Male Human Bard 1/ Cavalier (order of the Dragon) 4/ Battle Herald 2
Neutral Good Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +2; Senses perception +5
Hero Points 3
AC 24, touch 12, flat-footed 23 (+1 dex, +11 armor, +1 amulet, +1 deflection)
hp; 70 (6d10 +1d8 +21 +4)
Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +3
Speed 20ft
MeleeBerrin's Boast +13, 2d6+8, 19-20/x2 [+1d8 on critical and DC 14 fort save or deafened]
Melee +1 Longsword +12, 1d8+6, 19-20/x2
Melee Dagger +11, 1d4+5 19-20/x2
Melee mwk. lance + 12, 1d8+7, /x3 [reach]
Ranged +1 composit Longbow (+4 str) +9, 100ft, 1d8+4 /x3
Ranged Dagger +8, 10ft, 1d4+5 19-20/x2
Special Attacks Power Attack, Challenge 2/day
Spells Know (CL 1, Concentration +3)
1st- 2/day Enhance Water, Invigorate
cantrips Know Direction, Light, Resistance, Sift
Str 20(18), Dex 14, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 8, Cha 14
Base Atk +6; CMB +11; CMD 23
Feats; Horse Master, Mounted Combat, Power Attack, Shake it Off (teamwork), Weapon Focus (Greatsword), Toughness
Traits; Brigand, Fast Talker
Skills; Climb +9, Bluff +7, Diplomacy +12, Handle Animal +12, Intimidate +12, Kowledge (Dungeoneering) +6, Knowledge (Engeneering) +6, Knowledge (Geography) +5, Knowledge (Local) +6, Knowledge (Nobility) +6, Perception +5, Perform (Oratory) +10, Profession (Soldier) +8, Ride +12, Sense Motive +5, Survival +4, Swim +9
Armor Check Penalty -5 Language; Thaldain, Varisian
Favored Class; Cavalier [+1 Hit point x4]
SQ; Challenge 2/day, Mount (Valnyr), Tactician (1/day, 6 rnds), Aid Allies (+3), cavaliers charge, expert trainer, bardic knowledge +1, bardic performance 6 rnds/day (countersong, distraction, fascinate, inspire courage +1), cantrips, inspiring command +1 8rnds/day (rally), improved leadership, voice of authoroty, easy march (1hr/day).
Combat Gear; Arrows (18), +1 arrow (10), flaming arrow (10), cold-iron arrow (20), Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds, Alchemists fire x2, Acid Flask x2.
Other Gear; +2 full-plate, explorers' outfit, mwk backpack, blanket, handaxe, fishhook x3, string (50ft), sewing needle, flint & steel, torch x4, silk rope (50ft), footprint book, compass, waterskin, whetstone, signal horn, tin mug, nobles outfit, winter clothing, jewelry (150 gp), signet ring, amulet of natural armor +1, Belt of Giant Strength +2, cloak of resistance +1, heroes' ring (6), grooms' circlet.
Weight carried: 118Ibs (light load)
Wealth; 122gp, 6sp, 3cp
Berrin's Boast:
A simple but well shaped steel greatsword taken of the Stag Lord at the battle of Stagfall. The blade is well-oiled and sharp by it's own accord, inscribed with runes of power. The hilt and guard are bone of some unknown animal, wrapped in well-worn leather. This is the weapon Berrin made his promise to protect Newhaven with.
+1 thundering greatsword.
Heroe's Ring:
A simple band of gold inscribed with words of promise both inside and out, this is Berrin's wedding ring, paired with Aylene's.
The hero's rings are a shared item (pair). They share 6 charges, each of which can be spent in lieu of a Hero Point. Each also functions as a ring of protection +1.
Groom's Circlet:
A golden band, weaved in the form of the Brevic, set with a single, small, white crystal.
One of a paired object, grants +3 competence bonus to Diplomacy to their wearer - but only when they are within 15ft of each other.
Vital Statistics/Description:
Boyar Myrdal stands at 6'1'' and weighs in at around 195lbs. This human male is in his late twenties and sports a full head of well-groomed brow hair spekled with grey. Olive tanned skin, scarred and wrinkled from worry and many hours spent outside in the sun, and his hazel eyes betray a Varisian descent mixed with Brevic ancenstry.
Usually dressed in the white and grey uniform of Newhavens armies, he wears a golden circlet, a thick leather belt with a platinum buckle, his weading ring and a fur-lined blue cloak with his crest on the back, a bear swallowing a sword.
Berrin comes from a humble background, a troubled home and a troubled youth he traveled his homeland in the company of mercenaries and rogues looking for work, taking up the Swordlords charter for clearing up the Stolen Lands in a search for a better life and an escape from his past Berrin has risen through his exploits to be named Boyar under House Lebeda and General of Newhavens armies.
Blessed with marriage to Aylene Myrdal, daughter of Maegar Varn, king of Varnhold, Berrin has undergone changes in the years since his arrival to the Stolen Lands under Aylenes gentle tutelage. Once a rogue by any standard (and in many ways he still is), a firm believer in Cayden Caylen and the way of life of the sell-sword, Berrin has recieved training and tutoring, both martial and social, from various tutors to better fill his role as General.
Once quick to smile and slow to anger Berrin has grown more serious as a man in the past few years. Taking to his resposibilities as general as a man who sees a task that needs doing he doesn't relish the attention his exploits and deeds have earned him, instead he sees them as a burden as he is now a man who is looked up to and burdened with the leadership of a nation on the brink of war.
Though not as jovial and free spirited as the Berrin of old, he still takes what chances he gets to sit with ale and relax in merry company where he may find it, frequenting lower-class inns and taverns around Newhaven (most of which he owns).
Beeing born and bred in Restov he venerates Pharasma and Gorum, knows Adabar is out for his money but holds Cayden Cailean in the highest regard, reasoning that any god with the good sence never to deny a drink or a fling is all-right in his book.
Male Advanced Horse
NN Large Animal
Init +4; Senses Low-Light Vision, Scent; Perception +9
AC 27, touch 13, flat-footed 23 (+4 armor, +4 Dex, -1 size, +10 natural)
hp 66 (6d8+36)
Fort +10, Ref +9, Will +5
Spd 50 ft.
Melee Bite (Horse) +10 (1d4+6/20/x2) and
. . Hooves x2 (Horse) +10 x2 (1d6+6/20/x2)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Str 22, Dex 19, Con 20, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Base Atk +4; CMB +11; CMD 25 (29 vs. Trip)
Feats Toughness, Run, Endurance, Light Armor Proficiency, Power Attack (-1/+2), Iron Will
Tricks Attack [Trick], Combat Riding [Trick], Come [Trick], Defend [Trick], Down [Trick], Flank [Bonus Trick], Guard [Trick], Heel [Trick], Serve (Aylene) [Bonus Trick], Track [Bonus Trick]
Skills Acrobatics +1, Climb +5, Escape Artist +3, Fly +1, Perception +9, Ride +3, Stealth -1, Swim +9
SQ Combat Riding [Trick], Link, Evasion, Devotion
Combat Gear Masterwork Chain Shirt, military saddle, saddlebags;