DM Barcas - Kingmaker: Eye of the Cyclops

Game Master Isaac Duplechain

Newhaven stands as a nation in its own right, upsetting the balance of power in Brevoy and the River Kingdoms, placing it in peril of covetous neighbors. An ancient evil rises to threaten everything that the Founders have built, casting a single malicious eye upon their kingdom.



NG Size 82 Kingdom
Control DC 108
Economy 113; Loyalty 102; Stability 119
Treasury 65; Consumption 0.5 (1.5 Granary Surplus); Income Modifier +27; Unrest 0; Unrest/Turn 0
Fame 6; Infamy 0
Promotion Token; Taxation Light; Holidays 6/year Promotion cost halved due to Cathedral
Population 53750
Improvements Roads x41, Rivers x30*, Irrigated Farms x10, Farms x39 (3 w/ Stockyard bonus), Fishery x0, Quality Mines x1, Mines x4 (1 w/ Foundry bonus), Quarries x5, Sawmills x16, Lair x1, Forts x2, Watchtower x1
(* each river counted by only one hex, but adding lake adjacent hexes as well)

Ruler Jemini Lebeda, Human Female Paladin 7/Oracle 1(25)
Councilor Svetlana Leveton, Human Female (34)
General Berrin Myrdal, Human Male Cavalier 4/Bard 1/Battle Herald 3 (28)
Grand Diplomat Kesten Garess, Human Male (35)
High Priest Verik Jarrow, Human Male Cleric of Abadar 7/Fighter 1(27)
Magister Elsir Tel'ran, Elven Male Wizard 8(139)
Marshal Akiros Ismort, Human Male Samurai 4/Oracle 4 (33)
Royal Enforcer Nikolai Rogarvia, Human Male Barbarian 5/Ranger 3 (31)
Spymaster Borodin Loginov, Human Male Magus 5/Rogue 3 (28)
Treasurer Oleg Leveton, Human Male (44)
Warden Zander Whitestag, Human Male Fighter 6/Ranger 2 (25)

Sanctuary (05/4708)
NG Large City; Districts 3
Economy +32; Loyalty +33; Stability +35; Defense +18
Corruption +4; Crime +5; Law +10; Lore +11; Productivity +13; Society +10
Qualities Prosperous, Stagfort Ruins (+1 to Economy/Loyalty/Stability)
Demographics 90% human, 2% gnome, 3% dwarf, 5% other
Population 17500
Base Value 5000 gp; Purchase Limit 50000 gp; Spellcasting 5th
Minor Items: 2 potions/scrolls/wondrous items, 3 potions/wondrous items, 3 scrolls/wondrous items, 1 armor/shield/weapon; 5 minor items; Medium Items: 1 armor/shield/weapon, 2 scrolls/wondrous items, 2 potions/wondrous items, 2 medium items; Major Items —
Buildings (main district) Castle, Garrison, Library, Mill, 3x Houses, Noble Villa “Brevian Manses”, Pier, Shop, Shrine (Lawful), Tannery, Temple (Lawful Neutral), Town Hall, Trade Shop, Orphanage, Graveyard, Foundry, Jail, Watchtower, 3x City Walls (east, north, south), Cistern (Castle), Brewery “Havener”, Inn, Sewer System, Theater, Park, Academy “Harborage House”, Magical Streetlamps (Park), Paved Streets, Caster’s Tower
Buildings (eastern district) Tenements “Scales”, Dump, 3x Houses, Monastery, Granary, Barracks “Kor Mannix Society”, Military Academy “Aldori war academy”, Mansion “Galtan Manors”, Stockyards, Dance Hall, Shrine (Good) “Heroes Hall”, Tavern, Stables, Smithy, Inn, 3x City Walls (north, south, east)
Buildings (southern district) Foreign Quarter, Hospital, Cathedral “All Faiths Cathedral”, Pier

Olegsgrav (05/4709)
NG Small City; Districts 1
Economy +12; Loyalty +14; Stability +12; Defense +2
Corruption +1; Crime +0; Law +3; Lore +2; Productivity +3; Society +3
Qualities Prosperous, Free Stables
Demographics 95% human, 5% other
Population 6250
Base Value 4000 gp; Purchase Limit 25000 gp; Spellcasting 4th
Minor Items: 2 wondrous items, 1 potion/scroll/wondrous item, 1 potion/wondrous item; Medium Items —; Major Items —
Buildings Brewery “Bokkens”, 7x Houses, Inn, Market, Mint, Stable, Trade Shop, Garrison, Herbalist, Theater, Shrine (Abadar), Jail, Park, Monument, Shop, Barracks

