Verik of Abadar |

Verik's Bonus Progression (@8th level): Armor 2, Shield 1, Weapon 1, Resistance 1, Wisdom 1, Constitution 1, Strength 1
Verik's (8th Level) Leveling Up Notes:
Cha +1
7th Cleric
BAB +1, iterative attacks
HP +7 (5+2 CON) 61hp
+1 Hero Point (2 total)
No Saves increase
Skills (4 points): Knowledge: Religion +1, Knowledge: Planes +1, Spellcraft +1, Sense Motive +1
Class Features: 2+1 4th lvl spells, +1 1st lvl spell, higher bonuses on some spells and powers (Resist Energy is now 20), channel energy is 4d6
Feats: None new
Magic Item Notes:
Adjusted items to-date (Lamashan 4712): warhammer is thundering, heavy shield is blinding, full plate is defiant(undead), his crafted belt is an equestrian belt and his headband is now a hat of comprehend languages & read magic. Like the ones for Borodin, Berrin, Zander, Taisper, etc., his cloak is a cloak of endure elements.
New items to craft (Neth 4712-Calistril 4713):
* Minor Crown (helm) of Blasting (3240gp)
* Lesser Strand of Prayer Beads (4800gp)
* Archon Torch (375gp)
* 2x Silversheen (250gp)
* Soul Soap (100gp)
New items to purchase/barter (Neth 4712-Calistril 4713):
* 1425gp of scrolls total value - Bull's Strength (CL3), Lesser Restoration (CL3), Communal Resist Energy (CL5), Daylight (CL5), Invisibility Purge (CL5).
* 200gp of potions/oils total value - 2x Oils of Magic Weapon (CL1), 2x Potions of Hide Undead (CL1)
* Have Verik's key shield enhanced with holy reliquary (250gp)
* Purchase 2x Masterwork Cold Iron Light Hammers, upgrading from his non-Mw ones (604gp)
The rest of Verik's WBL is going to some investments to his "Mercadi's Wagons" enterprise, but mostly to magical wardings and enhancements (Glyphs of Warding, Symbols of Healing/Revelation/Slowing) for the Bank of Abadar, the Founder's Hall, Sanctuary Town Hall, All-Faiths Cathedral where applicable, etc.

Verik of Abadar |

One thing for some of you to consider, is that Verik can craft Winged Boots at 8000gp cost because he meets all the crafting requirements. Even without Elsir, that may be the thing we need to not get into these disadvantaged ranged fights.
As a reminder, Verik can craft any +1 bonus equivalent enhancements to armor and weapons that he meets all the crafting prerequisites for...obviously this was a wider pool when Verik could collaborate with Elsir, so discuss such with the DM if there is an opportunity for Verik and NPC Elsir to "collaborate" during the four-month interim period. The same goes for wondrous items.

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Don't mind me...nothing to see here citizens...just digging up some of last year's RRR posts on our last Kingdom Turns for Rova 4712 (09/4712). These were the latest examples we used for those taking the kingdom turn as well as the "after-turn" summary with all the updated stats and such.
There's a Kingdom Turn Spreadsheet that I have as well to calculate all the stats and such once each turn is taken - I can make that available via Google Docs if desired.
Oh and also a link to my image gallery where all of the hex and city grid maps are kept for the turns.
Pretty cool when I started looking back through it - we ran through 24 turns last year with Steven, Sigz, Celeador and myself.
09/4712 (Rova) Kingdom Turn (taken by Celeador)
Link from original RRR post
Starting Treasury: 75
Upkeep Phase
1. Stability (Control DC 105) 1d20 + 114 ⇒ (3) + 114 = 117 Add 1 BP
2. Pay Consumption (-0 BP: 76, Granary at maximum capacity: 5 BP stored)
3. Fill Vacant Magic Item Slots N/A
4. Modify Unrest N/A
Edict Phase
1. Leadership – No Change
2. Claim hexes (4 max) – 2.07, 3.08, 9.10 (-3 BP: 73)
3. Build terrain improvements (7 max) – Sawmill x1 (9.10), Farm x2 (4.14, 8.11) (-7 BP: 64)
4. Create/improve settlements (2 max create/10 max improve) – Sanctuary (southern district - Pier), Sanctuary (central district - Casters Tower*, Paved Streets), Olegsgrav - Barracks*, White Hart - Brewer (-64 BP; 0)
5. Create/improve army (2 max if no settlements) –No Change
6. Change Holiday/Promotions/Taxation –No Change
7. Trade Edict - none.
* (1/2 price construction due to discounts)
Income Phase
1. Withdrawals - none
2. Deposits - none
3. Sell items - none
4. Collect taxes – Economy (Control DC 109) 1d20 + 109 ⇒ (2) + 109 = 111
5. Next Turn BP: (+37 +27 BP: 64)
Event Phase
1. Event Chance (25%) 1d100 ⇒ 24
2. 1d100 ⇒ 16 - Beneficial kingdom event
3. 1d100 ⇒ 18 - Discovery in Settlement 1d4 ⇒ 4 Dragonswatch! Fame +1 and Lore +1d4 ⇒ 4[/spoiler]
09/4712 Kingdom Summary Sheet (updated by Vord)
Link from original RRR post
KINGDOM OF NEWHAVEN (thru – 09/4712)
NG Size 82 Kingdom
Control DC 108
Economy 113; Loyalty 102; Stability 119
Treasury 65; Consumption 0.5 (1.5 Granary Surplus); Income Modifier +27; Unrest 0; Unrest/Turn 0
Fame 6; Infamy 0
Promotion !Token!; Taxation Light; Holidays 6/year Promotion cost halved due to Cathedral
Population 53750
Improvements Roads x41, Rivers x30*, Irrigated Farms x10, Farms x39 (3 w/ Stockyard bonus), Fishery x0, Quality Mines x1, Mines x4 (1 w/ Foundry bonus), Quarries x5, Sawmills x16, Lair x1, Forts x2, Watchtower x1
(* each river counted by only one hex, but adding lake adjacent hexes as well)
2.07 – claimed, farmed
3.08 – claimed, farmed
9.10 – claimed, sawmill
NG Large City; Districts 3
Economy +32; Loyalty +33; Stability +35; Defense +18
Corruption +4; Crime +5; Law +10; Lore +11; Productivity +13; Society +10
Qualities Prosperous, Stagfort Ruins (+1 to Economy/Loyalty/Stability)
Demographics 90% human, 2% gnome, 3% dwarf, 5% other
Population 17500
Base Value 5000 gp; Purchase Limit 50000 gp; Spellcasting 5th
Minor Items: 2 potions/scrolls/wondrous items, 3 potions/wondrous items, 3 scrolls/wondrous items, 1 armor/shield/weapon; 5 minor items; Medium Items: 1 armor/shield/weapon, 2 scrolls/wondrous items, 2 potions/wondrous items, 2 medium items; Major Items —
Buildings (main district): Castle, Garrison, Library, Mill, 3x Houses, Noble Villa “Brevian Manses”, Pier, Shop, Shrine (Lawful), Tannery, Temple (Lawful Neutral), Town Hall, Trade Shop, Orphanage, Graveyard, Foundry, Jail, Watchtower, 3x City Walls (east, north, south), Cistern (Castle), Brewery “Havener”, Inn, Sewer System, Theater, Park, Academy “Harborage House”, Magical Streetlamps (Park), Paved Streets, Caster’s Tower
Buildings (eastern district): Tenements “Scales”, Dump, 3x Houses, Monastery, Granary, Barracks “Kor Mannix Society”, Military Academy “Aldori war academy”, Mansion “Galtan Manors”, Stockyards, Dance Hall, Shrine (Good) “Heroes Hall”, Tavern, Stables, Smithy, Inn, 3x City Walls (north, south, east)
Buildings (southern district): Foreign Quarter, Hospital, Cathedral “All Faiths Cathedral”, Pier
NG Small City; Districts 1
Economy +12; Loyalty +14; Stability +12; Defense +2
Corruption +1; Crime +0; Law +3; Lore +2; Productivity +3; Society +3
Qualities Prosperous, Free Stables
Demographics 95% human, 5% other
Population 6250
Base Value 4000 gp; Purchase Limit 25000 gp; Spellcasting 4th
Minor Items: 2 wondrous items, 1 potion/scroll/wondrous item, 1 potion/wondrous item; Medium Items —; Major Items —
Buildings: Brewery “Bokkens”, 7x Houses, Inn, Market, Mint, Stable, Trade Shop, Garrison, Herbalist, Theater, Shrine (Abadar), Jail, Park, Monument, Shop, Barracks
LG Large Town; Districts 1
Economy +6; Loyalty +15; Stability +7; Defense +0
Corruption +3, Crime +0, Law +2, Lore +1, Productivity +1, Society +2
Qualities ½ price Temple
Demographics 90% human, 5% gnome, 5% other
Population 4750
Base Value 1500 gp, Purchase Limit 5000 gp; Spellcasting 4th
Minor Items 2; Medium Items —; Major Items —
Buildings: Temple (Lawful Good), 5x Houses, Park, Monument, Garrison, Granary, Dance Hall, Inn, Stable, Trade Shop, Graveyard, Jail, Brewery “Hart Cider”
N Large Town; Districts 1
Economy +4; Loyalty +14; Stability +11; Defense +6
Corruption +1, Crime +0, Law +2, Lore +5, Productivity +1, Society +2
Qualities: None
Demographics 95% human, 5% other
Population 4750
Base Value 1000 gp, Purchase Limit 5000 gp; Spellcasting 4th
Minor Items --; Medium Items —; Major Items —
Buildings: Granary, Watchtower, 4x Houses, Stable, 2x Garrisons, Graveyard, Smithy, Dance Hall, Jail, Park, Monument, Brewery, 4x City Walls
Varnhold Alliance +2 (Balanced), Embassy, Treaty +3 (Balanced)
NG Huge army of Humans (500 Warrior 4, Sanctuary's Garrison)
hp 33/33; ACR 6; Morale +2 (+5 to change tactics during battle.)
DV 16; OM +6, ranged
Resources Ranged Weapons
Tactics Standard, Cautious Combat , ??? (victor’s tactic - to be chosen by Berrin)
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 7 BP
Commander Berrin Myrdal
Charisma Modifier 1
Leadership 7
Profession (soldier) ranks 3
Commander Boons Bonus Tactic: Cautious Combat, Flexible Tactics
LG Medium army of Humans (100 Cavalier 3, Sanctuary's Castle)
hp 11/11; ACR 2; Morale +3
DV 15; OM +5
Resources Mounts
Tactics Standard, Charge (1/battle, +6 OM one attack), Cavalry Experts (+2 OM vs. non-mounted)
Special Challenge (1/battle; +2 OM/+1 DV vs. army, -1 DV to others), Mounts, Order, Tactician (Cavalry Experts)
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 2 BP
Commander Kesten Garess
Charisma Modifier 2
Leadership 5
Profession (soldier) ranks 3
Commander Boons Bonus Tactic: Charge (Dirty Fighters)
NG Large army of Humans (200 Warrior 1, Olegsgrav's Garrison)
hp 5/5; ACR 1; Morale +0
DV 11; OM +1
Resources None
Tactics Standard
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 1 BP
Commander Oleg Leveton
Charisma Modifier 0
Leadership 5
Profession (soldier) ranks 0
Commander Boons Loyalty
NG Large army of Humans (200 Warrior 1, White Hart’s Garrison)
hp 5/5; ACR 1; Morale +0
DV 11; OM +1, ranged
Resources Ranged Weapons
Tactics Standard
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 3 BP
Commander Jhod Kavken
Charisma Modifier 2
Leadership 6
Profession (soldier) ranks 0
Commander Boons Live Off the Land
NG Medium army of Humans (100 Warrior 3, Tallhart Fort hex 03.04)
hp 5/5; ACR 1; Morale +0
DV 11; OM +1
Tactics Standard
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 1 BP
Charisma Modifier
Profession (soldier) ranks
Commander Boons Hold the Line
NG Huge army of Humans (500 Warrior 3, Dragonwatch’s Garrison #1)
hp 27/27; ACR 5; Morale +0
DV 15; OM +5
Resources None
Tactics Standard, ??? (from military academy)
Speed 1 Hex; Consumption 2 BP
Commander Commander Jellicoe
Charisma Modifier 0
Leadership 5
Profession (soldier) ranks 1
Commander Boons None
NG Medium army of Humans (100 Fighter 3, Dragonwatch’s Garrison #2)
hp 11/11; ACR 2; Morale +0
DV 14; OM +4
Resources Mounts
Tactics Standard, ??? (from military academy)
Special Bravery (+1 morale vs. fear, rout), Armor Training (full speed in medium armor)
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 2 BP
Charisma Modifier 0
Leadership 5
Profession (soldier) ranks 1
Commander Boons None
LG Medium army of Humans (100 Warrior 4, Sanctuary’s Barracks)
hp 11/11; ACR 2; Morale +1
DV 14; OM +2
Tactics Standard
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 1 BP
Commander Akiros Ismort
Charisma Modifier 2
Leadership 7
Profession (soldier) ranks 1
Commander Boons Defensive Tactics

