximately a year or two, when their assessment of talents and drawbacks is fully understood, with drawbacks corrected and talents tailored to maximize their productive output to the Bank.

* Full Clerk or "Clerk" – A fully qualified and vetted member of the clergy, shown to have aptitude in one or more sub-disciplines of the Bank, channeled to reach their utmost potential in productivity and efficiency. Full Clerks are often simply called “Clerk” as the rest is implied. This may be the highest ranking an Abadarian cleric can attain for several years, depending on the size and available positions within the Bank. The larger the Bank, the more the Full Clerks tend to specialize into disciplines such as: Contracts, Arbitration, Commerce, Proselytization, Diplomacy, Archives, City Planning and Dweomercraft. Very large Banks may specialize Clerks further into sub-disciplines. It is at this rank that some Clerks are specifically chosen to begin the path of a Justicar if they so choose, though the road is long and on its own progression completely separate from the Bank.

* Senior Clerk – An elevated rank for those clergy which consistently demonstrate high performance in a discipline or sub-discipline of the Bank, entrusted to the more sensitive tasks as assigned by the Bank’s leaders. Alternatively, Clerks who show signs of leadership potential may be promoted as Senior Clerks, so that their more routine duties can be delegated in preparation for advanced instruction. It is considered the highest ranking that the majority of Abadarian clergy may aspire to at a working level, and also simultaneously is the lowest level of recognized Bank leadership – at times the Senior Clerk is exposed to the interpretation and decision-making process of the Bank’s full leadership. As such, Senior positions over the disciplines and sub-disciplines of a Bank are rare and highly coveted – in many cases this competition for advancement is encouraged by the leadership as long as it serves to provide greater incentive for production. The exact number of positions varies greatly by each Bank.

* Junior Banker – The title assigned to very senior clergy of leadership quality, who act in one or more of the following capacities for a Bank based on its size and specialization:
- The declared founder of a fledgling Bank in a new settlement or growing village, one that has not received its full charter and status.
-The declared successor for a Banker at a small Bank in a transition.
-The second-in-command for a Banker at a medium-size Bank, responsible to carry out all operational duties as the Banker specifies or in his absence.
-The head of a full discipline of a medium-size or large Bank, responsible to carry out operational duties on behalf of the Banker in that discipline.
At this rank, the Junior Banker must move past rigid hierarchy and be able to both interpret policy and make decisions for the rest of the clergy to follow, subject to the decision of the Banker they report to. They are responsible to create and adjust the clerical hierarchy that best suits their population’s needs and promotes the highest tenets of Abadar.

* Traveling Banker – A variant of the Junior Banker, equal in prestige and equivalent in rank. Traveling Bankers are assigned to rural areas where no single village, hamlet or thorp is large enough to maintain a full Bank, but where the clergy can routinely travel between populated areas to perform the duties of Abadar. Traveling Bankers are not considered “true” Bankers because, quite simply put, they have no Bank to permanently maintain, and it is not the preferred arrangement of the leadership to do this. However, services to civilization must continue even in the smallest hamlets and settlements, and the knowledge gained by such activities often is the best preparation on the paved road to full Banker status. As such, Traveling Bankers often do not serve for long periods of time, being promoted and moving on to better ventures once they have seasoned themselves. Exposed to constant travel and other faiths, the position can be contentious but extremely instructive, though dangerously exposed. Usually the more dangerous locales are traveled by full Justicars and not Traveling Bankers.