White Hart (10/4710)
LG Large Town; Districts 1
Economy +6; Loyalty +15; Stability +7; Defense +0
Corruption +3, Crime +0, Law +2, Lore +1, Productivity +1, Society +2
Qualities ½ price Temple
Demographics 90% human, 5% gnome, 5% other
Population 4750
Base Value 1500 gp, Purchase Limit 5000 gp; Spellcasting 4th
Minor Items 2; Medium Items —; Major Items —
Buildings Temple (Lawful Good), 5x Houses, Park, Monument, Garrison, Granary, Dance Hall, Inn, Stable, Trade Shop, Graveyard, Jail, Brewery “Hart Cider”

Dragonswatch (02/4711)
N Large Town; Districts 1
Economy +4; Loyalty +14; Stability +11; Defense +6
Corruption +1, Crime +0, Law +2, Lore +5, Productivity +1, Society +2
Qualities None
Demographics 95% human, 5% other
Population 4750
Base Value 1000 gp, Purchase Limit 5000 gp; Spellcasting 4th
Minor Items --; Medium Items —; Major Items —
Buildings Granary, Watchtower, 4x Houses, Stable, 2x Garrisons, Graveyard, Smithy, Dance Hall, Jail, Park, Monument, Brewery, 4x City Walls

Varnhold Alliance +2 (Balanced), Embassy, Treaty +3 (Balanced)
First Army of Newhaven XP 2400
NG Huge army of Humans (500 Warrior 4, Sanctuary's Garrison)
hp 33/33; ACR 6; Morale +2 (+5 to change tactics during battle.)
DV 16; OM +6, ranged
Resources Ranged Weapons
Tactics Standard, Cautious Combat , ??? (victor’s tactic - to be chosen by Berrin)
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 7 BP
Commander Berrin Myrdal
Charisma Modifier 1
Leadership 7
Profession (soldier) ranks 3
Commander Boons Bonus Tactic: Cautious Combat, Flexible Tactics

First Mounted of Newhaven XP 600
LG Medium army of Humans (100 Cavalier 3, Sanctuary's Castle)
hp 11/11; ACR 2; Morale +3
DV 15; OM +5
Resources Mounts
Tactics Standard, Charge (1/battle, +6 OM one attack), Cavalry Experts (+2 OM vs. non-mounted)
Special Challenge (1/battle; +2 OM/+1 DV vs. army, -1 DV to others), Mounts, Order, Tactician (Cavalry Experts)
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 2 BP
Commander Kesten Garess
Charisma Modifier 2
Leadership 5
Profession (soldier) ranks 4
Commander Boons Bonus Tactic: Charge (Dirty Fighters)

Olegsgrav Home Militia XP 400
NG Large army of Humans (200 Warrior 1, Olegsgrav's Garrison)
hp 5/5; ACR 1; Morale +0
DV 11; OM +1
Resources None
Tactics Standard
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 1 BP
Commander Oleg Leveton
Charisma Modifier 0
Leadership 5
Profession (soldier) ranks 0
Commander Boons Loyalty

White Hart Archer Militia XP 400
NG Large army of Humans (200 Warrior 1, White Hart’s Garrison)
hp 5/5; ACR 1; Morale +0
DV 11; OM +1, ranged
Resources Ranged Weapons
Tactics Standard
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 3 BP
Commander Jhod Kavken
Charisma Modifier 2
Leadership 6
Profession (soldier) ranks 0
Commander Boons Live Off the Land

Tallhart Border Company XP 400
NG Medium army of Humans (100 Warrior 3, Tallhart Fort hex 03.04)
hp 5/5; ACR 1; Morale +0
DV 11; OM +1
Tactics Standard
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 1 BP
Charisma Modifier
Profession (soldier) ranks
Commander Boons Hold the Line

Second Army of Newhaven XP 1600
NG Huge army of Humans (500 Warrior 3, Dragonwatch’s Garrison #1)
hp 27/27; ACR 5; Morale +0
DV 15; OM +5
Resources None
Tactics Standard, ??? (from military academy)
Speed 1 Hex; Consumption 2 BP
Commander Commander Jellicoe
Charisma Modifier 0
Leadership 5
Profession (soldier) ranks 1
Commander Boons None