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That was a lot to catch up on post Gen Con!
I tend to favor the Core approach to things, but WBL is hard to maintain and still have fun with a good story. It also benefits me to work with experimental rules as a designer, so if you folk want to use this system, I'm bought in. I'll have Nikolai reskinned using automatic progressions and then address his equipment today if I can.

Cromlich |

Hi Isaac. Here is the final 8th level Borodin. I still may play around with some scrolls instead of potions but that's minor stuff.
Borodin’s (8th Level) Leveling Notes:
INT +1
6th Level Magus
BAB +1
All Saves +1
HP +8 (5+3 CON) 71 total
+1 Hero Point 2 Total
Spells +1 Cantrip, +1 2nd Level
Magus Arcana: Flamboyant Arcana
FEAT: Retrain Improved Initiative to Blind Fight
Borodin’s Bonus Progression @8th Level:
Armor 2, Weapon 2, DEX 1, INT 1, STR 1, Resistance 1
Magic Items
MW Chain Shirt 250
Keen Aldori Dueling Sword 1,820 (Crafted by Verik)
Cloak of Endure Elements 1,000 (Crafted by Verik)
Winged Boots 8,000 (To Be Crafted by Verik)
Handy Haversack 2,000
MW Throwing Daggers 604
MW Composite Longbow 500
MW Thief Tools 100
Boots of Elvenkind 2,500
Spellguard Bracers 5,000
Blinkback Belt 5000gp
Martyr’s Tear 6000gp
MW Cold Iron Light Mace 310
Potions/Flasks 390
Total Wealth By Level 30,972/31,000

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Anyone up for some interim posts of the next days/weeks/etc. ? Maybe a dialogue or how things look a couple weeks later in Varnhold, that sort of thing?
Verik will stay in Varnhold, defending it and starting the rebuilding plans and working to make camps and such until sufficient help arrives from the west. Also in his mind are plans for the winter that is soon coming (Neth would be like November I think).

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Hey gang! I'm the buddy Shane that Steve was talking about. I love the look of the game, and am excited to potentially be a part of it. I'm getting caught up on things, and working on a character concept. Let me know what else I can or should be doing!
Thanks again, everyone!
Hey Shane - good to meet ya!

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As Steve and I are handling the Kingdom Building turns for this go-around, as mentioned above I've gotten all the tracking and summary sheets ready to go. After talking with Steve I'm going to go and take the first turn for 10/4712 (Lamashan), which was the month we were in to-date for Eye of the Cyclops.
Some thoughts before I post the turn here:
* Berrin mobilizes the main forces of Newhaven (1st Army & Mounted in Sanctuary, 2nd Army & Mounted in Dragonswatch) after the 25th of the month. Given this, I'm not including any consumption increase yet for the armies in the field. However, starting in Neth (11/4712) the consumption rate will go WAY up (+39 to consumption rate) since they're not garrisoned. So, this makes the last full month of "normal" improvements and expenditures. DM Question is how long the armies are 'in the field' from a week/month perspective - thru Calistril (02/4713)?
* Not sure if it is in Neth or Kuthona, but it appears we'll be adding the 14 hexes of Varnhold to our realm soon, increasing our control DC and consumption further - though some of the hexes are improved and such. Between that and the armies in the field, we're going to be stretched for winter. I'm assuming once we get to that we'll know how to add Varnhold city in its post-disaster form, as well as any other changes to Varnhold hexes.
* We were one turn away last time from adding a couple new towns to the south "Near Tuskdowns"(hex 03.13) and north "Moorvale" (hex 01.02) areas, which represents the Galtan refugees from the year as well as solidifying Newhaven on the Tuswkater/Candlemere lakes. Given what is about to happen in the Pitax-Mivon dispute, this looks to be pretty timely. In the north a fort will be converted to the settlement of Promise, which will get a couple of free buildings (barracks, stables) out of it. In the south will be the settlement of Candlewatch, with Candlemere Isle in the distance.
* It's a little fru-fru, but I'm spending BP on magical streetlamps and an everflowing spring for the "All-Faiths" Cathedral in Sanctuary's southern district, just to capstone the magnificence of that achievement. We're probably not going to be able to spend much on Sanctuary after this month. I'm also putting in a Shrine at Dragonswatch to represent Calistria there, and a Stockyards to take advantage of all the farms around the town.

Verik of Abadar |

Starting Treasury: 65
Upkeep Phase
1. Stability (Control DC 108) 1d20 + 119 - 0 ⇒ (20) + 119 - 0 = 139 No Unrest, add 1 BP to treasury
2. Pay Consumption (-1 BP: 65, 1 Granary Surplus) Add 0 BP to granary surplus
3. Fill Vacant Magic Item Slots N/A
4. Modify Unrest N/A
Edict Phase
1. Leadership – No changes
2. Claim hexes (4 max) – None (-0 BP: 65)
3. Build terrain improvements (7 max) – prepare Promise (01.02), prepare Candlewatch (03.13) (-2 BP: 63)
4. Create/improve settlements (2 max create/10 max improve) – Sanctuary (house, park, magical streetlamps & everflowing spring in cathedral), Olegsgrav (graveyard), Dragonswatch (shrine to Calistria, stockyards), Promise (house), Candlewatch (house, barracks) (-61 BP; 2)
5. Create/improve army (2 max if no settlements) – No Change (-0 BP: 2)
6. Change Holiday/Promotions/Taxation –Promotion Edict to Standard
* (1/2 price construction due to discounts)
Income Phase
1. Withdrawals - none
2. Deposits - none
3. Sell items - none
4. Collect taxes – Economy (Control DC 110) 1d20 + 116 - 0 ⇒ (9) + 116 - 0 = 125
5. Next Turn BP: (+41 +28 +2 BP: 71)
Event Phase
1. Event Chance (25%) 1d100 ⇒ 64 No extra event aside from Pitax-Mivon war and loss of Varnhold events