* Banker – The Banker is simply the highest authority over a Bank in any given town or city. Bankers are required to set the priorities, focus and hierarchy for their faith’s clergy in that location, taking into account the area’s existing laws and traditions, moving ever-forward towards the goals of greater order and civilization for its population base. As Bankers lie outside the rigid hierarchy they are supposed to provide for their lesser brethren, the review of a Banker’s performance is relegated to the following means:
-A review by the Banker’s peers in a given region, with precedence given to the Bankers and Archbankers of larger Banks. In some cases of newly established Banks, peer review is instead based on the Banker’s authorizing locale, or is a mix of both.
-A review by a fully-ranked Justicar of Abadar, who has complete knowledge of the location’s laws and history to make a fully-qualified and binding judgment. Such reviews are rare and infer some dire issue that could not be rectified by a more gentle peer review. In some cases, however, a Bank is isolated and can only be reviewed by regional Justicars in the area.
-Divine review, reserved by the Master of the First Vault for the most heinous of cases.
Other than in rare cases where a Banker is forced to step down, he represents the ultimate authority of a Bank in the populated area. Rank between Bankers is a subtle affair, taking into account factors of Bank size, area population, affluence, and history, but also the Banker’s divine power, wealth and age.
In rare cases when a metropolis has grown so large as to require multiple Banks (Absalom, Oppara), the Bankers and Archbankers of a city tend to form into a "Grand Conclave" to ensure their overall policies are coordinated and have symmetry with one another. Distinction between the Banks tend to lie along lines of specialty, appropriate to the districts or wards they reside in.

* Archbanker – Contrary to outside perception, an Archbanker does not directly preside over multiple Bankers in a region, though there are exceptions. Rather, the title is afforded to those Bankers that govern Banks in the largest cities and metropolitan areas, they themselves demonstrating a degree of power, wealth and divine ability unmatched by the majority of Bankers. Though they may not have direct authority to formally review a nearby Banker, their prestige and affluence can greatly affect a nearby Banker’s reputation and overall success – not the least of which through trade and commerce between the Banks themselves. Throughout history, Archbankers of Abadar have occasionally risen to take part in some momentous event, demonstrating the full might and majesty of Abadar to protect a civilized population. Such historical deeds of the Archbankers have only ever been rivaled by the Justicars, whom can obtain a high degree of divine power outside of the traditional Bank hierarchy.

Once every seven years, Archbankers throughout Avistan are invited to attend the “Golden Conclave” in either Oppara or Absalom (rotated between the two cities, as Westcrown no longer applies since Aroden's fall), whereupon a thorough review of the faith’s highest policies and ideals are debated and discussed, with full results made available to every chartered Bank known throughout the continent. At this time the status of Banks and civilization in Avistan are evaluated and tallied, to better chart the progress of civilization across the known lands.

DMBarcas KingMaker Campaign
Vorduvai's KingMaker Picture Library

Verik's Completed Crafted Items (from Kingmaker Campaign):

Crafting in Gozran 4708:
1) DONE Headband of Disguise - 1810gp base price / 910gp materials cost (paid by Zander w/ 50% loan by Verik). Crafting DC11 (w/ Tandlara). 2 Days Crafting Time.
Success would make this Zander's headband - the first item that Verik crafted with Tandlara.
Description: A well-fashioned headband of fine leather, tooled upon the exterior with a simple scrollwork pattern and stitched inside with thin slivers of quartz crystal connected by a wave of fine golden thread.

Crafting in Lamashan to Kuthona 4708:
1) DONE Headband of Alluring Charisma +2 - 4250gp base price / 2250gp materials cost (paid by Newhaven Treasury). Crafting DC13. 4 Days Crafting Time.
Success would make this Berrin's headband/circlet until such time that Jemini returns.
Description: A circlet made of silver with an inside covering of fine leather to protect the brow. The silver band is inlaid with gold in a threaded decorative pattern, interspersed with moonstones and small rubies that give the appearance of being woven into the pattern.

2) DONE Amulet of Natural Armor +1 - 2010gp base price / 1010gp materials cost (paid by Newhaven Treasury). Crafting DC15 (w/ Tandlara). 4 Days Crafting Time.
Success would make this Berrin's amulet - the first that Verik and Tandlara have crafted together.
Description: A leather thong with an engraved bears tooth, fastened with with a gold and silver setting.

Crafting in Abadius to Pharast 4709:
1) DONE Cloak of Resistance +1 - 1030gp base price / 530gp materials cost (paid by Newhaven Treasury). Crafting DC10. 1 Day Crafting Time.
Success would make this Verik's cloak - the first of several he is crafting for the Founders.
Description: Finely-woven cloak of Brevian wool that is white with embroidered golden trim, made in the southern style to be worn and clasped over the shoulder with no cowl. The cloak has embroidered symbols of Abadar and the Stag Insgina of Newhaven upon it.