Second Mounted of Newhaven XP 600
NG Medium army of Humans (100 Fighter 3, Dragonwatch’s Garrison #2)
hp 11/11; ACR 2; Morale +0
DV 14; OM +4
Resources Mounts
Tactics Standard, ??? (from military academy)
Special Bravery (+1 morale vs. fear, rout), Armor Training (full speed in medium armor)
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 2 BP
Charisma Modifier 0
Leadership 5
Profession (soldier) ranks 1
Commander Boons None

Sanctuary Home Guard XP 600
LG Medium army of Humans (100 Warrior 4, Sanctuary’s Barracks)
hp 11/11; ACR 2; Morale +1
DV 14; OM +2
Tactics Standard
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 1 BP
Commander Akiros Ismort
Charisma Modifier 2
Leadership 7
Profession (soldier) ranks 1
Commander Boons Defensive Tactics


Kesten Garess, Human Male Cavalier 4: Disgraced noble who accepted a commission to protect Oleg's Trading Post. Assisted in the battle against the Stag Lord. Currently serves as Newhaven's diplomat because of his knowledge of noble affairs.
Tandlara Errisen, Elf Female Witch 4: Witch and former Spymaster of Newhaven. Bargained with dark powers to help defeat the Stag Lord, then to help uncover the doppelganger Malgorzata. Currently comatose but exploring the Dimension of Dreams.
Taisper Stosz, Human Male Inquisitor 6/Monk 1: Verik's cousin, sworn to the service of Abadar. Zealot with hallucinations. Becomes the Cog in Borodin's future.
Akiros Ismort, Human Male Samurai 4/Oracle 3: Former lieutenant to the Stag Lord. Joined Newhaven upon the death of the Stag Lord and became its first general. Now acting as the Marshal of the Sanctuary Home Guard in defense of the capital. Married Elspeth, a now-disowned daughter of House Surtova, and now has several children.
Elspeth Surtova Ismort, Human Female Aristocrat 5: Corwin's half-sister and Alexey's sister. Once married to the heir of House Garess, but now officially widowed. Eloped with Akiros in 4710.
Reggie, Blood Cougar Male: Animal tamed and kept as a pet by Berrin.
Gregary, Human Male Ranger 3: Enthusiastic former sellsword, voluntarily sworn to the Wardens; captured by harpies on Candlemere Island and rescued. Retired from the Rangers to work for the Sanctuary Home Guard.
Demitir, Human Male Ranger 2: Former member of the Red Stag's gang; studious and shy; currently sworn to the Wardens for a ten year sentence in 4708. Survived imprisonment by a hag in 4710, escaping to warn others.
Jabber, Kobold Male Skald 3: Prisoner turned guide. Very helpful. Weak grasp of Common. Now serves as chieftain of the kobolds living in Sanctuary.
Narthropple, Gnome Male Expert 4: Leader of a trading expedition. Saved from a lizardfolk attack by the Founders.
Giergios Dumanov, Human Male Fighter 3: Captain of Sanctuary's guard. Promoted to the position after sticking to his duty by challenging Akiros during the Malgorzata incident.
Lieutenant Grayson, Human Female Warrior 3: High-ranking subordinate of the Sanctuary City Guard.
Lieutenant Bennick, Human Male Warrior 3: High-ranking subordinate of the Sanctuary City Guard.
Captain Steffan, Human Male Fighter 4: Captain of the First Army of Newhaven.
Anya Amitel, Human Female Cleric of Abadar 3: Senior Clerk of Abadar. Was not-so-secretly in love with Verik, who did not return her feelings. Currently romantically tied to Willas Gunderson.
"Old" Eben, Human Male Cleric of Abadar 3/Expert 2: Clerk of Abadar, having joined the Church at a late age.
Danniel LeVane, Human Male Cleric of Abadar 3: Junior Clerk of Abadar. Failed revolutionary from Galt, having joined the Church after being driven out of Galt.
Ethen Hoefurrow, Human Male Cleric of Abadar 1: Initiate of Abadar.
Klaigen Gladcoin, Human Male Bard 3: Tavern owner and former soldier who lost a hand in defense of the capital. Friend and herald of Nikolai.
Willas Gunderson, Half-elf Male Swashbuckler 3/Bard 2: Pathfinder sent to examine Candlemere Tower and friend of Elsir Tel'ran. Romantically involved with Anya Amitel.
Ilyana Stosz, Human Female Commoner 2: Former widow of Nicholas Flaxton and mother of Nicholas Jr. Fell in love and married Taisper Stosz in 4709.
Nicholas Flaxton, Jr., Human Male: Stepson of Taisper Stosz.
Aleza Bellavieu, Human Female Expert 5: Exile from Galt who was captured and tortured by Hargulka's troll empire before being rescued at Ghorraneaux's fortress. Quickly became the wealthiest entrepreneur in Newhaven.
Kargath Thunderstrike, Dwarf Male Barbarian 5: Pathfinder agent and longtime friend of Elsir.
Sune Okinos, Human Female Sorcerer 3: An exile from Tian Xia and Elsir's apprentice.
Doctor Atago, Tengu Male Alchemist 3: Traveling alchemist. Died saving Jemini from bleeding to death during the Dragonshead. Was resurrected and now runs the charitable hospital of Sanctuary.
Glavin Taborr, Human Male Warpriest of Iomedae 5: Second Sword of Iomedae.
Lena of the Fates, Human Female Cleric of Pharasma 4: High Sexton of Pharasma.
Brother Keveran, Dwarf Male Monk 6: Ascended Brother of Irori.
Shandara, Elf Female Cleric of Shelyn 5: High Priestess of Shelyn.