Verik of Abadar |

KINGDOM OF NEWHAVEN (thru – 10/4712)
NG Size 82 Kingdom
Control DC 110
Economy 116; Loyalty 108; Stability 117
Treasury 71; Consumption 36! (1 Granary Surplus); Income Modifier +28; Unrest 0; Unrest/Turn 0
Fame 9; Infamy 0
Promotion Standard; Taxation Light; Holidays 6/year Promotion cost halved due to Cathedral
Population 57000
Improvements Roads x41, Rivers x30*, Irrigated Farms x10, Farms x39 (8 w/ Stockyard bonus), Fishery x0, Quality Mines x1, Mines x4 (1 w/ Foundry bonus), Quarries x5, Sawmills x16, Lair x1, Forts x1, Watchtower x1
(* each river counted by only one hex, but adding lake adjacent hexes as well)
No Changes
01.02 – prepared for settlement (Promise) – fort incorporated
03.13 – prepared for settlement (Candlewatch)
NG Large City; Districts 3
Economy +32; Loyalty +34; Stability +35; Defense +18
Corruption +4; Crime +4; Law +10; Lore +11; Productivity +13; Society +10
Qualities Prosperous, Stagfort Ruins (+1 to Economy/Loyalty/Stability)
Demographics 90% human, 2% gnome, 3% dwarf, 5% other
Population 18000
Base Value 5000 gp; Purchase Limit 50000 gp; Spellcasting 5th
Minor Items: 2 potions/scrolls/wondrous items, 3 potions/wondrous items, 3 scrolls/wondrous items, 1 armor/shield/weapon; 5 minor items; Medium Items: 1 armor/shield/weapon, 2 scrolls/wondrous items, 2 potions/wondrous items, 2 medium items; Major Items —
Buildings (main district): Castle, Garrison, Library, Mill, 3x Houses, Noble Villa “Brevian Manses”, Pier, Shop, Shrine (Lawful), Tannery, Temple (Lawful Neutral), Town Hall, Trade Shop, Orphanage, Graveyard, Foundry, Jail, Watchtower, 3x City Walls (east, north, south), Cistern (Castle), Brewery “Havener”, Inn, Sewer System, Theater, Park, Academy “Harborage House”, Magical Streetlamps (Park), Paved Streets, Caster’s Tower
Buildings (eastern district): Tenements “Scales”, Dump, 3x Houses, Monastery, Granary, Barracks “Kor Mannix Society”, Military Academy “Aldori war academy”, Mansion “Galtan Manors”, Stockyard, Dance Hall, Shrine (Good) “Heroes Hall”, Tavern, Stables, Smithy, Inn, 3x City Walls (north, south, east)
Buildings (southern district): Foreign Quarter, Hospital, Cathedral “All Faiths Cathedral”, Pier, House, Park, Magical Streetlamps (Cathedral), Everflowing Spring (Cathedral)
NG Small City; Districts 1
Economy +12; Loyalty +15; Stability +12; Defense +2
Corruption +1; Crime +0; Law +3; Lore +2; Productivity +3; Society +3
Qualities Prosperous, Free Stables
Demographics 95% human, 5% other
Population 6500
Base Value 4000 gp; Purchase Limit 25000 gp; Spellcasting 4th
Minor Items: 2 wondrous items, 1 potion/scroll/wondrous item, 1 potion/wondrous item; Medium Items —; Major Items —
Buildings: Brewery “Bokkens”, 7x Houses, Inn, Market, Mint, Stable, Trade Shop, Garrison, Herbalist, Theater, Shrine (Lawful), Jail, Park, Monument, Shop, Barracks, Graveyard
LG Large Town; Districts 1
Economy +6; Loyalty +15; Stability +7; Defense +0
Corruption +3, Crime +0, Law +2, Lore +1, Productivity +1, Society +2
Qualities ½ price Temple
Demographics 90% human, 5% gnome, 5% other
Population 4750
Base Value 1500 gp, Purchase Limit 5000 gp; Spellcasting 4th
Minor Items 2; Medium Items —; Major Items —
Buildings: Temple (Lawful Good), 5x Houses, Park, Monument, Garrison, Granary, Dance Hall, Inn, Stable, Trade Shop, Graveyard, Jail, Brewery “Hart Cider”
N Small City; Districts 1
Economy +5; Loyalty +16; Stability +10; Defense +6
Corruption +2, Crime +1, Law +2, Lore +5, Productivity +3, Society +2
Qualities: None
Demographics 95% human, 5% other
Population 6000
Base Value 1000 gp, Purchase Limit 5000 gp; Spellcasting 4th
Minor Items --; Medium Items —; Major Items —
Buildings: Granary, Watchtower, 4x Houses, Stable, 2x Garrisons, Graveyard, Smithy, Dance Hall, Jail, Park, Monument, Brewery, 4x City Walls, Shrine (Chaotic), Stockyard
N Small Town; Districts 1
Economy +1; Loyalty +1; Stability +0; Defense +2
Corruption +0, Crime +0, Law +2, Lore +1, Productivity +1, Society +2
Qualities: None
Demographics 95% human, 5% other
Population 750
Base Value 500 gp, Purchase Limit 2500 gp; Spellcasting 3rd
Minor Items —; Medium Items —; Major Items —
Buildings: House, Barracks, Stable
N Small Town; Districts 1
Economy +0; Loyalty +0; Stability +0; Defense +2
Corruption +0, Crime +0, Law +2, Lore +1, Productivity +1, Society +2
Qualities: None
Demographics 95% human, 5% other
Population 500
Base Value 200 gp, Purchase Limit 1000 gp; Spellcasting 2nd
Minor Items —; Medium Items —; Major Items —
Buildings: House, Barracks
Varnhold Alliance +2 (Balanced), Embassy, Treaty +3 (Balanced)
NG Huge army of Humans (500 Warrior 4, Sanctuary's Garrison)
hp 33/33; ACR 6; Morale +2 (+5 to change tactics during battle.)
DV 16; OM +6, ranged
Resources Ranged Weapons
Tactics Standard, Cautious Combat , ??? (victor’s tactic - to be chosen by Berrin)
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 7 BP
Commander Berrin Myrdal
Charisma Modifier 1
Leadership 7
Profession (soldier) ranks 3
Commander Boons Bonus Tactic: Cautious Combat, Flexible Tactics
LG Medium army of Humans (100 Cavalier 3, Sanctuary's Castle)
hp 11/11; ACR 2; Morale +3
DV 15; OM +5
Resources Mounts
Tactics Standard, Charge (1/battle, +6 OM one attack), Cavalry Experts (+2 OM vs. non-mounted)
Special Challenge (1/battle; +2 OM/+1 DV vs. army, -1 DV to others), Mounts, Order, Tactician (Cavalry Experts)
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 2 BP
Commander Kesten Garess
Charisma Modifier 2
Leadership 5
Profession (soldier) ranks 3
Commander Boons Bonus Tactic: Charge (Dirty Fighters)
NG Large army of Humans (200 Warrior 1, Olegsgrav's Garrison)
hp 5/5; ACR 1; Morale +0
DV 11; OM +1
Resources None
Tactics Standard
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 1 BP
Commander Oleg Leveton
Charisma Modifier 0
Leadership 5
Profession (soldier) ranks 0
Commander Boons Loyalty
NG Large army of Humans (200 Warrior 1, White Hart’s Garrison)
hp 5/5; ACR 1; Morale +0
DV 11; OM +1, ranged
Resources Ranged Weapons
Tactics Standard
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 3 BP
Commander Jhod Kavken
Charisma Modifier 2
Leadership 6
Profession (soldier) ranks 0
Commander Boons Live Off the Land
NG Medium army of Humans (100 Warrior 3, Tallhart Fort hex 03.04)
hp 5/5; ACR 1; Morale +0
DV 11; OM +1
Tactics Standard
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 1 BP
Charisma Modifier
Profession (soldier) ranks
Commander Boons Hold the Line
NG Huge army of Humans (500 Warrior 3, Dragonwatch’s Garrison #1)
hp 27/27; ACR 5; Morale +0
DV 15; OM +5
Resources None
Tactics Standard, ??? (from military academy)
Speed 1 Hex; Consumption 2 BP
Commander Commander Jellicoe
Charisma Modifier 0
Leadership 5
Profession (soldier) ranks 1
Commander Boons None
NG Medium army of Humans (100 Fighter 3, Dragonwatch’s Garrison #2)
hp 11/11; ACR 2; Morale +0
DV 14; OM +4
Resources Mounts
Tactics Standard, ??? (from military academy)
Special Bravery (+1 morale vs. fear, rout), Armor Training (full speed in medium armor)
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 2 BP
Charisma Modifier 0
Leadership 5
Profession (soldier) ranks 1
Commander Boons None
LG Medium army of Humans (100 Warrior 4, Sanctuary’s Barracks)
hp 11/11; ACR 2; Morale +1
DV 14; OM +2
Tactics Standard
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 1 BP
Commander Akiros Ismort
Charisma Modifier 2
Leadership 7
Profession (soldier) ranks 1
Commander Boons Defensive Tactics

Verik of Abadar |

Updated to reflect stats with the Varnhold alliance nullified (due to the fact that there is no more Varnhold at the moment).
KINGDOM OF NEWHAVEN (thru – 10/4712)
NG Size 82 Kingdom
Control DC 110
Economy 113; Loyalty 108; Stability 115
Treasury 71; Consumption 36! (1 Granary Surplus); Income Modifier +28; Unrest 0; Unrest/Turn 0
Fame 9; Infamy 0
Promotion Standard; Taxation Light; Holidays 6/year Promotion cost halved due to Cathedral
Population 57000
Improvements Roads x41, Rivers x30*, Irrigated Farms x10, Farms x39 (8 w/ Stockyard bonus), Fishery x0, Quality Mines x1, Mines x4 (1 w/ Foundry bonus), Quarries x5, Sawmills x16, Lair x1, Forts x1, Watchtower x1
(* each river counted by only one hex, but adding lake adjacent hexes as well)
No changes
01.02 – prepared for settlement (Promise) – fort incorporated
03.13 – prepared for settlement (Candlewatch)
NG Large City; Districts 3
Economy +32; Loyalty +34; Stability +35; Defense +18
Corruption +4; Crime +4; Law +10; Lore +11; Productivity +13; Society +10
Qualities Prosperous, Stagfort Ruins (+1 to Economy/Loyalty/Stability)
Demographics 90% human, 2% gnome, 3% dwarf, 5% other
Population 18000
Base Value 5000 gp; Purchase Limit 50000 gp; Spellcasting 5th
Minor Items: 2 potions/scrolls/wondrous items, 3 potions/wondrous items, 3 scrolls/wondrous items, 1 armor/shield/weapon; 5 minor items; Medium Items: 1 armor/shield/weapon, 2 scrolls/wondrous items, 2 potions/wondrous items, 2 medium items; Major Items —
Buildings (main district): Castle, Garrison, Library, Mill, 3x Houses, Noble Villa “Brevian Manses”, Pier, Shop, Shrine (Lawful), Tannery, Temple (Lawful Neutral), Town Hall, Trade Shop, Orphanage, Graveyard, Foundry, Jail, Watchtower, 3x City Walls (east, north, south), Cistern (Castle), Brewery “Havener”, Inn, Sewer System, Theater, Park, Academy “Harborage House”, Magical Streetlamps (Park), Paved Streets, Caster’s Tower
Buildings (eastern district): Tenements “Scales”, Dump, 3x Houses, Monastery, Granary, Barracks “Kor Mannix Society”, Military Academy “Aldori war academy”, Mansion “Galtan Manors”, Stockyard, Dance Hall, Shrine (Good) “Heroes Hall”, Tavern, Stables, Smithy, Inn, 3x City Walls (north, south, east)
Buildings (southern district): Foreign Quarter, Hospital, Cathedral “All Faiths Cathedral”, Pier, House, Park, Magical Streetlamps (Cathedral), Everflowing Spring (Cathedral)
NG Small City; Districts 1
Economy +12; Loyalty +15; Stability +12; Defense +2
Corruption +1; Crime +0; Law +3; Lore +2; Productivity +3; Society +3
Qualities Prosperous, Free Stables
Demographics 95% human, 5% other
Population 6500
Base Value 4000 gp; Purchase Limit 25000 gp; Spellcasting 4th
Minor Items: 2 wondrous items, 1 potion/scroll/wondrous item, 1 potion/wondrous item; Medium Items —; Major Items —
Buildings: Brewery “Bokkens”, 7x Houses, Inn, Market, Mint, Stable, Trade Shop, Garrison, Herbalist, Theater, Shrine (Lawful), Jail, Park, Monument, Shop, Barracks, Graveyard
LG Large Town; Districts 1
Economy +6; Loyalty +15; Stability +7; Defense +0
Corruption +3, Crime +0, Law +2, Lore +1, Productivity +1, Society +2
Qualities ½ price Temple
Demographics 90% human, 5% gnome, 5% other
Population 4750
Base Value 1500 gp, Purchase Limit 5000 gp; Spellcasting 4th
Minor Items 2; Medium Items —; Major Items —
Buildings: Temple (Lawful Good), 5x Houses, Park, Monument, Garrison, Granary, Dance Hall, Inn, Stable, Trade Shop, Graveyard, Jail, Brewery “Hart Cider”
N Small City; Districts 1
Economy +5; Loyalty +16; Stability +10; Defense +6
Corruption +2, Crime +1, Law +2, Lore +5, Productivity +3, Society +2
Qualities: None
Demographics 95% human, 5% other
Population 6000
Base Value 1000 gp, Purchase Limit 5000 gp; Spellcasting 4th
Minor Items --; Medium Items —; Major Items —
Buildings: Granary, Watchtower, 4x Houses, Stable, 2x Garrisons, Graveyard, Smithy, Dance Hall, Jail, Park, Monument, Brewery, 4x City Walls, Shrine (Chaotic), Stockyard
N Small Town; Districts 1
Economy +1; Loyalty +1; Stability +0; Defense +2
Corruption +0, Crime +0, Law +2, Lore +1, Productivity +1, Society +2
Qualities: None
Demographics 95% human, 5% other
Population 750
Base Value 500 gp, Purchase Limit 2500 gp; Spellcasting 3rd
Minor Items —; Medium Items —; Major Items —
Buildings: House, Barracks, Stable
N Small Town; Districts 1
Economy +0; Loyalty +0; Stability +0; Defense +2
Corruption +0, Crime +0, Law +2, Lore +1, Productivity +1, Society +2
Qualities: None
Demographics 95% human, 5% other
Population 500
Base Value 200 gp, Purchase Limit 1000 gp; Spellcasting 2nd
Minor Items —; Medium Items —; Major Items —
Buildings: House, Barracks
Varnhold Alliance – Nullified
NG Huge army of Humans (500 Warrior 4, Sanctuary's Garrison)
hp 33/33; ACR 6; Morale +2 (+5 to change tactics during battle.)
DV 16; OM +6, ranged
Resources Ranged Weapons
Tactics Standard, Cautious Combat , ??? (victor’s tactic - to be chosen by Berrin)
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 7 BP
Commander Berrin Myrdal
Charisma Modifier 1
Leadership 7
Profession (soldier) ranks 3
Commander Boons Bonus Tactic: Cautious Combat, Flexible Tactics
LG Medium army of Humans (100 Cavalier 3, Sanctuary's Castle)
hp 11/11; ACR 2; Morale +3
DV 15; OM +5
Resources Mounts
Tactics Standard, Charge (1/battle, +6 OM one attack), Cavalry Experts (+2 OM vs. non-mounted)
Special Challenge (1/battle; +2 OM/+1 DV vs. army, -1 DV to others), Mounts, Order, Tactician (Cavalry Experts)
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 2 BP
Commander Kesten Garess
Charisma Modifier 2
Leadership 5
Profession (soldier) ranks 3
Commander Boons Bonus Tactic: Charge (Dirty Fighters)
NG Large army of Humans (200 Warrior 1, Olegsgrav's Garrison)
hp 5/5; ACR 1; Morale +0
DV 11; OM +1
Resources None
Tactics Standard
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 1 BP
Commander Oleg Leveton
Charisma Modifier 0
Leadership 5
Profession (soldier) ranks 0
Commander Boons Loyalty
NG Large army of Humans (200 Warrior 1, White Hart’s Garrison)
hp 5/5; ACR 1; Morale +0
DV 11; OM +1, ranged
Resources Ranged Weapons
Tactics Standard
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 3 BP
Commander Jhod Kavken
Charisma Modifier 2
Leadership 6
Profession (soldier) ranks 0
Commander Boons Live Off the Land
NG Medium army of Humans (100 Warrior 3, Tallhart Fort hex 03.04)
hp 5/5; ACR 1; Morale +0
DV 11; OM +1
Tactics Standard
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 1 BP
Charisma Modifier
Profession (soldier) ranks
Commander Boons Hold the Line
NG Huge army of Humans (500 Warrior 3, Dragonwatch’s Garrison #1)
hp 27/27; ACR 5; Morale +0
DV 15; OM +5
Resources None
Tactics Standard, ??? (from military academy)
Speed 1 Hex; Consumption 2 BP
Commander Commander Jellicoe
Charisma Modifier 0
Leadership 5
Profession (soldier) ranks 1
Commander Boons None
NG Medium army of Humans (100 Fighter 3, Dragonwatch’s Garrison #2)
hp 11/11; ACR 2; Morale +0
DV 14; OM +4
Resources Mounts
Tactics Standard, ??? (from military academy)
Special Bravery (+1 morale vs. fear, rout), Armor Training (full speed in medium armor)
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 2 BP
Charisma Modifier 0
Leadership 5
Profession (soldier) ranks 1
Commander Boons None
LG Medium army of Humans (100 Warrior 4, Sanctuary’s Barracks)
hp 11/11; ACR 2; Morale +1
DV 14; OM +2
Tactics Standard
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 1 BP
Commander Akiros Ismort
Charisma Modifier 2
Leadership 7
Profession (soldier) ranks 1
Commander Boons Defensive Tactics