2) DONE Cloak of Resistance +1 - 1030gp base price / 530gp materials cost (paid by Newhaven Treasury). Crafting DC10. 1 Day Crafting Time.
Success would make this Taisper's cloak
Description: Finely-woven cloak of Brevian wool that is white, embroidered with white thread in a stitched chain link pattern, made in the southern style to be worn and clasped over the shoulder with no cowl. The cloak has an embroidered golden key symbol of Abadar and the Stag Insignia of Newhaven upon only one side, so the wearer can decide to conceal them or show them based on preference.

3) DONE Cloak of Resistance +1 - 1030gp base price / 530gp materials cost (paid by Newhaven Treasury). Crafting DC10. 1 Day Crafting Time.
Success would make this Zander's cloak
Description: Finely woven cloak of Brevian wool that is dark brown, embroidered with a simple scrollwork pattern using varying shades of brown thread around the neckline and cowl only, made in the northern style with a full cowl and ¾ cape about knee-length, clasped at the front. The cloak has an embroidered Stag Insignia of Newhaven upon the inside edge so as to not attract attention.

4) DONE Cloak of Resistance +1 - 1030gp base price / 530gp materials cost (paid by Newhaven Treasury). Crafting DC10. 1 Day Crafting Time.
Success would make this Jemini's cloak upon her Return.
Description: Finely woven cloak of Brevian wool that is white, woven with white brocaded satin on the back panel and elaborately embroidered with blue, white and grey silken thread in a scrollwork pattern down each edge, trimmed with white rabbit fur upon the cowl and neck. Made in the northern style with a full cowl and nearly full cape about calf-length, clasped at the front. The cloak has an embroidered Stag Insignia of Newhaven on the brocaded satin on the upper back panel.

5) DONE Imbued Votive - 1250gp base price / 625gp materials cost (paid by Verik). Crafting DC6. 2 Days Crafting Time.
Success would make this Taisper's Imbued Votive, encouraged by the Inquisitors of Taisper's Sect for Verik to make (and given dweomercrafting notes on how to do so).
Description: A simple, short candles of beeswax, pale golden yellow in color, set in a well-crafted small steel metal bowl. When lit it gives off a strong masculine musky scent, and does not burn down no matter how long it is lit.

Crafting in Gozran to Desnus 4709:
DONE 1) Cure Light Wounds Wand (CL1) - 800gp base price / 425gp materials cost (paid by Verik). Crafting DC6. 1 Day Crafting Time.
Success would make this Verik's first wand that he would keep for himself.
Description: A wand of shaped and polished solid oak from the nearby Narlmarches, rich tan in color and just over a foot in length.

DONE 2) Cure Light Wounds Wand (CL1) - 800gp base price / 425gp materials cost (paid by Verik). Crafting DC6. 1 Day Crafting Time.
Success would make this Taisper's wand that he would give to his cousin, justifying it for hunting Abadar's enemies in the wilds.
Description: A wand of shaped and polished solid oak from the nearby Narlmarches, rich tan in color and just over a foot in length.

DONE 3) Headband of Alluring Charisma +2 - 4030gp base price / 2030gp materials cost (paid by Akiros). Crafting DC13. 4 Days Crafting Time.
Success would make this Akiros' headband/circlet.
Description: TBD

DONE 4) Belt of Giant Strength +2 - 4030gp base price / 2030gp materials cost (paid by Berrin). Crafting DC13. 4 Days Crafting Time.
Success would make this Berrin's belt
Description: A belt of thick, black leather with flat iron studs going around it. The buckle is a piece of solid iron depicting a charging bull.

DONE 5) Belt of Mighty Constitution +2 - 4030gp base price / 2030gp materials cost (paid by Verik). Crafting DC13. 4 Days Crafting Time.
Success would make this Verik's own belt, his first attempt at crafting a belt with a different but familiar aspect to him.
Description: A fine brown leather belt reinforced with brass clasps on the sides and back, with a brass buckle upon the front, etched with the dual-representation of the Call of the Enlightened Order. The brass clasps have brass rings that allow for Verik's golden chain key belt to be strung through it as desired.

