GM Lamplighter's Rise of the Runelords

Game Master Scott Young

Sandpoint Game map with your locations
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Male Wayang Wizard Climb -2 | Diplomacy +8 | Perception +3 (Shadow +5)

"Don't just watch Casca, play. Maybe fate will smile upon you. Maybe Zeldana has already foreseen it." Vailic thinks to himself, I doubt many of the games are a match for a soldier like Casca but maybe he will have some fun.

Vailic Monologues about Fate:

"As for fate, I am of two minds. Is it fate that when I get up in the morning my feet hit the ground? Or, do we live in a universe of predictable and observable rules such as gravity?”

"If I flip a coin a thousand time will the gods ever intercede and make it land on heads 1000 times? Now don’t think me a fool, I know the gods have wills but what happens when these wills appose one another? ”

Pausing dramatically, ”Good vs evil, life vs death, order vs chaos. Which wins? ”

"So, let’s say the gods choose a champion and give them their blessing. Are an equal number of gods not going to see them as a threat and make her their enemy? ”

Realizing how long he has been talking Vailic says, "Oh. I do love philosophy. I will come to my point soon I promise. ”

"Do those who are fated for a specific task have less free will? Say you were put here by your god to have this conversation with me. But I have no such fate but chose to be here because I like you both. Who deserves more credit? ”

"This, my friend, is what I believe. Some have less and some have more; more strength, intelligence, luck or favour with the gods. These are the forces that exist in the world. Not unlike gravity these forces direct us toward success, or failure. When these forces benefit us, we call them fortune and when they don’t we call them misfortune. But we must remember they can be overcome.”

Vailic jumps, “just like gravity. Today I can over come it for just a second but, one day I may fly and ignore it almost entirely, but it is hubris to think it no longer exists. For that is when we fall.”

“Did that answer your question? If not, I suggest we go throw some balls at bottles. There will be more answers in the games than in my silly ramblings.”

Vailic will play some games until the Swallowtail Release

Female Human Cleric (Herald Caller) Knowledge (History +6) Perception (+4)

And sometimes my friend, when you have the slightest glimpse into fate, it is for the worse. Do you plan for something that may or may not happen? Or do you just accept things that are going to happen, and nothing you can do can prevent it?

Zeldana will play some games too, but will keep an eye out for Ameiko

Male Wayang Wizard Climb -2 | Diplomacy +8 | Perception +3 (Shadow +5)

"I will fight to determine my fate. I so not settle for what fate gives me.” Vailic smiles broadly enjoying the chance to talk about such abstracted things.

Vailic conveys concern for Ameiko empathically to a rabbit hiding while eating grass in the shadows 20-30ft away.

Shadow's Stealth: 1d20 + 3 + 13 ⇒ (15) + 3 + 13 = 31

Male Human Warpriest 1| AC16 T11 F15 | HP 15/15 | Climb +4 | Diplomacy +3 | Knowledge (religion) +4 | Perception +1

Casca misses a step at Vailic's comment. "Do you not trust in fate? I thought trust in Chance to be a core tenet of Desna's faith. Or do you see Luck and Fate separately?"

I think your rabbit is safely hidden

Male Wayang Wizard Climb -2 | Diplomacy +8 | Perception +3 (Shadow +5)

"I love Desna, as well Sarenrae. Shelyn has part of my heart too. But, I am not a devout man and I am not inclined to live in service of another, be it a god or person. That does not mean I don't see their value as I hope they see mine."

"The tenant of my faith is 'the world is made better by good people standing together'.”

Vailic is getting quieter now. “I say this with reluctance but that is the reason I get up the majority of my estate to help build that cathedral. Though I did keep enough to start a modest business. I’m no saint or martyr. But I was inspired by Windsong Abby.”

Proudly, but still quietly, “though I contributed only a small portion of the cathedral's cost I’m happy to know I helped make it happen.”

“So yes, I believe in fate and luck in the same way I believe in that tree,” still gesturing mostly with his eye and head. [b]“It exists, but I may choose to make that tree a chair, a table, or let it continue to provide shade. All sentient creatures, gods and people, shape fate. We do not ride it. Or at least that is my feeling but I’m a silly halfman who reads too many books.”

Inquisitively Vailic asks, “and what of you two, what moves you along the tides of time?”

Male Human Warpriest 1| AC16 T11 F15 | HP 15/15 | Climb +4 | Diplomacy +3 | Knowledge (religion) +4 | Perception +1

"I had assumed you were devoured to Desna. I'm sorry."

Casca looks at Vailic in the new light of his donation to the Windsong Abby and is speechless.

Male Wayang Wizard Climb -2 | Diplomacy +8 | Perception +3 (Shadow +5)

Quickly realizing that he made Casca feel bad Vailic rejoins. "There is no need to apologize Casca. I live here. This is my home. More so than any place I have known. It was an informed guess."

"It is also true that I am devoted to Desna but only in such a way as I am devoted to you and Zeldana. Goodness is truly worthy of devotion."

Realizing something for the first time Vailic says, "you have seemingly taken a different path than your brother. I have also diverted coarse from my former life. What calling lead you down this path?"

Male Human Warpriest 1| AC16 T11 F15 | HP 15/15 | Climb +4 | Diplomacy +3 | Knowledge (religion) +4 | Perception +1

Responding to Vailic's question, "I wanted to see how the rest of the world operated and lived, ironically enough I couldn't do that managing a trade business."

Casca pauses before continuing, trying to decide if this is the time and place for this conversation. "Everyone is the hero of their own story and even the vilest criminals see their own actions as Right, Justified, or Fair. I want to understand the difference between Fair and Good... Hence my calling: See the world, understand how and why we can be so terrible to each other, and find a way to change things."

"Enough of this, I like philosophy but it is too early in the day. To the games! Will they have any Siege or Doppel boards?"

Male Wayang Wizard Climb -2 | Diplomacy +8 | Perception +3 (Shadow +5)

"I must say, I agree. To the games."

Male Wayang Wizard Climb -2 | Diplomacy +8 | Perception +3 (Shadow +5)

Vailic attemps a ball throwing game.

Ranged Attack: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18

"Better than I expected! Anyone one else what a throw?"

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