Oleg Leveton, Human Male Expert 5: The owner of Oleg's Trading Post, the point from which the expedition to tame the Stolen Lands was launched. Terse, but friendly. Lost an arm in the Battle of Stagfall. Currently serves as treasurer of the realm and mayor of Olegsgrav.
Svetlana Leveton, Human Female Commoner 4: Oleg's wife. Very friendly and maternal towards the members of the expedition. Currently serves as councilor, informing the others of the concerns of the population.
Jemini Leveton, Human Female: Oleg and Svetlana's daughter, born in the winter of 4708. Named after Jemini Lebeda.
Bokken, Dwarf Male ??: Eccentric ale-brewer who lives in the mountains to the south of Oleg's. Fond of telling impressive tales about himself, which may or may not be true. Now owns a wildly popular tavern in Olegsgrav.
Thomas Quiss, Human Male Cleric of Abadar 4: Senior Clerk of Abadar. Son of lesser nobility being groomed by Verik for leadership. Now in charge of the Bank at Olegsgrav.

Jonn Jellicoe, Half-elf Male Fighter 4: Commander of the forces garrisoned at Dragonswatch.
Lucain Demoro, Tiefling Male Magus 5: Demon-blooded magus and leader of a small mercenary group of adventurers.
Samanda Pernison, Human Female Oracle 5: Deaf and possibly mute oracle, works as a mercenary with Gordenn and Lucain.
Evelyn Dinarda, Aasimar Female Cleric of Calistria 5: Manipulative and sultry leader of the local Calistrians.

Jhod Kavken, Human Male: Cleric of Erastil 4, formerly of Mivon. Endorses a simpler style of life, but assists the development of Newhaven. Resigned from the position of magister to act as mayor of White Hart. Frequently clashes with Verik.

Aylene Myrdal, Human Female Fighter 6: Flame-haired, wild daughter of Maegar Varn. Married to Berrin in 4710. Became the ruler of Varnhold after the Vanishing and consented to annexation by Newhaven.
Maegar Myrdal, Human Male: Son of Aylene and Berrin. In the future, was/is/will be Borodin's best friend.
Arkady Zeitsev, Human Male Trickster 7/Brawler 1: Caravan master whose wife died in the Vanishing. Originally from Pitax.
Kabula, Human Male: Captain of the guard of Arkady's caravan.
Gytha, Human Female: Shield-bearer to Arkady's late wife.
Zus Zeitsev, Human Male: Arkady's son.

Red Eyes, Warg Male Druid 3: Druidic adviser to Nikolai regarding the worg and wolf pack he has laid claim to. Well-spoken, wise, and not evil.
Korak Kaag, Centaur Male Barbarian 4: Leader of Rashkala tribe.
Erdija, Centaur Female Ranger 2: Scout of Rashkala tribe.
Evie Damynov, Human Female Hunter 8: Liaison between Varnhold and the Nomen centaurs.