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Jemini posted a little bit about her follower spending in the gamethread
Yeah that's pretty interesting for a Jemini development there. I want to play off of that on an interim post in an early Spring month, but haven't gotten there quite yet (as I have two others at Varnhold rolling around in my head). I figured I may play off of that in conjunction with Verik going through the crafted magical items he's doing for a few folks.

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Nikolai is converted to the automatic bonus progression system. He took a level of barbarian with the following changes:
+1 barbarian 1d12 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
Ability Increase +1 Str
Skills: Acrobatics +1, Intimidate +1, Perception +1, Sense Motive +2, Stealth +1
Added Berzerker of Society and Survivor traits.
Added keen to dragonsbreath, and a quickrunner shirt
Favored Class Bonus: +1 Diplomacy
Are there any dice I don't suck with? I'm a barbarian, d12s. We go way back! Come on!

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I'll be out on a beach excursion from today through Monday - I'll be checking in over the weekend but won't have my array of books/maps/sheets/etc. for any Kingdom Turn tracking or what-not. Heh maybe I can get some time to get those interim posts done that are rolling around in my mind...

DM Barcas |

Quick question - do you guys want to do a series of short vignettes exporting the winter of 4712-13 or make the 4-5 month jump entirely? I had started writing based on the latter, but I can make the former work (as with Verik's story).
We could do both - jump to the main period but have brief flashbacks to events of the last few months.

Verik of Abadar |

Starting Treasury: 71
Upkeep Phase
1. Stability (Control DC 110) 1d20 + 115 - 0 ⇒ (3) + 115 - 0 = 118 No Unrest, add 1 BP to treasury (+1 BP: 72)
2. Pay Consumption (-36 BP: 36, 1.5 Granary Surplus) Add – 0 BP to granary surplus
3. Fill Vacant Magic Item Slots N/A
4. Modify Unrest N/A
Edict Phase
1. Leadership – No changes
2. Claim hexes (4 max) – 14!! (ALL of Varnhold: 12.05, 13.05, 14.05, 15.05, 13.06, 14.06, 15.06, 16.06, 12.07, 13.07, 14.07, 15.07, 15.08 – Varnhold City, 15.09) (-14 BP: 22)
3. Build terrain improvements (7 max) – No Change - Varnhold hexes include: 1 Fort, 4 Farms, 2 Quarries, 8 Roads (-0 BP: 22)
4. Create/improve settlements (2 max create/10 max improve) – No Change - Varnhold Town added (only 1 House cited at this time) (-0 BP: 22)
5. Create/improve army (2 max if no settlements) – Raise Kharkarov’s Company (small cavalry Ftr3), Raise Varnhold Pass Border Company (medium infantry Wa3) (-2 BP: 20)
6. Change Holiday/Promotions/Taxation –No Change
* (1/2 price construction due to discounts)
Income Phase
1. Withdrawals - none
2. Deposits - none
3. Sell items - none
4. Collect taxes – Economy (Control DC 125) 1d20 + 117 - 0 ⇒ (18) + 117 - 0 = 135
5. Next Turn BP: (+45 +28 +20 BP: 93)
Event Phase
1. Event Chance (75%) 1d100 ⇒ 24 Event!
2. Event! 1d100 ⇒ 81 Dangerous Settlement Event
1d100 ⇒ 99 Vandals 1d8 ⇒ 6 Candlewatch
Loyalty Check DC125: 1d20 + 108 ⇒ (20) + 108 = 128 success!
Stability Check DC125: 1d20 + 121 ⇒ (2) + 121 = 123 failure! Lose 1 Building in Candlewatch to Vandals
1d2 ⇒ 2 House destroyed