Crafting in Sarenith to Kuthona 4709:
1 DONE) Protection from Evil Wand (CL1) - 750gp+50gp base price / 375gp+50gp materials cost (paid by Verik). Crafting DC6. 1 Day Crafting Time.
Success would make this Verik's wand that he would keep for himself.

2 DONE) Headband of Inspired Wisdom +2 - 4000gp+100gp base price / 2000gp+100gp materials cost (paid by Verik). Crafting DC13. 4 Days Crafting Time.
Success would make this Verik's headband/circlet.
Description: Seven bands of bronze interwoven with three Turquoise placed around a single Moonstone in a gold setting.

3 DONE) The General's Cloak of Newhaven (Resistance +1, Endure Elements) - 2000gp+30gp base price / 1000gp+30gp materials cost (paid by Berrin). Crafting DC10. 2 Days Crafting Time.
Success would make this Berrin's cloak.
Description: Finely crafted cloak of leather that has been dyed a dark crimson in color and accented with smaller red dragonscale, the inside lined with beaver fur and panels of wool for comfort. Made in the northern style with a leather overpanel covering the shoulders and a full leather cowl, it is a ¾ cape about knee-length, clasped at the front. The leather has the golden Stag Insignia of Newhaven tooled into the leather upon its back, prominently displayed.

4 DONE) Iomedean Belt of Giant Strength +2 - 4000gp+30gp base price / 2000gp+30gp materials cost (paid by Akiros). Crafting DC13. 4 Days Crafting Time.
Success would make this Akiros' belt - Verik would inscribe a LN or LG aspect as Akiros desired (including Iomedae).
Description: A heavy leather war-belt dyed a dark brown color, tooled along the top edge with w/ a decorative pattern and set with circular bronze studs at regular intervals. The buckle is also bronze and etched with an Iomedaean sword blade-down next to a severed red dragon's head.

5 DONE) Iomedean Cloak of Resistance +1 - 1000+30gp base price / 500+30gp materials cost (paid by WBL Differential?). Crafting DC10. 1 Day Crafting Time.
Success would make this Akiros' cloak
Description: Finely woven cloak of Brevian wool that is white in color, embroidered with dark blue, white and silver thread in an elaborate scroll pattern of knot-work and long-bladed swords as what Akiros wields, made in the northern style with a full cowl and ¾ cape about knee-length, clasped at the front. The cloak has an embroidered Stag Standard of Newhaven upon the back panel, with the Iomedaean sword symbol (blade downward) in the middle of the standard.

Crafting in Abadius to Pharast 4710:
1 DONE) Red-Scaled Pelt of the Rogarvian Scion (Resistance +1, Fire Resistance 10) - 19000+30gp base price / 7250+30gp materials cost (paid by WBL Differential?). Crafting DC10. 19 Days Crafting Time.
Success would make this Nikolai's 'pelt' (cloak).
Description: "...his red dragon pelt stylishly covers his right arm to the elbow, disappearing behind his back to form a diagonal point on his left side. The flattened dragon snout lays over his right shoulder, clamping down on a golden ring, anchored in the wing that folds under his left arm. The velvet and leather affair is striking - scales, shining leather, and gold trim."

Crafting in Lamashan to Kuthona 4710:
4710) Verik’s Warhammer +1 – 2000gp base price / 1000gp materials cost (paid by Verik). Crafting DC8. 2 Days Crafting Time.
Success would enchant the masterwork warhammer to a +1 tier enchantment bonus, his first attempt at weapon enchantment.

4710) Verik’s Headband of Mental Prowess +2 (ENHANCEMENT) - 6000gp (10000gp-4000gp) base price / 3000gp (5000gp-2000gp) materials cost (paid by Verik). Crafting DC17. 6 Days Crafting Time.
Success would enhance Verik's Headband of Inspired Wisdom with Charisma, both at a +2 bonus.
Description: Seven bands of gold-plated bronze interwoven with three turquoises placed around a Moonstone surrounded by seven yellow Garnets in an elaborate gold setting cluster.