Noleski Surtova, Human Male: Regent of Brevoy in the absence of an heir to House Rogarvia.
Natala Surtova, Human Male: Noleski's ambitious and ruthless sister.
Thamas Surtova, Human Male: Noleski's brother, who married young and produced heirs.
Alexey Surtova, Human Male: Corwin's half-brother. Once murdered in a fit of rage by Berrin, but returned to life. Seeks revenge.
Oleksandro Lebeda, Human Male: Jemini's father and the Lord of Silverhall. Leader of the Rostlandic bloc of nobility.
Sarrona Lebeda, Human Female: Jemini's mother.
Ellana Lebeda, Human Female: Jemini's sister. Secretly in love with King Noleski Surtova.
Lander Lebeda, Human Male: Jemini's younger brother.
Poul Orlovsky, Human Male: Widowed Lord of New Orlovs. Has no siblings and only one heir. Extremely ambitious and ruthless.
Zander Orlovsky, Human Male: Heir to House Orlovsky. Unknowingly an imposter, as the true Zander Orlovsky is Zander Whitestag. Smitten with Jemini.
Phelix, Human Male: Killer of men masquerading as a servant to Zander Orlovsky.
Kozek Lodovka, Human Male: Lord of Port Ice and holder of the Lake of Mists.
Nadia Lodovka, Human Female: Daughter of Lord Lodovka. Rival to Ellana Lebeda for the King.
Sergei Lodovka, Human Male: Son of Lord Lodovka, trying to gain Natala Surtova's hand in a political alliance.
Gurev Medyved, Human Male: Aged and proud leader of House Medyved.
Ivahn Medvyed, Human Male: Heir to House Medvyed and Gurev's only son. Skilled warrior, but little skill or interest in politics.
Howlan Garess, Human Male: Paranoid ruler increasingly relying on House Surtova. Lost his only trueborn son years ago.
Toval Golka-Garess, Dwarf Male: Adopted dwarven son of Howlan Garess.
Archbanker Vinodragov, Human Male: Abadar's main representative in Brevoy. Has visited Newhaven several times to keep an eye out for its development. Previously quite hostile towards Verik, his counterpart in Newhaven, but less so since Dragonshead.
Ioseph Sellimus, Human Male: Lord Mayor of the Free City of Restov. According to Kressle, arranged for the bandits to kill the expedition so he could send in an army to occupy the Stolen Lands.
Grigori, Human Male: Antagonistic bard fomenting ill feelings towards the leadership of Newhaven. Assisted in the accusation of Nikolai in 4709.
Pavel Perlitch, Human Male: A merchant who arrived in Varnhold with aims of annexing it for Lord Mayor Sellimus after the Vanishing.
Vali Kharkarov, Human Male: An Aldori sellsword accompanying Meister Perlitch. Switched his allegiance to Newhaven.

Kressle, Human Female Slayer 3: Captured bandit. Primary witness against Ioseph Sellimus. Currently held prisoner at Lord Lebeda's castle at Silverhall.
Esmerelda Ludovan, Human Female Rogue 4: Sultry former lover to Steward Berrin Myrdal. Attempted to assassinate Nikolai, reportedly at Alexey Surtova's behest. Escaped during the chaos of Dragonshead and at large.
Castrucci Irovetti, Human Male: King of Pitax, a kingdom to the west. Has sent spies and diplomats to slow the growth of Newhaven. Reportedly a brilliant inventor and meglomaniac.
Istivil Bosk, Human Male: Venture-Captain of the Daggermark Pathfinder Lodge.
Raston Selline, Human Male: Consul of Mivon, a position won by dueling skill.
Gaspar Tellick, Human Male: Second-in-command of Selline. Reportedly the superior duelist, but has not challenged his mentor.