Verik of Abadar |

KINGDOM OF NEWHAVEN (thru – 11/4712)
NG Size 96 Kingdom
Control DC 125
Economy 117; Loyalty 108; Stability 121
Treasury 93; Consumption 46! (1 Granary Surplus); Income Modifier +30; Unrest 0; Unrest/Turn 0
Fame 9; Infamy 0
Promotion Standard; Taxation Light; Holidays 6/year Promotion cost halved due to Cathedral
Population 60500
Improvements Roads x49, Rivers x36*, Irrigated Farms x10, Farms x43 (8 w/ Stockyard bonus), Fishery x0, Quality Mines x1, Mines x4 (1 w/ Foundry bonus), Quarries x7, Sawmills x16, Lair x1, Forts x2, Watchtower x1
(* each river counted by only one hex, but adding lake adjacent hexes as well)
No changes
12.05, 13.05, 14.05 – added, no improvements
13.06, 14.06, 16.06 – added, no improvements
12.07 – added, Fort improvement (Varnhold Pass Fort), road
13.07, 14.07 – added, quarry improvements, roads
15.05, 15.06, 15.07, 1509 – added, farm improvements, roads
15.08 – added, Varnhold City added (1 district, house)
NG Large City; Districts 3
Economy +32; Loyalty +34; Stability +35; Defense +18
Corruption +4; Crime +4; Law +10; Lore +11; Productivity +13; Society +10
Qualities Prosperous, Stagfort Ruins (+1 to Economy/Loyalty/Stability)
Demographics 90% human, 2% gnome, 3% dwarf, 5% other
Population 18000
Base Value 5000 gp; Purchase Limit 50000 gp; Spellcasting 5th
Minor Items: 2 potions/scrolls/wondrous items, 3 potions/wondrous items, 3 scrolls/wondrous items, 1 armor/shield/weapon; 5 minor items; Medium Items: 1 armor/shield/weapon, 2 scrolls/wondrous items, 2 potions/wondrous items, 2 medium items; Major Items —
Buildings (main district): Castle, Garrison, Library, Mill, 3x Houses, Noble Villa “Brevian Manses”, Pier, Shop, Shrine (Lawful), Tannery, Temple (Lawful Neutral), Town Hall, Trade Shop, Orphanage, Graveyard, Foundry, Jail, Watchtower, 3x City Walls (east, north, south), Cistern (Castle), Brewery “Havener”, Inn, Sewer System, Theater, Park, Academy “Harborage House”, Magical Streetlamps (Park), Paved Streets, Caster’s Tower
Buildings (eastern district): Tenements “Scales”, Dump, 3x Houses, Monastery, Granary, Barracks “Kor Mannix Society”, Military Academy “Aldori war academy”, Mansion “Galtan Manors”, Stockyard, Dance Hall, Shrine (Good) “Heroes Hall”, Tavern, Stables, Smithy, Inn, 3x City Walls (north, south, east)
Buildings (southern district): Foreign Quarter, Hospital, Cathedral “All Faiths Cathedral”, Pier, House, Park, Magical Streetlamps (Cathedral), Everflowing Spring (Cathedral)
NG Small City; Districts 1
Economy +12; Loyalty +15; Stability +12; Defense +2
Corruption +1; Crime +0; Law +3; Lore +2; Productivity +3; Society +3
Qualities Prosperous, Free Stables
Demographics 95% human, 5% other
Population 6500
Base Value 4000 gp; Purchase Limit 25000 gp; Spellcasting 4th
Minor Items: 2 wondrous items, 1 potion/scroll/wondrous item, 1 potion/wondrous item; Medium Items —; Major Items —
Buildings: Brewery “Bokkens”, 7x Houses, Inn, Market, Mint, Stable, Trade Shop, Garrison, Herbalist, Theater, Shrine (Lawful), Jail, Park, Monument, Shop, Barracks, Graveyard
LG Large Town; Districts 1
Economy +6; Loyalty +15; Stability +7; Defense +0
Corruption +3, Crime +0, Law +2, Lore +1, Productivity +1, Society +2
Qualities ½ price Temple
Demographics 90% human, 5% gnome, 5% other
Population 4750
Base Value 1500 gp, Purchase Limit 5000 gp; Spellcasting 4th
Minor Items 2; Medium Items —; Major Items —
Buildings: Temple (Lawful Good), 5x Houses, Park, Monument, Garrison, Granary, Dance Hall, Inn, Stable, Trade Shop, Graveyard, Jail, Brewery “Hart Cider”
N Small City; Districts 1
Economy +5; Loyalty +16; Stability +10; Defense +6
Corruption +2, Crime +1, Law +2, Lore +5, Productivity +3, Society +2
Qualities: None
Demographics 95% human, 5% other
Population 6000
Base Value 1000 gp, Purchase Limit 5000 gp; Spellcasting 4th
Minor Items --; Medium Items —; Major Items —
Buildings: Granary, Watchtower, 4x Houses, Stable, 2x Garrisons, Graveyard, Smithy, Dance Hall, Jail, Park, Monument, Brewery, 4x City Walls, Shrine (Chaotic), Stockyard
N Small Town; Districts 1
Economy +1; Loyalty +1; Stability +0; Defense +2
Corruption +0, Crime +0, Law +2, Lore +1, Productivity +1, Society +2
Qualities: None
Demographics 95% human, 5% other
Population 750
Base Value 500 gp, Purchase Limit 2500 gp; Spellcasting 3rd
Minor Items —; Medium Items —; Major Items —
Buildings: House, Barracks, Stable
CN Village; Districts 1
Economy +0; Loyalty +0; Stability +0; Defense +2
Corruption +0, Crime +0, Law +2, Lore +1, Productivity +1, Society +1
Qualities: None
Demographics 95% human, 5% other
Population 250
Base Value 200 gp, Purchase Limit 1000 gp; Spellcasting 2nd
Minor Items —; Medium Items —; Major Items —
N Village; Districts 1
Economy +0; Loyalty +0; Stability +0; Defense +0
Corruption +0, Crime +0, Law +2, Lore +1, Productivity +1, Society +2
Qualities: None
Demographics 95% human, 5% other
Population 250
Base Value 200 gp, Purchase Limit 1000 gp; Spellcasting 2nd
Minor Items —; Medium Items —; Major Items —
Buildings: House
Varnhold Alliance – Nullified
NG Huge army of Humans (500 Warrior 4, Sanctuary's Garrison)
hp 33/33; ACR 6; Morale +2 (+5 to change tactics during battle.)
DV 16; OM +6, ranged
Resources Ranged Weapons
Tactics Standard, Cautious Combat , ??? (victor’s tactic - to be chosen by Berrin)
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 7 BP
Commander Berrin Myrdal
Charisma Modifier 1
Leadership 7
Profession (soldier) ranks 3
Commander Boons Bonus Tactic: Cautious Combat, Flexible Tactics
LG Medium army of Humans (100 Cavalier 3, Sanctuary's Castle)
hp 11/11; ACR 2; Morale +3
DV 15; OM +5
Resources Mounts
Tactics Standard, Charge (1/battle, +6 OM one attack), Cavalry Experts (+2 OM vs. non-mounted)
Special Challenge (1/battle; +2 OM/+1 DV vs. army, -1 DV to others), Mounts, Order, Tactician (Cavalry Experts)
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 2 BP
Commander Kesten Garess
Charisma Modifier 2
Leadership 5
Profession (soldier) ranks 3
Commander Boons Bonus Tactic: Charge (Dirty Fighters)
NG Large army of Humans (200 Warrior 1, Olegsgrav's Garrison)
hp 5/5; ACR 1; Morale +0
DV 11; OM +1
Resources None
Tactics Standard
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 1 BP
Commander Oleg Leveton
Charisma Modifier 0
Leadership 5
Profession (soldier) ranks 0
Commander Boons Loyalty
NG Large army of Humans (200 Warrior 1, White Hart’s Garrison)
hp 5/5; ACR 1; Morale +0
DV 11; OM +1, ranged
Resources Ranged Weapons
Tactics Standard
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 3 BP
Commander Jhod Kavken
Charisma Modifier 2
Leadership 6
Profession (soldier) ranks 0
Commander Boons Live Off the Land
NG Medium army of Humans (100 Warrior 3, Tallhart Fort hex 03.04)
hp 5/5; ACR 1; Morale +0
DV 11; OM +1
Tactics Standard
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 1 BP
Charisma Modifier
Profession (soldier) ranks
Commander Boons Hold the Line
NG Huge army of Humans (500 Warrior 3, Dragonwatch’s Garrison #1)
hp 27/27; ACR 5; Morale +0
DV 15; OM +5
Resources None
Tactics Standard, ??? (from military academy)
Speed 1 Hex; Consumption 2 BP
Commander Commander Jellicoe
Charisma Modifier 0
Leadership 5
Profession (soldier) ranks 1
Commander Boons None
NG Medium army of Humans (100 Fighter 3, Dragonwatch’s Garrison #2)
hp 11/11; ACR 2; Morale +0
DV 14; OM +4
Resources Mounts
Tactics Standard, ??? (from military academy)
Special Bravery (+1 morale vs. fear, rout), Armor Training (full speed in medium armor)
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 2 BP
Charisma Modifier 0
Leadership 5
Profession (soldier) ranks 1
Commander Boons None
LG Medium army of Humans (100 Warrior 4, Sanctuary’s Barracks)
hp 11/11; ACR 2; Morale +1
DV 14; OM +2
Tactics Standard
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 1 BP
Commander Akiros Ismort
Charisma Modifier 2
Leadership 7
Profession (soldier) ranks 1
Commander Boons Defensive Tactics
NG Medium army of Humans (100 Warrior 3, Varnhold Pass Fort hex 12.07)
hp 5/5; ACR 1; Morale +0
DV 11; OM +1
Tactics Standard
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 1 BP
Charisma Modifier
Profession (soldier) ranks
Commander Boons Hold the Line
N Small army of Humans (50 Fighter 3)
hp 2/2; ACR 1/2; Morale +0
DV 10; OM +0
Resources Mounts
Tactics Standard
Special Bravery (+1 morale vs. fear, rout), Armor Training (full speed in medium armor)
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 1 BP
Commander Vali Kharkarov
Charisma Modifier 1
Leadership 6
Profession (soldier) ranks 5
Commander Boons Bloodied but Unbroken, Hit and Run

Verik of Abadar |

Starting Treasury: 93
Upkeep Phase
1. Stability (Control DC 125) 1d20 + 121 - 0 ⇒ (18) + 121 - 0 = 139 No Unrest, add 1 BP to treasury (+1 BP: 94)
2. Pay Consumption (-46 BP: 48, 1.5 Granary Surplus) Add – 0 BP to granary surplus
3. Fill Vacant Magic Item Slots N/A
4. Modify Unrest N/A
Edict Phase
1. Leadership – No changes
2. Claim hexes (4 max) – No Change (-0 BP: 48)
3. Build terrain improvements (7 max) – No Change (-0 BP: 48)
4. Create/improve settlements (2 max create/10 max improve) – Varnhold (barracks**, garrison**, 2x houses**, watchtower**, graveyard**, mansion**, bridge**, 2x free walls), Candlewatch (house) (-39 BP: 9)
5. Create/improve army (2 max if no settlements) – Increase Kharkarov’s Company (to medium cavalry Ftr3), Raise Varnhold Militia Forces (large infantry Wa1) (-2 BP: 7)
6. Change Holiday/Promotions/Taxation –No Change
* (1/2 price construction due to discounts) ** (1/2 price damaged building repair/reclaim)
Income Phase
1. Withdrawals - none
2. Deposits - none
3. Sell items - none
4. Collect taxes – Economy (Control DC 125) 1d20 + 118 - 0 ⇒ (20) + 118 - 0 = 138
5. Next Turn BP: (+46 +30 +7 BP: 83)
Event Phase
1. Event Chance (25%) 1d100 ⇒ 84 no event