Crafting in Year 4711:
4711) Verik’s Belt of Physical Might +2 (ENHANCEMENT) - 6000gp (10000gp-4000gp) base price / 3000gp (5000gp-2000gp) materials cost (paid by Verik). Crafting DC17. 6 Days Crafting Time.
Success would enhance Verik's own Belt of Mighty Constitution with Strength, both at a +2 bonus.
Description: A fine brown leather belt reinforced with brass clasps on the sides and back, with a mithril silver buckle upon the front, etched with the dual-representation of Inevitable and Archon, symbolizing the Call of the Enlightened Order. The brass clasps have brass rings that allow for Verik's golden chain key belt to be strung through it as desired.

4711) Absalom Full Plate Mail +2 (ENHANCEMENT) – 3000gp (4000gp-1000gp) base price / 1500gp (2000gp-500gp) materials cost (paid by Verik). Crafting DC11. 3 Days Crafting Time.
Success would increase the enchantment of the finely crafted full plate from Absalom to +2, his first attempt at armor enchantment.

4711) Verik’s Elvish Grayflame Longsword +1 – 8000gp base price / 4000gp materials cost (paid by Verik). Crafting DC11. 8 Days Crafting Time.
Success would enchant the elvish masterwork longsword to a +1 tier enchantment bonus and give it the Grayflame weapon power.
Description: The blade possessed a motif of engraved water instead of trees and flowers, its hilt and pommel inlaid with silver instead of gold, narrower and sleek with less elaborate decoration, with tatters of faded blue leather wrappings that further emphasized the water. A single blue spinel gem lay inset at the crux of hilt and blade, the base of the blade itself lightly engraved with the design of flowing water. Verik pursed his lips in casual appreciation of the design, but then stopped short as he turned the blade over, for the light engraving on the other side was that of a slender elven woman with flowing hair, hinting at the garb of a huntress with etched eyes that could only be described as sorrowful...

4711) Pearl of Power (1st) - 1000gp base price / 500gp + Pearl Value materials cost (paid by Verik). Crafting DC22. 1 Day Crafting Time.
Success would enchant the pearl to recall a 1st Level Spell once per day.
Description: A fine white pearl from Absalom...

4711) Berrin's Boast Greatsword +1 with Thundering (ENHANCEMENT)- 6000gp (8000gp-2000gp) base price / 3000gp (4000gp-1000gp) materials cost (paid by Berrin).
Crafting DC11. 6 Days Crafting Time.
Description: (the former Stag Lord greatsword...)

4711) Berrin’s Longsword +1 – 2000gp base price / 1000gp materials cost. Crafting DC8. 2 Days Crafting Time.
Success would enchant the masterwork longsword to a +1 tier enchantment bonus.

4711) Full Plate +2 – 4000gp (+1650gp mw armor value) base price / 2000gp materials cost. Crafting DC11. 4 Days Crafting Time.
Success would increase the enchantment of the finely crafted full plate to +2.
Description: Berrin's plate

4711) Berrin’s Composite Longbow +1 (18 STR) – 2000gp base price / 1000gp materials cost. Crafting DC8. 2 Days Crafting Time.
Success would enchant the masterwork composite longbow to a +1 tier enchantment bonus.

4711) 6 +1 Flaming Arrows – 960gp base price (8000gp/50 x6) base price / 480gp (4000gp/50 x6) materials cost. Crafting DC20*. 1 Day Crafting Time.
Success would enchant ten arrows to a +1 enchantment w/ flaming bonus.
* crafting w/ Elsir and Fireball, +5 to DC

4711) Aldori Dueling Keen Blade +1 (ENHANCEMENT) - 6000gp (8000gp-2000gp) base price / 3000gp (4000gp-1000gp) materials cost (paid by Borodin).
Crafting DC20*. 6 Days Crafting Time.
* crafting w/ Elsir and Keen Edge, +5 to DC

4711) Cloak of Resistance +1 - 1000gp+30 base price / 500gp+30gp materials cost.
Crafting DC10. 1 Day Crafting Time.
Success would make this Borodin's cloak
Description: Finely woven cloak of Brevian wool that is dark brown, embroidered with a simple scrollwork pattern using varying shades of brown thread around the neckline and cowl only, made in the northern style with a full cowl and ¾ cape about knee-length, clasped at the front. The cloak has an embroidered Stag Insignia of Newhaven upon the inside edge so as to not attract attention.