Orlivanch, Human Male: Trapper who attacked them for trespassing. Executed by Taisper for his crimes without a trial.
Nicholas Flaxton, Human Male: Pressed into banditry to save his wife. Captured and turned against the Stag Lord. Died in battle.
Captain Walthon, Human Male: Knight in the service of Lord Lebeda. Along with Kesten, led the forces at the Battle of Stagfall. Killed saving Kesten's life.
Happs Bydon, Human Male: Kressle's co-conspirator. Killed attacking Oleg's Trading Post on the first night of the expedition.
Ghamont Jannsen, Human Male: Self-styled Red Stag, a bandit under the Stag Lord who did not repent and led a crime wave in Sanctuary in the winter of 4708. Hung for his crimes. Later arose as an undead mohrg and was killed again in 4712 in Dragonswatch.
Corwin, Human Male: A bastard son of a Surtova nobleman. Nearly killed by the Stag Lord. Served as Sanctuary's Captain of the Guard until his death fighting Malgorzata.
Malgorzata, Doppelganger: Cultist of Gyronna. Shapeshifter. Intent on destroying Newhaven through paranoia and murder. Killed by Akiros after pretending to be his dead lover.
Sara, Human Female: Akiros's lover, killed accidentally by him while dueling her husband after the discovery of their affair. Pregnant with Akiros's child when killed.
Alexius Morai-Thrune, Human Male: Mysterious stranger from Cheliax and Hellknight signifer. Assisted Taisper on his Hunts. Killed by Taisper and Verik after failing to get Taisper to turn on Verik.
Viktor Rogarvia, Human Male: Leader of the draconic army during Dragonshead. Killed by unnamed master, believed to be Choral, by magic. Known only to Nikolai to be Viktor Rogarvia, a cousin of his house.
Travess, Human Male: Former member of the Red Stag's gang; moody and quiet. Sworn to the Wardens for a ten-year sentence in 4708. Tortured and killed by Ghorraneaux in 4710.
Yanna, Human Male: Former member of the Red Stag's gang; angry and defiant; Sworn to the Wardens for a twenty-five year sentence in 4708. Tortured and killed by Ghorraneaux in 4710.
Ghorraneaux, Hag Female: Fearsome witch and adherent of Gyronna. Killed in her elven fortress in 4710.
Tahngruun, Minotaur Male: Hargulka's enforcer. Slain by Nikolai in single combat in 4710.
Nagraundi, Two-headed Troll Male: Hargulka's primary advisor. Slain at the Battle of Hydra Bridge in 4710.
Hargulka, Troll Male: The "king" of the nascent monstrous kingdom to the south. Slain at the Battle of Hydra Bridge in 4710.
Casil Whitestag, Human Male: Junior Clerk of Abadar. Twin of Sulda. Orphan from Pitax. Clever but quiet. Slain at the Battle of Hydra Bridge in 4710.
Sulda Whitestag, Human Male: Junior Clerk of Abadar. Twin of Casil. Orphan from Pitax. Strong and charismatic. Slain at the Battle of Hydra Bridge in 4710.
Gordenn Knacke, Half-orc Male Brawler 5: Mercenary brawler from Tymon, based out of Dragonswatch. Slain by the reanimated Red Stag under Dragonswatch in 4712.
Lady Fraeja, Valkyrie Female: Corrupted valkyrie in the service of Vordekai. Slain in the ruins of Varnhold in 4712.
Maegar Varn, Human Male Fighter 7: Ruler of nearby Varnhold. Garrulous and bombastic. Beloved by the people of both nations. Bannerman to House Orlovsky. Berrin's father-in-law. Taken by Lady Fraeja during the Vanishing, presumed dead.
Solvi Zeitsev, Human Female Barbarian 7: Wife of Arkady Zeitsev. Killed during the Vanishing, later refusing an offer of resurrection.

Kingmaker: New Beginnings
Pharast (03) 4708 Jemini Lebeda, Taisper Stosz, Verik Jarrow, Zander (secretly Orlovsky), Tandlara Esirrien, and Berrin Myrdal arrive at Oleg Leveton's trading post under a charter from Mayor Ioseph Sellimus of Restov. They meet Oleg and his wife, Svetlana. The trading post is attacked overnight by bandits, who the expedition members fight off. They find the bandit camp and capture the leader of the bandits, a woman named Kressle. She reveals that she was hired by Mayor Sellimus to kill them and destroy the trading post. She also reveals that the area is controlled by a self-styled bandit king who calls himself the Stag Lord. The group of adventurers begins exploration of the Stolen Lands south of Brevoy's border. They meet Jhod Kavken, a cleric of Erastil, and Kesten Garess, a disgraced nobleman; they stay to protect Oleg's.
Gozran (04) 4708 The expedition discovers that an ancient winter fey queen has designs on the area after seeing her and her entourage pass through a portal to the First World. They continue to explore, returning to Oleg's to celebrate the Abadarian festival of Taxfest. The Stag Lord arrives personally and demands that they swear fealty to him. They give their answer to the bandit king's lieutenant, Akiros Ismort, and meet him in the field of battle with a militia. The Stag Lord is slain in battle, as is Jemini. Both Jemini and the Stag Lord - revealed to be the last scion of House Rogarvia, Nikolai - pass together into the afterlife, where she tries to redeem him and ties their fates together. In the aftermath of the battle, the adventurers organize the inhabitants of the area into the nation of Newhaven and claim the Stag Lord's fortress as the town of Sanctuary.