Verik of Abadar |

KINGDOM OF NEWHAVEN (thru – 12/4712)
NG Size 96 Kingdom
Control DC 125
Economy 118; Loyalty 111; Stability 125
Treasury 83; Consumption 42! (1 Granary Surplus); Income Modifier +30; Unrest 0; Unrest/Turn 0
Fame 9; Infamy 0
Promotion Standard; Taxation Light; Holidays 6/year Promotion cost halved due to Cathedral
Population 63000
Improvements Roads x49, Rivers x36*, Irrigated Farms x10, Farms x43 (8 w/ Stockyard bonus), Fishery x0, Quality Mines x1, Mines x4 (1 w/ Foundry bonus), Quarries x7, Sawmills x16, Lair x1, Forts x2, Watchtower x1
(* each river counted by only one hex, but adding lake adjacent hexes as well)
No changes
No changes
NG Large City; Districts 3
Economy +32; Loyalty +34; Stability +35; Defense +18
Corruption +4; Crime +4; Law +10; Lore +11; Productivity +13; Society +10
Qualities Prosperous, Stagfort Ruins (+1 to Economy/Loyalty/Stability)
Demographics 90% human, 2% gnome, 3% dwarf, 5% other
Population 18000
Base Value 5000 gp; Purchase Limit 50000 gp; Spellcasting 5th
Minor Items: 2 potions/scrolls/wondrous items, 3 potions/wondrous items, 3 scrolls/wondrous items, 1 armor/shield/weapon; 5 minor items; Medium Items: 1 armor/shield/weapon, 2 scrolls/wondrous items, 2 potions/wondrous items, 2 medium items; Major Items —
Buildings (main district): Castle, Garrison, Library, Mill, 3x Houses, Noble Villa “Brevian Manses”, Pier, Shop, Shrine (Lawful), Tannery, Temple (Lawful Neutral), Town Hall, Trade Shop, Orphanage, Graveyard, Foundry, Jail, Watchtower, 3x City Walls (east, north, south), Cistern (Castle), Brewery “Havener”, Inn, Sewer System, Theater, Park, Academy “Harborage House”, Magical Streetlamps (Park), Paved Streets, Caster’s Tower
Buildings (eastern district): Tenements “Scales”, Dump, 3x Houses, Monastery, Granary, Barracks “Kor Mannix Society”, Military Academy “Aldori war academy”, Mansion “Galtan Manors”, Stockyard, Dance Hall, Shrine (Good) “Heroes Hall”, Tavern, Stables, Smithy, Inn, 3x City Walls (north, south, east)
Buildings (southern district): Foreign Quarter, Hospital, Cathedral “All Faiths Cathedral”, Pier, House, Park, Magical Streetlamps (Cathedral), Everflowing Spring (Cathedral)
NG Small City; Districts 1
Economy +12; Loyalty +15; Stability +12; Defense +2
Corruption +1; Crime +0; Law +3; Lore +2; Productivity +3; Society +3
Qualities Prosperous, Free Stables
Demographics 95% human, 5% other
Population 6500
Base Value 4000 gp; Purchase Limit 25000 gp; Spellcasting 4th
Minor Items: 2 wondrous items, 1 potion/scroll/wondrous item, 1 potion/wondrous item; Medium Items —; Major Items —
Buildings: Brewery “Bokkens”, 7x Houses, Inn, Market, Mint, Stable, Trade Shop, Garrison, Herbalist, Theater, Shrine (Lawful), Jail, Park, Monument, Shop, Barracks, Graveyard
LG Large Town; Districts 1
Economy +6; Loyalty +15; Stability +7; Defense +0
Corruption +3, Crime +0, Law +2, Lore +1, Productivity +1, Society +2
Qualities ½ price Temple
Demographics 90% human, 5% gnome, 5% other
Population 4750
Base Value 1500 gp, Purchase Limit 5000 gp; Spellcasting 4th
Minor Items 2; Medium Items —; Major Items —
Buildings: Temple (Lawful Good), 5x Houses, Park, Monument, Garrison, Granary, Dance Hall, Inn, Stable, Trade Shop, Graveyard, Jail, Brewery “Hart Cider”
N Small City; Districts 1
Economy +5; Loyalty +16; Stability +10; Defense +6
Corruption +2, Crime +1, Law +2, Lore +5, Productivity +3, Society +2
Qualities: None
Demographics 95% human, 5% other
Population 6000
Base Value 1000 gp, Purchase Limit 5000 gp; Spellcasting 4th
Minor Items --; Medium Items —; Major Items —
Buildings: Granary, Watchtower, 4x Houses, Stable, 2x Garrisons, Graveyard, Smithy, Dance Hall, Jail, Park, Monument, Brewery, 4x City Walls, Shrine (Chaotic), Stockyard
N Small Town; Districts 1
Economy +1; Loyalty +1; Stability +0; Defense +2
Corruption +0, Crime +0, Law +2, Lore +1, Productivity +1, Society +2
Qualities: None
Demographics 95% human, 5% other
Population 750
Base Value 500 gp, Purchase Limit 2500 gp; Spellcasting 3rd
Minor Items —; Medium Items —; Major Items —
Buildings: House, Barracks, Stable
CN Small Town; Districts 1
Economy +0; Loyalty +0; Stability +0; Defense +2
Corruption +0, Crime +0, Law +2, Lore +1, Productivity +1, Society +1
Qualities: None
Demographics 95% human, 5% other
Population 500
Base Value 200 gp, Purchase Limit 1000 gp; Spellcasting 2nd
Minor Items —; Medium Items —; Major Items —
Buildings: Barracks, House
N Large Town; Districts 1
Economy +1; Loyalty +3; Stability +4; Defense +6
Corruption +0, Crime +0, Law +2, Lore +1, Productivity +1, Society +3
Qualities: None
Demographics 95% human, 5% other
Population 2500
Base Value 200 gp, Purchase Limit 1000 gp; Spellcasting 2nd
Minor Items —; Medium Items —; Major Items —
Buildings: 2x Walls, Bridge “Kiravoy Bridge”, 3x Houses, Mansion “Varn Manor”, Barracks, Garrison, Watchtower, Graveyard
Varnhold Alliance – Nullified
NG Huge army of Humans (500 Warrior 4, Sanctuary's Garrison)
hp 33/33; ACR 6; Morale +2 (+5 to change tactics during battle.)
DV 16; OM +6, ranged
Resources Ranged Weapons
Tactics Standard, Cautious Combat , ??? (victor’s tactic - to be chosen by Berrin)
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 7 BP
Commander Berrin Myrdal
Charisma Modifier 1
Leadership 7
Profession (soldier) ranks 3
Commander Boons Bonus Tactic: Cautious Combat, Flexible Tactics
LG Medium army of Humans (100 Cavalier 3, Sanctuary's Castle)
hp 11/11; ACR 2; Morale +3
DV 15; OM +5
Resources Mounts
Tactics Standard, Charge (1/battle, +6 OM one attack), Cavalry Experts (+2 OM vs. non-mounted)
Special Challenge (1/battle; +2 OM/+1 DV vs. army, -1 DV to others), Mounts, Order, Tactician (Cavalry Experts)
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 2 BP
Commander Kesten Garess
Charisma Modifier 2
Leadership 5
Profession (soldier) ranks 3
Commander Boons Bonus Tactic: Charge (Dirty Fighters)
NG Large army of Humans (200 Warrior 1, Olegsgrav's Garrison)
hp 5/5; ACR 1; Morale +0
DV 11; OM +1
Resources None
Tactics Standard
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 1 BP
Commander Oleg Leveton
Charisma Modifier 0
Leadership 5
Profession (soldier) ranks 0
Commander Boons Loyalty
NG Large army of Humans (200 Warrior 1, White Hart’s Garrison)
hp 5/5; ACR 1; Morale +0
DV 11; OM +1, ranged
Resources Ranged Weapons
Tactics Standard
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 3 BP
Commander Jhod Kavken
Charisma Modifier 2
Leadership 6
Profession (soldier) ranks 0
Commander Boons Live Off the Land
NG Medium army of Humans (100 Warrior 3, Tallhart Fort hex 03.04)
hp 5/5; ACR 1; Morale +0
DV 11; OM +1
Tactics Standard
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 1 BP
Charisma Modifier
Profession (soldier) ranks
Commander Boons Hold the Line
NG Huge army of Humans (500 Warrior 3, Dragonwatch’s Garrison #1)
hp 27/27; ACR 5; Morale +0
DV 15; OM +5
Resources None
Tactics Standard, ??? (from military academy)
Speed 1 Hex; Consumption 2 BP
Commander Commander Jellicoe
Charisma Modifier 0
Leadership 5
Profession (soldier) ranks 1
Commander Boons None
NG Medium army of Humans (100 Fighter 3, Dragonwatch’s Garrison #2)
hp 11/11; ACR 2; Morale +0
DV 14; OM +4
Resources Mounts
Tactics Standard, ??? (from military academy)
Special Bravery (+1 morale vs. fear, rout), Armor Training (full speed in medium armor)
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 2 BP
Charisma Modifier 0
Leadership 5
Profession (soldier) ranks 1
Commander Boons None
LG Medium army of Humans (100 Warrior 4, Sanctuary’s Barracks)
hp 11/11; ACR 2; Morale +1
DV 14; OM +2
Tactics Standard
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 1 BP
Commander Akiros Ismort
Charisma Modifier 2
Leadership 7
Profession (soldier) ranks 1
Commander Boons Defensive Tactics
NG Medium army of Humans (100 Warrior 3, Varnhold Pass Fort hex 12.07)
hp 5/5; ACR 1; Morale +0
DV 11; OM +1
Tactics Standard
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 1 BP
Charisma Modifier
Profession (soldier) ranks
Commander Boons Hold the Line
N Medium army of Humans (100 Fighter 3, Varnhold’s Barracks)
hp 11/11; ACR 2; Morale +0
DV 14; OM +4
Resources Mounts
Tactics Standard
Special Bravery (+1 morale vs. fear, rout), Armor Training (full speed in medium armor)
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 2 BP
Commander Vali Kharkarov
Charisma Modifier 1
Leadership 6
Profession (soldier) ranks 5
Commander Boons Bloodied but Unbroken, Hit and Run
NG Large army of Humans (200 Warrior 1, Varnhold’s Garrison)
hp 5/5; ACR 1; Morale +0
DV 11; OM +1
Resources None
Tactics Standard
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 1 BP
Charisma Modifier 0
Leadership 5
Profession (soldier) ranks 0
Commander Boons ???
Edited Notes on Kuthona Turn: Consumption is very high, but reduced in part from prior Neth turn due to First Mounted being billeted at the new Candlewatch Barracks. First Army, Second Army and Second Mounted are still all "in the field" and chew up 11BP/per week consumption rate. Our other forces - including new Varnhold Pass Border Company, Varnhold Militia Companies and Kharkarov's Free Company - are billeted and therefore only chew up a combined 12BP/per month consumption rate.
Control DC is a bit ugly, but treasury going to repair/rebuild Varnhold, with Candlewatch being the other place to build a bit. All other efforts are going to creating and improving armies...and keeping enough treasury in reserve to survive the next month's consumption rates.

Verik of Abadar |

Starting Treasury: 83
Upkeep Phase
1. Stability (Control DC 125) 1d20 + 125 - 0 ⇒ (20) + 125 - 0 = 145 No Unrest, add 1 BP to treasury (+1 BP: 84)
2. Pay Consumption (-42 BP: 42, 1 Granary Surplus) Add – 0 BP to granary surplus
3. Fill Vacant Magic Item Slots N/A
4. Modify Unrest N/A
Edict Phase
1. Leadership – No changes
2. Claim hexes (4 max) – No Change (-0 BP: 42)
3. Build terrain improvements (7 max) – No Change (-0 BP: 42)
4. Create/improve settlements (2 max create/10 max improve) – Varnhold (town hall**, mill**, granary**, shrine to Cayden Cailean**, tenement, dance hall), Candlewatch (house, dance hall) (-36 BP: 6)
5. Create/improve army (2 max if no settlements) – Raise Promise Militia (medium infantry Wa1), Improve First Mounted (improved armor) (-4 BP: 2)
6. Change Holiday/Promotions/Taxation –No Change
* (1/2 price construction due to discounts) ** (1/2 price damaged building repair/reclaim)
Income Phase
1. Withdrawals - none
2. Deposits - none
3. Sell items - none
4. Collect taxes – Economy (Control DC 125) 1d20 + 122 - 0 ⇒ (15) + 122 - 0 = 137
5. Next Turn BP: (+45 +30 +2 BP: 77)
Event Phase
1. Event Chance (75%) 1d100 ⇒ 1 event!
2. Event! 1d100 ⇒ 9 Beneficial Kingdom Event
1d100 ⇒ 3 Archaeological find in Newhaven (Lore +1)