The OLD Bank of Abadar in Sanctuary (4708-4710):

Originally Built: Erastus 4708 (informal, multipurpose building)
Chartered: Arodus 4708 (self-chartered by Banker Jarrow, partial services begun)
1st Revision: Lamashan 4708 (interior completed, full bank services begun)
2nd Revision: Rova 4709 (expansion completed)
Closure: Rova 4710 (new Bank completed)

Overview: Originally a large but fairly simple wooden ‘L’ shaped one-story lodge, meant to serve as a joint schoolhouse for Jhod Kavken and Verik Jarrow to educate children and hold congregations for their respective faiths. After Jhod decided (Verik would say ‘was snubbed by him’) to hold his educational and religious services at a farmstead just outside of town, Verik took over the full usage of it. A serious rift between Verik and Vinodragov the following month pushed Verik to declare his own “charter” for the Bank of Sanctuary and Newhaven, moving into it completely. Its interior was divided and made suitable for a Bank’s needs before the winter, just in time before his first Initiates and Clerks came to him. About a year later the Bank was expanded to add additional living quarters and expand the meeting chambers, closing the ‘L’ shape into a full rectangle.

Outside Entrance: The front of the Bank retains much of its original rural lodge style, with a wide sheltered porch across the entire front, though it lacks chairs or other conveniences to loiter. Large wooden double-doors are its only entrance, open during daylight business hours, but closed at night (Avg Lock, also barred from inside at night). Several Continual Flame shuttered lanterns are bolted to the underside of the roof all around the Bank, and additional guards have been given extra pay to patrol the Bank’s perimeter in the night hours. A single shuttered window is to the left of the entrance (looking in on the Meeting Chambers). To the right of the entrance there is no window, but instead are shuttered posting boards for proclamations. Typical posted items include:
- schedules for vigil hours, formal congregation services and arbitration reviews
- services available by the Bank (most by appointment only)
- rewards for uncaught lawbreakers
- recent proclamations and laws enacted by the Founder’s Council
- proclamation by Banker Jarrow stating that lawbreakers may voluntarily submit themselves for arrest at the Bank if they fear for their safety and will be escorted to jail, but those that flee arrest are considered “cast outside of the Law” and no longer subject to the Privileges and Protections of the Accused, fully at their own risk
- proclamation by Banker Jarrow stating that uniformed kobolds not engaged in an active crimes are afforded full protections under the Law, with violators of those protections subject to criminal penalty
- proclamation by Banker Jarrow stating that all religious faiths desiring to practice in Newhaven must obtain licensed approval from the Founder's Council, subject to severe penalty if discovered otherwise. It also states any cleric or priest of a faith staying in Sanctuary longer than three nights must declare themselves openly to the High Cleric, with noted exception to those of Erastil (who must declare themselves to Magister Kavken instead).

Hallway and Adjoining Chambers: The double-door entrance opens to a wide hallway 15’ long. To the right are two doors, the nearest opening into to a Cloakroom, the farther opening to a Guardroom (formerly Bertram Dakkone’s room before his relocation to the Keyhouse). To the left is a single door which opens into the Meeting Chambers, where business is conducted with visitors on a daily basis. Update: The Meeting Chambers were given two extra rooms with the expansion – a Counting Room and a Private Meeting Room, both of which with lockable doors (Avg Locks).

Public Worship Hall: The wide hallway opens into the Public Worship Hall, set with four rows of pews on each side of a center aisle. The Banker’s Desk rests at the opposite end of the Hall, facing the rows of pews. To the left of the Banker’s Desk is a 5’ statue of the Lawgiver on a raised white stone pedestal, and a nearby bookcase of worship books for patrons on the left wall, as well as a tower shield with a decorative white shroud. The tower shield has a Symbol of Healing (3rd Lvl, CL5) inscribed, activated if the shroud is removed and the passphrase ‘Light of the Lawgiver’ is uttered – as a shield it can be removed outside to aid the public in a crisis. To the right of the Banker’s Desk are two attending Clerk’s chairs (also facing out towards the pews), and a one-step raised dais with a font for blessing holy water. A single door stands behind the Banker’s Desk, with decorative white and gold tapestries to either side. Update: A door was added on the left-hand wall of the Hall, opening to a hallway where the Meeting Chamber expansion and two Junior Clerk Living Quarters (the Twins, Dannil) were added.