Kingmaker: Interregnum
Erastus (07) 4708 Berrin is named the acting regent until Jemini's resurrection, which is financed by her family. Still attempting to bring Nikolai to life, she declines to be resurrected.
Abadius (01) 4709 During the winter of the city's first year, a bandit who styles himself Red Stag is tried for banditry and hung. Grigori, a rabble-rouser, causes trouble until he is assaulted by Taisper, who is briefly exiled.

Kingmaker: Rivers Run Red
Gozran (04) 4709 Exactly one year after the Battle of Stagfall, Jemini and Nikolai return to life during the public celebration of the founding of Sanctuary. The Founders learn that there are raids to the south and set out to investigate. They stop a raid of kobolds and lizardfolk, then sail to a small island in Candlemere Lake to the south. They discover a tower on the island, which was once a cyclopean outpost. Meanwhile, Akiros (now a Founder in his own right) hunts down a cult of Gyronna threatening the city. The captain of the city guard, Corwin, is murdered by a shapeshifting doppelganger named Malgorzata. Tandlara accepts a dark power to drive her off, eventually taxing her into a comatose state. The city nearly pulls itself apart with Malgorzata on the loose, but Akiros entraps and kills her.
Desnus (05) 4709 Jemini is officially given the title of ruler of Newhaven. Ilyana Flaxton, aided by Grigori, brings forth a petition to try Nikolai for his crimes as the Stag Lord. Jemini demands that she be tried for his sins as well. Verik must act as their legal defense, while Vinodragov will act as the accuser. Zander Orlovsky - or at least an unknowing imposter - arrives in Sanctuary, as does Jemini's sister Elanna. Zander reveals his true parentage to Jhod and Taisper. Berrin is named General and Akiros is named Marshal. Taisper reveals his killings to Verik in his cabin. Verik is attacked by Alexius, who followed them, and Alexius nearly kills Verik. Taisper defends his cousin and kills Alexius. Akiros meets Elspeth Surtova, Corwin's half-sister, and immediately falls in love with her. Her brother, Alexey Surtova, is revealed to be the man who Berrin killed in a rage in New Stetven.
Sarenith (06) 4709 Brevoy's lesser nobility arrives en masse in preparation for Nikolai's trial. Maegar Varn and his daughter Aylene spend time in Newhaven, with Maegar taking a real shine to Berrin. Esmerelda Ludovan, Berrin's lover, tries and fails to assassinate Nikolai. Upon her capture, she reveals that she is pregnant with Berrin's child. Nikolai's trial begins, with dueling arguments between Verik and Vinodragov. The trial is interrupted by an attack on Sanctuary by several red dragons. The Founders fight them off and meet up with Varn's army on the outskirts of town. In a battle that comes to be known as Dragonshead, they rout the enemy army led by a dragonrider. As he mentions his master, he and the remaining prisoners are killed from afar by fire. Esmerelda escapes during the chaos.
Neth (11) 4709 Maegar Varn brokers a marriage alliance between his headstrong daughter and Berrin. In order to legalize the marriage between Aylene and Berrin, he travels to New Stetven with Jemini and Zander to get King Noleski Surtova's consent to his elevation. The Pathfinder Willas Gunderson arrives to examine the tower in the island on Candlemere Lake. Akiros discovers a spy has been caught in the castle with unusual magic - and end up gaining his loyalty. The spy, Halarouth Callamov, eventually defects from Pitax and joins them as their spymaster.
Gozran (04) 4710 Aylene Varn and Berrin are married. The Founders discover that Hargulka, the chieftain of the trolls, is attempting to broker a deal between his empire of monstrous creatures and the centaurs living to the southeast of Varnhold. They head to disrupt the meeting. A pack of worgs sent by Hargulka to prevent their arrival attacks them, but Nikolai kills their pack leader and declares dominance over them. They arrive at the centaur moot, held in the ancient bones of a massive linnorm, and persuade a majority of centaurs to join them instead of Hargulka. They also discover a fishing village abandoned hastily, with a trail leading towards the lands of the centaurs.
Desnus (05) 4710 The Pathfinder Elsir Tel'ran arrives to assist the investigation into the cyclopean ruins. At the suggestion of Willas, he divines the possibility of opening a new Pathfinder Lodge. They are both drawn through time into a dark possibility of the future in which Nikolai betrayed the others and joined the great dragon Choral in his endless march over Brevoy and the Stolen Lands. Through the sacrifice of Taisper Stosz, a resistance leader in the dark future, they return to their own timeline with a warning. They bring with them Borodin Loginov, a magus from the dark timeline.
Rova (09) 4710 One of the Wardens returns from a scouting mission badly wounded, telling the Founders of a hag who captured and tortured him and the others in an abandoned elven fortress to the east. They head there immediately and save the rest of the hostages, killing the hag Ghorraneaux in the process. They discover that it was a trap meant to kill them or at least draw them out away from Sanctuary as Hargulka launches a sneak attack - and that Ghorreanaux was responsible for several cult activities in Sanctuary. They send word magically to Berrin, who rallies a defense and meets the army of trolls, lizardfolk, kobolds, centaurs, ogres, and wyverns at the Gudrin River bridge. The rest of the Founders rush to catch up, joining them in the second day of battle. They smash the troll army, with Nikolai killing the minotaur champion in single combat. They pursue and kill Hargulka in the forests to the south.
Lamashan (10) 4710 Jhod Kavken resigns as the nation's magister to rebuild a lost temple to Erastil, naming it White Hart. Vanquished kobolds begin settling in Newhaven under the watch of the new chief, Jabber, a former captive acting as Verik's assistant for the previous year.
Keth (12) 4710 Sanctuary continues to expand, rapidly drawing more and more settlers to the booming and prosperous city. Newhaven annexes more and more land to keep up with the demand, growing primarily east towards their allies in Varnhold.
Pharast (03) 4711 Newhaven begins raising armies to deal with growing threats from all directions, and creates a permanent outpost called Dragonswatch between Varnhold and Sanctuary.
Gozran (04) 4711 While giving a speech for Taxfest, Verik inadvertently invites Galtan refugees (of which his business parter, Aleza Bellavieu, is one) to settle in Newhaven. They begin coming to the fledgling nation, causing greater tensions.
Arodus (08) 4711 Newhaven annexes the remaining land to the border of Varnhold, having a ceremony with Maegar Varn to celebrate. They are forced to put down a number of bandit attacks preying on the prosperous trade lanes.
Calistril (02) 4712 Halorouth, after a lengthy illness, disappears from the city with a request that Borodin be named as Spymaster in his place.
Desnus (05) 4712 The new Pathfinder Lodge, the Harborage House, is completed on the banks of the Tuskwater Lake. The city also begins work on a grand cathedral shared by all the approved and goodly faiths of the city.
Rova (09) 4712 Berrin's mother arrives in the city and causes a minor scandal by upbraiding her son (whose role in the city she does not believe or understand) in public.