Verik of Abadar |

KINGDOM OF NEWHAVEN (thru – 01/4713)
NG Size 96 Kingdom
Control DC 125
Economy 122; Loyalty 119; Stability 128
Treasury 77; Consumption 44! (1 Granary Surplus); Income Modifier +30; Unrest 0; Unrest/Turn 0
Fame 9; Infamy 0
Promotion Standard; Taxation Light; Holidays 6/year Promotion cost halved due to Cathedral
Population 65250
Improvements Roads x49, Rivers x36*, Irrigated Farms x10, Farms x43 (8 w/ Stockyard bonus), Fishery x0, Quality Mines x1, Mines x4 (1 w/ Foundry bonus), Quarries x7, Sawmills x16, Lair x1, Forts x2, Watchtower x1
(* each river counted by only one hex, but adding lake adjacent hexes as well)
No changes
No changes
NG Large City; Districts 3
Economy +32; Loyalty +34; Stability +35; Defense +18
Corruption +4; Crime +4; Law +10; Lore +11; Productivity +13; Society +10
Qualities Prosperous, Stagfort Ruins (+1 to Economy/Loyalty/Stability)
Demographics 90% human, 2% gnome, 3% dwarf, 5% other
Population 18000
Base Value 5000 gp; Purchase Limit 50000 gp; Spellcasting 5th
Minor Items: 2 potions/scrolls/wondrous items, 3 potions/wondrous items, 3 scrolls/wondrous items, 1 armor/shield/weapon; 5 minor items; Medium Items: 1 armor/shield/weapon, 2 scrolls/wondrous items, 2 potions/wondrous items, 2 medium items; Major Items —
Buildings (main district): Castle, Garrison, Library, Mill, 3x Houses, Noble Villa “Brevian Manses”, Pier, Shop, Shrine (Lawful), Tannery, Temple (Lawful Neutral), Town Hall, Trade Shop, Orphanage, Graveyard, Foundry, Jail, Watchtower, 3x City Walls (east, north, south), Cistern (Castle), Brewery “Havener”, Inn, Sewer System, Theater, Park, Academy “Harborage House”, Magical Streetlamps (Park), Paved Streets, Caster’s Tower
Buildings (eastern district): Tenements “Scales”, Dump, 3x Houses, Monastery, Granary, Barracks “Kor Mannix Society”, Military Academy “Aldori war academy”, Mansion “Galtan Manors”, Stockyard, Dance Hall, Shrine (Good) “Heroes Hall”, Tavern, Stables, Smithy, Inn, 3x City Walls (north, south, east)
Buildings (southern district): Foreign Quarter, Hospital, Cathedral “All Faiths Cathedral”, Pier, House, Park, Magical Streetlamps (Cathedral), Everflowing Spring (Cathedral)
NG Small City; Districts 1
Economy +12; Loyalty +15; Stability +12; Defense +2
Corruption +1; Crime +0; Law +3; Lore +2; Productivity +3; Society +3
Qualities Prosperous, Free Stables
Demographics 95% human, 5% other
Population 6500
Base Value 4000 gp; Purchase Limit 25000 gp; Spellcasting 4th
Minor Items: 2 wondrous items, 1 potion/scroll/wondrous item, 1 potion/wondrous item; Medium Items —; Major Items —
Buildings: Brewery “Bokkens”, 7x Houses, Inn, Market, Mint, Stable, Trade Shop, Garrison, Herbalist, Theater, Shrine (Lawful), Jail, Park, Monument, Shop, Barracks, Graveyard
LG Large Town; Districts 1
Economy +6; Loyalty +15; Stability +7; Defense +0
Corruption +3, Crime +0, Law +2, Lore +1, Productivity +1, Society +2
Qualities ½ price Temple
Demographics 90% human, 5% gnome, 5% other
Population 4750
Base Value 1500 gp, Purchase Limit 5000 gp; Spellcasting 4th
Minor Items 2; Medium Items —; Major Items —
Buildings: Temple (Lawful Good), 5x Houses, Park, Monument, Garrison, Granary, Dance Hall, Inn, Stable, Trade Shop, Graveyard, Jail, Brewery “Hart Cider”
N Small City; Districts 1
Economy +5; Loyalty +16; Stability +10; Defense +6
Corruption +2, Crime +1, Law +2, Lore +5, Productivity +3, Society +2
Qualities: None
Demographics 95% human, 5% other
Population 6000
Base Value 1000 gp, Purchase Limit 5000 gp; Spellcasting 4th
Minor Items --; Medium Items —; Major Items —
Buildings: Granary, Watchtower, 4x Houses, Stable, 2x Garrisons, Graveyard, Smithy, Dance Hall, Jail, Park, Monument, Brewery, 4x City Walls, Shrine (Chaotic), Stockyard
N Small Town; Districts 1
Economy +1; Loyalty +1; Stability +0; Defense +2
Corruption +0, Crime +0, Law +2, Lore +1, Productivity +1, Society +2
Qualities: None
Demographics 95% human, 5% other
Population 750
Base Value 500 gp, Purchase Limit 2500 gp; Spellcasting 3rd
Minor Items —; Medium Items —; Major Items —
Buildings: House, Barracks, Stable
CN Small Town; Districts 1
Economy +1; Loyalty +2; Stability +0; Defense +2
Corruption +0, Crime +0, Law +2, Lore +2, Productivity +1, Society +2
Qualities: None
Demographics 95% human, 5% other
Population 1000
Base Value 200 gp, Purchase Limit 1000 gp; Spellcasting 2nd
Minor Items —; Medium Items —; Major Items —
Buildings: Barracks, 2x Houses, Dance Hall
N Large Town; Districts 1
Economy +4; Loyalty +9; Stability +7; Defense +6
Corruption +1, Crime +1, Law +3, Lore +2, Productivity +1, Society +3
Qualities: None
Demographics 95% human, 5% other
Population 4250
Base Value 1000 gp, Purchase Limit 5000 gp; Spellcasting 4th
Minor Items 1; Medium Items —; Major Items —
Buildings: 2x Walls, Bridge “Kiravoy Bridge”, 3x Houses, Mansion “Varn Manor”, Barracks, Garrison, Watchtower, Graveyard, Shrine (Good), Town Hall, Mill, Granary, Dance Hall, Tenement
NG Huge army of Humans (500 Warrior 4, Sanctuary's Garrison)
hp 33/33; ACR 6; Morale +2 (+5 to change tactics during battle.)
DV 16; OM +6, ranged
Resources Ranged Weapons
Tactics Standard, Cautious Combat , ??? (victor’s tactic - to be chosen by Berrin)
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 7 BP
Commander Berrin Myrdal
Charisma Modifier 1
Leadership 7
Profession (soldier) ranks 3
Commander Boons Bonus Tactic: Cautious Combat, Flexible Tactics
LG Medium army of Humans (100 Cavalier 3, Sanctuary's Castle)
hp 11/11; ACR 2; Morale +3
DV 16; OM +5
Resources Mounts, Improved Armor
Tactics Standard, Charge (1/battle, +6 OM one attack), Cavalry Experts (+2 OM vs. non-mounted)
Special Challenge (1/battle; +2 OM/+1 DV vs. army, -1 DV to others), Cavalier Mounts (+1OM/DV for no extra consumption), Order, Tactician (Cavalry Experts)
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 3 BP
Commander Kesten Garess
Charisma Modifier 2
Leadership 5
Profession (soldier) ranks 3
Commander Boons Bonus Tactic: Charge (Dirty Fighters)
NG Large army of Humans (200 Warrior 1, Olegsgrav's Garrison)
hp 5/5; ACR 1; Morale +0
DV 11; OM +1
Resources None
Tactics Standard
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 1 BP
Commander Oleg Leveton
Charisma Modifier 0
Leadership 5
Profession (soldier) ranks 0
Commander Boons Loyalty
NG Large army of Humans (200 Warrior 1, White Hart’s Garrison)
hp 5/5; ACR 1; Morale +0
DV 11; OM +1, ranged
Resources Ranged Weapons
Tactics Standard
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 3 BP
Commander Jhod Kavken
Charisma Modifier 2
Leadership 6
Profession (soldier) ranks 0
Commander Boons Live Off the Land
NG Medium army of Humans (100 Warrior 3, Tallhart Fort hex 03.04)
hp 5/5; ACR 1; Morale +0
DV 11; OM +1
Tactics Standard
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 1 BP
Charisma Modifier 1
Leadership 4
Profession (soldier) ranks
Commander Boons Hold the Line
NG Huge army of Humans (500 Warrior 3, Dragonwatch’s Garrison #1)
hp 27/27; ACR 5; Morale +0
DV 15; OM +5
Resources None
Tactics Standard, ??? (from military academy)
Speed 1 Hex; Consumption 2 BP
Commander Commander Jellicoe
Charisma Modifier 2
Leadership 5
Profession (soldier) ranks 1
Commander Boons None
NG Medium army of Humans (100 Fighter 3, Dragonwatch’s Garrison #2)
hp 11/11; ACR 2; Morale +0
DV 14; OM +4
Resources Mounts
Tactics Standard, ??? (from military academy)
Special Bravery (+1 morale vs. fear, rout), Armor Training (full speed in medium armor)
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 2 BP
Charisma Modifier 0
Leadership 5
Profession (soldier) ranks 1
Commander Boons None
LG Medium army of Humans (100 Warrior 4, Sanctuary’s Barracks)
hp 11/11; ACR 2; Morale +1
DV 14; OM +2
Tactics Standard
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 1 BP
Commander Akiros Ismort
Charisma Modifier 2
Leadership 7
Profession (soldier) ranks 1
Commander Boons Defensive Tactics
NG Medium army of Humans (100 Warrior 3, Varnhold Pass Fort hex 12.07)
hp 5/5; ACR 1; Morale +0
DV 11; OM +1
Tactics Standard
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 1 BP
Charisma Modifier 1
Leadership 4
Profession (soldier) ranks
Commander Boons Defensive Tactics
N Medium army of Humans (100 Fighter 3, Varnhold’s Barracks)
hp 11/11; ACR 2; Morale +0
DV 14; OM +4
Resources Mounts
Tactics Standard
Special Bravery (+1 morale vs. fear, rout), Armor Training (full speed in medium armor)
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 2 BP
Commander Vali Kharkarov
Charisma Modifier 1
Leadership 6
Profession (soldier) ranks 5
Commander Boons Bloodied but Unbroken, Hit and Run
NG Large army of Humans (200 Warrior 1, Varnhold’s Garrison)
hp 5/5; ACR 1; Morale +0
DV 11; OM +1
Resources None
Tactics Standard
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 1 BP
Commander Aylene Myrdal
Charisma Modifier 3
Leadership 6
Profession (soldier) ranks 3
Commander Boons Hold the Line
CG Medium army of Humans (100 Warrior 1, Promise’s Barracks)
hp 1/1; ACR 1/3; Morale +0
DV 10; OM +0
Resources None
Tactics Standard
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 1 BP
Charisma Modifier 0
Leadership 3
Profession (soldier) ranks 0
Commander Boons???

Verik of Abadar |

Starting Treasury: 77
Upkeep Phase
1. Stability (Control DC 125) 1d20 + 128 - 0 ⇒ (2) + 128 - 0 = 130 No Unrest, add 1 BP to treasury (+1 BP: 78)
2. Pay Consumption (-44 BP: 34, 1 Granary Surplus) Add – 0 BP to granary surplus
3. Fill Vacant Magic Item Slots N/A
4. Modify Unrest N/A
Edict Phase
1. Leadership – No changes
2. Claim hexes (4 max) – No Change (-0 BP: 34)
3. Build terrain improvements (7 max) – Farm x1 (16.06), Road x1 (16.06) (-3 BP: 31)
4. Create/improve settlements (2 max create/10 max improve) – Varnhold (house, jail**,smithy) (-16 BP: 15)
5. Create/improve army (2 max if no settlements) – Improve Varnhold Militia Companies (ranged weapons), Improve Kharkarov’s Free Company (improved weapons) (-9 BP: 6)
6. Change Holiday/Promotions/Taxation –No Change
* (1/2 price construction due to discounts) ** (1/2 price damaged building repair/reclaim)
Income Phase
1. Withdrawals - none
2. Deposits - none
3. Sell items - none
4. Collect taxes – Economy (Control DC 125) 1d20 + 123 - 0 ⇒ (3) + 123 - 0 = 126
5. Next Turn BP: (+42 +30 +6 BP: 78)
Event Phase
1. Event Chance (25%) 1d100 ⇒ 88 no event