Junior Clerk Quarters: A new narrow hallway leads from the Public Worship Hall to a distance of 30’, allowing access to two doors on its left-hand side and newly constructed living quarters with the expansion. Each room has a lock (Avg. Lock), and is suited to the particular tastes of their occupants, the farthest having two beds (the Twins) and the nearest having one (Dannil).

Private Study: The Private Study door behind the Banker’s Desk in the Public Worship Hall has no special protections other than a lockable door (Avg Lock). The Private Study is small (12’x15’) with no windows, Verik’s personal writing desk in the center of the study, facing towards the door. Two Clerk’s desks are pushed up on opposite walls nearest the door in front of Verik’s desk. A bookcase and two cabinets occupy the far wall, as well as a finer tapestry of Absalom at dawn (a gift from one of his brothers). Doors are located on the left and right walls of the Private Study.

Private Worship Altar: The right-hand door from the Private Study is locked (Good Lock) and Glyphed versus non-followers of Abadar with Blindness (Fort DC18). Inside is a 10’x10’ worship room with no windows, with a stone statue of Abadar and altar on the far wall. On each side of the altar in glass cases are the Bank’s formal tomes of The Order of Numbers and The Manual of City Building, kept here except during formal worship services.

Private Library: The left-hand door from the Private Study is Glyphed versus Chaotic-aligned beings with Blindness (Fort DC18). A 12’x20’ room beyond constitutes the Bank’s Private Library, with floor-to-ceiling wooden bookcases lining two walls, and open shelves for writing materials. Three sturdy study tables with chairs are in the middle of the room. The room lacks windows. The two other walls have two doors each (four total), each of which leads to a Living Quarters for three Clerks (Eben, Thomas, Anya) and Banker Jarrow.

Clerk Quarters: Each door from the Private Library to a Clerk Quarters is locked (Avg. Lock). Each is a single room with no windows, with a small bed and furnishings suited to the individual tastes of their occupants.
Update: Eben’s room was originally shared by Initiates Ethen and Petyr, but with the acquisition of the Keyhouse and additional arrivals, both were relocated to the Keyhouse with the other newer Initiates.

Banker Quarters: The door to Verik’s Private Chambers from the Private Library is Glyphed versus non-followers of Abadar with a Bestow Curse (-4 atk/saves/checks, Will DC18). It opens into an anteroom with a pair of comfortable chairs and some small paintings upon the walls, with an open archway to the left leading to his bedchamber. A modest but well-crafted four-post bed, armoire, dressing table, sitting chair and bookcase can be found here, as well as one corner for a weapons rack and armor display.

Underneath the bed and woven floor rug is a concealed hatch in the floor, allowing for a 3’x4’x4’ recess, large enough for a metal chest to be hidden there. Verik’s recessed chest underneath his bed is Glyphed versus non-followers of Abadar AND requires a password (“Knesh”) and releases a Spiritual Weapon (5 Rds, +9 force wpn 1d8+1).

Note on the Keyhouse: In Sarenith 4709 as the Brevian nobles left Sanctuary after Dragonshead, and the damage was being repaired to the town, the expansive set of noble villas called the ‘Brevian Manse’ were left unoccupied except by a very few houses (Lebeda, Orlovsky) that maintained residences there. For the rest of it, portions of it were purchased by well-to-do townsfolk and moved into, leaving other residences unoccupied. One such residence was a two-story house with some minor fire damage, which Verik purchased in Arodus 4709 to accommodate his overcrowded Bank. He relocated the Initiates and other devoted Abadarians to it, turning it into a boarding school of sorts for his brethren even as the expansion to the Bank was being constructed. It was nicknamed the ‘Keyhouse’ for the Abadarian presence, and constitutes the main locale for the Initiates when not working on duties at the Bank. As it has a full kitchen and washrooms while the main Bank does not, the ground floor of the Keyhouse is often a busy mix of Initiates, Clerks and Guards coming and going. The second floor of the Keyhouse is reserved exclusively for the Initiates Quarters and their ever-mindful Governess.