Kingmaker: Eye of the Cyclops
Lamashan (10) 4712 Aylene Myrdal gives birth to Berrin's son, Maegar. Maegar Varn does not arrive for his grandson's birth, leading the Founders to investigate. They learn that an ancient cyclops Lich, Vordekai, has risen somewhere in the east. Elsir is betrayed by one of his apprentices, Willard Pharn; they use magic to travel into the realm of dreams to learn more about Vordekai. Pitax invades Mivon to the south; Berrin and Elsir lead Newhaven's armies south to prevent the war from spilling over the border. Jemini, Nikolai, Verik, and Borodin travel to Varnhold, discovering that its populace is entirely missing. They discover that Vordekai has used an artifact to draw most of the people of Varnhold into the Shadow Plane, while many of the citizens are killed and reborn as the walking dead. The few survivors wait in captivity under the watch of a corrupted valkyrie, Lady Fraeja. The Founders slay her and free the city from the Shadow Plane.
Neth (11) 4712 In order to prevent Lord Sellimus from annexing Varnhold's holdings, Newhaven invokes its marriage alliance and absorbs the territory. Aylene Myrdal inherits the title of Baroness, making Berrin into Baron Berrin Myrdal. New settlers fleeing the war between Mivon and Pitax arrive in Newhaven and Varnhold. Verik negotiates a trade agreement to feed the survivors of the Vanishing.
Kuthona (12) 4712 Arkady Zeitsev returns from a trade mission and discovers his wife's death in the Vanishing.
Calistril (02) 4713 Evie Damyanov arrives in Varnhold to speak with Aylene Myrdal. Verik arranges for Nikolai to help the angry and despondent Arkady deal with his anger.
Pharast (03) 4713 Newhaven hosts a peace summit between Mivon and Pitax. Jhod Kavken is murdered by a vampire who attempts to frame Verik and Aleza. Archbanker Vinodragov attempts a resurrection, only to discover that Jhod's soul has been stolen.