Verik of Abadar |

KINGDOM OF NEWHAVEN (thru – 02/4713)
NG Size 96 Kingdom
Control DC 125
Economy 123; Loyalty 121; Stability 131
Treasury 78; Consumption 45! (1 Granary Surplus); Income Modifier +30; Unrest 0; Unrest/Turn 0
Fame 9; Infamy 0
Promotion Standard; Taxation Light; Holidays 6/year Promotion cost halved due to Cathedral
Population 66000
Improvements Roads x50, Rivers x36*, Irrigated Farms x10, Farms x44 (8 w/ Stockyard bonus), Fishery x0, Quality Mines x1, Mines x4 (1 w/ Foundry bonus), Quarries x7, Sawmills x16, Lair x1, Forts x2, Watchtower x1
(* each river counted by only one hex, but adding lake adjacent hexes as well)
No changes
No changes
NG Large City; Districts 3
Economy +32; Loyalty +34; Stability +35; Defense +18
Corruption +4; Crime +4; Law +10; Lore +11; Productivity +13; Society +10
Qualities Prosperous, Stagfort Ruins (+1 to Economy/Loyalty/Stability)
Demographics 90% human, 2% gnome, 3% dwarf, 5% other
Population 18000
Base Value 5000 gp; Purchase Limit 50000 gp; Spellcasting 5th
Minor Items: 2 potions/scrolls/wondrous items, 3 potions/wondrous items, 3 scrolls/wondrous items, 1 armor/shield/weapon; 5 minor items; Medium Items: 1 armor/shield/weapon, 2 scrolls/wondrous items, 2 potions/wondrous items, 2 medium items; Major Items —
Buildings (main district): Castle, Garrison, Library, Mill, 3x Houses, Noble Villa “Brevian Manses”, Pier, Shop, Shrine (Lawful), Tannery, Temple (Lawful Neutral), Town Hall, Trade Shop, Orphanage, Graveyard, Foundry, Jail, Watchtower, 3x City Walls (east, north, south), Cistern (Castle), Brewery “Havener”, Inn, Sewer System, Theater, Park, Academy “Harborage House”, Magical Streetlamps (Park), Paved Streets, Caster’s Tower
Buildings (eastern district): Tenements “Scales”, Dump, 3x Houses, Monastery, Granary, Barracks “Kor Mannix Society”, Military Academy “Aldori war academy”, Mansion “Galtan Manors”, Stockyard, Dance Hall, Shrine (Good) “Heroes Hall”, Tavern, Stables, Smithy, Inn, 3x City Walls (north, south, east)
Buildings (southern district): Foreign Quarter, Hospital, Cathedral “All Faiths Cathedral”, Pier, House, Park, Magical Streetlamps (Cathedral), Everflowing Spring (Cathedral)
NG Small City; Districts 1
Economy +12; Loyalty +15; Stability +12; Defense +2
Corruption +1; Crime +0; Law +3; Lore +2; Productivity +3; Society +3
Qualities Prosperous, Free Stables
Demographics 95% human, 5% other
Population 6500
Base Value 4000 gp; Purchase Limit 25000 gp; Spellcasting 4th
Minor Items: 2 wondrous items, 1 potion/scroll/wondrous item, 1 potion/wondrous item; Medium Items —; Major Items —
Buildings: Brewery “Bokkens”, 7x Houses, Inn, Market, Mint, Stable, Trade Shop, Garrison, Herbalist, Theater, Shrine (Lawful), Jail, Park, Monument, Shop, Barracks, Graveyard
LG Large Town; Districts 1
Economy +6; Loyalty +15; Stability +7; Defense +0
Corruption +3, Crime +0, Law +2, Lore +1, Productivity +1, Society +2
Qualities ½ price Temple
Demographics 90% human, 5% gnome, 5% other
Population 4750
Base Value 1500 gp, Purchase Limit 5000 gp; Spellcasting 4th
Minor Items 2; Medium Items —; Major Items —
Buildings: Temple (Lawful Good), 5x Houses, Park, Monument, Garrison, Granary, Dance Hall, Inn, Stable, Trade Shop, Graveyard, Jail, Brewery “Hart Cider”
N Small City; Districts 1
Economy +5; Loyalty +16; Stability +10; Defense +6
Corruption +2, Crime +1, Law +2, Lore +5, Productivity +3, Society +2
Qualities: None
Demographics 95% human, 5% other
Population 6000
Base Value 1000 gp, Purchase Limit 5000 gp; Spellcasting 4th
Minor Items --; Medium Items —; Major Items —
Buildings: Granary, Watchtower, 4x Houses, Stable, 2x Garrisons, Graveyard, Smithy, Dance Hall, Jail, Park, Monument, Brewery, 4x City Walls, Shrine (Chaotic), Stockyard
N Small Town; Districts 1
Economy +1; Loyalty +1; Stability +0; Defense +2
Corruption +0, Crime +0, Law +2, Lore +1, Productivity +1, Society +2
Qualities: None
Demographics 95% human, 5% other
Population 750
Base Value 500 gp, Purchase Limit 2500 gp; Spellcasting 3rd
Minor Items —; Medium Items —; Major Items —
Buildings: House, Barracks, Stable
CN Small Town; Districts 1
Economy +1; Loyalty +2; Stability +0; Defense +2
Corruption +0, Crime +0, Law +2, Lore +2, Productivity +1, Society +2
Qualities: None
Demographics 95% human, 5% other
Population 1000
Base Value 200 gp, Purchase Limit 1000 gp; Spellcasting 2nd
Minor Items —; Medium Items —; Major Items —
Buildings: Barracks, 2x Houses, Dance Hall
N Large Town; Districts 1
Economy +5; Loyalty +11; Stability +10; Defense +6
Corruption +1, Crime +0, Law +4, Lore +2, Productivity +1, Society +3
Qualities: None
Demographics 95% human, 5% other
Population 5000
Base Value 1000 gp, Purchase Limit 5000 gp; Spellcasting 4th
Minor Items 1; Medium Items —; Major Items —
Buildings: 2x Walls, Bridge “Kiravoy Bridge”, 4x Houses, Mansion “Varn Manor”, Barracks, Garrison, Watchtower, Graveyard, Shrine (Good), Town Hall, Mill, Granary, Dance Hall, 1x Tenement, Jail, Smithy
NG Huge army of Humans (500 Warrior 4, Sanctuary's Garrison)
hp 33/33; ACR 6; Morale +2 (+5 to change tactics during battle.)
DV 16; OM +6, ranged
Resources Ranged Weapons
Tactics Standard, Cautious Combat , ??? (victor’s tactic - to be chosen by Berrin)
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 7 BP
Commander Berrin Myrdal
Charisma Modifier 1
Leadership 7
Profession (soldier) ranks 3
Commander Boons Bonus Tactic: Cautious Combat, Flexible Tactics
LG Medium army of Humans (100 Cavalier 3, Sanctuary's Castle)
hp 11/11; ACR 2; Morale +3
DV 16; OM +5
Resources Mounts, Improved Armor
Tactics Standard, Charge (1/battle, +6 OM one attack), Cavalry Experts (+2 OM vs. non-mounted)
Special Challenge (1/battle; +2 OM/+1 DV vs. army, -1 DV to others), Cavalier Mounts (+1OM/DV for no extra consumption), Order, Tactician (Cavalry Experts)
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 3 BP
Commander Kesten Garess
Charisma Modifier 2
Leadership 5
Profession (soldier) ranks 3
Commander Boons Bonus Tactic: Charge (Dirty Fighters)
NG Large army of Humans (200 Warrior 1, Olegsgrav's Garrison)
hp 5/5; ACR 1; Morale +0
DV 11; OM +1
Resources None
Tactics Standard
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 1 BP
Commander Oleg Leveton
Charisma Modifier 0
Leadership 5
Profession (soldier) ranks 0
Commander Boons Loyalty
NG Large army of Humans (200 Warrior 1, White Hart’s Garrison)
hp 5/5; ACR 1; Morale +0
DV 11; OM +1, ranged
Resources Ranged Weapons
Tactics Standard
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 3 BP
Commander Jhod Kavken
Charisma Modifier 2
Leadership 6
Profession (soldier) ranks 0
Commander Boons Live Off the Land
NG Medium army of Humans (100 Warrior 3, Tallhart Fort hex 03.04)
hp 5/5; ACR 1; Morale +0
DV 11; OM +1
Tactics Standard
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 1 BP
Commander ???
Charisma Modifier 1
Leadership 4
Profession (soldier) ranks
Commander Boons Hold the Line
NG Huge army of Humans (500 Warrior 3, Dragonwatch’s Garrison #1)
hp 27/27; ACR 5; Morale +0
DV 15; OM +5
Resources None
Tactics Standard, Defensive Wall (from military academy)
Speed 1 Hex; Consumption 2 BP
Commander Commander Jellicoe
Charisma Modifier 1
Leadership 5
Profession (soldier) ranks 4
Commander BoonsFlexible Tactics
NG Medium army of Humans (100 Fighter 3, Dragonwatch’s Garrison #2)
hp 11/11; ACR 2; Morale +0
DV 14; OM +4
Resources Mounts
Tactics Standard, Expert Flankers (from military academy)
Special Bravery (+1 morale vs. fear, rout), Armor Training (full speed in medium armor)
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 2 BP
Commander ???
Charisma Modifier 1
Leadership 5
Profession (soldier) ranks 4
Commander BoonsLive of the Land
LG Medium army of Humans (100 Warrior 4, Sanctuary’s Barracks)
hp 11/11; ACR 2; Morale +1
DV 14; OM +2
Tactics Standard
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 1 BP
Commander Akiros Ismort
Charisma Modifier 2
Leadership 7
Profession (soldier) ranks 1
Commander Boons Defensive Tactics
NG Medium army of Humans (100 Warrior 3, Varnhold Pass Fort hex 12.07)
hp 5/5; ACR 1; Morale +0
DV 11; OM +1
Tactics Standard
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 1 BP
Commander ???
Charisma Modifier 0
Leadership 4
Profession (soldier) ranks 3
Commander Boons Defensive Tactics
N Medium army of Humans (100 Fighter 3, Varnhold’s Barracks)
hp 11/11; ACR 2; Morale +0
DV 14; OM +5
Resources Mounts, Improved Weapons
Tactics Standard
Special Bravery (+1 morale vs. fear, rout), Armor Training (full speed in medium armor)
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 3 BP
Commander Vali Kharkarov
Charisma Modifier 1
Leadership 6
Profession (soldier) ranks 5
Commander Boons Bloodied but Unbroken, Hit and Run
NG Large army of Humans (200 Warrior 1, Varnhold’s Garrison)
hp 5/5; ACR 1; Morale +0
DV 11; OM +1, ranged
Resources Ranged Weapons
Tactics Standard
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 3 BP
Commander Aylene Myrdal
Charisma Modifier 3
Leadership 6
Profession (soldier) ranks 3
Commander Boons Hold the Line
CG Medium army of Humans (100 Warrior 1, Promise’s Barracks)
hp 1/1; ACR 1/3; Morale +0
DV 10; OM +0
Resources None
Tactics Standard
Speed 2 Hexes; Consumption 1 BP
Commander ???
Charisma Modifier 0
Leadership 2
Profession (soldier) ranks 0
Commander Boons None

Verik of Abadar |

City Maps Updated! Referenced here as well as from the Maps link at the top of the Campaign Info Tab.
Added the towns of Promise, Candlewatch and Varnhold. Also updated the other city grid maps with their changes as well as a few building name edits.

Verik of Abadar |

Kingdom size of 96? We've grown quite a bit. I don't know what specific rule set we're following - but by the original Kingmaker mechanics above 80 hexes we're an official kingdom and Jemini's modifier applies to all three (Stability, Economy, Loyalty) - is that the case?
So very close we are ... but according to UC Kingdom Building rules now it's at 101.